Small Town Guy

By moc.loa@5252ztupsaw

Published on Mar 21, 2007


This is pure fiction and in no way represents any person or persons living or dead. If you are under age or you don't wish to view gay material, please exit this page now. This is a story that contains graphic displays of gay sex acts if you are disturbed by this or by harsh language which may occur as part of the story, please exit now.

This is the sole possession and copyright of the author, me. In no shape or form is this story to be reproduced or copied without my express written consent. So much for the disclaimer and legal stuff, here is my story.

Please feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions.

Tuesday, I drug my ass out of bed since the alarm rang in my ear. I should be used to getting up early since I did all the time back home in the small town where I was from. The day seemed to fly by but I did get to talk to Corey a little more. I wanted to make new friends but wasn't sure he was the type I wanted to associate with as he bragged on a lot of things he did.

I headed to the pool and found Steve, Mike's roommate. He said Mike was working at the mall.

"I hear Mike and you are getting to be good friends." Steve said.

"He's a nice guy and all." I said.

"Come on, you know what the hell I am talking about. He has told me all about it."

I could feel my face turn red but not from the sun. "He promised me he would say shit. That little fucker."

"Dude it is cool. I hit that shit some myself when I need to."

"No way dude."

"Yeah, I don't mind a little guy action, especially if my girl is not putting out."

"I take it you haven't needed him much lately."

"No that is putting it mildly, Jeff."

I just lay there hoping I would be like Steve and this was just a bridge until I could bag some hot chick. Mike was hot but I still craved the warmth of a nice girl. I needed a girl and maybe that would help me get over my desire to be with guys.

I went back to my apartment after catching a few afternoon rays and just unwinding a bit as it seemed to settle me down. I ate a little but tried my best to eat healthier. I decided then to start a nightly ritual of crunches and pushups to see help me stay in shape a little. I was exhausted when I finished my first 50 and knew it would take time to build up to where I wanted to be.

I was late getting a move on it that Wednesday for some reason. I made it on time but not my usual 15 minutes early. Again Corey and I sat together at lunch since I was intrigued by him and his wild lifestyle. I will say that he could really tell a story but I was sure it was exaggerated a little. He seemed like having me around because he said now he had someone to talk to instead of all these old married people.

The week continued while Mike did make it over Thursday night and I will have to say that I fucked the shit out of him that night with my big dick that he loved in him so much. I sure was glad Friday was there since I got paid and had to pay utility bills that were waiting on my attention. All I got was a little stub telling me how much was direct deposited into my account. I was a little shocked at all the stuff they took out including some shit I didn't have a clue about. You see we weren't unionized at the plant so that little fee didn't come out. There was something called 401(k), whatever that means. I asked Corey at lunch what all this was. All he knew was that 401(k) was some sort of retirement `bullshit' that we had there as a little benefit.

I really enjoyed hanging out with Corey at work and decided to ask him if he wanted to hang with me at the apartment that Friday night. He was like sure as long as there was beer he was cool with it. I assured him there was plenty unless he needed more than 24. I gave him directions the best I knew how and we planned to meet at around 7.

I had plenty of time to work out a little but had to brush off Mike and telling him a guy for work was stopping by. He said that was cool and he would run over to a buddy's place for his work instead. I showered after working out and put on just a t-shirt and some old shorts. Oh well, that was about all I had anyways, plus I was sure Corey would wear the same.

Corey was there a little after 7 as he said he got lost on his way over.

"Dude, those directions were shit." Corey said with a 24 pack of his own beer that was the cheap stuff.

"Sorry dude, I did the best I could." I said. "How you get the beer since you are only 20?"

"Oh hell dude, I get at the same place now. They know me and it is cool." Corey said. "You got a nice place, Jeff. It looks better than my shit hole."

"Well that place must really look like shit dude."

"Trust me, it does." Corey then popped the top off his beer. We ordered pizza and split the cost. It was the cheapest we could find that delivered.

"Damn dude you need some fine asses bitches up in this joint." Corey said.

"Tell me about it. I just haven't found one yet."

"Hell they are all bitches in my opinion. I have yet to find me a decent one."

"I hear you dude." I said. We continued to talk for a while, Corey was cool and really was downing the beer. I really didn't want to get too messed. We then started watching my small TV. I then sensed Corey was pretty wasted when he started slurring his words.

I was in the bathroom taking a much needed piss when I heard Corey come barging in.

"Sorry dude, I just can't hold it any longer." Corey said as he peed all over the floor.

"Fuck, Corey, you just pissed all in the floor."

He looked down and said, "Shit I guess I am fucking drunk. Give me a rag and I will wipe this up. Dude I am sorry."

Corey did his best to clean up his piss as I had to get what he missed. Corey then headed to lay back on the couch. I looked at the clock and noticed it was after 11. He was sound asleep, passed out on my couch just a short time later as I then counted 11 beers that he had drunk.

I just let him sleep there on my small couch and then headed off to my room to catch some sleep. Damn, Corey was a little wild to say the least.

I was up the next morning and found Corey still sleeping on the couch. After showering, Corey was finally up. We both had a bowl of cereal that we ate on the couch together.

"Jeff,I am sorry I fucking got so drunk last night."

"Don't worry about it, Corey. Hell I do that shit sometimes."

"I guess I passed out, huh?"

"Yeah, after 11 beers, my ass would be gone too."

I was little surprised to see that Corey was not that hung over or it didn't appear that way. He seemed to be just fine and way better than I would have been.

"Dude I could sure a shower." Corey said.

I agreed and pointed the way. I just sat and watched TV when I heard the water running as Corey showered. He finished and came out in just a towel that barely fit around his small waist.

"Hey, can you throw me my clothes?" Corey said.

"Sure. Here you go, Corey." I said and saw his thin body. He was skinny and I could almost count his ribs. He had a couple of tattoos one on his stomach and one on his chest. I looked at them for just a second.

"Dude, you like my tatts?" Corey said.

I was shocked for just a second. I then blurted. "Yeah dude." I was hoping like hell he didn't think I was staring at his rather cute, I must say, body.

Corey left off his shirt and just put on his baggy shorts and boxer briefs. "Dude, you care if I hang here a little while?"

"It is cool with me."

"Great." Corey said as he practically jumped on the sofa and landed fairly close to me. I scooted over a bit since he was invading my space.

Corey and I talked on the couch for a while. I thought to myself that I finally had a friend besides Mike and Steve. I know I was just an acquaintance before, but we really seem to hit it off pretty well. After we got bored watching TV, we went off to grab a bite to eat and he helped me do the laundry. He was good company and helped make the time go by faster. After about 2 boring ass hours of laundry, we headed back to my place. I nagged him about going to see his place but he wouldn't dare take me there.

Corey grabbed another beer when we came in. I could tell it was another night of downing a few beers for him. Corey then stepped outside to grab a quick smoke. You know this was the first time I knew Corey smoked but it was okay with me as my parents were heavy smokers as was my younger brother. Oh yeah I do have a younger brother who just graduated high school. He is cool and all just that he has yet to come up. I avoided the smoking trend but did occasionally enjoy a nice dip of Skoal; you know small town boy and shit. I didn't dip much and rarely bought a can since most people are disgusted with that little device of mine.

Corey was downing them again at a good pace but I let up again. I could tell the boy was going to be drunk off his ass soon, but that seemed to be his whole purpose on his weekends. We did rent a movie off the cable that we sort of liked and got Corey's mind of his beer for just a little while. Corey seemed to grow more comfortable around me by the minute as left his shirt off as I did most of the night.

I was ready for bed around 12 after about 6 beers.

"Dude I guess I will just head out then." Corey said.

"Corey, there is no fucking way you are driving. Look at you dude, you are drunk."

"Fuck Jeff, I am not drunk. Shit dude I know when I have had too many."

"Hand me your keys."

"Dude I am leaving."

"The fuck you are. Give me those fucking keys right now."

"Fucking bitch ass. Here is my fucking keys, motherfucker. I hope your ass is happy."

"It is motherfucker!" I was mad as hell that he insisted on driving and took offense to me trying to watch his little drunk ass.

"My ass is sleeping on the fucking couch, dude." Corey said.

"Fine with me. Your ass slept there last night." I watched him then grab his 10th beer and down it.

"Damn that shit tasted good." Corey said. "Your ass going to bed or what?"

"Not until you are." I said, "No telling what you might do."

"Dude I am fucking fine, bitch."

"Sure you are." I saw him lie down on the couch. It wasn't any time until Corey was out like a light.

I headed off to my bed to try to go to sleep. About 2 that morning I heard a terrible noise in my bathroom. I knew what it was after I was awake. Corey was puking his guts out. I got up to see if I could help. The smell of beer hit my nose when I opened the door.

"Fuck Jeff, I am fucking sick, dude."

"See I told your ass you are drunk." I said.

"Help me back to the couch." Corey then said so I grabbed under his arm instead laid him on my bed, just in case. The smell almost made me gag but I clean up his massive beer puke. That dude sprayed it everywhere. I finally headed back to my bed and had to scoot his ass over. I was finally back asleep after tossing for an hour.

I didn't sleep very well and got out of bed around 7. I grabbed something to eat of the frig and mostly cleaned up my dirty apartment. It was around 10 or so before I heard Corey get out of bed. He came in and saw me as I was watching TV.

"Dude, care if hit the shower real quick like before I head out?" Corey said as he saw me.

"No go right ahead." I said.

Corey was done in no time. He was dressed and I was still sitting on the couch.

"Jeff, thanks for letting me stay the weekend. I did have fun. Sorry I am such a drunken ass."

"Corey, no problem. I guess I will see you at work."

"You have seen my keys, Jeff?" Corey looked thru his pockets.

"Oh, they are in my shorts. I made you give them to me last night."

"Oh yeah, I remember. Sorry about that."

"See yeah, Corey." I said and he was out the door.

I then headed back to lay out some more and work on my growing tan. I found Mike but he was with some other guy as I just said hi. I knew what was up but I guess that was now in the past, who knows? I stayed out there a good while and then headed back just a little bit red. I then did my crunches and push-ups before I settled in for the night. I got on the computer a little bit. Man, I didn't realize there were that many sites for gay guys. Most looked incredibly hot as I felt my big dick rise. I jacked it while looking at some hot dudes fucking with a condom. My nut flew everywhere that night but hell I hadn't shot a load in like 3 days.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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