Slave Camps New Recruits

By brieuc matagne

Published on Aug 7, 2022


Slave Camps New Recruits 4

Slave camp new recruits Chapter 4 - Brian Part One

Any comments will be gladly received, on the story, the writing and some suggestions at

Sorry if there are some mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. It is also my very first story so I will gladly listen to your idea.

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The story mainline is based on a erotic dream I did while in chastity and

also some fantasy I have.

Note: No real people are depicted in this piece of fiction. This story

contains explicit male to male sex, domination, piss and sometimes scat.

If you don't enjoy reading this sort of material or are under the age of


Sorry for the long time taken for the posting but I was busy. This is the first all Brian chapter, some sort of prelude to the real next chapter that will arrive next

Brian left the room where Ridge and his comrade Martin were and he knew that he could probably not see them again as Ridge was very clear about their future.

Brian was lusty, he had a real pain in his asshole after the rough fuck Ridge gave him but he also appreciated it and moaned like a bitch after a few moment, he knew he'd love this but never had the gut to try being a total slave but now he did not have the choice anymore. He caress his ass with his bare hand to ease the pain but soon a hit stopped him as an assistant just gave him a hard slap

"No touching slaveboi. I do not care if Ridge tore you apart but you better get used to it because you will soon have cocks back inside this pathetic cunt"

The two assistants made Brian kneel and one of them brought a trail with different pieces of metal on it. He took 2 small ring labelled "arms" and put them on each of Brian's wrist. It was some kind of metal cuff but they were perfectly fitted for Brian wrist, they had been made during the night and were now placed on the slaveboi and locked definitely. They were not that heavy and Brian wondered what use it had because they had no attach like the normal restrain he had worn before during his BDSM play.

The assistants continue and place the same metal piece on Brian ankles and locked them before taking a metal collar labelled "slaveboi n °13" and putting it around Brian's neck and locking it up definitely

"Alright slaveboi you are fully ready for the moment, some new outfit will be given to you later regarding the task you will have to do but these collar, cuff and cage will be part of you until the day you die boi"

Brian looked at the cuffs he wore and tried to figure what metal it was, how does it worked and how many comfort he will have wearing those constantly. He had to acknowledge that those felt like he had nothing on him and he was feeling natural with them

"These restrains are one of Professor Ridge invention, unbreakable and impossible to resist to. Let us show you how it work"

With these words one assistant pushed Brian on all four while the other took a smartphone like device out of his pocket and type a few button on it. An evil grin flashed his face as he pushed the confirm button. A second later Brian's neck was stick to the ground as well as his wrist and ankle, making his present his asshole up in the air and unable to move a single centimetre

"Electromagnets! This is a really useful invention. The ground of almost all facilities is covered with them as well as your restrains. A small manipulation and you will be desperately stuck where we want you and in the position we want you. Each slaveboi have its personal frequency and we can control each restrain separately"

The other assistant was watching Brian laughing at how he looked in despair, unable to move his neck, ankles and wrist and his ass obscenely offered on the air, open by Ridge's fucking pole a few moment before. He looked like a good slave and the assistant was aroused, he undoes his fly and took a medium sized piece of meat out of his trouser. While stroking it, he spit on his finger and lube Brian asshole with no mercy

"Ha Ha,don't bother to explain dude, this filthy slave have already witness the practical application, that's all he have to know"

He placed himself between Brian legs and rammed his cock inside the open hole. He fucked Brian vigorously from the beginning like he wanted to end quickly but once in a while he slowed the pace and buried it's dick deep inside Brian's hole

"All you have to know is that I get what I want from you without any trouble slaveboi and everyone in this camp have the same device we have except slavebois of course"

He fucked Brian with no care and was just using him as a doll but Brian began to moan as the fucking was intense and much more comfortable with this medium cock after the drilling Ridge gave him. He was moaning pleasure but did not wanted to, he was a slave trapped in this camp and he should try to resist no? Maybe Ridge was right and he was born to be a slave.

"Shut the fuck up slaveboi, don't want to hear you. You are just here to empty my balls, not to have pleasure"

The other assistant took his controlling device and typed some digits on it; he had better to do with the slaveboi's mouth. Soon Brian felt the grip of his neck cut off and his head being able to move again. He lift his head but was soon taken in care by the second assistant hands that lift his head up and insert his cock inside the willing mouth.

Brian began to suck slowly, tasting the assistant cock. It tasted clean; really different from the one he got from the kidnapping squad leader. The assistant were probably obliged to clean thoroughly and not used to sweat inside the refrigerated lab. It was not disgusting at all but Brian confessed an inclination to odours and manly smelling cock but as he was a cocksucker, he serve this one with all it's talent and the assistant soon facefucked him before pumping a load inside the slaveboi's mouth, coating it's throat with a thick creamy juice that Brian swallowed eagerly

"Ok let me get that mouth to, I have another deposit for him"

The first assistant shouted while burying it's cock inside Brian mouth just when he unload it's own juice. His cock tasted ass juices and condom taste from the one Ridge used. 3 load shot were fired inside the willing mouth and Brian tasted the sweet acrid flavour of man juice, it's ambrosia. He swallowed until the last drop of cum while nursing the sweet pole that just fed him. The cock deflated but the assistant stayed inside

"He is a yellow one right?" Said the assistant to its colleague

"Don't know, I haven't looked at his results, let me check"

"Too late. He is from now on!"

And a torrent of piss was released inside Brian mouth. Of course he was a yellow code and he began to drink the strong piss of the assistant. Brian could not keep up the speed indefinitely but the torrent stopped as quickly as it began and Brian continue to gulp down the yellow nectar

"Yep! He probably was a yellow anyway"

With this the two assistant began to laugh loudly while burying they cock back inside their pants and while one of them release the magnetic grip, the other slapped Brian ass

"Hurry up fucker! You are late, this was only supposed to take a minute but you filthy fucker teased us! You will have to be punished by the slave trainer, I will assure of that"

Brian was now escorted outside the scientific facility where he was taken in charge by some guard to be escorted to the slave training and resting building.

"Sorry guy's, we were trying the new recruit's holes and it took a little time." Said one assistant to the two guards

"You bastards, you are always the first one to be able to use them, hopefully there is that rule you cannot cum inside their hole cause the trainer need to be the first one"

"We were not the first, I heard the kidnapping squad already made him their new bitch"

"Fuck! With those he will never be available for the rest of us"

"Don't know, it's just a rumor, maybe he will be soldiers duty"

The assistants went back into the scientific facilities and Brian started to wake escorted by the two guard. He was kept his wrist attached to each other in it's back with the magnet so any attempt to flee would be impossible.

It was a warm sunny day at the slave camp and the distance between the scientific facility and the slave training one was a few minutes. It was the morning but the sun was already warm on Brian naked skin and he realized the two guard wore heavy kaki's military outfit : cargo pants and a t-shirt with strong boots and a black belt with their gun and some amos alongside with an electric stick and the device the assistant had showed.

Brian was craving their sweaty crotch and asshole and would have loved to smell them and be able to lick them clean as they sure must be sweating inside those outfits.

"Fucking scientist ! always first to try the new meat although they already have their own slaves inside" Said the first guard

"Yes but we'll enjoy them much longer. They open the box but we get to play with the toys until they are broken right"

And with this the guard gave Brian a shock with the electric stick and both began to laugh loudly as they had made a good joke. Brian did not understood but this seemed to be always the same scheme over here : scientist pick the slave they want, probably the most reluctant and after they are given for training and soldier recreation until they are - broken. What does this meant: Dead, useless or just mentally ready to be sold ?

The two guard had stopped laughing and resume their talking while Brian was looking around : He saw a big buildings that must be the training facility but what retain his attention was the metal plates that shined in the light, they appeared to be everywhere : on the buildings, on poles or logs on the ground...probably used to magnet to slave as the assistant said

Brian did not saw mush life trough the camp but what he saw was enough for his eyes: He was shocked, afraid and excited at the same time. At the distance Brian saw two guards, one with a dog on leash but the other one had a guy who was wearing knee and elbow pads and was to walk like a dog on it's elbow and knee. The guard were walking at the same pace and the dog and human where walking beneath them, calmly and obediently.

Brian knew dog-training of course but he had never saw a real human being walked like a dog like this. He was really aroused and could not stop looking at them. He was so captivated he did not realized the guards had stopped talking to each other and were looking in the same direction Brian was looking.

"You like what you see boi ?" Said the guard showing Brian he was wearing a leash at his belt

"Want to be our little doggy for the patrol. Bet you would like this, being held constantly on the ground and sleeping in the kennel with the other dogs and the other dogslaves, mating with each other"

The other guard started to laugh again "Well actually only the first one can mate the second one...would you love this boi...woof woof"

Brian was shocked, of course he had heard of this too, depraved as he was but hearing crudely was he think he had heard that those slave were fucked by the ... Brian could not finished the sentence in it's head. It was hot, really hot but it was too much too. He stood there not looking and not saying anything

The guard looked at each other and grabbed their crotches and outed a bit of their cock trough their cargo pants

"But those bastard also get the best bones right !" Said one guard while the other replied "yep always meaty and full of surprises...woof...woof"

On the other side of the filed, both the dog and the dogslave barked in response, thinking it was a king of call making their guard laugh and wave back at the group

With that both guard laugh too and put their cock back in their pants, they continue walking as the meeting in the training room was for soon and they did not wanted to be late.

Brian did not said anything but the view of their cock made him salivate again, they were manly and probably full of scent, not like the sanitized cock of the scientist. They resumed their former talk

"Yeah me too, I hope he would be put in the normal circuit for us to use and not for the fucking heroes's duty of the kidnapping squad"

With these word, Brian regain attention to the discussion, he recalled what Ridge said this morning about them, that they were the hottest guy Brian could find. Brian was thinking if what he hard was true, if the kidnapping squad already asked to have the slave for them as Ridge as done for Martin ? Brian did not knew if this was good or not for him ? He recalled the sweet scent of the squad leader, the manliness of the team member, how they talked to him. Brian began to feel aroused again

Suddenly a strong powerful shock took him aways from his daydreaming. A guard a shocked it again

"Answer us fucker ! Was that good with the squad ? Did they enjoyed you and said they want to keep you for them"

With this the strongest and apparently horniest guard approached Brian and showed a finger directly in it's hole, pushing it deep, so deep Brian ass was almost lifted in the air. It was painful and Brian did not knew what to do. The guard continued the invasion repeating

"So fucker, answer us? Bet you were like a crazy bitch. Aren't we good enough for you? ANSWER, what did they said ?"

Brian was in pain, he open his mouth and a small drip of dribble outed when he answered - anxious

"Sorry Sir, they did not say anything but see you soon to me. I don't know what they said to the other Sir, please."

Brian started to freak out and he was sobbing a little, this guy was violent and he was afraid things might end up rather bad but the guy let go the extreme pushing outing his finger of Brian hole

"Okay ! Well you do not have any choice in that matter anyway but let me tell you those guys are a secluded gang in this camp, sharing everything among them like brothers"

The guard took a break in it's sentence, he seemed to have calmed down but was still angry at the situation. He resumed it's tough.

"But their slaves do not have specialties like in the normal circuit, they have to be total slaves for them whether or not they like it"

They had almost arrived to the building of the facilities where they apparently were expected and before entering the small side door, the guard approached Brian from behind, surround his neck with one arm and inserted back it's other hand finger deep inside Brian ass again

"And maybe they will not fancy your holes anymore after they have been used by the scientist and some of the trainers"

They entered the door into the building, it was a side door who lead to a small room, cold lighted and with a normal door on the left and a sort of cat flap. Brian was made to crawl to the trap while the guard used the normal door.

What is behind the door? Will Brian be on heroes's duty or not? Will he be specially dog trained?

You will find this in the next chapters and also wan participate by sending your comment and ideas at

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