Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 11, 2021


Hey everyone. i'm sorry i had to end the last chapter so quickly but... really i'm not. When Sir Dean gets aroused... i really don't have the words for how he makes me feel. That's why, even though he does things that some of you really get upset about, well... (i should let you all know at the start that Sir Dean told me i could write this one without him watching, as long as i made sure i was sitting on the butt plug, and my wrists were cuffed. So, if you think of a big guy naked, caged, in need of a full shave (it's been about a week since my last one), you'll get the picture.

At the start, i wrote a little bit about the guys in my life before Sir Dean. None of them seemed to "get me" as much as Sir Dean does. He figured out how to arouse me in ways no man ever did, and also, to make me feel so much better about myself than i did. Think about that for a minute: if a guy thinks you're so hot that he's afraid someone is going to come around and take you from him: doesn't that make you feel good? Sir Dean used to feel that way (and i think he still does, even though he says he doesn't feel that way anymore). There's a really good example of that which happened one Saturday morning. We had slept a little late: Sir Dean didn't have to work at all that weekend and we had gone to a party the night before, and i had a few hours before a training session at the gym. i knew he was awake because i could feel his cock bumping up against my butt, and his fingers began playing over my left nipple, especially his thumb. Lots of guys have sensitive nipples, and anyone who plays with mine is guaranteed to get a rise out of me. Sir Dean had figured out what i guess i can call the geography of my nips though, and he knew which sections were the most senstive. He started to work on one of them that Saturday, just slowly running circles around it. It was the last day of a three week chastity cycle, and i was really, REALLY horny, but i was also sleepy. i said something i don't think i would ever say anymore. i was moaning and out came "if you didn't know about my tits you couldn't control me this way." He put his mouth on my ear: i could feel the bristle and he whispered "but I do." Then he started playing with that nipple with a lighter touch: the lighter touch drives me even more crazy, and i began to twitch and struggle. i heard him chuckle "You think that's gonna do you any good jimmy? It's only making me harder. FEEL?" i could. We had been together long enough by then that i could tell how big and how hard Sir Dean was by just feeling a little bit of his cock on my body. i began to moan more and i begged him to stop. He chuckled again. "Why would i do that jimmy? Why would i deny you that pleasure?" Then he whispered "roll over on your back." i knew that if i didn't, he'd wrestle me around so i did. Sir Dean used to sleep on my left side, and he pinned down my body and began playing with my nipple some more. i was really getting aroused, and my cock was banging against my cage. "OH GOD SIR" i remember i cried. "Please. PLEASE. " "Please what, jimmy?" i saw his face: he was grinning. "PLEASE STOP SIR. PLEASE. WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT CAN I GIVE YOU. I'LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING. YOU WANT ME TO SURRENDER AGAIN? YOU WANT ME TO SUCK YOU? ANYTHING!" His fingers never stopped working. "Anything, jimmy?" i was afraid of what he was going to say next, but i answered "Anything Sir." He laughed. "I'll stop, but you have to wear the cage for another week." i groaned. i was REALLY looking forward to getting to cum that Saturday, but... OH, i wanted to get fucked SO bad, and Sir Dean wasn't going to stop playing with my nipple. "YES SIR. YES. YES. YOU DON'T NEED ME TO AGREE TO THAT SIR. YOU KNOW THAT..." Then he stopped for a minute, and climbed on top of me. He pulled my wrists up over my head, and he looked right into my eyes. "You're right. I don't. I don't have to unlock you at all. But I'm going to. I just wanted to see what you'd do. " "ANYTHING YOU TOLD ME TO SIR. ANYTHING. I WOULD . PLEASE. PLEASE. " i couldn't get anything else out because he shoved his tongue in my mouth and moved it around, tickling the inside, and my lips. He kept my hands pinned, and i was really, really squirming. "Keep your hands up there jimmy. Don't move them" "Yes sir," I moaned out. He reached over to his bed table and took the key to my cage. As soon as it opened, my cock jumped out. Sir Dean laughed when he saw how fast it popped out and how hard it was. "You're gonna get FUCKED jimmy boy. No blow job this morning . Just a good hard fucking." "YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR" Then he pushed up my legs, and i saw his face before he positioned his cockhead right at my ass. i forgot what he had just told me, and i did what i normally did when it was release day: i moved my right hand down to start jerking myself off. He pushed it away. "WHAT DID I SAY FUCKTOI?" "Sorry Sir. I'm sorry. I'm just so... " His cock was halfway in me. "You're just so fucking impatient." He ended that with a hard shove that just pushed me into bliss. i began to drip. "Yes sir, you're right. You're right. I'm greedy. I'm very greedy . Please Sir. Please give me more of your cock." Sir Dean did: he pushed all the way in and ... well, he banged me. i could hear him banging into me. i wasn't the only one horny that morning (i should have expected that. The party we went to was with his co-workers, and he didn't really have the chance to play with me the say he does when we're at a gay party). He pulled out, suddenly. "ROLL OVER BOTTOM. I'm gonna finish the other way." "OOOOH. YES SIR. " i rolled onto my belly, and Sir Dean slipped his hands underneath my chest. He went after my nipples as he took me from behind. Again, i could hear his balls banging against my ass. He called me a mancunt, a bitch, a fucktoi, his bottom, his slave, and my cock was growing as much as it could in that position. Then, Sir Dean YELLED and i felt his seed filling me. If men could get pregnant, i think that would've been the day for me. WOW. i think it was the hardest fuck he had thrown into me up until that day. (There have been harder ones since then, including the one on the night of our wedding, but we'll get there). Then he rolled me over onto my back. He pinned my hands above me again, and HE started edging me. i couldn't moan anymore. i think i was making a sound like the ones the kitties make when they're really hungry. He moved his hand very slowly, and he stopped a few times, smiled, and continued. "So, if I told you to wear the cage for four weeks, you would?" "Yes Sir. It's your decision, not mine." Sir Dean smiled when i said that. "You want any other man?" "NO SIR . NONE." "Not even rolly?" "NO SIR." (i was over my rolly thing but then). "i only want YOU Sir," (and that was true). "You want me underneath you boy?" "NO SIR. Only on top. EVER" Everything i told him was the truth. The more time i spent with Sir Dean, the more i wanted him, and the more i knew: he was THE ONE. He brought me off and he told me to keep my eyes opened when i came. That was harder to do then it sounds, and i was embarrassed to see how high in the air i shot. He made me watch, i think, because... well, i hope i don't make anyone sick, Sir Dean stuck a finger into the stream coming out of me, and when some of it landed, he put it in his mouth, and licked his lips. "I love how my boy tastes. I LOVE IT. " What can i say? There are so many songs about being crazy for someone, and being obsessed with them. That's me. i love Sir Dean's smell, his taste, the pressure from his body, everything. There is one thing i dont like: his stubbornness. i even like his jealousy. i LOVE his jealousy. i'll tell you more about that in this section.

It was important for me to get to the gym that day because i had to discuss something with my trainer. i worked out with this woman of color named Maeve. i thought she was a GREAT trainer: she made sure to check my weight, my body fat content, and she kept a VERY close watch on my form on everything. i LOVED working out with Maeve. But i had to discuss something with her.

Remember when i wrote that Sir Dean wanted me to beef up, to "muscle up" as he called it? He was VERY serious. (i found out from Sir Marc that one of Sir Dean's fantasies was to top a body builder). Earlier that week, he had brought home this short sleeved shirt that was, to be honest, really ugly. i was hoping he didn't want me to wear it. He did, but just to try it on. i'm glad he didn't want me to wear it outside, because it didn't fit. i could only close the last three buttons by breathing in, pointing out my chest, and not relaxing my abdomen at all, and the sleeves were very very loose fitting. They made my arms, which weren't bad, look downright scrawny. "Now you see your goals, stud. I want your arms filling those sleeves, and the shirt fitting you like a glove, before we get married. " So, that Saturday i had to talk to Maeve about changing my workout. i waited until we were finished and she was stretching me (i know that younger trainers don't do that, but Maeve always ended with ten minutes of stretching me. i think she's the only person who got my legs higher in the air than Sir Dean). When i told her what i wanted, she made a wry smile. "Well, Jim, here's the deal. I can help ya with getting your gut down, but if you want to build up bigger arms? Call me a sexist, but you're gonna have to work out with a man. " She had her hands on her hips, and she was serious. "Listen up. You can already lift way more than I can, and I can check your form, and I can make sure you follow up and do extra workouts, but you need someone WAY more experienced at building muscles in men than I am, and that means, I gotta find you another trainer." Well, i wasn't happy with that, first because i loved Maeve so much. But also.... Sir Dean did NOT want me working out with male trainers because, well, he didn't want another man touching my body. YEAH, he was THAT jealous. i asked Maeve not to ask anyone until i spoke to Sir Dean. Maeve knew i was in a relationship with a man, but she didn't know what type it was. She didn't know i called him SIR: i only used "Dean" or "my lover" when i was with her.

Part of the problem was that Sir Dean has one of those bodies that just, well, he doesn't have to work as hard as i do to look good. He really is a classic mesomorph, i guess you'd say. He looked hot in a suit and tie, and he looked hot naked. Sometimes, he used to walk around the apartment in nothing but a pair of red shorts, and i once took a photo of him on my phone while he walked around with a cup of his coffee. He saw me, and smiled. i had SO many pictures of him. If things were slow at work, i'd go through my album and just sigh. Sir Dean DOES work out: his company has an in house gym, and he would take a break before lunch and go and work out. i think in all the time we've been together, his weight has changed by about 2 pounds. i, on the other hand, lean toward endomorph. Maeve told me i'm not a PURE endomorph, but i'm somewhere in between. i can develop more muscles than a man like Sir Dean, but i also put on weight faster, and it all settles in my middle. Sir Dean loves playing with my belly, tickling me, or stroking me with his velcro glove, things like that, but he wanted it FLAT. And he wanted me with bigger arms. "One thing I WILL tell you Jim, is you're gonna have to work out more than three times a week. That's for sure. And you're gonna have to kick up the cardio. But for arms... I gotta find you someone." i told all of this to Sir Dean. He liked Maeve, but he was NOT pleased. "FUCK. You pay her enough, why the hell can't she do what you WANT?" i didn't like arguing with Sir Dean, and when i did, i had to take a particular approach. i stood with my hands behind my back, and i pointed out my chest. If i had time, i'd put on one of my collars. i had one on when i told him this, because i knew he wasn't going to be pleased. "Sir, if you wanted me to learn how to box, i'd have to find a boxing specialist, or a track guy if you told me to get ready for a marathon. That's the way things are." i looked up at him and i was a bit teary. "Not everyone has a perfect body like you do Sir." THAT did the trick. He smiled. "You think i have a perfect body?" "OH, YES SIR." He chuckled and began opening his shirt. "Then get over here. PROVE IT" "YES SIR." We had a little stool that we used when we did body worship (we only did it occasionally), and i got it so i could kneel and pay sufficient attention to his body. i licked him all over, and as my tongue moved up his torso, and got toward his nipples, i asked "Sir? May i?" He nodded. i took his tit ring in my mouth and pulled it just a bit. "FUCK YEAH. " He snarled. i saw he was throwing wood. "May i move down?" i asked. "DAMN WELL BETTER COCKSUCKER" was his answer. i knew he wasn't going to open his zipper: he never did. i worked it opened with my teeth, making sure i didn't damage his meat, and when it popped out, i got to work. i sucked him the way he liked it. i started fast, and went deep, and then i slowed down and worshipped his cock. i spent time washing his cockhead (Sir Dean is cut, by the way), and licked the underside of his prick. i looked up at him. "Swallow Sir?" He nodded , and i brought him off. Sir's hands were holding onto my head gently. i love the feel of his hands on my head when he's feeding me his cock. "I'll have to investigate this. I DO NOT like the idea of a man handling you. But maybe, just maybe, i'll find a trainer who's more of a sub than you." He did. Sir spoke to Sir Marc, who spoke to some friends, and then one day, i met Carlos. i never said this to his face, but Carlos reminded me of the Michelin Man, except he wasn't fat: he was just layer upon layer of muscle. He had a husband, named Chase, who was also a body builder, but he was much taller. Carlos has an amazing smile, and he wears these big nerdy glasses. When we met, i felt like i could sleep with a man other than Sir Dean for the first time since Sir Dean and i had met. But Carlos was in chastity too. He was further along. Chase kept him locked up for six weeks at a time, and he NEVER let him out of the apartment unless he was locked up (sometimes Sir Dean let me out without the cage). We hit it off right away. i began meeting with Maeve twice a week, and Carlos, three times a week. i was tired, and sore most of the time, but the results were nearly immediate, and Sir Dean was very very pleased.

i told you that Sir Dean is very idiosyncratic. Well, one of his idiosyncrasies, is that he HATES it when men wear dress shirts untucked. IT DRIVES HIM NUTS. i knew that but i forgot once, and i paid for it. It could have been much worse. Sir Dean likes me to wear shirts by that designer who puts a polo pony on everything - you know who i mean? i like the shirts, but i hate the insignia. i wish we could find them without that, but Sir Dean didn't seem to mind. One day, after i had given him his morning blow job, he picked out a yellow shirt by that guy for me to wear to work, with chinos. Even though i hate the pony, i have to say: i looked good. Sir Dean thought so, too. i remember that before i left for work, and i was kissing him goodbye, he turned me around, so he was holding my middle from behind. i had drained him, so he couldn't do what he might have wanted to, but his little beard tickled my neck. He whispered "you look fucking good enough to eat, and more than good enough to fuck bitchboy. I plan to do just that tonight. And you better plan to eat me too." Sir was chewing on my ear, and i was helpless again. He was doing this in front of a mirror, so i could see how good he looked in his fitted white shirt, his red tie, and his gray suit and braces. i thought when i saw us in the mirror: "someone could use this as the cover for what my mom used to call 'crotch novels' ". The thought that i was gonna get it that night when he came home excited me all day. Sir Dean usually fucked me at night, but it was later, usually after dinner. When he took me as soon as he came home, it always felt like a treat: like an ice cream sundae (something i love, but was forbidden now). So, that day, when i got home, i was really, really excited. i wondered what Sir Dean was going to do to me, and whether "eating him" meant just his cock, or if he wanted me to tongue his ass, too? i was just off in dreamland as i put my jeans on... and forgot to tuck in my shirt. i just didn't think about it. i was home and getting things ready for dinner, when i heard the door, and i heard him clear his throat. You can't see the kitchen from the entrance to the apartment, so Sir Dean didn't see me at first. i came out of the kitchen, and i was probably smiling so hard my mouth hurt. i thought i was going to get a hug and a kiss. Instead, i got this cold stare. "WHY ISN'T YOUR SHIRT TUCKED IN, SLOB?" he asked. i remember how hot my face felt. "i'm... i'm sorry Sir. i was careless. " "GO AND GET THE BANDANA GAG AND THE CUFFS. NOW." "yes sir." The bandana gag was this big, heavy black bandana that Sir Dean used on me sometimes. He almost NEVER used the cuffs: if he did, it was because i was in trouble, as i was here. When i came back, he had one of the chairs without the butt plug on it in the middle of the room. "SIT. HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." "Yes sir," i barely whispered. i heard the cuffs clink, and then i felt him pull the gag tight on my mouth. Sir Dean kicked my legs apart. "IF YOU BRING THEM TOGETHER, YOU'RE IN DEEP SHIT BITCH." "mmmmmmmmmmmmph" was as close as i could get to "yes sir." "You KNOW you're supposed to keep your shirt tucked in jimmy. Were you defying me?" i shook my head as vigorously as i could 'NO'. It really was a very stupid, simple mistake. i was looking forward to getting fucked good and hard, and now.... Sir Dean looked into my eyes. "Yeah, I can tell this was just a stupid mistake, but you realize, boy, you have to learn, don't you?" i shook my head yes this time. "Ten will suffice for an honest mistake." Since he made me separate my legs as far as i could, i thought he was going to get the paddle and beat my crotch. Sir DID beat my crotch, but he used his hand. It was worse than what i called the "fly swatter." But the worse was yet to come. Sir's jacket was off, and he looked SO DAMN HOT and he knew it. He pulled down his zipper. "I bet you want this, don't you?" He began stroking himself and walking closer. Again, i was shaking my head YES YES YES. " "Well, not tonight. Tonight, you'll be WEARING PART OF IT." Sir opened my shirt and played with my pierced nip with one hand, while he jerked himself off with the other. He took a deep breath before he shot, and covered my whole face with his cum. i couldn't even taste it because of the gag. i DID get a taste though, because when Sir realized he didn't have a cum rag, he pulled the gag off me and cleaned himself with it. Then he balled it up and shoved it back in my mouth. "I think an hour in the chair will do you good." And then he 'brought the hammer down' as they say. "At some point, you're gonna have to get used to four weeks without being out of the cage. I think it's as good a time as any for you to try it." Yup. my MAJOR punishment for being sloppy, was an extra week in the cage. i remember how hard that was. What was harder at that time though, was watching Sir get undressed. Right in front of me. Then he got the velcro gloves, and put them on after he opened my shirt. He passed his hands back and forth over my nipples. "Gonna keep doing it till you moan loud enough boy." i MOANED. i moaned for about fifteen minutes before he stopped. "I think we can take you out of the chair now. You learn your lesson?" How many times did i shake my head "YES" that night? i lost count. When he finished uncuffing me, i did something that i thought was going to get me into more trouble, but it didn't. i rushed into his arms, sobbing. "I'M SO SORRY SIR. I'M SO SORRY. NO ONE SAW ME BUT YOU, BUT THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE. I WON'T EMBARRASS YOU LIKE THAT IN PUBLIC EVER. AND I'LL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN." Sir Dean wrapped his arms around me. "Let's go play in the bedroom boy" "Yes sir." Sir Dean kept his promise to keep me locked up for a month, but that night... he unlocked me and ... no, he didn't jerk me off. Sir gave me a blow job. OH, did he give me a GOOD blowjob. He gave me a GREAT blowjob. When he was done, and my cum was everywhere, he said "I learned from the best. I just did what you would do." i wanted to melt. "Sir, i want to be underneath you all night but... i have to finish dinner." "First clean yourself up." "yes sir," i went off to the bathroom, and then came back with the calendar. Sir Dean smiled. "Good boy." He changed the date for a week further on in the calendar, and locked me back up.

PHEW. Telling that part of our story was a killer for me. i'm getting closer to our marriage, and after that's finished, i'm going to ask you all again if you want me to continue to tell you about our lives after marriage. if you're thinking about it, i'll give you my opinion: do it. Things just get better. At least they did for us.

Next: Chapter 12

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