Slave Camps New Recruits

By brieuc matagne

Published on May 4, 2013


Chapter 2

Any comments will be gladly received, on the story, the writing and suggestions at

Sorry if there are some mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. It is also my very first story.

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The story mainline is based on a erotic dream I did while in chastity and also some fantasy I have.

Note: No real people are depicted in this piece of fiction. This story contains explicit male to male sex, domination, piss and sometimes scat. If you don't enjoy reading this sort of material or are under the age of 21, DO NOT CONTINUE READING.

A new day rose up over the slave camp. Conveniently located in an old military facility that became useless a few decades ago because of it's small size. It was too small to train soldiers but just good to train slaves. A private company had bought the location and the building renowed and secured with the modern technologies. The huge wall surrounding the facility was perfect to keep anything out of view and the forest make the location almost desert from curious people.

The camp was divided in 5 main buildings: the scientific centre, the slave-training block with the slave cells and training rooms, the lodgment for the slavers and the common area which was also name "the playground". All around were some smaller buildings, the kennel and dogslaves training fields, stockades, Saint Andrew's cross to punish or use the slaves outside.

The camp was inhabited 24/7 by the slavers mostly composed by the kidnapping team, the slave trainers, the guards and worker of the camp, the scientists and of course the slaves in training or in residency kept by the slavers and rented or sold to the public. Slave camp was the new home for the slaves and the most recreational place on earth for their captor and the clients.

In the scientific centre, a Man was grinning as he checked the monitor showing the different part of its sector. Professor Ridge was the head scientist and he had been told a few hours ago to set up everything for the new recruits. He had been told they were 2 young guy captured the night before but there was only one guy being escorted to the waiting room and what a specimen. Ridge was a nice 40-year-old doctor; he had a strong body and a nice masculine face with dark hair and dark eyes. He was more than 6 feet tall with a nice 7-inch cock and a furry torso. He was a leather Master since a few years now and everybody admired him for his well-trained slave; he like to be rough most of the time and love to create new instruments and procedures to train the slaves.

He zoomed on the body of this young boy, a tall guy with a well-defined body, not too much but rather developed, it was not difficult to guess that Martin was a regular user of the university gym. He had strong legs and thighs, a v-shaped abs and muscled torso. As a regular tennis player, he had muscled but slightly asymmetrical muscled arms. All of his body was covered with dark brown pubes matching his messy mid hair. His cock was flaccid but seemed rather big and a bush of pubic hair gave Martin a very manly look. Unacceptable for Ridge

Ridge then zoomed on Martin's face to see his nice green eyes that must have been a real asset for the boi but who only showed fear and apprehension for the moment. This was the second look Ridge liked the most to see on a boi. After spending a few minutes caressing the bulge in his pants while watching Martin, he assumed the second boi was already in the room too but when he zoom out, there was no one else. Ridge assumed the other boi had been reluctant and was corrected by the kidnappers or that they decided to play with him already: these guys were always horny and knew some of the slaves will be out of their reach after the test.

"Okay guys, you may lock this boi in the room A" told Ridge in the speaker

As the strange voice finished the sentence, Martin felt a push against his back and he was let to a small room covered with white wall and tiles. In the middle of the room, there was a metal table covered with a leather mattress. Next to this was a small cart with what looked like a gas mask and some stainless steel material, electrical appliance, metal objects, most of them unknown to Martin. The two kidnappers escorted Martin to the table and made him lay down and attached the ankles and wrists restrains to the 4 corners of the table before adding a leather strap just above the waist and just below the neck so Martin was unable to move. They placed the gas mask on Martin head and the build in gag was forced into his mouth. The extremity of the gas mask was attached to a tube hanging from the ceiling and immediately Martin felt a whiff of fresh air soon replaced by a strange smell. Poppers were sent into the mask and Martin suddenly felt weird; he was warm but kind of suffocating, relaxed but slightly excited. He was left there for several minutes just to wait the popper to make effect.

Ridge then entered the room in a dark leather suit and a doctor's white jacket; He was alone with Martin and began to touch the obi's body. Even dazed, Martin felt the touch and tried to move and talk through the gag but this was hopeless and Ridge grinned again. He then proceeds to charge a spray painter with the content of a bottle that was on the cart. After it was all loaded, Ridge pull the trigger and spread foam all over Martin body. The foam was hot on Martin's skin and it stings and burned a little and he talked again into the gag. After a few minutes, Ridge rinsed the foam with a warm water-shoot and all of Martin's pubes where removed, Ridge was very proud of his invention. Martin was now completely hairless all over his body and a perfect smooth skin was now the playground for Ridge hands. He began to caress all Martin's body and play with his cock and balls, tease his asshole a little.

After that, Ridge took off the gas mask and fresh air fill his nostril, Martin regain his energy and tried to move, using all His muscles to break the restrains but it was useless. He stopped and spit toward Ridge's face

"You fucking psycho, let me go! Who are you? Where am I? Let me go, I don't wanna be here?"

"Don't you dare spit at me boi or you will be sorry, take that back in your mouth?" He said while wiping Martin's spit off his leather suit and put it on a penis shape gag.

Ridge grinned again as he took the gag and shoved it into Martin's mouth before securely lock it behind his head. The gag was not that big and Martin still tried to speak trough it

"mmmphphpp mpphhhh" was the only sound Martin produced

Ridge inflate the gag a little to create a perfect seal and now not a sound was able to come out the the boi's mouth

"Slaves are not allowed to speak unless spoken too?" said Ridge with a strong voice and at the same time Ridge shocked Martin's balls with an small electrical stick to make his statement clear

Martin screamed trough the gag, he had never experienced such a pain, and he almost felt like he would throw up. Ridge smiled, he knew his stick was a powerful weapon to master the boi. Martin had recovered for the pain and while he lifted his head he saw his body completely shaved and smooth. He was shocked, he did not realized the purpose of the foam but now all his hair had been removed, and he was now just a little boi like those faggots he sometimes saw at the gym.

"Do you love your new look boi? All slaves must been shaved at all time, only real Man like me deserve to have pubes" and Ridge opened the fly of his leather suit and showed Martin his nice and erect piece of meat with a flourishing amount of pubic hair. Martin was amazed by how good looked this Man's cock but he did not wanted to see it near him at any costs

"Don't worry boi, you will soon learn to love that" answer Ridge to Martin odd face. He knew Martin will be a reluctant boi and wanted to tease him. He decided to let his cock out for the rest of the training to show the boi a real cock.

"I also have the regret to tell you that those beautiful hair of yours will have to be trimmed for hygiene reasons and also because we like that. After your assignment, you might get a new haircut but for the moment say goodbye to your hair"

Ridge took the trimmer in one hand and strongly holds Martin's head with the other and proceeds to remove the hair. Martin tried to fight back and shook his head but another strong hit on his balls make him fall back against the table in a painful scream muffled by the gag.

"That's better, you will have to calm down or your little nuts will suffer boi" laughed Ridge.

There was a muffle cry and Martin started to look at Ridge in the eyes with and evil look, a look full of hate and despise. If He had not been trapped there, he would have fight like a lion. Ridge saw for the first time the look he loved the most, the evil one. He loved seeing reluctant boi being broken and surrenders to their fate but he also knew from experience that everybody didn't give this kind of look. He finished to remove Martin's hair still supporting the look the boi gave him and after it was done, Ridge brought a mirror just above Martin's head. When he first saw him, it was a shock, it was not that ugly but Martin was proud to have middle long hair and now he looked like a soldier.

"Okay lets get you ready for the night boi, you must be tired?"

Ridge pushes a button and the table switch to a mid sitting position and Martin legs were spread to give access to his hole. Martin's shook with fear as he saw Ridge bring a plastic tube ended with a hose and began to lubricate the end. Martin was screaming in the gag.

"We can do it the easy way or not boi, it's up to you. Be quiet and you will feel no much pain. Agreed?"

Martin shook his head meaning yes but still kept that angry despising look at Ridge. He did not knew exactly what would happens but he knew this hose was going where the sun don't shine. Ridge lubed Martin's hole with care for a few seconds and slowly insert the hose inside his ass. Ridge could tell he was virgin but that was not a problem for him, he loved being the first into a obi's hole. The hose entered slowly and Martin's moaned into the gag. Ridge then turned the water and Martin hole was filled with warm water and he felt his bowel begin to distand more and more. He moaned in the gag and Ridge stopped the water. He wanted to expel all this out of his ass, he pushed and pushed again but Ridge was holding the hose firmly and nothing would go out until he decide so.

"Okay boi, you are full of water now, keep it like this a moment and be ready for the suction"

Martin felt a strange sensation as all the shitty water of his hole was aspirated. He felt strangely empty. Ridge repeated the process three times until the water was clean in the tube. Ridge then abruptly took out the hose out of Martin's ass making him yelp while Ridge's cock had a regain of hardening.

Ridge then brought an urethral sound near Martin and showed it to him

"Same process boi, be quiet and all will be okay"

This went easier as Martin had already experienced that at the hospital and he was soon emptied of all the piss inside his bladder.

"Two more step to go and you will be done for today boi"

Ridge took something on the cart and showed it to Martin, he did not know what it was but it looked like a curved metal tube, like a robot cock laughed Martin in his head. He did not know he was that close to the truth when Ridge proceed to pass the ring of the chastity device around his balls and then inserted Martin's cock into the metal tube before locking the parts with a heavy black lock.

Ridge then took a plastic bracelet like the one hospital gave to the patient and wrote on it: slaveboi n¡12 - ready for test - suspect a black code - do not fuck before me. He then push a button and two strong guard in leather suit loose Martin form the table and brought him to another room covered with a leather mattress and secured him to the ground for the night.

"Woof this boi is a damn hottie" thought Ridge while he was caressing his cock, he knew he would have fun with him, hoping he was not totally a black code.

Ridge was then informed that the second boi was waiting in the room B that was the exact copy of the A one. He had been told the boi already proved eagerness to suck a Man's cock and had aptitudes for it.

"Good this will be easier to proceed with him if he already is obedient but only the test will tell his true capacities"

Ridge entered the room and take a look at Brian strapped on the table. He was totally different than the other one as his body was slim and less muscled even though it was kind of sexy, like he was slowly building his body. Further more, Ridge noticed that the boi was almost hairless but not naturally, there were evidences of regular shaving and waxing and it appeared it has been done not that long ago, as the boi was still smooth. Ridge touched the body all over while Brian was being dozed by the poppers inside the gas mask, just like Martin before.

Ridge saw that Brian seemed more eager to be touched and when he took out the gas mask and the gag, Brian looked in his eyes

"What's happening? Where am I? Please let me go"

Ridge gagged Brian with the same gag as usual and told him that slave should remain silent unless spoken too. And there was it, Brian did not spoke a word anymore; he seemed to have surrendered yet. Ridges still inflated the gag as part of the procedure and caress the already trimmed hair of Brian.

"Well boi, you seemed to be born to be here, don't you"

Brian did not really understood what Ridge meant, he surely was a gay guy and he was a bottom, he had also some kind of lusts but nothing like this. He was afraid and when Ridge looked at the deep brown eyes, he saw some kind of lust beneath the fear; at last he thought it was lust. Ridge still spread the foam on Brian body to make sure that the pubes did not grow back to quickly as it appeared they were shaved and not waxed.

Ridge then switched the table to the mid sitting position and spread Brian legs to insert the hose, He lubed it up but did not bother to explain what that was, Brian seemed already to know what would happen and as the hose entered his hole, Ridge could tell it was not virgin anymore, he was still tight but must have welcome several cock already. Brian's cock grow up as he was filled with clear water and then pumped out of shitty water, Ridge let the machine work for at least a dozen of time even though the water was already clear after two, he wanted to look at Brian reaction when he was given the enema and his cock showed this was rather enjoyable for him. After the last time, Ridge took the hose out and shocked Brian's balls to stop the erection quickly.

Brian screamed in pain, he was literally out of breath because he had screamed too much. Ridge shocked them again and Brian was again experimenting a strong pain but Brian's eyes did not showed anger or loath but the were pleading for Ridge to stop no matter what.

Ridge drain Brian's bladder with ease and then put the chastity cage on his cock. Brian knew what this was and Ridge saw Brian's cock slightly becoming erect again when the lock shut down

"Boi, you will need this much more than nø12, this would prevent you to touch yourself and cum after those lovable experiences you filthy pig"

Ridge looked at Brian with a grin and put the bracelet around his wrist: slaveboi nø13 - ready for the test - promising candidate - clearly a blue, green and red - test will show more

Again Ridge called the leather gorilla that escorted Brian into the same room all the new recruits were parked before the test and attached him to the ground near Martin. The light went off as they left the room and shut the door.

"Brian is that you?" Martin whistle now that his mouth was free "Man what's happening, I was trimmed and shaved of all my pubes and then this sicko shove something in my butt and locked my cock, he was having pleasure, he cock was hard Man"

"Yeah it's me Martin, I barely recognize you with you hair trimmed"

"Are you as pissed off as me, this guy was a bastard"

"Yeah it's awful, don't know what will happened next" lied Brian, he knew he had enjoyed and his cock was growing in the cage but fortunately it was dark.

They both still talked a little about their experience but the stress of the past day soon make them silent and the gas in the room made them sleepy.

At this moment in the surveillance room, a young Arabic guy shut down the screen and left the room with a mixed feeling of sadness and happiness. Ridge taps his shoulder

"Good job Samir, you have founded two interesting specimen"

What will the test be? Will Ridge be right about his predicament? What will Martin and Brian become and who is this guy? Find out more in chapter 3 and don't hesitate to propose some idea :

Next: Chapter 3

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