Slings and Shackles

Published on Sep 21, 2023


Slings and Shackles - Chapter 8

Slings and Shackles

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

Warning: This story contains scenes of intense BDSM domination and submission. Please read another of my stories if intense BDSM bothers you.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 8

I lay draped over Master Longmont’s thighs. My legs and arms hung limply on either side of him. Master Kent and Master Logan still maintained a vice-like grip on my ankles and wrists to prevent me from oozing off Master Longmont’s lap and falling to the floor. I was gasping and whimpering. I was dripping in sweat. My own sweat and Master Longmont’s which cascaded down onto my shoulders and mingled with my own sweat before running down my biceps and forearms, some rolling along my neckline before running down my chest.

Master Kent and Master Logan were sweating profusely as well.

Eventually, they moved to lift me slowly off Master Longmont’s lap and they held me by my biceps, facing my former submissive who had just delivered the death blow to my Alpha Top Dom-ness. They stood there, holding me up and keeping me from collapsing onto the floor. It was like every iota of strength had been sapped out of me. They held me in firm, vice-like grips. Strong. Silent. Masterful. Master Longmont slowly stood. Strong. Silent. Masterful as well.

Descriptives I would never have considered using in reference to Kelly Longmont. Master Longmont. Strong. Silent. Masterful.

I had been broken. I had been broken by my former submissive. I had been broken by ‘Master’ Kelly Longmont.

The tension was thick throughout The Arena. Pure, complete, roaring silence. The only sound came from the conditioned air pouring out of the vents high overhead. The crowd was silent. Stunned. Turned on beyond their wildest dreams.

Everyone waited. Waited for Master Longmont to make a move. Waited for Master Kent or Master Logan to make a move. Waited for ‘me’ to make a move.

It would have been less effective at this point if one of them made any kind of a move. So, they waited. Just…waited.

Finally, I reached up and wiped tears and sweat from my face. Tears, sweat, and oh yeah—a partial load of Master Kent’s cum bath. I sucked in a ragged breath as I pulled my arms out of Master Kent and Master Logan’s clutches. I reached back to gently rub my glowing butt cheeks from that marathon round of paddling and spanking. ‘My’ paddling and spanking at the swing of ‘my’ former submissive who had so completely destroyed me in front of everyone present in The Arena.

Still, everyone waited. Silence consumed the entire room. Everyone held their breaths.

I stepped forward awkwardly. My eyes never rose beyond Master Longmont’s kneecaps. I drew in another ragged breath and let it out through my chattering teeth. I knew my place. I knew my duty. I knew what was expected.


So very slowly.

I knelt before Master Longmont.

I was defeated.

I was done.

I admitted it in that single movement.

I…was…now…the submissive.

“Good boy,” Master Longmont said with a nod of approval. As he stepped forward, he unbuckled his rich, handmade Italian leather belt and pulled it from the loops of those designer slacks. As he stopped just inches from my face, he unclasped those slacks and slowly pulled down the zipper. It was almost like he was doing it so slowly as to wait for any reaction out of me. Any sign of resistance. Any sign that I would fight back. Any…anything.

There was no ‘resistance’.

There was no ‘fight’.

I licked my lips.

Master Kent caught it as he moved to the side to watch what happened next.

Master Logan caught it as he moved to the other side to watch what happened next.

Master Longmont caught it as his zipper bottomed out and he pulled his slacks open. He revealed a pair of black, designer satin briefs.

Without command, I leaned forward on my hands and knees and kissed those Italian leather loafers. I kissed them from toe to heel. I kissed up and over the entire body and crown of both shoes. I kissed the soles as Master Longmont lifted first one, then the other.


I obeyed Master Longmont’s one-word command.

I licked the left shoe until it was dripping with my saliva. I licked down and under as he lifted his foot to give me access to the sole.

“The other one,” Master Longmont commanded.

“Yes, Master,” I whispered and then obediently began licking his right shoe. I could ‘taste’ the leather as well as ‘smell’ it. He lifted his foot and I continued my tongue worship, licking my way down and under and tasting the sole of his shoe. I bathed it completely. I didn’t stop until he stopped me.

The pull of the leashes still attached to the collar around my neck lifted me away from Master Longmont’s feet and soon I was kneeling straight—staring no higher than his kneecaps. And then the leashes were pulled again. I was pulled to my feet but still, I never raised my eyes beyond his kneecaps. It was a difficult endeavor but I didn’t raise them beyond that point. Yes, indeed—I knew my place.

Master Longmont chuckled. He could see the struggle to keep my eyes where they were.

“You have permission to look at my crotch. I know you want to.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

And I looked.

His obvious arousal was without question. He was totally getting off on this. His 9.5+” of thick, throbbing REAL MAN’s COCK was barely contained by those briefs or the slacks as it snaked down his left leg. In one fluid move, Master Longmont peeled his slacks and briefs down his legs and let them bunch at his ankles.

And there it was.

His REAL MAN’s COCK stood up and out, proud and strong. Precum bubbled from the slit and dripped down the shaft.

Everyone held their breath again.

Once again, the silence roared throughout the room.

Everyone waited.

I knew what was expected of me.

I did what was expected.

I dropped to my knees and I think I might have surprised everyone watching. I think I surprised myself. I leaned in to kiss the tip of Master Longmont’s cock.

“Good boy,” Master Longmont praised and patted the top of my head.

Master Kent and Master Logan exchanged awed glances. Anything else that I might have done right then would have been amazingly suggestive but in doing that simple task—kissing the tip of Master Longmont’s thick, throbbing cock, was like the perfect acknowledgement that there had been a power shift here in the room.

I was submitting to my former submissive.

“Lick it,” he commanded.

“Yes, Master,” I replied softly and proceeded to run my tongue up and over the bulbous head of his cock. I tasted his precum. I licked along and under the crown and then licked my way down and up and down and up the shaft.

“Bury your nose in my nuts and inhale deeply,” Master Longmont commanded. “And then tongue and suck on my nuts.”

“Yes, Master,” I replied as I moved lower and began kissing his nuts and then buried my nose in them. I inhaled deeply and took his scent inside. I inhaled over and over until it seemed that his aromas permeated my brain. After a minute or two of this, I began to lick and then suck first one and then the other of his nuts. It was as though I was worshiping two perfectly paired avocados encased in that skin sack. I kept it up until fingers raked into my hair and gripped tight. He pulled my head back from his nuts and pressed the tip of his cock to my lips.

“You know what to do, boy” Master Longmont said.

“Yes, Master.”

Of course, as the submissive, I did not have the right to look up and study his face but I am sure that if I did, I would have seen amusement dancing in those sparkling eyes. I’m sure that a smirk was creasing the corner of his mouth as well. Probably the left corner.

He pressed forward, more firmly, my lips parted and I opened up to him. His plum-size head and the thick shaft spread my lips wider and wider as he sank inside.

“You…are…a…cocksucker,” Master Longmont said as he pulled his huge cock from my mouth with a ‘pop’. “Say it.”

“Yes, Master. I am a cocksucker.”

“Good boy. Whose cocksucker?”

“I am your cocksucker, Master,” I said as I leaned forward and licked another glob of precum before it dropped, wasted to the floor.

In my fogged and mind fucked brain, I could see the shattered remnants and the swirling dust cloud of my former Alpha Top Dom self—sinking deeper and deeper into the inky black hole of Hell. Or whatever that was down there. It was slowly disappearing into the darkness far below the bottom rung of that ladder. Soon, it would never be seen again.

“I am your cocksucker, Master,” I repeated.

“Good boy,” he said with a pat on the top of my head. He waved his throbbing, dripping cock back and forth in front of me like a hypnotist’s gold watch. It really was kind of mesmerizing.

I licked my lips.

Logan VanRyn licked his lips at that same moment, too. He hoped no one saw that. It wasn’t the first time tonight. Nor the first time his cock lurched and spunked precum. He was so hard and throbbing while Boonie boy was being flogged, paddled…spanked. It got to him more than anything ever had before. Was it just because it was Boonie submitting? Was it something more?

“Who else are you a cocksucker for?”

“I am Master Kent’s cocksucker, Master. And, Master Logan’s cocksucker, Master,” I answered obediently.

“Good boy. Anyone else?”

I considered that query for a moment and tried to figure out how to best answer it. A few tugs on those leashes and several quick ‘zaps’ from that electro-cage that encased what was left of my junk jolted me out of any lengthy consideration.

“My duty as your submissive is to service the cock of anyone that you command, Master,” I said in barely more than a whisper. Save not for the mic that picked it up, nobody might have heard my acknowledgement. “It is my duty to serve anyone that you or Master Kent or Master Logan command, Master Longmont.”

“Holy shit,” I heard Master Logan chuckle.

“We really have broken him down,” Master Kent added in awe. “We’ve turned him into a submissive.”

“Yes. Submissive,” Logan said. He sounded so distracted that Master Kent looked his way. “Yes. Submissive.”

“Yeah, a submissive just aching to come out of the cocoon he’s kept himself locked inside,” Master Kent said. His eyes were on Logan, though—not D Boone Mansfield.

“Yes,” Logan said as he watched the scene unfolding before them. He licked his lips again. His throbbing cock drooled more precum down the leg of his leather pants. “A submissive aching to come out.”

Master Kent’s head tilted. What was happening here?

“Loggie?” That was a term of endearment that we had for Logan outside of the D/s world. Boonie, Loggie—pronounced ‘Low-Gee’. There wasn’t much of an endearment for a name like ‘Kent’ so we had just used his initials—‘KP’.

“Loggie? You okay,” Master Kent asked softly to keep his voice from Kelly, Boonie, the mic—the audience.

Logan VanRyn nodded slowly and licked his lips again as he watched Master Longmont slide his drooling cock tip over Boonie’s lips again.

“Just…focused on…,” Master Logan answered finally.

Maybe a little ‘too’ focused, Master Kent thought. He studied Master Logan a few more seconds and then shifted his attention back to the scene in front of them.

I leaned forward and ran my tongue over the moist head of Master Longmont’s cock. I came away with another tongue coating of my Master’s precum.

“Good boy,” Master Longmont praised. “You’re hungry for it. You’re hungry to worship a REAL MAN’s COCK, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Do it,” Master Longmont said with an air of both authority and satisfaction at how this had progressed. This was a total ‘flip’ of our past D/s encounters. “Worship my cock, boy.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Master Longmont.”

I leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth and began sucking voraciously. It was my duty as his submissive. As ‘their’ submissive. It was my hunger. How could that be? How could I be hungry to service and worship another man’s cock? A REAL MAN’s COCK? And yet, I was. I was hungry to service REAL MAN’s COCKs. It’s what my mouth was built for. And, I still had more to learn. I knew that this scene was far from over. I knew that I would learn a lot more about my newly minted submissive side. The ticketholders had paid big money to watch the complete submission of a celebrity and his domination. ‘I’ was that celebrity that was submitting and being dominated. The ticket holders were getting that in spades; I was a world-renowned celebrity and I was a renowned Alpha Top Dom that had never had a cock in his mouth or in his ass. We were well on the way of changing my ‘renown’. And there was more to be witnessed here tonight in The Arena chamber of the private club—Slings and Shackles.

Yeah. There was so much more to come. They were still going to fuck me. I knew that deep down inside. My butthole would become a pussy cunt tonight. They would see to it. They would fuck and drill that into me. My cherry butthole would be obliterated by these three Doms. My three best friends on the planet. And more than five hundred people would witness my complete deflowering. My complete destruction as a Dom. Their complete domination over me.

I had already fallen so far after stepping off that last rung and plunging into the inky darkness.

They castrated me. My three closest friends had castrated me. They had castrated my long, thick cock and had left me with a boyclit. I was fast becoming a hungry, obedient cocksucker. Hungrier by the second as Whoremaker continued to swirl and rewrite and rewire my mind and as Master Longmont’s REAL MAN’s COCK sank deeper into my mouth.

And, I still had to be fucked. My mind was slowly wrapping around that thought. I still had to be fucked. I still had to be fucked. My soon-to-be pussy cunt was twitching and spasming as thought it was begging for the moment that my cherry was pulverized, thus sealing my submission.

Those words and phrases from earlier were still ringing in my ears and imbedding deeper in my rewritten mind:

‘Your days as an Alpha Top Dom are over.’

‘You will never Dom again.’

‘You will never fuck again.’

‘You are castrated.’

‘You have a boyclit. An adorable but useless boyclit.’

‘You are a complete, total 100% submissive ravenous cocksucker with an insatiable pussy cunt.’

‘Your pussy cunt is built for fucking and breeding by a REAL MAN’s COCK.’

‘Your duty is to service and worship a REAL MAN’s COCK with your cocksucker mouth and your pussy cunt.’

My tongue explored Master Longmont’s cock. It licked and slurped up and over and around the head and hungrily scooped up his dripping precum. It sought out and mapped the veins and curves and ridges. I sucked and bobbed and corkscrewed up and down as much of his cock as I could get into my mouth.

“That’s it, boy. Take it,” Master Longmont said huskily. “Take it. Show us what a hungry cocksucker you are. Show us that you acknowledge who you really are. Who you have always been but kept it locked inside. Show us you know how to service a REAL MAN’s COCK. Take it, worship it. You…are…a…submissive…cocksucker.”

“A submissive cocksucker.”

Master Kent’s head snapped to the side again. That comment was soft, nearly inaudible. But it did not come from Boonie boy.

“Take it, boy. Worship it. Show me how hungry you are to service my REAL MAN’s COCK,” Master Longmont commanded.

And I did. Spurred on by his heated, sexually-charged praise I became even more voracious. I sucked and slurped and bobbed and corkscrewed and my tongue explored and licked every inch of his cock that it could reach.

Master Longmont slid both of his hands into my hair and grabbed it into vice-like fingers. He spread his legs slightly more to get a better stance and then he began sinking his thick, throbbing cock deeper into my mouth.

“Fuck me,” Master Logan softly groaned out. “Holy fuck.”

Master Longmont continued pressing forward. The head of his cock was knocking at the entrance to my throat and he showed no signs of backing off.

“Fuck is right,” Master Kent said softly. He turned to Master Logan once more for a brief moment; his shift in gaze was just in time to catch another lip lick by Master Logan. “You can almost feel that huge, thick REAL MAN’s COCK invading your mouth.”

Logan VanRyn didn’t answer with words but his head slowly nodded a few times.

“You can almost feel it spreading your lips wide and sinking into your waiting mouth. Feeding you. Giving you what you need.”

Logan VanRyn nodded softly.


“Relax, boy. Breathe through your nose,” he ordered as his cock began to sink in deeper. He held my head in place and pushed forward once again. “Relax. Breathe. You can take it, boy. Make me proud.”

“Oh shit,” Master Kent gasped. “Is he gonna…?”

“I think he is gonna….” Master Logan’s voice trailed off without finishing his comment.

The sexual tension was spreading throughout the room, not just up on stage. It was like someone could cut it with a knife and serve it up on plates. One could almost hear the crowd holding their breath, swallowing in both nervous energy and sexual lust as they watched and waited.

I couldn’t believe this. After all that had been done to me already tonight, now this? Master Longmont was actually going to sink his cock down into my throat? My former number one submissive was going to make me deep throat it? Holy shit! His cock was huge but I guess I should have been grateful that it wasn’t Master Kent or Master Logan. They were easily 2” and nearly 3” longer than Master Longmont’s cock.

I coughed and spluttered and choked, of course. He backed away a little and wiped the tears from my cheeks and gave me the little ‘relax’ and ‘breathe through your nose’ instructions again.

“I’m not going to hurt you, boy,” Master Longmont said almost soothingly. “I won’t hurt you. I know this is new for you. You’ve never had a cock in your mouth much less a cock down your throat before tonight. We’ll go slow. We’ll give you time to adjust to it.” I nodded but couldn’t verbally respond because even though he had pulled back from my throat, he never actually pulled out of my mouth. “Good boy. I know it’s new for you. Just relax and remember to breathe through your nose. We’ll go slow but make no mistake, you ‘will’ deep throat right here, in front of everyone. Got it?”

I nodded.

“Good boy.”

He pulled me up off my knees and swung me around before laying me back on the fuck bench. It was quite the accomplishment as his cock never fully exited my mouth in the move. He draped my head over the edge of the bench so that it was dangling in mid-air and then he straddled me. I felt his thick, former baseball player’s thighs holding me tight on either side and then he began pressing in once again. He continued to use his vice-like grip in my hair to hold my head steady, especially now that it was hanging over the edge of the bench, and he pushed deeper.

“Breathe,” he commanded. “Relax and breathe. Trust me. Trust your Dom.”

My Dom. Trust my Dom. Fuck. That still came like a punch to my gut. I had been a Dom. I was no longer a Dom. I was becoming a submissive. I was ‘his’ submissive. What choice did I have at this point but to try to follow his instructions to the best of my abilities. I nodded as best I could, again with a cock in my mouth.

“Good boy,” Master Longmont said. “Breathe through your nose. Don’t try to breathe with your mouth.” I nodded. I breathed. He pushed up against the opening of my throat.

Out of the corners of my teary eyes, I could see Master Kent come up on my right side and Master Logan on my left. They knelt and began pinching and tweaking my nipples, rubbing my abs, massaging my biceps, petting me, stroking me everywhere—even up and down my thighs and calves.

“Breathe,” Master Kent coached.

“Relax, boy,” Master Logan instructed. “You can do this. Relax. We’ve got you.”

Easy for them to say of course, they don’t have a drooling, thick and throbbing cock pushing its way down ‘their’ throat. I know they are just trying to help, and I appreciate that. The fundraiser would end on a sour note as hell if I choked to death in the middle of it.

The combination of my nipples being twisted and tweaked and other parts of my body being stroked and petted like I was a Labradoodle seemed to help a lot. All of a sudden, my throat opened up and Master Longmont’s cock slipped past my gag muscles, slid inside and imbedded in my throat; his balls rested against my face and as I breathed ‘through my nose’ per instructions, I was greeted by that intoxicating essence of Master Longmont’s crotch once again.

“Fuck me, he did it,” Master Logan whispered hoarsely. “Good boy.”

“That’s it. You did it. You did it, boy,” Master Kent praised. “Breathe,” he instructed. He looked up in time to see Logan VanRyn breathe deeply through his nose even as he continued massaging and stroking and tweaking various parts of Boonie boy’s body. “Again. Breathe.”

And he did. The ‘boy’ being impaled on that bench with Master Longmont’s thick, throbbing cock sliding into his throat. But also, Logan VanRyn was taking another deep breath almost as if paying attention to the instructions. Master Kent’s head tilted again. What the fuck?

“That’s my boy,” Master Longmont joined in. “Good boy. I’m so proud of you!”

Of course, the remote-controlled cameras that were pointing at the stage from different angles and transmitting everything to the huge monitors around the room managed to pick up all of this. Murmurs and attaboy’s and fuck’s! were heard spreading across the crowd.

Tears were still streaming down my cheeks and dripping off my ears, considering the position I was in but I was, in fact, ‘doing it’. I had Master Longmont’s cock down my throat.

I felt a hand gently wrap around my neck and heard a soft whistle.

“I can feel your cock in his throat,” Master Kent said to Master Longmont. “I can feel it bulging in there and I can feel it when you move it back and forth. Holy shit, that’s hot as fuck!”

A short reprieve here, a short reprieve there and then Master Longmont decided that was enough for the time being. He withdrew his cock from my throat and out of my mouth and everyone was able to see it dripping with precum and saliva. He gripped my hair and pulled me up and off the bench and then took a seat.

“Back on your knees, boy,” he commanded. “You know what to do.”

“Yes, Master,” I responded hoarsely.

Yeah. I knew what to do. I was on my knees in record time and his cock was back in my mouth. I was sucking and slurping, licking and bobbing and corkscrewing on it like a man that hadn’t eaten in months and someone put a sausage Po’boy in front of him. I think being deep throated was a fucking turn on for him, too. It didn’t take long.

A few minutes maybe and suddenly Master Longmont’s thighs tightened, his balls pulled up and his REAL MAN’s COCK expanded tremendously. Moments later, it erupted. Shot after shot of thick, creamy cum blasted into my mouth. It coated my tongue and the roof and the inside of my cheeks, my gums. It poured down my throat and I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed.

“That’s it, cocksucker. Take it. Take my cum. Swallow it,” he choked out between gasps for breath. “Take it.” After a good half dozen blasts into my mouth, he pulled out and finished off coating my face. His cum joined the drying facial that I had received earlier from Master Kent.

After several moments of deafening cheers and applause resounding around the room, Master Longmont looked up and grinned at Master Kent and Master Logan.

“Your turn,” Master Kent said to Master Logan.

“Later,” Master Logan said. He caught the quizzical look Master Kent and Master Longmont both shot his way. “My cock will be in his mouth soon. But we’ve got this audience worked into a frenzy. They’re throwing more cash and checks and charge slips into the donation plates that are being floated around the room. We need to feed off that and keep them frenzied.”

“What do you suggest,” Master Kent asked.

“Get him in the harness sling. It’s time to officially pop his cherry and fuck the living daylights out of him. It’s time to drill his hole into a pussy cunt. Maybe we’ll even spit-roast him.”

He motioned to a couple of stage hands clad in nothing but short shorts just out of sight and pointed upward toward the harness sling that dangled close to the ceiling. They nodded their understanding and soon, it was slowly lowering toward the stage, up front and center.

The crowd sensed what was coming and chorused ‘fuck him!’, ‘fuck him!’ ‘fuck him!’

And that is exactly the frenzied, rabid response that Master Logan was talking about. They wanted to watch my continued dethronement from Alpha Top Dom to cock hungry submissive.

The leashes were pulled taut and I was escorted front and center there on the stage. As we arrived, the harness sling was just reaching the stage floor.

This is it, my brain acknowledged.

I was about to be fucked into a submissive pussyboy.

END of Chapter 8

To be continued . . .

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Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

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Next: Chapter 9

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