Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Jan 13, 2010


Disclaimer: The X-Men belong to Marvel, not me! Even if I owned them, they'd probably blast me with their powers and run away anyway. As for the unprotected sex going on in this story... it's just a story, and mutants supposedly cannot get AIDS! Always use condoms in real life, they protect you from STD's and getting pregnant up the butt!

This story is the gayest fanfic in the planet; there's gay sex, glitter, drama queens, divas and celebrity gay icons all over the place! So don't bother reading if you hate the ghey. But I guess, if you guys had a problem with reading this, or such a story was illegal for your country and/or age, you wouldn't be browsing a gay erotica archive in the first place!

Comments, constructive criticism and especially praise (:P), all welcomed!

Just e-mail me at: After all, encouragement always helps me pump those chapters out more often!


Chapter 16:

Bliss, Interrupted

"Hey, bitch!" I yelled through the incredibly small window of Zazelle's cell door. "Wake up!"

"What the fuck do you want...?" A drowsy Zazelle came at the door to meet me. "Oh, it's you. What do you want from my life, Dave?"

"You don't sound so happy to see me. Did I wake you up?" I made sure to sound all chirpy, in order to piss her off.

"Not really, no. I was going through the new torture your teachers thought up for me..."

"No more 7th Heaven marathons? Awwww..." I teased.

"They replaced it with something they said was much worse... Hannah Montana!"

"That explains your looks. Did you try to gauge your eyes out again?"

"Of course not!" she said, almost offended. "Compared to the other crap I had to suffer through, this is pretty watchable." She flashed me a content smile.

"What the...?" I said in astoundment. "That does it! I'm gonna wake my aunt Emma right now and make her stop this. This inhumane torture has finally done you in! You've gone mental!"

"I know that, being a fairy and all, you have to be a drama queen, but give it a rest, will you? It's too late in the night to deal with your crap. The show is fine, compared to the pedo purple dinosaur and the irritating priest family! I just imagine that I'm a 12 year old girl and I find myself liking it at times!" she scoffed. "I'm thinking that your people purposedly gave me a less shitty show to watch to ease my punishment, since I've shown remorse and willingness to change for the better. They seem to have faith in me now."

"They sure do", Gerry, who was standing beside me the whole time, brought his head to the window and greeted Zazelle. "Which is why you managed to win the award!"

"What award?" she said quizically.

"You won tonight's singing contest! Congraaaats!" we said in unison. Gerry pulled the cheap looking, female Oscar-like statuette and passed it through the small window. "Celine Dion won initially, but... she, uhm, had to leave urgently, so they announced the first runner-up as winner!" Gerry had to explain.

Zazelle looked at her award, then up to us, with genuine excitement, and weighed the newly acquired gold-painted souvenir on her hands. "This is sweet!"

"It totally is!" we said, again, in unison.

"And just in time, too... my dildo broke down yesterday. No more lonely hours for my special no-no place!" she just HAD to add and ruin the moment.

"GAH, Zazelle!" I started yelling, but then I saw the look at her face and could tell that she did that on purpose, to freak us out. "You wanna be that way? Two can play that game!"

And with that, I gently grabbed Gerry, slammed his sexy body right on the cell door, and lined up my body up against his.

"Dave, what..." he began to say, but I cut him off with a mere look on these sparkling green eyes, and my hot breath on his pouty lips. My hand caught a handful of jet black hair, then pushed his head forward, bringing those delicious-looking lips to touch mine. Gerry had already closed his eyes, expecting my next move with anticipation.

"Don't tease mama, gay boys! Go at it!!!" Zazelle begged from behind the door. I knew this would get at her gay-boy fetish and make her squirm... even though Gerry's back was blocking her view from the good part.

"You heard her" Gerry said in a commanding yet pleading tone. A smile crept up my lips and I slowly opened my mouth, using the tip of my tongue to just tease his lips, without acually kissing him. I heard Zazelle whimper from behind us and I knew I was a winner! But Gerry had to go and spoil things! He opened his mouth and trapped my tongue inside it, sucking on it, putting his own tongue out and attacking my mouth with it... I completely lost myself on his wonderful kissing technique. I don't know for how many minutes we were making out, but when I managed to have a coherent thought again I realised that I had somehow ended up being the one pinned on the door, that my unwilling erection was rubbing against something that could have been a rolling pin in Gerry's pants (If he cooked too, he'd be the ideal man!), and that a repeatable squishy noise from the other side of the door could be heard at a steady pace.

My eyes widened in shock and I broke the kiss.

"ZAZELLE! EEEWWW! Wait 'till we leave before you go to town with that goddamned award of yours!" I screamed through the window with my eyes closed (opening them and looking inside could result in several visits to the local psychiatrist).

"Give her a break. Let's go back to your room." Gerry said, half-amused, as he caught my hand and tenderly rubbed it with his, to divert my attention and calm me down. "After all, if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be together now."

"You heard the greek!" Zazelle agreed between squishing noises. "If I hadn't used my powers to make you have sex, you'd never have realised how into each other you were and you, Dave, would probably still be banging Mystique!"

"I'm still available if he wants to" we heard Mystique declare from the cell next door.

"Shut up Mystique!" we all yelled in unison. With my hand still in Gerry's, I walked to the exit and pulled him with me. "Let's get out of here."

"So much for wanting to rub our being a couple to Zazelle's face" Gerry teased. "She practically set us up!"

"Yeah, that's why she teased me with half the truth but never told me it was you who banged me that night. In my book, she gets no gold stars whatsoever."

"She gets a poor man's faux golden vibrator, instead."

"I'd tell her to go fuck herself, but she's one step ahead of me" I tried to one-up his snide comment. Hell, this relationship was gonna be full of quirky dialogue, if we didn't soon realease the sexual tension!

"What do you say we go to your room and try to catch up with her...?" Gerry proposed to me with a faux innocent smile.

A few minutes later, I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror, brushing my teeth. I had to do that, since that was the excuse I used on Gerry to get in there and have a look at myself. This was my big moment, the night I've been waiting for a long time after that day; the day that I promised myself I would find my "Phantom Lover" and make him bang me again!

Only now it was much more than just sex. It was sex with the man I had a thing for what must have been a really long time! I had to be my best. So, after brushing my teeth until they were squeaky clean and washing my mouth, I concentrated on my hair. It was still perfectly blonde, just the way I liked them, and I had done my latest dye job recently so no black roots were showing. My face was smooth and shaven, since I sacrificed my once precious goatee since the days Zazelle was roaming free and loaded.

I briefly glimpsed at the reflection of my eyes. Nothing new there, still that ocean blue color, I was proud of them and the only better color I had encountered was... Gerry's. That must be what love is like, huh? Always thinking your lover is better looking than you.

Lifting my shirt, I traced my finger on my torso. My pecs were still proudly standing out, but I could see less definition on my usually flawless abs. I guess with the latest drama, I kinda neglected some of my exercising sessions... or maybe I just have been eating too much, and a thin coat of flab was starting to cover my hard-earned muscles! "You're getting soft, Darrington" I told myself as I pinched my side and realised what I thought was my "skin" over there was thicker than before. I was getting fat! The other time that Gerry fucked me I was much more toned! Not to mention that the lights were out and he couldn't see me anyway back then...

What would he think if he saw me like that now? After all that waiting, when he realised that his Prince Charming was a flabby bum with an atitude? "I'm a fat cow!!" I bawled. I had to do something. I should postpone this somehow, at least until I lost the extra fat and Gerry could lay his eyes on me again!

I opened the bathroom door and walked in my bedroom, having decided to make up an excuse as we go along.

"Gerry, I'm afraid we'll have to take a rain-- humphhh!!!" I tried to talk, but Gerry's lips on mine muffled me as he pounced on me, the both of us ending up on my comfy bed with him on top of me.

His hands instantly went to my arms, caressing them from shoulder to palm, until he grabbed both of my hands and pinned them on the pillow behind my head. His tongue was now exploring my mouth, and my own tongue lazily moved around to caress his, ultimately making me melt into his kiss and surrender completely to his advances.

"Maybe we can do it with our clothes on" I thought to myself, and the small council in my head unanimously agreed with that proposal.

Gerry's initially agressive kiss now had evolved into a slow, lazy and passionate make out session, since he didn't need to worry about me resisting him anymore. I never wanted his lips to leave mine, but then he took a detour on the side of my neck, burying his mouth as far back as he could and tonguing the tender spot where my neck meets the shoulder. My response was insane... waves of orgasmic pleasure came over me, reaching down to my toes, making me break Gerry's control on my arms and reach down to his ass.

My trembling hands snaked their way into the back my stud's pants and grabbed as much as they could on his glorious, fleshy ass cheeks, squeezing them to fully comprehend the softness of the flawless skin on them and the hardness underneath. That ass, which was teasing me for months and months in every single training session, was finally mine! Squee!

"You squealed" Gerry mumbled as he stopped working on the secret g-spot on my neck. I gave a breathy moan and tried to force him down on my neck again, but he stuggled to resist. "You really squaled! Is it your first time?"

I shot him a look that would be far less evil if I wasn't getting blue balls at the moment. "You KNOW for a fact that is not true."

"Oh, right." he said, then started licking under my jawline.

"Yessss!" I said with closed eyes. "Never stop doing that, please!"

"My, my, you really are sensitive there." he said, forming a hickey that would be there for all to see tomorrow, marking me as his. "But if I never stop doing that, how will we ever get to the other parts?" he said huskily.

"Other parts?" I asked in a daze.

He answered to me by fondling my engorged cock over my pants. "Ooooh!" I moaned with simultaneous realisation and pleasure.

With a last peck on the lips before the main attraction, Gerry lowered his head and lifted up my shirt. I fought my insecurity-driven urge to pull it back down and allowed him to ravage my torso with his tongue, trailing circles around my perky nipples, kissing the bone between my pecks and caressing my remaining abs with his lips. Then he started fumbling with the buttons on my pants.

Finally unbuttoning the offending pants who stood on his way, Gerry started pulling. I raised my butt up a little and off they slid! My hands instinctively went to the waistband of my boxer briefs, in order to pull them down too, but Gerry slapped my hands away.

"If I want something done, I'll do it myself." he joke-scolded me. I shot him a look of confusion which immediately turned into ecstasy as he dove on my crotch and started kissing my rock hard cock through the fabric of my briefs, stroking it with his cheeks, teasing me as if this was the only chance in my life to ever get laid. In reality, I could see in his eyes how hungry he was...

"It's true, what they say" I said between moans, "the quiet and shy ones are always the biggest whores in bed."

He sat up and shot me an angry glare. "Did you just call me a whore?"

Foot, meet mouth. I had just cockblocked myself.

Gerry crossed his arms and looked at me with a twitching eyebrow. "Do you really believe that I'm a whore? Just tell me the truth."

I gulped. "Maybe... a little....? Eh?" I whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear me and he'd magically forget the last few seconds of our lives.

He brought himself face-to-face with me. Then, suddenly he cracked a devious smile. "You have NO idea...!!!"

Lowering his head again, he grabbed my undies and started peeling them out slowly, painfully. "When I'm done with you, you'll walk by professional streetwalkers and can't help but think of me."

"Awww. That's the nicest threat anyone has ever said to me!" I teased, but as my cock was free and feeling the cool air around it, I silently begged for him to prove himself.

His face inches away from my cock, Gerry breathed on my dick and made it twitch in anticipation. He licked the area right next to my balls, where the pubic area meets the thigh, then licked a circle around my dick and testicles, as if he was marking the area's perimeter. He then buried his mouth under my balls and licked his way up, taking one ball in his mouth and bathing it in saliva, then the other.

The waiting was killing me! Finally showing me mercy, he licked my entire shaft starting from the base, and as he reached to the head he engulfed it in the warmness of his mouth.

I looked at my boyfriend's eyes as he sucked my cock for the first time. His face had the features of an angel; everything on his head screamed "CUTE!" and innocent, but as I saw his emerald eyes again, framed by jet black hair whose ends were sticking on his slightly sweaty forehead, I realised I had the hottest paradox a boyfriend could offer in my hands; everything on his body said "adorable", but his eyes... the look on his eyes whispered "sin"! And as he went down on me, never leaving his eyes off of mine, Sin was all that I could have in my mind.

With a "pop" Gerry let my cock slid out of his mouth and started working on the more neglected parts of a cock during a blowjob; the sides of the cock and the very base of it. He left no fraction of my shaft un-licked, making sure to coat the entire thing with saliva, before grabbing the entire length of my shaft and slapping it against his face repeatedly.

"You've been a bad boy" I said huskily, as I reached down with my hand and started smacking my cock on his cheeks and lips. "You need to be punished."

Gerry closed his eyes in ecstasy as he felt my big hard cock rubbing against his face, leaving a trail of precum on his soul patch and his 5 o'clock shadow. He couldn't take it anymore, so with one swift move he shoved all of my 9 inches in his throat, making me lose my breath.

After a few minutes of intense licking and deep throating, I was already close to cumming. "Gerry, please..." I begged, as I grabbed his hair and brought him up for a kiss. "I don't wanna cum yet. Not before I return you the favor."

"Oh, but this is YOUR favor to ME." he said mischieviously, then returned on my cock and used extreme suction on my cockhead, as his right hand was furiously pumping my shaft and his left one fondled my balls tenderly.

"FUCK...!!! FUCK.... here it comes!" I managed to mouth when I just couldn't take it anymore. The first string of creamy load came out just as Gerry was licking the underside of my cock head, so it left a trail of cum across his beautiful face, from his brow to his upper lip. But, as I kept pumping out shot after shot of jizz, my little greek cumslut had already caught my penis in his lips like a vice and sucked viciously as my thick load shot down his throat. A minute passed after the flow of cum from my piss slit subsided, and Gerry was still nursing on my cock as if it was the last remaining thing on Earth that could feed him.

"Oh my God, Gerry... that was the best blowjob in the history of mankind." I said as I managed to catch my breath again.

"Flatterer" he smiled as he came up for a kiss. I only tasted a tiny hint of my cum in his tongue, which meant the slut puppy had swallowed as much as he could of it. "It's just the best of the last century, give or take." He stood up on my bed and took off his shirt, using it to wipe the cum off of his face.

As he disposed of the shirt, throwing it to the side, the lean muscles on his arms and torso flexed and caught my attention. I had one long, lingering look at him... The man of my dreams was half naked on my bed, after having already given me the best orgasm in my young but slutty life. And he only used his mouth! God knows how much this shy, humble man with the mean streak in sex could still offer me.

I lingered on his beautiful face, the green eyes and light skin who wonderfully contrasted the jet black hair framing his face, his recently unshaven face, the way his muscles heaved as he breathed... Then my eyes traveled down to his pecs, the delicious hair around his nipples, his flat stomach and the seductive treasure trail that decorated his torso and called me to his nether regions like a mythological siren...

Well, sirens supposedly feasted on the passing-by sailor men that listened to their song, but I knew that if I listened to this song calling me, I would be the one doing all the feasting...!

"Are you eye-fucking me?" I heard Gerry asking, and I snapped out of my reverie. I looked at his eyes again and I realised he was in on me...!

"Not anymore" I responded quizically, and with that I tripped him and made his sexy body fall on mine. With amazing reflexes I grabbed him and rolled around, making sure that now I'd be on top of him... "Now I'll fuck you for real" I concluded.

We started making out again, and my hands roamed all over his sexy body, pinching his sensitive nipples, rubbing his shoulders, feeling the lean hard muscle all over and the light dusting of hair that decorated all the right places... I opened my eyes and saw his emerald ones smiling back at me.

Using my powers for a brief second, I turned my fingers into razor sharp knives and shredded his pants into pieces. Tiny shreds of cloth started raining down on us, and Gerry whimpered, I don't know though if it was due to my knives being so close to his body or his destroyed pants. I didn't care for the reason, as it was so damn cute!

I had another look at him lying before me and realising that my wet dream was coming true; he had his X-Men uniform under his cloths... that devilish g-string with the "X" on the pouch, the offending piece of clothing that I cursed so many times during a training session, was now the only thing between me and my goal... Then, I recalled the little fantasy I had during those sessions... fucking Gerry with his uniform on!

Using just my teeth, I pulled the pouch aside, and Gerry's big whopper of 11 inches sprang out and slapped my face hard!

"Holy fuck Gerry!" I said breathelessly. "How did this monster ever fit in this tiny little pouch?"

Gerry smiled innocently, which was hard to nail when his monster cock was out for me to see and was looking at me with its one precum-drooling eye. "Thank god I'm a grower, not a shower."

I looked at his manhood like I was enthralled, like it was a big cobra snake looking at me in the eye in clmness, right before it would bite me.

But I attacked it instead. I leaned in and licked the tip of the head, tasting the precum oozing from the slit. It tasted rather sweet. Grabbing the huge veiny thing from the base, I tried to deepthroat it, but I could only take in the head and a few more inches, pretty much half of the cock in whole. Gerry started breathing heavily and he bucked impulsively, shoving the rest of his cock down my talented (but recently untrained) throat. My gag reflex was gone in a second!

With a "pop" I freed his dick from my mouth, I took good aim and spat on the head, then I grabbed it and jerked it a little, applying the spit everywhere, coating his cock and making it shiny and slippery. Placing both my palms under his ass cheeks, I put his cock in my mouth again and started pushing his ass upwards, making him fuck my mouth.

He got the message pretty quickly, and started shoving his dick in my mouth. I opened my jaw wide enough to let his pumping shaft slide easily in and out of my wet oral cavity. I tasted and felt the sensitive skin of his cock against the inner walls of my mouth, which got me arouse even more. I was in a cocksuckers heaven!

After a few minutes of skull-fucking, I pulled back, almost letting Gerry's cock escape from my gasp, making him groan as I only let the tip of his cock stay between my moist lips, kissing it delicately with affection. Then I went souther and began to massage his balls with my mouth. I took each ball in my mouth separately and nurtured to it with my lips, when suddenly Gerry spasmed in ecstasy.

It appeared that, while licking his balls, my tongue slipped and gave a lick at the soft area between his balls and his butthole.

My mission was clear to me now. Gerry had discovered my soft spot - my neck, now I just discovered his! I rolled Gerry on his belly and put a hand under his tummy, making him lift his butt up.

The glorious mounds of flesh I've been drooling after for months now were helpless before me, ripe for the taking, ready to be devoured. His asshole was already twitching, I realised when I put one hand in each cheek and spread them to have a better view of the treasure inside. Leaning forward, I bit on his glorious cheeks, felt the smooth softness of his skin and the tautness of the muscles underneath, pulling my lips over my teeth as I teasingly bit him as to not really hurt him.

"Please... eat my ass" I heard Gerry begging, as he turned his head to look back at me, a haze of lust on his eyes, his face reddened and his breathing getting deeper and deeper.

"With pleasure" I said, and dove right between the ample cheeks, kissing his hairless crack and licking the perfectly pink, puckered hole that was twitching in anticipation. Gerry moaned like a dying thing and spread his legs more to give me better access. To make things more intense, I reached with my hands and played with his balls and his swinging cock as I munched on his ass.

"Yes! Please, don't ever stop!" he started screaming in heat. I picked up a steady pace and slapped his cheeks with fury as I began tongue fucking his asshole. Gerry was now pushing back on my tongue as I was going at it like there was no tommorow.As he kept fucking himself on my tongue, I jacked his cock to make sure no part of him was neglected.

"Spread your hole for me, baby!" I ordered him when I took a small break to spit on his anal entrance, and he did as he was told. Applying the saliva around his hole with my fingers, I saw it puckering open, begging for someone to fill it with cock.

Gerry rolled on his back by himself and placed his ankles on my shoulders, caressing my left ear with his toes. He lifted up his ass to get it as close as possible to my erect again cock. He buried his emerald eyes on mine and slightly bit his lower lip, and I knew what he wanted me to do. Gathering as much spit in my mouth as possible, I took aim and let it drool on my aching cock. One swift move of my hand was enough to lube it up, as for my baby's asshole, it was already prepared.

I put a hand on one of the feet that were resting on my shoulders and I started applying soft kisses to it, reaching down to his muscled thighs, his abdomen and his chest. I gave one last kiss over Gerry's heart before diving in for his lips.

We made out so passionately, I didn't even realise that I has placed my cock on his anal entrance and was pushing forward. One more push and plop! My cockhead was past his anal ring. Gerry grunted in my mouth.

I broke the kiss and started to talk, but Gerry beat me to it; "Don't even think of asking me if I wanna stop." I looked at him with shock. How did he know...? His next words were a very serious, almost threatening order; "Fuck me!"

I pumped forward and felt his warth enveloping the entire length of my cock. I could feel the inner walls of his ass adjusting, massasing my shaft as they accomodated around it. My cock was finally buried to the hilt inside his ass, and I could feel my balls resting on his cheeks.

Gerry didn't look fazed at all, so I started pumping away, drilling his ass with my big dick. "Oh, yes, fuck me, take my ass, fuck my boy pussy!" he started screaming like a bitch in heat.

Woah. I never thought he'd be a screamer. I started pistoning faster into his ass, shoving my fat dick into his anal canal, fucking him faster and faster to make sure he'd come before someone would be alerted by his screams and slurs and barged into my room to save the man that sounded like he was being murdered.

I held his ankles and spread his legs vertically, in order to lean in and french kiss him. That shut him up a little, but I felt the vibrations in my mouth as he groaned and moaned into my mouth. "Harder! Faster!" he was trying to say, and I did everything I could to oblige.

I leaned back again and went further and further back, until the only parts of us that were close together was my cock in his asshole, and I used the momentum to make long and steady strokes into his ass, driving my cock in his chute full force. This re-alignment must have done something good, bevause my cock started hitting that sweet spot in the end of his hole, right on his prostate. I picked up my speed and Gerry went wild!

"Oooooooh YES Dave, fuck me with that big cock! I fucking love it! Mmmmmhhhh! Faster! Faster! Baby, give it to me!" he yelled, lost in ecstasy as he pushed back at me, grinding his ass on my balls and burying my cock in him further than ever before, as if he never wanted to let it go.

Gerry finally couldn't take it anymore and his beautiful facial features turned into a visage of pleasure, his teeth gritted and his eyes closed tight as, without even further touching his cock, his orgasm overcame him and he started shooting cum. The first shots of sperm made an arc over his heaving torso and landed on his face and lips. The rest of his cum squirted weakly on his constricted abs, while his ass clamped at my cock and started squeezing another orgasm out of me!

"Fuck, FUCK! I'm cumming too! Take my cum, baby!" I moaned as I felt his asshole milking my cock from its precious cum.

That was my second orgasm in very little time and I felt absolutely exhausted. My cock still lodged into my lover's ass, I collapsed on top of Gerry's heaving body, who was still trying to recover from his own orgasm.

As I gave him a special goodnight kiss and tasted his own cum in his mouth, I coould now tell for sure that this was the same cum I tasted after my night with the Phantom Lover...

...Gerry was truly the one meant for me, after all.

It wasn't long before both of us, overcome by the events of a very busy day, drifted away to dreamland.

The next morning we woke up as if we were a loving couple since forever. Gerry gave me a good morning peck (full-on tongue kiss with deadly morning breath must always be avoided!) and got up to feed his bunny, while I stumbled to the bathroom.

After washing up and brushing up, I decided to put on my special slutty tight jeans that accentuated my ass the best, in order to get Gerry all horned up and have him top me the next time.

To my shock, I discovered they did not fit anymore! Or, rather, they did, but the last button on the top wouldn't be buttoned despite my great effort, and they were too tight now anyway, they didn't even allow me to breathe properly!

I slapped my own ass as I made an oath. This day would be spent exercising and training! All the previous drama was now out of my life, so I had no more excuses to skip my regular work outs... if anything this day I would try and make up for all the time lost!

First, I went downstairs to have breakfast with Gerry and the rest of the gang. I acted very incospicuous and nobody noticed that, instead of wolfing my breakfast down as usual, I only took careful and calculated bites out of my fat-free rusks and ate yoghurt and fresh fruit instead of the usual, fattening, all-greek breakfast that Gerry had introduced to us some months ago.

I watched around the table and only saw happy faces; Lola was sitting next to her all new boyfriend Magneto, who was the younger, nicer and therefore improved version of what we knew as the villainous terrorist Magneto. They were talking about how Magneto was summoned into auntie Emma's office and given a stern warning not to do any more trouble. Magneto made small jokes over how threatening Emma Frost was trying to sound. Talk about domesticated! I'd still have to keep an eye on him, though, just in case he changes his mind or he's playing us. I'd have to make sure Lola doesn't notice me, though, she'd be hurt if we didn't trust her hot sugar daddy! On the other hand, no matter how abrupt Magneto's reform seemed, he did have a talk with Emma and she'd have read his mind if he really had anything nasty planned, so I guess I could take a breather for now.

"So, how did that bitch take it?" Lola asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Take what?" I asked, surprised.

"Jeez, were you even paying attention to what we've been talking about?" she rolled her eyes. "What did Zazelle think about winning the contest? Weren't you guys the ones who would tell her the news?"

"Ooooooh... right! Yes, she seemed happy indeed." I said, trying to sound incospicuous.

"That trashy ho... now that she won, she'll think that people around here are starting to like her, maybe even forgive her for what she did. If I were you, I'd just shove the award up her ass."

The corner of my mouth curled into a deviant smile. "She might have done that herself, already. I know for a fact she shoved it in her no-no place, so why not her ass too?"

I enjoyed seeing Lola and Magneto choke on their breakfast. "She did WHAT?"

Gerry stepped in to interrupt their freak-out session. "Sorry to change the subject, but don't you think that denying Zazelle a chance at redemption is sort of... hypocritical?" he told Lola.

"What do you mean?" she said with a raised eyebrow. She wasn't used to sweet Gerry being all confrontational.

"I mean that your new boyfriend used to want to rule the world as much as Zazelle, yet you didn't stop believing in the good in him for one second." Gerry stated, ignoring Magneto's stern look. I stayed alert, in case my silly boyfriend said something that pissed off Lola's boyfriend and we all ended up in a four-way catfight. "Now when Zazelle tries to have people believe in her, you don't even think about giving her a similar chance. Why the double standard?"

"He actually has a good point" Magneto turned to his newfound love.

"Hush, you!" Lola shushed him out. "You don't get to speak in favor of women you have diddled...!!!"

Oh, right. I had forgotten about that. Zazelle's life-draining vagina was what put Magneto in that coma in the first place!

So Lola took Magneto upstairs for some stern talking-to (or was it for hot make-up sex?) and I was left alone with Gerry. Not for long though! I was done with my breakfast, so I kissed him goodbye and let him run along in the mansion while I walked to the Danger Room for a nice training session that would slowly but accurately bring my body back to the desired levels of tone and musculature.

Once there, I realised I had to wait for my turn... a woman made out of diamond was already there and having a solo training session. After I watched her smashing robots into pieces with her bare fists for what must have been a good three minutes, I decided to take a raincheck and headed for the exit... a voice I was well fond of called at me then;

"You can join in, if you want, David... I'm not planning to finish those robots off anytime soon."

I turned around and ran to the middle of the danger room, putting myself side-to-side with the diamond woman. I had a good look at the features of her face.

"Aunt Emma?" I stuttered in half-shock. "You can turn into a glamorous Colossus now? I thought you were just a telepath."

"I was never just a telepath to begin with" she answered in annoyance. "If you paid more attention to your classes instead of flirting with the resident man-whores you'd know what a secondary mutation was."

"Oh trust me, I never go through the flirting phase, I go right to bed with most of them!" I grinned.

She devilishly grinned right back at me. "I wonder after which side of the family you took that... Anyway." she said as she started attacking the robots that had surrounded us. "Some mutants have a richer, more complicated genetic material than others. They end up being to other mutants what normal mutants are to humans." Emma drove her fist through the metal belly of a menacing robot, as she grabbed another and smashed it on the first one's head. "Therefore, every once in a while, a mutant, usually one who has exercised a great deal his or her powers... develops an extra set of powers."

"Is this what happened to you? And why isn't it out on the open already?" I asked, as I cut my way through the intricate wirings of another robot.

"Let's just say... I don't want all my cards open for all to see." she explained. "However, not all secondary mutations may be actual powers. Nightcrawler, for example... we can safely consider his 'different' appearance as a secondary mutation. One that manifested at birth."

"So a mutation can also be just physical?" I queried. I was so absorbed that a robot behind me almost took my head off. I created a scythe in the back of my elbow and jammed it through it's head.

"Indeed. It's still a newly-discovered phenomenon, so far we assumed the physical mutations of some mutants were directly connected to their powers... but that is not the case. Nightcrawler didn't have to be blue and furry in order to teleport."

"So maybe one of these days I might get an extra, more useful power, too? Compared to the other sets of powers I've seen around this place, mine seem just a less hardcore version of Wolverine's claws..."

Emma pulled out a remote control and paused the training session. "Oh, but your powers are so much more... you can turn your hands into blunt weapons that don't kill, or maybe even tools and other objects that might come in handy... one of these days you should have Beast run a few extra tests on you. Then we might know the real limitations of your power... if there are any."

"Thanks for the reassurance, Aunt Emma" I gave her a smile. "Hey, why don't we try one of my custom-made programs? It's an extra-hard porgram, so I guarantee you're gonna like it." I helped myself to the remote control and started tapping the buttons, forming my own special code. The area around us morphed into an endless desert, and an army of Chuck Norris clones surrounded Emma Frost and me.

Emma turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "You even had to turn the Danger Room into an expression of your meta geek culture, didn't you?"

"Guilty as charged" I shrugged as we braced ourselves to the attack of the omnipotent clones.

I was devastatingly exshausted as I followed my aunt in the locker rooms next to the Danger Room. That training session had wore me out, but with a few more workouts like this and I'd be rid of all the extra fat I had accumulated recently. No way I was gonna let myself go now that I had a hunky hot boyfriend!

Emma stopped me from entering the male showers. "I got a message on my pager. We have to attend the Infirmary right away."

"I can't be around people all sweaty like this!" I whined. "Especially among sick people who might get my workout germs!"

"I fear this comes before your personal hygiene, David." she shut me up.

"What's going on?" I asked full of worry. It looked like an emergency.

"Have you met our newest student-- that exhange student from South Africa?"

"You mean Terence?" I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I know of him..."

"Well, now everybody's going to know of him. He just walked into the infirmary and claimed that he can wake Xavier from his coma..."

A lot of people had gathered in the infirmary around Xavier's bed, watching the new guy Terence -a.k.a. Overture - prepare himself for the amazing feat he said he was going to perform... Myself, I was nervously fidgeting a small pack of sugar-substitute in my fingers. It was time to not only exercise more, but consume less calories too.

"How is he going to do it?" A curious Gerry said from behind me, as he put his hands on my shoulders and tried to use me as leverage to have a better view of the spectacle.

"I don't know, sweetie, it's not like anybody bothered to inform us of this guy's powers... I don't like him, though. He's too confident, like the people who know they're about to screw you over so they brag about if before they even do it."

"I chatted a bit with him the other day. He was slightly creepy." Gerry informed me with a worried face. "I think he came on to me... but I was about to leave the mansion for good at the time so I was too busy avoiding him to get a better grasp of his character."

"If possible, I would appreciate it if everyone here was completely silent. It makes my "thing" work better. Not to mention the chatter is just plain irritating." Overture said to the crowd around him, poking his eyes a little bit more at me and Gerry. He sounded like an escape artist, trying to concentrate before he got out of the cage with the sharks... or the pool with the tigers... aw, bloody hell, you know what I mean! Getting fat must have affected my brain a little.

Overture arranged the sheet covering a comatose Xavier, making sure that his head was revealed for all to see. He looked like he was sleeping... but his skin had turned somewhat pale, compared to the days when we would see him rolling around the mansion, full of life.

Overture opened the school sack that he had with him, pulling out what looked like... an mp3 player? Was that the appropriate time for him to chill and listen to some tunes? Or maybe he wanted to play some new-age chill-out stuff in order to meditate before doing this miraculous attempt at waking Professor X from his coma?

What he ended up doing was something entirely else. Terence pressed "play" and funky 80's music echoed in the previously serene infirmary;

"Wake me up before you go-go Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo Wake me up before you go-go I don't want to miss it when you hit that high Wake me up before you go-go 'Cause I'm not plannin' on going solo Wake me up before you go-go Take me dancing tonight I wanna hit that high yeah yeahhhh!"

"What the...?" I started to say, but Gerry elbowed me and motioned for me to shush my mouth. He pointed at Terence, and I looked at him, realising that, as the song kept playing, a faint energy signature seemed to emanate from him. Overture squinted and extended his hand towards Xavier, then he seemed to concentrate more than ever as the energy suddenly left him and flied towards the comatose Professor.

"I take it you don't know how Overture's powers work" I heard Emma Frost's voice fill my head, making me flinch. I was SO not used to that happening, what with all the telepaths around here gone or comatose, at least before my aunt came into the picture. I looked around and located her standing at the corner of the room, looking right at me. "I know what you're thinking", she said. "Why am I standing here and I'm not front and center - as any Headmistress should be- over this student's shoulder as he tries to save Xavier from a life in a coma?"

"Yes, but I would also like an update on this guy's powers. Unless it was just an excuse so that you could talk to me about your feelings without actually making it look like you wanna talk about your feelings." I pointed out with my thoughts.

I could feel her smiling in my mind. "We do share the same genes, after all. Very well... Overture's powers have yet to be defined by Dr.McCoy, but we're pretty certain he can alter reality and shape human will according to the music he listens to. What you're seeing right now before your eyes is him shaping the music into psionic energy and channeling it into Xavier to achieve his goal."

"So, if he listens to some sad music, say... Britney Spears, he will be able to make people around him sad as well?" I asked. That was one ill-defined... and potentially dangerous power.

"Seeing how he's currently using a Wham! song to wake the greatest telepath in the planet from a coma, I'd say it has more to do with the lyrics rather than the music. Maybe it's a latent form of spell-casting, expressed through music." Emma explained. We both glanced over to the still comatose Xavier, now sparkling with the faint energy Terence was channeling and shaping into him. Terence looked like he was deeply concentrating, I guess there was no point having so awe-inspiring powers if you needed so much time and effort to make them work.

"So let me approach it another way... if I walk up to Overture and hum to him some stupid song I just made up about, say, money falling from the sky... would he be able to make it happen?" Emma shot me a sarcastic look once I asked my question. Did she think I was making fun of her... or just fishing for an opportunity to make money?

"We don't know yet for a fact if he has true reality-altering powers or just affects other people's minds and bodies. But I know for sure that, at least for now, his mind has restricted himself in using existing songs, otherwise if he found his own lyrics his mutant power would be more like an innate spellcasting ability."

"I don't feel special at all" a third voice interfered in our telepathic communication. "Here I am in my most important moment in months and all you can do is talk? You missed my awakening!"

Both Emma and me turned around to look at where Overture was standing, and we were shocked to discover that Professor Xavier was now wide awake, sitting up on his bed and looking at each and every one of us. Overture's plan had worked! Xavier's throaty voice bellowed in the heads of everybody present.

"My precious students... my X-Men. My normal voice is too weak right now so you'll excuse me for invading your minds and talking to you this way. It seems I've been gone for so long, and I'm only beggining to be aware of the changes this Institute has undergone and the troubles that it went through lately. Thank you, Miss Frost, for taking over my position here with such genuine care about the students, I couldn't think of a better person for that. Thank you, David Darrington, for delivering this place from the combined danger of Mystique and Zazelle, even though you went through some great personal troubles for this. I also thank this new student, Overture, who wasn't afraid to use his scarcely-trained powers to save my life."

"You heard the Professor, students, now time to give him some space... he will need all the rest he can use to recover from this." Emma announced to us, and the students started leaving the Infirmary, sated with the spectacle they were treated to so far. "You, too, David. Get your sweetheart and go have some brunch, okay?" she told me.

Xavier, on the other hand, was telling Overture to come back later so that they can talk about the extent of his miraculous powers. Then he turned to the replacement Headmistress; "Fetch Dr.McCoy too, Emma, if you please. Also, Scott, Logan, and the rest of the X-Men. We have a lot of things to catch up to."

"That, you do." Emma rolled her eyes and smiled, since at that very moment Scott and Logan walked into the Infirmary hand-in-hand, much to Xavier's surprise.

Gerry intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled me out of there. "Let's go celebrate. How about I treat you to some croissants at the cafeteria?"

I shot him my best nymphomaniac look. "There's only one 'croissant' I'd like to be treated to right now... " I whispered, deciding that Gerry's cock was probably yummier and less fattening. I pulled his hand and we ran upstairs, to his bedroom.

A couple of hours later, I was lying sweaty and sated between Gerry's sheets, as I watched him sleeping gently and gracefully, like a child. I wanted to reach over and stroke his hair, but by now I knew for a fact that the faintest touch could wake him up, he wasn't much of a sound sleeper, so I restrained myself.

Deciding that, despite our blossoming romance, it was still too early in the relationship that watching him sleep would be considered romantic rather than creepy. I slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom. As I slipped back into my clothes (at least most of them, since my underwear were ripped up and thrown off the window earlier), I realised my pockets were empty.

"Oh damn, I forgot my sugar substitute tablets in the infirmary!" I realized. Well, no biggie, I would let my boyfriend to rest some more and go get them.

I walked, almost strolled through the mansion, relishing my life, basking at the moment. For the first time in a long time I was content with my life, maybe even happy, if that was actually a state of mind that could exist for more than a few hours or a day. Most of my problems had sorted themselves out. The mansion was safe, and I was one of the reasons it was safe, which made me respected amongst my schoolmates. My friends were also happy... Lola was getting busy with a boyfriend of her own (let's not pay attention to the fact that he's a homicidal terrorist for now). Vivian, the best memory from my puberty, was now a part of my life again, and she was also out, paired up and happy, although slightly dead. Frank, I was still a little worried about, but Monique's emails from Switzerland assured me that she was positive he was getting better every day. Bobby was finally outed as gay, but I didn't care about it anymore, because I had found the boyfriend I was always looking for and never realised. Gerry was almost a different person, more vocal, less shy, and 150% more sexy... and he was all mine!

I caught myself almost breaking into song. It wasn't that far-fetched a thing to do, at that time. My life was like an old school musical closing in to the ending credits, where every single character in the film was getting hooked up and all their troubles resolved by themselves.

Let's face it, even the rest of the mansion was getting better every day. Cyclops and Wolverine were the model gay couple in the Institute, trying to act all discreet about it but one could tell how much in love they were. My teammate Donna Summers was getting more tolerable every day, she wasn't as annoying anymore and she had gotten herself busy trying to knit sweaters for her future grandson-in-law, Wolverine. The Headmistress was my own aunt, Emma Frost, and for the bitch that she was supposed to be, she was pretty cool to everybody, and above all me. And now even Xavier was awake from his coma... I just hoped that didn't mean Emma should have to leave us now. Even Zazelle was on her way to rehabilitation these days. She was still a total cunt, yeah, but didn't seem quite evil anymore. Long gone were the days that I'd walk in any room of the mansion and walk in on two random guys having gay sex!

I probably shouldn't even have thought of that last one thing, because as soon as I reached the infirmary and slowly opened the door, I heard moans. And both of the voices that I could hear echoing through the almost empty infirmary were male ones!

Okay, the times when I'd peep on other people having sex are over! Not to mention that kinda of shit always gets me in trouble... I turned around and prepared to leave, when I heard something that would shock me;

"Mmmmmmm... Professor, I always knew you were anything but handicapped!"

Within fractions of a second I was through that door again, taking a peek at the improptu porn scene that was happening in this place of healing and recuperation, what I saw almost made my eyes shoot through my sockets!

It seemed that Overture had come back at the infirmary as Xavier asked him to, but not for an expositionary chit chat or for Xavier to thank him for saving him... Terence was naked and on all fours on the bed where Xavier laid, and the Professor did nothing but watch his blonde-curled exchange student as he did his best to deep-throat his dick, which, save for two inches, had disappeared into the South African's talented mouth.

I almost squaked at my shocking discovery, but I muffled myself so that they wouldn't notice me. Anyway, one of the people I was peeping on was an almost omnipotent telepath, surely he must have known I was around, no?

Unless he was too caught up in the moment, or maybe his long-term coma had taken some steam off of him...

"Oh, you do that so well, boy... who knew you had an affinity for looking after the handicapped!" Xavier put a hand on the back of Overture's neck and gave rythm to his head as he skull-fucked the young man. Now I had the chance to check him out better... the creepy exchange student had nothing to be ashamed of. His body was taut and lean all over, with nice muscles covering most of it, his biceps were especially defined. His thighs were thick and strong like tree trunks, and his ass was curvalicious to the extreme, muscled but with the pefrect amount of fat around the muscles, tempting anyone who got a glimpse of those buns to pinch them and slap them and knead them and... yeah, okay, I'm losing myself in all this slutty haze again... maybe Zazelle was sneaking out at the time?

What snapped me out of these deviant thoughts was an even more shocking discovery... as Overture unlodged the Professor's cock from his throat to respond to what Xavier had just said, I realized that the Professor was SUPER HUNG... a wet, red and angry 16 inch cock slid out of the youngster's mouth and slapped Xavier's belly, throwing precum right up to his chin. WHAT THE FUCK?!!? Xavier's gargantuan cock throbbed in Overture's hand, two big veins pulsing along its' length, precum leaking in a steady pace from the piss slit on his hugh mushroom-like cock head...!

"Please, Xavier, we both know you're not really crippled... I heard it through the grapevine a couple of days ago... your cock is so huge that it takes up all the blood that should be flowing in your legs... which is why you cannot walk safely!" Overture said as he used those few seconds to get some air, and then downed Xavier's behemoth in one go again, like it was a sip of banana smoothie! I could not believe my eyes OR my ears... I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't asleep and it hurt. Fuck, that was real... who knew Xavier had it in him!

"This is a curse, boy... not only did it cost me the use of my legs, but I can never find a lover that would accomodate the size and girth of my penis." Xavier lamented.

"'Till today!" Overture declared in triumph, as he spat on the already slick with saliva cock, brought himself forward and into a squatting position and mounted Xavier's giant prick. Then, slowly but steadily, he started impaling himself on the 16-inch one eyed monster...!

"No! You're going to hurt yourself..." Xavier protested, but then his pubes touched Overture's slutty ass cheeks as his cock was buried in that teen ass to the hilt, and he just groaned in ecstasy! "Oh my God...!"

"Relax, Professor, I know exactly what I'm doing...!" Terence said as he got used to the enormous cock inside him. ""Holy fucking crap, it feels so goddamn huge. It feels like its fucking everywhere inside me!" he yelled in ecstasy, then slowly started moving up and down on Xavier's behemoth.

"You're a filthy little cockslut, aren't you, son?" Xavier started talking dirty, destroying my father figure image of him for ever and ever. This was nothing like the time I peeped on Wolverine fucking Cyclops, in the bad old times. Not only I couldn't allow myself to find it hot (since I was in a relationship and all), but it also was giving me several issues to deal with, enough to justify talking to the school psychotherapist!

Terence's muscles flexed across his entire body, as he had to make use of every muscles in his tight bod to properly impale himlsef on Xavier's humongous cock. He would squat on Xavier's dick, then come back up until only the mushroom cock head was still in his love tunnel, then he'd abruptly take the whole thing again, making it hit his prostate, his green-ish eyes rolling back and his toes curling as the cock disappeared into him up to the hilt!

"Fucky yeah... fuck yourself on my cock, boy! Show me how bad you want it!"

Xavier's words made me whimper. This was the second most traumatising thing that could happen to me. The worst thing would be walking into my mom and dad having kinky sex. What the hell was I still doing here? I had to make myself scarce. The more I stayed there, the more I risked them finding out I knew about them. Once they were finished, Xavier would come out of his lust-induced haze and his telepathy would instantly locate me in there. On the other hand, the door to the infirmary always creaked when someone was on their way out, so I had to leave at a point which Xavier and Terence would be super loud, so that I'd know they wouldn't hear me leaving.

I had to wait until they came, probably. So much for dodging the trauma.

Overture was moaning like a dying thing in there. He stopped squatting and instead let his legs go, sat on Xavier's cock as if it was a fuckstool and enveloped the whole thing in his experienced hole. He put his ankles around Xavier's neck and started slightly choking him, to enhance his pleasure.

"Fuck boy! Where did you learn all that!" Xavier managed to say as he choked. Terence, now having no leverage to pound on the older man's prick, started grinding himself on Xavier in circular motion, making that cock make its presence known in all the inner walls of his ass.

"FUCK! Here it comes boy!" Xavier screamed, and I was so horrified that I forgot to get out of there. Xavier bucked against his student and his load was so big that I could hear the cum splashing in Terence's ass!

"Fuck YEeeeeeEEEEaaaAAAAHHHHhhhh!!!!" Terence screamed and his always erect dick shot seven thick ropes of cum all over his Headmaster's glistening lean torso.

"I'm so spent, I could slip in another coma anytime" Xavier moaned as Terence took his sexy legs off of him. He didn't unlodge that dick off his ass, though.

"There's no 'spent' when it comes to Overture" he responded. "You're gonna fuck me some more, Professor!"

"What? That is not possible..."

"Hell yeah it is. I'm not letting that dick go anywhere, you'll be fucking me every day now that I found you. If I could marry your cock, I would do it. You're mine now, Professor X."

As he said that, Terence took a small mp3 player out of his breastpocket and pressed "play". A very well known and loved/hated song from Britney Spears' "trashy" period echoed in the room...

"...Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more

The center of attention Even when they're up against the wall You got me in a crazy position If you're on a mission you got my permission...!"

As the slutty song played, I saw the same faint energy glow forming around Overture's eyes... then it travelled down his body, further down to his ass, passed to Xavier through his limp dick - still partially in that scrumptious bubble butt - and evenly distributed through the Professor's body. It only took second for his cock to go full hard again in Terence's bunghole. Overture could be a walking, talking Viagra pill, if he chose to!

"You want more? Ask and you shall receive" Xavier's eyes gleamed with mischief, as he no longer cared about what was happening. All he wanted was to stay further in that heavenly hole. He started bucking again, hitting Overture's G-spot and sending him into throes of ecstasy.

I had seen more than enough to make my psychanalyst rich. As I slowly crouched closer to the door, though, my cell phone started ringing in the tune of Donna Summers' "She works hard for the money".

It was a text message from Donna herself. "Hai hun, can u lend me ur mixer? I wanna make some cheesecake for my grandson and his boo. Don't say no - I know you got one! I can hear you mixing cocktails every night before you bang your beau!" Damn! I knew she couldn't possibly know all that just from the sound of a mixer going in the middle of the night. Gerry must have opened that big mouth of his again, and when he opened it for anything other than giving me a blowjob, usually something terribly awkward ensued.

Like now, when my cellphone sounded off at just the moment I needed to be completely silent.

"What is this?" Xavier said as he looked around. He placed his fingers on his temple... "Someone's here -- we're being watched!" he said in panic.

I knew Xavier would know it was me, but that was no reason for feeling the awkwardness at that very moment -- it could wait for later. Panicked more than the time I thought Zazelle would rape me into a coma, I ran so fast out of there that the heels were smacking my ass! Before the door slammed shut behind me, I heard Terence dismissing Xavier's panic, as he made Britney's "Gimme More" play in a loop.

"So fucking what? Deal with them later. You're not leaving this hole until you breed it again! Gimme Gimme More -- Gimme More, Gimme Gimme..."

I had the strangest dream that night.

I dreamt that I woke up on the same bed in which I went to sleep on, after I witnessed Xavier fucking the shit out of the new student. I reached to hug Gerry, but he wasn't next to me. I sat up and realized it was morning already. The sunlight was peeking through the shades on my window, and I could hear the faucet running in the bathroom. My honey had gotten up before I did, it seemed.

I tip toed my way into the bathroom and saw Gerry putting on his make-up, as usual.

Wait. His make-up?

"What are you doing?" I asked him, confused.

"Same as usual" he said nonchalantly. "I won't take long, you'll have the bathroom to yourself in a minute, okay sweetie?" he said in a feminine singy songy voice.

"What the hell?" I thought to myself. "Someone woke up a little gayer than usual today."

Gerry slicked his hair all the way back and then put on a net to hold it in place. He turned towards me as he put on his huge, Farah Fawcett-like wig!

"Gosh, I feel like such a goddess today!" he meowed to me. "Let's hope Storm won't feel threatened! Tee hee!"

Then I realised that Gerry was on full drag queen mode. He had already dressed in a colorful disco outfit with a multi-colored tiny hippie-style top and shiny bell bottom pants. Most of his torso was exposed, which was why all of his delicious body hair was shaved off. "Now where is my matching purse?" he said as he swished his way out of the bathroom.

Freaked out, I ran out of there and made my way downstairs. As I ran down the stairs, I bumped on someone and I received a soft growl as a response. I instantly recognised that growl before I even looked at him.

"Logan! Thank god I found you... something strange is--"

"Don't call me Logan biatch!" I heard him saying in a high-pitched voice and looked up at him. "I told you to call me Wolverina!"

My mouth was agape in shock. Logan had let his hair grow into a long, 80's hairstyle, his hair going waaay up like that that blue haired lady from the Simpsons. He was clad in a long dress composed solely of hair of every length and color, and his bra underneath must have been stuffed with enormous lemons, because his fake boobs smelled lemon-like as they were almost shoved in my face. His face was entirely shaved, gone were the sideburns and the scruffy look, and his skin was covered in soft, pale make-up, that contrasted with his hair color and blue, long-lashed eyes.

"Deva, is that you? Gosh, you look like shit today! Pull yourself together, gurrrl!" he told me in a sassy tone.

"My name is not Deva" I tried to say, but Wolverina put her hand on my face and turned her head towards the other way.

"Talk to the haaaand, biatch! I ain't talkin' atchoo when you have mornin' dog breath like that!" With her other hand, she pulled out a Chanel No.5 out of her hot pink feather-covered purse and sprayed it all over me. "Go wash yourself and put on something pretty, and after breakfast we can go shopping. I have my eyes on this mahvelous pair of Jimmy Choos, and we just HAVE to get at them before it's too late. 'Kay?"

"Jimmy Choo? BITCH please! That is SO 2002!" we heard a voice coming from behind us. I turned around and my eyes almost fell out of their sockets as I gawked at the drag version of Magneto. He was dressed in a full-body leather outfit of red and purple color with fake triangle 90's Madonna rip-off boobs that threatened to poke my eyes out, and he had on his classical helmet, which in this instance was decorated with fake flowers of every color under the sun. "Jimmy Choo died when Sarah Jessica surpassed Betty White in wrinkles and her lame show had to end. If I were you, I'd get myself those Louboutin heels and pray they're enough to take the attention of my shamefully kitschy sense of fashion."

Wolverina growled and her hot pink adamantium claws came out. "Go choke on a cock and die, Magenta! Not all of us are dating the Headmistress like you do, so we can't afford to buy the newest stuff that fly in from Paris and Milan!"

"Sucks to be you, then. Mwah!" Magenta blew us a kiss and magnetically flied off to lands unknown.

"I demand to see your Headmistress." I told drag!Wolverine before she had the chance to go off again.

"Why are you such a cunt today? Go see her for yourself. Ciao, bitch!" Wolverina snapped her fingers sassily and left the room, her heels clicking as she made her way out.

I walked around, trying to locate my aunt Emma's office, and on the way I saw the drag versions of Nightcrawler and Beast abusing the karaoke machine by singing Earth Wind and Fire's "Feelin' Blue". Finally, I reached the well-known door with the golden letters spelling "HeadMistress" on the glass.

I didn't even bother knocking. I went in and saw a tall, blonde figure dressed in white dominatrix leather. She was looking outside the window, admiring the view, and her exposed back was turned to me.

"Oh my god aunt Emma! What the hell is going on?" I mouthed, only to choke on my words as the woman turned around to look at me.

"My, my, Deva darling, aren't we a hot tranny mess today! Did you have a fight with your significant other again?" Headmistress Lola teased in a friendly yet sassy tone.

I ran out of there and closed the door behind me. "This is not happening... this is not happening..." I chanted as I ran back to my room. "This must be a crazy-ass dream... I have to wake up now..."

Suddenly, I bumped on someone again. As I rubbed my butt, which had just hit the floor, I looked up and sighed in relief. In front of me, Storm was standing in all her glory, with her usual uniform, looking as normal as ever.

"Oh, Storm, thank god they didn't get you too!" I said as I got up and bear hugged her.

Storm answered to me with the deep voice of a black gangsta man. "I thought I told you I'm not a touchy-feely person, hun..."

I don't know what made me stop clinging to her faster; her deep manly voice, or the erection that I felt poking my tummy with elegance? "See?" she told me, "I told you what happens when people get physical with me".

"THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!" I screamed and ran to my room twice as fast.

I got in, silently thanked god that drag!Gerry wasn't still in there and jumped in my bed. I buried myself under the funschia, jasmin-smelling covers and wished this world away.

"There is no place like home... there is no place like home...!" I chanted, and the repetitive style of my words slowly calmed me down.

I felt the dizzying effect of slowly drifting to sleep, then I felt like I was awake again. I decided to test the waters.

I reached for the other side of the bed and found nothing. Gerry still wasn't next to me. But the scent of jasmine was gone.

I peeked out of my covers and realized that I was back in my old, good room again. I must have woken up from that horrid dream!

Happy to be alive and in a normal world, I got up, had a quick shower, rinsed my mouth, brushed my teeth, put on my best looking casual clothes and went downstairs.

I walked into the cafeteria, eager to find my honey and tell him about my vivid, crazy-ass dream as he wolfed down his breakfast. I started looking around, but I couldn't find him. During my search, I saw Rogue sitting with Madrox, probably bonding through their mutual hate for Bobby, who had cheated on poor Rogue with one of Madrox's dupes... which was now stashed away somewhere they couldn't find it.

"Hey, Dave." Madrox greeted me. "Looking for your boyfriend? He's over at the far side of the cafeteria."

"Why the hell did he go sit that far away? It's like he doesn't want to be seen or something..." I asked, knowing that that specific spot wasn't very visible to the rest of the cafe, so people who didn't want to be seen usually went there.

"Maybe he's waiting for you so that you can make out in public without a lot of people seeing you...!" Rogue said with a dreamy look, which promptly changed to an angsty one. You see, gay sex had kinda destroyed her life, so thinking about dudes making out probably was a sore spot for her.

"Hey, hey..." Madrox tried to save the day. "Maybe he's just one of those people who feel insecure about how they eat and they don't want people to look at them when they're feeding..." He said, then patted Rogue's shoulder.

"I don't know about you guys... but my darling Gerry never feels bad about me watching him while he eats me-- oh, sorry, too much information...!" I put my foot in my mouth as Madrox winced and Rogue let out a heavy sigh. "See you guys later!" I said awkwardly and made my way towards Gerry's table.

I felt so happy! Gerry seemed thoughtful enough to save us a nice spot for us to make out!

Then I reached his table and I saw that he was already making out, not with me though...!!!

That fucking bitch Surge was straddling MY boyfriend as he sat on his chair, sucking his face like it was the last ice-cream on Earth in a post-apocalyptic world! Gerry himself had his eyes wide open, as if he was surprised, and his hands were up on the airs behind Surge's back, unsure if they should touch her or just start flailing around like crazy.

My eyes fumed with rage, and my hands involuntarily turned into fully functioning chainsaws!

"OH... HEEEEEEEEELL NO!" I yelled, making all the students in the entire cafeteria stop whatever they've been doing at stare at me. "Just because I've gotten A LITTLE chubbier, doesn't mean you can go around whoring it up!"

Gerry, completely startled, turned intangible, involuntarily phasing through the chair (and out of his clothing), letting Surge fall face first on the chair and break her nose. "Yeeeeowch!"

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" Gerry said from under the chair, as Surge started yelling in pain and putting both hands on her nose, which was now dripping blood.

"OH, RIGHT GERRY! Apologise to the whore you just made out with!" I managed to use sarcasm in the time I needed it most, as I brought my chainsaws against each other and made a scary noise as sparkles generated between them and flied around.

Gerry got from under the chair and approaced me carefully, his hand extended to me... "Dave, I don't know how this happened... she came from nowhere, didn't even bother to say good morning, and she just grabbed me and kissed me!"

" RUDE BITCH! Lemme at her!!!" I ignored him and lunged for the asian ho. Gerry grabbed me long before I had the chance to get near to her, as did several other students who had come behind me and who I may or may have not elbowed and kicked as I tried to escape their grips, and at this point I'd like to mention I'm verry sorry about the bruises they found on their bodies when the woke up the next day.

Two female students grabbed Surge and tried to safely escort her out of there, when Professor Xavier wheeled himself into the cafeteria and froze all the directly involved parties. "What the hell is going on in here?" he said, really angry. He came closer and examined Surge's broken nose. After he touched her nose in a few places and made the bitch cry in pain, he turned to me.

"She's bleeding... her nose will need several stitches... what did you do to her?"

"I did NOT touch her!!!" I declared as I tried to hide my chainsaws behind my back. It sure wasn't for my lack of trying, anyway.

"That's actually my fault, Professor..." Gerry tried to explain, as he placed his discarded shirt in front of his crotch. "...her nose, I mean. This whole thing is just a giant misunderstanding..."

"Don't bother explaining things to me, boy. I was just passing by, when I heard all the commotion in here. I shouldn't get involved with matters of the students, anyway."

"What do you mean?" Gerry quizically raised his eyebrow. By that moment, I had somewhat calmed down, plus Xavier's last line made me recall what happened the previous day. After my freaky dream, I barely even thought about the possible consequences of yesterday's discovery. My chainsaws subconsciously changed back into normal, soft hands, as I eagerly anticipated Xavier's next words.

"It will be announced by the headphones in a few hours, but I see no reason not to tell you now." Xavier half-heartedly explained, stealing glances at me. "I won't be taking back my place as Headmaster. I'm leaving in half an hour, taking an indefinite leave of absence."

"WHUT?" Surge exclaimed through her busted nose. "Bhut Emma Fwost iss such a bithch!"

"What the fuck has she ever done to you? Did she... oh, I dunno, MAKE OUT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND?" I yelled at her, fully pissed off. My hands started trembling, itching to morph into something lethal and cut that bitch.

Professor X must have done something with his powers to calm us down, because the fight ended before it could start, and he started talking calmly as if nothing was going on. "My long period in coma has left me weak and mentally tired, so I need to have a little personal time. Maybe travel around the world a bit, have some time to myself and relax. I'll be back as soon as I feel like my old self again, I promise" Xavier smiled condescendingly.

I knew he was lying. Why would he leave so quickly and before his departure was even announced, if the reasons were so innocent? As I caught him stealing another glance at me, I knew he was leaving because I saw him fucking a student, and he didn't want to be around in case word got out. He probably decided to lay low for a while and wait for everything to blow over, IF his indescretion got revealed at all, of course.

It made me wonder, though. I was partially insulted that he'd think I'd spread gossip about him just like that. But mostly, it intrigued me that, while he knew I was the only one who knew about it, he chose to leave instead of simply erasing the memory from my mind. He fucked his student; he can't get more unethical than that, so why not add illicit mind manipulation at that?

Unless he wasn't really all that unethical, and something else was going on... or maybe he simply needed this as an excuse to get out of here and have a nice vacation.

"Listen, Dave..." Gerry grabbed my elbow when Xavier left, with Surge running behind him and whining about his departure and my "nasty" behavior towards her. "I know there's nothing I can say to explain this, but... believe me... I didn't kiss her back. She just got me by surprise, and right then you walked in. That's all."

I looked him up from head to toes, then flashed him a sad smile. "I can't be mad at you for long, especially when you're naked and apologetic like that." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Just make sure that, next time you wanna go for breakfast, wake me up so that we can go together, okay? Spares you from being sexually assaulted by desperate opportunistic whores."

Gerry took one step backwards away from me. "But... I came in here looking for you."

I raised an eyebrow, ready to pick a fight. "What do you mean?"

"I woke up this morning", Gerry explained in a manner which made me realize he was genuinely telling the truth, "and you weren't next to me. I assumed you didn't want to wake me up, so... I came to the cafe to seek you out. I mean, you had even left your cell phone right by the bed."

I rubbed the side of my temple, trying to remember if I got up in the morning, even for a minute. But, no, I was busy having that weird-ass dream! "This is bizarre." I muttered.

"What is bizarre?" Gerry inquired with a total WTF confusion face.

"I'm... not sure yet." I concluded. "I'll have to look some stuff up" I said, after a brief pause. "Go upstairs and do whatever you wanna do" I told him. "I'll come find you later and explain everything to you... once I have a better idea on what's going on. Oh, and if you see Surge, run!"

"Yeah... okay" he said, in a tone that betrayed how NOT thrilled he was, having me order him around. I could tell that he was still quite freaked with my earlier semi-violent reaction. I hoped that this was something fixable.

I walked to the school library and looked up a book on what Emma had earlier mentioned to me, secondary mutations. Maybe I was a mutant sleepwalker, among other things. Why else would I not be in bed when Gerry woke up and was looking for me?

I read several chapters on the book, I must have spent more than an hour in there... it seemed that one could manifest a secondary mutation completely unrelated to his ealier one, no matter how much said first mutation was honed earlier. It was something random, and it could manifest on mutants of every age, at every given time, usually under intense stress or fear or rage, just like the initial mutation, but could also lie dormant for one's entire life and only come up when it's needed.

Just as I realized that I hadn't spent so much time on a book since the final Twilight book came out (had a nice "read and re-enact" session with Lola and that crazy-ass book!), Dead Girl walked up behind me and spared me the research.

"Hey Dave. I saw what happened earlier at the cafe."

"Vivian! Haven't seen you around in a while. Found a new plaything and forgot all about the poor old ex, eh?" I tried to change the subject. Dead Girl scoffed.

"Don't be a dork! I need to talk to you".

I raised up my hands, showing her that I yield. "Okay, fine, tell me what a drama queen I am! I bet your sweet decomposing ass that Gerry kinda got turned off by me after that little performance."

"I think that was the point of the whole thing" she rolled her eyes like she knew something I didn't know.

"What does that mean?" I asked her, bringing my brows together in a quizzical unibrow.

"I was sitting nearby before the whole thing started... Surge wasn't alone, you know. She was sitting with that new guy, the one that woke tha bald dude from his coma."

"Terence?" I asked in surprise. "What of him?"

"I saw him holding that girl's hand and glowing. I swear, it wasn't full-fledged homo fairy glow, just a faint glow I doubt anyone sitting further than me would be unable to notice it.

"He was using his powers on Surge?" I gasped.

"Is that what he was doing?" Vivian crossed her arms. "I thought they were just listening to music."

"Did you catch the song?" I asked with hope on my face... maybe we'd solve the mystery on the spot!

"Not really, no... but I believe he controlled her into kissing Gerry. And he could have controlled Gerry into kissing her back, but I think he didn't do it to break you guys up." Dead Girl explained her theory.

I immediately caught her drift. "He just wanted to make me mad... and trick me into losing face in Gerry's book. HE wants to steal my boyfriend! Not Surge!"

"Now you can go kick his ass and don't be afraid of losing face." Vivian gave me a smuf smile.

I didn't wait to reassure her. I gave her the book so that she could return it and headed to the infirmary. You see, I decided not to let Overture know that I'm onto him yet... I wanted to see his next move first. Instead, I was going to visit that bitch Surge and her busted nose to see if she was okay, and maybe apologise to her, if she wasn't too cunty.

When I walked in the infirmary, there was dead silence in the room. "No walking in on gay sex today? Good." I whispered to myself, as I looked around for Surge's bed.

What I saw next traumatised me forever.

Surge's bloody corpse lied on the bed she was supposed to rest and heal on, slashed open in several places and butchered savagely. Her eyes were like they were made of glass; cold and lifeless, looking at nothing in particular.

I tried to muster all the cool that I had and go check for a pulse. I slowly walked over to her and placed two digits on the side of her neck, looking for a pulse that would reveal that she's simply heavily injured and not dead.

Both of my fingers subsided under her collapsed flesh and dove in her torn-open neck. Blood gushed on my hands when I brought the other hand to help out handling her, and it even got on my clothes.

I was fucking terrified by that moment. Shocked and terrified.

"Oh my stars and garters...! Dave... what have you done?" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around and I saw that Beast had just walked in the room, catching me literally red-handed as my hands were splattered in Noriko's blood and guts.

An intense surge of panic pulsed through my head and I only had time to blink before I found myself in a same, but altogether different place.

Beast was gone, and so was Surge. I was still in the infirmary, which was identical to the one I was in before, but painted in lavender and hot pink.

"What the BLOODY HELL is going on?!?!" I started yelling, but nobody answered. This infirmary seemed to have taken care enough of, since it was painted with new colors and everything, but afterwards it was just abandoned. The corners were dirty, the surfaces were full of dust and I could notice several spider webs around the place. The infirmary didnt seem to be used anymore. I ran outside and saw something slightly less shocking than a dead and butchered Surge.

In the corridors, on the staircases, in every single public spot, there were dozens of pretty men dressed in solely their underwear, and they were having a massive making out orgy.

"Where the hell am I...?" I asked myself. I looked around, trying not to let the cavorting hotties monopolize my attention. This was still the mansion I knew so well. Yet it looked different, and the people in it had nothing to do with the people I knew.

"Hey, c'mere, stud..." one of the hotties said, as he reached for my waistband and flicked a finger inside. I slapped his hand away and ran off. This was completely unnatural... and even if I wasn't in a stable relathionship, I would have still said no!

I ran into where I knew the cafeteria was supposed to be. Same shit as before. The place was dirty and dusty, but a bunch of people were having sex on the tables!

How the hell had I gotten here? In just a blink of an eye, I found myself in a world where nothing happened, other than gay sex. Could this be a dream, like the one I had earlier about the Drag X-Men...? Or maybe... that wasn't really a dream?

I found myself a vacant stall in the restrooms and locked myself in. From the stall next to mind I could make out moans and slurping sounds. Looked like some people were blowing each other...

I sat down and started putting two and two together. This morning I had a dream about being in a different world. Gerry woke up, didn't find me on the bed and went off looking for me. I woke up, didn't find Gerry there, went off to look for him.

What if it wasn't a dream at all? I was in a different world NOW, and it didn't feel like a dream either...! Plus, let's face it, it's not the first time something happens when I'm at bed, and I prefer to explain it as a dream! That's what happened when Gerry deflowered me too, and let's just say that if I had acted differently then, we'd have become an item a long time ago!

It looked like I could access different realities... alternate universes, maybe? I guess that's what my actual secondary mutation was. But I couldn't properly control it yet, so I needed to find a way to trigger myself into going back to where I came from. It's not like things were going alright in the other world, too... Surge was murdered, and I had to go back and figure out who did it and why... the state I found her in seemed identical to Kitty's, when she was found slashed and eaten in an empty bathroom.

There was a serial killer on the loose back home and I had to make sure my actual friends were okay! I had to get out of that stall. I had to get out of that mansion, find a way to the city and make it up as I go along from there!

I exited the stall and the restrooms, and made my way through the mansion, avoiding the sex-phazed naked dudes as much as I could... one or two of them tried to sexually assault me, but I kept them at bay with a good swing of my arms, which I had turned into baseball bats. It took me hours to get through all the hallways, the barricaded entrances and the locked doors, it looked like a survival horror video game but with the zombies turned into sex-crazed male models, which was less scary I must admit, but no less unnerving.

I reached the front side of the first floor of the mansion and looked out of the first window I could find. The gardens outside were neglected and looked miserable. The city, far away at the horizon, was barely visible as the dark of night blended in the sky. I could only see a few lights flicker from there, something that didn't happen if I looked out the window at night back in my homeworld. Which meant that the Sexapocalypse hadn't only hit the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.

I looked around and noticed an ancient car parked carelessly in the gardens. I could recognise that car anywhere; it was Professor Xavier's car! Not that he drived, mind you... he just had this especially designed car which one of the students or the faculty would drive as a chore when Xavier needed to go shopping in the nearby town. The keys to his car were always in the drawer of his office.

I knew what I had to do now; get to the Headmaster's Office, get the keys, then grab the car and get the hell out of here... If I found a place to calm down, like I did in the Drag Queen world when I reached my bed, maybe it would be enough to trigger my much-wanted return.

I made my way towards the Headmaster's office. I assumed they hadn't changed its place, after all it was the room with the best view in the mansion. Even Headmistress Lola in Drag World kept that office. I supposed that now that the mansion wasn't being used for anything other than a den of sin and lust, that office would be empty.

I was wrong.

I reached the door to the office and saw that it was now painted pink... and the words "Headmaster's Office" had been altered to "Head Office"... yeah, someone thought it would be funny if they torn the word "master" out.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I could hear sounds from the inside, thoough. And, most importantly, they could hear me...

"Doggie!" I head a voice from inside. It reminded me of someone I knew, but I just couldn't put my finger on it... "Who the hell is interrupting my beauty sleep? Get out there and chop them up like sausages, starting with the head!"

I then heard a concurring growl and something inside me told me I had to get away from the door. As I did just that, three long adamantium claws slashed the door open.

"Oh my god... Wolverine!" I said out loud, as that universe's Logan came out and growled at me. This Wolverine was completely feral, as if someone had brought out the animal in him and was controlling him like some twisted kind of pet.

"I told you to CHOP SOME SHIT UP, not to destroy my pretty door!!!" I heard the same voice as before yelling, out of control. Oh God... I knew this obnoxious tone...!

"You!" I said hatefully as the one responsible for this post-apocalyptic world stepped into my view. Zazelle Spermthirsty, badder than ever, in a purple leather get-up and a whip, looked me up and lost her big bad villain cool, when she realized who I was.

"You" she repeated my words, but not mockingly. "You're supposed to be in a coma! What the fuck are you doing here?"

Then I realised which world I was in. This was how the world would be now if Zazelle's evil plans had come to fruition. She managed to fuck all the male mutants in the mansion to a coma, making her an omnipotent omega mutant. She turned all the men gay and sex-crazy and brought the ones she liked best in Xavier's mansion and watched them fuck all day. Wolverine, probably because of his healing factor, dodged the coma after the sex, so she made him her personal human pet, who also served as a henchman and bodyguard. That's what all the chaos was about. All the males on earth were busy fucking each other to exhaustion, while the females were in deadly PMS mode, which (and this might sound sexist of me) explained why everything was unclean and out of order.

"You thought you'd get away with this, cunt?" I said, pretending I was the Dave of this world, who was probably in a coma somewhere.

"I'd give you a big villain speech and tell you how I ALREADY got away with everything, but, eh." she shrugged. "Reaching your goals so early in life makes you... irreversibly bored, I might say."

I felt like jumping her and choking her to death, which would save this world like my original one was spared, but feral Wolverine was blocking my way. He was ready to kill me any second his Mistress ordered him to.

"If you're bored, why don't you let this world get back to normal? You must have seen by now that it leads nowhere good..." I tried to reason with her.

"Too bored to do that, either." she scoffed. "Also, I kinda enjoy having the power... not to mention that you can't really 'quit' world domination...!"

"You actually enjoy all this shit?" I yelled. "Then why were you locked up in your office, instead of peeping on all the gay sex you brought forth?"

"I did that for six months. It got old... fast." she rolled her eyes.

"What about Frank? You couldn't use your powers on your brother. What did you do to him?"

"I did as I promised. He lives in a penthouse in New York with all the pussy he can handle as his personal harem. You see, until this very moment he's the only straight guy in the entire planet." she concluded and her eyes gleamed.

"What do you mean... until this very moment?" I asked terrified, and took a step back. Wolverine growled at me and leaned forward, as if he threatened me not to try and ran away.

"Well..." Zazelle brought a finger to her lips, "since you're here now, I should take advantage of the second chance I got."

"Second chance?"

"Mystique was right, you know... it's one of the reasons why I gave her Australia. She said she'd been around for decades, fucked a lot of guys to get to her goals, but that you were the best sex she ever had." she said in what she thought was a seductive voice as she stepped forward.

"I was?" I said in terror.

"You were the best I ever had, too... when I straddled you on that chair you were tied on, and rode your cock... when we both had our mutual orgasm, and you slipped into a coma, I just knew it... and right now, when I look at you again, I just know... all those months of watching gay sex and being the ruler of this pathetic excuse for a planet... I just knew I'd never properly enjoy it... because I would never get fucked by you again!" she explained, as she started using her powers on me. My hardon was already visible through my pants.

"Wolverine! Hold him!" Zazelle ordered, and Wolverine grabbed me, turned me around and slashed my pants, letting them slide down and reveal the bulge in my tight briefs...

"Now, boy, let's get you back into a coma." Zazelle bit her lip and lunged for me.

As she started rubbing me in innapropriate places, I felt in intense feeling of lust and desperation come over me... "Please, why don't you have Wolverine just kill me!" I begged.

"But that wouldn't be just as much fun now, would it?" she smiled mischeviously. "I can have Doggie fuck you, if you want. You can ride him while I ride you... make a perfect twink sandwich!" as she spelled those words, I could already feel Wolverine's enormous erection rubbing my butt.

The Zazelle-induced lust that took over my body made me lose all inhibitions... it made me get out of myself and reach nirvana... as I realised that I was now calm enough - although in a technical way rather than an actual one- this feeling of bliss and serenity reached something deep inside me... then I closed my eyes and wished this world away.

I opened them again when I was sure that nobody was rubbing anything on my body. I was in the same hallway outside the Headmaster's office, but now it was clean, and lighted, and painted differently, and oh, so much better! I got up with tears on my eyes, but then I pulled myself together when I realized that everyone that was passing by was staring at me.

I then noticed my pants around my ankles, courtesy of Zazelle's "doggie". I pulled them up quickly and looked around in embarassment. A good dozen of students were now around me, eyeing me up, but they seemed too scared or serious to tease me or laugh at me.

"Where have you been, David?" I saw Lola coming through the crowd. She looked worried. "You've been gone for almost the entire day now."

Ah. It seemed that my secondary mutation moved me through time as well as dimensions... or maybe I had simply spent that many hours making my way through Zazelle's sex mansion.

"That's no reason for them to look at me in this rude way!" I said to Lola.

"They look at you that way because they're looking at a murderer..." I heard a voice come up behind me. It was Wolverine. His claws came out with a menacing snikt! and I could tell from the expression in his face he fully meant to use them.

"Logan, stop!" a blue, furry hand grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back before he lunged at me. "Let me take care of this. There will be no more blood in this mansion." Beast walked up to me and put on his glasses. With a stern face, he looked yet again at all of Surge's blood that had dried up on my clothes, and slightly exasperated.

"David Darrington, I regret to inform you that you're being arrested as the main suspect for the murder of Noriko Ashida, alias Surge."

Oh, shit.


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