Slave to His Parents

By moc.liamtoh@70luosydospahr

Published on May 3, 2023


(Part 3 ended when Paul and nigel were on the way home after a hard day of "shoppin"

Enjoy the story!


Paul knows tt he has to start somewhere. True, he do love him very much but there's gonna be the testing of pain and huniliation to prove Nigel's love for him as well. He thinks over it, he decides to start tonight, right at the moment when they step into the house. however before he starts any training, he will want to tell and communiucate to his slaveboy exactly what is he going to do and why is he doing so- making sure that nigel understands everything, the things that his master is going to do to him.

They stepped into the house and Paul immediately went to the couch and rest himself there. He was tired but he knows that he got a far lot more to do before he puts himself to sleep.

"Come Nigel, come over here and sit down!"

"Yes Sir." Nigel went over and sit down comfortably, sinking his ass into the couch, slouching away.

"Sit straight, boy, what do you think you are doin? since you can't sit properly, why don't you stand..."

"Sir, i"m very sorry Sir" Nigel instantly spring up

"Look son , don't ever take my love for granted, u understand?" Paul stood up and walk around Nigel's taut body.

"Strip totally now!!!"

"Yes Sir!" nigel stripped , his cock now semi hard.

Paul pulls Nigel towards him and stare right into his eyes.

"im going to show you some discipline tt you badly need!"

"Look, boy, i love you but no matter what, i'm not going to hesitate to train you into the perfect slave, you understand, i'm going to use every method there is to train you, no matter you like it ornot, but you must get the facts right, i'm doing this because i want to get the best out of you, and not just for fun!"

"Yes Sir, i understand!"

"But you must know that i'm going to be as harsh to you as i was to my previous slaves, just that the motive this time round is not strictly for my own interest but for love....but nonetheless, you aren't going to receive any special treatment from me during your training, you get it, slave."

"Yes Sir, I'm your slave and you can do to me whatever you want, Sir!"

"good, i want you to know that in our realtionship, that will be days whereby you will be put through strict training, discipline and punishments as a slave, but some days, i will shower you deep love, as you are also my boy!"

All these while, Paul was staring into his eyes while he speaks... soon, tears from Nigel's eyes begin to form.

"Do you truely understand, boy!"

"Yes, i do, sir, i truely do!"

"Good, come into my arms now!" Paul's tone mellowed.

The two men locked in each other arms, givin Nigel an assurance deep down his heart that his master is not going to let him down.

"Oh boy, i love you so much, you must trust me, there will be times when you will feel like hating me for the things i do, but you must know that i have to do this, boy..."

"Sir dun worry, master, i will love you even if you are training me, cos i trust you and i know that you will not doing anything to hurt our relationship, Sir!

With that both of them kissed each other. Paul stopped and ask nigel to stay down here while he went upstairs to change.

Soon Paul appeared wearing his Hard Rock T-Shirt and a pair of nylon shorts.

"Ok, get ready for some exercise now, come with me to the yard!"

They went outside...although it was night, but the house garden is always brightly lit with garden lights.

"Ok go run to the tree there, and do push ups for me until i reach!"

Nigel run towards it and then started to do his push ups as instructed. His form is magnificent, every count a perfect set, with his chest touching the grass everytime he went down.

Meanwhile, Paul sat himself on a garden chair admiring the scene. He wanted to give Nigel a good workout. He wanted his slavebody to be perfect for him. He sat down there with a glass of red wine, under the starry nite, with his slave working his body out just for him. Paul smiled in his heart, what else can he ask for in life.

Meanwhile the phone rang, paul went to get it while nigel did his push ups continuously. He dare not stop without his master's command.

"hello, who's there?"

"Paul, it's me, marilyn, how's our little slaveboy doing?"

"you wun believe it, he's gorgeous, now he's doing his pushups for me, u now i like to administer forced exercise on my slaves, i'm enjoying every moment, i swear!"

"Ya, if i hadn't know that, how can i be your "wife" huh?, hey tell you wad, im in town now and have been contacting with the crowd here...u remember, Master Vince, he's holding a slave party next week, and u noe his party never disappoints, would you want to come over...and of course i would luv to see our little slaveboy....ha"

"Oh gawd, really, tt's great, but i guess i will have to give you an answer later, ya....tell u wad, u will never be disappointed, that is with nigel, just wait and see..."

With that, Paul rang up the phone...

He walked outside to the yard and stood besides Nigel...with his toolbox.

Now, nigel is perspiring like mad, his whole body aching, from his pecs to the shoulders, to the arms, however he knows that he can't stop cos he wanted to please his master more than anything else...

"Alrite son, you may stop, but stay in push up position!"

"Yes Sir", Nigel exclaimed breathlessly..

Paul bent down and caress nigel's body...every inch of his body is exposed with sweat....

He uses his finger to probe at Nigel's Nigel stay tensed with every muscle in his body....

"Look at your body, look at those bums, so firm and round, and those arms...." Paul continue caressing and teasing Nigel's body while nigel stay in push up position...

With that, he took out a dildo....

"Look, boy, im going to insert this dildo into your butthole, what i want you to do for me is to do your regular pushups with the dildo in the hole and the key is to not let it drop off, u understand?"

"Yes SIR"

With the dildo in place, Paul ordered Nigel to start his push ups again.

Now this time round, its difficult for slaveboy nigel. Rememeber, he had already done lotsa of pushups and naturally his energy is drained off, now he had to do his pushups again with a dildo up his ass without letting it drop off.

Paul knows that this will test his slave's endurance and strength...

"And boy i want you to count yr set, you will go "sir, one sir" when u finished one count...and if your form is not good or the dildo drops off, you will be punished, u understand, boy?"

"Yes SIR, i understand, SIR"

"ok stay there while i go take the garden chair, i want to be rite next to you while you do yr pushups for me, like tt?"

"Yes, sir, i truely like that, SIR"

Sitting himself comfortably on the chair with the glass of wine in his hand, he commanded Nigel to start.

"SIr one SIR" "Sir two SIR" "Sir three SIR"

this went on until about the twentieth count...

"SIR twenty SIR"

Now with every set, Paul could see nigel's body shaking, with every count he do, his butt was tensing up to show its tautness....

"Go on boy, u are not going to stop now!"

"Sirrrr.......twenty oneeee, sir"


"SIRRRR...Twenty one SIR...!"

Nigel continue to do his push ups, with the occasional teasing finger of his master cirlcling and probing his worked muscles...

Paul touched Nigel's butt, he can literally feel the taut muscles fill out his bum everytime he goes down, cute dimples are formed on the cheeks. That's what make Nigel attractive, his body is perfect even before he trained him.

The motive of forcing his boy to exercise is not really to workout his body stronger,( nigel's body is already proportionatelly defined and fill out in all its areas) it's a feeling of domination that he have over the slave when he sees him exercise under his commands that make Paul so mesmemrised by this fetish.

Nigel continue to do his push ups while holding the dildo in his ass... now his body is aching all all over, especially his pecs, shoulders, arms and butt.

Sipping his wine, Paul continues to take in the view of the body of his slaveboy, so firm, so young and most importantly, so obedient to his every commands. He wanted to control every part of Nigel's body.

"Alrite son, you may stop. Stand up.!"

"Yes, Thank you Master" Nigel sttod up, hands rested above his bums.

Paul went around him. He ordered him to flex his pecs. Nigel followed his commands.

"Great, your pecs are all fired up!" Paul commented while circling and probing nigel on his pecs.

"Thank you Master!"

"boy, now i'm going to teach you some slave positions now, listen carefully and follow my commands, understand?"

"Yes Master!"

"ok, now stand up straight, chest out, back arched, hands rested above yr bums, legs apart, do it for me now!"

Nigel followed his master's commands.

"shoulders arched more, Slave, this is the 'relaxed' position, whenever i command you to be in the "relax" position, you will do this. This will also be the position whereby you will present yourself when i never give you any instructions..understand?"

"Yes, master"

"Good boy!" Paul kisssed Nigel on the mouth.

"Ok, maintaining the same body posture, now put yr hands behind your head, elbows bent backwards, this will be the "attention" position, do it now!"

"This will also be the postiton i want you to present yourself, whenever i want to inspect yr slavebody, understand?"

"Yes Master!"

"Now get down on yr fours, back straight,this will be the "Down" position.

Nigel followed his master's commands.

"Tensed yr ass cheek whenever u are in this position, i want to see your dimples...alrite, ass sticks out more, legs open wider so i can have a full view of yr butthole, balls and cock."

"Now get into kneeling position, Kneel with back straight and hands rested above the bums, legs opened slightly to provide me with a view of your cock and balls"

"Yes Master!"

Ok, great, so far u have been following rather well. One more thing, i always want you to look straight into my eyes....some of the other masters may think that a slave looking into his masters' eyes is rude, but i think that, the gaze of a slave's eyes is totally priceless, especially a gaze thats filled with submission and obedience, so u shall look at into my eyes regardless watever position you are in, unless otherwise state so, u understand?"

"Yes Master, i understand!"

"Ok now this is what im gonna do, i'm gonna shout a command, either "relax". "attention", "down" or "kneel" and it will be in quick succession. What you will do is that everytime i shout a command, you will get into the position as quickly as you can. If i see that you are not putting in 100% effort or you are slow or u did the wrong action, you will be punished, understand?"

"Yes Master!"

"Ok now get ready!"

"Down!" Nigel get down on all fours immediately.

"Atention" The slave immediately springs up.

"Down" he went down again.

"Relax" "Attention" "kneel" "relax" "kneel" "Down"

this went on like fifteen this time, Nigel was sweating profusely and his body was tired...his actions were slower now.

"I didn;t say u could slow down, you noe, slave!"

"sorry master!"

"you will get your punishment later!"

"yes Sir!"

"ok stop, stand up in attention!"

Nigel immdiately stood up, back arched, chest out, hands held behind head, his whole body sweating.

"good, now run over to the chin up bar over the other tree and hang yourself there while i prepare soemthing"

"yes master" nigel immediately ran over and pull himself up, not knowing waht will his master commands him to do next.

In a short while, Paul walked over to that tree with a short whip. Pulling Nigel's cock which is exposed fully now, he told him, "I want you to do your chin ups, everytime when u couldnt pull yourself up, i will give you some swats on yr body, tis will continue untilyou manage enough strength to pull yourself up again."

Paul was glad that he thot of this exercise sequence. This will train both Nigel's strength and pain threshold, he will be forced to do his chin ups otherwise would receive his master's whips to his already tired body. However, Paul offer no sympathy.

"u understand, pull yourself up now!"

Nigel pulled himself up easily for the first twenty times...

As time goes by, his arms began shaking

Soon, he couldnt pull himself up anymore, his body jus hanging there hoping for some breather.

Immediately Paul landed some blows on his chest. Nigel took this as a signal and began pulling himself up again, slowly but steadily, this went on for a few more times then stopped again.

Likewise, without mercy, Paul whipped him on his back, arms and chest repeatedly, but this time round, Nigel couldn't pull himself up anymore...

Nigel was now crying as his slavebody really couldnt take the pain and exercise any longer. He wanted to plead with his master but he was scared that paul will be mastering all his might, he try to pull himself up again for one time. He tried to do that the second time but when he pulled himself halfway, his arms give way and he fall down to the ground.

Upon falling to the ground, Nigel was so petrified that he immediately get into the "down" position and pleads with his master.

"Im sorry master, please punish me, master!" his teary eyes looking submissively towards Paul's.

Paul was not angry at all, he was melted and touched by nigel's obedience and submissiveness...he looked lovingly into nigel's eyes and commanded him to stand up.

Nigel stood up and keep on looking at Paul's eyes. He don't dare look anywhere else.

"You have done your best this time round. i shall not punish you."

"Come, stand in attention, i wan to inspect your wounds."

"Yes Master!" nigel put his hands behind his head, this reveals the whip wounds that is swat across his Lats and chest.

"Stay there, im applying some lotiion on the wounds!"

"thank you Master!"

Paul began to do that, he finished the lats area and now proceed to the chest. Across Nigel's chest was a wound thats quite deep,Paul can't bear to see it, but he couldn't show his emotions. He was feeling so sorry especially with Nigel's innocent eyes focusing on him. Paul kissed Nigel on the wound, hoping to smooth the pain....before applying lotion to it....

Nigel was filled with bliss at the moment. He was thinking that it would be worthwhile to endure pain and training just to have his master caring for him like that, He wouldnt mind going through all this just for his master.

These two men are so in love.

After the wounds have all bean cleaned up, the two men began to kissed in affection, showing how much they care and love each other.

Paul then pulled nigel from his arms and looked at his eyes saying "Slave, you have done well tonite, although i didnt do much training, im particularly glad of your attitude and obedience... well done!"

"Thank you Master!": Nigel smiled innocently back to his master....

"But remember the punishment i promised, you will still receive it...wait a while!" Paul walked away form nigel into the storeroom.

Within minutes, he came out with a relatively small surfboard tt weighs around 20kg with him. "kneel down at that spot there, lift this surfboard up above yr head straight, you will stay in this psoition til next morning."

"Yes Master!" Nigel began to take up his position obediently.

Paul went over and kissed him on his cheek. "Be good, slave!" as he went into the house.

Nigel kneel there with the surfboard lifted above his head. He will be in tt position for at leat five hours. He contemplates the time and how tired he will be but as his tears dropped from his eyes to his naked chest, he thought to himself that he is very much willing to do this for his master, at any costs, as long as his master is happy....

(to be continue...any comments abt my story or any suggestions on how slave Nigel should be trained and humiliated, feel free to email me...)

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