Slave in College

By moc.loa@9999cireT

Published on Aug 20, 2007


MM sex must be 21 and over to continue. If offened by this please don't read it has it contains Master/slave situations. I thank everyone who has sent their comments. Hope you continue to enjoy my story.

I Was A Slave In College, Part 11

Sunday was a slow day. Spent most of the day cleaning and studing. Sir made me go to the dayroom a couple of times to get him a coke. If felt normal for me to go naked down the hall and get his coke. A few guys made comments about the red marks all over my body. i told them i was punished and deserved it. They laughed at me and called me a stupid faggot.

Sir wanted to take a break from studing and told me to give him a massage. i went over to his bed and was rubbing his neck his back his great ass and legs. i spent about 20 minutes massaging him and he was loving it. Then he rolled over so i could massage his front. i loved rubbing his chest. It was so muscular and had hard nipples. He noticed i was getting a hard on. He smiled at me and said you love my body don't do. i said i do, he was a stud and i'm happy that he lets me worship his body. He told me to lick his nipples, his pits. i love the smell of a man's pits. It smells so manly and tastes so good. i went down and started to massage his balls and dick. i begged him to let me kiss and lick both of his balls. He grinned and said go for it. i spent a good 15 minutes worshipping his balls wishing i had a Pair like his. Sir wouldn't let me blow him so i massaged his blond hairy legs and his feet. He said i could lick his feet and between his toes. He loved to rub his feet in my face and force his feet into my mouth. i got use to the smell and taste and enjoyed it now. Sir dozed off and i kept reading my homework.

Sir woke up and wanted to go eat. He let me put long pants on and a tee shirt once we were outside. Then we walked to the dining room. i had to walk slow because of my swollen nut and Sir laughed at me. While going through the line Sir told the serving lady what i wanted. i felt like a little kid having dad choose my food for me. We sat at a table where a couple of his teammates were. They already heard that Sir made me run naked around the track that morning. They thought it was funny. Sir grabbed my sandwish and ate half of it and put the other half on my tray and told me to eat it. He then drank half my drink and spit in it and told me to drink it. The one guy said Sir was cold. Sir told him i was lucky he let me eat at all. i thanked Sir for the food. Sir said he should have thrown it on the floor for me to eat it like a slave should. Sir said we had to go and asked the guys if they be on the track at 7 tomorrow. They asked if he was going to make me run naked again. He said of course, a slave doesn't need clothes to run. We got up to leave. i asked Sir if he was serious about making me run naked on the track. He said of course. i reminded him tomorrow was Monday and people would see me out there. He said it sucks to be you then and he laughed at me.

Back at the dorm instead of going in the back door where i had to strip and go upstairs naked we went through the front door. There in the lobby in front of several kids Sir ordered me to skip naked. i had to comply. The kids were laughing their asses off at me and said that must be the faggot we heard about. Sir told them that i was his slave. They asked if i sucked cock. He told them i suck dick, lick assholes, drink piss, gets fucked up the ass and does whatever i tell him. i blushed bright red. One kid asked why i let him treat me like that. Sir told him that i only have one ball and he grabbed it roughly to show them. He's worthless to women and he's sure not a man so he's only good as a slave to a real man. They roared. Sir told them maybe he may let me blow them some night. They said great.

Going up the stairs noticed he he i had a hard on and he said you really enjoy me humilating you in front of kids don't you. i told him that it was embarrassing as hell but i couldn't control my dick and what it likes. He called me a studip faggot. We got to our floor and Sir told me to go to his room and he be there in a minute. I went in and sat on my bed. Sir came back a few minutes later witth some clothes. i asked him what's with those. He said it's what i'm wearing to class tomorrow. It was a pair of blue jeans and a tee shirt. i said OK and left it at that. We watched TV for a while and Sir said he wanted a shower. So i stripped him and washed and dried him. He laid on his bed and said blow me Bitch. i dove between his legs and started to lap up his hard cock. i took my time and he finally came in my mouth. i licked his prick clean and he turned over and went to sleep.

The next morning i got up and went over to wake up Sir with a blow job. He said we didn't have time for that. He got dressed and i got my sneakers on. We went to the car, i was naked of course. But i was very concerned. He didn't let me bring any shorts to wear. We drove to the gym parking lot and i begged Sir to jog on the trail instead of the track. Sir said no way Bitch get out this is going to be fun. We walked over to the track and half the team was there all laughing at their naked ball boy. We made it around the track three times then i heard coach yell over saying get your naked ass over here. The guys followed me over to coach. He asked me what the hell did i think i was doing running naked and why was i covered in belt marks.

Sir explained to coach that it was my idea. Our ball boy thought that if they could keep an older guy naked and degrade him and whip him like a little bitch that would make us feel superior. Then all we have to do is picture the opposing team as our ball boy who is inferior to us and we win easily because we are superior and deserve to win. Coach said that was an interesting idea but didn't think i should be naked outside, someone might complain. At least put some shorts on him outside if you want he can be naked inside during practice. The team agreed. Then the coach asked me if it was my idea and if i'm OK being treated like a Bitch. i told coach it was my idea and if this helps the team feel better and more superior than i served my purpose. Coach said OK but i don't want to hear you bitch later if they get to rough. i told coach i will never bitch that i want to do this for the team. He said find but starting tomorrow i had to wear shorts on the track. Sir asked if i could run naked down the trail, no one will see him coach. He said sure as long as i dont' get any complaints i don't care what you do with him as long as you win.

Coach let Sir make me run the final lap naked with the team and then we went back to the dorm. Again Sir made me go in the front door naked. This time there were about 20 guys all 17-19 y/o there all staring at me and laughing. One guy sais is he really your slave. Sir said watch his, slave lick my pit. He was all sweaty from running and he took off his tank top and raised his arm up. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed it into his pit and i started licking it up. It tasted great. The kids laughed some more. Sir told them that's what a slave is for do do anything his Master tells him to do. Another kid asked if he whipped me. Sir said of course i did. If the slave doesn't obey he gets punished, then he looked at me and said isn't that true Bitch. i said said i fucked up and my Master whipped me and i deserved it. Sir told the guys to watch this. He ordered me to spread my legs. He told the guys that my one nut was swollen because he kicked it last night. They all looked at my nut then Sir put his knee into it again and i dropped to my knees. Sir said he did that because he could and laughed. He told me to get my ass upstairs.

i slowly got to his room and laid on my bed. Sir said no time to relax, wash me. We got into the shower and i washed him and dried him. He asked me if i enjoyed the little show downstairs. i told him i'm getting use to it but i wish my dick stay down. Then Sir got dressed and told me to put the pants on he got last night. They were way to tight. i have a 30" waist and this pants had to be 28" or smaller. Of course i had no underware on so my dick was showing. Sir looked at my ass and grabbed a pair of scirrors and cut a hole under the back pocket. He ripped it so it showed my ass to anyone. i told him i couldn't wear that to class. He slapped me and said it was those pants or go naked, he perfer if i go naked. i said the pants will do. Then i had to put the tee shirt on. Super tight. i asked Sir where he get these clothes from and he told me from the 16 y/o kid on the floor. A smart kid who got into college early. The shirt was so tight you could see both nipple rings clearly. That wasn't good enough so he put a rip in the shirt over my right nipple so the ring stuck out. He told me now i was ready for class.

i got laguhed at and teased all day. A couple of guys pulled on my nipple ring causing great pain and calling me faggot. i couldn't wait for classes to be over. i got back to Sir's room at 2 pm and had until 4 before basketball practice. i peeled off the tee shirt and pants. Having the demin and shirt rub on my bruised body all day made me even more red. i didn't want to wear any clothes now. Not until i healed at least.

At 4 pm i grabbed my shorts and headed downstairs naked. i put the shorts on and ran to the gym. The shorts felt way better than the jeans. Once in the locker room Sir had already told the entire team what coach said. Sir saw me and said strip Bitch. i knew i had no choice and took off my shorts. i was standing there naked with a boner in front of everyone. Coach came out and saw me and laughed how funny i looked and told me to do my job and get the balls on the court. i hurried to get 20 balls on the court. During the practice i didn't have much to do. i had to towel dry the sweat off the guys when they came over to the bench. i mopped their heads, pits, and chest and they went back onto the court.

Sir made me lick his pits in front of the coach. He grinned and told Sir to get his ass back on the court. After practice coach told me to get the balls clean them and put them away and to wash the towels.

i threw the balls into the shower room and the guys grabbed me telling me to be a good ball boy and lick their balls. i licked, sucked, and swallowed their cum. Some then pissed on me and in my faggot mouth. When they were done using me i gave them towels and threw them into the washing machine. i took the balls dried them off and put them away. i put my shorts on and ran back to the dorm with Sir. He said i did good today and if i keep it up i'll be rewarded this weekend with Lance. i was still nervous about Lance. i know it couldn't be the Lance i know but i thought about it. i would die if someone i knew from the 82nd Airborne Division saw me like this. The only worse thing would be if my baby brother saw me. He thought i was a great soldier and a real man. i didn't want him to know the truth. Anyway, we went to eat, we did our homework, i give Sir a great blow job and we went to sleep. Sir didn't push me to much during the week. We both needed to do well in class. i fell asleep thinking about what was going to happen with Lance. Sir had something up his sleeve. i knew it would be very degrading.

Next: Chapter 12

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