Slave Boy Joey

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 13, 2023


Senior year. Who remembers it? Moving like molasses, and moving like an autumn bonfire. Classes started, and then, it was spring break. Time for the planned trip to New York. Gina and joey spoke on the phone every day, usually more than once. "THIS IS THE MOST EXCITING DAY OF MY LIFE JOEY!!!! I CAN'T WAIT. OH MY GOD. I'M NOT GONNA SLEEP FOR A WEEK!" Joey laughed. "I may go deaf from talking to you Gina, but it'll be worth it." Joey was excited too: he had never been to NY either. Around Gina, he tried to be the stable, solid older brother. Around Bill, he was more of a squealing teenage girl than Gina.

"What should I bring to wear Sir? What works? Should I bring leather? Jeans? Ratty ones? Tight ones? OH GOD WHAT DO I NEED." Bill laughed.. "joey, it's NY. They have EVERYTHING. Pack light If you forget something, or you want something you didn't bring, we'll get it. I promise. Now come here. Daddy wants a kiss from his boi." Joey threw himself at Bill like a ballet dancer. "Is sex gonna be better in NY than here Sir? NOT that here isn't good. That's not what I meant. It's just...." Bill laughed "People say different things. Some people say that before they unpack in a hotel, they fuck. Other people just get too nervous away from home. And then ..." "What about you Sir? Are we gonna..." "Yes joey, we are. At least as often as we do here. It will be different. No question. But we will. Now, let's look at your closet, and let's start pulling out some things. " Bill had booked some theater tickets, and a few dinner reservations. Most of the theater reservations were in the afternoon, so that Gina and joey could go out in the evening. Gina had done extensive research on the clubs she wanted to visit: she'd need a month to get to them, but she'd be back , after she was married, and before she and her husband had their kids (but that's another story). When joey kept on getting nervous about what to pack, Bill sighed. "Ok, this is what I want you to do. You wear your blazer on the plane. You'll wear it when we go out. Pack a couple of sweaters. Then, do this: pretend you're courting me, and you want to pick out your favorite four outfits: the ones that you think will seduce me. Then I'll pick out three." "Can we do the same for you Sir? " Bill smiled. "If you can get it done in less than ten hours, and you promise not to pack any leather. It takes up too much room." He paused. "You know, I think I have a better idea. Let's have Gina pick for both of us." joey smiled. "That's a great idea Sir... Now can we follow up on that kiss?" "Capital idea young man." Bill grabbed joey around the middle and tossed him on the bed. He nuzzled joey's neck and whispered "What does my fiancee' want to do tonight?" joey, already moaning from Bill's work on his neck, muttered "whatever my Sir wants. " Bill arched himself over joey and smiled. "I know what my boi likes, and I know what I like." "I like cock Sir." "Well yeah, I know that. But you like some things better than others... Get your mouth around my dick, bottom boi." joey smiled. He WANTED to suck Bill, but he wanted to suck him until he was so hard, it would feel like he was ripping joey apart. "YES SIR... your boi's mouth is ready.. MMMMPH.." He went down on Bill all the way, and Bill fairly jumped. joey was a 'nibbler' and he had never done that before. And he worked slowly. VERY slowly, as Bill caressed his ears, the back of his neck, and ran his hands down joey's chest. When Bill was as turgid as joey thought he could get he broke off and looked at him. "Think I could be a spinner Sir?" Bill laughed. "Where did you learn that?" joey smiled. "Guess you'll have to fuck it out of me." "I think I might. Now about that spinner part.... I think we could do that. You haven't gotten too fat... yet." He teased joey, who was beginning to think that, since he had gained weight, Bill wasn't as interested in him as before. It was the opposite: Bill saw his skinny junior turning into a hunky, studly bottom and he was horny all the time. Now, as joey essentially did a hand press on the bed so he could lower himself onto Bill's cock, Bill just moaned. "OH SHIT JOEY. GOD THAT'S GOOD. THAT IS SO FUCKING GOOD." "Your boi's doing good Sir? " "My boi's doing SUPERB." joey smiled , and inched his ass off Bill's cock, slowly, and then plunged down again, fast. He smiled when he saw how Bill's eyes were rolling. "Now you know how I feel when you tie me up and fuck me Sir." "Oh, angel boy, you're a devil tonight. You after my money? I think you're gonna give me a heart attack." Then, joey did something he hoped he wouldn't regret. After he dropped down on Bill's cock again, he pinched his nipples. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK JOEY. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." He began shooting like he hadn't shot in a long long time. "Oh ANGEL BOI. ANGEL BOI. COME TO DADDY. LET ME HUG MY TALENTED FUCKTOI." joey was smiling as Bill wrapped his arms around him. "Where the HELL did you come up with that?" joey smiled. He wasn't talking, so Bill rolled on top of him. "One more chance to give me the information soldier, before my magic fingers get to work on your ribs. "OH NO. NOT THAT. NO NO NO. joey tried to squirm away and that just got him in more "trouble." Bill began tickling him hard. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK OK. I'LL TELL YOU. I'LL TELL YOU.. I got the idea from Gina." Bill started lauging "GINA? GINA taught you about spinners? Oh, you gotta tell me more." He thought joey would begin smiling or laughing, but instead he got serious. "Sir, do you love me?" "JOEY! What kind of question is that? OF COURSE I LOVE YOU. " He stopped speaking for a minute and pulled joey into him, and he felt the boi's chest heaving a little. "Listen joey, when you first came here, I didn't expect you'd stay: so I thought you were a REALLY hot piece of ass, and we'd have some fun, and that'd be the end of it. But that morning... that morning when you asked me NOT to put my shirt on, and that morning when you came to the breakfast bar, sat down and snuck under my arm .... I knew it was more. And you stole my heart joey. You did. It was over." joey's chest kept heaving. "Even though I'm getting fat Sir?" Bill looked at him. "You're not getting fat joey. Putting on weight is NOT getting fat, and even if you were, the answer is YES, I love you. I love you more than I've loved any man. " "Then Sir... why do you always try to get me to go out with other guys?" Bill looked at him quizically. "You mean when you go out to clubs with Nate? " "Yes sir. I'm sure you're gonna do the same thing in New York, with all those hot guys there." Bill stroked joey's hair. "Angel boi, I just want to make sure that you've had a chance to experience as much as you can. You're young. I want you to have everything." "What if I have everything I want Sir? What if I told you: I check out guys and... then I think of my guy at home, and all I wanna do is be with him. Would you believe me?" Now, BILL began to tear up. "you know joey, you're a scamp, you're a trickster, you're a smart ass. I love them all. But one thing you're NOT, is a liar. I don't know if you ever did, but if you WERE a liar, I have a feeling your Dad probably spanked you so hard you never did it again." "Both of us Sir. Gina and me both." "Well... I know you're not lying. And I'm touched. I'm SO moved." He looked at joey, with tears in his eyes. "You know you just gave me the best wedding present I could ever ask for. And I promise. Instead of telling you to be free, I'll lay down the law: be home by x o'clock, or else." joey smiled. He liked discipline. "Now we're gonna suspend this for NY, only because your sister is gonna want to do EVERYTHING. But I'm sure your Dad already gave you the lecture: if you let her have sex with anyone, you're both dead to him." joey smiled. "I don't remember you in the room Sir" Now Bill smiled. "I think I have a pretty good bead on your father. But as for you, you wicked, trickster." He rolled back on top of joey. "If I find out you so much as KISSED another boy in New York, I am gonna lock you up in your chastity cage for a month. Then I'm gonna get you one of those big metal ones, and you're gonna have to wear ugly old man pants to give it enough room. And before I fuck you at night, I'm gonna tickle you for an hour. And..... oh I'll think of the rest. Those are the rules now. " joey pushed his head up to kiss Bill "I like those rules Sir. Nice and strict. A sub boi needs rules. " "Yes... Yes he does. And right now scamp, you're gonna go and set the table. I'm gonna go and pick up Gina at the airport. She should be here soon."


"GUNCLE BILL!!!!! GUNCLE BILL!!!!!!" Bill found his arms full of a squealing 17 year old girl, dragging a HUGE suitcase with her. "GINA! Did you kill your parents and bring them in that bag?" "HA HA. No... I only brought what I need. Hey, I'm starving. Can we get a hot dog or something? " "Dinner's waiting at home. joey made it." "JOEY COOKS? YOU TAUGHT JOEY TO COOK?" "Joey's a FINE cook Gina. " "HOLY. He told me you ran a tight ship, but ... you got him to COOK?" "Let's go to the car Gina. Tell me what joey told you..." On the way back home, Bill learned how close Gina and joey were: Gina knew just about everything: the domination, the bondage, the games. He had told her everything. Hearing it all recited back to him from a 17 year old girl - soon to be his sister in law - was making Bill blush. And very few things made Bill blush anymore. "So, then there was the time that you and Nate spit roasted him." "OK GINA ENOUGH!!! He told you everything, ok. ok. So you know what our relationship is like" "I know he loves you so much it hurts him to talk about it, Guncle Bill. And he knows how much you love him. I think he said once that, if he asked you to screw a woman in front of him, you'd do it." "GINA!!!! OK, yes, we love each other. I love him so much it hurts me too young lady. I don't know how I made it this far without him and... " Bill began to well up. "I'm having a hard time imagining being without him. So now, lascia sta. STOP. Or you're gonna force me to sing "I've Got You Under My skin." "OH, my mom sings that to my Dad. It's an OLD song isn't it." "Yeah, Gina. VERY OLD. Probably before Gregorian chant." "WOW. " When they got in the door, Bill just barely got out of the way, as the brother and sister met. "GIUSEPPE!!!!!" (he never found out why Gina called joey, Giuseppe. It wasn't his name. He was Joseph. Joey since he was three days old). The hug joey gave her made Bill a little jealous, and he knew, right away: however much joey loved him, he loved Gina more. And standing there, he was amazed how much they looked like each other. Not twins. Not even close . Side profiles though? They were identical. "Hey you big stud." He came over and grabbed Bill, hugging him not as hard as he had hugged Gina, but kissing him more deeply, and longer. "You big stud?" he laughed as joey let go of him. "You've NEVER called me that." joey smiled. "Well, you ARE my big stud Sir. The stud I made dinner for. Now come on, let's eat. I'm hungry. " "Of course you're hungry. I think the only thing you feel more than hunger is horniness." "Is that a complaint?" "Serve the food, kitchen wench." Gina started to laugh. "Kitchen wench. HA HA. That's what someone called one of the cafeteria ladies at school. You got a hairnet giusepp'? " He looked at her. "Yeah, I do, and I'm gonna wrap it around your..." "LET"S EAT CHILDREN. " As they sat to table, Bill was thinking "A week with these two. I know I say this a lot, God, but help me. Please."


Bill had a surprise for the young ones the next day. When they got to the airport and he handed out the tickets, joey and Gina were in business class. "I've flown that class before, and it's great. And I'll fly it again. This is your first chance. Enjoy it. Eat all the nuts you want. " He looked at them. "joey, if you try to share booze with your sister, you know what'll happen: it won't be pretty." "Ok Sir. I get it." "You'll have nearly 3 hours to be a king and queen. Enjoy it. I'll see you when we land." Bill went back to his aisle seat in the next section. He needed the rest. He thought the plane ride was probably the last time in the next week he was gonna get a chance to relax. He dozed off, thinking of joey: the scamp had worn a tight white dress shirt, and his ridiculously tight jeans to fly in, and Bill dreamed about how he looked, until the attendant was shaking his arm. "Sir... we're about to land. Please move your seat back in position." "Oh, yes. Of course." "And sir, may I say, it's not every father that would trust his children to sit in business class. Your son and daughter behaved exemplarily." Bill smiled. "Thank you . Let me let you in on a little secret." "Oh, of course Sir." He whispered. "I'm not the young man's father.... I'm his DADDY." She looked at him , puzzled. A male steward walked by. "I'll explain in the bulkhead. Come on back Arlene." He smiled at Bill and gave him the thumbs up sign.

Gina and joey were waiting when he got off the plane. Gina had drunk about seven diet cokes, and she was on a caffeine high. "NY! NYC! NYC! NYC! I'M HERE. I'M WHERE I BELONG. I'M THE QUEEN OF NEW YORK CITY." Joey winked. "I think that makes you the Empress Bill." "QUIET KITCHEN WENCH" he snapped at joey. "Let's go get Gina's luggage. You can tell people you're going to Mongolia. " Bill , as an experienced flyer, had one piece of overhead, and one other bag. He had bludgeoned joey into submission on that too. Now they just had to wait for Gina's enormous suitcase to come off the plane. Once it did, they headed for a cab, and to their hotel. "OH GOD. OH GOD. I HAVE TO POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA JOEY. PICTURES FROM THE PLANE. " "Make sure your stomach doesn't get too upset Gina. It's a moving car. " Bill was up in front with the driver, and he glanced back. He saw joey and Gina holding hands. He smiled. In the driver's mirror, he saw joey form the words "I love you," and smile. The cab left them off in front of their hotel. After they had gone inside, and Bill had arranged the check in, he stopped. "You folks go upstairs. I just want to go outside for a second. There was a street vendor and I want to get a souvenir. " He had seen one of those vendors who sell cheap neckties on the corner. They had left all their gear at home, but nothing was a better bondage toy for travel than a cheap necktie. He looked them over. The guy wanted 5 bucks each. "You give me a deal for 8 of them?" The guy looked at him. Bill had case. "30 bucks. " "20" "25" "Ok. Deal. Then Bill smiled, and handed the vendor three tens. It was GOOD to be back in NYC, the place where.... "I'll make new memories," he smiled as he went up to the room. Gina was in a room a few doors down from theirs. Bill walked in and joey smiled. "What'd ya buy Sir." Bill gave a fiendish look. "Something to keep you quiet." He dumped the neckties on the bed. "Lay down. Just like at home." joey gulped, then smiled. "yes sir." The neckties were nowhere NEAR the quality at home, but they were strong enough to hold joey's wrists in place and to wrap around his mouth. "My sexy little Giuseppe. " Bill began to run his nail down joey's arm, down the soft white part . "NNNGGGGGGG" joey jerked against the bonds, but he was held fast. Bill began opening his shirt. "What did you expect boi? You dress like this? You think I believe it was by chance?" He saw the evil glint in joey's eye, which turned to a look of pleasure, as Bill began to nibble his tits. Bill hadn't shaved that morning: a superstition he had about travelling , and his scruff was long enough that he had to be careful, even though joey pushed up against it, wanting more, and more and more. "MMPH ME SIR. MMPH ME. PLSSSSS" The consonants were getting out, but not the vowels. "You want my cock joey boi? You want your first fuck in the big apple? You want your STUD to take your cherry in the big apple." joey shook his head up and down. Bill unbuttoned the 501's he was wearing. "I wonder how many times I'm gonna do this in a week. At least 10." He ran a circle around joey's bud. "You want it Giuseppe? Ti vorresti? " He knew the answer from the way joey's cock was moving. He slid in, joey's ass now more than comfortable with Bill's cock. joey had managed to sneak out of the necktie gag. "OH GOD SIR. That flight attendant... " He was heaving. "That hunky flight attendant... He asked if you were my boyfriend. OH SHIT SIR THAT FEELS SO GOOD. I told him no.. He was about to ask me for a date. I know it. OH FUCK MORE PLEASE MORE.. Then I told him you were my fiance'. I don't know if he was happy or sad. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. DRILL ME DADDY. DRILL ME." Bill shot into joey hard, and deep. He saw the smile form on joey's face. "GOD I wanted to drag you into the bathroom and join the mile high club Sir. SO MUCH." Bill laughed. "Maybe on the trip to Italy. So you broke the flight attendant's heart?" "Well, I did, but Gina fixed it. He gave us a list of places to go. He's gonna meet us one night. Gina's all excited. "I'll have to have a word with Gina. She's 17. Does the flight attendant know that? What's his name?" joey blushed. "It's George Sir. Uh, he thinks she's 19." Bill remembered what it was like to be young. He asked the question to which he already knew the answer. "Why does he think that?" "That's what she told him." He sighed. "Ok. We're gonna have to have a talk at dinner. I intend to marry you, young man, but if Gina tells NY men she's 19, your parents are gonna have me skinned alive."


They were going to dinner at a place that was not too far from where they were staying that night. Bill had done some research on places that they could go, where Gina could have a good time . He DID have to bring up the issue of the flight attendant though. "Gina, are you eager to be our maid of honor?" "OH GOD YES!!!! I CAN'T WAIT." "Well, then, you have to help me here. I can't have your Dad get mad at me before the wedding." "Is he mad at you Guncle Bill? What happened?" He smiled. "No, he's not mad at me YET... But if he finds out I let his little lady fool around with flight attendants, I'll be in BIG trouble." Gina blushed, and didn't say anything "Sweet lady, being 17 SUCKS. No question. So close, so far, and it's unfair. Know what? Life is unfair. You gotta wait just a little bit longer. If George thinks you're 19...." he paused. "That won't stop him from getting in trouble with the law, it won't stop you from getting in trouble with your Dad, and it won't stop me from being skinned and having my pelt hang on your Dad's den wall. So please, do me a favor. Promise me you won't pretend you're what you're not, or else... " He made a very sick smile. "Evenings in NYC are going to be watching TV in the living room of one of our rooms." She looked down. "I'm sorry Guncle Bill. It was a dumb thing to do. " "No, it wasn't . I probably would have done the same thing. Just know: your George also came on to your brother." She looked at joey "HE DID???" joey shook his head. "Yup. And when I told him we were related, he suggested a threesome." "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Bill started to laugh. "I can't really blame him , you're both such beautiful kids. But seriously Ms. G. You two are free to go out tonight. You've got lists of places to go. You've got my phone number if you get in any kind of trouble, just be careful. "You're not coming with us?" He laughed. "At my age, TV in the living room seems a real good idea. I need my energy. We've got shopping tomorrow, a play, maybe some more shopping, and then dinner . And you folks will probably be ready for another night out." "You'll come out with us ONE night, won't you Sir?" joey asked. "We'll figure that out. Tonight though, I want to rest. And you kids don't need a chaperone." He paused. "Do you want to change before you go out?" "Yeah, we do," joey answered. "Gina wants to make sure that she's prettier." Bill laughed. "Well, I think it's gonna be hard to pick a winner, but ok. We'll head back, you folks can take a cab, and then, come back when you're done." "Can't we take a subway? " Gina asked, and Bill shook his head. "Not this first night. I PROMISE. Tomorrow you'll get your subway jones taken care of." Back at the hotel, after joey changed, Bill had to admit, he'd be hard pressed to say who was going to be prettier. joey had put on a snug sky blue polo shirt, a red cotton sweater tied around his neck, and a pair of jeans not as tight as the ones he wore for Bill, but fine enough to show off his "ASSets" as joey called them. Bill wrapped his arms around joey, and kissed him. "You have a good time tonight. Just take care of your sister. She's even wilder than you are." joey reached behind and rubbed Bill's cheek. "She hasn't had a Master Bill to tame her." "Ha ha. The taming of joey is only beginning. There's much more work to be done." He whispered into joey's ear. "You're gonna get it tomorrow." "Promise?" "Damn right I do. I didn't bring you all the way to NY to let you get away."

After he settled down that night, a drink and a book with him, Bill saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up and he saw, joey had written something to himself. It was titled "joey's wish list."

  1. To be Bill's boi 2. To feel his cock in me at least once a day 3. To feel his ropes around me 3-4 times a week, minimum 4. At least ten kisses a day, and that many hugs 5. Finding new ways to serve him. 6. Being the best husband possible.

Bill found himself overcome with emotions. When did he write this? Why? He didn't know what to do: should he hold it for joey , should he leave it on the floor? Finally, he decided that he'd just slip it in joey's sneaker. He put it there right before he went to bed. He was sound asleep when joey came in at sometime around 3:30. They HAD in fact had a good time, pretending to be a couple. joey had snuck Gina some of his drinks, but not enough for her to lose her senses. Did they get hit on? At least twice an hour. joey said to Gina at some point. "See? You're gonna do just fine." "YEAH, in NY joey boi . These guys are HOT. No one like them at home." He smiled. "Think of it as learning to ride a bike. They're your training wheels. You'll get to NY Gina - I know you will. Then, you'll find your man. " "Ya think?" "Oh yeah . Just keep yourself open. GOD, did I think I was gonna meet mine the way I did? Hell, I didn't even know what sex mine was. It'll be good, sis. God seems to be watching us. " So at just past 3:30, joey saw his man lying on the bed, naked. He had kicked off the blankets, and was breathing evenly, softly. joey felt his cock stirring. Bill had left the cage off for this trip. As joey stripped, he thought, and then... he bent down and kissed Bill's forehead. "I love you Sir." Bill's eyes opened for a minute. "I THOUGHT I felt an angel's kiss. Come into bed angel boy. Snuggle in." joey was happy to oblige, and got curled up next to Bill's body. He felt Bill's cock grow as he did. Then he felt a gently nibble on his ear. "My boi. My fiance'. My love." before Bill fell back to sleep. Joey did too.


It was 10:30 when joey woke up. "You think Gina's up yet?" "I'll text her." joey did, and got no answer. "No, princess is still sleeping. " "Well, then I think we skip breakfast and we'll have some lunch before the show. " "Sir, I think I need something in my mouth." joey gave bill a dirty look." Bill smiled back. "Yes. Yes, I think you do." He came back to bed, and straddled joey. "OPEN BIG. Think of the dentist." "MMMMM. Yes sir.." joey took the whole of Bill's cock all at once, and began to slurp. He missed it. Bill shook his head yes, when joey put his hand down to his cock. He was jerking while he sucked Bill. This COULD be risky, because when joey came it was fast, and ... well, he could forget his teeth. Somehow, that risk made Bill feel even more excited, and joey began to gag on the size of his cock, something that rarely happened anymore. And also something that rarely happened, joey controlled himself, and he brought his Daddy to climax first. Then he shot. In their "afterglow," he joked "Do I have to clean the linens now, Sir." "No... I think we'll give you a pass. " They heard a buzz. It was Gina texting joey. "I'm up now. Too late for breakfast?" He called, and when he was done, he turned to Bill. "Is it ok if we just run to the Starbuck's to get some caffeine Sir? Neither one of us really feels like eating..." he grinned "anymore than we already have." "Ha ha. Go get your coffee. When you come back, we'll get ready for our day in NY. Shoes for the lady today?" "Hell yeah Sir." "Ok. I know exactly where we should go."


Gentle readers, our next chapter of joey is going to be the wedding. And then... we're going to say "ciao" to this lovely little group of people. Everyone you've met is going to reconvene at that wedding - hey, it's an Italian wedding, what else could you expect? So, I know it'll disappoint some of you, but let's end with everyone happy. And who knows? If you follow my stories, you know people have a tendency to show up again. Be well. Stay safe.

Next: Chapter 35

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