Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 24, 2021


Hey everyone: i'm back. i really hope you're enjoying the story. Sir Dean is. He told me that as he reads what i write, he relives "all the times he conquered me," as he puts it. There were a lot of them. Power exchange is complicated: i'm not telling any of you anything you don't know. Sir Dean, DARN, he sure figured it out in a way that made it seem so easy, and so correct. (Of course, Sir Dean says i was 'low hanging fruit," meaning i was out there, WAITING for someone to take me. It just took someone with balls enough to do it). Let me tell you, Sir Dean's got great balls.

He smiled when i wrote that, but he does. They're just big enough so that i can get both of them in my mouth, but there's no room for anything else. i LOVE sucking Sir Dean's balls. That doesn't come up in the rest of this story, but i wanted to write it, and Sir Dean smiled when i did.

i want to tell you about some more power exchange. See, after that wrestling roleplay when it showed that i was strong enough to get out of Sir Dean's pin, we never played wrestling games again. But he had another one in mind. He likes it so much that we played it a lot: we still play it now that i'm wearing his ring on my finger. Let me tell you about it. i think it's a fantasy that Sir Dean had for years before he met me. He told me once, and i heard him tell friends, that he had always fantasized about having a blue collar slave. i guess i was sort of in between: a "striped collar" maybe, because plumbing is blue collar work, but i was a "plumbing executive," so he could have it both ways. Up until this game, though, he had put a lid on the blue collar end of it. But one morning, after i had given him his morning blow job (and i got to suck his balls on that one!!!), he said to me: "I'm meeting you at a bar tonight. I want you dressed in some of your plumber type clothes. Let me take a look." i didn't wear a uniform for when i did plumbing, but you all know the basic differences between blue collar and white collar clothes. Sir Dean, for example, is ALWAYS white collar (and he looks SO good in it: almost as good as he looks naked), but i had a mix. So he went to my side of the closet, and he pulled out a pair of faded jeans, and a blue corduroy shirt. i knew he liked that shirt. We had used it in a scene once before. He told me to wear that when he met me at the bar. He gave me the name and address of the bar: it was one i had gone to maybe two or three times when i was single. i didn't know what it was like when he told me meet him there, but when i was single, it was one of the rougher BDSM bars in the city. i was surprised he picked it. It wasn't as fancy as the bars Sir Dean picked when we went out, but i didn't ask. My plumber clothes were all snug now. Carlos' training was really having an impact, so even if i wanted to close the second button on the shirt, i couldn't. That seemed to make Sir Dean very happy when i tried them on. i took them with me to work that day, so i could get ready and go directly to the bar. He told me to text him when i was leaving. i went about my regular workday, wondering about what Sir Dean had in mind. i wished we had a lunch date or something like that! It had been more than two weeks since i had been released from the cage, and Sir Dean was planning a big weekend with a shaving and a milking. We also were supposed to have dinner with his boss TJ and, the way Sir Dean put it "TJ's not so significant other. Ambrose." i remember i laughed at 'not so significant' other, but also at Ambrose. i think i asked: "Sir, how old is he? Did he know Oscar Wilde?" i remember Sir Dean smiled. (It was good to be a sub to someone who understood my intellectual sense of humor). His response was "When you meet Ambrose, jimmy, you'll wonder if he's 200, 30, or 6. He acts like all of them." That meeting is coming. Anyhow, i texted Sir Dean when i was leaving. It would take me about 20 minutes to get to the bar, and as i went, i could tell: maybe Sir Dean wasn't the only person who had blue collar fantasies: i got stared at a LOT. i got stared at more when i went into the bar. i got a soft drink and i went over to the corner and i was checking out the crowd. it seemed remarkably big for the hour of the night, at least i thought. It also seemed a little less rough than when i remembered it, but it was still a pretty rough crowd. You know the crowd: one where you don't have to ask who's a top and who's a bottom. i think i was giving off topman vibes, because i was getting cruised by a lot of bottoms, and no tops.

i saw when Sir Dean came in, and i had to take a deep breath. i told you how good Sir Dean looked in white collar dress. Well, i guess you could call what he was wearing "white collar casual top man." He had on a black polo shirt that i had never seen before. Every button was opened, and it fit him, well, like skin. And 501 jeans. He told me he had a pair of them, but he never wore them. They fit him like skin too. i have to say: if it hadn't been Sir Dean, i might have been unfaithful that night. HE WAS SO HOT. i began to lick my lips because i knew, this man was here for me. Sir Dean was getting cruised by the bottoms too. And smiled at by the tops. i could see in the back of his pocket that he had what looked like a leash, or a rope or something. Sir Dean came up to me. He didn't say anything, but he smiled and stared into my eyes. my throat was dry, but i croaked out. "Hi Sir. It's good to see you." i felt his hand on my crotch and he laughed. "I guess you're telling the truth. Where do your hands go, bottom?" "Sorry Sir," i answered, and put them behind me. Then he said "Suck in your gut, and get your chest pointed out" Again, i said "yes sir, " and did what he told me. He grinned and reached out with his hands. He began to play with my nipples, through my shirt, right there in the bar. i don't know if i've mentioned: by this time, Sir Dean had worked over my nipples so much that he didn't need to play with them to get me aroused: all he really had to do was breathe on them. They had gone from being my Achilles' heel, to my kryptonite, i think. As he played with them, i couldn't help myself, i began to moan, and to breathe harder. "Two things for you, bitch boy. First, you're coming home with me, NOW. Second..." he laughed as he looked around at the crowd watching us. "Every man in this room now knows: you're a bottom, a bitch and if they wanna control you, they need these." He squeezed my nipples hard. Sir Dean was right. Now i knew that if i weren't totally his, any Top could take me. Yes, i was strong enough to defend myself if they didn't get my nipples, but if, say, three guys wanted a piece of me, and came after me together, like in a Top shark attack, i was done for. Sir Dean had done it again. He proved how completely he owned me. "Keep your hands behind your back, and let's go. Don't make me pull out a leash." "Yes sir," i whispered. He put his hand on my bicep and as he led me out, he said to anyone and everyone. "He's MINE boys. I don't share." We were on a city street, and while no one would have raised an eyelid if he tied me up in that neighborhood, ours was much more, well, "respectable." He waited until we got to his building, and he moved fast in the elevator. He tied my wrists together, and then he pulled out a huge handkerchief that he pushed into my mouth, and gagged me. i was glad we didn't see any of our neighbors as he brought me into the apartment. He was snickering when he pushed me up against the wall. "POINT EM OUT, BOTTOM" "mmmmph," was all i could say as i did. Sir Dean was sneering at me as he opened my shirt and put his fingers directly on my nipples. "I bet you wish I didn't know about those, don't you stud?" For some reason, i figured out that, in this fantasy game, i was supposed to say yes, so i whimpered and shook my head. "Heh heh. But I do. And before tomorrow is over, EVERYONE will. So unless you wanna have a mancunt as wide as the Lincoln Tunnel, you're gonna do what I want, aren't you?" i nodded yes again. "I want you in that chair. With your tits out stud. " i have to say that, by this time, the nipple play, Sir Dean's dominant attitude and the situation had me so hot, and so desperate to cum, it wasn't funny. Sir Dean pulled out something he had put together himself: it was two of the smaller vibrators, and he had put velcro "hats" on them. He put one on each of my nipples, and then he pulled big strips of tape off a roll, and attached them to my chest. He turned them on.

i told you about how he used velcro on my nipples before (CURSE YOU SIR PETER!), but the combination of the Velcro, and the vibrations... OH GEEZ. i was gagged so i couldn't do much more than squeak and squeal, and i did a LOT of that. While the vibrators were working, Sir Dean was rubbing his knee into my crotch.

"You understand, don't you, bitch, that whatever else you may think, if you don't think you belong to me 110%, you're wrong." "mmmmph" was all i could answer, and it was really a squeak. i was so helpless, so horny, and i loved it completely. "And I'm gonna treat you like the bitch you are from now on... " Sir Dean leaned in and called me "slave bottom" and i nearly came out of my chair. "Let's get to what's really important: FUCKING" he said as he pulled me by my neck and dragged me into the bedroom. Sir Dean had set the restraints before he left that moring. They were at their tightest. He didn't have ankle restraints ready, but he had long trailers coming from the wrist restraints and he used those to bind my ankles, so he didn't have to hold up my legs, and i couldn't put them down. He had never done that before. He didn't take off the vibrators: i knew he was going to leave them on until they ran out of power, put he did take off my gag. "Turn your head boy. I want your neck." "yes sir," i answered, and i felt him running his scruff, back and forth on the left side of my neck. That was the more sensitive side, and as he scruffed, he applied more and more pressure. i knew what he was doing: he was marking me so that if i were wearing a shirt people would still know: i had been topped. Sir Dean's scruff felt SO good and i tried to push into it, even though i knew i'd be sore there the next day. When he got tired of using his beard, he started nibbling, and sucking. Sometimes he used to say i brought out the vampire in him, and i did that night. i think he worked on my neck for about ten minutes. Then he said: "I'm gonna FUCK you plunger boy. You're gonna get plunged. Good and hard and deep." Sir Dean is a man of his word. OH it felt so good to feel his prick after all he had done. The vibrators were dying, but Sir Dean knew where to lay his cockhead against my prostate, and my senses exploded again. He began fingering my nipples and he whispered "I bet you WANNA cum jimmy, don't you?" i nearly cried. "Yes SIR. Please. May I?" He gave me a one word answer before he shot into me. "No." When Sir was finished taking my ass, he undid the ankle restraints, and lay on top of me. "You love me jimmy boy?" i wanted to hold him. i really really did, but my wrists were still tied "OH GOD YES SIR. YES SIR. " i began to cry a little. He smeared the tears with his thumb "Why are you crying, jimmy?" "Because you have to ask that Sir? Don't you know?" He chuckled a little and kissed me. "Yes, I do. Topmen need to be reassured sometime too." He undid my wrist restraints, but the way he was laying on me, he had me pinned down and i couldn't hug him . He fell asleep on my chest. That was unusual, but Sir Dean was under a lot of pressure at work, i knew. i also knew: i'd do anything he asked me to do. Anything.

And he asked me to do something very tough, as we got ready for dinner with his boss and Ambrose later that week. He asked me to be nice to Ambrose and to hold my tongue. "Ambrose can be... caustic. He thinks he's better than anyone else because, in his words, he 'bagged' a top level executive. Don't let that get to you jimmy." "Thank you Sir. i'll try not to embarrass you," i said. Sir Dean had decided we'd go dressed in blue and white: he of course had on one of his amazing white shirts, and i had on a snug blue button down. "A jacket won't be necessary here, jimmy because, well..." he smiled and i knew he meant "you're the bottom, and everyone will know it." It was a fancier restaurant than we had been to before. TJ and Ambrose were already there. i couldn't have imagined what Ambrose would be like. He was certainly the youngest one at the table, but he had dyed his hair... i don't know what color you would call it: lemon yellow? He was wearing an ascot. i actually couldn't believe that. Sir Dean had let me grow back my moustache, so i was sensitive to men's facial hair, and i could have sworn that Ambrose had the signs of surgical or laser removal of his moustache (Sir Dean confirmed that: he told me that TJ didn't want him to do it, but Ambrose did it anyway). "AH, Jim," TJ got up and shook my hand. "I've been looking forward to seeing you again since that day you, " he smiled 'cleaned Dean's pipes." Dean smiled. "Just one TJ" He turned to Ambrose. "It's nice to see you Ambrose, how was your trip to France?" "AH, Dean, Frahnce just bores me these days. It's all boring. One needs stimulation." He looked at me "Well, Dean, maybe you have all the stimulation you need. You must be James, the plumber. Do you think you could unclog me? HA HA HA." TJ gave him a look that was full of disapproval, but that didn't stop Ambrose. i looked at Sir Dean, and he seemed to indicate i could answer. "Well, if it's not a bathroom fixture, you'll have to ask Sir Dean if I.." "SIR Dean. Oh isn't that cute. You mean..." "AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBROSE" TJ hissed. "I let you have that third drink. Don't make me regret it. "OH TEEJEE," he snorted. "What WILL you do? Spank me? Been there, done that. Tie me up for the whole weekend? AGAIN? Hahahahahahahaahaha." He looked at me. "Are you a good boy or a bad boy, James." "I think I'm a pretty good man," i answered. "Why don't we get these gentlemen seated and order dinner? TJ asked. He patted a chair that was next to him. i looked at Sir Dean and he nodded. Within a few minutes, i wanted to leave. Ambrose was bad enough, but TJ had his hand on my thigh within ten minutes. He didn't just leave it there: he rubbed my thigh, teased it and i had a hard time sitting still. It got worse. i needed to use the bathroom and Sir Dean nodded, so i went off to find it. Ambrose followed me. While i was at the urinal, i saw him looking over the divider. i stopped whizzing. "Ambrose, you're making me uncomfortable, " i said. He laughed. "OH, I was just looking to see if you'd make ME uncomfortable when you fucked me, but now I see... he's got you CAGED." i blushed very red. I finished as soon as i could and left. i could hear Ambrose from behind, but i didn't look back. i saw Sir Dean's face and he saw mine. He knew: something was wrong. i guess he knew what TJ had been doing all night, because he said "I need to ask TJ something work related, jimmy, so let me have your seat. You can have mine. So now i was sitting in between Sir Dean and Ambrose. TJ had said that Ambrose had three drinks before dinner, and i think he had about four more while we were eating. "JIMMY! JIMMY THE PLUMBER. JIMMY THE PLUMBER WITH THE CAGED PLUNGER."

He said in a loud voice that made no sense to anyone but Sir Dean and I. Even TJ looked confused. Then Ambrose leaned over and whispered something into his ear. It was too loud in the restaurant for me to hear, but TJ sort of let us know what Ambrose had said. He didn't look too comfortable, and he spoke directly to Sir Dean. "Dean, both Ambrose and I find Jim extremely appealing. We'd be very interested in a threesome with him. Perhaps you and I can schedule it during the week." i looked at Sir Dean's face. His expression never changed. He just said. "Yes, we'll talk about it TJ, for now though, I hate to be a party pooper, but I'm absolutely exhausted and.." "OH, we'll get Jimmy home," Ambrose grinned. Sir Dean smiled. "I appreciate that Ambrose, but... how do I put this? I find it difficult to sleep these days without jimmy next to me, so... " He smiled at TJ. "I'll take care of the check on the way out." TJ insisted that he would and Sir Dean just answered. "Well, thank you. We'll discuss that next week too. "

As we left the restaurant, Sir Dean turned to me. "Why aren't your hands behind your back?" "Sorry Sir. I was just... thinking." "About what jimmy? Threesomes." "yes sir." Sir Dean sighed. "Look, jimmy, when you surrendered, you gave me permission to do things like put you in threesomes. Remember Sir Marc and rolly." That was true enough but... rolly was nice. Ambrose was gross. "Yes sir." "So, if I told you to go and have a threeway with them..." "I'd have to do it Sir." "That's right. But you're not going to because I'm not going to allow it. This weekend in particular: you need to be shaved, to be milked, and we're going to start planning a wedding and honeymoon. Is that clear?" "Very clear Sir. Thank you." Sir Dean stopped walking, so I stopped. There weren't a lot of people on the street, but there were some. He took my face between his hands, and kissed me. Hard. Then he kissed the mark on my neck that was healing but was still there. He whispered. "The only person getting into your ass, is me. And I'm going there when we go home. GOT IT?" "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." He did. He fucked me HARD. And if that mark had begun to heal, it didn't look healed anymore after Sir Dean was done. i thought we were finished with Ambrose but we weren't. There was a real crisis at the Emmy awards. i'll write about that next time. Sir Dean says i've gone on long enough, it's late, and he's horny.


Next: Chapter 15

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