Slutty Whore New York

By Kai Anderson

Published on Jun 11, 2019



by gwmsub4DOMGAM

These are mostly memoirs of things I've done in the past. Timelines are adjusted and some artistic license has been applied to make the re-telling more interesting and captivating. Some things which I include in one moment of time may have happened over weeks or months, but compressing them into one moment would have been so much fun, so I re-tell it this way.


When I stepped out of the shower, one of the gang members threw me a towel and all watched as I dried myself, with my cock rising to full mast as I did so. Once I was dry, the towel was returned to the gang member guard, and I walked into the bedroom and was about to shut the door, when I heard "Leave it open," shouted from the guards. I contemplated sleeping in the bed but chose instead to curl up naked on the floor at the foot of the bed instead.

It took a while for me to sleep, as I could hear voices and noises throughout the house from the others downstairs, and from the guards at the top of the stairs. My mind was also working overtime. What have I allowed to happen to me? I fantasized about being a kept property slave, and I enjoyed BDSM, but was this what I wanted? Did I have any choice now? Would I ever see, or be able to contact my family again? How long would Master Marcus enjoy me before selling me to someone worse? I was naked, alone, held captive by a Black drug gang in New York City. How much lower could I go, and how much worse would things get?

Despite the situation I now found myself in, I eventually fell into a deep sleep.

I was awakened at seven the next morning by one of the guards nudging me awake with his foot as I slept on the hardwood floor.

"Git up," were the only words he repeated until I finally roused, opened my eyes, and looked around confused.

Despite my situation I had slept soundly, but on being wakened up like this, I was initially lost as to where I was, who the gang member was, and what I was doing. Groggily, and slowly, the previous days events came back into my memory and I sat up looking at the guard with some confusion remaining, but more alarm at why he was waking me like this.

"UP," he almost shouted at me, but as he did so he backed away to the door, looking back to wait for me to get my naked ass off the floor. I stood up and noticed my morning wood sticking out in front of me. The guard glanced at my rock hard cock also but didn't seem to care too much about it.

"Follow me," he said as he walked out of the room. I followed him as ordered without saying a word.

We passed the other three armed guards, two who were standing by the top of the stairs and one who was in the kitchen eating from a bowl with his handgun on the table. As my alarm clock guard made his way down the stairs from the fourth floor, I hesitated, unsure if I should follow. Master Marcus had told me clearly I was to remain on the fourth floor. My hesitation was noticed and one of the other guards at the top of the stairs who had been watching me intently spoke up while putting a hand on my ass to push me gently forward towards the stairs.

"You're goin to the gym in the basement," he said. "S'ok,"

I gingerly followed the first guard down the stairs, looking ahead as I went. On each floor I passed at least two armed, mean looking guards until we reached the ground floor where there were about six or seven young teenagers who were dressed in the now familiar baggy gang type clothes, with bandanas, and baseball caps, and lots of gold chains and tattoos. They were chatting, smoking, drinking, and laughing until I began to walk down the stairs behind the guard, at which point they all stopped and turned to watch. The guard turned at the bottom of the stairs and walked towards the back of the corridor, where the stairs led down to the basement. I felt all of their eyes watching me and heard murmured comments in very low voices as I looked at the ground, embarrassed to catch their gaze as I went down the last few steps and turned to follow the guard with my still hard cock bouncing up and down and from side to side.

Down the final flight of stairs, the guard opened a door and waved me in as the room lights flickered on. I walked through the door and the guard simply closed it behind me while he remained outside.

"You got two hours," he said as he closed and re-locked the door.

The room was pretty large, with a treadmill, bicycle, a rowing machine, a pull up bar, and lots of free weights. There was a shower and toilet in the corner of the room, both had no door or walls around them, so they were fully exposed. As I walked around the room I noticed the surveillance cameras in opposite corners of the room, which had their red lights burning. Someone was probably watching me right now.

I jumped onto the bicycle after adjusting the saddle, set the resistance appropriately, and cycled for just under an hour. The digital clock on the wall allowed me to keep track of time. The room didn't have any ventilation, but there was cool air blowing in through some vents on the ground, spaced around the room. Following that, I used the free weights to work on my biceps and chest for a while, then did some sit ups and push ups before showering to wash the sweat off. As I turned off the shower, I realized there was no towel, so I just used my hands to sweep as much water off me as possible and I then sat on the ground waiting for the guard to return.

My thoughts turned inevitably to my new situation. My new depravations. How long would Master Marcus keep me here? How long would his interest in me remain? What would he do when he lost interest in me? What did he want to do with me? Would I end up dead in this place? Would he sell me to someone else afterwards? Would he sell me to someone much worse? Could I escape? Should I even try to escape with all of these mean looking Black guys with guns all around? How would I explain my nakedness and the collar around my neck if I did escape?

So many thoughts and concerns ran through my head. It felt hopeless, and forlorn, and I would get really nervous, but would then talk myself down by remembering that despite being stark naked in this scary place with all of these scary guys, only Master Marcus had fucked me and everyone else seemed to be keeping a respectful distance.

At precisely nine by the clock in the gym, the guard unlocked the door and swung it open. I stood, still wet from the shower, and walked out of the door, waiting until he closed and re-locked it. He then led me back up stairs, passed the teenagers once again, and up to the fourth floor where he threw a towel at me to allow me to dry off completely.

"Sir, Thank you, Sir," I said, catching the towel and drying my hair.

Almost immediately one of the other guards said "Boss is `ere," and the towel was grabbed away from me and I was told to kneel at the top of the stairs and wait for the Boss. I did as I was ordered, kneeling in the "show" position with my kneed apart, my hands behind my head, and my head down with my eyes looking only at the top step between my knees.

I heard Master Marcus voice as he came through the house and began to make his way up the stairs. He was speaking on a cell phone as he turned on the final landing that led to the fourth floor, and as I sneaked a glance up I saw him smile broadly as he climbed the stairs. One of the guard clipped a shiny steel chain to my collar and handed it to Master Marcus as he reached the top step. Master simply stepped by me and tugged hard on the chain to follow him, which I did on my hands and knees. I heard the guards all chuckle as I struggled to keep up with Master.

Once in the living room he kicked the door shut with a loud bang then more slowly walked me over to one of the two couches in the room, where he sat down, continuing his conversation in what I presumed was fluent Italian. I sat in my "show" position facing Master Marcus for about twenty minutes while he spoke on the phone, but all the while he was stroking my chest and abs, pinching my nipples and smiling as I grimaced, twisting my balls and stroking my cock, and pushing his fingers deep into my mouth while I liked them.

Finally the call ended and he tugged the leash suddenly, pulling me off balance and into his lap where I could feel his erection below his black baggy denims.

"Aw....ya wan' it, huh," he stated rather than asking as he chuckled to himself.

"Master, Yes, Master,' I replied knowing this was the response he was expecting.

"G'on den," he permitted, and I reached up to unzip his fly and digging in past his boxers I fished out his hard and already leaking cock.

I licked the leaking pre-cum off with my tongue first, then traced the outline of his mushroom head and back down his piss slit before slowly impaling my mouth on the length of his throbbing cock. I sucked deep and hard, then began pumping his cock and sucking hard with my tongue running around his head every tenth or so time when I came up a little for air. Masters eyes were closed and he just enjoyed the service until I felt his hands grab the back of my head and he began fucking me hard and rough down my throat. Within a few seconds he blew seven or eight large loads of cum directly down my throat and into my quickly filled mouth. I swallowed eagerly to help clear the cum from my throat so I could breath.

This would be the routine for the next few months. I would sleep alone on the hardwood floor in the bedroom until seven when I would be wakened to go to the gym. Master would arrive between nine and ten most mornings and my first task was to either give him a blow job, or on some occasions he would fuck me hard in the ass, but he always shot his load down my throat and into my mouth in the morning.

I would then remain with him for the rest of the day as he held meetings with various people. Most of the time I was just on show, a symbol of his power and control I guessed. Very occasionally he would grab me by the hair and drag me in front of some guests and he would kick me or slap me or spit on me and tell them this is what would happen to them if they fucked up. I was a warning to them. Don't mess up or you'll end up stark fucking naked with a SLAVE collar around your neck being fucked and used by whomever Master decided.

I quickly realized that most of the meetings were about selling drugs, drug shipments, territory, his soldiers on the street, the Marigold which I understood was a whore house somewhere fairly close by. I also understood the implied threat that if I didn't please "the Boss" the guards told me I'd end up in the Marigold, tied to a bed 24/7/365 for all comers to use me until I was "all used up."

Master and his main guards would eat only once during the day closer to three or four in the afternoon, and I was normally provided some of that food in a stainless steel dog dish on the floor, either next to the couch, or next to the table if they chose to eat there. I was not allowed to eat anything in the dish however until Master snapped his fingers and pointed to the dish. Equally I had to stop eating whenever he snapped his fingers again and I would be done eating for the rest of the day. I only ate once a day in the beginning, when Master ate.

Around eight or nine, Master would take me through to the bedroom and fuck and use me. Sometimes he would tie me down on the bed and ride me hard and aggressively. Other times he would manhandle me around the room, bending me over the bed, up against the wall, kneeling on the chair, on my back on the floor. Sometimes he was very gentle and tender, yet other times he was very rough and aggressive. He always shot his load in my ass in the evening for some reason, and I always had to clean his cock with my mouth, then dress him before he left for the evening. He never stayed the night, always heading back to his apartment and his "girls."

I was not allowed to shower or clean up after Master fucked me, so I'd simply curl up naked on the floor in the bedroom and fall asleep, waiting for the next day which would undoubtedly be very similar to the previous one. I understood the pattern after the first week, and I adapted to it, ensuring I shaved and cleaned myself out in the Gym shower before being displayed for Master when he arrived in the morning. I would then go to the restroom upstairs to clean myself out again before Master fucked me in the evening so I was clean and lubed for him.

My life became very, very small. Just the four rooms on the fourth floor and the gym in the basement. I could look out of the windows to see people and life going on out there, but that was for other people. That was not for me. I was a naked, purchased, owned slave property with no rights and no way out of here. The only thing I could do was keep Master happy and hope to survive. Master allowed me to write email to my family in the UK so they would not get worried, but each email was written on paper and one of his guards would then type and send the email for me using my email account which I gave them access to. The replies were always kept until I had done something to please Master, then it would be given as a reward, printed out but destroyed immediately after I had read it. I loved reading those letters from my family, but they also intensified the homesickness and loss of freedoms I was laboring to suppress.

As the months rolled by into Spring then Summer, Master pretty much kept up his routine of arriving early in the morning, using me, holding meetings or driving out to meetings elsewhere, then eating in the later afternoon and fucking me in the bedroom before he left for the evening. In Spring, some four or five months after I'd first been sold to Master, he began taking me with him to some of his meetings outside of the house. I was always completely naked, never allowed any item of clothing at all. I'd be leashed and walked down by his guards into the dog cage in the back of his SUV. At the meeting location I'd be brought out by one of the guards and they would either hand the leash to Master, or they would keep me with them in the background as the meeting happened. These meetings were sometimes outside in deserted pier or building site areas. Other times they were in alley's in busy areas with lots of cars and people driving by either end of the alley. I always wondered at the people walking past the alley if they ever looked down and saw this stark naked while boy in a collar and leash with these obvious gang members. What did they think? Likely just the look of Master and his gang members would be enough to convince them to forget whatever they saw immediately.

I always simply looked down at the ground or the floor during these rare occasions when I was taken out of the house, so I didn't really get a good look at anyone Master was meeting with or doing business with. I reasoned that it was better not to know too much, if anything at all. Of course, I couldn't help but pick up some things, such as Master was actually really intelligent. He spoke at least four languages enough to converse with gang members from those backgrounds, and he seemed to have a strong business background in controlling his drug empire and expanding it by deals and agreements.

As Summer moved into Autumn, I resigned myself to the fact that this was my life until Master Marcus got totally bored with me. In nine or so months there had been not one single opportunity to even contemplate trying to escape, and to be honest I had settled willingly into being the owned and naked property item I was. Things could have been much, much worse as I could be at the Marigold club, so I accepted what I had and made the most of things.

Master Javier, the Latin guy from my first day with Master Marcus, turned out to be the main supplied from Columbia. He travelled between Columbia, California, and New York arranging sales and distribution, but he employed mules and soldiers to do the actual trafficking and distribution at the local level, so he never got his hands "dirty" with product or cash, must as Master Marcus did. I know Master Javier asked to buy me on a couple of occasions, and I feared Master Marcus agreeing and me disappearing over the border into Columbia forever. Master Marcus however always declined, but he allowed Master Javier to use me freely whenever he wanted to, so I had sex and was used by him more than two dozen times over six months or so.

As February of the following year was just dawning, I was suddenly kicked roughly awake from my naked sleep on the hardwood floor of the bedroom by one of the guards.

"UP," he shouted at me and I did as I was ordered despite being very, very sleepy.

There seemed to be some turmoil in the whole house as I could hear people running around, shouting at each other, and furniture being moved around downstairs. I had no idea what was happening.

The guard actually pushed me in front of him, down the stairs, and I presumed we were heading to the gym. As we reached the ground floor, instead of turning right to head to the stairs down to the basement, we instead headed into a room opposite the stairs. This room had about ten teenagers of around fourteen to sixteen who were all gathering up ammunition, loading clips, and fiddling with handguns as the guard pushed me into the room. All stopped momentarily to stare at me as the guard pushed me to the wall opposite the entry we had just come in. There was a door which the guard reached beyond me to open. A cold blast of air hit me and I shivered involuntarily as I noticed ice on the concrete steps just outside the door. I hesitated but the guard physically pushed me out of the door and down the three steps into a very narrow alley which ran between two buildings, the one I had just come out of, and the building next to it.

The air temperature was freezing, even between these two buildings, and I had no idea what was going on, but suddenly I felt afraid that I was about to be killed. Without giving me a moment to even think or gather my thoughts the guard kept pushing me futher and further down this narrow alley until we came to a wooden fence at the end of the alley. The alley was filled with small rocks, debris from over the years, and this was rough going on my naked feet, but the guard would not allow me slow down until I literally hit the wooden fence. Only then did I realize that there was a gap to the right which led between the fence and the next building. The guard pushed me into the gap and we were off again down this second narrow alleyway until we reached a hedge at the edge of the building.

Pushing me right through the hedge which actually parted pretty easily, I suddenly found myself standing on a sidewalk in a small side street. The guard followed me through the hedge and immediately grabbed me by the collar dragging me behind him at what seemed like a frenetic pace down the side street, across two larger streets, then finally turning on another larger street and two more blocks to reach a main street.

"Yo free," the guard said, as he turned and ran back the way we had come.

I was dumbstruck. I stood, naked, in the freezing cold, just watching the lumbering guard disappear into the distance. He hadn't shot me. He hadn't killed me. What now? I'm stark naked, with a collar around my neck that says SLAVE on it. I don't know where I am. I don't have anything at all. No clothes, no money, no identification. What the fuck do I do now.

It was still dark, and I presumed early in the morning. As I breathed I could see my own breath it was so cold, and the icy wind suddenly impressed upon me. I hugged myself to try to find some meager warmth and then looked around me. There were no shops open, no lights on in any of the homes, and there were no cars driving on the main street.

I began to walk down the sidewalk trying to figure out what had happened and what to do next.

I was actually, strangely, really worried that I had somehow let Master Marcus down and he simply didn't want me any more. Had I failed to please him somehow? Did I do something wrong?

As I walked and contemplated this, I passed right by a public telephone. As the phone registered with me, I turned and thought, who can I call like this? I picked up the receiver and dialed for the operator.

"I'd like to make a reverse charge call to Eugene Banks at," and I provided Master Eugene's number. Fortunately I still remembered it for some reason.

I huddled naked and barefoot between two cars for more than thirty mintues until Master Eugene finally arrived. I had given him the two street names I had seen and he was able to figure out where I was. Once in his car, he gave me a warm blanket and drove me back to his place in Manhatten.

I was very confused, unsettled, and unsure of the situation and of myself. I told Master Eugene the whole story and of the fact that Massa Darius still had my bank cards, passport, and green card. Eugene confided that Massa Darius had left New York and school about six months ago because of his drug addiction. No-one knew where he was now. Once again I felt lost, confused, and vulnerable.

Fortunately, Master Eugene allowed me to stay with him until I got myself back on my feet. He found me paying jobs with photographers, artists, and I life-modeled at a few schools. I served Master Eugene willingly as his house-boy during this time.

I found out a week or two after I had been thrown out of Master Marcus' house naked into the cold, that the DEA had been building a case against him and they were planning to execute search warrants of all his properties that evening. Somehow he had gotten wind of this and had sent out a signal to his soldiers to clean up as much as possible. I was part of the clean up, apparently. I never spoke with or heard from Master Marcus again.

After about six months with Master Eugene I decided I needed a fresh start, so I left New York and headed to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I knew a couple of people from my college days. Thus ended my incredible experiences in New York.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slaves naked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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