Slave Matt Master Ryan

By slave Matt

Published on Nov 17, 2005


WARNING: To qualify to read this story, you must be of legal age and allowed by the jurisdiction or jurisdictions that govern you to read sexually explicit homosexual material and/or descriptions of application of pain or other discomfort to the body. If you do not qualify, you must exit and seek other material. You have been warned. Thank you for cooperating and being fair to others.

All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, names, places, events, or descriptions, is totally unintentional and a pure coincidence. __________________________________________________________________

I heard the keys in the door, I hit the floor quickly on both knees. I was to be waiting at the front door with my hands already handcuffed behind my back, collar around my neck, and hood on.

"Good Boy!" He said.

My Master was home.

This all started over a year ago. We met on the internet, and it started out as a normal relationship until finally, one day, I told him that I really had an interest in this type of lifestyle. We started out buying little items from different adult websites until we managed to buy almost $1,000 worth of stuff, then I guess He realized how much I was really into this.

One day after work I found a letter setting on the bed, it read;


Seeing as how we have been at this for awhile now and you seem to really want this lifestyle badly, we are going to try it for long term. I think I really enjoy it also. I want to try the 24/7 type of lifestyle seeing as how you really need/want it.

Here is what I want you to do;

  • Get in your collar and lock it on. I have the keys with me, just

incase you get it on and feel like changing your mind.

  • Shave all of your body hair off, including everything above the knee

and below the neck.

  • Lock on the CB-3000, I also have those keys with me incase you get it

on and change your mind.

  • Clean yourself out fully.

  • Put in the medium sized plug and plug harness.

  • Put on the nipple clamps.

  • Put in the gag.

  • Put on the harness and lock it on.

  • Put on the handcuffs.

  • Be waiting naked for me when I get home knelt down by the door.

You only have once chance to change your mind, if you don't lock on the collar, then I will know that you really didn't want this in the first place and we will forget about it.

I will see you when I get home.


Master Ryan"

Now, my thought was, "do I really want this, or is it just a play time fantasy?"

I figured that I would go through one night of this and he would be done with it....WRONG!!!

It went WAY further than that. After he got home, he saw that I had done everything that he wanted. He grabbed me by the collar and dragged me to the bedroom. He unlocked the cuffs, put them in front of me and relocked them. He told me to undress him. I did. I really enjoyed it because he hadn't acted like this before. I was all hot and bothered. My dick was also throbbing in the CB3000. I knew that I would be out a little later on so I wasn't worried. BOY WAS I WRONG!!!

Master Ryan didn't let me out for over a week, and this commanding style continued everyday for a month. Then it stopped for a week while we were moving to a house that we had just bought together out in the country. After we got moved in and all set up, he surprised me one day by snapping the collar on while I was asleep and locking it on. I woke up after hearing a click and he said, "slaves don't sleep with Master in bed unless otherwise told to."

I guess I was a little confused because we hadn't done this for a week and I thought we were done with the whole scene.

Well, apparently while I was asleep, he had gone into the basement and added a couple eye-hooks to the concrete wall; he had taken the big dog cage downstairs, and most of our equipment.

"Dogs sleep in cages, didn't you know that?" He smirked.

"No, I didn't. I have never had a dog sleep in a cage. I always let them...." I was cut off in mid-sentence. "WHAT?? Did I tell you to speak? Did I tell you to have an opinion? Did you forget to call me Master or Sir???" He said loudly.

"No, Sir. Sorry." I put my head down and said.

"Well, you are going to stay down here until I figure out what to do with you." And with that, he grabbed my collar and attached a chain to it, and then he put the cuffs on and attached the chain and the cuffs to the eye hooks. He also then put in the gag, put on the hood, and put the nipple clamps on and hooked them to something up above me to make me stand on my tip-toes so that I didn't hurt myself. With that, he left.

I stayed down there for what seemed like and eternity. Finally he came back in and said, "Did you learn your lesson?" I nodded that I had. He unhooked the chain from the wall and led me back upstairs and sat me down on the floor next to the table.

"Here are the rules, and you have no choice;

  1. I will always be called Sir or Master

  2. You will always wear something that reminds you that you ARE my

slave, (i.e., CB3000, cock ring, collar, etc.)

  1. You will be cleaned out everyday, or you will be punished

  2. All of our friends will know what is going on with this lifestyle, so

when they come over they will know why you are not sitting on the

furniture, talking directly to me, wearing a collar, and serving me

in anyway that I deem necessary.

  1. The house will be cleaned by you everyday.

  2. You will not go anywhere without wearing a plug of some sort.

  3. You will be waiting for me when I get home to service me in anyway

that I deem appropriate at the time.

  1. You will, from now on, sleep in the cage, chained up downstairs, or

locked in a stall in the barn.

  1. I will have all control to do whatever I want whenever I want,

however I want.

If these rules are NOT followed there will be consequences. The consequences will be as follows;

· Whipping, flogging, beatings

· Denial of cumming/orgasm for extended periods of time

· Being chained up outside to the dog house for the night/day and made to stay that way until I see fit to let you become a slave again

· Being made to wear your collar to work, locked on without a way of getting it off

· And last but not least, you will be exposed to your family.

Have I made myself perfectly clear??"

With that I nodded, not thinking that he would actually go through with it.

He then had me lie on the floor, and he took out a magic marker and wrote a lot of stuff on me. Afterwards he took of my hood but left the gag in so that I can be identified.

As my eyes were adjusting to the light from being in that dark hood, I saw the camera.

He told me to stand up and he took a picture of me with all of the writing on me and in the cuffs, gag, and collar. I was then told to turn around and bend over, I did. He put some lube on my ass and put a dildo in my ass so that it could be seen clearly and took the picture.

After doing all of this, he put all of the pictures in an envelope and wrote my mothers name on it and locked it in the safe.

He kind of smiled as he said, "I don't think that your mother would like to see those, do you?"

I quickly shook my head no.

From that day on, I have been locked into some sort of bondage every day. His newest torture device is an electric dog collar that is locked on. When I have a day off, he gives me a list that is to be completed before he gets home, he KNOWS that I am not able to complete all of these tasks before he arrives, but, I do try my best.

On the days that I am off, I get the electric dog collar attached to my neck and am not allowed to leave the house for anything for fear of getting shocked. He also locks the doors that have any of my clothes in them.

When he gets home I am supposed to have dinner ready and on the table and it can't be cold, I am to be at the door waiting in the assumed position, I am to have a bath drawn for him, I am also to have everything that he has commanded me to do, DONE.

When he goes to take a shower, I am to go downstairs and wait for him on my knees, and have my collar attached to a chain in the wall, with the gag in, hood on, plug in, and cuffed.

"My slave has done well. If you can continue this, then you will be able to sleep upstairs tonight. Sound good?" Of course I nodded yes; I haven't slept upstairs in my own bed for a month solid.

All went well all night and I thought that I would sleep in the bed with him, I was somewhat right, I was actually chained to the bed lying on the floor next to him, and it was great to sleep outside of that cage though. I didn't complain, not that I had much choice in the matter.

But you know what? I couldn't enjoy living this life anymore and couldn't do it with anyone better.

Got anymore suggestions for my Master on tortures/tasks/or tricks for me? Let me know,

Next: Chapter 2

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