Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 22, 2021


Hey everybody. It's your favorite sub bottom slave again. i hope you're all doing well. So does Sir Dean. He's smiling while i type because, while i didn't plan to write about this, it's one of Sir Dean's favorite chapters in our relationship. It's one of mine too, but i didn't want to write about it. When Sir Dean "asked" (he laughed when i put the asked in quotes) if i were going to write about it and i said no, he gave me the "Master Stare" and i said "ok, Sir, if you don't mind, i will" Sir Dean didn't mind. And when i wrote out the chapter in long hand first, it got him so excited, he fucked me right on the floor. It took me nearly 30 minutes to get it all cleaned up. Thank goodness he brought me a glass of water to lubricate my tongue because... oh, it was a great fuck too. So, i bet that any of you who have been reading have a lot of different thoughts about how to describe Sir Dean and i. And i bet you would never use "pushy bottom" to describe me. Well, i am. And this is how it happened. Sir Dean LOVES calling me his pushy bottom too.

It started with all those receptions, and socials and parties we had to go to now that Sir Dean was in charge of something besides me. When we went to the LGBTQ ones, i had to wear my boy collar, so everyone knew "officially" about our relationship (if they knew Sir Dean, they knew what he liked and they knew he was engaged to me. Now they could put it together). It wasn't always true, but at a lot of the LGBTQ parties (i'm just going to call them "gay" parties now, because honestly, these parties were usually all gay men), Sir Dean wouldn't keep me on a metaphorical leash. i had the collar on, he knew these people, he was in charge, so he didn't see a need to do so. It didn't happen at every party, but it happened at more than a few that another sub, or bottom, or slave, would come up to talk to me. They would always make some sort of comment congratulating me on having snagged Sir Dean, and how lucky i was. i knew i was lucky, but no one believed that i didn't "snag" him, and he snagged me. Anyway, one of the reasons they told me that i was lucky was because Sir Dean was so hot. i agreed with all of them. Whenever someone said something like that, i'd look around for him, and when i saw him, i'd just begin to melt. One time someone said "he's not just a silver fox, but THAT BODY." Now, that made the hairs on the back of my neck go up (Sir Dean didn't shave me there). i mean, i agreed that Sir Dean had a great body, but... how did this guy know? Sir didn't wear tight clothing, so no one could really see his muscles, i asked how he knew and he laughed "OH JIMMY PULEEZE. He doesn't wear a fur coat when he works out at the gym, and over the last six months.. MY GOD. He was always a hottie but now... any of us girls who are working out just stop and drool. Sometimes he pulls off his tank top to wipe his sweat, and after the weights drop, you can't hear a pin drop. I think he likes it too" . "Six months," i thought to myself. That was about 3 months after i had been working out with Carlos. i began to put together a time line in my head: when was the first time after i had broken Sir Dean's pin that he held me down again? You know how, if someone loses, say half a pound a day, you don't notice anything until one day you see an old picture of them, look at them in person, and see the 30 pound weight loss? Well, that's what had happened to me. i mean, i had the good fortune to see Sir Dean naked every day. i saw those muscles every day, and i never put it together. i thought that the reason he could pin me down again was because he always played with my nipples, and that always drained my strength, but no. Well, he DID play with my nipples, but he was getting stronger. i guess my being able to push back had been his "call to action." That night, i paid very close attention to him as he got undressed for bed, and i paid attention to how his muscles felt against me when he climbed on top of me for a quick fuck. YES. My man was a hunk. A very substantial hunk, and i had never noticed it.

It was a few weeks after that party, that Sir Dean and i went to Sir Marc and rollie's. We hadn't seen each other in a long time. Sir Marc had just bought some kind of expensive home entertainment system, and he couldn't figure out how to wire it for their apartment. Sir Dean missed working with his hands so much that he was ready to go over and get it set up. Sir Marc and rollie would make dinner for all of us, and i would clean up. Now, when we got there, Sir Dean looked at the situation and said "it's gonna take some time. How about...." and he chatted privately with Sir Marc. "How about you two boys go out and do some window shopping? rollie, help jimmy pick a good necktie and a shirt to wear to our wedding?" Well, that was a "request" that made everyone happy: i got to spend time with rollie, rollie got to play with fashion and the DOMS could spend some time together. "You've got 90 minutes. That's when cocktails are supposed to be ready rollie" Sir Marc smiled. rollie smiled back. "Yes Daddy. Can your boy have a kiss? And a butt squeeze?" i know that Sir Marc was the TOP, but as i told rollie when we walked, joking of course, i thought HE was the DOM. "OH , you're SILLY James..." he punched me playfully on the arm. "I'm no DOM, I'm just a pushy bottom." i'm telling you the truth, reader: i had never heard the expression before. rollie couldn't believe it, and he explained it to me. "You know, Jimmy" he said to me. "You should try being pushier too. I bet Dean would LOOOOOOOOOVE it." i was somewhat stunned. "OH NO. ROLLIE. Sir Dean wants total obedience." He began to laugh. "Silly boy. You can be a sub and still be a pushy bottom. For example.. you saw what i did at home? Sir Marc LOVES squeezing my ass. And my asking him for a kiss? I mean... what's wrong with that? BUT..." and i remember he smiled. "He will remember that kiss, that i asked for it, and that butt squeeze, and i will get a VERY thorough fucking tonight." He stopped for a minute. "By the way, I really like your boy collar, and... don't hit me Jimmy but... your man is looking SO FUCKING HOT these days, I may have to leave Sir Marc and force you to a competition for who gets Dean's cock." i laughed. But i listened. Now, that was TWO times someone had mentioned how hot my Man was, and i needed to do something. i mean, Sir Dean seemed perfectly happy but... if I could make him happier, and make ME happier.... i thought about it. Then i found something. i had never noticed them before. i was putting away laundry one day and WAY in the back of our big closet, on Sir Dean's side, i found a pair of jeans that were either white, or so worn that they LOOKED white. They weren't fancy jeans: i guess they were levi's, or wranglers, or something like that: lots of rivets, lots of creases, and i wondered: how come i never say Sir Dean wear these? i tried to imagine him in them and....yes, i understood. Sir Dean didn't go shirtless a lot, and those jeans wouldn't really look good with any of the shirts he DID wear, BUT.... shirtless, in those jeans... i swear i heard my cock go BOING. i think i broke one of the metal rings on my cage, because Sir Dean made a comment about how "even sex toys aren't made properly anymore" that night, and put a new one on me (of course, as soon as he took the old one off, my dick jumped out because it had been three weeks, and he had to get it down again. When he did that, he got hard and... i got fucked. i was good with that). i left the jeans where they were, but i didn't forget about them. We were coming back from lunch one Sunday afternoon when i brought them up. It was a beautiful day, and Sir Dean had his arm over my shoulders as we walked. i think i wrote before, that he liked to show that he owned me, and that was one way he did it. It felt good and right to me, too. We walked slowly, because Sir Dean enjoyed being recognized now (his photo had been in many of the papers since the first openly gay man was in charge of a network's technical department), and he also liked showing me off (he said that to me more than once). i took a deep breath. i wasn't used to asking Sir Dean for things. "Sir.., would it be alright if i asked you for something? i know i shouldn't but.." He laughed. "You're such a good sub jimmy. i probably couldn't turn you down whatever you asked. So go ahead." i mentioned the white jeans. i asked him if we could have a scene or a role play where he wore them and no shirt. i felt him pull me closer. i think i saw his cock get bigger too. "How did you find those jeans, jimmy?" "Sir, i'm sorry. i really am. i was putting away the laundry and i just saw them in the closet. It's ok Sir. It's ok. Please forget i mentioned them" "No, no..." He laughed. "You know, many years ago. MANY years ago, those were part of my cruising uniform. I wore them with a leather vest, and with my arm band. " "i bet you never went home alone Sir." He squeezed me tighter and laughed. "I'm going to have to have a talk with Marc about what rollie is putting into your head, but you're right. I didn't." Then he stopped. "And if my fiance' wants a scene with me dressed like that, I think I have to oblige. When we get home?" i don't know how big my eyes got. "SIR. It doesn't have to be today. Whenever you want to." "I want to today, jimmy. No time like the present. Just one thing: if I'm shirtless, you have to be shirtless too." "Yes sir. Absolutely." i was wearing a dusty rose colored buttondown that Sir Dean had picked out for me that morning. i know Sir Dean liked that shirt a lot. But when we got home, i took it off right away. Sir Dean pointed to the bondage chair. "SIT. Get your hands behind your back. " "YES SIR!" i answered, and got into the position he wanted. Then he pulled out some of his rope and tied my wrists. He also wound some more rope above and underneath my nipples. He pulled out one of his bandanas and gagged me. Finally, he ordered "SPREAD YOUR LEGS. I GOTTA GO CHANGE AND... YOU'RE GONNA SUFFER WHILE I DO." i did spread them. My knees were as far apart as i could get them. He pulled out a hitachi and had me sit on it, so it stimulated my "taint" and my balls. He left it on low but... if you're in a cage and you've been in that cage for three weeks plus, well.. low is NOT low. Sir Dean took his time, but when he came out..... "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" i was SO excited by how hot he was. The jeans fit him so tightly, and i could see his bulge. He put his arm band on, but not the vest. He came up and started fingering my nipples. "So... what have I got here? A pushy bottom who's about to get what he deserves. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" I squirmed and moaned as he gently, gently, tweaked my tits. The ropes were pointing them out more than they usually did, and he was sliding his fingers back and forth over them, the way he moved his cock back and forth when he fucked me. OH GOD, i must have leaked a pint! He smiled, and opened the zipper on the pants. i have never seen Sir Dean's cock so straight in the air, or so rock hard. "I bet you want a taste of this, don't you bitchbull?" He sneered. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsrrrr" i was begging as he dangled it in front of my face. "Too bad you're gagged, and you can't get a bit of it. Too bad you can't lube it because...." He whispered. "I'm gonna FUCK you with this rod, and it's gonna be SO hard, and SO dry, you're gonna SCREAM." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." (GOD I HOPE SO) i was thinking. Sir Dean turned off the hitachi and then he unwound the ropes and untied my wrists. "Don't you fucking touch that gag. Just take off your shoes, and get on the bed. Face up. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." i couldn't move fast enough, but Sir Dean took his time. He took his time securing my wrists, playing with my nips as he did. When i was tied down, he slid my belt out from my jeans, and then he unbuttoned them (Sir Dean almost always had me wear 501s when i wore jeans. He said that they made my ass look even hotter). He unbuttoned each button very, VERY slowly. i swear: i was so hard that my cock was pushing the cage up in the air. "Too bad you have three more days jimmy. Three more days to release, shaving and ... more fucking." "i hope i don't have to wait three days to get fucked again," i was thinking, and i didn't. Sir Dean began stroking my belly. "So you like these jeans huh?" i shook my head as vigorously as i could. "I'm gonna wear them more for you. But every time i do, there's gonna be a price. I'll decide what it is, but... you willing to pay?" At that point in time, if he had told me that if he wore the jeans, i'd have to donate an organ, i would have done it. NOW i saw what everyone was saying about my DOM'S body, and NOW i understood how he was able to keep me under control, even without taking my nips. "You know i have to take these off to give you what you want." i shook my head. He smiled. "know what though, jimmy? I'm gonna leave them out so you can sniff them whenever you want." Sir Dean saw me blush and he laughed. "I know you sniff my jock when I work late jimmy. I won't tell you HOW I know but I know" i wanted his cock so badly at that point, i was whining like a baby. It was SO rigid . "You make me feel like I'm 25 again, baby bull. And if you think I fuck hard now, wait till you feel how a 25 year old Dean fucked." OH SHIT I WISH I HAD MET HIM SOONER. DAMN . i know i've written about fucks he gave me that were like slow motion. This was slow motion and a rapid piston at the same time. I saw concern on his face from the noises and the expressions i was making. i tried to signal "i'm ok Sir," and i think he understood, because he kept on going. i was disappointed when it was over: it was too fast. Except it wasn't. It seems the 25 year old Sir Dean had a VERY short recovery time, and he left the bedroom, taking the jeans with him, and got a glass of water and a pill. Then he came back with the jeans on again. i could see he had the bulge. And he fucked me again. He wasn't finished though. Even Sir Dean tires out, so he switched to toys. i got fucked by three different dildos that night. He started with the biggest one, and ended with one that was only 7 inches long. "No, jimmy, you got to learn discipline. You can think about the fuck in 3 days. But tonight, pushy bottom, you keep the cage on. " When he was finished, Sir Dean went out and put the jeans back on a hanger. Then he came back, took out the gag, and untied me. "THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU THANK YOU. THANK YOU FOR MAKING YOUR BOY HAPPY " He made a harumph. "I thought I made you happy every day" "YOU DO SIR YOU DO. I SAID IT THE WRONG WAY. I MEANT. I MEANT..." He put a hand over my mouth. "SHHHHH. I love my power bottom bitch bull. My jimmy. I can't wait to be your husband. "

And folks, next time, i'll write about the wedding. Then we'll say our goodbyes for now.


Next: Chapter 19

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