Small Town Guy

By moc.loa@5252ztupsaw

Published on Mar 24, 2007


This is pure fiction and in no way represents any person or persons living or dead. If you are under age or you don't wish to view gay material, please exit this page now. This is a story that contains graphic displays of gay sex acts if you are disturbed by this or by harsh language which may occur as part of the story, please exit now.

This is the sole possession and copyright of the author, me. In no shape or form is this story to be reproduced or copied without my express written consent. So much for the disclaimer and legal stuff, here is my story.

Please feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions.

I spotted Corey when I walked in that morning to work and just waved as we headed to our respective jobs. I did eat with him and he again apologized for being so drunk over the weekend. I hoped he was sincere and figured he was. The day could end soon enough for me that day and headed back to my place. I got my little exercise routine out of the way before settling back for another night of just TV.

The next day was pretty much the same. Corey did however ask if he could hang a little while at my place that Tuesday night. He came over and able all we did was eat a little something. He had just 2 of his left over beers before heading back to his place. Corey really help break the boredom of my daily routine. I really didn't mind having him around either.

Wednesday when I got home I headed to the pool and found Mike there and sat next to him. We talked a little while before we went back to my place to chill for a little while. I wasn't sure what he had in mind but I had a sneaky suspension. After we talked and ate, I went and sat on the couch. Mike came out of the bathroom and landed a big juicy kiss on my lips. I knew then he wanted fucked.

"Okay Mike who was the guy I saw you with Sunday?"

"He was just a friend from work is all. How about you?"

"The same. It was just Corey. He stayed with me the weekend."

"I bet you fucked that ass good."

"Fuck no. He is straight, I think. Besides he was passed out both nights. You get that ass laid?"

"Well hell yeah. What you expect from me? Dude was fucking hot."

"Mike I will be straight with you. I don't play any fucking games."

"Fuck dude, he was just a passing thing. Please Jeff, I want that dick so bad tonight." Mike said as he grabbed my crotch.

"Fuck no, bitch. I don't play like that."

"Come on dude, just let me blow you and I will go. What harm is there in that?" "Shit. I am kind of horny." I said then dropped my shorts. Mike didn't waste any time getting between my legs. Damn could this dude suck a dick. I loved it. He smiled at me while he tried his best to deep throat me but just missed. I was now moaning since it felt so good and Mike's mouth was hot. Mike was jerking his meat while I fucked his hot little mouth with my 9 inch dick. Man, did that shit fell good.

"Oh fuck dude, I am about to nut!" I hollered but Mike didn't move an inch and kept right on sucking my dick. "OHHHHH" I said as I shot my creamy hot load down his throat.

I felt bad and did suck his a little but no way was I going to taste his nut. Mike did cum on his hot stomach. We kissed just for a second. Mike pulled up his shorts and left. That wasn't too bad, but I be damned if he is going to fuck around on me and then expect to get have sex with me. I am not about to let some guy use my dick like that even though I do have to say I like fucking his ass. I hate that he sleeps around with other guys as I had a girl do that on me once and never again. She wasn't as open as Mike but hell she was doing it anyway as I fucking lit into her when I found out.

That next day was my mother's birthday. I headed out right after work on the long drive home, which was about an hour and half. It was good to see my parents and my little brother. They all told me I was getting way too skinny and I must not be eating. I told them I was working out some and did crunches and pushups each night. My mom had to cook despite it being her birthday as she piled my plate full of chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, fresh okra and squash from dad's big garden. I did get a little private time with my brother but it was basic bullshit as we tried to tell the biggest whopper. My parents insisted that I take their old lounger back with me and a few other things that I might need including a few old dishes that my mom had stashed away in the attic. I hated to leave so early but I knew I had a truck full of stuff to unload when I got home. I coasted into my apartment about 10 and unloaded all the stuff they bestowed upon me. I was thankful for the offering and had it put up around 11.

The next day, Friday, Corey and I made plans to hang out and maybe catch a movie or something. I was a little surprised that he wanted to come over again and wondered where the rest of his friends were that he boasted about. I was more than happy to have him over since he was becoming my most trusted friend and co-worker.

Corey was there a little early and then we headed off to catch whatever was playing at the second run theater. We both just spend our cash on needful stuff like beer and food. I could tell by the way he dressed; he had the same fashion sense as me as we both just wore what was comfortable and affordable at the time. He did sport an American Eagle t-shirt that night though. I tried to keep him out as late as I could as we went to eat some cheap Chinese buffet after the movie.

Corey immediately hit the beer as soon as we hit the door.

"You care if I stay here again tonight?"

"You can stay. I don't care."

"Dude, you are fucking cool as shit. I am glad we meet."

"Me too Corey. Hell my ass would just be on that couch waiting for bedtime."

"Yeah dude, I like hanging with a hot guy like you." Corey said.

What did he just say? Was I hearing things? No way was Corey telling me I was hot. Hell I didn't know what to say. I then said, "Thanks." I just left it at that.

"Hell Jeff you are hot." Corey then said.

There he goes again. He had had only 2 beers so he wasn't drunk. He is trying to tell me something. "Well I do try to work out some."

"I could tell last weekend. Dude it is fucking hot in here. This damn shirt is coming off." Corey lifted his shirt off and just sat right back down pretty close to me. "Jeff you need to get some tatts, dude. They are fucking bad ass. I bet your ass would look good with one. Come on take off your shirt."

I did since it was a little hot. I then went to turn the air conditioner down a little lower because I was now sweating. Hell, I didn't really know what to make of Corey now. I just can't imagine him being gay and shit but he sure was coming on to me big time.

"Dude you are getting dark. Shit I can't tan worth shit." Corey said. "Dude a nice little tatt would look good here." Corey then ran his hand over my stomach. Man was he ever putting the move on my ass.

"I don't know, Corey. It is just that is so permanent. I have thought about though."

"Jeff, I want my ears pierced so fucking bad too. It just that my... roommate... didn't think they would show up with my long hair." Corey said.

"He is probably right, Corey. No one would ever see them." I said.

"Dude you should think about it too. They would look so fucking hot on you." Corey said and he leaned over and tried to kiss me.

"Corey, what the fuck?" I said. "You just try to kiss me."

"No dude I was just..."

"You were. Just admit it. You are fucking gay too, aren't you?"

Corey's head then hung low. "Yeah I am just a little faggot. I guess I better go now."

The macho guy that Corey once personified was now gone. He seemed beaten when he gathered his shirt. I really felt bad for him. "Dude, you don't have to go."

"Jeff, you are cool and shit. I know you don't want my gay ass around anymore. Please don't tell anyone at work. I better be heading out."

"Corey, sit your ass back down. Here let me go get us another beer. I think you got some explaining to do." I said as Corey sat back down like a little kid who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I grabbed us each a beer.

"Dude, I am just a fuck up. Please forgive me. Honestly, I still live at home with my parents. Most of the stuff is just made up shit. Honestly it has been like four years since I been with a girl."

"You had my ass fooled."

"It is just this front I put on."

"They should give you an Oscar for the way you acted with me."

"You see, Jeff, I have known I was gay since two years ago. My parents are cool with it and shit, just they don't want anyone to really know and embarrass them."

"I see."

"Dude, I do like to hunt and fish and work on cars and shit. I fucking hate those flaming homos and never want to be like them. I wish I wasn't gay but this is who I am. I take it your straight as an arrow."

"So this was just an act to cover your ass."

"Dude, are you straight?"

"Yeah... well at least I want to be." I said not knowing how to put it. A big smile came on Corey's face. He did kiss me and I kissed him back. You know Corey was a great kisser and I really was turned on by the real Corey that had his tongue in my mouth.

"Dude I am sorry fucking sorry. I got drunk last weekend to keep from making a move on you then. Are you cool with this?" Corey said.

"Of course dude. Why else would I now let you fucking kiss me and have your hands all over me?" I said. "Dude you are fucking hot too."

I then kissed Corey while we made out on the small couch of mine. I had never really made out with a guy before other than just a little bit with Mike. Damn, Corey was eating this shit up. I will give him the fact that the dude sure know how to make out with a guy. It wasn't long until our shorts hit the floor.

"Fucking A, Jeff. That is the biggest fucking dick I ever seen. Shit."

"I thought you might like it. Your's is nice too."

"Shit Jeff my fucking 7 inches doesn't compare to yours. Damn what is that bitch hard?"

"I guess around 9 or maybe more. I never measured it since I was like 17 or so. All I know is I could tear up some pussy with this big fucker."

"I bet." Corey said as he was now kissing me chest and played with my nipples. This dude knew what he was doing.

"Dude let's go to my bed. We will be more comfortable there don't you think?"

"Hell yeah. This is a small couch." Corey said and then made our way back to my bedroom.

I kissed him as he lay on top of me. I looked in Corey's eyes while he resumed working on my upper body. This dude actually sucked my toes. Damn was that intense. I was hard as a rock by the time he started his work on my big dick.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I said as I felt Corey's hot mouth on my dick.

"Shit it is so huge, Jeff. I will do my best." Corey kissed and licked my dick when it was not in his mouth. I played with his long blond hair since he was now doing so well. My hands were all over his skinny back and I moaned with each time he went down on me. I finally had to pull him off.

I did my best to please Corey as I started down on his skinny but hot body. I then played with his nads some before going down on him. I was so thankful now that Mike was a good teacher on how to suck dick. I did my best to please Corey.

"Oh fuck Jeff that feels so good. Suck my cock, dude."

I continued to suck his nice dick. I got really bold then and stuck my finger in his ass as I was sucking him.

"Oh fuck!" Corey screamed out as he felt my long finger in his ass.

I quit sucking him and wanted so bad to fuck him. "Can I fuck you, Corey?"

"Fuck yeah, I want that big motherfucker in me so bad now!"

I grabbed a condom and some lube. I was still fingering his rather tight ass as I lubed it up.

"Dude I want that big cock so bad. Fuck me, Jeff!"

I then tried to get my dick in. I could tell he wasn't as loose as Mike's ass. I pushed again but meet the same resistance. I applied more lube to his hot puckering ass. That did the trick as my dick slid past his ring and into his ass.

"Oh fuck!" I screamed as I felt my cock enter his tight hot ass.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Take it out, please!" Corey screamed. I slid my cock out his ass as he requested. Corey was now breathing hard. "Dude give me just a second. You don't know how bad I want that cock."

I waited a few seconds as I kissed him. I then lifted up his ass again and slid that baby in. Oh did it feel so good. Corey was determined to let me fuck him as he grabbed me tightly as I could tell it hurt him a little.

I gently started slowly easing more and more of my dick in him.

"Oh fuck. Stop right there. That is all your fucking cock I can handle."

"You want me to take it out."

"Fuck no. Just don't go any deeper. Your cock feels so fucking good."

"Your ass is on fire, Corey" I said as I leaned down and kissed him. I put my hand at the base of my dick not to go any deeper. It did feel so good in him.

"Fuck me Jeff. Fuck me like a bitch!"

"Oh fuck yeah!" I then slowly picked up the pace. Corey was beating his meat while I was in him. His ass was so nice and tight. I removed my hand just a little but could see in his face that my length was hurting him. I put my hand back down there and fucked him slowly and gently.

"Oh Jeff your cock feels so good in me!"

"I love fucking you!" I picked up the pace just a little bit. We were kissing a little as Corey was now in full out moaning. I too was enjoying this hot sex that I was having. I then saw Corey explode onto his tattoo on his stomach and practically cover it. That was all I could stand as I pulled out and mixed my cum with his. He took his finger and ate some of the hot mixture. He offered me some.

"I don't think so."

"Dude, it is just salty is all."

I grimaced as I had my first taste of nut. It wasn't the best tasting thing I ever had in my mouth, but I did it to please Corey.

I grabbed a tissue and wiped the rest of our mess up. He kissed me as we made out again. We both agreed that it was fucking hot. We talked for what seemed like forever mostly about his sex life, which I found he wasn't all that active with guys but did get fucked when he was 16. I told him about my kid and how I never been with a guy until I moved here, but that I was really starting to like it. The real Corey was awesome and very funny and not the all macho thing that he hide behind. I really did like the real Corey.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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