Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock

By Scott Grimes

Published on Jul 4, 2023


Skippy Conquers Corporate Cock 1

This is the first story in the third series of Skippy stories. It follows Skippy Gobbles Cocksnot and Skippy Gobbles College Cock. I hope you enjoy them.

Speaking of enjoyment -- you gotta love Nifty or you wouldn't be here reading this. The stories are free 24/7, but maintaining the site costs some bucks. Please donate something. After all, how much is it worth to you to drop a load whenever you want with the help of this site. Drop a few bucks, okay?

Skip Takes Charge

"Suck me, you little fucker! Look up! Look at me! I love watching your face while you jerk off with my dick down your throat. You really need dick in you to get off, don't you, little dude? Look up at me, Parker! I want to see your eyes when you drop your load, and when you suck down my baby crud."

God but I love having some fucking administrative assistant suck me while I drink my morning coffee and read over the morning's reports. This particular fucking assistant was fucking good at sucking. His name was Parker, but I just thought of him as "Suckface." He was another punk college kid, one of hundreds we hired at the company to help take care of business . Often the business was located in our executive pants.

"uhn, uhn, uhnnnnnnnnn!" that was Parker whimpering while he dropped his preppy load on the marble floor.

"FFFFUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!" that was me shooting my ball sludge straight into his stomach. Parker's pretty blue eyes were watering with the effort to hold my meat in his throat and look up at me at the same time. I reached under the lip of the desk and scratched the side of his head, like I would a puppy dog.

"Good boy, Parker! You're the best little cocksucker I've had in a long time. Get some knee pads for yourself. Use petty cash. You're going to be gainfully employed with your knees on the floor most of the time you're here." Parker nodded and sniffed a little as he slowly pulled off my dick, remembering to kiss the tip three times before he tucked my junk in my silk boxers and zipped up my pin stripes.

"Lick up your spooge while you're down there, then get up here beside me and let your junk hanging out. I want something to play with during this next call. I'm still a little keyed up.

"Yes sir, Mr. Skip!" Parker slurped quickly, grinned and hopped to stand at my side. He was only wearing a white dress shirt, completely open in front. I stabbed a few keys to initiate a Zoom call as I grabbed the young man's balls. Pulling the tender bits down low in their sack, I rolled them around like dice in my hand. The kid's dick liked what I was doing and started to firm up immediately. It slowly lifted off my fingers and began to throb in the air above.

"uhn, uhn!...uhuuuuun...!"That was Parker again, whining with need. The kid had a great future here. Nice tight arms, cut chest, thick quads and a small cleft pumpkin for a butt. His dick was just right for a mouthful that let you suck him while you watched hours of porn. So fucking tender. You could work him to the point where he'd yell if you simply tickled under his dick head with your tongue. At that point you could suck him in deep, flick his balls with your fingers, and he'd fire several rounds thick, sweet pooge for you. His dick always stayed hard and I so loved hearing him squeal after I'd sucked him dry and kept on sucking. Twice I did enough rounds of this to the point where he'd sob and scream softly when his empty balls would hopelessly try to squeeze out another drop or two. I fucking loved the sound of that, dude! And you know...he'd come back for more, again and again. Great kid!

My call finally went through.

"Hey Lance!'

"Hey Skip! How're they hanging, bro?"

"They're higher and drier than they were five minutes ago, Lance. My new assistant is truly dedicated. Thanks for the recommendation, man. I don't spend nearly enough time with my dick up his pussy -- you know how work is -- but I get a hell of a lot done while I'm soaking in his cock-sucking gullet. You fucking trained him well, bro!"

"Yeah Skip. He was kind of a pet project of mine. When the Army Rangers I was helping to train got transferred as a group, the poor kid was left behind. He was their local mascot. They kept him so full of cum he'd burp the stuff in his sleep. They'd ridden him hard and often. Poor kid...there he was, not a friend in the world, nor a cock to suck. Needy, I would say. When I dropped my zip, his eyes glazed over and he came to me like a starving pup. So I took him and fed him. I'm a softyr for the pretty boys, as you well remember. Speaking of which, you're looking damn fucking good, my friend. I'm still planning on sticking my dick up your hot pussy and fucking you across the floor next time I'm in town. Couldn't be soon enough."

"Same for me Lance! Once your "little dude," always your "little dude. Fifteen years it's been now.

"And Lance, speaking of old times, Josh and Clyde were both through Chicago just last week. We all shacked up at my place and didn't see the light of day for the whole weekend. Josh practically had to crawl out of the place on Monday. When we got too tired to fuck or suck, we'd call for take away, scarf it down and then go at it again. I mean, we were like a bunch of college kids again. It was exactly like the old days, except you weren't around, my friend. My place smelled like a whore's holiday home for the rest of the week. Not a bad smell, really."

"UUUUhhhhhNNNN!!!!" In my excitement, I'd pulled Parker's balls pretty hard and he was trying to let me know without getting into trouble.

"Easy there, Parker! Let's turn the camera a bit so your ol' buddy Lance can see your perky little dick and balls. Oh...and your pretty face too, little dude."

"Fuck, Skip! The kid looks even better than when I last saw him. And look at the muscles in his cheeks and neck, man. You do know how to train an assistant, Skip!"

Parker blushed from his hairline to his crotch hair. An amazing sight.

"Parker, pull out your load while I hold your balls...then eat it. Show Mr. Pierce you're still a big eater.

"Yes sir, Mr. Skip."

Parker's blush deepened. His abs and chest tightened as he jerked his joystick. His balls tried to pull up out of my hand, but I made sure they weren't going anywhere.

"Skip...look at the little guy's fucking muscles pop, will you? You've been working him in the gym a lot, haven't you?"

`Yeah, Lance. I never forget all the routines you put me through. You could do your entire workout with my mouth on your dick. Those were indeed the days. I fucking loved it. For Parker, now, he can do his entire workout with my dick up his pussy. Fucking loves it, dude!"

"uHHuunnnn. Uhhhnnnnn. UUUUUHhhhhhhhnnnnnnn!!!!!!" That was Parker grunting while he dumped his pussy paste in the palm of his hand.

"Parker, make sure the man here can hear you sucking up your slop out of your hand." Parker did a good job of that too.

"Now get the fuck back under the desk, little dude. I've got business to discuss and you've got a cock to suck."

Lance and I went way back -- way back to when I was a freshman going for membership in the powerful Alpha-COK fraternity and he was the upper classman in charge of my life. I can still remember his sticking his dick in my mouth as if it were yesterday.

I remember his handsome face the moment he saw the worship in my eyes and grinned. He knew hunger when he saw it. His was a happy grin. It was a very smug, happy grin. He scratched an arm pit, ran a palm over a hairless well-muscled pec, swept it on down over his tight abs, grabbed his balls and hefted his whole package. It was a very big package. It was packed with very big things. His lip curled a bit more. Almost a smirk, maybe."

"Hit the floor, Skippy," he said very quietly.

"Crawl to me." he whispered.

I crawled.

But that was quite some time ago. Still, I'd crawl to him in a New York minute, even if this is Chicago.

On the screen of my desk computer, Lance looked even more the alpha stud than he had then. He'd spent years training elite military for the US and other countries. He could make grown men pis their cammies just by glaring. I'd seen him make one twink cum in his pants just by staring at him. Lance had machismo, alright.

I'd grown a lot since then too. I now and controlled a multinational company that owned luxury boutique hotels around the world, as well as some of the most exclusive, elusive and slightly questionable fortified institutions that provided a spectrum of sexual amenities for male on male activities. For many of my properties I helped with recruitment, inspection, employee evaluation, and facilities innovation. I had an outrageous amount of sex. I could be pretty outrageous about having sex. The formula had earned the corporation billions and we were still expanding.

Lance had just completed work for me creating a quasi-military themed resort that catered to recently deployed service men. They were either missing some of the raunch they loved during their time in service, or were finally able to admit what they wanted, but had always denied themselves while serving their country. Now they could have it all in a few days of truly discrete fantasy fucking, for which they paid dearly, or kind.

"Skip, you know no one's ever come close to sucking my cock the way you can. But I've got three possible twinks here who have applied to play military assistants to clients paying to be big brass at Fort Hammer Resorts. I asked three of the last Ranger class I helped train to stay over a day and give me their opinion on these cockgobblers. All three already passed with flying colors when fucked in the basic five positions, but I'm not yet sure if they truly measure up when it comes to working a couple of loads out of a man's dick.

"Take a look, will you?"

Lance's camera panned to the side and showed three uniformed Rangers facing the camera, standing at parade rest, feet wide, hands clasped behind their hips, chests tall and proud. Three naked twinks in their late teens were kneeling at their feet, gazing up past three needy, pulsing cocks at the men's arrogant faces. Even with eyes front, the Rangers' smirking faces showed they knew exactly what they packed between their legs, and exactly where their baby makers were headed.

Just watching, my mouth began to water. I shoved Parker's head farther onto my cock and held it for a few seconds while he sputtered a bit. This always made him start sucking with more verve, hoping not to be choked again soon. The slurping and moaning from under the desk grew in volume.

"Quiet down, Parker. Give me a nice long quiet suck. Suckle daddy's dick nice and easy. You'll have more of my ball batter in your gut in just a few minutes."

On the screen, I heard Lance snap his fingers twice.

"Kiss!" he said as the three twinks leaned into the three dicks and begin slowly kissing just the tips. The men's smirking faces blanked out for a bit. They'd not expected that. The excruciatingly small amount of suction, repeated on their cum lips made their cockheads taught and shiny.

"Heads!" Lance ordered.

Three pairs of tender lips converted a kiss into a knob capturing moment. All three soldiers couldn't help but sigh. Their junk had never had better, either in a mouth or a pussy, in a boy or a girl. I'd designed this particular protocol for exceptionally rough men who had difficulty controlling their junk -- fucking holes too quickly or too hard. It's their own discipline that keeps them still while they present their meat for fags to eat. For a lot of studs -- for these three certainly - it could make a sex act all the hotter.

The soldiers were wobbling a bit as the twinks ran their tongues around the straining knobs. Three strong lips held the knobs right behind their flared rim. Three heads wobbled right and left, tormenting the tender knob ring. This always ups the heat by a couple of levels.

"Dive!" Lance instructed.

Three pretty faces opened wide and dropped full length onto hefty stud cocks. The men grunted in unison as they were swallowed in a split second. Still at parade rest, their eyes closed. Little hums of satisfaction were heard in the room.

"Suck!" Lance continued his narrative.

The twinks started a measured pumping of those three pussy poles. They'd pull off until just the knobs were between their lips, then plunge down again until their noses nestled in the soldiers' crotch fuzz. They automatically worked in unison. Made me think of what it would be like if the Olympics had a Synchronized Cock Sucking Event. Hmmmmm. Maybe something to institute at one or more of my pleasure properties. This would bear more thought!

All three Rangers were starting to sweat now. Their amazing muscles would twitch -- their pecs, their bicepts, their abs.. Three sets of thighs bulked up, ready to support three cock cannons when they shot off their spooge bullets.

"Fucking suck, you pussies!" Lance was really into his work now. As were the pussies in question. The three young guys broke ranks, bobbin, sucking, corkscrewing their heads on those meat stakes. The slurping and needy whimpering that filled the room almost made me cum in Parker again. I closed my eyes a sec and held off. Had to tap him on the head so he'd stop sucking for a bit, though. I think he was turned on by the sounds of sex. This was good. Parker complied immediately.

The three Rangers were really breathing heavily now, desperate to hold their places, but more desperate to drop their loads in those hot sucking mouths. You fucking know what happened next.

"Shoot, suck and swallow!!"

Three sets of Ranger eyes squinted shut as three sets of balls rose to knock against the dick roots above. Three twinks stilled, concentrating on the swollen knobs in their mouths.


Three amazing masculine bodies rocked forward and back, unloading their gooey gifts directly into the throats of the little cock gobblers.

It was a moment of magic and art. It was totally beyond hot.

"Ggnn, gggnnn," I cleared my throat and took a breath, watching as Lance told his Rangers to stand down, at ease. They complied, pulling their dicks out of warm wet mouths that were still sucking for another possible drop or two.

"Lance, I do believe your new recruits are more than ready to become team members. Remember to charge a bit more for them while they're fresh. A twink that new can spew the cocksnot just by some big dude chewing on one of their tender little gum drops, and their tight little holes will grab a guy's dick with each nibble. We've had a lot of calls for fresh new nipples lately. Must be a fad or something. For now though, how about dismissing your Rangers. Give `em a free day at Fort Hammer with my compliments. Then please have a seat and turn those three punks loose on your body. I'd love to see what you let them do to you...okay?

"Your pleasure is my pleasure, Skippy. I mean Skip. I'll close my eyes and imagine you in triplicate. Enjoy the show, my little dude. Enjoy the show.

"Okay, little guys...crawl to me." Lance whispered.

Lanced lounged back in his office chair, putting both hands behind his head and hooked his muscled legs over each chair arm. He twitched his hips so his dick did a little dance, and he wriggled the long toes on his muscular feet. His long hanging balls, his big brown nipples, along with his musky butt knott -- all were on the menu as the three young men crawled on hands and knees across the floor, closing the distance like sharks on a drowning man. Soon Lance was drownming in the sounds of sucking.

Skip Plans a Property

One of my favorite parts of my work is collaborating with other alums of Alpha -- COK. We were all invariably hunky, over sexed as well as very well placed in high powered positions all over the world. A good example is Graham.

"Graham, get your dick in here. I need a report on the Fuckland Project," I let go of the intercom switch (yeah, I had a real intercom, a real wood lined office with a penthouse view and carpet so thick you could hibernate in it.) and scratched Parker behind his left ear. He smiled a little around my dick and sucked on...quietly, dutifully. The perfect assistant.

Through the door came Graham. At 5'10 he was the picture of a shirt model for Gentlemen's Quarterly. Hazel eyes, dark russet hair and a dimple in his chin. The thing I liked best about him was his swagger.

"Yes sir, Mr. Skip! I've prepared a series of photo montages, brief videos and out takes from Zoom interviews. I think you will find it most informative." His grin could light up a wet log.

"I'm sure I will Graham." I scooted my chair back from the desk well and off to the left a bit. "Roll that chair over here and sit, Graham. I'll put Parker onto you."

The walking wet dream did as instructed.

"Drop your zip, Graham, and pull out your junk."

He followed through again. Great employee, that Graham.

I picked up Parkers head with both hands and transferred it to Graham's crotch.

"Suck," I said. Parker sucked, Graham sighed contentedly...and began his presentation. I would idly worked my balls and stroked my dick from time to time, keeping things on a low simmer.

"Mr. Skip, the valley you picked in Washington State is perfect for the resort, just as you thought. The entire site has been surveyed, the foundations and roadways laid and paved. Several of the main buildings are nearly completed, and interviews have begun for staffing.

As you can see, driving in from the secondary roads, you can't tell you're anywhere but lost in the wilderness. The three mile dirt road ends in a parking lot where guests are transferred to the main lodge in Jeep vans. The lodge -- just there -- straight ahead, reads like a giant grass covered berm with small caves and crevasses that are actually windows for natural light. Right around that pile of boulders is the fortified entrance. Inside, the reception area allows for 10 men to be registered at a time. The lobby includes sofas, chairs, cushions scattered between palms and other plants. A pack of first level entertainers will be stationed there wearing the regulation resort g-strings, and awaiting any verbal or non-verbal request from those checking in.

"Eat me, you god damn cocksucker!!" As you can see, Graham continued, we've already engaged several first levels and have begun their training using the construction and design crews that are putting the place together. Here you see a recent high school grad -- a dancer, I believe -- fellating the foreman of the crew that is installing the wall boards. It's sweaty work, especially since the climate control has yet to be put in. You can see the sweat drip off the big man's face as he looks down at the twink sucking him off. If you look closely, you can see him use one hand to open the kid's jaw then spit in his mouth before sticking his cock back in. As will all our service staff, this guy is good. Look at him suck on that monster. A lot of guys would be choking and coughing but he takes it all like a python downs a rabbit. Look at him work his throat!! That fucking foreman's about to --

"UUUUNNNNNNnnnnnnnnhHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Graham grabbed the chair arms, lifted his perfect butt off the chair and shot his wad into Parker. Parker hummed and swallowed contentedly.

"Graham, Graham, Graham. Really, dude? How many times have I told you to wait until I tell you to cum? You can do better, Graham. Scoot over here a bit. I'm going to work your bad boys while Parker sucks some more. If you get anywhere near to shooting again, I'm going to squeeze your nuts `til you squeal like a pig. Got it, Graham?"

"Yes, Mr. Skip, yes sir! UhhhnnnnHHH!" I guess I grabbed him a little too hard maybe. Anyhow, I started pulling those helpless meat marbles, rolling them around gently, and then gave them a very firm squeezed. Graham understood immediately.

"EEERRRRKKKK!...uh...may I continue, sir?"

"Sure Graham, take your time, dude."

"Yes sir, thank you sir. Well, to continue, this is where I think you saw the foreman lose his load just about, when I lost mine, sir. Won't happen again, sir."

"Of course it won't Graham."

"From the lobby, the cameras take us out the open opposite side where you see the huge natural spring pool. All guest rooms and facilities are accessed this way. We have a few more first levels in and around this water feature to give you an idea of what clients will see. The three at the pool edge, the ones sucking and fucking each other, were recruited following the Iowa State Gynmastics Competition. Two were volunteers, but the third signed on quickly when we showed him the videos we had of him in bed with the first two. When we asked him to verify his parents and youth pastor's addressed, he quickly saw the need to apply for employment. He's applied himself well too. Look at him lay the pipe to that smaller kid while he lets the other eat his arse. I've seen him fuck like that for at least an hour, non-stop, dick in an arse, balls in a mouth, before he shoots off. Then, just fifteen minutes or so of being sucked some more, and he'd the energizer bunny again. He'll be a great entrant in our end-of-season employee competitions, don't you think?"

"I certainly do, Graham. Tell me how you found his arse."

"It was like you can see here, sir - just above where his balls are hanging in the little guy's mouth."


"Sorry sir."

I've been recruiting at a lot of state sporting events. When I signed this little jock stud, I gave myself a recruiting bonus. The twink's arse was absolutely amazing. I stood on my knees behind him with my dick in his little jock pussy while he fucked his team mate in the butt. It was like getting caught in a robot milker. That kid laid pipe while his pussy worked my meat like a French whore on cocaine and speed. Relentless. When I came, it felt like my balls were turning inside out and, and...and...uuuuhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

"AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIAAA!!!!" Parker's defenseless balls felt good in my hand.

"Graham. Get it together and get on with the presentation." I could hear Parker chuckling a bit as he sucked. I knew Graham would make him pay for that later, I was sure.

"Yes, sir, of course, sir.

"So the facility has four wings, laid out like a baseball diamond, with the pool in the middle. The wing directly on the right has bedrooms -- the ones for sleeping, if someone wants to do that in a room. The one on the left has variety spaces. Those are the rooms with hammocks, rope ladders and tight ropes, as well as the heavy equipment S&M dundgeons, school rooms, chapels, mini-army barracks, lecture halls etc. With five minutes' notice we can kit out any one of them for however a client wants to script his time.

"Take for instance this one, sir..."

Graham worked his remote while Parker and I continued working his junk.

"This is the Protest Room. The big man standing at the foot of the bed is one of our first hires. We found him feeding a series of three mouths on after another, in the same gloryhole in the Pancake House across from the Marine Base. Luckily, he was just being discharged. We had him keep the jarhead look and take a month with one of our head trainers to work his body into the cut, muscled fucking machine you see here. We call him Mack.

"The twink on his back with Mack's dick in his arse is little Marvin. A scout found him in a community theater group where he was playing a tormented prisoner in a war camp. The scout reported that hearing the guy plead, scream and squeal made him cum in his pants before the first intermission. When he brought the kid to his hotel room afterward, he came in his pussy in five seconds, just listening to the twink beg. The kid made it a point to beg even while his dick shot his spooge over his head. That's when the scout came a second time.

"So, imagine you're Mack. See...his hands are tied behind his back while he's fucking that tender protesting pussy and pretending he really doesn't want to. That's where the other four other guys in the room come in. See, the two by little Marvin's shoulders are sucking and biting big Mack's nipples. One of the two guys behind Mack is working his big bag of balls with both hands while the other is smacking his cheeks with that ping pong paddle. All four are making sure Mack does his job...listen --"

Graham touched a button and surround sound blared in the room.

"Plllleeeeeeaasssseeeee dooonn't fuck me! Plllleeeeaaaassseee, mister. I'll be good! I promise! Please stop fucking me! You're so biggggg!! I can feel you way up inside me and it feels...OOOOOhhhhh, please don't fuck me, sir!!!"

"I can't stop kid, I'm really trying to. They're making me fuck your tight little hole with my great big dick. It must hurt a fucking lot! I'm sorry kid! You see they're..."

"Fuck the little son of a bitch! Rip him a new fuck hole, Mack! Punish that little pussy with your fucking big dick. Root in his guts with your..."


"Now watch!" Graham whispered, sounding more and more excited. "This is where the guy working Mack's big balls signals the tit munchers. They pull off and start forcing Mack's head down toward little Marvin's. The little fag's still pleading and whining, but just when their lips meet...AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!"

On the screen you could see Mack's pile driving arse kick back like a shotgun as he unloaded way deep in little Marvin's cuntlet. The big man's arse cheeks were hard as a couple of bowling balls, yet he paddle kept landing, making sure the big man drained every possible drop from this overworked balls. Lips locked together, you could tell Mack and Marvin were screaming into each other's lungs as the little guy's dick hosed his chest with ropes of white goo. The four assistants began licking wherever they could while fucker and fuckee gasped for breath.

I'd been so wrapped up in watching, I'd forgotten to squeeze Graham's balls and he'd shot off once again. Not a good result, although Parker was happily enjoying what resulted.

"Graham, Graham, Graham...very nice presentation, but not quite up to company standard for following directions there. Strip and put four on the floor. Parker, slide under there and get his dick again! You're going to milk him while I fuck him. He's got to learn somehow!"

I shucked my suit completely and knelt behind Graham. I grabbed each of his arse cheeks and pulled them apart. After blowing on his tender knot a time or two, I wiped it with my chin then dove in and ate it for a bit. Pulling off, I knee-walked up behind the guy and paused with my knob at the current center of his universe.

"Graham, you've cum twice in about ten minutes. I'm now going to fuck you until something comes out of your dick and down Parker's gullet, I don't care what it is or how long it fucking takes. Brace yourself, Graham."

"Yes sir..." said Graham. He did a very good job of bracing himself. I fucked him until Parker gobbled another nut, and kept fucking him until his bladder gave way and Parker got the beer Graham had guzzled at lunch. While they both moaned in quiet contentment, I jabbed Graham once more and fired into his hole.

I always encourage my employees to follow my example and give generaously at the office.

Next: Chapter 2

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