Small Town Odyssey

By Lambodara

Published on Jul 3, 2023


Small Town Odyssey Chapter 8

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and are in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Eight

  6:03. I was off schedule this morning but not by far. I started to get up and strangely enough, so did Gentry. We went in the kitchen, and I had to make coffee - apparently Billy was sleeping in this morning. Gentry found a switch on the wall, and we soon found out we had an electric ignition gas fireplace we didn't know about before. We waited and poured our new cups full and sat in front of the fake but pretty fire. Gentry had a wandering hand this morning. I was trying to enjoy my coffee and get woke up, but he had different ideas. His right hand had crept over and made its way into my sweats and encircled my turgid peter and started stroking it until I had a tent pushing up the front of my pants. I put my left hand over into his lap and squeezed a couple of times, but about that time we heard the boys coming down the stairs, so we decided to save it for later. The youngsters got some doctored coffee, and we all watched the sunrise through the picture window then got ready for day two.

       After the super busy day we had yesterday, we decided to dial it back a little today and stay more or less local. One of my favorite places up here has always been Cataloochee, so I told the guys about it and they all agreed we should go. A mile or so from the cabin, Shawn saw the sign for Soco Falls and asked if we could stop. Neither of us had ever been so we pulled off and started down the trail. It was steep and rocky. The kids practically ran down it but us older guys took our time. About halfway down there was a wooden platform where you could look over the falls, but the trail (if you could even call it that) kept going on down to the bottom of the hollow. By the time me and Gentry got to the platform Billy and Shawn were already holding the rope and making their way down to the bottom. All the way down I kept thinking how every step you take downhill you have to take back uphill. It took us a while but when we got to the bottom it was worth it. Two waterfalls come together at the bottom, and it was so pretty. There's a constant mist coming from the falls, which this time of year was about to freeze my ass off, so I didn't stay long before I started making my way back to the top. Shawn took a lot of pictures before him and Billy came back up.

"My SD card is full" he said as he got in the truck.

"We'll see if we can find one in town" I told him.

We searched on the phone and found a Dollar General close by and they had what he needed, so we went ahead and got a couple of them and headed out toward Cataloochee. It was nice out, so we rolled the windows down in the truck as we started up Cove Creek Rd. toward the park. It always seemed like the climb up took forever. Just as we were getting near the end of the pavement, we saw a driveway with rainbow flags on either side and a sign that said `Yard Sale'. Normally a yard sale wouldn't have stopped us, but the flags made us curious. A small sign to the right of the driveway said, `Welcome to Ash and Isaac's'. When we pulled up there was only one other person shopping and after the four of us piled out of the truck the lady paid for her stuff and took off. There were several tables set up with various things for sale. We browsed around and picked up a couple of items when a man came down from the porch and introduced himself as Ash Palmer. I was chatting with him when Gentry called my name, and I looked over to see him standing by a big 5th wheel camper with a for sale sign on it. He pointed at the camper, smiled and gave me a wink.

"Yeah, I wish" I said, then remembered my manners and said, "Mr. Palmer, this is my fiancé Gentry", I'd already introduced myself. When the boys saw what we were looking at they came over and I made introductions again.

"Please, call me Ash" he said, then turned around and yelled "Ike, come down here!" (For more on these two - The Reunion)

The other man came down from the porch and Ash introduced him as his partner Isaac. They invited us to come up on the porch and we all went up and chatted for a while. It was getting on up in the morning and the boys were getting antsy, so we only stayed a few minutes. Ash told us some history about the place and told us to come back by on the way out and have a late lunch with them. Gentry said we didn't want to put them to any trouble, but they insisted so we said we would.

The road into Cataloochee is strange. The first part coming out of Maggie Valley is paved, then it goes to dirt until you get to the final approach into Cataloochee where the park service built a nice two-lane paved road. There's one overlook on the way in so we stopped and let Shawn do his thing. As you go into the Cataloochee valley there are big open fields on the left side of the road and the first historic building you come to is Palmer Chapel. We got out and Shawn put on a smaller zoom lens. We walked around to the front of the old church, and he took more pictures. We were sitting on the steps of the church enjoying the sun when I heard sticks breaking in the woods and I elbowed Shawn. A pair of huge elk were coming out of the woods and crossing the stream in front of where we were sitting. Shawn fiddled with something on the camera, and he started taking 3-exposure bursts of the elk. They came within about 15 feet of us. We stayed very still until they got past. On the way back to the truck, Shawn was smiling like he'd gotten his first blowjob. We went through the rest of the buildings close by; I knew there were more places to see down the trail at the end of the road, but we didn't have time to do the hike today. By the time we got ready to start back out, Shawn had filled up half of another SD card.

When we turned back into the driveway to Ash and Isaac's place we ran into a crowd. Ash ran down from the porch and directed us around to the side of the house and let Gentry park in front of their garage. They had a smoker going on the patio at the side of the house and Ike opened an ice chest and offered us an ice-cold beer and the boys each took an ice-cold Mountain Dew. We all talked while we were waiting for the meat to get done; the smell of the smoked meat was starving me to death. We told them our story of how Gentry and I met and how we ended up dragging the two twinks along on a vacation, then Ash told us his story. At first I thought he was putting us on, but Isaac guaranteed it was all true. The meat was ready just about the time the sun was getting low in the sky. Isaac took the big Boston butt and the slab of ribs off the smoker and Ash went in and brough out buns and condiments and a big bowl of potato salad. We ate until we were stuffed and enjoyed the great company. It was getting dark outside, and Gentry was getting a little nervous about driving down the mountain, but our new friends assured us we'd be fine. This late we shouldn't run into any traffic.

"How much are you asking for the 5th wheel?" Gentry asked before we left.

"Since you guys are family, we'll make you a good price if you want it" Ash said and whispered something into Gentry's ear. Gentry looked astonished.

"Just give it some thought" Ash said.

"You bet your ass I will" Gentry told him.

We said our goodbyes and carefully made our way back to our cabin. Before we were halfway there, the boys were sound asleep with Billy's head resting on Shawn's shoulder.

"What did he tell you?" I asked Gentry.

"He said he'd let us have it for $12,500" he said softly.

"Do you know how much those things cost?" I said, kind of shocked.

"Yeah, but he said that's family price" he said. "The problem is, neither of our old ass trucks would pull it, we'd have to find something bigger and newer. Have you seen the price of trucks lately?"

"Yeah,there is that" I said.

We climbed the steep driveway up to the cabin and I shook Billy awake and he shook Shawn awake in turn and we all went in. It was late and we were tired so no campfire tonight. The young guys started losing clothes on the way up the stairs but as slow as they were moving, I figured they'd just go to sleep. We turned off the lights and made our own way to bed, spooned up and went to sleep.

The sun woke me up. Damn! I looked at the cheap alarm clock and it was almost 7 o'clock. I never sleep that late. I could smell coffee. I got up and pulled on some sweats and went into the living room. Billy and Shawn were huddled up on the couch with my laptop looking at the results of Shawn's picture taking yesterday. I poured a cup of coffee and went to sit with them.

Oh my God, Shawn was talented. I pointed out several photos I'd like to have, and he saved them on my hard drive. I heard Gentry stumbling around and the toilet flush and a minute later he came out of the bedroom in search of coffee. I moved out of the way so Shawn could show him the pictures. He pointed out some he'd like; a couple were the same ones I'd asked for, but he had a few different ones too. This was our last day, so after coffee we all got ready to go out and find our adventure for the day.

As we were getting dressed, Gentry's phone dinged.

"Text message from Ash" he said -- "If you want the trailer, we'll do $10,000, you know you'll have to find another truck."

"Damn!" I said.

"We'll let you know by the end of the day" Gentry texted back, which was answered by a thumbs-up emogee.

"Did you see the campground on the way into the valley?" I asked.

"Yes, and all I've been thinking about is how much fun we could have with that camper" he said.

"You guys come on! We're wasting the day!" came a yell from the living room.

"We're coming" I yelled back.

Finding the falls yesterday inspired Shawn and he'd found another one he wanted to check out. Mingo Falls was on the Cherokee reservation, not all that far from where we were staying. Gentry said we needed to fill the truck up again anyway and there were gas stations in Cherokee. After we filled up, we followed Billy's directions to the parking lot for Mingo Falls and Shawn studied his gear bag and decided on a wide-angle lens so he could catch the whole falls. There are 161 steps going up the the short trail to the falls; I know my knees felt every one of them. The trail from the top of the steps wasn't very long and it took you to a wooden observation deck at the base of the falls. When we first got there it was crowded, so we waited a little bit before Shawn was able to get pictures. This one was a serious falls; according to the stuff Shawn found online it was almost a 200ft drop. Most of the people had made their way back out so me and Gentry leaned against the back railing of the observation deck and did a little making out while we waited for the boys to get done. Billy gave us the side-eye and I stuck my tongue out at him as I ran my hand over the bumpy front of Gentry's jeans. Things were beginning to happen when Shawn declared that he was done, and our charges took off toward the truck.

Shawn asked if we could check out an old church he'd found online; it was at the entrance to Smokemont campground. We wanted to check out the campground anyway, so we headed over there. Turns out the old Lufty church was very different from most around the area. It was laid out in a way I guess you could call sideways. The pulpit was on one of the long walls instead of one of the shorter ones. Something about the way the place was built made it have great acoustics. Gentry said it reminded him of the church his grandma used to take him to. He started singing Amazing Grace and sounded kind of like my own personal Alan Jackson. When some other people came in the door, he turned red and quit singing until the older woman picked up where he'd left off and then he joined back in with her. It sounded amazing when they harmonized.

We were running out of things we would have time to do, so we spent the day checking out the Museum of the Cherokee Indian and some of the shops, then went back over to Maggie Valley for lunch. All during lunch Gentry kept playing with his phone and was zoned out. We explored a little and did some more shopping before calling it a day early and headed back to the cabin so we could get ready to roll out early in the morning.

"Well, you've been kind of distracted today. What's going on?" I asked Gentry.

"Trying to figure out a way to make that camper work out" he said.

"Did you figure it out yet?" I asked.

"No...I mean, we just built the house and who knows what we might run into with it. I don't think we can swing it right now" he said.

"Yeah, I don't really want to be neck deep in debt either. Between the trailer and a new truck, we'd be hurting" I told him.

He texted Ash to let him know. He understood but told Gentry to call them before we booked a cabin when we decided to come back up. Gentry went out to build a fire in the fire ring one last time before we went home. We all sat around looking sad that our time was up already. Billy got up and came over and sat in my lap and said, "Thanks for letting us come along, it's been great!", then he kissed me on the forehead. I hugged him close and felt a little stirring as his ass settled onto my crotch. He giggled and ran back over to sit with Shawn. As the light from the fire played across them, I could make out Shawn's arm going over into Billy's lap. I started to do the same to Gentry and my arm ran into his; we must have had the same idea. We both pulled back, but a minute later Gentry reached over and grabbed my hand and led it to his cock which he'd pulled out of his pants. I started giving it a good massage. More giggling came from the other side of the fire. I glanced over and saw that Billy was on Shawn's lap now. Gentry's hand was trying it's best to get my zipper opened.

"Let's go inside" I growled at him.

"Yes sir" he said.

We stood and he tucked little Gentry back in his jeans (tight fit). When we walked by the boys Gentry told them to make sure the fire was out before they come in. The said they would take care of it. I could see Billy's jeans were down around his balls and his dick was tight against his stomach. From where Shawn had his hand, I was pretty sure that Billy had at least a couple of fingers in his ass. Gentry pulled me by the wrist into the house.

We left two piles of clothes in the floor as we got ready for bed. I peeked out the window and saw the two boys dousing the fire with the hose from the house. I got into bed and Gentry did the same on the other side. We heard the door open and voices in the living room and the next thing we knew our bedroom door opened and two naked boys came and crawled onto the bed with us.

"Shawn wants to try something" Billy said.

"What's that?" I asked (though it didn't matter at that point, the answer was going to be yes).

"He wants somebody to do him while he does me" Billy whispered.

"Have you ever bottomed?" I asked Shawn.

"Only like twice. A kid at camp, but we both had little wienies back then" he said.

We discussed it and Shawn decided on letting me go first, Billy told him I was gentle. I wasn't sure how true that would be, I was so horny I wasn't sure how gentle it would be right now. I waited and let him get settled inside Billy then started prepping his hole. I mashed my face into his fantastic smelling crack and pushed my tongue against his back door. It was so tight at first but after I licked and sucked it for a few minutes it started to loosen up. I told him to push out and I got the tip of my tongue inside. I noticed he had almost stopped moving inside Billy. I added a finger, then another and started pulling his hole open and he finally just pulled out of Billy and moved over beside him on the bed. Billy wasted no time in grabbing Gentry and pulling his cock into his already prepped hole. I finally had Shawn ready, and I got up on my knees and started slowly pushing into him. He lifted his ass a little to meet me, then said, "wait a second" and turned over onto his back. I went back into him, and he grabbed his dick and started tugging on it. Billy's head was swaying from side to side as Gentry pumped his ass and when Shawn turned onto his back, they locked lips as me and Gentry rearranged their insides. I looked at Gentry and when he saw me, we kissed too. I watched as Billy reached up and tweaked Gentry's nipple, and then the reaction as Gentry slammed into his ass extra hard. Billy moaned into Shawn's mouth and Shawn lifted his ass up and impaled himself balls deep on my dick. We kept our little mini orgy up for a little over a half hour according to the cheap alarm clock. I lost my nut when Shawn grabbed my hips and started forcing me to thrash the hell out of him. I felt like I was literally filling his ass up. When I started writhing and Shawn started shooting big dollops of cum onto his stomach, Gentry stiffened up next to me and I knew Billy was getting the same treatment. Seconds later Billy shot a string of cum that hit the headboard before shooting several more on his torso. We rolled to the outside edges of the bed with the two boys between us, all of us panting like crazy. Even though we'd all just cum, the two youngsters were still rock hard. While me and Gentry were still catching our breath Billy grabbed Shawn's legs and picked them up and shoved his cock up Shawn's ass.

"This is for the other night when you fucked me so hard" he told him, trying to look mad. He started pounding the hell out of Shawn's poor ass. I smelled like a water buffalo and had cum all over me, so I started to get up and hit the shower. As I got the bathroom door Gentry was right behind me.

"I need a shower too" he said, but I noticed his dick was hard again and that made mine start stiffening again. Damn. This was going to be a play shower. I got in and got the water going and managed to rinse off part of the cum before I felt a soapy hand go between my cheeks and a thick finger start making it's way into my sphincter. The finger didn't take long to do its business as I was already pretty relaxed from an orgasm just a few minutes earlier. I leaned against the wall with the water rolling down my back as I felt Gentry's dick easing into me. He slowly made love to me; it took him a long time to cum since he'd just blasted Billy's insides, but I didn't mind. He reached around me and stroked my cock while he was pumping me from behind, all the while kissing the back of my neck. Before I knew it, I was shooting a small load against the shower wall, and I felt him throbbing in my ass as he finished. I turned around and kissed, then we tried to clean up as the water was starting to run cold. When we went back in the bedroom the boys were gone. We crawled in the bed and almost immediately we were out for the night.

Back to normal, I was up before the sun. I went in the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. Gentry's phone was plugged into his charger next to the coffee pot and I could see the message light. I picked up the phone and swiped it to see who it was from. Of course, my face didn't match his facial recognition, so I had to wait until it asked for the pin. It was another message from Ash and Isaac offering us another deal. They would sell us their truck and camper together for $27,000! I jumped online and pulled a loan calculator; it looked like we could pay it off in 5 years at $750 a month; still a pretty big payment. I put the phone down and decided to let him find the offer himself. I poured my coffee and turned on the fake fireplace while I sipped. Also, back to normal, Billy was the second one up. He made his doctored coffee and came and gingerly sat down by me.

"Something got you a little sore" I said with an evil grin.

"Nothin' major" he said.

"Oh, okay smartass" I replied.

It was getting too warm in the room, so I turned off the fireplace and we watched for the sunrise out the big window. We'd just started our second cups when Gentry and Shawn came out at almost the same time. Gentry poured them coffee and unplugged his phone and came to sit down while Shawn was still adding milk and honey to his cup. Gentry sat in the big recliner and swiped up to open his phone and I watched as he read Ash's message.

"Win, what would payments be on like a $17,000 loan?" he asked.

"I think you misread that" I said.

"One, you're nosey, and two, my truck will sell for at least $10K" he said. I did some quick figuring with an online loan calculator.

"Looks like around $370 a month" I said. He stared at his phone for a few seconds and then said, "You wanna buy a Ram truck and a 5th wheel camper from some mountain men?"

"Are you sure your truck will bring that much?" I asked. He nodded in the affirmative.

"How are we gonna manage it? You'd have to sell the truck first to have the down payment to finance what we want to" I asked him.

"Can you get Pam to cover for you another day?" he asked.

"I'll have to call, but I know she's always wanting extra hours" I told him.

"Find out for sure and if she can, we're going to Asheville" he said. I called and left a message for Pam to call me, and she called back around 9 eastern and she said she would work, so we packed everything and headed out. We hit the interstate and headed to Asheville and went to CarMax. Gentry was right, the way the used car market had gone so crazy they offered him $11,250 and had us a check printed, and papers signed in short order. The problem we failed to account for was that the truck was loaded with all our stuff, and we now had no transportation. Gentry was not worried. He called Ash and said we'd buy the combo if they could come pick us up in Asheville. They said they'd be here in about an hour. I got on the phone with our credit union back home and explained all the goings on to the loan officer and got the paperwork for the loan started.

When the guys showed up, we moved our stuff from one truck to the other and figured out we'd have to ride three to a seat, so we put Shawn in the front between the thinner men and me, Gen and Billy took up the back seat. It was well after lunch by the time we got back and all of us were starving so Ash took us to a place called Brickhouse Burgers and Pizza. We'd just started to eat when I got the e-sign document back from the credit union for our loan. We both signed it on the phone and sent it back. A message came back that the funds should be in the guy's account in the morning. The four of us clinked our beer bottles together to celebrate.

"I don't know where we're gonna stay tonight. We didn't really think this one out. You guys know any good hotels around here?" I asked.

"You don't need a hotel, silly. You can either stay in your new camper or stay with us" Isaac said.

"Oh yeah" I said.

"Since I'm not used to driving while pulling something that big, I was thinking about starting back today" Gentry said.

"Well, let's go out and we'll show you how to set it up and take it down" Ash told him.

It really didn't seem as hard as we were thinking, this camper had auto levelling, so it only took a few minutes to get set up. They showed us where the water, sewer and electric connections were, and Ike filled Gentry in on what to ask for in a campsite. We were on the road by 2pm. Getting off the mountain was nerve-racking; Gentry was about ready to take the camper back to them before we finally hit US276. Once we were on the four-lane it wasn't so bad. We started losing daylight fast and ended up stopping at a KOA campground in Murphy for the night. We got a pull-thru site close to the water and managed to get set up just as the sun went down. Gentry was tense from his first experience pulling a big trailer; he pulled out a folding chair and sat down. I went over behind him and started rubbing his neck and shoulders to release the tension. The boys started picking up some dead wood and building a fire in the little fire ring on the campsite. I told them to grab some more chairs; the guys had sold us the camper with whatever was on it, they already took the things they needed for their new motorhome. I dug in my bag and pulled out what was left of the bottle of liquor from the other night and made me and Gen a drink. We sat enjoying the fire.

"We'll have to go by Valley View when we get home and see how much a carport for that thing will cost us" Gentry said. I nodded. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Billy pouring the dregs of the bourbon in his cup to share with Shawn, I started to say something, but there was barely enough for a drink left in the bottle so I let it go.

The remainder of the journey home was pretty normal until we got home, and Gentry started trying to back the trailer in next to the house. After he tried it three or four times he put the truck in park, got out and went in the house. I got in the driver's seat and, using my skills learned from renting U-Haul trucks, pulled up and backed straight in the first try. I went out and started trying to get the trailer unhitched and heard Gentry coming up behind me to help.

"Fuckin' show-off!" he said as he showed me how to release the fifth wheel hitch -- I'll admit I wasn't really paying good attention when they were showing us that part.

"I'm wore slap out, babe. Could you drive the boys home?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm not far behind you. Be back in a few. COME ON GUYS!" I yelled at two making out on the porch.

I took them home in our new (to us) truck. Of course, Jeff had to come out and ooh and ahh over it and check out all the details. I stayed a while but I had to cut it short as my own exhaustion was kicking in. I said my goodbyes and headed to the house.

Back at the house, I dipped into the shower and then hit the bed. Gentry was already sawing logs and I soon joined him.

I'd been so tired last night I did something I usually don't do, I set an alarm on my phone to wake me up. Good thing I did. I don't know how long it had been going off before Gentry punched me on the arm and woke me up. I stumbled (literally) into the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee and went out on the porch. Summer had arrived in Alabama in full force while we had been gone. It was about a quarter to six in the morning and the temp was already in the 70s. I went back inside and kicked back in the recliner. Gentry must have really been tired; he was dead asleep again when I went up to get ready for work. Before I left, I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

When I got to work, I had a whole page of fires to put out left for me by my stand-in. Looked like today was going to be a hell day. I was calling problem #3 by the time Miss Edna came in.

"About time y'all decided to get back to the real world" she said in a friendly poke.

"Not because we wanted to, I assure you" I told her.

I took a few minutes to eat the breakfast plate she'd brought me.

"Miss Edna, I don't know if I say it often enough, but thank you for taking such dang good care of me" I said. I got up and walked around the counter to give her a hug.

"Well, you know you're welcome honey. What's come over you?" she asked.

"I just realized I have a lot to be thankful for and I wanted to let you know" I told her.

She looked happy as a pig in mud as she walked out to her car. I was glad to have made her morning better.

As I drove up to the house after work, I saw lights on inside the camper, so I got out and went in it to investigate.

"What you doin' back there?" I asked.

"Come here and I'll show you" Gentry said. He was wiping at the cushions trying to get something off of them. I had an idea what it might be and my suspicions were confirmed when he pointed at the table top. There was a big crusty line across it. It kind of looked like the glaze on a Krispy Kreme donut but in a straight line that seemed to come from a position at the edge of the table. I could picture one or the other of our young charges bent across the table while the other one pronged his ass until he came. I took a paper towel and the bottle of Fantastic and sprayed and wiped off the cum. Then got a fresh paper towel and went over the whole thing one more time.

"I finally got all of it off the cushions" Gentry said, "Damn! I wish us two had gotten off this much on this trip!"

"Well, you wanna break it in some more before we go inside?" I asked. He winked and led me up to the master bedroom at the front and we stripped. I bent myself over the bed after putting down the towel he handed me. He worked my ass for a good while before finally plugging it. I guess cleaning teenager cum fired him up because he railed the shit out of me. Toward the end he was standing on tip toes as he pounded my ass until I made a mess on the towel. I handed the towel back to him so he could wipe the cum off my back for me.

"We'll have to give them lessons on how to do this without making such a freakin' mess" Gentry said.

"That'll be fun, watching them turn all those shades of red" I said.

We walked into the house naked as the day we were born, carrying our clothes.

"I called about a carport for the camper. They said it would be somewhere around four grand, but we have to get the sizes to them to get an exact quote" he said.

"The cheap camper is getting more expensive" I said.

"I know. We could build one pole barn style, but we still be out the money for the materials, and it probably wouldn't last as long as the metal one" he told me. I sighed and resigned myself to one more bill. I went and rinsed the sweat off and climbed in the bed. It had been a long day and we still had to make two more before we would be off again. I tried to stay awake and wait for Gen to get through, but I ended up dozing off. When I woke up the house was pitch black, I glanced over at the clock, and it showed 3:33am. I went and relieved my aching bladder and padded my way back to bed.

Lambodara 7/2/23

Sorry for the long time between episodes. The 100 degree weather with 90% humidity is killing me.

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