Slutty Whore New York

By Kai Anderson

Published on Apr 29, 2019



by gwmsub4DOMGAM

These are mostly memoirs of things I've done in the past. Timelines are adjusted and some artistic license has been applied to make the re-telling more interesting and captivating. Some things which I include in one moment of time may have happened over weeks or months, but compressing them into one moment would have been so much fun, so I re-tell it this way.


I honestly lost track of what was happening, so when they began to release me from the stocks, I was surprised. My whole body was aching and sore. I was caked in cum from head to toe. There were only three guys when they released me. The two Chinese guys who lived in this building, and the spikey haired guy. They walked me up the stairs from the basement and up to the front door of their building, where they dropped my sweatshirt and sweatpants on the ground next to me. Each of them slapped me hard on the ass before they all walked up the stairs into the building.

I pulled on my sweatpants and sweatshirt, found my subway pass and apartment key, and walked barefoot in the rain to the subway station. I felt very conspicuous on the subway as I was barefoot and I felt as though I stank of piss and cum. I got home and immediately jumped into the shower and stayed there for about thirty minutes. It was around 1 AM by the time I crawled into bed and fell immediately to sleep.

I woke from a very deep sleep the next morning as Master Eugene gently shook me.

"You O.K.?" he asked with genuine concern in his voice.

My mind was really cloudy and muddled. I wasn't sure initially where I was, or whether the events of the previous day or two were real or just a dream.

Before I could say anything to Master Eugene, I sneezed six or seven times and I realized my nose was running.

Master Eugene grabbed some tissue from my nightstand had handed it to me. As I blew my nose I realized I was still exhausted and very sleepy. I felt horrible to be honest.

"How do you feel?" Master Eugene asked again.

"Horrible, Sir" I croaked.

"I'm sorry," he stated gently as he stroked the hair on my head, while I huddled in the warmth under the covers.

"They were supposed to give you your clothes back after they fucked you so you could get home."

Master Eugene continued to stroke my hair. Shivers coursed down my spine from his touch -- or was it the flu / cold that I now realized I was suffering from.

"When you didn't show up here that night I got worried and called them."

He reached down and kissed me on the forehead.

"They were supposed to gang rape you, like you wanted. But they weren't supposed to leave you naked in the alley all night and all the next day," he said with genuine concern in his voice.

"You could have been caught, or arrested."

"Don't worry. I called your boss at work and told him you had the flu and would need to take a few days off," he added.

I was actually pretty sick, and it did take me until Friday to start feeling like myself again. Master Eugene came around every day and evening to make sure I was o.k. and he brought food each time to help me regain my strength.

We chatted a lot about dominance, submission, slavery, Masters, fetishes, fantasies, and other general stuff too. We really got to know each other more intimately during those few days of my sickness.

Master Eugene had to go out of town to Asia for a three week work trip, so he told me that he wouldn't be whoring me out for a while, but that Master Scott and Stan had some work for me to do if I wanted it. I said sure I wanted it.

I modeled for Stan a couple of times, and Master Scott put me in touch with a student film-maker who I worked with over a weekend. It was a gay sex scene he wanted to shoot, so I ended up being fucked by a hot blonde white guy over, and over again until they had all the shots they wanted. I enjoyed the experience, but found starting to get hot as his cock stroked in and out of my ass, then suddenly hearing "CUT" and having to adjust or do something slightly different when "ACTION" was called was frustrating. I really wanted him to just fuck the shit out of me, but we didn't really shoot him fucking me for more than five or maybe ten minutes at a time.

The most interesting gig Master Scott set me up with was a friend of his who was going through art school classes. They were exploring human history and conflict as part of their curriculum and each student had to produce a short play or performance or skit depicting conflict in human history. Darius was a huge six foot seven black guy with a mean looking face, yet he was truly a gentle sweetheart once you got to know him. He was muscular and built like a football player, but he hated sports.

He told me he could trace his roots back to a great, great, great, great grandfather who had been sold into slavery in the South after being brought by ship from Africa. He didn't know where in Africa his grandfather had come from, but he wanted to create a performance piece for the class out of the pain and humiliation he was certain his grandfather endured during his sale. But he also wanted to turn things around. What if Africans had sailed to Europe and enslaved White people, shipping them back to Africa for sale?

We discussed his ideas and I agreed to meet him and perform in his creation. A week later I met him and three of his black classmates outside of a college in Brooklyn. We went into the men's restroom on the third floor of the building towards the end of the lunch break. His performance was scheduled to take place at 1 PM, immediately after lunch.

As I walked into the large restroom with the four other guys and Darius I noticed a couple of guys using the urinals.

"Get naked," Darius said to me with what seemed to be excitement in his voice.

We had agreed ahead of time that I'd be treated like a slave who had just arrived to be sold. He had shown me lots of books, photographs, and research and I'd agreed to be completely naked and in chains for the performance to really challenge the perceptions of the class about how humiliating and degrading slavery was on many levels.

"Yes, Sir," I said as his four friends began to pull steel chains and collars from a bag they had with them.

"Yes, Massa," Darius corrected me, smiling.

"Yes, Massa," I responded as I pulled off my t-shirt, remembering he'd asked me to use that term for the performance.

Two really cute Black guys came into the restroom as I was slipping off my sneakers and tugging off my socks.

"Hey Dar. What gives?" one of them asked as he gave Darius an elaborate handshake but his eyes were fixed on me as I undressed.

"Just gettin ready for my performance," Darius replied as his assistants gathered up the clothes I was taking off and put them into the bag the chains and collars came from.

"Damn," said the other cute guy. "You doin bondage or summat?"

"Nah....." Darius laughed. "18thCentury slavery, but with White slaves instead of Black slaves," he nodded in my direction.

I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and pushed them over my hips and down to the ground. With all of the attention, my cock was already pretty hard and it was tenting out my tighty whities.

"Oh....nice," said the first cute Black guy as his gaze focused on my hardening cock inside my underwear.

"Yeah. What if we'd gone to Europe and captured them to make `em slaves," Darius added. "He's our slave, and we're gonna sell him in the class."

"Fuck yeah," the second cute Black guy added. The first just nodded appreciatively and kept looking from my eyes to my cock and back again as he licked his lips without any embarrassment.

"He gonna be naked, then," asked the second cute Black guy excitedly.

"Hell yeah," answered Darius as I looped my fingers into the waistband of my underwear and pushed them down to the ground, stepping out of them. My cock bounced up, hard and throbbing.

"DAMN," both of the cute Black guys said in unison, as both pulled out their cellphones and began taking photographs the scene.

The couple of guys who had been peeing when we first came into the restroom were also standing a little back, just watching the scene.

My hands went to my cock, to stroke it a little and release my balls which were a little sweaty, and I thought it would be appropriate to feign some modesty in the circumstances.

Darius' assistants quickly locked a heavy, slightly rusty collar of about two inches wide and ¼ inch thick around my neck with a padlock. From the front of the collar, a heavy rusty chain ran down to the ground. Just about a foot down from the collar was two wrist cuffs which were secured with smaller padlocks. At the bottom of the chain were two ankle cuffs which were also secured by smaller padlocks. As soon as the collar was locked around my neck, the two assistants seemed to really enjoy pulling my hands from my cock and locking my wrists into the cuffs with smaller padlocks. My ankles were also quickly secured.

Once fully secured, my hands were kept well away from my groin, so I could not hide or protect myself, even if I wanted to, which I really did not. My cock got even harder and I actually blushed at the attention of everyone in the restroom.

"You gonna take him into the class like THAT?" the first Black guy asked Darius.

"Fuck yeah," replied Darius. "It's what they did to us," he added.

"They all gonna freak the fuck out," the second cute Black guy laughed, as the restroom door opened and four new guys suddenly appeared to use the facilities. They seemed initially shocked, then amused by my presence.

"Shock is what the class is all about," replied Darius as he tugged and pulled on each of the collars and chains to make sure they were secure, causing them to rattle.

The assistants gathered up the bag which now contained my clothes and two of them left the restroom with the bag. I was now naked, in chains, in the restroom surrounded by numerous cute young guys and I was LOVING it. My cock was hard and throbbing, but fortunately not leaking -- at least, not yet.

"Listen," Darius continued, talking to the two cute Black guys. "When I bring him in we're gonna put him on the block and invite prospective buyers to examine him,"

"Fuck yeah, you want us to examine him," the fist Cute Black guy interrupted excitedly. He stepped forward and began to fondle my already hard cock.

"Yeah, but like this," Darius said as he pulled open my mouth and ran his fingers over my teeth.

"Make sure he has good teeth and no disease," He said. He then ran his hands all the way down my chest to my hips.

"Make sure he has no problems or lumps," he said. He then ran his hands down my arms, squeezing my biceps. He tugged my foreskin back and ran his thumbnail over the head of my cock. I bucked back and grunted as he did this, both because my cockhead was so sensitive, but also because he took me so close to shooting my load that instant.

All five Black guys around me laughed at my reaction.

Darius, grabbed the chain on the front of my collar and pulled me back towards him, which in turn made me lose my balance and I literally fell into him, my face planting in his chest as he was so much taller than me. They all laughed again.

Darius pushed me back slightly and stroked my hard cock a few more times.

"Check his cock out to make sure there are no deformities, and that it works right," Darius continued. He then grabbed my balls and rolled them around between his fingers roughly.

I grunted and lifted up on my tip-toes as he did this.

"Make sure his balls don't have any growths or hard lumps,"

Darius then turned me around and ran his hands down from my shoulders to my buttocks.

"Check to make sure he had no problems or lumps," he continued.

"Bend over," Darius ordered as he slapped me hard on the ass.

I noticed the other guys who had come in to pee were moving closed for a better look at this scene in the men's restroom. Their cell phones all pointing directly at me. I felt my face flush, but I was also in absolute ecstasy. I bent forward as ordered and felt Darius explore my asshole ring before pushing two fingers into my hole. I lifted my head, grunted in surprise at first, then tightened up my sphincter a couple of times, trying to get those fingers to fuck my ass.

Darius pulled out his fingers, pulled me upright, and pushed the fingers into my mouth.

"Clean them," he ordered as I sucked on his large and slightly sweaty digits that had just come from my asshole.

"Holy fuck," and "Shit," I heard comments from everyone watching.

The four White guys who were watching seemed shocked and surprised, and two even turned away and twisted up their faces in a grimace as I sucked the fingers that had just come out of my asshole, but the other two seemed engrossed by the performance.

"He's just chattel now. He's not a real person. He's an animal. He doesn't get embarrassed, or if he does, you don't care," Darius explained.

"Can we try?" asked the second cute Black guy taking a step towards me pushing two fingers deep into my mouth and almost down my throat.

Just then, the bell rang indicating first classes.

"In class," Darius cut him off, and slightly disappointed the two cute Black guys left the restroom to head to class, but not before both grabbed my cock and stroked it a couple of times with huge smiles on their face.

Everyone filed out of the restroom to presumably head to their classes. Darius and his two assistants waited for a minute or two, with Darius giving some last minute instructions to the assistants.

"You good for this?" Darius asked me.

"Abso -- fucking -- lutely!" I replied and all three of them laughed.

Darius started to stroke my cock to get me even harder. One of the assistants behind me shoved some fingers up my asshole and began to finger-fuck me gently. Suddenly with a nod from Darius, they left me alone and stepped back. Darius took a number of photographs with his cell phone, as did the two assistants.

"Let's go then," Darius motioned and the two assistants each took one of my arms and force-walked me to out of the restroom door and into the hallway of the school. The chains rattled and clinked and I could only take short steps because of the chain between my ankles. I was watching my bare feet walk on the floor, mesmerized somewhat by the dark rusty ankle cuffs and chain, and focusing on not tripping by taking too large a step. It took me a moment to realize that there were still quite a few people in the hallway, making their way to their respective classes.

Darius, and his two assistants didn't care. Darius walked ahead of us by a few steps and the two assistants propelled me along the hallway, as people gasped, stared, and more than one quickly raised their phones to snap a picture or video. My head was down focusing on walking, but I glanced up frequently to see people in the hallway, watching me being marched stark naked, barefoot, and in chains a past them. I was getting hornier and hornier by the second.

We walked almost the entire length of the hallway, some two hundred yards or so, when Darius opened a door to his left and disappeared inside. The two assistants walked me up to just outside the door, and we stopped. I could hear Darius deep, booming voice inside the room as he discussed the emotional, moral, and cultural conflict of slavery in America and around the world. How slaves were treated as non-human animals and chattel and how those concepts affected societal prejudice into the modern day. He discussed his own family experience of slavery, and then mused on how things may be different if slavery had worked with Africans being the Slavers and Europeans being the slaves.

He then proposed the idea of African ships sailing to France, England, and Spain. Roving the countryside where they would trap and kidnap White non-human chattel to bring home for sale at auctions, much like this.

With those words "Much like this," his two assistants opened the door and dragged me into the classroom to gasps and whistles from the forty or fifty people sitting in the class. I was walked up to Darius who was standing on a large raised stage, about three feet off the ground. A set of six steps led from the ground up to the stage, and the two assistants helped me negotiate the stairs which was difficult with the ankle cuffs and chains. The stage was high enough that all of my naked and chained flesh was now clearly visible to everyone in the room. I glanced quickly from left to right, and thought how fucking amazing this was. I have modeled naked, and I've acted on stage naked, but this was like a real experience of slavery. None of these people, or at least few of them, really expected to see a completely stark naked White boy in chains this afternoon as part of their class, and now I was being displayed and I was about to be auctioned for sale to them.

"A nineteen year old cracker, fresh from the shores of Great Britain is our first offering at auction today," Darius boomed. I scanned the male and female faces as I stood there, stark naked, collared and cuffed, with my hardon throbbing and bouncing up and down a little.

"This chattel is healthy, strong, and would be valuable for stud" Darius continued as he grabbed my cock, lifted it to show my balls to the audience, and then tugged on my balls a couple of times. I heard people take breaths in, and some giggle, and more than a few hushed comments made.

Darius then turned me around to face away from the audience and pushed my shoulders to bend me at the waist. My asshole was now on show to the entire class.

"For those of you who enjoy the pleasures of your animals, his hole is tight and supple," he said as he pushed two fingers into my asshole in one thrust. I grunted, and once again heard exclamations and laughs from the audience as he turned his fingers around and pumped in and out of me a couple of times before removing his fingers.

Turning me to face the audience once again, my cock was now dripping some pre-cum which he caught on two fingers and brought up to my mouth. I licked my own pre-cum and ass juice from his fingers and he then pushed his fingers deep into my mouth.

"IT is willing, eager, and talented at whatever you may wish to use it for," he said as he withdrew his fingers.

"For those of you serious about purchasing today, I invite you to come to the podium and examine this chattel specimen in the detail you desire, for your satisfaction," Darius added and extended his arms towards me, welcoming the audience to come up on the stage.

The two cute Black guys from the restroom were sitting right in the front row, and they bolted from their seats and onto the stage. Their hands were all over me in seconds, probing my mouth, running over my chest and arms, stroking my cock, and finger fucking my asshole. This encouraged quite a few other audience members to come down also. Around a dozen or so actually got onto the stage, and with the assistants and Darius' direction, they actually did examine me just as probably happened to slaves in the not so distant past. A few females enjoyed stroking my cock to see if they could make me shoot a load with a few strokes, but fortunately there were so many other hands doing so much more to me, that I didn't succumb to that. I was fondled for around ten minutes until all had satiated their desire -- or at least the desire they were willing to demonstrate in public. A number of other people came up to the foot of the stage, but didn't get onto the stage or get close enough to touch me, unfortunately. The majority however remained in their seats, chatting animatedly among themselves and directing their cell phones in my direction.

I had never really been "examined" like this by so many people all at the same time. It was exhilarating and my cock was throbbing and rock hard. Every time anyone touched it, grabbed it, or even just brushed it, I thought I was going to shoot a huge load all over whomever was standing in front of me. Even a few fingers in nitrile gloves shoved up my asshole almost brought me to climax. I honestly wish the examination had lasted for hours with every student at the school having an opportunity to examine me, but alas, the actual sale had to take place.

Once everyone had returned to their seats, Darius began the sale process.

"As in many slave sales of the past, this will be a highest bidder sale. The person or group offering the highest bid will win it for a period of forty-eight hours beginning at midnight on a date mutually acceptable to you and me and ending at midnight forty-eight hours later."

The conversation in the room got louder and people began to talk more animatedly between each other.

"There is a contract of sale, a copy of which you received when you entered class this afternoon. The proceeds from the sale will go to the Stonewall foundation," Darius continued.

"The animal will do whatever you wish, within the restrictions of the contract before you,"

"We will start the bidding for this valuable chattel at five dollars,"

There was silence and I think some disbelief that the sale or auction was for real. Darius looked at the cute Black guys in the front row and both quickly shouted out in unison.

"Five," quickly followed by ten or twelve more people shouting out without Darius responding. "Sixty Dollars" was the last bid shouted out before a slight pause allowed Darius to respond.

"Sixty is bid," Darius repeated. "Do I hear Seventy?"

"Seventy," bid the two cute Black guys from the restroom.

People really seemed to be getting into it, though a few others seemed overwhelmed or disgusted by the whole concept. The avoided my gaze and just looked at their phones.

"Eighty Dollars," shouted a group of what looked like six females in the back of the class. The female calling the bid had examined me in great detail, and had tried to get me to shoot my load while fondling my cock.

The two cute Black guys conversed quickly and upped the bid. "One Hundred," they said as the much of the class really seemed to get into the bidding war.

The females came back with a counter of "One hundred and fifty Dollars."

"Woooooo......" the rest of the class encouraged.

I stood on the platform, with the two assistants holding my arms on each side of me. Stark naked, barefoot, in chains. My cock was rigid, throbbing, and pointing to the seated class attendees to the side of the chain that ran from my neck to my ankles. I was literally being sold like property, and I totally fucking loved it. I didn't expect people to be so into this, but they were. I didn't expect this situation to be so exciting, but I was loving it. I was a commodity to be bought and sold, and that is what was happening to me. I had fantasized about this, but the reality of standing naked in front of purchasers was erotic.

The two cute Black guys turned to a third guy sitting behind them and conversed heatedly.

"One hundred and fifty Dollars," repeated Darius. "Any advance on one fifty?"

"One hundred and seventy-five," shouted the first cute Black guy.

The females responded immediately. "Two hundred Dollars,"

The three Black guys conversed again. "Two hundred and fifty," they countered.

Cheers and laughter rose as the bidding war continued.

"Three hundred," the females responded.

I looked at the Black guys hoping to see them decide on what their next bid would be, but they seemed to be tapped out. Disappointed and dejected, they slumped in their chairs.

"Three hundred Dollars," Darius repeated. "Any advance on three hundred?"

The two assistants turned me around so show of my ass, and back around to the front again to face the "audience."

"Three hundred going once," Darius said.

"Three hundred going twice. Sold for three hundred dollars."

The females excitedly jumped up and began hugging and high-fiving each other while the rest of the class clapped and whooped.

The females all came down to the front of the class, and while one paid Darius the requisite three hundred dollars in cash, the other five stood next to me for photographs of their conquest.

As the sale was completed and the bill of sale contract signed, the female who paid Darius the money took hold of the chain attached to my collar and pulled me forward, down the steps and off the stage. She then walked me up the stairs of the classroom, followed by her friends, back up to where they had been sitting when bidding on me. I essentially had to hop up each stair as the chain between my ankle cuffs did not allow me to step up, and on each hop, my cock bounced up and down getting closer and closer to exploding as we went. It seemed as though everyone sitting next to the stairs had a cell phone trained on me as I hopped my way up those stairs.

Darius continued his presentation by asking people how they felt when I was first brought into the classroom completely naked, vulnerable, and bound in chains. Answers varied from embarrassed for me, to shame that humans could treat each other like this, to anger from some for what their ancestors much have experienced or what their ancestors had done to Black African slaved. Darius continued to explore the feelings of the class attendees for about another thirty minutes, while I stood at the back of the class, behind the females who had just purchased me, as they continued to stroke my cock, rub my balls, and run their hands over my naked flesh.

Many people in the class could not keep from turning around to look at me while I stood with my new owners. Finally Darius indicated that the performance was over and he thanked everyone for their indulgence, and then thanked me for being such a good sport about the whole things. The class clapped as Darius' two assistants bound up the stairs to help me back down them. As we reached the bottom of the stairs the bell rang indicating the end of the class period, and everyone began filing out of the room into the hallway, including me, with the two assistants on either side of me once again. Again I was exposed to hundreds of university students as they moved along the hallway, as I was walked back to the men's bathrooms.

We finally got into the bathroom, where a dozen or so guys were either pissing at the urinals or in the stalls. My naked and bound presence once again causing a bit of a stir. They walked me to a corner by the wash basins and explained why I was naked and in chains to the other restroom users, leaving me standing naked and in chains as they did so. I heard comments of "cool," and "fuck," and "about time they paid," and so on from the new audience in the restroom.

"You were GREAT," Darius said to me as he bear hugged me and literally lifted me completely off my feet. "Fucking, GREAT!"

The two assistants also hugged me, though they didn't life me off my feet as they did so. One by one, the padlocks were removed from my ankle and wrist cuffs, with the last one being the padlock on my neck collar. I rubbed my neck and wrists and still naked, looking around for the large black back that my clothes were put in earlier.

"Mikey should be here soon," Darius added. I presumed Mikey was one of the other two assistants who had left with the bag, and my clothes.

"Sure," I replied. "No problem."

Darius suddenly grabbed me by the throat and pushed me up against the mirrors on the wall, his nose just centimeters from my own as he bent down.

"No problem, Massa," he corrected staring deep into my eyes, with his nose just grazing my own.

My eyes got wide as he shocked me with his speed and unexpected response.

"Ye....Yes.......Massa," I stuttered. "Sorry, Massa,"

He released my neck and laughed.

"Only joking," he said as he released me. I smiled and looked at the audience who were also transfixed by the huge black guy forcing the naked little White boy against the mirror with such aggression. My smile seemed to relax them and most filed out of the restroom to head to their next classes.

Darius then leaned in and said quietly "But you know, I think you look MUCH BETTER locked up in my chains. You're coming back to my place."

At that moment the bathroom door opened and Mikey came in with the bag and my clothes. He dropped the bag on the counter next to the sinks and just left. My attention was split between the bag with my clothes and Darius' statement.

I was about to say that I couldn't go with him when he put a finger over my mouth to stop me from talking.

"I know you think the auction was in the class. It wasn't. You were sold before you even got here," he said in a very confident and superior way.

I was confused and it clearly showed. Darius smiled.

"Eugene sold you. To me," he paused to let that sink in.

"You now belong to me."

He paused after each statement. I think he really enjoyed seeing the confusion and uncertainty on my face. Just as I'd think to form a question or statement he'd continue.

"You probably think you were a free person before and that you can't be sold, but you've been a whore, selling yourself to anyone Eugene wanted for a couple of months now."

I was about to argue that, but how could I. He was right. Eugene whored me out, and made money off me for the last few months. He was selling me and my body for an hour at a time. As that realization dawned, Darius continued.

"I paid a lot of money for you. You are my property, my chattel now. I own you now. You won't be a whore anymore, but you'll do what I tell you, when I tell you, wherever I tell you."

We were suddenly interrupted by a toilet flushing and a stall door squeaking open. A blonde haired White guy came out and walked over to wash his hands. He stared at us as he walked, but Darius didn't seem to care or even notice. He continued to speak in his loud booming voice which reverberated around the mostly empty restroom, except the two assistants who were still standing and watching, and the White guy.

I didn't know how to respond. My mind was racing and my emotions were jumping from "fuck yes" to "hell no" to "wait, what?" My mouth opened a number of times to try to speak, but nothing came out.

Darius rummaged through the black bag and pulled out my jeans, throwing them to me.

"Put those on," he commanded as the White guy finished drying his hands and left the restroom staring at me.

Darius gave me my t-shirt and sneakers, but threw my socks and underwear in the garbage can. I was pretty much dumb-founded and couldn't come up with anything to say, so I did as he told me.

We left the college campus and walked about three or four blocks to a multi-story parking structure. A black convertible BMW was driven up by a valet, and Darius ordered me into the passenger seat. We drove for about twenty minutes before driving into an underground parking garage of a large modern building. We didn't speak during the walk or the drive. I was still trying to process my sale, and whether that was true or not. Once parked Darius told me to get out of the car. He walked me to the trunk of the car and opened it.

"Strip," he commanded, and I dutifully did as I was told, removing my t-shirt, sneakers, and finally my jeans. Darius threw my clothes into the trunk, then removed the chains from the classroom performance and locked them in place around my neck, wrists, and ankles again.

"So much better," he said, satisfied by his work.

He slammed the trunk shut and started walking to an elevator bank that was about fifty yard from where his car was parked. He didn't say anything, but I understood that I had to follow him, so I shuffled along the rough concrete floor as quickly as I could to keep up with him, with the chains rattling and chinking as I hurried behind him. There were four elevator doors, and I was concerned that any one of them could have brought some unsuspecting people with them who would catch me naked and chained. Darius pressed the call button on the far right elevator and used a fob on his keyring which caused the elevator panel to light up. He then grabbed me by the hair and lifted my head upwards, which is when I noticed the surveillance cameras above the elevators at both sides. The red lights were blinking, and I suddenly realized I was being recorded or seen by someone at the other end of the camera.

The elevator doors opened and thankfully no-one else was inside the car. We got in and the elevator moved swiftly up to the thirtieth floor. When the elevator doors opened, we stepped directly into his condo. It was huge. From the elevator there was a small entryway with a set of four marble steps which took you down to a small hallway. There were two marble columns from floor to ceiling on either side at the top and bottom of the stairs. Beyond the hallway was the living room and to the right was the dining room and kitchen. The living room and dining room had floor to ceiling windows and a balcony outside. The hallway was marble, but the living room and dining room were hardwood. The place was beautifully decorated.

As Darius walked me around the condo to show me where the guest and master bedroom and bathrooms were, I finally plucked up the courage to challenge the sale story.

"How could Master Eugene sell me when I wasn't his to sell?" I asked.

Darius slapped me pretty hard across the cheek.

"Always begin and end any talking with Massa, boy," he reminded me.

"Yes, Massa. Sorry, Massa," I replied quickly.

"Massa, how could Master Eugene sell me, when I wasn't his to sell, Massa?" I tried again.

He turned and smiled at me, as though I was a child asking the typical "but why" question.

"Eugene offered you to me for $100 an hour. When I asked how much for a weekend he said $2,000. You've been for sale for a couple of months now, whether you realized it or not boy," he told me, almost with sympathy in his voice.

"He showed me film of you whoring yourself to others for money. You're just a commodity to be bought and sold, boy," he added. "Now, I've bought you."

I knew he was right on some level. While it fulfilled a fantasy for me, and while I enjoyed the eroticism of whoring myself, Master Eugene had essentially sold me for sex. I was "for sale" to anyone who wanted to fuck me. Now he'd truly sold me, for real, just as I'd often fantasized, but this was, this was a whole different situation.

"But..." I was about to ask when I remembered and corrected myself.

"Massa, but what about my work and my visa, Massa?" I asked.

He laughed at my catch, and the fact that I was clearly quickly accepting my position.

"You can continue to work for now," he consoled. "But you'll go from here to work, and you'll come back here right after work."

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I replied, resigned to my fate and while unsure what it all meant for me, I was also somehow really excited. I had just been sold and now this big, aggressive, intimidating Black guy owned me as property.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slaves naked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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