Slutty Whore New York

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 2, 2019



by gwmsub4DOMGAM

These are mostly memoirs of things I've done in thepast. Timelines are adjusted and someartistic license has been applied to make the re-telling more interesting andcaptivating. Some things which I include in one moment of time may havehappened over weeks or months, but compressing them into one moment would havebeen so much fun, so I re-tell it this way.


I knew he was right on some level. While it fulfilled a fantasy for me, andwhile I enjoyed the eroticism of whoring myself, Master Eugene had essentiallysold me for sex. I was "for sale" to anyone who wanted to fuck me. Now he'dtruly sold me, for real, just as I'd often fantasized, but this was, this was awhole different situation.

"But..." I was about to ask when I remembered and correctedmyself.

"Massa, but what aboutmy work and my visa, Massa?" I asked.

He laughed at my catch, and the fact that I was clearly quicklyaccepting my position.

"You can continue to work for now," he consoled. "But you'll go from here to work, and you'llcome back here right after work."

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I replied, resigned to my fate andwhile unsure what it all meant for me, I was also somehow really excited. I had just been sold and now this big,aggressive, intimidating Black guy owned me as property.

I still had a ton of questions I wanted to ask, but Master Dariusdecided he wanted to use me instead, and I was literally like a small rag dollin his hands.

He pushed me down on my knees in front of him in the livingroom, pulled his huge, thick, and intimidating cock from his jeans, and grabbedtwo handfuls of my hair as he directed his quickly hardening cock into mymouth. I had seen a lot of cocks by now,but his must have been eight inches semi-hard, and it was so thick I didn'tthink my fingers would touch if I wrapped them around it. The head of his cock was enormous also, andas he pushed it past my lips, it seemed to take up all of the space in mymouth.

Hi gripped my hair painfully tightly as he continued to pushthat monster further and further into my mouth and towards the back of mythroat. I panicked and struggled a little,trying to bring my hands up to my mouth (which I couldn't as the chain only allowedme to reach the bottom of my chin) and trying to turn my shoulders which Ihoped would turn my head and allow me some relief, but his grip was formidableand I could only hear him saying "Take it, boy," as the head of his cock seemedto lodge in the back of my throat. He tried to push further, but it would notadvance any more and I immediately began to cough and choke.

Pulling his cock-head back to my lips, I took a desperate breathin and tried to control my fear that he would choke me to death with thismonster. He kept his cock-head just inside my lips until he felt me relax alittle, and then he slowly began to push forward again. I looked up to see himsmiling down at me, but with a look of absolute determination also. I tried torelax as much as I could, but as his cock head reached the back of my throatand applied huge pressure trying to pass it, I felt my whole body stiffen. He held his cock there for what seemed likean eternity, and I was struggling to not pass out, before he slowly retreatedit to my lips, allowing me to breath again.

My eyes were watering profusely by this time, and my nosewas running. I gulped a breath, and sniffled to try to recover what was leakingfrom my nose. I glanced up at him and he continued to smile down at me, with thatdetermined look. He continued this advance and retreat probably a dozen moretimes. Each time his cock-head seemed topush a little further, and a little further into my throat -- and each time Icame closer and closer to passing out.

On his ninth or tenth attempt something gave and I suddenly foundmy lips pressed against his jeans, my clenched fists between his legs, and hisgiant cock impossibly deep inside my throat. I felt as though I'd swallowed a whole baguette and my throat was involuntarilypulsing, trying to pass the meat down. He held me in that position for about ten seconds before slowly pullinghis cock out of my throat and back to my lips. I retched as he pulled out but managed to keep my stomach contents wherethey should be.

"Good boy," he praised me, allowing me to catch a muchneeded breath before he slowly and methodically pushed his cock forward again,and once again it caught on the back of my throat, before suddenly passing theobstruction and filling my throat completely. Holding me, then releasing andsaying "Good boy," he repeated this a few more times before pulling out entirely.

My eyes were so full of tears I could not really see himclearly. More of a watery blur. My throat was sore and almost felt as through Ihad strep. My nose was running out of control, but I was happy that I hadn'tthrown up, and I was actually proud of myself and amazed that I'd swallowedthat huge fucking cock.

"We'll have to work on that, boy," Master Darius said as hestroked my hair gently.

"Massa, yes Massa," Isaid looking up to him through those teary eyes.

He then presented his balls which were the size of golfballs for me to suck and lick on, which I did with gusto. Slipping out of his jeans and boxers, hepulled off his t-shirt and was finally naked. His muscular body was covered with tattoos of various types. His bellybutton stuck out, rather than in, which caught my attention, along with hishuge protruding nipples.

Turning around, he then had me rim is asshole between hismuscular smooth ass cheeks. He grabbed the back of my head to encourage me topush my tongue deeper and deeper into his warm chute. There was an unmistakable musky smell and aslight taste that I really couldn't identify, but I set to my task withenthusiasm and I believe he enjoyed the service as he kept moaning and wigglingboth is ass and my head under his hand as my tongue did its work.

Turning again he bent down, turned my head up to him, anddeep throat kissed me roughly and aggressively -- just the way I like it. His tongue ranged all over my mouth as one ofhis hands held the back of my own head to stop me retreating -- like there wasany chance of that -- as his other hand held me my the throat, applying a littlepressure to my carotids as he enjoyed me.

My eyes were closed the whole time, just enjoying this musculargod using me as he desired, when I realized he was no longer kissing or eventouching me. I opened my eyes and he had stepped back a few paces and wassmiling down at me, taking some photographs with his cell phone. My cock was rigidand painfully ready to shoot a load. Pre-cum leaked from it onto the hardwoodfloor below me.

"You are one fucking hot reparation payment, boy" he said.

"Massa?' I asked, not really understanding what he said.

"Whites enslaved Black men for years," he answered. "Now it'spayback time, and you are the payment for our years of slavery."

"Yes, Massa," was all I could think to say. My mind wasthinking about what he'd just said, but I didn't know him well enough yet toknow precisely what he meant by that.

He pulled me up to my feet and walked me into the kitchen wherehe bent me forward over the marble island counter. I felt his fingers wettingmy asshole, and then three of them pushing past my sphincter into my hole. He finger fucked me as I groaned in pleasurefor quite a while before switching to his cock. As he pushed it gently through my asshole I thought he was going tosplit me in two, and once his head had finally popped through my gatekeeper, hethen thrust so far inside me I was sure he was going to come out of my mouth. Ihad never quite felt anything so big or long inside me. It was painful anddisconcerting, but at the same time it was exhilarating and so fucking hot to beused like this, by this god.

Pulling all the way out of my asshole, he plunged back in alittle more roughly than the first time, and even more roughly the second andthird times. On his fourth penetrationhe began to fuck me with aggressive vigor, pounding my hips into the countertop, and leaving me grunting on every thrust.

He literally picked me up off the counter top, still impaledon his huge cock, and walked me like a small doll, out of the sliding glass doorsonto the balcony. It was raining and windy,but also exciting to be fucked naked on the balcony with Brooklyn below and NewYork City in the distance. Pressed upagainst the balcony railing, he pounded my ass so hard I though he might flip meright over the side if he wasn't holding on to me so tightly.

Finally, with six or seven single and powerful thrusts intomy guts, I knew he had come inside me. Pulling his cock out, I suddenly felttotally empty and disappointed. Turningme around to face him, he kissed me again more tenderly this time.

"I'm gonna really enjoy owning you, boy," he said as hishands roved over my naked flesh.

"Massa, thank you Massa," I replied, and I really meant it.

I showed him, dried him with a towel, and dressed him inshorts and a t-shirt as he commanded. He ordered take out, and I answered theelevator when the delivery person arrived, still naked and in chains. Theskinny White guy who was delivering the food seemed genuinely scared at firstwhen he saw me naked in chains and saw Master Darius sitting on the couch inthe living room at a distance.

"Are you ok?" he asked with genuine concern.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Please keep the change as a tip," I added handing him the money MasterDarius has provided.

I took the bags of food and open mouthed with eyes stillhuge and concerned he stepped back into the elevator.

"You sure, your ok," he questioned. "I can call someone. The cops?"

"I'm just fine, thank you, Sir" I answered as the elevatordoors closed.

Master ate sitting on the couch watching some television asI re-filled his water glass and added more food to his place as he ordered. Once he finished he placed his plate on thefloor with some food left on it.

"Eat, boy," he said and knowing what he expected, I kneltdown and began eating from the plate on the floor with just my mouth.

I washed the plate and placed the left overs into therefrigerator. It was now late evening.

Concerned about getting to work the following day I askedMaster about it and he assured me I would be able to go to work. Master face-fucked (or trained) me againbefore we headed to bed. My throat wasstill a bit tender from the afternoon, but again after a few attempts, Masterpushed his cock deep down my throat and this time, he fucked me until he shot ahuge load into my mouth. He then kept his cock in my mouth and began to piss,as I drank straight from his cock. He wouldfill up my mouth, stop pissing to let me swallow, and would then piss again. Icouldn't believe how much cum, and how much piss he had in him. He was pleased with my efforts, and once he'dfinished, he told me to go use the restroom. I pissed for days it seemed like.

I expected to sleep naked in chains on the floor, but Massatook me into his bed and cradled me in his arms. I was pretty exhausted and mentallydrained, so despite my concerns about now being this huge guys property, andwork in the morning, I fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke to Massa forcing his throbbing cock into my ass. I was lying on my side and my hands hadbecome numb to the point were I couldn't feel them from the way I had beensleeping. As I groaned when hiscock-head pushed its way past my sphincter and his length began to fill up myhole, he rolled over on top of me turning me face down into the bed. I felt hiships and balls pushing into my ass cheeks as he impaled me fully on his cock.He began pounding me into the bed without mercy. His hips slamming repeatedlyand forcefully into me. He pulled me upto my knees, and continue to fuck me hard. Keeping me impaled, he laid downpulling me on top of him and had me fuck myself by squatting up and down on topof his pole. The then grabbed me by the neck in a choke hold and pounded myhole again until I felt him blow a huge load inside my ass. His arm tightened around my neck above thesteel collar, and I began to black out as he breathed in relief andcontentment.

I came to moments later, as he rolled me off him. He got up, pulled on a pair of sweatpants anda sweatshirt as I laid on the bed unsure what to do. Dressed, he beckoned me to follow him as hewalked out through the living room to the elevator. I followed him, my cockrock hard, still naked and chained. The elevator doors slid open, fortunatelyno-one was inside. Massa stepped inside and I followed him. The elevatordescended to the G-2 level where thedoors slid open again. Massa stepped outof the elevator, seemingly unconcerned if anyone else was in the garage orwould see us. I followed close behind,trying as much as possible to lift my chains with my hands to prevent them fromdragging along the concrete floor of the garage and attracting attention.

We got to Massa's car and he opened the trunk beforeremoving my chains of bondage. Strangely,I felt even more naked without the heavy steel around my neck, wrists, andankles. I felt undressed for some reason. I had become used to and familiar with the weight of the steel, andactually really enjoyed it. Massa opened up the bag containing my clothes andhanded me my jeans, jacket, and sneakers. He nodded without saying a word and Iquickly got dressed.

"Back here right after work," he said in a friendly tone.

At first I thought he meant right here, in the garage. Herealized my confusion and smiled.

"Javier, the doorman knows what you are. He'll let you in,"he said.

Knows what I am...I thought. Ah.....the cameras by the elevators.I smiled and blushed, pushing my hands into my jeans pockets and finding mysubway pass and apartment key.

"It's six thirty. That should give you plenty of time to gethome, changed, and to work, right?"

"Massa, yes Massa. Thank you Massa," I replied dutifully.

He kissed me full on the lips, walked me to a fire exit doorthat led up to the street level, then left to return up to his condo. I had toask someone on the street where the nearest train station was, but it was onlya few blocks so no big deal.

I took the train home, showered, changed and went to work,but the day was anything but normal. Ionly had thoughts of my new owned status on my mind, and thoughts of how I'dmanaged to swallow Massa Darius' huge cock the night before. Thoughts of whyMaster Eugene had sold me, and what my future would be like now. Thoughts of did I want to belong to Massa Dariusas his plaything?

The day dragged by incredibly, frustratingly slowly. I sent a text message to Master Eugene askinghim to confirm he'd sold me, but I didn't get any reply by then end of the workday and I had to leave work. I had achoice, either go home and ignore Massa Darius, or return to Massa Darius andconfirm I was his property.

On the train to Massa Darius' place I kept going over the daybefore at the college, and last night. I contemplated getting off the train andreturning home a couple of times, but something about the subjugation of beingseen as an item of property, being owned by this god like huge and muscularblack guy just got my cock hard and my imagination running wild. I was suddenlygetting off the train at the station just a few blocks from his condo. As I walkedthe few blocks I checked my phone and noticed a text reply from MasterEugene. As if to confirm my decision toreturn to Massa Darius, Master Eugene's text was simple.

"I sold you to Master Darius. You belong to him now. Do asyou're told." I briefly wondered if Iwould miss being whored out and used by Master Eugene, but quickly discardedthose doubts.

It was actually a somewhat warm and sunny early evening as Iwalked up to the front door of the condo. The door unlocked automatically and afairly young and cute light skinned guy in a suit with jet black curly shorthair waved me up to the desk with a smile.

I felt myself blush profusely as I approached the desk. I felt as though he knew who I was. What Iwas. Why I was there. I was correct.

"Master Darius is waiting for you," he said with what Ithought sounded like a contemptuous tone in his voice.

"Take elevator one," he said, pointing toward the bank ofelevators behind the main reception desk.

"Thank you, Sir," I said to him, but he ignored me.

The elevator doors were opened as I waked into the car. Inoticed there were no buttons inside. The doors slid quietly shut and the carbegan climbing smoothly. When the doors opened I saw the entryway to MasterDarius home. I was now, without any doubt,his property. His toy. His animal.

I stepped off the elevator and was about to go down thesteps between the columns just outside of the elevator when Massa Dariusappeared from a door to the side of the hallway just beyond.

"Strip," he commanded in a booming voice as he walkedtowards me.

I stopped in mid-stride, like a deer caught in headlights,both startled by his command and the strength in his voice, but also by hisbeauty and authority. He was wearing a light blue basketball jersey, baggy whitebasketball shorts, and white high tops. His dark black skin seemed to gleaminside those clothes. I was momentarily mesmerized by him, and at the same timereally glad that I had returned.

"You will strip everything off in the elevator from now on,"he ordered as he walked towards me. "You will be naked the moment you step intomy home."

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I replied, quickly pulling off my shirtand kicking off my sneakers.

As I pushed my jeans and underwear down my thighs he grabbeda handful of my hair, pulled my head up to face him, and he kissed me with histongue forcing its way through my lips and around my mouth.

He released me and pointed to a metal box just beside theelevator which stood empty with the lid open.

"Put everything in there when you come out of the elevator,and close the lid," he commented as he passed me and slapped my exposed ass cheeksso firmly I almost fell down the stairs.

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I confirmed, as I gathered up myclothes and walked naked over to the box. I dropped everything inside and lowered the lid. My clothes, my cell phone,my wallet, my watch, everything was in the box. I was left completely naked. As the lid closed I heard the click of alock. I tried surreptitiously to open itagain without Massa seeing me try, but the lid was firmly locked.

Massa was just smiling at me as I turned from the box toface him.

"That is your life from today forward," he said.

"You will be naked at all times here. You will get naked in the elevator up here andyou will leave naked in the elevator."

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I acknowledged as his smile grew.

"Everything you bring will be locked in the trunk when youarrive."

"Massa, Yes, Massa."

"You are mine until I decide you can leave."

"Massa, Yes, Massa."

This was indeed my life for the next two months or so. I went to work when Massa unlocked the trunk,gave me my clothes and I stepped onto the elevator down naked and carryingthem. As soon as I finished work, I returned and stripped naked I the elevator,dropping everything into the trunk as soon as I stepped from the elevator intohis condo.

Massa would leave a list of chores for me on a small sidetable by the trunk if he was not home yet, and I would have a specified amount oftime to complete those chores. The chores ranged from doing his laundry, changingthe bed, cleaning the restrooms (guest and master), washing the windows,cleaning the oven. When Massa was home,or as soon as he arrived home, I immediately presented myself to him to use. Hevaried his use of me from face and ass fucking me roughly, to sometimes using adildo or other objects to stuff up my ass, to slapping or whipping or kickingme and dragging me around the condo by my hair or ankles or wrists. Other times he would very gently make love tome. It largely seemed to depend on his mood.

I would prepare and serve an evening meal for Massa while hesat at the dining room table working on his laptop, or while he sat on thecouch watching television. I stood or kneeled nearby to respond to his everywhim and desire while he ate, and I was fed the scraps of what he didn't eateither on the plate he had eaten from placed on the floor, or scraped into astainless steel dog bowl in the kitchen. When he wanted food delivered, Iwould wait by the elevator for the doors to open, naked, and would pay thedelivery person with a large tip. I got familiar with a number of the deliverypeople from restaurants Massa Darius liked to order from regularly.

I would sit on the floor by Massa's feet as he worked orwatched television, or he would use me sexually as he wished until I would soapand wash him in the shower and dry him before bed. For most of those two months or so, I sleptin Massa's bed. Massa would fuck meeither in the ass or in the mouth every morning, before pissing down my throatfor my breakfast, before unlocking the trunk and putting me into the elevatorstill naked. I had around thirty seconds to dress before the elevator doorsopened again in the lobby of the building. Taking my clothes off when arrivingwas honestly much easier than scrambling into them in the morning.

I very quickly fell into this repeating pattern of every daylife, and I really enjoyed the dominance and control Massa Darius exerted overme. While Massa Darius went out some evenings and on weekends, I did not. I waseither at work, or naked at Massa Darius home. I only saw my work colleaguesand Massa Darius. My life became very small and very controlled during this time,and I actually enjoyed the relative simplicity of it.

One evening, Massa Darius asked me "Do you want to be myproperty, 24/7/365 for the rest of your life. No way out, no escape. My sole propertyto do what I want with you forever?"

I already thought that was the situation I was in, but thequestion threw me a little.

"Master Eugene sold you to me, but I understand you didn'tagree to that. You didn't know about it until it was done. It wasn't your choice,"Massa Darius said.

"This will be your choice. Be my property for the rest ofyour life. Sign a slave contract."

I didn't have to think too much about it. I was already doingwhat would be expected of me, and I was enjoying my time with MassaDarius. We had only known each other avery short few months, but I felt I could trust him implicitly.

"Massa, YES, Massa," I replied excitedly.

The next weekend, we drove up to a cabin in the woods in up StateNew York. The cabin was rustic, buthuge. It had eight bedrooms and for the first time in months with Massa Darius,I was actually dressed in his company, wearing shorts a tank top and flip flops.It honesty felt quite strange to be dressed in Massa Darius company, lol. I kept tugging at the shorts which wereprobably a size too small, and the tank top was about three sizes too large, sothe neckline ended up just below my nipples, and the shoulder straps keptfalling off my shoulders. Fortunately the tank top was long enough that thereally tight shorts weren't so visible, but it also seemed as though maybe Iwasn't wearing any shorts at all.

We stopped at a garage for gas, and Massa of course had mefill up the car. I went into the stationto give them Massa's gas card to fill up on pump #3 and the old crusty guybehind the counter looked me up and down a couple of times before taking thecard from me. I pumped the gas and returned to the counter and now two guys in oilstained overalls with dirty hands from working on cars were also in the smallstation office. I felt their eyes examining and judging me as the crusty guyprocessed the card payment. They lookedme up and down, and as the card was processing the two mechanics walked behindme, making me really uncomfortable and nervous. When the crusty old guy finallyhanded me the card and receipt I got out of there as quickly as I could. Theywatched me all the way back to the car.

About an hour later we arrived at the cabin. Massa had me open up the windows to air outthe house and begin preparing some snacks and drinks. Four other cars arrived over the next fewhours. A total of fourteen Black guys stayed that weekend with Massa Darius. Most had arrived by late afternoon, so around4 PM we all drove up on a very rough and rocky dirt road to an incredible mountaintop that looked out over a gorgeous valley below. Once there, Massa Dariusbrought me to the front of his car as the other guys all surrounded us tolisten.

Massa Darius then placed a piece of paper on the hood of thecar which had SLAVE CONTRACT printed in large black letters at the top of it.

One of the Black guys with us read the contract aloud foreveryone to hear, and he then turned to me.

"If you accept the terms and conditions of this contract, infront of the witnesses assembled here today, sign your name in the place providedand from the moment of your signature you will give up and forfeit all rightsas a free man for ever more. You will become the property of Darius Mattisonthe third for the rest of your natural life. You will have no rights. You willown no property. You will belong solely to Master Darius."

"Will you sign?" he asked, as he offered me a pen andpointed to the area on the contract which said SLAVE IDENTIFICATION.

I took the pen and signed my name as the other guys cheeredand clapped and slapped Massa Darius on the back.

"You are now property," the Black guy said, rolling up thecontract and handing it to Massa Darius.

"Strip," commanded Master Darius to me.

"Yeah," "Hell Yeah," "Getit naked," I head the other guys say as I pulled my clothes off in front ofthem. My cock was rigid and leaking as I finally stepped out of my shorts,leaving me naked and barefoot, standing on the dirt looking out over thegorgeous valley below, in front of these complete strangers that I'd never metbefore.

Massa Darius produced a heavy shiny metal collar which he padlockedaround my neck, confirming my slave property status for everyone, forever.

"On your knees, boy" Massa Darius commanded, and one by one,I sucked off every one of his friends who came down my throat. Some were gentleand allowed me to suck at my own rhythm and pace. Others were demanding andgrabbed my head, face-fucking me to climax. The cocks were different sizes,shapes, and colors, but none were quite the size of Massa Darius, though atlest four came pretty damned close.

My clothes were symbolically burned as I was sucking cockand swallowing cum. I had not paid muchattention to the conversation at the cabin before we drove up here as I wasconstantly re-filling drinks, and getting more snacks, or taking bags fromarriving cars up to the respective rooms the guests would stay in. As I signed my fate away to a lifetime ofslavery however and as I undertook my first command of Massa to suck off all ofhis friends on this mountain top, I realized they all viewed me as inferior becauseof my skin color. At first I wasn't sure if it was just a kink and they weremerely role-playing, but the more cocks I satisfied and the longer theconversation went on, it seemed clear that they believed in Black supremacyover White cunts and that White cunts were only around to be used and abused.It was a totally new dynamic for me, but I confess it turned me on to be thoughtof simply as an inferior beast of burden and desire.

I swallowed my last load of cum and the guys all began to loadback into their cars. Massa Darius toldme I had to run barefoot and naked back down the dirt road to the cabinfollowing their cars. The cabin was aroundthree or four miles from the hilltop.

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I answered as the cars left the hilltopand I began running, trying in vain to keep up with them. Despite the rough road and the slow progressthey made, the rocks and fallen twigs from overhead branches, and the unevendirt road made my running progress slow as I carefully avoided the worst of thesharp and painful objects on the ground. When I finally arrived at the cabin,everyone was sitting on the porch, already drinking and smoking weed.

Massa Darius and two other guys waved me over and tied myhands in front of me, throwing the rope over the branch of a tree and pullingme up by my wrists until I was on my tip-toes. A few other guys came down from the porch to check out the action. I wassuddenly blasted with freezing cold water from a hose which played all over myhot and sweaty flesh. I seconds I wascold and shivering as the water continued to hit me, forcing it's way betweenmy ass cheeks and being targeted at my balls from time to time. A couple of the other guys took turns on thehose also, until finally Massa Darius signaled them to turn it off. I hungunder the tree, dripping wet and still shivering while six or seven of theguests started slapping me, tugging my balls, fingering my asshole, pushingfingers deep into my mouth, twisting my nipples, and slapping my hard cock fromside to side. They continued to talk with each other about how inferior I was.How weak and pathetic I was. How useless I was as a race. All the while, theirhands tortured my exposed flesh.

The conversation even turned to castration and emasculationand a few of the guys were strongly advocating that Massa Darius should atleast castrate me to keep me in line. They discussed how this was done to theirancestors by Whitey and thought it only appropriate that they return the favor.They also discussed branding me to mark me as the property of Massa Dairus andconsidered what the brand should look like. I began to get concerned as the conversationreally didn't just seem like fantasy or fetish for the scene. It seemed real, committed,and deliberate. These guys actually seemed to believe this shit. Fortunately,Massa Darius eventually quashed all of these suggestions saying he wanted myballs intact and didn't want to mark my flesh or risk injuring me permanently. Heliked me naked with my cock flopping around and my balls available for his tograb whenever he liked. The other guestsrelented, but the conversations continued like this the whole weekend.

I served everyone for that weekend, until we returned to theCity on Sunday evening. Massa Darius allowed any of his friends to fuck me,face fuck me, and use me as they wanted to. They all seemed to revel in havinga White boy as a slave, and they all shared Massa Darius views on Black slaveryand the need for reparations. They tooksome of that frustration out on me that weekend, with me tied to a tree andwhipped with belts, and single tails. It was a sobering and confusingweekend. I was exhilarated at time beingnaked and recognized as a piece of property around these fourteen guys, but at thesame time, they and Massa Darius were meaner and rougher than I reallyanticipated or expected. What had Igotten myself into?

I didn't sleep at all that weekend, as one or two or a groupof them always wanted to use me, fuck me, humiliate me, or torture me. MassaDarius largely ignored me once the contract was signed, allowing his friendsfree reign to do what they wanted with me. There was also a lot of alcohol,weed, coke, and heroin around and all seemed to use freely and frequently.

When I was not being fucked or tortured in one way oranother, I was preparing or serving meals for everyone, or I was making beds,or tidying up the cabin, or drinking their piss, or cleaning the shower andrestroom. On Sunday afternoon, theguests began to leave. I carried their packed bags from their rooms to the vehiclesthen stripped their beds and cleaned their rooms. It was around seven when MassaDarius finally locked up the cabin and put me into the trunk of his car for thedrive home to the city. With my chainson, the drive on the rough unpaved road from the cabin was no fun inside thetrunk of the car. Bouncing around and banging my head more than a couple of timeson the side of the car. But we finally made it to the paved roads which wasmuch more comfortable. I was completely exhausted, and despite the cramped andhard trunk, I totally fell into a deep sleep on the journey home.

I continued to work my nine to five job for the next few monthsuntil my Green Card finally came through. Massa Darius was in college classesmost of the week in any case, so it worked out fine. I returned to Massa everynight and spent every weekend with him. Two months after I signed the slavecontract, Massa told me to move in permanently with him and I of course agreed.One weekend, I packed all of my casual clothes into five garbage bags and we droppedthem off at a Goodwill store. I had one suitcase with my work clothes andshoes. Massa paid the landlord $500 toget rid of the furniture in my apartment and that was that. I now livedpermanently with Massa.

Massa's friends came around more often for dinner or drinksor drugs and I was always available to them for whatever they wanted. Some simplywanted to "humiliate" me by having me do things like eat food dropped on the floor,or drink their piss and spit, or fuck myself with a cucumber before eatingit. Others enjoyed both humiliating andfucking me, while a few preferred to physically abuse and torture me with MassaDarius taking part also. Massa Darius never let the torture go too far, but mylimits were definitely pushed, and pushed, and pushed on more than a fewoccasions.

Massa Darius really enjoyed the fact that I was sosubmissive to his every whim and desire, and to the whims and desires of hisfriends also. My life became that pattern which Massa Darius desired. I didn'teven think of anything beyond satisfying Massa Darius, other than work. I had not seen Master Eugene or Master Scottor Stan in months at this point, and I was not doing any modeling or actinggigs. I was just a slave property. Nothing more, and I honestly didn't wantanything more.

Massa also began to take me to his friends houses, and toparties they hosted. In most cases, Massa took me completely naked in the slavechains to the parties. I discovered that quite a few of Massa's friends alsohad White slaves who had signed the same -- or a similar -- contract to the one Ihad. I rarely had an opportunity to talk with these other fellow White slaves,but I did notice that two had been castrated, and both of those also had painfulbrands burned into their asses. Massa explainedthat a number of his friends thought that was the best way to control a slave, andthe slaves agreed he assured me.

The fantasy and excitement of my decision to sign away myrights and freedoms and to become a 24/7/365 item of slave property came intosharper focus and reality when I saw those other castrated and branded slaves.I realized that I had given up essentially all power to Massa Darius, and atany time he could, possibly, tie me up and decide to castrate or brand me. Whatcould I do about it. If I knew ahead of time, I could perhaps run away but if Iwas already bound and controlled, I'd have no way to resist. I had never really felt a true concern for myphysical well being and survival before -- and to be honest I trusted MassaDarius not to harm or maim me long term, or worse. Yet, his friends brought those concerns tothe forefront when I was around them.

I truly enjoyed those months with Massa Darius. His size, demeanor, and attitude, commandedmy attention and submission at all times and I submitted completely and withoutquestion. My entire existence was focused on his happiness and satisfaction,and I was fulfilled in achieving that. About two months after I gave up myapartment, Massa told me I should quit my job and become a true 24/7 slave. I hadlost much interest in the job and so it did not take much persuading. I put inmy notice and two weeks later I walked into Massa Darius' condo, naked from theelevator without an apartment or job. Iwas about to put my clothes into the trunk when Massa appeared and ordered meto gather up all of my clothes into a garbage bag. He took the bag away in theelevator and returned a few minutes later without it. I was now his, completely. I was naked, withno apartment, literally no clothes, in the middle of Brooklyn. I did have a bank account with my salarywhich had been accumulating for months, but Massa had my bank cards -- so whileI had money, I really didn't have access to it other than through Massa. I was truly and owned slave property withnothing of my own.

I stayed at home when Massa went to work, and I completedchores and did research he set for me on his laptop to help with his own coursework. I got to know Javier, the building manager quite well. He was gay andknew of Massa Darius' tastes. He would personally deliver packages and enjoyedtouching and feeling me. He never tried to have sex with me, nor asked me forany sexual favors. He just seemed to enjoy seeing me naked, and chained, andsubservient.

It was, I thought, a pretty perfect existence. I had feared that I would get bored, or Iwould crave others company and friendship. I thought I would get cabin fever being stuck at home all day. I was wrong.I actually enjoyed my solitude during the day to get on with the tasks Massahad charged me with. I looked forward so eagerly to my god returning home eachevening, and I reveled in preparing his meals and watching him enjoying them with satisfaction. I never grew tired of Massa manhandling me roughly, fucking mevigorously almost every day, and drinking his piss every morning. I craved it, and missed it when Massa wasbusy or exhausted and didn't demand those things of me.

It never occurred to me that this would not be my life forthe rest of my time on this earth. I was certain I had found my niche. Mypurpose in life. I had found my god and I was happily worshiping at his alterevery day. Sadly, this was not to be the case as I really should haveanticipated.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you ifyou are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slavesnaked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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