Slave Boy Joey

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 23, 2023


When he woke up the next morning, Bill had already gotten up, and Joey was in the bed alone. "I must have fallen back asleep," he thought, half dreamily. He remembered curling into Bill, and pulling his hands closer around himself, and Bill whispering "rougher huh? Hmmmm." Then he fell back asleep. He smiled as he remembered those words.

Joey got up, and heard the chatting in the kitchen . He could hear three voices. He pulled on some clothes - a pair of white ski type athletic pants, and nothing else , and his slippers. He walked out. "HE LIVES! HE LIVES! " Bill proclaimed, making everyone laugh and Joey blush a little. "Good morning everyone. These late nights." He took the stool next to Bill, and took Bill's free hand, putting it around his shoulders, as Nate poured coffee. Sean was busily putting away a plate of Mexican eggs: scramble, peppers, tortillas. When Nate offered him a plate, he eagerly shook his head yes.

Nate smiled as he plated up breakfast. "I guess it was MY turn to be noisy." "No, that was me," Sean smiled. Bill gave Joey a kiss. "Did you sleep well?" "Oh yes Sir. I had a wonderful dream. REALLY wonderful. " "Is that right? Wanna share it?" "Later " Joey reddened when he saw Nate and Sean laugh, and Bill smile.

He wished he hadn't mentioned anything. "So, why such a sexy outfit Joey? You trying to seduce someone?" Sean teased. "I think he already did that." Bill pulled Joey a little closer to him. "Aren't you cold? You want a shirt or something?" "DON'T YOU DARE MAKE HIM HIDE THAT CHEST" Nate spoke, and there was more laughter. "You, Gunc. You can keep a shirt on." More laughter. Joey smiled. "Save it for me. " He looked up. "Nate, these eggs are fantastic. " He looked at Bill. "You're not eating Sir?" "Oh, I really can't handle too much more than toast in the morning angel boy. You know that. " "Angel boy? " Sean asked. "Oh my God. I'm gonna spread THAT one around the office." Joey said nothing, but just imitated some of the noises Sean had made the night before while Nate was fucking him. "Ok. Ok. You win. No Angel Boy. No groans." Nate ruffled Sean's hair. "I'm gonna want to drive this boy back home." He looked at Joey. "you wanna come along for the ride?" Joey had a sense that 'three way' was in the air. He HAD indeed dressed the way he did for seduction, but not for a three way. He was after Bill. "I'm gonna pass, Nate. I'm thinking of getting my cardio in by taking a bike ride. Rain check?" "Ok, sounds good." He looked at Sean. "better get yourself dressed . We'll talk about tonight on the way home." Sean got up and went over to Bill "Thank you for your hospitality, Sir." He reached out his hand, and Bill pulled him in for a quick embrace. "Glad to have you. Any friend of my boys is a friend of mine. Come by anytime." He hugged Joey. "I'll see you on Monday. " Then he paused. "This never happened." They high fived each other, and Sean went off to get dressed.

Nate looked at the two of them and smiled. "I'm sure cardio is in the future . I'm just not believing it'll involve a bike." He winked at Joey. "Don't wear out my Guncle." Joey smiled. "I think you better worry about him wearing me out." He looked at Bill and made a bigger smile. "He made me a promise, and I intend to collect on it. " "OOOOOOH. And I have to be away from the house. DAMN." Sean came out with all of his stuff. "You ready Nate? Maybe we could have brunch or something?" "Or something sounds better." "I'll clean up. Don't worry," Joey said, as the two left the house.

Bill turned to Joey, now that they were alone. "I didn't think it was possible. Those pants make your ass look even sexier." Joey said nothing, just smiled. "Did you whisper something into my ear this morning Sir?" Bill smiled "Maybe I did. " He stood up from the kitchen stool, and Joey did the same. Bill ran his hands down to Joey's butt and began squeezing. He kissed him, and parted Joey's mouth, tasting a bit of the eggs, as he began French kissing him. Joey melted into him, and moved his crotch so that Bill's knee was rubbing against it. Joey's eyes were closed, so he didn't see Bill's hands move to his wrists, and then pin them behind his back. "Oh yes, Sir. You Did whisper something in my ear. " "Speaking of your ear..." Bill spun Joey around, and began to nibble at his left ear. Joey began to moan. His hands were pinned behind him by Bill, but he moved his fingers to Bill's crotch. "Oh, yes... Yes yes..." He felt Bill roping his wrists with a rope, he had hidden in the pocket of the gym shorts he was wearing . "Someone wants it rough, huh? " Next, a collar came out of Bill's other pocket, and went around Joey's neck. "You're gonna be wearing this all day. Leashed like my puppy." "ROWF . ROWF. " Joey barked. The dog collar was new, and he liked it. He liked when Bill tied his wrists. His cock was tenting in the white pants. "And it's time my angel boy had something done to him he's overdue for."

Bill took the leash on the collar, and led Joey into the bedroom. He lay him on the bed, on his side. There was a big, wicked smile on his face. "Someone is due for a good, solid , shaving..." Now, Joey LOVED it when Bill shaved him. It may have been his favorite thing in the world. But he could never control his orgasm when it happened. Bill looked at him. "I've got the paddle ready too, if you jizz before I get in you Joey . And I'm gonna use it. " "Yes sir. I'll try. I'll really try. " Bill could have made it easier on Joey by using his electric shaver. He had no intention of making it easier. He pulled out the old fashioned straight edge, and some cream, and got to work. Before he began, he couldn't resist a little nipple play with the sexy young man. "Sir, this isn't fair." "Life isn't fair. You want the cock cage?" "No sir." "Heh heh. Probably the wrong answer.." Bill got to work. Was he deliberately going slower than usual? Joey thought so, but he was just impatient for the main event. He wanted Bill's cock in him. The dance the night before, hearing Nate and Sean go at it - DAMN, did he want his lover to fuck him. "How's it going , handsome? Think you're gonna make it?" "I don't know sir. " "Hmmm. Maybe I should reach in and check." "DON'T . I mean, that'd be unfair Sir. " "Didn't I just say life is unfair." "Fuck.." Joey whispered. "Please fuck me sir. Please fuck your pup." Bill had finished the shaving. "ROLL OVER ON YOUR BELLY BOI." "Yes sir." Now, with his cock trapped on the bed, Joey was feeling even more aroused. He was moaning like a cat in heat, as Bill pulled down the white pants. "I may make you wear these at least a part of every day. They're making me WILD." The cockhead that went into Joey's butt was clearly Bill's but it seemed thicker. As Joey thought about it: if Bill's cock had always felt like a cigarette, now it felt like a cigar. "OH GOD. SIR., you're so fucking thick. DAMN" "Is that right bitchboi?" Bill smacked Joey's ass. "If I am, who's fault is that?" "Mine Sir. I shouldn't have worn these pants." He felt a hand come down harder. "Ouch. " "WRONG ANSWER AGAIN. DAMN SHOULDA WORN THE PANTS. DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO GET WHAT YOU WANT." He felt Bill slip in further. OH, did it feel good. "You're awfully moist Joey. Put something up there first." "No Sir." Joey grunted. "Just thinking of you, thinking of what you said in bed this morning.. FUCCCCK." Bill was all the way inside him now. Joey could feel Bill's balls slapping against his ass, as he began to pound. "I'm not supposed to take those damn pills too often, but today... today I'm gonna make an exception." He slid faster and faster. He had never fucked Joey so hard before, and Joey was loving it. He pulled all the way out and then, with no gentleness, SLAMMED all the way back in, and shot a huge load into Joey. Before he did, he covered Joey's mouth with his hand and whispered. "You're a fucking Italian stallion who likes cock. A STUDBITCH." "MMMPH MMMPH MMMMMPH!!!!" Joey shot onto the sheets. That word... "studbitch" just set him off. Bill slid off of him, and looked Joey straight in the eye. "That the kind of thing you want, pup?" He pulled the ring on the collar. "Hell yeah, Sir. GOD that was GREAT. " "I should leave you tied up for a while, but not yet. You got housework to do. And then... I have more planned for you. You gonna clean the kitchen or the bedroom first?" "Kitchen Sir. Let me get these pants off and put on an apron. " Joey wore nothing BUT the apron. It kept Bill in a slight state of arousal through the whole process. Joey seemed to need to bend over more than a usual number of times too, and each time he stood up, he smiled.

Bill just sighed. "He's going to kill me. I'm going to die in a pool of my own semen" he thought to himself. When Joey finished in the kitchen, he took off the apron, and he stood in front of Bill. He clasped his hands behind his back, and Bill could see that the kid was already getting hard again "Should I clean up the bedroom now Sir, including laundry? " "Yes, but you really should put something on Joseph. I do NOT want you dripping body fluids over everything." "You had no trouble with that this morning. Sir." Bill began to laugh. "When did you begin to get so fresh mouthed?" "When I realized it turned you on, Sir." Joey smiled and bent down and kissed Bill. "I love this collar. Are we gonna use it again later?" Bill hooked his finger through the ring, and wouldn't let Joey up. "Yes, we are. But now you're gonna clean the bedroom my little pup. Just like you promised. Drip to your heart's content. " Joey kissed him again. "Can I sit on your lap, Sir?" "WHEN YOU HAVE PANTS ON."

While Joey was cleaning up the bedroom , Bill was looking at what the university was offering for classes that fall. It would be Joey's senior year, and Bill wasn't sure he was going to get adequate information on what he should take as classes. And he began to think: what was going to happen with Joey when he graduated? He didn't want to think about it, but it was something for a future discussion.

Bill was lost in thought, and then he dozed off. He woke to Joey brushing his hair out of his face . "Bill? Bill? Is everything ok? Are you alright?" "Oh, yes, of course angel boy. I've just been more 'stimulated ' this morning than I'm used to." He looked at Joey: he had put on a tight white shirt, and a pair of faded jeans. One of his favorite looks. The collar was still on. "Don't you look... arousing... I have a feeling you have a game in mind you little mink" "Actually No Sir. I was just trying to look good for you because, well..., I wanted to." Like he did that morning, Joey sat down next to Bill and pulled his arm around himself. He threw his right leg over Bill's left. "You know, Sir, since Nate came in , I worry about you so much. I don't really understand what's wrong, but I don't want you to be in pain." "Oh, angel boy. I'm not in pain. Believe me. I'm tired. That's the purification thing making sure my kidneys are good. " He paused. Joey didn't look convinced. "Will you trust me if I say I'll tell you if I'm in pain? " "I don't know Sir. You've always told me the truth but... " He saw Joey's eyes begin to well up. "If you knew how much you changed my life, and how good you've been to me." Bill smiled and kissed him. "Oh, Joey.. You know, good always comes to people who deserve it. And you've been good to me too. Better than anyone ever has been." "Really Sir?" "Really. Truly. I never thought a young, attractive man like you would stick around." "Why not?" "Well, there are so many attractive young men out there, and so many other reasons. " He looked at Joey. "I would know right away if you were doing all of this out of obligation Joey. You're not. " There was silence. Joey broke it. "Sir, I didn't dress like this so that we could have a serious conversation. I dressed like this so you could ravage me. I didn't put those restraints on the bed for decoration. Show me you're not an old man who just gets tired. " "Ho ho. " Bill's hand came around and found Joey's nipple . "Is THAT what you think?" Joey began to breathe hard as Bill worked that tender spot. "I don't know Sir . What I do know is, I haven't had any lunch, and a sausage sounds good." "And I feel like melon." Their lips locked, and after some tongue wrestling , Bill looked at Joey. "You wanna try something? I may not be able to pull it off, but.." "What's that Sir?" "How about I fireman carry you to the bedroom?" "Over your shoulder Sir? Fuck that sounds hot." Bill got up and stood in front of Joey. Then he pulled him into position. He winced, as the unexpected weight went over his shoulder. He stood up. Joey began to laugh "ACK. OH MY GOD. This is so caveman.. Should I be yelling "HELP! HELP!" Bill started walking to the bedroom. He put Joey down on the bed and pinned him down. "How about you try as hard as you can to get up, Joey? Can you? " Joey didn't want to do that. He didn't want to embarrass Bill by throwing him off . But as he struggled, he couldn't do anything, and he struggled harder. "DAMN you're strong Bill." Bill was clearly enjoying it . He was sweating, but he was also smiling. Joey had put his full strength behind the push to get up, and had managed to get up about two inches, before his strength gave out and he just sighed. "You got me Sir. I shoulda known better. " "Damn right, sexy boy." Joey felt the metal cuffs locking on his wrists. Damn right. " Bill opened up his shirt and began giving him a tongue bath, all over his chest. Joey's skin, newly shaven, was extra sensitive and Bill used his tongue, and the tip of his chin, to excite Joey . He began to moan, and buck his hips. Bill opened his own pants, and Joey saw that his cock was even more engorged than that morning. "You DID take a pill you foxy old fox." That's all he got out, because Bill started tickling his ribs. Through the howls, Joey got out. 'STOP! STOP! I GIVE UP. TAKE ME. TAKE ME DAMN IT. FUCK ME HARD." Bill looked at Joey. He ran his finger around his lips. "Suck me first. Make me wet enough so I can just SLIDE right into you." Sucking cock was something Joey had wanted all day. He gobbled down Bill's cock. He had found that there was one, tiny spot on Bill's balls that could make him absolutely nuts, and he worked it. "OH SHIT JOEY. HOW'D YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THAT." "MMGMEMEMEMMGM" Joey was trying to say he paid attention, and Bill realized "oh yeah, you've sort of got a mouth full." He pulled out so Joey could tell him, and then he replied "Pay more attention to it, " and shoved his cock back in. The early morning ejaculation made it easier for him to control his own ability to not fill Joey's mouth, so he could take his butt again. And when he was ready, he moved down, but tried something different. He got on his knees, back turned to Joey, and started fucking him that way.

"OH YES SIR. YES. Feels so good. But please turn around, PLEASE SIR. YOUR FACE. YOUR CHEST HAIR. I WANNA SEE YOU." Those words just got to Bill in a way nothing else Joey had said, did. "He likes me," he thought to himself, as he reversed position. "OH yeah . OH YEAH. GIMME THAT SILVER FOX COCK GIVE IT TO ME. FUCK THE STALLION. FUCK THE STALLION..." And Bill did. By now, he knew when Joey was going to cum, and since Joey's reactions were fiercer, and stronger than Bill's , he controlled himself and counted down: "One... two... THREE." Joey screamed and Bill joined him, just as they climaxed together.

One writer had said that "sex is God's way of laughing," and God was laughing a LOT that afternoon. So were Bill and Joey. All the way to dinner. As they dressed to go out, Joey asked "should we wait for Nathan to come back Sir?"

Bill shook his head. "I'm going to leave him a note for where we are. He can join us." He smiled at Joey. "I bet you could use a pizza. Or two pizzas. You haven't had one in a while." In fact, Joey ate pizza at work nearly every day. He just hadn't had one with Bill. "Let's do it Sir. " And on the way to the restaurant, Joey had a thought. Now that he was working , he could do things like he did the next morning . He went on line, and bought a complete set of the things you need to make pizza at home. He was going to make Bill pizza the next time they had one.

Next: Chapter 22

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