Slutty Whore

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 12, 2008





"That was fucking hot tonight bitch. Call me to let me know you made it home in one piece." I smiled and immediately dialed his number.

"Hi bitch, you made it home safely" he asked.

"Yes sir, I'm home in one piece" I replied

"Pity, so my friends must have missed you then huh" he said almost laughing, clearly kidding.

"Yes sir, but the local garbage men almost caught me" I said.

"You can tell me about it all this weekend. Get some sleep bitch and this weekend I'm going to introduce you to some of my buddies" and with that he hung up the phone. I jerked off yet again at the idea of what might happen on the weekend, and blew a load into my hand, which I then lapped up imagining he telling me to do just that.


I didn't hear from him all day Thursday, but he was on my mind the whole time. I went to my daytime work as an IT programmer for an oil company that had a major office in San Francisco, and sat fantasizing almost the whole day about Master , about what happened the day before and in the early hours of that morning and I couldn't wait for more. I checked my own e-mail every fifteen minutes in the hope that he would think about me and send me an e-mail to give me orders for the weekend. I checked and re-checked my cell phone even more frequently just in case he had called and I'd missed it. I was fairly useless that day, unless one of my work colleagues was literally in my office to ask me a question. I usually ate lunch at a local restaurant in down town, but today I grabbed a taxi, when home, stripped the moment I got home, and jerked off just thinking about the night before and fantasizing about what may happen this weekend.

I so badly wanted to call him, or e-mail him, and yet I also did not want to seem pushy, or too needy, or appear to be stalking him -- thought that is precisely what I wanted to do. I wanted to know everything about him. I wanted to know when he got up in the morning, what he ate, where he worked, what he liked, what his fantasies were, what he really wanted to do with me. So many questions, so much uncertainty, so much desire and infatuation. The feely was heady, intoxicating, and thoroughly mind blowing.

I went back to work without eating that day. I just didn't care about lunch. The only thing on my mind was Master . His gorgeous dark eyes, his beautiful and smooth light brown skin, his spiky jet black hair, his beautiful large nipples, the soft hair in his armpits, the amazing ridges of his six pack, the plush straight black pubic hair that caressed his gorgeous cock, his muscular legs, his, his, his...everything was exactly as it would be if he was my fantasy. he WAS my fantasy, he was everything I had ever hoped for, how could I have been so lucky. Why me? he was so perfect, what did he see in me?

I left work at the usual time that evening having accomplished very little that I was supposed to that day, but I honestly didn't care. All that mattered was Master. I had decided to send him an e-mail to let him know how much I had enjoyed meeting him and all that he had done to me. I figured an e-mail was not too pushy, and it would allow him time to read it and to choose how and when he wanted to reply. I rushed home by taxi, impatient to get home and compose the e-mail. I stripped naked the moment I got home, dropping my clothes where I pulled them off as I made my way to my computer. My cock was already rock hard and dripping as I turned on the computer and sat down to compose the e-mail.


Thank you so much for yesterday. When I answered your Craigslist post I had no expectation that I would meet someone as gorgeous, amazing, and intriguing as you. Your post only looked for a quick and anonymous fuck, and that was all I expected, but you have looked deep into my soul and lit a fire of desire that I have hidden and harbored for a very long time. I don't know how you knew what to do, what to demand, what to take from me, but I LOVE everything and I look forward to more.

I cannot believe that in less than 24 hours I fulfilled so many fantasies that I previously never believed I would have a chance to encounter, and you pushed me further than I would have gone normally. I still cannot believe that you forced me to get home last night completely stark naked in public. So scary, so incredibly hot.

I hope you have time this weekend so that we can meet as you suggested last night. I have been thinking about it all day.

Hoping to see you again soon,


I sent the e-mail and realized I was starving, so I made myself something to eat, but as I was cooking I returned to my e-mail every ten minutes or so to see if he had responded yet. I sent my e-mail at about 6:30pm. I was so anxious for the reply, I was almost annoyed when I would receive spam messages or e-mail from friends. I tried to watch some t.v. but really couldn't concentrate. I thought about going our for a run, but immediately discarded the idea as I might miss he 's reply. I began fantasizing and jerking off sitting in front of the computer screen waiting for his reply and listening occasionally to the t.v. in the background. My cock was actually sore when I received the reply I had been desperate for at 11:24pm from he . I was so nervous that just maybe, he would not feel the same way about me, that he would not want to meet me again, that perhaps he had already used me for what he wanted and would want new and fresher meat for his next conquest. I hesitated with my heart pounding in my chest and almost had a feeling of nausea as I clicked on that e-mail to open it.

"Hi Bitch

I really enjoyed using you yesterday too. You really were one fucking whore, swallowing my loads, drinking my piss, licking up my spit, and licking my sweaty, smelly ass. Fuck, you even let me leave you naked in public to go home and didn't complain or argue. You are my kind of slutty whore dude...and I want to use you much more, in many more ways than I have already.

I'm sending you some pictures of my friends who will be coming for dinner on Saturday evening. I want you here on Friday night. I'll fuck you and use you and leave you in my storage room until I need you next day. Then you'll help me prepare and serve and entertain my friends. You will be naked the whole time, and I will let my friends fuck you if they want to. They will want to. They'll probe every hole you have, they'll fuck you at both ends and you will drink their cum while I enjoy watching my whoring slutty white bitch do what I tell you to do.

If you are into this, send me an e-mail and tell me when you can be at my place. Tell me when you need to be back home and I'll make sure you get there. You may be naked, you may be cold, you may be dirty, you may be sore, but I promise you'll get home in one piece when you need to.

Let me know bitch -- and I like that you call me can keep that up from now on.


Shit, he wants to let his friends gang bang me while he watches. I got even harder than before hand if that was possible, and clicked on the links with the pictures of his friends to see who would see me naked and submissive, and who would get to use me as a fuck toy as they wanted. The first picture was of three Japanese guys in Fundoshi's and nothing else other than flip flops. All were slim, toned, smiling, hot as hell. The second picture showed two of the same guys around a table in a restaurant and included three other guys. I wasn't sure if the others were Japanese or not, but they were cute and probably not older than 35. I didn't know which of these guys would be at he s on Saturday evening, but I definitely got so turned on by the thought of these guys ganging up on me and fucking me that I started to jerk off imagining what the evening would involve. I stroked three or four times before I realized I should reply to he immediately. I began typing immediately.


I love the idea of serving your friends and you on Saturday. I can't wait!

I finish work at 3pm on Friday and will be home by 4pm. I need to be at work by 8am on Monday morning, so I need to be home by 6am to get ready.

I will report to you whenever you command me to -- and I'll wear whatever you order me to, or not J


your slutty white bitch boy"

I sent the message and within a minute my cell phone rang and I knew it was Master. I almost dropped it in my haste to confirm it was him on the other end and to answer it.

"Hi Sir" I said. "Hi bitch. So you're ok with being naked and used by my friends. Are you sure?" he asked with a definite tone of friendship and concern in his voice. This made me feel so warm, so elated, so wanted. "It's been a fantasy of mine for a long, long time sir. I feel so safe under your control. I trust you" I responded. "Good bitch, good. You are one fucking hot white boy dude. I didn't expect to find a whore like you but I'm so happy that you came yesterday, and came back last night. I thought about you all day and about what I want to do with you this weekend. I think you'll really enjoy yourself. I KNOW I will" "I can't wait sir" I said almost interrupting him. "O.k. bitch, O.k." he replied laughing. "Glad to hear that. So, be at the door at 9pm on Friday. Wear the same as you did for our first date. I'll keep you until Monday morning, so be prepared for a long weekend of bitch work."

I was about to say YES SIR, but before I could he hung up and I was left jerking off to the dial tone. I blew an enormous load and jerked off three times that night as I just couldn't seem to get to sleep. Friday came and I called in sick to work. I just couldn't think of anything else but seeing him later in the evening and the day could not go by fast enough. It was a rainy and windy day again, just like the first day I met he . I was climbing the walls waiting for noon to arrive. I had gotten out of bed and stayed naked all morning. I threw on a pair of white nylon shorts and a white tank top and actually left my condo to go for a jog in the rain, hard at the thought that they would become see through a few minutes after they got wet, but I chickened out and changed to darker shorts. I ran for about an hour, getting totally soaked but feeling so good with the water caressing my back and legs, and the wind blowing my shorts around my legs. I got home, entered through the side fire exit and in a moment of remorse for not braving the white nylon shorts on my run, I peeled off my shirt and pulled down my shorts and underwear to my knees once the fire door closed behind me. My cock was pointing the way as I began to make my way upstairs to my floor. I reached the door to my floor and for a moment contemplated leaving the fire well and walking by the 11 other condos, the two elevators, and the garbage room to reach my own condo door, with my shorts and underwear by my knees, my soggy t-shirt in my hand, and my hard cock leaking pre-cum onto the hall carpet. Again I chickened out, but I kept my t-shirt off as I made my way along the hall.

I got home, showered, ate, sat down to watch a little t.v. and fell asleep. I was exhausted from a couple of nights of no real sleep. I woke at 7:30pm and started preparing for my weekend. I showered, douched, trimmed my pubic hair, brushed my teeth, trimmed my armpit hair, and forced myself not to jerk off, while my cock ached for relief. It took me nine or ten attempts to finally decide which shorts and t-shirt I would wear. I choose the nylon shorts I chickened out of earlier in the afternoon, and a white mesh basketball tank top. It was dark, wet, windy, and cold outside when I stepped out of the fire exit door to my building at 8:40pm. I jogged over to Masters condo, taking my time to get there to allow my shorts to get totally wet. I passed quite a few people on King Street who paid little attention to me until I stopped at the first street I had to cross at the red light. My cock was hard, tenting the front of my shorts, and the nylon had molded around my uncut shaft showing everything clearly. I rubbed it involuntarily a couple of times, and then self-consciously pulled the material away from my cock and released it. It was then that I noticed a black guy across the street staring straight at me with a smile on his face. he was under an umbrella, and I couldn't make out much of his expression, but I just knew he was staring at me, at my crotch.

The light changed and I began to run across. As I approached him he said very loudly "Nice shorts dude" with a huge smile on his face. If it hadn't been so dark and wet and dreary, he would undoubtedly have seen me blush. I could not think of anything to respond to him and kept running. I looked behind me when I reached the opposite side and he was still standing in the same place staring at me. I smiled my biggest "thank you" smile, and ran on toward the alley leading to Master. I was becoming a whore in reality, seeking out opportunities to show my body to anyone who wanted to see it, and it was HOT!

I reached the door and realized it was closed and locked. The rain was coming down fairly consistently and my hair was already matted to my head. I shivered as a gust of wind blew down the alley and wondered whether I should go through with this or not. I began to get nervous about Masters friends and what they would do to me. Would I really be ok serving these guys naked. I was fighting with my own emotions when the fire door clicked and swung open. My heart skipped a beat, my throat dried up instantly, I took in a sharp breath of anticipation, and I completely forgot about the rain, cold, and wind. My eyes swung to the door and there was my gorgeous god standing there with the broadest most beautiful smile anyone has ever seen. All doubts, all fears, all thoughts of backing out disappeared in an instant. I smiled and bowed my head instantly embarrassed by my readiness and willingness to whore myself to any degree desired by this relative stranger to me.

Master laughed for a moment. "You're eager huh bitch. Good boy. In" he said as he nodded me into the doorway. I stepped out of the rain and into the fire exit hallway that seemed so familiar to me now. "Key" he commanded, and I quickly handed him my condo key. "Nice shorts bitch. You showed off you dick to everyone out there huh," he didn't wait for a reply from me. "Hot. What a fucking whore you are becoming." he pushed his right hand inside the waistband of my shorts and grabbed my cock and balls in a tight grip that made me wince and grunt and in what was now a very familiar walk, be dragged me down the stairs and along the corridor to his storage room. he was dressed in a blue Cal t-shirt, blue and gold Cal shorts, and flip flops. I marveled as his beautiful golden skin, the muscles on his arms and in his powerful legs as he strode purposefully down the stairs with me in tow. I loved his spiky black hair. I was drooling by the time he opened the door, flipped on the light, and pulled me into the small room by my cock and balls. he slammed the door, slammed me back against the door, grabbed a handful of my hair and aggressively began driving is tongue deep into my mouth, sucking my tongue into his and biting and chewing on it, all the while as his other hand was squeezing my balls, stroking my cock, ranging over my abs, twisting my nipples, and reaching around occasionally to squeeze my ass cheeks. he seemed lost in an aggressive explosion of passion and domination, and I willingly submitted to his every grope, probe, twist of my flesh, and squeezing of my balls. I moaned and he made almost animalistic sounds of pleasure as he used by body as his plaything. My hands remained by my side the whole time, something I instinctively knew to do despite my desperate desire to explore, fondle, and caress he s hot and muscular body.

After what seemed like days, but was likely closer to fifteen minutes or so, he pulled his mouth from mine and we both panted to recover our breath. He had a knowing, comforting smile on his face and his gaze seemed to penetrate my very soul to see my longing and complete desire to submit fully to anything he wished to do to me. "What a fucking slutty whore you really are bitch" he said, still gripping my hair with one hand to hold the back of my head against the storage room door. His other hand flashed up and slapped me hard, first on the left, then the right, then the left, then again on the right side of my face. I closed my eyes as the first slap turned my head and kept them closed as he slapped me, but I felt my cock surge, straining at the thin fabric of my nylon shorts, and I felt the warmth of his muscular leg pressed against my groin. He took the hand that slapped me and grabbed my lower jaw, aggressively turning my head forward to face him and pulling my mouth open. He spat straight into my mouth, and observed me for a moment, smiling and looking straight into my eyes. I was hypnotized by his gaze, his power, his control over me and was transfixed in a lustful gaze back. He moved his head quickly forward and drove his tongue deep into my mouth, scooping out his spit and some of mine before pulling back and spitting it back at me again, only a larger quantity this time as he added more of his own spit to the wonderful mix. Some went into my mouth while some landed on my nose, cheek, and chin.

"You fucking love drinking my spit, don't you bitch" he said launching another load of spit into my face. I tried to swallow what was in my mouth in order to say yes sir, but his hold on my jaw made it difficult to swallow, so instead I moaned an almost unintelligible "Yee urr." "Fuck yeah you love it bitch, you drink all of my fluids you whore" he said as he continued to spit into my mouth and over my face, neck and shoulders. With my head pulled back and my lower jaw pulled open, it made a perfect receptacle to receive his spit, and I was collecting quite a mouthful when he closed my jaw and said "Swallow me bitch, swallow my spit." I gulped twice to get the load down my throat, closing my eyes and I did. I felt him release my jaw and hair as his hands drifted down my neck and chest to my nipples. He grasped each one and viciously pulled them out towards himself then twisted them outward in opposite directions. I gasped and opened my mouth wide as I did so. He smiled broadly and almost chuckled as he said "Good bitch, you swallowed it all down. I'm going to have so much fucking fun with you this weekend."

He let go of my nipples and took his left hand, placing it over my mouth and forcing my head back against the door once again. He then moved his head forward so that our noses literally touched and he looked deeply into my eyes, but there was such desire, such passion, such love in them that I was captivated and fixated by him. I would normally have looked away in embarrassment or shame if anyone else had done this to me, but with he , I WANTED this closeness, I wanted him to consume me, I wanted him to own my very soul. he stayed like that for quite a while just looking straight into my very being, then gently and lovingly he said "We're going to do a lot of things this weekend. Some are fantasies I've always wanted to do with someone but never had the chance to until you came along. I'm going to push your limits but I want you to enjoy yourself as much as I know I am going to. If you don't like anything, or don't want to do something then let me know by saying boundary sir. I want us both to enjoy what we have here. If you are gagged and can't talk, blink your eyes three times quickly, the pause then three times quickly again. I'll be watching for that sign as we play. If you don't say boundary or blink, I'll keep enjoying myself. I promise you" He paused and gently stroked my hair with his other hand "You'll be safe at all times and I won't let anyone else harm you. You are my slutty fucking white bitch boy toy and I don't want you damaged" he said with a laugh but with sincerity "ok?"

He kept his hand over my mouth and kept stroking my hair, but I said yes with my eyes and nodded my head slightly in agreement with him. "Fucking outstanding" he said with a broad, excited smile that melted me completely and bonded me to him for eternity in that very moment. I would do absolutely anything to see that smile again. "You are mine for this whole weekend bitch, to do with as I please" he said, pausing for emphasis. "You're going to be naked the whole time" he said, and my cock twitched and he pushed his thigh into my groin to put pressure on my balls in response. "You're going to do whatever I want, wherever I want, whenever I want" and my cock twitched and began to leak pre-cum. He continued to rub my crotch with his thigh. "You're going to entertain my friends tomorrow night, and you'll be stark fucking naked when you do it." Again my cock twitched and he ground and rubbed with his thigh. "Yeah bitch, my friends like using and abusing a white whore bitch and they're gonna love gang fucking you. They've already seen your pictures from last night." I thought I was going to cum right then and there. The pictures he had taken of me naked and bound had already been sent to these strangers whom I'd never met before. They had seen my submission and every part of my naked body. "They can't wait to fuck the shit out of you tomorrow night." My hands were clenched in tight fists, resisting the incredible urge to grab my pulsating cock and stroke it to explosion at the thought of what was going to happen, but I resisted somehow.

"So let's get you fucking naked bitch" he finally said after a few moments of simply observing me and letting the gang fuck information sink in fully. Still covering my mouth closed with his left hand and staring deep into my eyes, be brought up a large, very sharp, very mean looking hunting knife with his right hand and brought in front of my eyes to let me see it before resting it gently on my left cheek and slowly drawing it down to my throat. My eyes widened as I saw the blade, but his gaze was so loving that the moment of fear on seeing the blade passes almost instantaneously, to be replaced with expectation. I felt the blade edge slide down the skin of my throat and along my collar bone until it reached the material of my tank top in the center of the collar. It then slipped inside the collar and I felt the cold steel against my chest. I felt the material of my tank top pulled out as the blade easily cut through the material he was staring into my eyes the whole time as the blade made its way down the material of my top. As he reached the bottom hem, he had to tug a few times to successfully breach the thicker material, but the top eventually parted and slid sway to reveal my chest and abs. I felt the cutting edge of the blade turn into my flesh and gently begin to run up the ridges of my abs, over my right pec, over my right nipple, and up until it found the shoulder strap of my tank top. One handed, it was a little harder for he to cut this thicker material, so he removed his had from my mouth, grasped the material and quickly sliced it through. My tank top slipped from my shoulders held now only by the right shoulder strap which he equally quickly cut through.

He brought the cutting edge of the blade down my chest and ran it over my nipples a few times, making them rock hard. The feeling of the blade scraping over my skin, the inherent danger it presented and yet the sexual ecstasy it created was intense. he ran the blade down my abs again to the waistband of my shorts. His eyes for the first time dropped from holding my gaze and he slapped my rock hard cock with the flat edge of the blade hard. The suddenness made me jump and gasp, at which he just giggled a little . he roughly grabbed the left leg of my shorts, pulled the material up to meet the waistband and slid the blade under the bundled material. In an instant the material was separated by the blade and his hand flashed to the other leg of my shorts. This time he grabbed the material from the waistband and pulling it away from my skin, slid the blade quickly down the length of material. My shorts fell to the floor. His left hand then returned and he grabbed my balls and pulled them down and out towards him, causing me to wince in pain and lift up onto my tip toes. he slipped the blade behind my balls and I froze. he pulled up higher on my balls, lifting me further up onto my toes and forcing me to balance myself with my hands on the door behind me. His smile increased as I began to sweat a little and struggled to keep my balance. Every now and again he would allow me to relax a little and slide down an inch or two before re-squeezing my balls and pulling me back up into the painful tip-toes position. I could feel pain shooting from my balls all the way into my abdomen, and yet, despite the pain, I was hard as a rock with the feeling of his hand around my balls.

He finally let me relax and I realized the knife was no longer behind my balls, it had just been his hand for most of the time. he smiled broadly the slapped my cock hard with his right hand. I winced and pulled my hips back, but could only go a few inches before my ass hit the door. he slapped again with his left, then again with his right. he continued this for maybe twenty or thirty slaps. I lost count as I bounced back and forth to the rhythm of his slaps. They were not unpleasant at all, although the first few had caught me completely by surprise. My cock was still rock hard and dripping pre-cum when he stopped slapping me, brought is left hand up to grab my throat, and came in to stick his tongue deep into my mouth again. We kissed for a while, as his right hand jerked off my cock. he wiped some of the pre-cum off my cock and brought his fingers to my mouth "Suck your own cum bitch. You should enjoy your own as much as you enjoy mine" he said and I eagerly lapped at his fingers, tasting my salty, slimy pre-cum and loving every lick of it.

he looked at his watch, looked back at me and smiled as he said "I'm meeting some friends for drinks in a little while, so I'm leaving you here but first you're going to give me a blow job" and with that he a handful of my hair and pulled me forward and down onto my knees in front of him. "Get my cock out bitch" he said and I eagerly reached forward with my hands to pull down his obviously tented shorts. The slap across my face stopped me instantly as he said "Get you fucking hands behind your back whore. Be a good white slut boy and use your fucking teeth to find my cock." My hands instantly shot behind my back, left gripping right as I leaned forward and grasped his shorts with my teeth. I worked the left leg, then the right, then back to the left, slowly inching his shorts down a couple of inches at a time and revealing his hard and leaking cock as I did. The moment it popped free of the waistband of his shorts

he grabbed me by the back of my head and impaled me on his cock, driving it deep into my throat until my nose was buried in his pubic hair. I gagged immediately and struggled to keep still as he held me there firmly. I could feel his muscular thighs on either side of me flexing, his hands on the back of my head, and his hips swaying gently from side to side as he choked me. My eyes exploded in tears and I gasped for air when he suddenly pulled all the way out. I involuntarily began to cough and gulp in air when he drove his cock back in just as deep and held it there again. I tasted his salty pre-cum as his cock rested on my tongue, deep in my mouth and began gagging again. He repeated this more than a dozen times before I found I was able to tolerate his deep penetration without immediately gagging and struggling.

"Oh fucking hot bitch, fucking hot" he said as he began viciously fucking my face, pulling out every now and again for a moment, only to ram his full length all the way back into my mouth before withdrawing a little to continue fucking. He continued like this for a long time before he finally said " it comes bitch, here it comes, swallow it all, fucking swallow it all." He blew stream after stream after stream of thick, hot, salty cum in my mouth and all over my face and hair as he pulled his cock out of my mouth to milk the last few drops of cum from it. I tried to follow his cock with my mouth to lap up the cream as he ordered, but with cum covering my eyes it was not a very successful endeavor. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, laying his still stiff cock over my open mouth "Clean my cock off bitch, then you've got some cum on the floor to lick up before I leave you for a while." I rolled my tongue around his shaft, licking for all my worth, and cleaning off the cum still leaking from his piss slit with fervor. After he was satisfied with my cock cleaning efforts, he used his thumbs to wipe his cum from my eyes and stuffed them into my mouth for me to suck them clean. I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me.

"Ok bitch, clean up what you missed on the floor" he said, nodding down toward the concrete floor between us. I looked and saw five puddles of cum lying on the dirty concrete floor. Without hesitation I bent forward, my hands still behind my back, and I began licking up the cum on the floor. As I was licking, tasting his cum mixed with the strange taste of concrete and dust, Master walked behind me and I heard him rummaging through one of the cardboard storage boxes. Suddenly he grabbed my ankles and pulled my Van tennis shoes off before wrapping rope around my ankles. In a few moments he had crossed my ankles one behind the other and tied them securely with the rope. He then straddled me, one foot on each side and repeated the tying with my wrists. First crossing one over the other, then binding them tightly together. I thought I had licked up all the cum on the floor when Master crouched down in front of me, stroked his cock a few times and shot a much smaller load of his cum onto the floor in front of me. "Wouldn't want you to go hungry while I'm away, now would we" he said as I began to lap up his new offering for me. As I extended my tongue and dipped it onto the first puddle of his cum, I heard the click and saw the flash of his camera phone. As I continued to lick he moved around me taking photographs, spitting on my back, head, ass, and legs and telling me "What a fucking whore you are. Look at you. You are naked, in a strangers basement, licking his cum of the floor with your tongue while he spits on you and photographs you. You know he's going to share these photos with his friends. You will be a slutty fucking white whore from the moment any of my friends see you now. They'll all have seen you being the true slutty white whore you are."

He pulled my head up from my cleaning job by grabbing a handful of my hair, arched me back until I was on my knees but leaning back painfully with my head back, and he spat into my mouth before kissing me tenderly on the lips. "You are one fucking hot slutty white whore bitch. And you are MY fucking hot slutty white whore" he said. He slapped my face and grabbing a handful of hair, pulled be backwards and down toward the ground. I twisted and fell onto my side on the hard, cold, dirty, concrete floor. With my wrists and ankles tied, I could not control my descent onto the floor and he seemed to like the grunt I let out as I landed, and the sound of my naked flesh hitting the concrete. Lying on my stomach with my hard cock pressed against the rough concrete floor, I was Master loop some rope around a pipe with ran vertically from the ceiling to the floor. I hadn't noticed it before, but it would become my bondage post for the next four hours or so. Master tied the rope around the pipe, then ran a length of the rope back to me and tied it around my throat with a knot that would not slip. He then pulled my ankles up and time them to my wrists in the all too familiar now, hog-tie position. I heard the camera and saw a few flashes again.

"Ok bitch, stay here until I get back, ok" he said with great mirth in his voice. "I'll be gone for a while, but I'll come back for you later tonight. Maybe, I'll bring back a few friends, maybe not. We'll see." With that, he bent down, patted my hair like you would a dog, he gathered up the remnants of my shorts and shirt, hi picked up my sneakers, he stood up, opened the door, flipped off the light and slammed and locked the door. My last chance to say boundary had just walked out the door, leaving me naked, trussed up on the floor, with a raging hard on, cum all over my face and in my mouth, and no idea when he would return. There was a little light from the corridor coming into the room, but otherwise it was pitch black in the storage closet. I heard Master climbing the stairs and the sounds of him walking eventually disappearing into the distance. My god, I can't believe this is actually happening to me. He likes me, no he loves me, no, maybe he just likes to use me. It doesn't matter, I am fucking loving every minute of this. Now, I'm left like a toy, naked, bound, and alone until he wants to use me again. God I wish I could jerk off right now.

--End I would love feedback on this story at

Next: Chapter 4

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