Slave to Younger Master

By Max Potter

Published on Mar 10, 2001


Slave to a Younger Master

Chapter 1

Meeting Master

I have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn't too big. I had sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I had dated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. I worked at a Denny's-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn't give me lots of money, but I didn't need much. And I got to serve men and call them "Sir".

I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy with me. I worked the evening shift, it had the best tips. One night he came in. He was High School age, and he looked fantastic. I saw him enter the restaurant and I whispered a prayer that he would be sat at my station. He was.

I walked over after giving him a second to look over the menu and asked "What would you like to drink, sir?" Up close he was so fine. I couldn't help the extra bit of subservience that crept into my voice. He looked up at me, and I saw a cocky confidence in his bearing. "Coke." I'm sure I read too much into his voice, but to me it sounded like he was used to command. Nevertheless, I was getting a little hard serving him. He finished up and left a few minutes before my shift was over, and he left an okay tip.

As I walked out of the parking lot, I saw him again. He was in his car (a Camero) but hadn't started it up yet. As I continued to walk to the bus stop I watched him out the corner of my eye. He started the car, and pulled over by me.

"Need a ride?" He asked, there was something behind his question.

"Well, I...." A picture of my ass in the air for him flashed in my mind. I didn't know what to say.

"Come on, I'll give you a ride home, and maybe you can do something for me."

"Sure, OK. Thanks." I went around and got in. He drove out of the parking lot.

"So, where do you live?" He asked, his lip turned up in a half smile. I told him. He headed the right way.

"I don't have a lot of money to give you. I bet this is out of your way."

He smiled at me. I melted. "Well......" He drew it out. I wanted to kiss his ass, his voice was so sexy. "You could give me a blow job." I wasn't expecting that. I was hoping for it, but not expecting it. I looked at him, openly taking stock of his body. Longish blond hair, blue eyes. I could see the outline of his beard, just a hint of shadow. Great chest. He was wearing a golf shirt, and I could see his pecs outlined where they pushed and stretched the fabric. Slim waist, blue jeans. And a basket. We were stopped at a light, and he thumbed his dick through his jeans. That sent me over the edge.

"Sure, OK." I looked up at him, and he smiled a victory smile, he had vanquished me. He drove a bit on, then found a deserted lot to pull into. Without a word, he slid the sit back, undid his belt, opened his pants, and pulled them down, lifting his hips. His dick was half-hard and beautiful. It was six inches already and still growing. I bent over, kissing the head. I was rewarded with the sweet taste of pre-cum. I licked my lips and took the hardening head into my mouth. I began to suck. I sucked further and further down his shaft until I was at the base. I was choking a bit on his cock. But I sucked and sucked. I poured everything into it. I used my tongue to massage the shaft and keep my lips tight. I swirled my tongue around the head and used my teeth to gently nip up the side. I licked up the sides and kissed the top and shaft. I licked his balls and put both the buoyant massive things in my mouth, working them over with my tongue.

He just sat there. His hands clasped behind his head like he was ready to do a sit up. He would occasionally move and when he groaned, I know I had done something he like. At one point his left hand came down and rubbed his flat stomach and up to his nipples, then it returned.

I sucked on him for an eternity, and I loved every minute of it. Finally, his groans became more frequent, and both hands came down on my head. He only had to gently push to keep me deep-throating him as I was more than happy to obey his wishes. Then he came.

Spurt after spurt hit the back of my mouth, and I swallowed. His hips bucked up into my face in a fucking motion. I reveled in the salty taste and sucked harder. As he spent himself, he pulled my head off his dick. I breathed in. My head still bowed, my eyes were fixed on his manhood. It was slowly deflating, red, slick, and sticky. I swallowed again, getting more come that had been hidden in my mouth. "Thank you, Sir." I said, awed at this man.

"Suck my cock and thank me for the privilege, eh? I like that."

"Yes, sir." I whispered.

His hands went back behind his head as he breathed deep, catching his breath. I watched his chest rise and fall, straining further the fabric of his shirt. His pants were pulled down near to his knees, his shirt had ridden up and I saw part of a washboard stomach. His chest was great. I could tell he worked out. I didn't say anything. What could I say? I just watched. His breathing continued for a few minutes, gradually slowing to a normal rate. All that time, he just lay there, his dick out in the open, calm as can be. Since he didn't seem to mind, I just watched his body, drinking him in, burning him into my memory.

"Know what I want to do now?" He asked looking at me.

I looked at this beautiful face "Sir?"

"I want to fuck your ass."

"If you would like, Sir, of course you can." I answered. What a dream. I pinched myself, no, I was awake.

"Let's go to your apartment." He pulled his seat up and started the car again. His shirt fell down, covering him some, but he didn't make a move to pull up his pants. What confidence he had.

A few minutes later, we were at my apartment building. He pulled his pants up and buckled his belt as he got out of the car. I led the way to my small apartment. Once inside he looked around like he owned the place (as far as I was concerned, he did, and he owned me). He strode around like a cowboy, and I felt like a little girl following him around. "Let's go boy." He said as his inspection ended. He headed for the bedroom, flicked on the light, and turned around. "Strip, boy." I thought it was odd him calling me 'boy', since I was, I guessed, some years older then him, but I wanted to be his boy, so I loved it. I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my shirt. He stood with his arms crossed over that magnificent chest of his and watched me. Now, I'm in pretty good shape, if it isn't as good as his. I have good definition to my pecs, and arms, and you can see the six-pack starting to bulge out of my stomach. I've always found it easier to get a guy in bed if you look good, so I try.

I pulled my pants off and stayed down to take off my socks. I didn't want to stand up, because my hard-on would show. This man before me was big, and I guessed his dick to be about 8 inches long when fully erect, and I was under six. 'Truly his boy.' I thought 'Not a man next to him.' But I straightened up and saw him look at my crotch. He could tell that I wasn't as hung as he was, and that made him smile some more. I hesitated.

"Do I have to tell you to finish, boy?" He asked, with a sparkle in his eye.

"No sir. Sorry, sir." And with a breath I put my thumbs under my briefs and pulled them down. My (little) cock bounced up and down, only hitting my stomach because I was bending over at the time. Then I stood up and His eyes looked me over.

"Now me." He said. "Start with my shoes." No question in his voice, just a soft order. It was like he knew that I would obey. I knelt down and began to untie his sneakers. They were nice shoes, Nikes, and with the car, I guessed he was pretty well-to-do. I finished untying the shoe and pulled it off, he lifted his foot to help me. "Don't forget the sock." He said. I reached up and pulled it off. As I began to set them aside, I heard him again "Neatly." I folded the sock and placed it in the mouth of the shoe. I turned back to his other foot, but not before I got a whiff of his sock and it's stinky-masculine scent. My hands trembled a little as I undid his other shoe. Here I was, buck naked and kneeling before an absolute stud. He was much better looking than most of the guys who had fucked me before, and I was on my knees following orders. It was heaven. I repeated the folding and put the shoe and sock beside their mates.

"Now the shirt." I stood up. He was giving me instructions and I was obeying. He hadn't tucked his shirt back in when he put his pants on, so I grabbed the bottom and lifted gently. He raised his arms to help me. As I did I got very close to his chest, and as it was revealed to me, it was spectacular. I inched toward his right nipple. His arms now free, his left hand grabbed my ear and twisted. "Not now boy."

"I'm sorry, Sir." I was capitalizing the word 'Sir' to myself now, this was great. Just what I always wanted, God, if it only would last. So many times I had someone who would order me around only for a game or only passing through.

"Now the pants." I unbuckled his belt and pulled it out. Guessing as to his wishes, I rolled it up and set it on the folded shirt that I had on the dresser. I turned back to him and undid the button at the top of his jeans. Doing this I came in contact with his stomach. The skin was smooth and I could feel the muscles below it. Heat raised from his crotch. I was shacking. I unzipped his zipper, revealing his re-hardening dick. He wasn't wearing underwear. I wondered why I hadn't noticed when I blew him in his car. He lifted one leg, then the other so I could remove his pants. Then I folded them and put them on the dresser next to his shirt.

I turned to see him in all his glory. What an Adonis. I almost fell to my knees, and my knees were weak looking at him. Strong biceps and forearms, but not steroid inducted. He had a body that he worked on and made beautiful. Broad shoulders, hard nipples. He had a dusting of hair between his perfect pecs and a treasure trail to his pubic bush. Big dick, pointing 8 inches at me. Muscular legs and thighs. High arches on his feet. He stood naked like a greek statue, comfortable as if he were fully clothed.

He gave me a second to drink him in, then ordered "Suck me." Now I really fell on my knees and took his massive tool into my mouth. I brought my hands up to his thighs and butt. Everything was hard and firm. I sucked and slobbered on his dick, taking the whole monster into my throat. He bucked his hips back and forth a bit, getting more into it this time than he had before.

After a few minutes, he stopped me by grabbing my hair and pulling back. "You got some lube?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Fetch it."

"Yes, Sir." I stood up and fetched it from the stand by the bed. He took it from me and began to apply it to his dick.

"Get on all fours on the bed." He said as he lubed himself up. I obeyed. I felt him mount the bed behind me. His hand rubbed up and down on my ass, forcing the crack open a bit. Then both of them. Then suddenly a slap.

"Aw" I exclaimed.

"Shut up." He responded, and I bit my lip. He slapped me a few more times, then I felt his hands really pull my ass apart. I felt the hot head of his cock press against the gate of my asshole. He pressed and pressed into my hole. I bit my lip harder in the pain of the first anal sex I had had in weeks. He pressed on, thrusting in and out. He grabbed my hips and pumped into my ass. Out of my ass. Deeper and deeper. The pain of the intrusion morphed into the pleasure of being dominated by a real man. My dick was hard and bounced back and forth in concert with his manly thrusts. I groaned and urghed.

Since he had just come in my mouth not twenty minutes before, he was in no hurry to come again, so he fucked strongly but not too fast. Occasionally he would slap my ass or pinch my cheeks. I looked back at him. His eyes were half closed, and he didn't seem to be watching me, just enjoying his ride. His chest glistened with sex-sweat and his hips moved in and out. I felt like an object, some toy for his dick. I loved that, to be at the service of such a stud. As much as his big dick made me hot filling me with his young manhood, acting as his pussy, as a thing or a toy is what really got me going. And as I have said, I'm used to getting my thrills where I can. Mostly I had to take what I could, since whoever was riding me was only in it for an easy fuck and would rarely smack me around. This guy hadn't smacked me around, but his commanding presence and confidence did it for me.

As I was looking back at him, his eyes opened up and he looked down at his boy. He smiled at his boy. A confident smile like he was in charge and knew it. Like he could snap his fingers and have anyone he wanted. He leaned forward and stuck the two first fingers of his right hand into my mouth. I automatically began to suck on them, looking up at him like a dog wanting to please his Master. In my fantasy, he was already my Master, and I just his slave. But I couldn't get my hopes up that he would last. Chances were he was just out for a quick fuck and play at being a tough guy in control. But there was love and obedience in my eyes, and he might have read that. He continued to fuck me.

After some time his thrusts took on more urgency. He grabbed my hips and moved me back and forth on his dick as he pumped in and out of my bruised asshole. I was sweating and I could feel drops of his sweat fall onto the small of my back.

As his thrusts increased in speed, I came, twisting my body. I couldn't help it. I had sucked him off and been ordered around and was being fucked up the ass with increasing ferocity. I was in heaven, absolute heaven. My hips bucked in little fucking motions and I felt his hands slip some and grab on tighter to make my body conform to his wishes. I was just a little boy before the great Masterly man, and my body obeyed him more than me.

Finally, thrusting his chest out and throwing his head back in a deep groan he came inside me. I could feel the cum bursting inside of me and filling my ass. His thrusts slowed and stopped. I could hear him breathing deep over my own breaths. He half fell with his head toward the pillows, and moved to adjust himself lying down on my bed. He was breathing deep.

I moved on my hands and knees around a bit to allow him to stretch out. I looked at him. Sweat covered his body and both his strong hands were near his navel. His magnificent chest moved up and down, drawing life-giving air into his lungs. The sweat made light reflections over his body, and it was divine. He was glistening like a god. Like after I had blown him, I just stared, watching him. As he got his breath back, he began to speak, pointing to his cock. "Clean me off." I dove for his dick. I gingerly used my right hand to bring it to my mouth and clean him off. I licked and gently sucked. I could see the sweat on the hairs of his strong legs and the sweat in his public bush. I could taste his come and my shit. I continued my cleaning as he regained his breath.

"Goddamn that was good." He breathed deep. "You can stop now." I didn't want to but I didn't want to disobey my Master (even if he were only my Master in my head). I pulled up and leaned back on my knees at the foot of the bed.

His right hand swept across his brow. He was watching me. He didn't look cocky at the moment. He just looked like someone who had had a good fuck. He had a pleasant smile on his face, like one you would have if a good friend had just shown up. "You did good, I really liked that."

"Thank you, Master." I said it automatically, without thinking. As soon as 'Master' was out of my mouth I breathed in quickly. My eyes had dipped down to his cock, and they shot up to his face. I was shocked at my word. It had slipped out. Yes, I had been thinking of this man as my Master, but so many men had only wanted to play or didn't want to hear that word at all that I was afraid to us it, or the guy would just leave my life calling me a pervert.

When the word 'Master' hit his ears there was no change for a moment. Then his smile deepened. "Is that what you want, a master?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You want to be someone's slave?"

"Yes, Sir."

He put his hands behind his head again, like he had in the car. I could see his pits and the sweat that ran from them. He was looking at me. Now, this guy was naked in a strangers house. But he was a comfortable as you please with me staring at him. I had just had sex with the guy and I was a bit embarrassed to be nude there in front of him.

"Would you like me to be your master?"

"Oh, yes, Sir. More than you can image Sir."

"Humm. How far are you willing to go?"

"Sir, as far as you like, Sir. I'll do anything you want me to Sir."

He just looked at me for a second, then he got up off the bed. As he started talking again, he dressed. I just stayed kneeling on the bed listening to him.

"OK, I'll give you a shot. I'll be back here tomorrow at 9. I want you here. I'll give you a run through to see if I like the way you perform. If I like it, I'll keep you. If I don't, I may just show up to fuck you every so often. Now, here are some rules; One, I like being called 'master' so do that. 'Sir' is OK, but I prefer 'master'. I want to be sure you know your place. Next. I want you naked whenever you are alone here. From 8:30 on tomorrow night, I want you on your knees in the center of that living room of yours waiting for me. Have your hands behind your back and your head down. Got that, boy?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good boy. Now, I want you to go and open the front door for me." I looked up at him. I was naked and had obviously just been fucked. What if someone saw me? As I looked at him, I resigned to obey. I got off the bed and followed him to the front door. He stood before it, and as I reached for the door handle he asked. "Just how far are you really willing to go, boy?"

"As far as you want me to, Master." I looked up at him sincerely.

"Good boy." He gestured to the door and I opened it for him. He walked out. Before he strode off, he turned around to me. "On your knees, boy."

"Yes, Master." I knelt before him. He tussled my hair and strode to the steps and down to his car. As soon as he was out of sight, I closed the door, after all, he hadn't said I couldn't. I rushed to the window, and saw him climb into his car and drive off. Then I noticed my dick was hard again. A Master, a real Master. God, I hoped this would be the one.

Chapter 2

The Test

I whacked off as soon as he left, and I had slept on top of the bedcovers that night, so I would be close to where he had laid. I stayed nude (a little self-consciously, even thought I was alone) until I had to go to work. Then I dressed, left and went to work. I returned home in time to get ready. Actually, getting ready was easy, since all I had to do was strip. At 8:30 I knelt in the center of the living room, put my hands behind my back and bowed my head. And waited.

I tried not to fidget, and I tried not to look at the clock, but I failed at both. I was a willing slave, but not very well trained yet. So I shifted my weight back and forth on my knees and swayed and waited for my Master. Thinking that my Master would be coming got me hard and I dripped some pre-cum onto the cheap carpet.

At 9:00 I stared at the door as if expecting him to open it (it was unlocked) and come in. But I was disappointed. As time dragged on, I grew anxious. I had spent half a hour in anticipation of Master's arrival and now he was late. Suddenly I realized that was not a very slavish thing to think. Master could keep me waiting all night if he wished. But I wanted to get on with some active obeying, not just boring kneeling.

A little after 9:10 there was a knock at the door. I looked up. Was I supposed to answer it? Naked? I didn't have any instructions. I could get a robe or something in case it was a neighbor, but if it were Master, he might be upset. The knock came again. I had no time. I got up and opened the door. I kept behind it and stuck my head out. That way I could see, but not be exposed.

It was Master. He as carrying a bag of something and smiling a wicked smile. He strode in, pushing the door open more as he did so. I closed it when he passed. Before I could say anything, he turned to me and said "You got up."

I didn't know what to say. I slowly sank to my knees before him and murmured "I'm sorry Master." Was I supposed to open the door on my knees? I was getting confused.

He looked down on me, still with a wicked smile on his face. "I'll have to punish you for that boy. And I've got to decide which would be worse; punishing you for disobeying my order to stay in the middle of the room or the punishment for leaving me out in the hall." Realization dawned. No matter what I did, I would have done something wrong, and Master would have to punish me. He would be tough. That was my warning that this wouldn't be just a game. It was all the warning I got.

"I'll decide on your punishment later. Right now, I want to test you out to see how you perform as a slave. He opened the bag and pulled something out. "I've always wanted a dog. Let's see if you can be a good dog for me." The object was a dog collar, a big one, like for Dobermans or something. He put it on me. I didn't resist, but I melted a bit when his hands touched my neck. When he finished, he crouched down to look me in the face. "Here we go. I want to see if you can be a good dog. Please me and we can do some more. Fail, and I'm gone." That was all the threat I needed, I wanted the man in my life forever, and I wanted to always be at his feet.

He straightened up. And I got on all fours, looking up at him. "Good Fido. Let's see if you know any tricks. Sit." I put my ass on the floor, keeping my arms straight, so I looked like a dog sitting. "Good boy. Lie down." I put my arms forward and my head down. I couldn't look at Master's face like that, and I must have looked like a Muslim at prayer, but it seemed to be what Master wanted. "Up." I got back on all fours. "Roll over." I did. "Play dead." I rolled onto my back and left my arms and legs in the air. "Good boy." Master stood over me and stared down. "Sit." He ordered again and I sat. "Speak" I "woofed" Master then took something else out of his bag and it was a leash. He attached it and said "Heel." He began to walk around the room. I followed the best I could. Humans just weren't made to go about on their hands and knees very fast or very long. And I had a hard time keeping up with Master. Of course, it didn't help that he as going in a circle with me on the outside. So he could take little steps and out pace me. As I grew tired he began to jerk on the leash and say "Heel Fido, Heel." I tried to keep up, I really did. I wanted to please my Master, but it was so hard. My eyes began to water. Finally he stopped and looked down at me, disapproval etched in his face. I cowered at this feet and whimpered looking up at him with pleading in my eyes. It wasn't just that my knees hurt from following him around, but it was embarrassing for me. And turning me on.

Here I was in my own apartment, naked while he was fully dressed. But that was nothing to the humiliation I felt acting as his dog. I felt like a plaything to him, and I was embarrassed to the pit of my stomach.

"If you are really sorry for disappointing me, lick my shoes clean to prove it." Master said to me. I bent my head to his closest foot and began to lick. Not the little tongue-tip lick you see in a game, but a full bodied lick as I cleaned his shoes. I licked hard and long. After I had completely finished one, I moved to the other. I could feel Master's eyes watching me, but I didn't look up from my work. When I finished the second shoe I was faced with a decision, I could stop or I could go back to the first one. I continued to lick the second shoe. If I stopped and Master wasn't satisfied, he would be disappointed. If I didn't stop, how long would this go on? Actually, I loved servicing Master, so I decided it was better to keep licking than to stop. Maybe it would make him hot and he would fuck me again. I went back to the first shoe. I heard a little guffaw from above, but I continued to lick the clean shoe even cleaner.

I had just finished the third round of this and was starting round four when I heard Master say "Good Fido, good slave, you are trying to please Master, aren't you?" I didn't answer, but licked harder. "Stop and sit." Was the next command, and I obeyed. My mouth was parched, I really needed a drink. But I couldn't ask for one, I was a dog, and I was sitting like one. Master had dropped the leash and was staring at me. "Is Fido thirsty?" Master was rubbing his crotch.

For answer, I stuck my tongue out and panted like a dog. I hoped that was the right answer. I must have been, because Master smiled even more. "Good dog. Now, Fido is a special dog, who is going to get a special drink. But Fido has to work for it. Fido, I want you to take my pants down so you can have a drink."

I got what he wanted. He was going to make me drink his piss. I had drunk piss before, and I wanted his. I raised up on my knees and began to bring my hands up. Master saw this and slapped me across the face. "Fido has forgotten that dogs do not have hands." I dropped them. "I'll have to punish

you for that too, Fido. Now, open up my pants so I can piss in you."

I moved my mouth to his belt buckle. I looked up at him as I did so. He looked at his slave in amusement. I struggled with the buckle and finally got it out. It wasn't easy. I was tired and turned on and my mouth was dry. But being so close to his crotch was breathing new life into me, and being a slave to a real Master was keeping me hard as a rock. With the belt removed, I began to experiment with the button. I had to really work to get it popped. Master was well-built, so there was no flab to move around and his clothes showed off his body very well. I finally managed it, and by this time, I had a bit of sweat built up. Then I tacked the zipper. I tried moving it with just my lips, but the little holder kept sliding out, so I had to clench it between my teeth. I also had to be sure not to get my chin caught in the zipper. On top of all this, I was having to be careful not to get Master's expanding cock caught. But I managed.

With his pants opened, I began to tug the flaps down. I pulled the front, then went around back. It was actually easier to pull his pants down from there then the front. And I had the bonus of smelling his ass.

Finally, I had his pants down around his knees and then I heard Master say "Good Fido, now suck Master's dick some so he can give you a drink." I obeyed with relish, only to be rebuked. "Fido, not too much or you will get Master hard and not be able to get a drink." I dropped the intensity of the head I was giving him. Soon I felt the changes in his dick that signed he as about to piss. I got ready. I didn't have to be told that I shouldn't spill any. It was obvious to me that Master wouldn't like that, and I didn't want to anything that Master wouldn't like.

The first piss hit me and I automatically began to swallow. Master pissed like he didn't have a care in the world, and left me to get it all. I did so happily, but I was worried every minute of letting some dribble down my cheek.

Fortunately, that didn't happen, and Master pulled out happy. I licked the tip of his dick for him as he squeezed it a bit. "Good Fido. Time for dinner." The last three words were said with a wicked sound, and I got worried. Master took something else out of his bag. A can of dog-food. He then strode to the kitchen. I followed, wondering if I could eat dog food even for him. Master looked about the kitchen and found a bowl and can-opener. As he got these he looked at me "Fido should be excited to be getting dinner." I took his meaning that what I thought was irrelevant and began to wag my ass and wiggle with excitement. I did my best to imitate a dog about to be fed. I was worried inside.

"Good Fido." Master said as he put the bowl on the floor. I dove for it, hoping to make him happy, but dreading the first taste. I got a kick in the shoulder for that. "Bad Fido. Fido doesn't eat until Master says so." He looked sternly to me. "Beg." He said, his voice full of meaning. I rose up on my knees and but my hands in a begging position like a dog, pleading in my eyes. I was pleading to be released from this, but I think Master took it as pleading to be allowed to eat the dog food. No, I take that back. I think Master knew I didn't want it, but wanted to make me beg for something I was horrified of.

"Good Fido, now eat it all up." That was a command. I dropped back to all fours. I stared at the bowl full of fake meat for just a second. I couldn't delay. Master had given me an order, and I must obey. If I didn't obey, and with some relish, he might leave me and not be my Master. I bent my head to the bowl and took a bite. It was horrible. I chewed once and swallowed, hoping the taste would go away. It didn't. I took another bite, and another. I pulled my cheeks back and tried to hide my tongue, but to no avail. There was some little bit of a gravy-like substance in the dog food, and that got everywhere in my mouth. I ate and ate. "Good Fido, eat it all up for Master. That's a good dog."

The last few bites were hard to get up, but I managed. Then I realized that I would have to lick the bowl clean. I was humiliated that I had had to beg for the dog food, to act excited to be offered it, and to lick the bowl clean on top of everything. As I was licking the bowl, I few swats hit my ass. "Good boy, make Master happy." I licked with more zeal at those words.

Once I had the bowl clean, I brought my face up. Master was staring at me. He took up the leash and said "Heel." And headed for the bathroom. I couldn't figure out what Master would want with Fido there. It didn't take me long to find out.

"Up, up." Master deliberately pulled me up to my feet in front of the sink. "I think eating that stuff makes your mouth filthy. Have you swallowed it all down? Let me see." I opened my mouth. "Work your tongue around, and pull up some spit. I want to be sure you get it all down. Here, let me help you." And with that he hocked a few spit balls into my mouth to 'help' me. I cleaned out my mouth as well as I could. "Dirty boy, we'll have to clean up your mouth before you can suck me again."

With that he pick up the bar of soap and put it under running water for a second. I didn't move. He was going to wash my mouth out with soap. This was unbelievable. But I obeyed and opened my mouth. He shoved it in and got a good lather up. Master had me swirl it around a bit, rinse out, and repeated the procedure. "See how good I am to you? I'm not making you use the toilet water or even making you do this to yourself while I watch. Isn't that nice of me?"

When I didn't answer, he slapped me on the ass and said "Well?"

"Thank you Master, being so kind to me, Master."

"Good slave. Now rinse that out and crawl out to me." He left and went to sit down in the living room. I fully rinsed out my mouth (I could now longer taste the dog food, but the soap was still there), and crawled out to Master.

Master was sitting in the conformable chair and watching me. I crawled over to him and stopped, looking up to him for further orders.

"You did well. You were very obedient and you tried to please me. You are a good slave. Do you want to stay my slave?"

"Yes, Master, more than anything. I want to be your slave forever."

"Even for more of the same, and worse?"

"Oh yes Master, anything for you. I can want nothing more than to be your slave." My answer pleased him, and he smiled.

"Good boy. I am going to give some thought to your living arrangements, but stay naked at home for now. I'll be over when I want to fuck you or whatever, and I want you to ready for me. Now, I have to get back soon. I'm going to dry-fuck you now, and you had better get used to it." He started to strip off his clothes.

"Yes Master. Thank you, Master. Whatever you want, Master."

"I want silence while I fuck you. Then I want you to clean me off and be quite until I go. I'll come up with some duties for you perform later." With that he did dry-fuck me (and I did my best to be quite, but he had to hit me a little when I made too much noise).

When he was done, I quietly cleaned him off, and when he was ready, he left. As he left, he tousled my head and said "Good boy."

Chapter 3

The Bell

Master did come up with some duties for me. First he had me change to an earlier shift so I would be available to him after school (he was a junior at a local high school). He had me re-arrange the furniture in my apartment. I did the work, while he ordered me around. He changed his mind a lot , and I had to move furniture back and forth to please him. He brought me shoes to tongue-clean and ordered me to join a gym to tone up my body. He got me a pager so he could page me anytime he wanted me, and arranged a schedule of when I could do certain things like grocery shop. One day he appeared with a brochure for male belly-dancing. He told me to take the class so I could dance for him. I didn't want to, but I obeyed. He had me dance for him when he was over sometime. But all that took time and happened over some weeks.

One day Master arrived after school and ordered me to stand next to him as he sat on the couch. He tied a string behind the head of my hard dick. On the other end of the string was a bell. When it was secure Master hit the bell and it tickled slightly. "Little boy has a belled dick. Play your dick for me boy." I reached down with one hand to bat the bell and received a punch in my gut. "Stupid-ass cocksucker, play your dick with no hands."

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry, Master." I began to flex my dick-muscles up and down to ring the bell. It wasn't something I had done a lot of, so it was difficult.

"You look so stupid doing that. It's great. Tell me you like doing this for me." Master smirked to me.

"Oh Master. I am only happy when obeying you. I am so happy to be looking like a dumb fuck to amuse you. I will would do anything for you, my Master, my Lord, my Owner. I dream of nothing but crawling at your feet. I would spend all day with a bell tied to my dick and ringing it for your pleasure. Anything my Master wishes is a command to me. I live to hear your voice and suck your dick and do as you wish."

"Shut up." I instantly fell silent, gazing down at my Master in awe. "I didn't say to stop playing." I had indeed stopped, and I started up again with vigor. "Fucker, try something with a bit of rhythm, I want a tune."

This was a bit harder. My face tensed up with concentration as I struggled to obey. I wasn't overly successful. But my Master was kind to me and didn't punish me. After a few minutes of my struggle, Master got bored with this and sent me to the kitchen (on my hands and knees) to fetch him a drink. When I crawled back, Master was standing up and stretching. This really showed off his form. My breath caught.

"You like me don't you? You really do like crawling at my feet." Master said to me.

"Oh, yes, Master. I live for you."

Master looked down at me, smiling to me a moment. I smiled back to him hopefully. He dribbled spit into my face. I opened my mouth to catch it. That earned me a smile from Master. "Time to fuck." Master announced. He dropped his pants and I held my ass up for him. It was a dry-fuck, which was his preferred way. When he was finished with me (my bell ringing all the time) I went around and cleaned him off. He then stood up, put his foot on my head and said. "My good little slave boy. Practice with the bell, I want you to become talented with it." With that he left.

Chapter 4

Anything to make Master happy

The bell on my dick must have given him an idea. The next time Master came to visit me, he also tied a string around the back of the head of my dick. It's a little sad, but about the time Master might arrive from school, I would start staring out the window, waiting for him. When his Camero came into the lot, I threw an immediate boner.

Master left the fairly long string tied to my dick and had me crawl to fetch him a beer (he wasn't of legal age, but I was, so I had been ordered to buy beer for him). When I got back Master had me stand at attention next to him. While he drank, he pulled the string up, down, and sideways, pulling my dick with it. It hurt. Master had also brought a little whip. It looked like a regular whip, but was only about a foot long, like a toy. Every so often, it would land on my dick or balls. After about 20 minutes of this, tears were welling up in my eyes, and one trickled down my cheek. I had been flinching some, but Master had told me not to, so I wasn't flinching much.

With the tear Master stopped and looked at me for a second, his wicked grin on his face. He then pulled the string viciously a few times, and delivered a few strikes with the whip in rapid succession. Then he said "Little boy going to cry? What a bad little boy. Don't you want your Master to have some fun?"

As bad as his tortures were hurting my dick and balls, I was more concerned with Master's amusement. In a sincere voice I said "Oh, Master, I am so sorry Master. You little boy is so sorry to disappoint his great manly Master. Your little slave boy will do anything to make it up to the great manly Master. Please tell your worthless piece of shit cunt boy what to do. I can't live unless I make you happy. I will do anything. Anything, Master. Anything at all." Here I took a deep breath, as I was going to continue until Master gave me some indication to do something else.

"So my little dog slave wants to make it all better?" Master replied.

"Oh, yes Master. Please tell me what I can do to make Master happy and to let Master have fun. I will do anything for Master."

"All right." Master used his thumb to wipe up part of the tear and stuck his thumb in my mouth. I automatically began to suck it. He left it there for a second then pulled out and began. "I still want to play with your little dick, but instead of doing all the work, I think you should. You can pull your dick and whip your cock and balls until you cum. And I want you to beg for the privilege."

It had been hard enough standing the torment when Master was doing it. As he said the words of what I had do now, I was mortified. How could I do that to myself? And I had to beg to be allowed to. Master's face didn't look like he would compromise. Not that I ever asked him too. Not that he ever would. Master liked to do things to me, and liked to make me ask for things I found humiliating.

As much as I didn't want to torment myself, I threw everything I had into the begging. I felt I could move from position to do so, and I bent down to kiss and lick his shoes. I started to beg, loud enough that he hear without having to tell me to speak up. And I was sincere. No matter how little I wanted to inflict the pain on myself, I couldn't disobey or disappoint Master. "Oh great and wonderful Master, I am just a poor slave who is your puppet. I want to act to amuse you. Please let me pull on the string on my dick and whip my dick and balls for you. I will do this, Master, until I cum, so I can please you. Please Master, have mercy on you cunt slave and let him put himself through pain so you can be happy. All your little boyslave wants is to make you happy. Master, I will pull hard on the string and my cock will dance for you. Oh, Master, I will whip my cock and balls sharply so you can see the red strips I leave. I will pull and whip at the same time, Master. Master, I will do one than the other. I will use the string to get better angles for the whip. Oh, please Master, please Master. Master I want to amuse you and take pain for you. Master, oh, Master, please let me do this for you. I want to be a good slave for my Master."

"Get started then." Master said, snapping his fingers.

In my only gambit to steal myself for this, I kissed and licked his shoes some more. "Oh, thank you, Master. I will make Master happy, Master."

"Stand up so I can get a good view."

I stood up. Master handed me the little whip, sat back and watched. I was hard from the begging. I began by pulling the string to one side. I made a fast jerk, and I felt my dick move to the right. It was painful. The string cut into the tender underside of my dickhead, and the cock stretched. I pulled hard enough to feel something in the roots. Then I struck the underside of my dick with the little whip. God, it hurt. It was flexible, so it wrapped around the shaft some. I pulled the string in some other directions, and had a go with the whip on my balls. I don't know which was worse, my cock or my balls. The whip hurt less on my shaft, but the string make up for that. Master had hit the head of my dick with the whip, so I figured I had to as well. I delivered two successive quick strokes to the head. Tears were really coming down now. Master was leaning back enjoying the show. I switched hands with the string and the whip for some variation.

"Is the boy happy to be doing this for his master?" Master asked.

"Oh, yes, Master. I will do this all day to make my Master happy."

"Smile for master to show you are enjoying this."

How humiliating. Here I was causing great pain to the most sensitive parts of my body, after having had to beg to do so, and now I had to smile to show I liked it. I smiled. I was crying now, tears coming down my cheeks, and into my mouth.

"Those are tears of joy, aren't they bitch?" Master asked, a little like it was a joke.

"Oh, yes, Master. I am ecstatic to be doing this for you."

"Tell me some more how much you like to do this for me." Master said.

I pulled my dick straight down and whipped the top. "Oh, Master, I love doing things for you. I love being your plaything, your toy. I want to do all sorts of things for you. Please, Master, please be happy that I am performing for you. . I am so happy to do this. Master I will whip my dick forever for you. I will whip my balls forever for you. I will pull my dick on a string always for you. Please let me do whatever you like. "

Master smiled, and I continued. It took a while, but I finally came. While the orgasm wracked my body, I stopped pulling and whipping. When I stopped spurting, I just stood there, in a bit of a daze looking at the Master I loved.

"I didn't say you could stop." Another order. I raised the whip and began to jerk the string some more. My dick was super-sensitive now, and it hurt even more. The string came off, as my dick had shrunk some. "Stop" Master said, as I began to retrieve the string to put it back on. I stopped and looked at him in wonder awaiting my next task.

"Slave has been very good. Master is happy. Blow me." I knelt before Master and undid his pants, taking his large cock out and into my mouth. I sucked for some time before he stood up and fucked me.

Next: Chapter 2: Slave to Younger Master 5 7

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