Slings and Shackles

Published on Sep 21, 2023


Slings and Shackles - Chapter 11

Slings and Shackles

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

Warning: This story contains scenes of intense BDSM domination and submission. Please read another of my stories if intense BDSM bothers you.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 11

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a dull chain saw. Like, really thick.

I lay in the harness sling gasping and whimpering. My body was still in the ‘come down’ stage from the full blown toes-to-nose uber extreme orgasm that erupted through me as Master Kent finished throwing a fuck into me that would have made a whale’s eyes cross.

I attempted to open my eyes a couple of times but I was currently seeing so many stars that I expected the USS Ball Buster (NCC-6900) to sail into view at any moment.

And when I finally opened my eyes, I saw that the Starship had actually arrived. Standing between my legs was Captain Logan VanRyn (the ‘ball buster’ himself) and from the looks of the monster weapon standing straight up between his legs, I would say he was locked, loaded, and ready to do battle. And my dripping pussy was the target he intended to conquer into its finality.

Okay. I’ll stop with the space jabber now.

Master Logan stood between my outstretched legs. His massive eleven plus inch cock with the ‘cathedral balls of all cathedral balls’ hanging from its root and that purple plum-sized head pulsing and drooling precum. The juices of his essence flowed down the head and over the ridge and then coated their way down the thick, throbbing shaft to those huge balls.

My pussy twitched and winked even as I caught myself licking my lips. He caught it, too.

“Your pussy cunt is drooling Master Kent and Master Kelly’s cum but it looks like it is begging for more,” Master Logan said with a rather sinister grin spreading across his face. “Not to worry, unless you use your safe word immediately, I am going to throw a fuck into you that will have your eyeballs bouncing into the next county.”


That sounded like a hell of a fuck.

I had seen him fuck his subs countless times before and it truly would be a hell of a fuck.

Those words and phrases from earlier were still ringing in my ears and imbedding deeper as my mind was being continually rewritten:

‘Your days as an Alpha Top Dom are over.’

‘You will never Dom again.’

‘You will never fuck again.’

‘You are castrated.’

‘You have a boyclit. An adorable but useless boyclit.’

‘You are a complete, total 100% submissive ravenous cocksucker with an insatiable pussy cunt.’

‘Your pussy cunt is built for fucking and breeding by a REAL MAN’s COCK.’

‘Your duty is to service and worship a REAL MAN’s COCK with your cocksucker mouth and your pussy cunt.’

I dwelled on those words and phrases for a few moments as I gazed at Master Logan’s hard, thick, dripping with precum REAL MAN’s COCK. I could feel my pussy cunt twitching. Was it hunger? Anxiety? Both?

“This is it, boy,” Master Logan said as he looked down upon me. He towered over me and his cock towered over my pussy cunt. My breath caught in my throat, again. “This is it. Who would have ever thought ‘you’ would become a pussyboy? But here we are. The final act, as it were.” Great reference considering me being an award-winning Hollywood actor. “I’m going to nail the lid on your Dom status. I’m going to nail the lid on your new status as a cock hungry pussyboy. Your duty from now on will be to get on your knees and worship a REAL MAN’s COCK or to give up your pussy cunt for fucking and breeding. You’re toast, boonie boy.”

boonie boy? I was boonie boy now?

Master Logan took a step forward between my legs and bent his rock hard cock downward slightly so that he could press it to my hole. My hole? My pussy cunt. Still dripping with Master Kelly’s and Master Kent’s cum. The perfect lube for him to slide into me. Any moment now, he would slide into me. He nestled it into my pussy lips and his eyes locked on mine once again. This was it. He was going to slide that monster into me now.


‘Slam’ into me.

“What is the verdict, boonie boy,” Master Logan asked. “Safe word or finish this.”

‘Firehose’. That was was my safe word. I could call a stop to this right here, right now before it went any further, but I knew it was already too late. Yeah. I was toast. I gazed up at Master Logan and I gave him the opening he needed.

“Do it,” I said softly but with a conviction and maybe a tint of challenge. I’m still unsure if the challenge part of that was for him, or—me. “Finish me.”

With one mighty earth-shaking thrust, Master Logan ‘slammed’ his entire length into me. His huge balls slapped against the upturned cheeks of my ass.


“Take it, boy. You’re hungry for it. This is what you need,” Master Logan grunted out as he withdrew to the head and then slammed back into me. Those strategically placed mics picked up the sound of his cock splitting open my hole; they picked up the sounds of his mighty balls crashing and smashing against my ass.


The crowd was eating it up. The roar coming from off stage was like a hundred thousand screaming fans at a Super Bowl. A concert of the ages. It was deafening. It was a ravenous roar. They wanted this. They wanted to see the Dom fucked out of me for good. Even the ones who didn’t know me wanted this. They…were…rabid.




“Take it, boy! Take it all!” Master Logan’s thrust became more volatile. My entire body shook with each slam into me. Fuck! More than my eyeballs would bounce and roll into the next county. He was going to fuck my soul, my very ‘being’ into the next county to bounce and roll with my eyeballs!

The head of the harness sling rose slowly until I was able to actually see Master Logan’s battering ram slam into my pussy cunt. Thrust after thrust after thrust, I could see him splitting me open and him disappearing inside me. Each thrust, I could see and ‘feel’ his huge balls smashing against my cheeks.




‘Nail’ the lid on it?

Fuck that.

He was using a fucking railroad spike on that lid.

There was no way that I would come back from this. No way. I could feel what was left of my ‘Top’ status disappearing from my soul more and more with each blistering thrust he made into me.

Those words and phrases from earlier ceased ringing in my ears and were being replaced with new words and phrases taking form deep in my rewritten mind:

‘My days as an Alpha Top Dom are over.’

‘I will never Dom again.’

‘I will never fuck again.’

‘I am castrated.’

‘I have a boyclit. An adorable but useless boyclit.’

‘I am a complete, total 100% submissive ravenous cocksucker with an insatiable pussy cunt.’

‘My pussy cunt is built for fucking and breeding by a REAL MAN’s COCK.’

‘My duty is to service and worship a REAL MAN’s COCK with my cocksucker mouth and my pussy cunt.’

The writing was on the walls. The writing was imbedding into my brain and it was being sealed over. With each thrust of his mighty cock into me it became more clear and more deeply ingrained.




And suddenly my entire body went into full convulsion mode. The earth shaking began deep in my pussy cunt and radiated outward and upward and spread to my toes. Every part of my body reacted to the pounding my pussy cunt was taking. My eyes rolled back into my head as sweat poured from every pore in my body. The orgasm was so intense I thought my newly created boyclit would explode like a missile hitting its target. Except of course, ‘I’ was the target. I was wracked with convulsion after convulsion.

And Master Logan never let up. He thrust into me and thrust into me and thrust into me. His massive cock continued its onslaught on my battered pussy cunt, taking it, owning it, possessing it.

And that’s what was happening, really.

He was taking it.

He was owning it.

He was possessing it.

Really, he was taking ‘me’.

He was owning ‘me’.

He was possessing ‘me’.

And I was giving it up.

I was completely giving it up.

I was submitting.

I was surrendering.

Yeah. I would never go back.

I was being transformed right before everyone’s eyes.

I was truly becoming a complete, total, 100% submissive right before everyone’s eyes. I was becoming a submissive pussyboy.




“That’s it, boy,” Master Logan choked out. “Take it. Give it up and take it. Accept your new life. Accept that you’re a submissive pussyboy now. Accept that from now on you will worship and serve a REAL MAN’s COCK.”

Where he got even more power, I have no idea. It was like he became a hound of Satan or something. His thrusts became so devastating that the framework of the solid steel harness sling creaked as though it was seconds from disintegrating alongside my soul.

Master Kent raised the remote and pressed the button over and over and over.

Lightning bolts shot through my clit and sack repeatedly. Each bolt, matched a relentless thrust from Master Logan’s cock.

Thrust. Click.



Thrust. Click.



With my eyes rolled into the back of my head somewhere, I peered down into those rising mists. They had flooded over several rungs of that ladder. They were coming for me. Rising. Rising. Rising. And I stopped fighting. I gave in. I accepted my fate completely. My Alpha Top Dom status was no more. I was enveloped by that mist. I was completely shrouded in it. It sealed around me like a granite glove.

And that railroad spike of a cock continued battering and ravaging my pussy cunt. It continued hammering my new status into me. It continued possessing me.

Sweat rolled off Master Logan. Every visible inch of him was pouring out sweat. His thrusts were so mind-blowingly powerful that his sweat dripped and splattered on me. Coating me and covering me. I could ‘feel’ him. I could ‘smell’ him. I was quickly becoming addicted to him. Addicted to his cock. Addicted to his essence. Addicted to my new status as a cock hungry pussyboy.

And his thrusts increased even more. I couldn’t understand at this point why he wasn’t literally splitting me in two.

“Take it, boy,” he grunted out. “Take it. Take it all!”

And I did. I took it. I took it all. I took everything he threw at me.

And those lightning bolts through my clit and sack kept pace with Master Logan’s thrusts.

My ‘aarrgghh’s’ and ‘oommpphh’s’ evaporated into indiscernible whimpers and groans. Words became gibberish. ‘I’ became some human form of gibberish.

“Release the cuffs!” Master Logan grunt-shouted at Master Kent and Master Kelly. They jumped at his order and quickly moved to follow his command. The moment that my wrists and ankles were released, the moment that the straps were pulled away from my body, Master Logan reached for me and scooped me upward without his cock ever leaving my pussy cunt.

I have no idea how he managed it but Master Logan lifted me out of the harness sling and carried me center stage. He spun me around and then planted me on the stage on my hands and knees and he fucked me like a bitch in heat. I was his bitch. He was about to be my breeder. We were so close to the audience that with every thrust our sweat splattered outwardly into the faces of the closest-standing guests. And they roared for more.

His thrusts continued to increase to what could only be described as superhuman levels. My entire body rocked each time he slammed into me. My head lolled up and down, side to side. The gibberish continued to flow from my mouth. Incomprehensible.

“Gonna breed you, boy! Gonna breed you,” Master Logan called out from behind me. “And then I’m gonna christen your ass for what it has now become.”

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

And then, with one last, final, powerful thrust, Master Logan buried himself deep inside me and I felt his REAL MAN’s COCK convulse and begin pumping and jerking as it exploded thick, hot cum deep inside my pussy cunt. Breeding me just as promised. The lightning bolts continued through my clit and sack but at this point my mind was so fried, I barely registered it.

Before his orgasm was complete, Master Logan pulled his raging cock out of my hole and he blasted shot after shot of his cum all over my ass cheeks, christening it, as promised. When his throbbing cock was finished he spread his cum over my cheeks and then he plunged it back into my hole one more time.

And the crowd roared their approval.

When he had taken a moment or two to recover from the massive fuck he had just thrown into me, Master Logan pulled his cock from my battered hole and he slapped both of my cheeks several times with the bare palm of his hand. His cum that coated both globes splattered outward in all directions. The crowd loved that.

“Stay on your hands and knees, boy,” Master Logan said as he leaned close to my ear. “Stay on your hands and knees and turn so they can see your freshly fucked pussy cunt.”

If there was any room left for humiliation at this point, that command would have taken it. I slowly turned until my butt was facing the crowd. I spread my knees as far as I could and I leaned forward until my face was nearly on the floor of the stage. This move raised my butt even higher and spread my cheeks even more. The crowd—and the cameras—got a perfect view of my battering ram fucked pussy cunt. It gaped open, it spasmed and twitched. Cum—Master Kelly’s. Master Kent’s. And Master Logan’s cum—oozed out of my pussy cunt lips and dribbled down my taint to my caged clit and sack.

To be honest, I have no idea how long I was there on my hands and knees showing off my freshly fucked, cum-dripping pussy cunt. At some point, though, I felt strong hands grip my shoulders. I felt the callouses. I knew it was my favorite baseball player in the world—Kent Prescott. Master Kent.

“Hold still,” Master Kent said into my left ear. “Deep breath and then when I say ‘now’, push out with your pussy cunt muscles.”

Um, ‘kay. What the hell?

“Yes, Sir,” was my only response.

And then I felt something being wedged between my butt cheeks and pressed tight against my pussy cunt. I looked over my shoulder and saw my former sub, my conqueror—Master Kelly—kneeling behind me and he was about ready to shove that monster vibrating plug back inside me.

“To seal in our three loads of cum,” Master Longmont said when he saw the questions streak across my sweat and cum covered face. “To seal your complete submission and your total domination,” he said with a smirk. “And, to seal your true calling from now on as a cock hungry, obedient pussyboy.”

“Now,” Master Kent commanded.

I was too tired, too exhausted, too spent to offer any resistance at this point. I pushed out as commanded. At the same time, Master Longmont’s biceps flexed, his chest drew taut, and he pushed that enormous plug inside me. It was just like he said—

With that push of the plug and it locking inside me, it sealed their three loads of cum. It sealed my complete submission and my total domination. It sealed my status as a cock hungry, obedient pussyboy.

The mist that had swirled far below the bottom rung of that mental ladder and then had begun rising up to envelop the lower rungs? It swirled more thickly just then. It swirled like the vortex of an F5 tornado. It completely obliterated the entire ladder from my mind’s eye.

And when the knotted end of the plug was clamped in place by my pussy cunt lips, I heard a mental deadbolt lock ‘click’.

The ovation from the crowd was thunderous. It lasted for minutes upon minutes upon….

So, when all was said and done, in case you were wondering—

The fundraiser for the LGBTQ+ Center? It was a resounding success. We exceeded our goals from within the community by tenfold. Maybe more. They are still counting donations above and beyond which were floating in.


I am no longer an Alpha Top Dom, to say the least. I am a ravenous cocksucker. I have an insatiable pussy cunt for fucking and breeding. I have a boyclit. It’s kind of adorable but it’s useless and pathetic. I can’t imagine ever having a REAL MAN’s COCK. I can’t imagine ever being an Alpha Top Dom. I am a complete, total, 100% submissive born and bred.

And my three best friends—

Master Kelly.

Master Kent.

Master Logan.

They are my Alpha Top Doms.

I kneel at my Doms’ feet unless they tell me to do otherwise.

All that any one of them has to do is snap his fingers and I am on my knees and I am hungrily servicing and worshiping their REAL MAN’s COCK.

All any one of them has to do is say ‘present that pussy cunt, boy’ and I assume the position and wait for them to stuff my pussy cunt with their REAL MAN’s COCK. To be honest? I cannot even begin to imagine being ‘on Top’ with another man. I am built to be fucked and bred. I crave it. I cannot get enough of cock in my pussy cunt.

Master Kent says that he plans to talk to ‘the guys’—meaning Master Logan and Master Longmont—about the idea that they may ‘rent me out’ to a few especially qualified ‘elite’ members of Slings and Shackles. I only know of one name on that list thus far—Master Logan’s childhood friend—Sheriff Simon O’Connor.

Oh. And I heard from my manager back in Hollywood very, very early the next morning after the Gala finale. Guess who is up for his fifth straight award for Best Actor in a Leading Role….


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