Small Town Slave Boys

Published on Mar 11, 2023


Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 13

Small Town Slave Boys

I welcome feedback from readers, in fact I thrive on it. It's really the only payment authors on NIFTY receive for their efforts. If you enjoy the story, please take a moment to drop me an email and let me know. Comments from my readers drive my creativity.

This story is a reboot of the original Small Town Slave Boy story.

This story will be found in the gay/authoritarian subcategory. It's tangentially connected to the College Magic Series, but there are no supernatural elements.

Dylan Morgan is the son of a homophobic minister named Craig Morgan. He was one of four children in the Morgan household, not including their cousin Kieran who came to stay with the family when he lost his parents at the age of 12. This story tells of his life and how he became a slave to his best friend Kurt Groth.

The plural Boys refers to the fact that Dylan's uncle Cory is also slave to Kurt's father Roger.

This story is mostly told from Dylan's point of view, but occasionally the point of view shifts to another character. The text will always tell you when there has been a shift in POV.

There will be scenes of dominance and submission, as well as some bondage and domination, and a little light masochism, but this is not a story of objectification, and it's not a one-sided story. It's a love story with D/s and BDSM elements.

There will be some non-consensual scenes in later chapters, non-consensual in the sense that the main characters will choose to engage in some activities to avoid being outed too early, but the activities between the principal characters are consensual.

For those who appreciate this kind of story read on; others be forewarned.

This story is fantasy. In the real-world consent is not only important, but also sexy.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone.

You can contact me at

Author's Notes

●       If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email, and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members. NOTE THAT SOMETIMES GOOGLE WILL NOT ALLOW BULK EMAIL AND THAT SOMETIMES BULK EMAIL WILL END UP IN YOUR SPAM FOLDER OR TRASH.

●       I have created a google group for people who want to get more information about my stories in that format. Only I can view the member list, so data should be secure. If a reader sends a question my way, I will post the answer to that group after removing any information about the reader. It's a good way to get more background information if you want.

●       While this storyline is designed to stand alone, you may have a better idea about some of the background if you read My Roommate the Alchemist and Alchemy and Songcraft, since Kieran Morgan is a character in both story lines. This story stands alone, however. When these characters interact with the characters in College Magic, the entire scene pertaining to this story will be included here.

●       I hope my revision process has gotten better and there are fewer errors in this chapter. I am my own editor and sometimes I don't catch typos, missing word, and misattribution errors. I apologize if any are still slipping through.

●       My editor is Robbear ( He not only edited this story but provided a lot of insight and suggestions that made the story better.

Links to My Stories

College Magic Cycle

●       My Roommate the Alchemist

●       Wishcraft

●       Alchemy and Songcraft

●       Magery

●       Elf Master

●       The Pack

●       Tales of Severan

Other Stories

·        Small Town Slave Boys

·        Jack and the Giant

·        Sacred Submissives

·        Bellus Cinaedus

·        Guardian Angel

·        Eros in Arcadia

·        Nivean and the Dvergar

·        Desert Heat

·        Constituent Services

·        The Dancing Princes 

Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 13


It was Labor Day morning. Steven and I were still in bed, in a hotel that was miles away from home. This had been the most relaxing weekend ever! I didn't have to worry about anyone I knew seeing me acting so gay. Hell! I wasn't acting. I'd finally felt free to be myself. We'd gone to a party at the house of Steven's friend from college and they'd just accepted that we were a couple. No one said a thing about it except for a few who thought we were "cute" together. I found it odd that that was the one thing they all said, like it was rehearsed or expected in some way.

And we'd spent a day with me pretending to be his slave. I'd learned two things from that experience; that I really enjoyed it, and that I only enjoyed it because it was a game. There was no way that I wanted to live that way. I tucked that lesson away. I could allow myself to enjoy really kinky shit so long as it was a game. And it was okay to say, sure I'm down with that, so long as we're just playing around.

And then Steven had insisted that I play the top and fuck him. I still preferred the feeling of Steven filling me up with his big cock, but I wasn't afraid of topping anymore. I'd done it and Steven had told me that I'd done it well. I knew that I could give him what he wanted when he wanted it. And he'd made it clear that he understood that most of the time I wanted it the other way around.

I had to pee, so I tried to pull out of Steven's embrace without waking him. He tightened his arms and held me even tighter. I couldn't possibly get up without waking him. I chuckled quietly to myself. Steven always claimed that he wasn't a dom like his brother and his dad, but he was. He didn't seem to need the slave play, but he liked being in charge. It was a good thing I liked him being in charge.

I nudged him gently in the ribs. "Steve, wake up, I need to go to the bathroom."

He squeezed me tighter, making me squeal, "Let me go before I make a mess all over us both."

Steve gave me a kiss and then let me go. "We don't want that."

He smacked my butt as I jumped out of bed, then he got out and followed me. While I was peeing in the toilet, he laid out our toiletries. "Brush teeth first, then a good douching, brush hair, get dressed, breakfast downstairs in the lobby and then back up to the room."

I gave him a laugh and said, "You're bossy this morning."

He moved over behind me and wrapped one arm around my chest. He used the other to rub my belly while he kissed my neck. "You like it when I'm bossy. When we get back up here, I'm going to fuck you until you scream and then you're going to do me like a proper little versatile stud. After that, we need to check out and drive back home so there's time for you to finish that Spanish homework you told me you haven't done yet."

I leaned back against his chest and replied, "I do like it when you get all macho on me and just take charge."

We stood side by side and brushed our teeth and shaved. And then we douched our butts. It was a much more sensual process to have a lover help you than it was to do it on your own. I wanted Steven to throw me on the bed and take me as soon as we were done, but Steven said it was better to give it a little while so that the butt could naturally remoisturize a little before jumping in.

The hotel we were at had a breakfast bar that wasn't too bad. We ate our eggs, bacon and toast; and we held hands during breakfast, not caring who saw us. It was a bittersweet moment because we would soon be back home and we couldn't let anyone see us showing even this little bit of intimacy until I turned eighteen. Luckily it was only a few more weeks.


This weekend with Damian had been a very positive experience. I helped him try out some fantasies of his and I'd taught him to top. I didn't mind doing the topping most of the time, but there were times I needed to feel a cock up my ass. No matter how handsome Damian was, no matter how smart and funny he was, no matter how much I loved getting inside his firm round ass, it couldn't have worked out between us if he weren't willing to return the favor now and then.

As soon as we got back into the room, I pushed Damian to the bed and climbed on top of him. We'd both worn sweats and a tee-shirt to breakfast. It didn't take long to strip out of them so we could make out naked on the bed. I was tired of being careful not to leave the slightest mark on my boy. I wanted a more vigorous make-out session and I wanted to leave my mark on him, but I had to restrain myself. I had no idea why I felt compelled to mark him as mine, but I did. That was definitely something I'd have to ask Dad about.

And Damian was just as passionate. He didn't worry about marking me. He bit down on my neck and scraped his nails down my back, sending thrills of pleasure running along my spine. They weren't long, but Damian was a careful groomer. I had no idea that normal, well-trimmed nails could feel so good on my body. I moved my right hand down to gently stroke his bottom, causing him to squirm sexily beneath me. But when my index finger brushed against his hole, he pulled back.

"What's wrong, handsome?" I asked him.

He clenched his teeth and looked down guiltily. "I... um... could we maybe... do something else?"

He didn't wait for my response, he immediately added, "I love it when you fuck me, Steven. You're like a sex god and you know how to hit all my good spots, every time. But... you've fucked me a lot this weekend and I'm thinking about that almost three hour drive we have ahead of us."

Still no pause. He rambled on. "Oh, forget it. Do me hard and I'll just..."

I put three fingers to his lips to make him stop talking. "Shh. You'll get what you want. I don't want you to ever think that you can't tell me what you want. We're in this together and I just didn't think about it. I've made love to you four times this weekend alone."

"Made love?" Damian asked with a broad grin on his face.

"Well, I didn't want to say "fuck" so I went in the other direction. A bit too far maybe... taken?"

"Ohmygodno... anyway, you were saying...?"

He took my hand in his and kissed my fingertips. "I don't want you to think I don't love it because I do. I wish I could ride your cock all day, stud, but..." He moved his other hand down to my hard cock and stroked it. " have a bigger dick than me, bigger than any I've seen except for your brother Kurt."

"I'm only a little above average, sweetie. My dad's bigger than me, just not as big as Kurt."

Damian slapped me playfully. "Well I am not very likely to be seeing that one and yours is almost too much for me."

I kissed his shapely lips and then teased him. "Have you tried not being such a tight ass?"

"I don't think you'd be too happy if I weren't. You're always telling me how much you love my tight ass."

"Your tight sexy ass is what I said. Now I'm going to kiss it to make it better before we go back to third base."

I moved down and lifted his legs and pressed them back against his chest. "You are a little red and puffy back here, baby. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You would have noticed and taken care of me properly. You're just sweet that way."

He winked his pretty hole at me, making my cock twitch. I inhaled sharply. "You give me too much credit. I'd like to think I'd be that careful, but I don't always think straight when my dick is hard."

I was holding his thighs against his chest and he put his hands on mine. "I hope you're never thinking straight when you're looking at my asshole, stud."

I didn't respond. I just kissed his taint and then worked my way down to his sexy boy hole. I teased his puffy lips with my tongue and then rubbed it gently. He moaned deeply and said, "Oh God damn that feels so good. I want to tell you to forget it and just fuck me hard."

I kissed him some more and then grabbed my toiletry bag and pulled out a small jar of Balmex. "I'm going to put a cream on your hole to soothe it."

I spread it liberally on the ring of his hole and then closed the jar. "You'll take this with you when you go, but don't let your parents see it. They may not know why we're using it, but they may wonder why you have diaper rash ointment in your toiletries."

I moved next to Damian and wrapped my arms around him. We began kissing vigorously, our hands running along each other's body. "First base," I said. Then I tweaked his nipples. "And second base." Finally, I took hold of his erect cock. "And third base."

He took hold of my cock and started stroking me slowly. "You won't mind missing the home run?"

I applied firm pressure to his shaft while stroking him in return. "Third base with you is as good as a home run with anyone else."

He started laughing. "Do you mean I could have kept you happily tied down and still saved myself? I could have worn white on my wedding day?"

He stopped and swallowed hard. I knew what he was doing. He thought he'd gone too far. When we'd first started seeing one another, I was the one who froze every time he got too close emotionally. I kissed him again and said, "I always thought you'd look best in blue, maybe the same color as your eyes, with a pink shirt. You could have all your bottom boy attendants dress the same. And... just assuming it was me standing up there with you, I'd be in maroon and gold, and so would my groomsmen."

He got into the spirit. "I was imagining Kurt as your best man, and that would make Dylan my twink of honor."

"It's an interesting thought, but let's not get ahead of ourselves," I said, but then added, "And since you're wearing my class ring around your neck, I suppose it's okay to talk about it."

But I had to admit to myself that I didn't want to talk about it. The subject made me a little uncomfortable. And I didn't want Damian to see that discomfort because I knew it would upset him, making him think I wasn't actually that interested in him. But I was, I knew that for sure, I just had unfinished business with Kieran Morgan, and... why did the subject of marriage make me uncomfortable? Was it because Dad and Cory weren't married? Was it because I was still nineteen? That was young, but everyone always told me that I was an old man in a young man's body. I'd never been rambunctious and silly like Kurt and his friends could be. I'd never even been in trouble in school. If anyone was mature enough, at nineteen, to be thinking about these things, it was me. Did I love Damian? I liked him a lot. I enjoyed being with him even when we weren't having sex. And we had a lot in common. But love was a big emotion and, historically, I had stayed well away from those. I had a lot to figure out.

Both of us avoided talking after that. We kissed and fondled each other until our passion reached the point of no return. I was relieved that the moment hadn't been a mood killer. I came first, my seed shooting all over his hand and both our abdomens. One shot landed all the way up between my pecs. Damian wasn't far behind me. His spunk covered my hand, so I lifted it to my mouth and licked it off. He did the same with his, but his eyes seemed a little distant.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

He sighed. "Is it? I should ask you. I didn't ruin anything by mentioning a wedding, did I? It's just that you usually get so prickly when I get serious about our relationship."

"Not anymore," I said. "I'm all in on this relationship now. It's just that you gave me a lot to think about. And that's a process I am not good at sharing. But I am working on it. Your words gave me a shock, that's all. If you're proposing..."

He jumped up and shook his finger in my direction. "...hold it right there! I proposed nothing. If we ever decide to go further, you're going to do it right, with a ring and you'll get down on your knees."

I jumped up and put my hands on his shoulders. "Should I ask your father's permission first?"

Finally, I made him laugh. "Wait until I come out to him first. Although... that could be an interesting way to do it. You can ask him for my hand in marriage. He'll say, `but Damian's not gay', and you can break the news to him. He likes you a lot. I think he'd love to have you as a son-in-law!"

"If he didn't pull one of his shotguns just to hunt my black ass. I could easily see him running me off his property to protect your virtue."

Damian was still smiling broadly, and his eyes were twinkling. "Or maybe he'll pull out a shotgun and make you marry me once he knows you've stolen my virginity."

We kissed and laughed our way into the shower where we cleaned up for the long drive home.

Michael Wilder

I was at dad's house when they pulled up. Brian and I had come over to fix one of the gutters on the old place. Dad was too old, and he was as likely to climb up on a ladder and do it himself before he paid someone to do it. We were at the side of the house and I guess they didn't see us. When Damian was pulling his bags out the back of the SUV, Steven Groth let his hand rest a little longer than was usual on our baby brother's butt. And then he patted it once before taking the other bag.

Brian leaned down and smiled. "You owe me a twenty. I knew those boys were fucking."

I laughed softly. "Damian hates the auto races. Do you think Dad suspects?"

Brian shook his head. "I doubt it. Damian is the baby. Mom and Dad never think anything bad about him."

I sighed. "That's for sure. It will probably break their hearts."

"Don't be too sure," Brian said. "Dad knew some gays back when he was working construction. He never seemed to be prejudiced when he told me about them, and mom's aunt Violet lived with her "best friend" Ruth until she died."

"But he's their baby boy," I countered.

Brian gave me a look and asked, "Does it bother you?"

I shook my head. "He's my baby brother. I'll stand by him no matter what. And you?"

"Bro! I'm the one who bet you that those two were fucking. I've always thought Damian was a little gay. The real question is what about Ellie and Aaron? They're much more conservative than we are."

There were five of us. Ellie was the oldest at thirty-two. She was married and lived in Evansville with her police officer husband. Aaron was thirty and he was employed at the same construction outfit Dad used to work for. He was married to his high school sweetheart, and they lived across town. I was twenty-six, and I taught algebra at the local high school where Damian went. Brian was twenty-three and he worked as a mechanic at Groth automotive.

Mom was only fifty-two, but dad was sixty-eight. No matter what Brian thought, I worried about their reaction. They were dedicated church goers. But then again, everyone suspected Father Francis, the assistant priest, was gay. Maybe they'd handle it better than I feared.

"How do you think Steven's dad will take it? Isn't he some sort of council member at that church they go to?" I tried to avoid allowing my mother's sneer to creep into my voice when I referred to any church other than the holy apostolic catholic church we Wilders attended, but I wasn't successful.

Brian laughed aloud, attracting the attention of the boys before he caught himself. We waved at them and Brian said, "The worst kept secret at Groth Automotive is that Mr. Roger Groth is fucking his assistant, a very pretty little blond guy the same age as Aaron."


I was still embarrassed at being reprimanded by Mr. Groth yesterday. And I was incredibly horny. I hadn't been allowed to cum since the reprimand. And then Kurt had punished me - and that always made me horny. It was the big Labor Day weekend, and the dealership was busy. There was a band, a local radio personality and a contest for prospective customers to see if they won a gift. Everyone got a Groth Automotive keychain, but there were other prizes as well. And an elderly couple were delighted to have won a new car. That was the grand prize.

I was sure that Mr. Groth would lose money considering the huge giveaway, but I was wrong. People came from as far away as Evansville and Louisville, Kentucky. More than a thousand people came by and so many cars were sold that those of us in the office didn't get a break. I skipped lunch, which I knew was going to make Kurt angry, but there was too much paperwork to process. Most of the sales were used cars, which I couldn't believe at first. But Kurt stopped by and tipped me off in passing that a bigger chunk of the profits came from used cars than new, and that even more came from the service department.

I didn't know at the time that the manufacturer had provided most of the prizes, including the grand prize. It was part of a nationwide sale. The same sale was going on in both Evansville and Louisville but the taxes were lower outside the city.

When I finally got a chance to take a breather, it was 3:00 p.m. and I sat down on one of the stools behind the counter. Barb came up to me and shoved a plastic tumbler in my hands. "I don't know what it is you usually eat, but this is one of my diet shakes. It's only 190 calories, although I don't know why you're dieting. You're more than thin enough to my mind and I know you haven't eaten a bite. Now drink it up while I stand here and watch you."

I took a look at it and then chugged the whole thing. The smoothies Kurt made me drink had 400 calories, but this would probably tide me over. "Thank you, Barb. You take care of me like a mother."

She gave me a kiss on the forehead, followed by a caring frown. Then she heaved a sigh and said, "Well, somebody has to do it."

I wondered if she was referring to my Uncle Cory, but that didn't seem likely. She mothered Cory almost as much as she mothered me. I wondered just how much about my homelife she knew. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew a lot. There didn't seem to be much going on around here that she didn't know.

When I finished, Cory came by and said, "You should go take a break for half an hour. We've worked you too hard at your age without a rest. Mr. Groth says you can use the boss's office, but just until 3:30."

I was almost bouncing on my feet when I ran off. And sure enough, Kurt was waiting for me. "Lock the door," he said, "and take your clothes off. We don't have much time."

I flipped the lock and then quickly took off my clothes. Kurt threw a couple of extra large towels on the euro lounger before shucking his own clothes. I moved forward and knelt before him in proper slave position with my back straight, my knees spread, and my hands locked behind my neck.

Kurt smiled down on me and tapped my hard cocklet with his foot. His hard cock stood straight out from his groin despite its width and length. He was standing close enough that it was brushing my lips. "Can I please suck your cock, Master?"

"Suck it, Slave Boy. Show your master how much you love to worship his cock."

I leaned forward and put my lips around the head. He tasted of sweat and just a little funk from leaking in his underwear all day. It was salty, musty and a little tangy. It may not sound appetizing to most people, but there was almost nothing in the world I liked better than the taste of my master's dick, especially when it had been soaking his sweat all day. The thing about my master's cock was that it was almost too big. I could barely fit it in my mouth. I covered my teeth with my lips and sucked as hard as I could. I could barely wiggle my tongue under the shaft.

"Damn your mouth feels amazing, Dylan, but we don't have a lot of time." He pulled out a condom and tore the packaging. "Put it on me so we can do this."

I pulled the condom out and fumbled with it for a moment. I'd never done this before, but I'd seen Kurt do it. I pulled his foreskin back and then rolled the condom over his cock. I looked up at him and said, "It isn't big enough, Master."

He laughed and rubbed my head. "That's the biggest size they sell, about nine inches. It's long enough. I just won't be able to get that last inch inside."

He held out his hand and helped me to my feet. Then he surprised me by picking me up and dropping me gently on the euro lounger. He reached for the lube and began rubbing it onto my hole. "Thinking of you, and not being able to touch you like this, has been driving me crazy. I kept seeing you over there, behind the counter, every time I came in to get another set of keys. And it was all I could do not to come over here and grab your ass and drag you into this room."

His fingers were running around the outside of my hole, making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else. "Oh, fuck me, Master! I need you inside me."

I looked up into my master's face and again I was struck by just how lucky I was. In my mind, Kurt was the most handsome man alive. His black hair was shaved on the sides, but he'd started letting it grow out in bushy ringlets. His skin was almost exactly the shade of dark brown sugar, and he had the most masculine features I'd ever seen on a teenager. His lips were full. They looked soft, but I knew from experience that they were strong and firm. His nose was a little broad at the tip with a prominent bridge. His eyes were a deep, dark brown that seemed to draw me inside their depths. And his jawline was almost heroic, with a squared chin and firm lines that ran all the way up to his prominent cheekbones. He looked a little like a brown version of his dad in that respect.

I was staring at my master with such a look of adoration that it made his face split into a grin. His strong index finger pushed inside me and started lubing my hole on the inside. I was so glad that I'd gotten into the habit of giving myself a quick douche when I went to the bathroom. Kurt never complained, so whenever we didn't have time for a proper cleaning, he would use a condom purely for hygiene reasons., However, I was determined to be as ready as possible for him whenever he wanted me. I wondered what people thought about me taking my backpack to the bathroom every time I went.

Maser said, "You're a very pretty slave boy. When I see you lying here, with your pale skin, your blue eyes and that hair of yours, golden yellow with just a hint of red, it reminds me that I made the right decision claiming you. You're a natural submissive, Dylan, a boy who needs a man to take charge and make you his. And you belong to me. Every inch of your body is mine and that thought thrills me more than you could ever know."

I pushed back against his finger with my butt, like I was trying to get his whole hand inside my ass. A shiver ran through my body at that thought, and my cocklet jumped and oozed a thin stream of precum. Kurt saw it and his smile broadened even further. He slapped my thigh just hard enough for me to feel it sting. (He knew what I liked). "Pull your knees up and hold them, slave boy."

"Yes, Master!" I replied, hurrying to comply.

Kurt ran one finger of his left hand down my little erection while he worked a second finger of his right hand alongside his index finger. He thrust both of them deep inside me and began fucking me with them. He was careful not to stroke my prostate, not because of meanness, but because he didn't want me to cum yet.

"Do you know what I love about your penis, slave boy?" he asked.

"It's half the size of yours, Master."

"Not quite," he replied. It was true that he was either just under or just over ten inches depending how I measured it, what time of day I measured it, and how long it had been since he'd last cum. I'd been honestly surprised to find out how much variation there was in the size of the same penis. Weirdly, I'd never noticed the variation in my own dick. Maybe you don't notice it in your own, and maybe (probably) I was a lot more focused on Kurt's than on mine.

Kurt thumped his larger penis against my four inches. "My cock is two and half times as long as your little cocklet, and it's also about two and half times thicker and wider. In three dimensions that's two and half, cubed, which works out to about... fifteen and five eighths. Let's call it fifteen and half times as big as yours."

Kurt knew that talk like this turned me on, and I suspected that it turned him on just as much. I loved the idea that I was inferior to him in the dick department. And while his muscles and big cock were amazing, I had always been even more aroused by his mind. He was smarter than me. He said that wasn't true, but I knew that it was, and I loved the idea that this handsome, physically powerful and super smart guy had claimed me as his own.

"That's why you're the master and I'm the slave, Master!"

He shoved a third finger inside me, making me cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure from the sudden change. "That's right, Slave Boy. Don't ever forget it."

He pulled his fingers out and pushed the head of his enormous cock inside my ring. It was smaller than his three fingers had been at the knuckles, but it hurt like hell going in. Kurt's eyes shifted back and forth between my eyes and my hard little cocklet that was leaking copiously. Even when he acted cruel, I knew that he was constantly monitoring me to make sure that he wasn't pushing me too far. I wanted to cry out for him to do it harder, that I could take it, that I craved it, but I was afraid that doing so would count as asking him for sex. Part of his dominance over me was that I had to wait and accept what he gave me.

Honestly, I was afraid of pushing him so far that we went beyond what he was comfortable with. Sometimes I wondered if I was alright in the head. Kurt was my ideal lover. I'd been in love with him from the first time he'd sat next to me and helped me out in school, before I even understood what I was feeling for him. He went out of his way to satisfy my need to be dominated and punished, but in my mind, I kept imagining more. I kept picturing him striking me with a cane, or with a whip. I imagined him shoving his entire cock down my throat so that I couldn't even breathe, and I imagined him chaining me down to a bench and branding my ass with his name so that everyone who saw it would know that I belonged to him.

"Do you want it harder, slave boy?"

"Yes! Please fuck me hard, Master!" I begged.

Kurt grinned and slammed his king-sized cock inside me. I arched my back and moaned. The moan turned into a gasp as his cock forced itself past my rectum and into my colon, making me feel like I'd been impaled on a mighty pole of firm flesh. I couldn't think clearly enough to form words. Rambling nonsense poured out of my mouth as my attention narrowed to that one part of my body. It was like my entire existence was focused just on my ass and my master's amazing cock that was not only filling me completely, but connecting the two of us into one, like my body was just an appendage of his.

My skin was hot and tingling. Even the hairs on my head were standing up. Each thrust of his body sent another powerful wave of overwhelming pleasure through me. The size of his cock brought pain as well, but my body accepted that sensation and wove it into the pleasure I was feeling, using it to amplify the ecstasy. I knew I was crying and I knew Kurt was saying something, but I couldn't understand words. My brain was operating on a more primal level. And on that level we connected mentally as well as physically. Almost one being instead of two individuals. This was better than I imagined any drug could be!

Every thrust of his mighty cock pressed firmly against my prostate, sending another stream of... precum, cum, whatever, shooting out of me. I was sure that I felt every swell and pulse in his cock. My normal senses didn't return until Kurt collapsed on top of me, his body pressed against mine, forcing my thighs to splay wide apart to accommodate his heroic build. As he continued his thrusts, I could feel his seed pumping deep inside me, spurt after powerful spurt. His arms moved under my back so that his hands could grip my shoulders from behind and he kissed me with those firm yet pillowy lips. His tongue thrust inside my mouth and he buried his cock deep, deep inside me and held it there.

We lay there for just a minute or so until Kurt rolled us over so that I was on top of him. It was a lot easier for me to breathe that way. He brushed my sweaty hair out of my eyes and kissed my forehead.

"I thought I'd lost you there for a few minutes. It was like you were completely zoned out," he said.

I nodded. "You did, Master. I think you fucked me into some new different level of consciousness, like those videos on yoga and meditation Steven keeps adding to my Google Drive. Meditation never got me there, but I think you may have pushed me into a higher state of being with your magic cock."

I could feel his heart beating in his chest. Mine was beating even faster. I still felt like we were connected. His cock was still lodged in my ass and it was slowly deflating. But, it was more than that. It was as if we were breathing in unison, like my heart rate was slowing to match his own.

"Did you say magic cock?" Kurt asked.

"Mm-hm. I mean, Yes Master. I did."

He chuckled. "I think I like `magic cock' better than `mutant monster cock'. You're better with words than Steven."

"If he'd ever been fucked by your magic cock, he'd know what I was talking about, Master."

Kurt ran one hand absentmindedly up and down my back, while the other played with my hair. "I know your dad won't approve, but let's see if you can avoid getting a haircut. I like the way it looks on you and I think I'd like it even more if it grew longer. It would make you look less manly but a lot prettier."

"Would you like it if I were more girly, Master?"

He shook his head. "Not girly, just more... gay. I think when we're both out, I want you to let your inner fag out more."

I nodded. "Yes Master, like Damian does when there's no one else around."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Haven't you ever noticed, Master? When we're at school, Damian acts like a total jock, not too different from the way you and Greg act, maybe a little gayer, but not so much that anyone who didn't know would see it. But when he's over at your house, around just us, his voice changes and his mannerisms change. No one could fail to see that he was gay. I'm like that all the time. It's why I'm usually quiet and don't say anything. But if you want me to, I'll stop hiding. I'll just be me and let everyone see me for the total fag I am."

He shook his head and said, "No. I mean yes, I do want that once you're out, but no, I don't think I like that word even in play. Let's just say that I want everyone to see you for the total gay boy you are. I don't want to hear you use that f-word again, and I'll try not to as well."

I kissed his broad, muscular chest. "Isn't it supposed to be about reclaiming the word, so it has no power, Master?"

"Yeah, it is, but I still don't like it. I don't use the n-word that way either, even though some of my favorite musicians do. When I hear that one, I want to punch someone in the face and I think I feel the same way about the f-word."

"People say the n-word all the time at school when they think no teachers can hear them. You've never punched anyone in the face, Master."

"No. I haven't, but I've thought about it."


From the look on Brian's face, I knew he had to have seen something. I shouldn't have been so obvious in patting Damian's butt right there on the street. I hoped I hadn't inadvertently outed him in front of his brothers. I didn't mention it to Damian. I just grabbed one of his bags and helped him inside the house.

Mrs. Wilder had come to the living room when she heard the door. She was tall for a woman, but had always seemed small to me. I didn't really know Ellie or Aaron, the two oldest siblings, but Damian was the runt of the guys at just under six feet tall. Mr. Wilder was six foot two, as was Michael – also Mr. Wilder, as I had known him as my freshman math teacher. Brian worked in the service department at Groth Automotive and I knew that he was less than an inch shorter than me.

Mrs. Wilder was wearing a comfortable looking blue dress and a white apron. She'd always reminded me of an old-time housewife from the television. She was a little plump and always seemed to have a spot or two of flour on her somewhere from the constant baking. I could smell cinnamon and I knew that she must have been making cookies.

She pulled Damian down just a couple of inches so she could give him a kiss. "Welcome back, son. I hope you had a nice trip."

Then she waved me over and pulled me down so she could kiss my cheek as well. "And you, too, Bean Sprout. I hope Damian didn't give you any trouble. Can you stay for dinner?" She'd called me that from the first time she'd heard her husband call me "shorty".

I looked at Damian and he gave me a smile and a nod, so I agreed. "Sure thing, Mrs. Wilder. My dad and brother will be busy at the dealership until later, selling cars past closing time, so long as there are any customers left."

"Glad to hear it," she replied with a smile. "Now take the bags upstairs and come on down to the kitchen so you can have snickerdoodles and... you're not too big for a glass of milk are you?"

I shook my head and told her milk would be just fine. Then I helped Damian up to his room. "My mom is really..."

"If you say anything bad about that woman, I am going to give you that spanking your dad told me to give you."

He laughed. "Not bad. Nothing bad about my mom, just that she still treats me like a kid and I wasn't sure how you liked her babying you, since you lost your own mother when you were younger."

"You know? I don't really remember my mother that well. I was just seven when she died, so I kind of like it."

I helped Damian unpack his suitcases and we made sure that there were no bottles of lube that Mrs. Wilder could accidentally stumble on. Then we went back down to the kitchen where she'd put out plates with cookies and tall glasses of milk. Damian's plate had two cookies and mine had three.

"You're a big boy, Bean Sprout," she said.

Damian rolled his eyes when his mother was looking away and stole the extra cookie off my plate and shoved it in his mouth. I gave him a stern look that was undermined by a smile. Mrs. Wilder's cookies were always good, but none of us Groth men were much into sweets and Damian had a sweet tooth that wouldn't be satisfied. I looked around and didn't see anyone watching, so I risked a brief touch of my hand on his.

We finished our cookies and milk and then Damian put the dishes in the dishwasher while his mother was checking on a brisket she had in the electric roaster. We thanked her and then headed for the living room. We were just about to put something on the television when Michael and Brian came in. We were sitting close on the sofa, but not suspiciously so.

"If you two aren't too tired from a weekend at the races, we need you to come help us with the cleanup," Brian announced.

"Sure thing," I replied, getting up quickly.

Outside, Michael had Damian help him grab the tub full of gunk from the gutter and carry it back to the compost bin. Brian and I grabbed the old gutters and carried them out to his truck. We wrestled them into the bed and then Brian grabbed my arm. He looked me in the eye, and he demanded, "What are your intentions toward my baby brother?"

"What...?" I stammered. "I don't know what you mean..."

He gave a throaty laugh and said, "Sure you do. Spill it."

My heart was hammering. I wasn't much taller than him and he was much broader through the shoulders. He was built more like my brother Kurt, but my height. Anyway, I didn't want to fight him. He was my boyfriend's brother. I had no idea what to say.

Brian gave me a smile that wasn't exactly friendly but wasn't overtly hostile. "I know what you're doing with him. I just want to know what your intentions are."

"Well... um... we're kind of seeing each other right now," I managed to get out.

Brian gave a heavy sigh. "If you were just `seeing' each other, you wouldn't have needed a weekend away in another town. The two of you are fucking."

I nodded slowly, a cold chill running up my spine. A sense of fear was spreading across my body. We lived in Indiana. I was an adult at nineteen and Damian was still legally a child for another six weeks.

"Yeah. We are."

"And your intentions?"

"I really like him. I... I gave him my class ring. He has it on right now. When he goes to college, we're thinking about the same school, IUPUI. We were checking out the campus while we were at Indianapolis."

He snorted. "So, you're serious about him?"

I nodded. "Yes."

He clapped my shoulder firmly. "Good then. It'll remain our secret for now. If I were to find out you were just using him for a thrill, or if you were to hurt him, we'd be having a different conversation. You know that don't you?"

"I would never hurt him. I just didn't imagine that you'd be okay with... you know."

Brian gave a more friendly laugh. "I think I've always known that Damian was gay, but he's my baby brother. I don't want just anyone putting their hands on him."

"Do I pass muster then?" I asked.

He nodded. "You're older than him, but not by so much as it seems. He's a senior and you graduated last year. He turns eighteen in six weeks; you turned nineteen three months ago. As far as I can tell, you're a nice guy and you seem to really care about him."

"I do. I care about him greatly and I think he may be the one for me. I wish I could say it for certain, but I believe it may be true."

Brian nodded. "I get it. You're still young and so is he. It shows a lot of responsibility that you're willing to be open to these feelings but that you're not so caught up in the moment that you're jumping into it blindly."

I wished I could leave it there, but there was something I had to know. "How do you think your parents will take it? And Michael?"

"Let's not tell Mom and Dad just yet. Let me work with Damian on the issue. It would be better if they knew he was gay before knowing that the two of you have been having sex. As for Michael, he already knows. And I bet that he's giving Damian the third degree right now."


There was something off about Michael while we were carrying the tub full of gutter gunk. He was more Mr. Wilder, my old algebra teacher, than the older brother who'd given me my first swimming lesson. We dumped the gunk in the compost bin and hosed out the tub. We'd just put everything back in the shed when Michael put his hand on my shoulder.

"Is Steven Groth making you do anything you don't want to do?"

I froze. My blood ran cold in my veins. My first thought was about Steven. Was I careless? Was he going to be arrested? The phrase `statutory rape' kept running around my mind? I started hyperventilating, but I got control of myself. There was no use trying to lie. I wouldn't be able to deceive him.

"NO! God, no, Michael. I chased him. My god, I almost jumped him in the locker room. He's... please don't say anything to anyone. He's... he's the one for me. I love him and I want to be with him forever. I loved him when he was still mooning over Kieran Morgan last year. I even loved him when I was a freshman, and he was a sophomore who had no time for kids."

Michael wrapped me in arms and hugged me tight. "It sounds like you're sure, but... are you two having sex?"

I nodded. "We are, but we love each other."

"I believe you love him, but are you sure that he loves you? First love can always feel like the biggest and most intense love possible. It can feel more important than anything else in the world. What you're experiencing is first love, new love. It's okay for you to enjoy it, but I want you to know that you can come to me for advice. I can help you through the emotional turmoil and help you take a step back to look at the facts when you need to."

"Yes. Okay. I mean, thank you. Really. But he is the best, the sweetest... he does everything he can to make me happy."

"Okay, okay. Calm down," he said. "I'm not going to get in your way and I'm not going to cause trouble so long as he's good to you. But, are you taking precautions? Are you having safe sex?"

I looked up into his eyes and said, "No, but I can't get pregnant and we're monogamous. We're safe."

Michael led me back to the house with one arm around my shoulder. I was able to breathe comfortably again. I was out to one of my brothers and it felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It was just the first step, but it felt like a milestone.

We enjoyed one of Mom's delicious briskets with homemade noodles and green beans from the garden. She'd also made homemade bread and apple pie. My mom was a great cook and it was a delicious dinner. Stephanie and Leanne, Michael and Brian's wives, came over to join us. Everyone was warm with Steven so it was kind of like a family with mom and dad, three of their kids and their spouses. I didn't think that anyone but Michael suspected that we were the fourth couple on this quadruple date. Steven and I were seated next to each other and every so often he would press his leg against mine, not obviously enough that anyone would notice, but it felt nice.

After dinner, Michael and Brian led Steven and me down to the basement to play pool. Dad joined us for a little while, but then went up to watch a baseball game on television. When we were alone, Michael and Brian both turned to look at Steven.

It was Michael who spoke first. "Brian and I have had a chance to talk. And we want to let you know that we have no intention of getting between you and Damian, but you're no longer a kid. You're an adult. If you don't treat him right, we're honor bound to beat the crap out of you."

Brian chimed in, "It's not that we think you're up to no good, but we're laying it all out on the line for you. Damian is the baby of the family. He may be our brother, but we're letting you know that it's no different than if he were our little sister. Treat him right."

Then Michael grabbed three cans of Sun King Outfield lager from the refrigerator and opened them. He handed one to Brian and one to Steven. He smiled in my direction. "No beer for you, baby brother. We're having a drink to seal the deal with your boyfriend."

I didn't remind them that Steven was underage too. They were driving home a point about my own legal status. Steven took the beer. I knew that he occasionally had a beer at home with his dad, but he didn't normally drink outside the home. I didn't much like that my brothers were pushing him outside his comfort zone.

They all took a drink. Then Steven wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held the can of beer to my lips. I was at a decision point. My brothers had made a point of me being too young to have a beer, but Steven wanted me to take a drink. I made the only choice I could. I took a drink, but Steven pulled the can away before I could drink too much.

He looked at my brothers and raised the can. "You keep saying that Damian is a kid, but I don't see a kid when I look at him. I see a young man who's ready to sample life's pleasures, and I want you to know that I'm here to make sure that he doesn't overindulge or go too far. You want me to take care of him? I will."

He took a big sip and then handed the can back to me. Now I was on the spot. I took little dainty sips to show that I could be an obedient boy. We finished the beer that way, sharing it, a big swig for him followed by a dainty sip for me.

Brian broke out laughing and punched Michael on the arm. "This guy is too cool for you to break, Mike."

"Cool as cucumber," Michael replied. Then he leaned across the pool table and shook Steven's hand. "I'm going to trust you, guy – until you show me I can't."

"I won't let you down, but I want you to know that I am in charge. I'm making the decisions for both of us. It's been working so far. Until I got a little too playful, no one had even suspected anything was up."

Brian looked in my direction. "And you're okay with that?"

I nodded excitedly. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Steven is more careful about what I do than I am. He's really mature for his age." I took hold of his arm and held it tight. "And he never makes any decision without taking my own wants and needs into consideration. The fact is that I trust him more than I trust myself."


We didn't close the dealership until 9:00 p.m. That's when the last customer had left. Mr. Groth had purchased several three foot sub sandwiches for the staff as most of us hadn't had a chance to eat much during the day. Cory saw me picking at mine, so he came over and made me eat it. And then he pulled the meat and cheese off another piece and made me eat that as well.

When Kurt drove me home, I was exhausted but happy. I'd worked thirteen hours and Kurt had given me the best orgasm of my life so far. We pulled over in a shady area of a parking lot not too far away from my street and Kurt kissed me.

"I can't do that in front of your house. I just wish that we had time for some good night sex, but you are already past the curfew your mom gave you."

I leaned my head on his shoulder and said, "I know, Master. I texted that I would be late because the dealership didn't close on time, but she won't be happy if I'm later than I have to be."

"December 18th," Kurt said.

"My birthday, Master?"

"Yes. On your birthday at 12:00 a.m. I am coming over to get you. You'll have already moved as much of your stuff into your new home as we can get away with, but then I'll come get you, kiss you in the goddamned living room, throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of that place. You'll move in with us, and everything will be fine from then on."

"I can't wait, Master," I replied with enthusiasm. The dark part of my soul kept telling me that something would go wrong. Something always went wrong, just like it had when I'd almost made friends with Kieran, just like when it looked like mom was starting to care and she got cold and distant the next day.

We pulled up in front of the house. Only the living room light was visible from the street. Mom and Dad's bedroom and Mom's sewing room were both dark. I grabbed my bag and headed up the walk. The door was still unlocked. I'd barely gotten inside the house when Tommy came down the stairs with a grin on his face.

"Welcome home, faggot. Mom and Dad are both asleep. Dad's in the bedroom, zonked out on sleeping pills, and Mom's in her `sewing room', drunk as a skunk! So, no one's going to hear you if I have to slap you around a little. But I'm not going to have to do that, am I, because you're going to be a good little fag and do what I tell you to do, aren't you."

I sighed. "I'm really tired. I worked thirteen hours today without much of a break."

Tommy slapped me in the face. Then he slapped me again. "Don't even start with me, fag. Get your clothes off and get on your knees. I haven't had a blowjob since you went over to the Groth's and I'm not jacking off anymore."

My cheek was stinging, and tears were coming to my eyes. Tommy was two years younger than me, but he was also bigger than me. Dad wouldn't save me. He hated me. Mom probably would, but I doubted she would believe me unless she came down here and saw it for herself. And she was drunk, again.

I'd left my work clothes in Mr. Groth's office, and I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. It was easy to get them off, but I'd forgotten that I was wearing a pair of fancy underwear that left my butt exposed in the back. I'd planned to take them off and hide them in my bag until tomorrow. Then I could drop them off at the office with my work clothes so that Uncle Cory could wash them.

"What the fuck are you wearing, fag?" Tommy said. "Your ass is hanging out."

"They're just underwear. I bought them online because... well I thought they were sexy."

"Did you order them from some fag website? Dude, you look ready to get fucked."

I nodded. "It was a fag website. I bought them there because I'm a fag. Are you happy?"

He smacked my ass hard. "That's for getting lippy." Then he counted on his fingers and smacked me three more times. "And that's for the three times you forgot to call me `sir'. Now bend over and show me your fag pussy."

I bent over and my brother ran his fingers along my crack. "What the hell, fag. Your ass is slippery. Has someone been fucking you?"

"No, sir. It was just... you, being a fag and playing with my butt." I couldn't think of anything else to say that wouldn't incriminate Kurt.

He pushed a finger inside me, and I jumped. I was still just a little sore from the rough fucking Kurt had given me earlier. He wiggled it around a little and then added a second finger.

"Do you know what I think, fag?"

"No, sir." I was sure that I didn't want to know what he was thinking.

He thrust his fingers in and out rapidly. "I think you wore these assless shorts and greased up your asshole because you wanted me to fuck you. Is that it? Do you want me to fuck you, fag?"

I started crying. "No, sir. I don't. Please don't do this to me."

"Oh, shut the fuck up. It was always going to come to this. Fags get fucked. You're a fag and I'm a guy who needs to fuck. I just didn't expect you to come home tonight ready for it. Now get up to your room and get on your knees on your bed. I want to be comfortable when I do it for the first time... I mean when I do you for the first time."

He was blushing. I would have been moved by his eagerness to lose his virginity, even if it was at my expense. But his embarrassment hardened his anger. He grabbed my hair and pulled me toward the stairs. "Don't make a sound. If Mom and Dad wake up, I'll tell them that you came up to me dressed like this and begged me to fuck you."

He shoved me ahead of him all the way to my room then pushed me onto the bed. He stripped off his clothes and climbed up behind me. I made a point of not looking at him. I didn't want to see him. If my master had ordered me to have sex with him, of course I would. I'd be glad to do it, not because I wanted to, but because I wanted to do whatever my master told me to do. But Kurt had no idea that Tommy was abusing me behind his back, and he never could. He'd overreact and get into trouble.

Tommy rubbed his cock in my crack until the tip was pressing against my hole. He pushed hard and his dick popped inside me. I was still slippery, but not from the afternoon's hot fuck with my Master. About an hour before we closed down the dealership, I'd slipped into the bathroom and prepared just in case Kurt and I had the chance to do it again. If I'd known that I was getting myself prepared to be raped by my younger brother, I would have thrown away the lube and the anal douche.

"Oh my God!" Tommy hissed through clenched teeth. "This feels better than I hoped it would."

I wanted to say something nice, but Tommy grabbed the back of my head and said, "Don't turn around."

His voice sounded whiny, like he was about to cry. Once he was sure that I wasn't going to look at him, he grabbed my hips and pushed his whole cock inside me in one thrust. His flabby thighs pressed against my ass and he slapped both hands on my cheeks and said. "Jesus Fucking Christ! Your ass feels so damned good on cock. It's better than your mouth, bro. I am so going to get me some of this every fucking day!"

"Shh!" I hissed. "Quiet, Tommy. You're going to wake Mom and Dad up!"

"You know, Dylan. Right now, my dick feels so good that I don't care. They could come in here and start screaming and I'd just say hold on minute, fuckheads. I need a couple of minutes to cum before I can deal with your shit."

"Okay, okay, okay. Calm down and I'll show you something."

He got really quiet and whispered, "Show me."

I whispered back to him, "Do it real slow."

When he pulled out, I clamped my ass as tight as I could. He moaned, "Oh my God, Dylan, that's amazing."

When he pushed back inside, I relaxed to the best of my ability. Tommy leaned over my back and started kissing my spine. "I had no idea you were such a good fuck. You may be a fag, but you're my fag brother and I plan to use your sweet ass as often as I can."

I couldn't believe that I was working so hard to make my brother feel good when he was forcing himself on me, but I didn't want him to make too much noise. And maybe it was perverse, but this was obviously his first time and I wanted it to be good for him.

There was no denying the fact that Tommy had no clue what he was doing. Even the fact that I was clamping my asshole wasn't going to bring me to orgasm. But Tommy could barely contain himself. It only took a few minutes before he cried, "I'm cumming now. Oh. My. God. Fuuuuuuuck!"

He collapsed on top of me, knocking me down and pressing me into the mattress. He bucked his hips like he was trying to sink farther inside me. When he stopped moving, he lay atop me for several minutes until his breathing returned to normal. Then he climbed off of me. I sat up while he was getting dressed.

He seemed embarrassed as he turned to leave. But then he stopped and pulled me to my feet. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close. He put one hand behind my neck and pulled me close. He locked his lips with mine and pushed his tongue inside my mouth, taking me completely by surprise.

"I know you think I hate you, Dylan, but I don't. You're a fag, but you're also my brother. That makes you my fag. I love you and I'm going to have sex with you whenever I can, but I will still beat you if you disrespect me or fail to obey. You know I can do it."

He kissed me again and then left me alone. I lay on my bed and tried to go to sleep. But I couldn't get this situation out of my mind. My own younger brother had just confessed that he loved me. And he'd laid claim to me. I wasn't attracted to him in that way, but I was happy that he didn't hate me. And what would he say – or even worse, what would he do – when he found out that I was in love with Kurt? I had no idea what kind of perverse incestuous relationship Tommy had in mind. I wasn't attracted to him physically, for a lot of reasons beyond the fact that he was too young and he was my brother. But his age and the whole incest thing made it impossible to even think about. I couldn't do it. I had to find some way out that didn't involve Kurt beating the shit out of him until he backed off.

And the simple truth was that I was going to be with Kurt. End of story.


●       Bethany Morgan. The mother of the Morgan kids and the wife of the pastor. She's a passive-aggressive woman and a homophobe. She's 44 at the start of the story.

●       Cory Lundgren. Bethany's youngest brother. He's short, blond, and blue-eyed, like Dylan. He stands 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He's fourteen years younger than his sister. He was thrown out of the house for being gay when he was 18. He's 30 years old at the beginning of the story. Corwin Alan Lundgren. He works as Mr. Groth's assistant, but he's secretly his slave.

●       Craig Morgan. The pastor. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 160 pounds. He's thin and mean, with a sour expression. Although secretly gay, he married Bethany Lundgren to cover it up. He and his younger brother Kenneth Morgan (Kieran's father) never got along. He took Kieran in when his parents died. He's 45 at the start of the story.

●       Damian Wilder. High school senior who is 17 at the beginning of the story. He's 6 foot tall, handsome, with a dark tan, green eyes with tiny flecks of gold, a snub nose, and a broad mouth. He's Steven's occasional lover who would like to be more. He's on the swim and diving teams.

●       Donald Morgan. The oldest Morgan son. He's 5 foot 11 inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. He's heavy-set but strong. He has dark red hair and a lot of freckles. But they look good on him. He's mean-spirited and domineering, and he made his brother Dylan's life hard.

●       Dylan Morgan. The main character who is the middle son in the Growth household. At 17, he was 5 foot 5 inches tall and weighed 130 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He's submissive and has dreamed of being his best friend's slave since middle school.

●       Elizabeth Jepps. She's the only Morgan daughter. She's much like her mother. She's seven years older than Dylan. She got married at 18 to get out of the house. They rarely see her except at church. She's married to Jerry Jepps.

●       Edgar Williams. The sound and video technician at Pastor Morgan's church. He's 35 years old with brown hair. He has an average build.

●       Fred Nelson. A twenty-eight-year-old salesman at Groth automotive who seems very interested in Dylan (and Aaron).

●       Greg Miller. A blond athlete, a senior in high school. He's one of Kurt's closest friends. He plays on the football team with Kurt. He's tall, thick bodied with muscle, and strong. Dylan has always felt that Greg didn't like him and was trying to undermine his friendship with Kurt.

●       Jerry Jepps. He's the husband of Elizabeth Morgan-Jepps. He's six years older than his wife and thirteen years older than Dylan. He works as a manager at the Farm and Feed store.

●       Kurt Groth. He's the youngest Groth boy, only a few months younger than Dylan. His mother was black, so his skin is much darker than his father. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 175 pounds. He muscular but less bulky than his father. He has medium brown skin and black hair with tight curls. He wears it medium length on top with a low fade. He is bisexual, but he's in love with his best friend Dylan. He wants to dominate him totally and own him as a slave.

●       Roger Groth. Owner of Groth Automobiles, Groth Farm Equipment, and several properties around town. He's forty years old and has two sons, Steven, and Kurt. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 200 pounds of solid muscle. He has light brown hair and fair skin. His wife died 15 years ago, and he's been Cory's master for the last 12.

●       Steven Groth. The oldest of the two Groth boys. He stands 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. He has light brown skin and wavy black hair that he wears very short. He was a swimmer in high school and keeps his body shaved even after graduation. He has light amber eyes. He was in love with Kieran Morgan all through high school and he regrets not pressing Kieran to come out of the closet when they were in school together. He's a year older than Dylan and Kurt.

●       Thomas Morgan. The youngest Morgan son. He's two years younger than Dylan but he's about the same size. He has bright red hair, pale skin and a lot of freckles. He joins in with his oldest brother teasing and tormenting Kieran and Dylan.

Next: Chapter 14

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