Skippy Gobbles Cocksnot

By Scott Grimes

Published on Oct 19, 2019


Skippy Gobbles Cock Snot

Written by Studstick (

Part 5 In Which Skip Is Schooled Some More

I was starting to feel a little funny. A little bit scared, actually. What had I gotten into? Two days of house sitting and I already had had two guys stick their dicks in me! Now what?

"Take a break, kid, chuckled Scott. "You earned it. Remember what you did just now because you are the new dick magnet around here. You're going to need all the rest you can get after working our joints."

I struggled up and kind of limped to the guest bathroom. Staring at my swollen lips and red eyes, my face looked like it had been through a three hour massage. Little cum trails dried at the corner of my mouth, a glob had somehow made it to one side of my nose, down my chin and chest, and through the crotch forest to my junk.

My phone rang in the other room. Managing to run for it (well... limp for it, really) I took it back to the bathroom.

You could hear Scott and Brian laughing and see them scratching their crotches like they were acting out everything that had just happened. "...and did you see the look on the kid's face when..what a hot little pussy we've go! dick so wants to..." Stuff like that.

"Hi mom. Yeah, going well. No, everything's fine. No, I guess maybe I'm still a drowsy from a whole day of video games and TV. Throat's a little sore too. Yeah, I'm getting plenty of liquids, plenty of protein. No, I'm fine. Well, maybe just a little home sick."

The voices in the other room fell silent. I could see the guys' shadows just outside the door.

"No, mom, I told you it's all okay. Yeah, well remember Scott, the Grimes' son? Yeah...the big time lawyer. Well, he stopped by today to drop off some junk for storage and stuff. He was like, I'll be coming and going all summer so get ready to see me any time.' Seems his trial schedule is slow for a while so he's spending more time with his wife and kids and bringing stuff here that he wants to store. So he's like, Yeah, if you need anything little dude...' he calls me little dude, `If you need anything, I'll be here to help out,' so I think everything will be fine. He's got everything pretty much in hand. Yeah mom, me too. Love you, bye."

"Jeeze Brian, isn't our new pussy all cute and everything? Skip, your mom must be really concerned. Next time you can tell her you're not so home sick anymore, you can tell her that this feels like home now," he said as he weighed his dick in one hand and his balls in the other. Come home to dinner, Skippy. Eat up everything daddy puts in front of you. Be a good boy!"

After I sucked him off yet again, Scott leaned back on the sofa and looked kind of sleepy...maybe a little happy, contented maybe.

"So...Brian? He's like...? I asked.

"Bri's the best. Drew a lucky card somehow and got to be my roommate in college. What a year that was? He was swinging on my joint by the end of the first week. Real good at holding out, he was. Back then anyway. But after he sucked the sauce, he was mine, of course.

"My wingman at every bar, my dodge when I dumped some chic. He had great sex working his way through the women I'd bullshitted, banged and abandoned. I think it was those big puppy eyes, that sad, bad, blond boy look. He got them by the score.

"Of course, when I finally knocked up Julie, that all changed. Damn, but didn't I have to marry her. Not all bad, of course. She does crave my fucks. I remember when I got her started with our first little guy. We'd been double dating with Bri and some lady. His chic passed out early on but Julie and I shifted into high. I heated up her pussy with a rough right hand and some trash talk. Brian was kinda watching, almost like he was asleep.

"But when I started pounding my pudding into her warm little quim, I felt his hot lips on my balls.

"Man, he can make those fuckers jump like crickets! I must have injected the bitch with a cup of cum. Usually, I eat it out myself, but this time, I just kind of pulled out slowly while I watched Julie's face. She was so out of it. Really out of it. When my tip slipped out from under her clit, I felt Brian on my knob. My pussy stick was clean as a whistle in about two seconds. Of course, he kept sucking, wanting more. He's a good friend, so after about five minutes of his Hoovering, I gave it to him. Long story short, I guess I got preoccupied and let my junk juice percolate in her pussy too long.

"Anyhow, nine months later, out pops little Davey. Cute, sweet and hot to suck my little finger when it brushed over his lips. By then I was married and Brian was a frequent sleep over. Great at revving up the rod before I fuck Julie, and even better at cleaning it afterward.

"What can I say? It's who I am, Skippy. I think you know what I mean. I'm a winner, I always win.

"Now, are you going to suck my ass hole, or just stare at it?"

Scott did shower. Maybe a couple of times a day. What he needed to do was wash off the spit that Brian and I coated him with. Even so, he smelled like heaven. Well maybe heaven in a whorehouse. Once while I was rimming Scott and Brian was gnawing his balls, Brian moved around a bit and I suddenly felt his tongue in my mouth, shoving deep. Real quick, Scott reached down and moved Brian back to his pouch. Anyhow, I got the feeling Brian wanted in me really bad. Sometimes I'd see him staring at me when Scott wasn't looking, like I was a screw and he was the driver. Then once after a bathroom break and an actual time out for real food, Brian asked me about Josh.

"So who's this guy Josh who's coming by today? He a cock hound like you?"

"What? No way, man. Josh is just a cool guy. He's a boarder and a player. We just hang out and shit."

"Whatever you say, little dude, whatever you say" Brian looked kind of skeptical, kind of smirky too.

"Whatever. Grab a nap while you have the time, little guy."

Slowly waking up, I realized there was a cock in my mouth and I was nursing on it. As the clouds of sleep rolled away I could hear Scott talking low and soft, almost a whisper.

"That's it Brian. You're doing great. First you pinch his nose nice and gentle. Then when little rosebud here opens his mouth to breathe you slip him your meat. That's right. Now run your thumb along his lower lip and watch his pussy mouth close. Now slowly move your finger from the corner of his mouth up to his cheek bone. Just like that! Keep going and see...see!, he starts sucking! You've got your own mini shop-vac doing what it does best!"

Scott grabbed the hair at the back of my head and pulled me off Brian's dick, my lips kept pooching for something to suck.

"We'll give him a little break while you get to work, Brian. I want to see your fist blur on your joy stick until I tell you to blow."

Brian was a man with a mission.

Scott sneered as he twisted my face up to his. "Open," he said. Open I did. I heard his mouth start to water as he worked his tongue and jaw. I knew what was coming.

He pursed his lips and shot his warm spit right in my mouth..

"Close and swallow. Show me how you eat what I give you."

I gulped two or three times, my eyes watering and starting to run from my twisted position.

"Tears of happiness, little dude?"

In the background Brian's started to pant a little and growl deep in his chest. Soft rapid smacking sounds came from his balls playing the tom-tom on the edge of the bed.

"Open," Scott said again. I opened.

Working up more molten saliva, he suddenly spit again in my gullet.

"Hold open!" Brian freeze!" We did.

Scott turned my head back and attached my dripping mouth to Brian's unit, then grabbed Brian's balls in his hand.

"Get to sucking, Skipper!

" Brian, you've got `til the count of 20 to blast your baby batter while I slowly squeeze you favorite sperm banks. If I were you, I'd figure out how to do it. I bet you'll do it, Brian. Work it out quick, dude!...1...2...3...4.."

Brian's eyes got big. He looked a little scared, but he started to fuck my face like he was locked in a flooding room and was pounding to get out.

I sucked like a madman. I seemed to be doing that a lot.


Brian's started groaning, low and slow, then quicker and higher. I sucked like two madmen.


Brian was now doing some pig squealing. I could see Scott's knuckles start to whiten with effort.

"Eeeeeeeiiiiiikkkki....aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiaaaai," went the squeals.

"Suck, slurp, suck", went my mouth. Then time froze for Brian, his whole being trying to squeeze itself smaller, it seemed.

He injected a huge stream of burning lap lava right down my gargler as I snorted, woofed and sucked some more. The stuff even backed up and started running out my nose.

"Ohhhhhhmmmmyyyffffuuuuuucccckking shit, Jesus, goddamn, motherfuck fuck fuck fuck!" wheezed Brian. Having met the challenge, he was gasping at the finish line.

"Good job, boys! Laughed Scott, dropping his friend's bijou bag. "See guys! I bet you could do it, Brian. And I always win."

Part 6 In Which Josh Has A Blast

Josh pounded on the door at about ten in the morning. Gotta say I was a little nervous going to the door.

"Hey! Hi Josh, come on in."

"Skip, what's with the Jeep and the Mercedes in the drive way. You start stealing rides. Dude?"

`Uh, well, remember the Grimes from back home and their son who became a lawyer, the big football stud who moved to Chicago?

"Sure, your dad talks about him all the time, like he was God or something. Tells us to hustle and conquer like he did.'

"Well, this is his folks' house I'm taking care of and he sorta dropped by to dump some stuff. Then a bud of his came by...and...and...stuff."

"Kewl! So now I'll meet the man with the plan, hunh?"

"Yeah, sure, but like...maybe..."

"Skip, you look like shit! You been up like chugging milk, and like gaming all night or something? You've got milk for chin fuzz, man."

I took a quick swipe at my mouth, feeling the little flakes of dried cum, wiping them away.

"Well gentlemen! Who have we here? Skip, who is this guy who knows you like the white stuff?"

"Uuuhhhh..." I flushed hot red with embarrassment. Scott stood in the hall doorway, obviously having heard Josh arrive.

Scott looked like a AAA porn star wet dream, all curly dark hair, clean chest and chin stubble, a pair of flimsy shorts hanging low on his hips. You could see his crotch hairs over the top of the waist band. I glanced down and could see his pocket rocket hanging nearly to the seam. Looked like it was moving around a bit on its own, too, like it was searching for a way out, maybe. I quickly looked away.

"Mr. Grimes, this is Josh, the guy I was telling you about. He's the Tarzan-on-the-beach guy."

"Wow kid! You've got the build on you, doncha? I'll bet you're pumping iron all the time to bounce up your buff like that!"

"Uh, I like work out some when I can at school. I don't have the bucks for a real gym."

"Well, you're in luck! Skippy here tells me you're staying over a bit. We've got the whole works and more right here in the basement, so pack in your stuff and meet him and me down there pronto. I call it the Endurance Room `cause it's a great place to see how much a person can take. I'm just on my way to sweat and swell myself."

He rubbed his hand over his chest, slid it down his abs and under the front of his waist band to scratch at his crotch hair.

"If you need any shorts, I've got a pair for you."

I helped Josh haul in his stuff and went to my room to change into a jock, shorts and a tank. Going by Josh's room I saw he was standing in just his jeans.

"Skip, I guess I could wear these down and change there, right? There must be a room or something."

"Don't know dude. I haven't seen the place. Didn't even know about it."

We soldiered down the stairs and followed the light and the clanking of metal on metal. Looking in the door we saw Scott across the room, sitting sideways and looking at the sidewall mirror to watch his bicep work while he made the iron sing. I could see he wasn't really watch his arm but actually staring at Josh and me, reflected in the glass. His looked like a hawk that just spotted a couple of rabbits and was choosing which to grab first.

"Come on in kids."

"Kids?" Josh said. "We're, uh, not really kids, Mr. Grimes."

"Good for you Josh! Way to stand up for yourself! I guess you two just still kinda seem like kids to me, though. But, yeah, you're all grown aren't ya? Standing tall and hanging low, I bet."

I saw Josh and me in the glass. We'd both turned pink, a red splotch on each cheek. God it was embarrassing.

"Here's the hip rag, Josh. You can change here. Just us guys." Scott held out the shorts for Josh, then held on until Josh met his eyes. With a wink, he opened his hand and Josh quickly turned away.

Josh blushed even more as he walked to the corner of the room, turned his back to us and dropped trou. I guess he forgot that he was standing in front of a wall of mirrors because Scott and I could see his half hard dick lengthening as he slipped off his briefs and pulled on the loaners. They were all kinds of tight and practically cut up to his wazoo. I thought he was read before. Now he was rosy-ing up across the top of his chest too.

"Bad boy briefs, eh Josh? Kind of a jewel box for your junk? That's why I wear `em too. Jewels in the jewel box and juice in the jewels." Scott went on pumping.

We worked through a bunch of the equipment, alternating with stretches, curls and push-ups on the mats. Scott did his own stuff. When we were all sweating, he started moving back and forth between Josh and me, cheering us on, coaching us on our form, leaning in to pat a muscle here or stabilize a joint there.

I was really concentrating on my curls when Scott hit the mat beside me, shaking his head, his sweat flying all over me. God he smelled great.

"Here, little guy, make it really hard with each curl." Blocking Josh's view of us, he reached right into my shorts and jock and pinched the tip of my dick. "Strong and hard, Skippy! You need to keep going until you can't." He doodled with my dick as it snapped to attention. It wanted to follow his directions. Each sit up pumped more blood to my dick `til it seemed to hum.

"Skippy? Said Josh, huffing with his free weights. "Why do you call him Skippy, like was a little boy. Mr. Grimes?"

"Well, I've got some kids of my own and I guess I think of Skip as their big older brother. I like to think that I can give my kids a hand when they need it and I guess I can do the same for Skippy her, kind of like I'm his dad, I guess." His hand pinched and pulled at my meat, its head swelling like a boil.

"Umm," said Josh, staring at his swelling perky pecs in the mirror.

"Skip, go get us some waters, I think we all could use a break." He pulled his hand out of my pouch and wiped his fingers on my upper lip, then reached inside with his thumb.

"I'll bet you kids could use suck down some of the wet stuff."

When I came back with the bottles, Scott was standing behind Josh, reaching around to touch his chest and arms.

"Yeah, Joshman. You're the stud. But you can make that pose better if you tighten your pecs up here. Feel that? No, you can do better than that! Scott's fingers slipped down to pinch and roll Josh's nipples. Josh jerked and his eyes widened.

"Steady there, Sparky, just teaching you what you need to know. I'll hold these and you try to pull em up with just your pecs. Yeah, arch your upper back a bit too! There you go, little dude. See that chest now, all up and at em? He twiddled Josh's tits like a video game and then let go. "That' it. See those little nips come to attention? Now listen up!

"Suck in that gut while you hold up those pecs. I should be able to slip my hand down your abs without touching your waist band." Scott was right behind him now, belly to back, crotch to crack. "Now give me a double bicep pose and your best sex face."

"Whhhhhuuuh...what??!!" stammered Josh.

You know, the way a guy looks when he's getting his nut, getting it really really good. You do both at the same time and the babes at the beach will be spreading `em wide for you."

Josh stared at himself in the mirror then threw his arms up and glared. His mouth made this square shape like a little airplane hanger waiting for a plane to roll in.

"Way to go kid, way to go!" Before Scott stepped away from Josh, he rubbed the guy's gut and slapped it a couple of times.

Josh slowly relaxed, watching his own reflection and the puzzled look on his own reddening face. Yep, blushing again.

Josh and I watched Scott tilt up the water bottle. His Adam's apple bobbed as he chugged, some water gushed out and ran down his chest to join the sweat stains in the front of his shorts. He dripped with sweat

He bit his lip as if thinking, "Hey! Before we cool off how `bout a round or two on the mat? You wrestle too, Josh?"

"Well, not on the team or anything, but just know the stuff we all learned in PE."

"What more could we want, hey, guy? You hit the mat. I just mentally flipped a coin and you lost. I'll be on top." Scott looked me in the eye as he said that last part. "Skippy, you ref. You'd look good with a few stripes, I think. Maybe later though.

Josh wasn't paying attention too much as he got on all fours on the mat. Scott covered him, one hand around his waist and the other on his arm.

Kneeling near their heads, I could see the smirk growing on Scott's face. I counted to three." Wrestle!" I barked.

A word to you junk juicers out there from Scott:

"Put your hand in your pants... pull out your big roll and feed our little friend, Nifty . Like Skippy, it's loyal and ready to wait on you, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week giving you what you want, any time, all the time.

Like Skip's pussy, you gotta put something in it every once in a while to keep it going. Feed the thing some money so it's always hot, and ready. Then grab your mouse with one hand and your dick in the other and go for it! Drop some bucks...then drop your load. You'll feel great, man!


Next: Chapter 4

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