Slave to His Parents

By moc.liamtoh@70luosydospahr

Published on Dec 8, 2000


This is part two of the story 'Slave to his parents'. This story contains some female elements however it is predominantly gay. Please send your comments, opinions about how the story should proceed, etc in my mailbox. Have a nice time reading....

(Part 1 ended when Nigel was caught by Marilyn and Paul masturbating to a sm scene.)

"Don't speak a word and go home with us immediately, You will be damn sorry about what you had done and see this evening, i swear!" Marilyn screaming right in Nigel's face.

Marilyn is always the one who exerts discipline and fierceness in the upbringing of Nigel. Having Marilyn said that in such a commanding tone, Nigel was too scared out of wits to do anything else, thus he obediently rushed out of the pub towards Paul's car, still trying to hide his embarrassing hardon.

Throughout the journey home, the atmosphere was intense. No words were exchanged until marilyn spoke out.

"Hey Paul, i'm sure tonight could be the ignition of your most inward desire, huh!" Marilyn said.

Paul just grinned back.

Nigel sitting at the back seat does not understand what they were saying, instead he couldn't care nonetheless but can only anticipate the punishment he is set to endure after tonight's "misbehaviour". After thinking and grinding his mind out on how will they punish him, he finally managed to comfort himself by hoping that they will just give him a good spank and a dressing down.

Soon they reached their home. Marilyn stormed out of the car into the house. Having see Marilyn being so angry, Nigel was scared dumbfounded and he just stand there motionless until....

"Come son, let's go in, i will try to peace your mother down, alright!" Paul came forward and pat Nigel on his shoulder and led him into the house.

Nigel was so grateful of Paul at that moment and he was glad that Paul still loves him.

Marilyn was already sitting on the couch. She was so angry that you could literally see her frowning her brows. Nigel came into the house, head bowed. He was guilty however he is too scared to even utter sorry.

Paul seeing the situation, asked Nigel to go upstairs and have a bath and then back to his room.

"Nigel, go upstairs and bathe first, i got something to discuss with your mon!"

Nigel was glad that he needn't face Marilyn's wrath right at that moment thus he hurriedly rushed to the bathroom.

"hey Marilyn, let me handle this matter ok, i think im not gonna be hard on him!"

"Oh yah, certainly this is a big chance for you!" Marilyn responded.

"Yea, i'm going to ask him what he really wants."

"Go ahead, dear, just tell me if you need any help, yah!" Marilyn grin and went back to her room.

Nigel was sitting on his bed half naked pondering about the scene in the pub. He was still aroused by the whole thing when Paul appear by the doorstep. Paul was half naked too as it is summer and the night tends to be humid. Paul went into the room and sit down besides Nigel.

"Son, tell me are you aroused by the scene in the pub today?"

"Dad, i'm really sorry but...but at the moment of time, i really couldn't control myself."

"ok. let me tell you what, your mom is going to hand this matter to me, so you can relax now but i want you to be utterly honest, yah?"

"Yes, Dad.."

Paul sit closer to Nigel and put his hand on Nigel's shoulder.

"Why exactly are you horny?"

"I dunnoe, but i guess it's the whole thing of seeing an older man tying up and disciplining boys my age..."

"Dad, i'm so sorry but i really couldn't...."

"It's ok, but i want to let you know something about my personal life, i guess it's going to be very hard to keep this matter from you from this moment" Paul put a finger on his lips signalling to Nigel not to say any words.

"Look, actually, both me and Marilyn are gays. Our marriage is just a marriage in name, and we both have our have own interest, personal life and group of friends." "What you saw tonight is a BDSM scene betweena a master and his slave, you understand?"

Nigel nodded his head and as Paul continues to explain to him, his prick begins to swell again.

Paul noticed this and he smile at Nigel. He placed his hands on Nigel's crotch and he ask again "Son, am i right to say that you are turned on?"

"Dad, i...does that means i'm gay?" Nigel was embarrassed.

"Look son, it's nothing to be ashamed about!" this time he put his arms around Nigel's body giving him a certin type of assurance.

Paul then stand up and went out. Later he came back with a carton full of objects.

He sit himself besides Nigel again, only this time nearer.

He began to take out a photo album and he showed it to Nigel.

"This are all pictures of all the slaves that had been with me all these years, i want to show you these stuff and let you know actually what is my passion like...are you ready?"

Yah, Dad..."

The two men then start to browse through the various pics, all of these pics show handsome young boys all tied up, kneeling, standing at attention, serving Paul. As they browse through the various pics, Paul bagan to explain to Nigel.

As they sat through all the pics, Nigel was getting horny again. As he was wearing only his pyjamas shorts, Paul could see clearly what went on in there.

"Clearly, son, you are turned on by these pics....will you want to be in their shoes as well?"

Nigel couldn't gave an answer.

"It's ok to be confused, and i really want you to think about it carefully, son. I will leave the photo album here, think through it the whole night, tell me your answer tomorrow."

With that, Paul hug Nigel and kissed him on his cheeks and bid him goodnite.

He couldn't sleep the whole night thus began to start looking over the photos again. As he went through almost half of it, this time round he have no control but to wank himself, savouring what the pics can offer him.

Reaching midnite, Nigel now lay on his bed, his chest all covered with his cum and from that point on, he already know the answer he's gonna gave to Paul tommorrow.

Nigel woke up quite early the next morning. He is no longer confused but sure of what he wants. This moment, Paul walked in, still clad in the pyjamas pants. Nigel smile at Paul and Paul immediately knows the answer.

"Dad, i think it over, i want that kind of life!"

"Are you sure, do you know what that means, it means that you will no longer be my son, you will be my boy, my slave, you will have to obey my every commands and serve me the best way you know how, do you know that?"

"Yes, Dad, i know, i will want to be your boy because i love you and i trust you, Dad!"

Paul was touched by Nigel's word and action. He rushed forward and gave him a big hug. Tears were flowing down Nigel's eyes, looks like he always wanted this to happen.

After a brief hug, Paul pulled away from Nigel and he suddenly change his tone.

"Go now and have your whole body cleaned up for me!"

Nigel immediately ran to the bathroom and clean himself up.

Paul went and took some stuff and came back into Nigel's room.

"Hey, Marilyn, our little boy have made us proud, he gave me his body and soul this morning and he's so lovely." Paul spoke through his mobile.

"oh, isn't that great, looks like i have to make myself scarce for a long time, heehee..." Marilyn grinned.

"Make sure you do, hahaha...see you!"

Ending the call, he placed all the stuff on Nigel's bed. Nigel then came out of the bathroom still wearing his pyjamas.

"Strip now, boy!"

Nigel has no problems doing this because he always love to show off his body to others.

"Come over here and stand in front of me!"

Paul was now sitting on the couch. Nigel shrudded over.

"Im going to teach you some rules now. First, you always address me as "SIR and Marilyn as "MISS". It also applies to my friends and all people that are more senior to you! You understand!"

"Yes, SIR!" Nigel said looking at the ground.

"Second thing, you always look at your master's eyes whenever you are near him. Third thing, whenever you are idle, you have to stand in this position, Back straight, shoulders arched, legs apart to shoulders' width, chest out and your hands must be rested above your gropes, do it for me now!"

"Yes, SIR!"

"Move yr legs further apart, shoulders arched more!"

Nigel reshuffle his position until Paul is satisfied.

"Good, boy!"

"Come nearer to me!"

"Yes, SIR!"


Nigel kneeled on the floor, his wonderful puppy eyes gazing lovingly into Paul's. Even when kneeling, his shoulders are arched and his hands rested above his gropes.

Paul was in paradise, Nigel was so wonderful. It was truely a beautiful sight. Nigel had a great body, those tapered shoulder blades, firm pectorals and his taut round butt and most wonderful of all, Nigel's body was his to command.

He grabbed one of Nigel's nipples and knead, slowly woking to his pecs and then his neck. Throughout, Nigel eyes were fixated on paul's, he is so submissive.

"Move your neck up!"

Paul snapped a brown leather dog collar on Nigel. Then he stroked his tousled blond hair.

"Stand up in position!"

"Yes, SIR!"

"Go down and wait for me besides the sofa!"

"Yes SIR!" Nigel walked down, dimples forming on his naked ass cheeks.

Paul went down a minute later and found Nigel standing in position. He walked towards Nigel and grabbed his gropes. He then sit down on the sofa and turn on the TV.

"Go get me a cup of coffee!"

"Yes, SIR!"

Nigel placed the coffee on the table and then revert back to his position.

1 hour passed and paul is still hanging out on the sofa. Nigel is standing there all along, now his shoulders ached and his abs are tight, however he knows that he have to stand in position. His cock had been hard throughout and now it is itchy, he then touched it to relieve the itch.

Paul looked at him and slapped his hand away. "Who say you can move?"

"Sorry SIR!"

Paul then slapped his cock and balls a few times and then cupped it nicely and stroke the balls.

"Go over to the kitchen's table and take that bag here!"

"Yes, SIR!"

"Come here and kneel down, pace your hands behind your head, chest out!"

Paul then secured a nipple clamp with a chain on his tits. He then tugged it abit, leaving a sharp intense pain on nigel. Paul then walked around his slave and examine carefully his position. He walked behind Nigel and he put his boots forward, pushing the area just above his slave's gropes. Nigel shift his slave body to Paul's wishes. Paul then went in front and lift up Nigel's chin. Nigel's eyes is teary, he's so sorry that he f**ked up earlier.

Paul was admiring Nigel's body, that muscular taut body combined with puppy dog's eyes, this slave is really wonderful, Paul thought to himself. With that he then instill a small digital camera just on the coffee table.

"I want you to stay in this position for as long as i want, and you have to look at the camera's lens throughout, if i find you move, touch that horny cock or your eyes strolling around, you gonna be in deep shit, you understand!"

"Yes SIR!" Nigel replied, his eyes now wet.

Paul then touched Nigel's chest and stroke with one finger the outline of his reclining biceps, with that he went upstairs to his room, leaving his slaveboy there in that position and truely as long as he wants.

To be continued.........

(sent in your comments, opinions on how Slaveboy Nigel should be trained and stuff, all gladly welcome. thks!)

Next: Chapter 3

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