Slave to Redneck Daddies

By Nasty Slut

Published on Mar 15, 2016


This is a work of fiction and any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

This story contains elements of raunch and kink, so if that offends you, or is illegal, stop reading.

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Part 3

The rest of the weekend pretty much consisted of more of the same. I was their pig boy cumdump, used however they saw fit.

Monday morning I got the first shower I had since Friday, as I had to go to work. But as soon as I was clean they each fucked me, dumping their loads in my pussy so I would go to the office full of their cum. A plug was inserted into me to hold it in, with explicit instructions that I was not to remove it. The work day seemed to last forever. The plug and the cage were constant reminders of my current place as an owned pig. I couldn't concentrate on my work. All I could think about was how horny I was. Finally I could resist no longer and disobeyed my instructions.

I snuck into the bathroom into a stall and pulled the plug out of my ass. It was coated in a thick, brown slime. I started to feverishly lick it clean, running my tongue all over it, lapping up the shitcum. I reached between my asscheeks, pushing out more slime onto my hand while my dick strained in its confines. Just as I brought my hand up to my mouth, I heard the door open and someone walked in. I froze for a moment as I recognized my bosses shoes as he walked to the urinal, but I was too far gone to stop. I cleaned my hand as I heard my boss unzip his pants and start to piss. It was all I could do not to moan as I licked cum and shit off my hand, inches away from my bosses pissing cock. As he zipped up and washed his hands, I inserted the plug back in my cunt, lightly gasping as it popped back into place. He exited and I quickly buckled up and washed my hands, popping a mint in my mouth to cover my breath. I returned to my desk and looked at my boss through the glass, smirking to myself that he had no idea his assistant was such a perveted little pig. The rest of the day dragged on until it was finally 5:00 and I was on my way back to my Daddies.

I arrived at their trailer and promply stripped, neatly folding my clothes. I was collared and cuffed, then prepared dinner for us all. I of course had to eat mine out of a bowel at their feet. After I had cleaned up, Daddy Ray asked me how my day had gone. I initially wasn't going to tell them about the bathroom incident, but decided honesty was the best policy. They looked at me with amusement as I described in detail what had happened. When I had finished, Daddy Ray said "of course you know you must be punished for disobeying." I hung my head and agreed with him.

"I'll Mark it down for later." he sneered, as I shuddered. He just grabbed my collar and dragged my to the bed, throwing me down on it and ripped the plug out of my ass. Without any ceremony he rammed his cock up my pighole and ferociously rode me while he had me repeat the story of the bathroom incident. Over and over I told him what happened while he fucked me hard and with no mercy, until he finally blew up my cunt, flooding me with fresh cum. Daddy Jim quickly replaced him, sliding into my juicy hole.

"What would your boss say if he could see you now, pig?" he laughed at me as he plugged my pussy. "Do you think he'd like to know what a nasty pervert he has for an assistant?"

Just then my phone started to ring and Daddy Ray grabbed it, looked at it and burst out laughing. It was my boss! He swiped accept and put the phone up to my ear. What could I do? Here I was, face down in a trailer with a cock shoved up my ass, pounding me deep. I tried my best to controls my voice as I talked.

"Y-yes Mr. Bell?" I managed to say. Daddy Jim rammed me as hard as he could causing me to grunt. "Oh no Sir! It's not a bad time. Yes Sir I sent those E-mails out. Yes Sir, I will first thing in the morning!" Daddy Jim just continued to ram me as I tried not to grunt or moan into the phone. "No Sir, I feel fine......I just stubbed my toe." I panted as Daddy Ray took pictures of my ordeal. "I will Sir! I won't forget." With that, Daddy Jim buried himself as deep as he could and pumped my guts full with another load. "Aaahhhh.....Yes Sir! I would be happy to do that Sir!" Daddy Jim collapsed on my back and started to piss in my guts. "Ok Sir! I Will Mr. Bell! Goodnight Sir!"

Both Daddies burst out laughing after my boss hung up, unable to contain their glee at this unexpected humiliation. "Couldn't have planned it better if we tried!" said Daddy Jim as he finished pissing up my ass. He pulled out and Daddy Ray pushed back in, giving me a hard piss fuck while Daddy Jim took more pictures.

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