Small Town Slave Boys

Published on Apr 5, 2023


Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 14

Small Town Slave Boys

I welcome feedback from readers, in fact I thrive on it. It's really the only payment authors on NIFTY receive for their efforts. If you enjoy the story, please take a moment to drop me an email and let me know. Comments from my readers drive my creativity.

This story is a reboot of the original Small Town Slave Boy story.

This story will be found in the gay/authoritarian subcategory. It's tangentially connected to the College Magic Series, but there are no supernatural elements.

Dylan Morgan is the son of a homophobic minister named Craig Morgan. He was one of four children in the Morgan household, not including their cousin Kieran who came to stay with the family when he lost his parents at the age of 12. This story tells of his life and how he became a slave to his best friend Kurt Groth.

The plural Boys refers to the fact that Dylan's uncle Cory is also slave to Kurt's father Roger.

This story is mostly told from Dylan's point of view, but occasionally the point of view shifts to another character. The text will always tell you when there has been a shift in POV.

There will be scenes of dominance and submission, as well as some bondage and domination, and a little light masochism, but this is not a story of objectification, and it's not a one-sided story. It's a love story with D/s and BDSM elements.

There will be some non-consensual scenes in later chapters, non-consensual in the sense that the main characters will choose to engage in some activities to avoid being outed too early, but the activities between the principal characters are consensual.

For those who appreciate this kind of story read on; others be forewarned.

This story is fantasy. In the real-world consent is not only important, but also sexy.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone.

You can contact me at

Author's Notes

●       If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email, and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members.

●       I have created a google group for people who want to get more information about my stories in that format. Only I can view the member list, so data should be secure. If a reader sends a question my way, I will post the answer to that group after removing any information about the reader. It's a good way to get more background information if you want.

●       While this storyline is designed to stand alone, you may have a better idea about some of the background if you read My Roommate the Alchemist and Alchemy and Songcraft, since Kieran Morgan is a character in both story lines. This story stands alone, however. When these characters interact with the characters in College Magic, the entire scene pertaining to this story will be included here.

●       My editor is Robbear ( He not only edited this story but provided a lot of insight and suggestions that made the story better.

Links to My Stories

College Magic Cycle

●       My Roommate the Alchemist (Concluded)

●       Wishcraft (Concluded)

●       Alchemy and Songcraft

●       Magery

●       Elf Master

●       The Pack

●       Tales of Severan

Other Stories

·        Small Town Slave Boys

·        Jack and the Giant

·        Sacred Submissives

·        Bellus Cinaedus

·        Guardian Angel

·        Eros in Arcadia

·        Nivean and the Dvergar

·        Desert Heat

·        Constituent Services

·        The Dancing Princes 

Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 14


Tuesday morning, I woke with a start. Tommy's hand was covering my mouth and he was pinching the head of my penis. I tried to pull away from him, but despite the fact I was two years older than him, he was heavier and stronger than me. He pinched my penis harder and said, "Stop struggling or I will hurt you this morning."

When I stopped resisting him, Tommy let go of my penis and took his hand off my mouth. He ran one finger across my lips. "Tell me how happy you are to see me this morning."

I sighed. "Tommy..." He glared and I corrected myself. "...Sir, I don't want to do this with you. You're my brother."

Tommy grabbed my balls and squeezed them hard enough to make me gasp. "That's right. I am your brother and that means you owe me. You're a faggot and that means that someone is going to be fucking you, and that someone may as well be your goddamned brother. Besides, your hard cock tells me that you were dreaming of me. Now, tell me the truth."

He didn't want the truth. He wanted me to lie. Since I didn't want to feel any more pain, I lied to him. "You're right, Sir. I am happy to see you."

He scooted into the twin bed next to me and said, "Good. Now suck my cock."

I moved down to... blow my younger brother, and he scooted over so he was in the middle of the bed. Tommy wasn't a very good-looking guy. He had all the traits of our older brother Donny, but where they were handsome on my older brother, on Tommy they were less appealing. Donny had dark red hair, almost brown, that hung in soft curls down to his collar. Tommy's curls were tighter and more orange in hue. Donny had a lot of freckles, but they were only a few shades darker than his skin and they made him look masculine, like Prince Harry. But Tommy's skin was almost as light as mine, and his freckles were dark, looking like the spots of a cheetah. Donny was tall and his stocky frame was covered in muscle. Tommy was solid and he had a lot of muscle, but it was under a layer of flab that could no longer be called baby fat at his age.

I used to think his cock was big, and I suppose at six inches it was a good size for a fifteen-year-old, but after seeing Kurt's cock I tended to think anything less than eight inches was small. It was almost two inches thick, which made it look like a little fire hydrant. I swallowed the whole thing easily, and I was able to rub my tongue around the shaft because Kurt's was a little more than two inches wide.

His dick tasted of his cum and my ass. I guessed he hadn't washed it since he'd fucked me last night. I couldn't really say that I hated the taste. If it were Kurt's cock, tasting of his cum and my ass, I'd be loving it. But it wasn't Kurt's dick. It was my brother's.

Tommy ran his hands through my hair and moaned, "Oh fuck, that feels so good, Dylan. I used to hate that you were a fag, but now I'm glad you are. There's nothing like having a live-in cocksucker."

Maybe he thought he was turning me on, but he wasn't. I thought about biting his dick and making him scream, but I knew that Mom and Dad would just blame me. It would be my fault for tempting him, just like it was Uncle Cory's fault for tempting my dad. Of course, it couldn't be Dad's fault for basically molesting his younger step-brother. The fag was always to blame. That's how it worked in families like mine.

Tommy was young and he had a hair trigger. Soon he was beginning to tremble a little. That's when he pulled my mouth off his dick and said, "Stop! I want to cum inside your ass."

"You can't..." I started to explain, but Tommy was fast for his weight. He grabbed me by the hair and jerked me to the side of the bed between him and the wall. Then he jumped on top of me and started choking me.

His face was red, and his fingers were digging into my neck. "Don't tell me what I can't do! I'm trying to be nice to you, faggot, and you keep pissing me off."

I broke down and started crying. That had never made Tommy back down before, but it did this time. He let go of my neck and he said, "I'm sorry I had to hurt you, but you need to stop disrespecting me. I have to punish you when you get out of line so you learn to be a good little faggot and then I won't have to hit you. Now, why are you crying?"

"My ass isn't clean." I hastily added, "Sir" to avoid another beating.

Tommy laughed. "Is that all? That's easily fixed; you can clean it."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Sir, but there's no time.

He sighed. "Okay. I'll let you suck my cock some more while I'm thinking. Get back down there and start sucking."

He scooted back to recline against my pillows, and I moved back down between his legs and took his cock in my hands. His legs were really hairy, and he had an unruly orange bush around his dick. Like me, he had no foreskin to play with, so I just swallowed his cock again.

Tommy spread his legs and sighed. "This is the life. Morning blowjobs, blowjobs before bed and fucking your skinny butt in between. And I have a solution to your problem. You need to get up however early it takes, clean your ass out really good and be waiting for me by 6:00."

He called it my problem, like I was the one who wanted to get fucked by him. He snapped his finger then slapped my head in what he thought was a playful manner. "Better idea! You get cleaned up and come naked into my room and wake me up with a blowjob. When I wake up, I'll fuck your ass for you and then you can get ready for school."

He was already starting to groan softly, so I knew he was close. I employed every trick I knew to make him cum as fast as possible. Soon enough he was grabbing my hair and trying to choke me with his dick. Like that was going to happen. Maybe I couldn't take all of Kurt's dick in my mouth yet, but I could take the first six inches easily enough. But I decided to humor Tommy and to stroke his ego, so I forced myself to gag a little.

It worked. He had a big smile plastered across his face. "Yeah! Choke all you want. You'll learn to take my big dick with practice - and you are going to get a lot of practice!"

And then he flooded my mouth with his load. He was so loud I was afraid Mom and Dad would wake up and come rushing in. "God fucking dammit, that feels good. Suck it you little faggot! Suck all the spunk right down your faggot throat!"

I swallowed it all while Tommy held my head tight to his groin. When he finally let go, I tried to get up, but he pulled me back up next to him. He kissed my forehead and said, "I told you last night that you belonged to me, Dylan. I'm going to take care of you. Next time Dad comes at you, I'm going to tell him to fuck off. And if he gives me any lip, I'm going to put him on his ass like Donny did."

He was waiting expectantly for something, so I hurriedly answered, "Thank you, Sir."

Tommy kissed me again. Unlike last night, he avoided my mouth this time. I guessed that he wasn't familiar with the taste of cum. He'd have to get used to it eventually. Wait! Why was I even thinking that? This thing between us was going to end as soon as I could find a way to do it.

Then he ran one calloused hand over my smooth butt and patted it. "Go get dressed now, and don't forget our new schedule."

As I was getting up, he gave me a smile he must have thought was friendly – or maybe sexy. "After all, I don't want to have to beat you."

I cleared out of there in a hurry. Was this my life now? Was I my fifteen old brother's unwilling boyfriend on the downlow? How was I going to keep this a secret from my real boyfriend, my master, Kurt? Should I? If I didn't, what would Kurt do? And how could I possibly get out of it? Once I turned eighteen and moved out the house, sure, it would be no problem. But until then... What was I going to do?


Last night had been intense. I'd always hoped, heck I'd always believed, that my brothers, Michael and Brian, would accept me. They'd always said they loved me and had never been afraid to show it. But I'd always held doubts. It's not that they ever said or did anything to make me think that they would be angry, but that nagging doubt had always been there. I suppose it was like this for all gay kids.

But I'd decided to stop hiding. I had no intention of coming out, not for a few weeks, but I didn't want everyone to be blindsided by my great revelation. Normally, I wore somewhat sedate clothes to school, but today I pulled on a button down shirt of silvery gray over a light blue muscle shirt. I tucked it into a pair of light blue distressed jeans.

I'd been playing with my bracelet for a long time, picking it up and running my fingers across the polished wooden beads. I put it back down, then I picked it up, swallowed hard and put it on my wrist. The heck with it! I thought. Why not? In for a penny, in for a pound. I normally avoided wearing anything I thought made me look too gay to school. I took out a complimentary necklace of braided multi-colored strands of leather and put it around my neck. It too had polished wooden beads between the strands. It was almost short enough to be a choker, but not quite. Now I looked like the gay boy I was.

As a final thought, I attached a small cross to it. Being gay didn't mean I had to give up who I was. My priest had told me many times that Jesus loved me. If that was true, and I felt deep in my heart that it was, then he must love the gay me, because that was the only me that was real.

The last piece was the silver chain with Steven's class ring. I made sure the ring was safely hidden beneath the muscle shirt. I'd promised Steven I wouldn't let anyone see it until I was eighteen. It was lying next to my heart, where I could feel it all day.


School was good. It's not like anyone had ever harassed me there. For one thing, I was a jock. I mean, we weren't considered tough guys, like the football team, the basketball, and the wrestling team, but we swimmers were still athletes. And of course, my brother was also a teacher at the school. That helped.

But there was a downside to having a brother on campus. "Damian, could I see you in my classroom for a minute?"

I said goodbye to my friends and said, "Sure, Mr. Wilder."

Michael closed the door and looked me over from head to toe. "What is this, Damian?"

"What? My clothes?"

He put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a hug. "You know that I love you, and that I am on your side, but... don't you think you're being a bit obvious? This isn't Indianapolis or Evansville. This is rural Indiana."

"I know that, but..."

Michael interrupted me. " ...but I don't want to see my baby brother harassed by a bunch of homophobes." He adjusted my collar and patted my cheek. "And you are way too pretty to get this face messed up."

I laughed and pulled back away from him. "I don't plan on staying in the closet. I plan on coming out on my 18th birthday, and the school is going to have to accept it."

He shook his head. "I don't know if you're being brave or being foolish."

I was suddenly second guessing myself. "Are you saying you want me to stay in the closet?"

He shook his head and sighed. "No. I want you to do what you feel is right for you, but I want you to be careful because I worry about you. And I want you to be careful not to put Steven in danger. He's an adult. You're not. If anyone finds out... or even suspects that the two of you are having sex, he could be in really big trouble."

I didn't want anything to happen to Steven. I nodded and said, "Okay. I can put myself back into a box, if you think it's necessary."

He put a hand on my shoulder and asked, "Don't you?"

I sighed, "Yeah, I think so."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow. Tell Mom and Dad that I said `hi'."

Then I went to swim practice. I took my jewelry off and put it in my bag. And after practice, I didn't put it back on. I drove back home to get ready for a date with Steven. We were going out to dinner. We'd gone out before, but everything seemed different after Indianapolis. Before it was just a thing we did as friends. Now it felt like a real date!

I put on my sexiest underwear, a pair that the website had laughably called a "fashion jock". It had thin little straps and a tiny pink pouch that barely covered me when soft and provided no support whatsoever. The only thing keeping it from being a thong were the two straps running under my cheeks instead of a single strand running between them. Then I put on the most basic pair of Levi's in the most boring shade of indigo blue ever seen. I finished this most pedestrian of looks with a plain red polo shirt. At least I was gay underneath the clothes.

I drove over to Steven's house to meet up with him. No matter how much he pretended he wanted us to have an equal relationship, he dominated me as effectively as Kurt dominated Dylan, just in a different way. There was no way he would let me drive when we went out, and there was no way he'd let me pay for dinner. He'd even been unhappy with my dad giving him money for our Indianapolis trip. I'd found the same amount of money in my wallet, which Steven must have slipped in there when I wasn't looking. I wasn't complaining. I wouldn't have it any other way. I would have gladly paid my way, don't get me wrong, but I liked him being truly himself when we were together. Which meant him being the man.

Steven had picked the restaurant. Liddy's was the closest thing we had to fine dining in our small town. It was a small restaurant owned by Liddy Johnson, a woman about my mother's age. I knew her because her son Randy was a year behind me in school and he was on the swim team with me. He worked part time at the restaurant and his sister Donna worked there full time. This date was the riskiest thing Steven and I had done so far. It wasn't that having dinner together was illegal, but we risked people knowing we were more than friends.

We were sitting at a booth in the back corner, and Steven kept touching my hand when no one was looking. A chill went through me at every touch, and I felt like my skin was on fire. I imagined him leaning across the table and kissing me, but I knew he couldn't. And the kissing led to touching, which led to me crawling under the table and sucking his dick right there in the restaurant. If only such options were realistic...

Steven pulled back his hand just before Donna arrived with our food. She was pretty enough. I could see why someone would be interested in her if they were into girls. But she pissed me off the way she'd been making eyes at my boyfriend since we came in and the way she kept leaning over so he could see down her shirt.

"Let's see. Damian is having the brats and you're having chicken," she said, sliding the plates in front of us. She wasn't wrong. No matter how much she flirted with Steven, I was the one who was going to have the sausage tonight and Steven was going to have chicken. I was forcing it, but there was definitely a metaphor there! Not that I was really "chicken" as far as Steve was concerned. He was only two years older than me. Half his age plus seven was sixteen and a half. I was older than that, so it wasn't creepy that we were dating - it was just illegal that we were having sex.

"Thank you, Donna," Steven said politely.

He didn't even roll his eyes when she asked, "Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No thank you. We're fine." He even smiled at her, which made her smile back a little too obviously.

I may have been too hard on her. As far as she knew, Steven was unattached. How could she know that we were seeing each other and that she was actually hitting on my boyfriend while we were on a date. I tried not to be too obvious while she chatted with Steven over nothing, but my knee was going up and down quickly and I was gritting my teeth.

Steven was too polite to just cut her mid-sentence, but as soon as there was a break in the conversation, he said, "It was nice catching up with you Donna. Maybe I'll see you around sometime."

I breathed a deep sigh when she left, and Steven smirked at me. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

"Yes. I am. She can come over and flirt with you. She can practically flash her breasts at you. But I can't sit next to you and... kiss you."

Steven glanced around the room and didn't see anyone looking in our direction. Then he took my hand and lifted it to his lips and kissed it. "She's not a bad person, but she's had a crush on me since middle school. And you're the one I'm here with tonight, not her."

That made me feel better. I hadn't realized how jealous I'd been. Perhaps threatened was more realistic. She was someone society would approve of Steve dating. Some would be upset because he was black and she was white, but none of them would be as upset as they would at the thought of me and Steve. I'd just needed to hear him say the words, to reassure me that it was me he wanted.

I touched my fingers to my lips; the tips were still tingling from where his mouth had caressed them. I didn't even give her the stink eye when she kept dropping by for a quick chat while we were eating. But I did kick off my left shoe and slide my foot up Steven's leg. Of course, my boyfriend was imperturbable. He didn't let it show on his face. Instead, he reached under the table and pulled my foot over and pressed it against his bulge.

When she left, he whispered, "That's for you, not her."

My own cock sprang to life at his words. The fact that his fingers were stroking the bare skin of my ankle excited me even more. I leaned back and ran my tongue over my lips. It was an involuntary reaction on my part, like the racing of my heart and the blushing of my skin. In as low a tone as I could muster, I said, "If you don't let go of my foot, I think I'm going to..." I mouthed the word "cum".

He stroked it a few more times and then slid his hand up the leg of my jeans to rub my smooth calf. I had always shaved for swimming, but then Steven had commented that my dick and balls would look better if I shaved my pubic hair, my ass too. When my guy had told me outright that he liked my smooth skin, I did it without question. Since then, I'd been keeping everything below my eyebrows smooth, even when I wasn't training.

Finally, he let go and leaned forward to say, "What I really want to do is to kiss you or pull you under the table so you can suck my cock."

I chuckled and replied, "Great minds think alike. That's what I was thinking earlier."

I made as if I was going to slide under the table, but Steven grabbed my arm and said, "No! It's too risky."

I sat up straight in the booth and gave him a wink. "Gotcha!"

He kicked my leg playfully and then we finished eating. Neither of us wanted anything off the dessert menu. We were full from the massive portions served here, and besides we both knew we would be finding something else to satisfy us once we got to Steve's house.

I was in such a good mood that I didn't even roll my eyes when Donna brought Steven his copy of the receipt and wrote her number on it. He'd made it clear to me that he was mine, just as much as I was his. And he showed it as much as he could without raising too much suspicion. He touched my back gently as we were exiting the restaurant, and when he opened my door for me to get into the car, he let his hand brush against my butt.


Kurt and I were bad. Steven was out to dinner with Damian and Mr. Groth had taken my uncle back to his apartment so they could "take care of some things". We were supposed to be studying, but Kurt smacked my butt and said, "I think they want to have noisy sex and they don't want us to hear."

I shook my head. "How much noisier could it get, Master?"

Kurt took hold of my shirt and pulled it off my torso. Then he pinched one nipple between his fingers hard enough to make me gasp. "Have you seen some of the toys my dad has hidden in his office?"

I shook my head. "I don't snoop in his stuff. That would be wrong of me, Master."

He unbuttoned the waistband of my jeans and then worked his way down my fly, opening each button in turn. "I don't snoop either, but one time when I was in there working, I noticed the cabinet was open and I couldn't help myself. My dad and your uncle are into some seriously kinky stuff."

He yanked my pants down so I could step out of them and then he held up a small whip, only a few inches long with multiple strands of leather on it. I raised both eyebrows and asked, "Did you take that from his collection, Master?"

He lashed my hard dicklet through my underwear. It was covered in cloth, so it didn't really hurt. Then he gave me a wicked smile. "I don't borrow my dad's stuff. I saw one like this in his cabinet and I ordered one for you."

"For me, Master?"

"Oh yes. For you. I am going to whip your penis with this toy. Would you like that?"

I held my breath and nodded slightly. "Yes, Master. Will it hurt?"

He squeezed my cocklet through my jock. "It's going to hurt." Then he got serious. "Dylan, I know that you're into this kind of thing, and I really enjoy punishing you, but... you need to let me know if it becomes too much."

"My body is yours, Master. You can punish me as hard as you want."

He sighed. "I know that, Dylan, but I don't want to hurt you. I mean, I do want to hurt you, but only in ways you enjoy it. I don't want to really hurt you."

I lowered my jock slowly, letting my hard little erection bounce. I looked him in the eye and said, "I trust you, Master."

He shook his head and said, "Dylan, I know you trust me, but I want to know that I can trust you as well. Sometimes you scare me with how eager you are. I'm not my father. I don't know where all the lines are and when I'm crossing them. If I do something that crosses a line, I need you to tell me. Promise me that you will say `I'm not into this' if it gets to be too much."

He dropped to his knees and took hold of my thighs. "If that's what you want, Master, I will do it, but I want you to do whatever you want with me. That's what being a slave means."


I couldn't seem to get through to him. I loved the whole slavery thing. Having this sexy boy at my command made me feel powerful. It was the greatest rush I could imagine. But I'd be equally happy just ordering him around and having him serve me. I didn't want to hurt him for real. I just wanted to give him what he wanted. I'd read about safe words, so I thought I'd give him a phrase he could say. Unfortunately, he was not happy with the idea.

I sighed. "Okay. New plan. You tell me when you're not into it, then I will decide whether to stop or not. If I want to go on, I will. If I decide to stop, I will."

That seemed to make him happy. He said, "Thank you, Master. That's the way it should be. I belong to you, and I have no say over what you do with me."

I didn't let it show on my face, but he was disturbing me. I had to talk to Steve. No, I had to talk to Dad. I'd always been more comfortable talking to Steve about things, mainly because he could give me advice, but couldn't order me to do anything. This, however, was an issue for Dad. What was I to do with a boyfriend who refused to put any limits on what I could do to him? I wondered if he'd ever gone through this sort of thing with his slave.

I steeled my resolve and lashed his hip with the penis whip. "Get down on your back. I'm going to beat your cock until you... until I decide you've had enough." I'd almost said "until you beg me to stop" but I couldn't be sure that he would ever ask me to stop. Dylan was a stubborn little guy. I was going to have to watch my words around him.


When I saw that little whip, my heart leapt into my throat and a tingle of excitement ran through me. I'd included a folder with all kinds of images of BDSM devices on my hidden Google Drive, the one I shared with Kurt and Steven. I'd been hoping he would take a look. I didn't know whether he had seen the whip in my folder or in his dad's cabinet, but it didn't matter. He'd picked one up.

With Tommy I was terrified he was going to hurt me. It's what he'd always done, and he'd learned it from Donny. But with Kurt, it was different. With Kurt I wanted this, I wanted to feel his hand, his whip, his... I wanted him to hurt me because I trusted him. I knew that he'd never truly injure me because he enjoyed hurting me. He would only do it to make me happy.

I lay down on the carpet, my muscles trembling in anticipation. Master ran the whip up each of my thighs and then dragged it gently across my throbbing dicklet. I let out a little whimpering moan. Then Master dragged the strands of the whip across my scrotum, making it tighten. He turned my face so that he could look directly into my eyes. Then he drew back the little whip and lashed it against my erection.

I cried out, "Uuungh! That's one Master!"

The pain was sharp, and it hadn't felt like my master had held anything back. It shot through my penis and swept straight to my head. I knew there was something weird about me. It had hurt like hell, but it had also triggered a sense of intense pleasure in my brain. Maybe it was because I knew that I deserved it?

Kurt lashed me again, and again I cried out. "Two, Master!"

And again. "Three, Master!"

He struck me twice more on the short shaft and then he moved to my balls.


It didn't matter how hard I hit him. Dylan just moaned and writhed beneath the lash. It wasn't like this little whip was going to cause real damage, but it amazed me to see his cute little cocklet throb and leak when I hit it with the small switch. He never missed a count either, not even when I moved to his balls and started lashing them. He was trembling when I stopped after ten strokes to his shaft and ten strokes to his nuts. I grabbed the lube and pumped a small amount into my hand so I could get him ready.

Dylan always douched before leaving work, so I knew he was clean. His ass had tightened even more than usual from the light CBT I'd given him. I rubbed around the outside of his pretty hole, making him moan and whimper. Sometimes I wondered who was really the slave in this relationship. For a master, I spent a lot of time worrying about giving him pleasure. Not that I minded. Dylan was so devoted to me that it was frightening sometimes. It had taken me longer to realize it than either Dad or Steve.

I pushed the tip of my index finger inside his hot bottom. He wiggled his butt and pushed back against me. I added more lube and pushed farther inside him. "Do you like that, Slaveboy?" I teased.

"Yes, Master, yes!"

"What do you want?"

"I need my master's cock inside me, Master."

Damn that was hot. He didn't say he wanted me inside him. He said he needed it. And if the look on his face was to be believed, he wasn't lying about that. He absolutely looked like a guy in need. He was breathing hard. His pupils were dilated. His pale skin was warm and flushed pink.

"Do you think you deserve my cock, Slaveboy?" I asked with a fake scowl.

Dylan shook his head. "No, Master. I know that I don't deserve it. I beg you to take mercy on me and give it to me anyway."

I slapped his ass hard enough to leave a handprint. "Put your legs up, Slaveboy!"

He pulled his legs back to his chest, exposing his pretty hole to me. It was quivering when I touched it and he'd relaxed enough for me to stick three fingers inside him. I had to use a lot of lube. His ass was small, and my dick was, in the words of my brother, a giant mutant monster cock.

Every girl who'd seen it had freaked out. No girl had ever been able to take it in their mouth and only Alicia had let me fuck her. And that was a miserable experience. She'd complained about the width, and I don't think I came close to getting more than halfway inside. The guys on the team had been impressed, but I'd begun to wonder whether anyone would ever want it inside them, until Dylan. He'd seen it before and he didn't hesitate to try and take the whole thing the first time we'd been together that way. I couldn't express how disappointed I'd been that he couldn't. But, unlike anyone else I'd been with before him, he had kept on practicing until he could. He was special that way. He didn't even call it a mutant monster. He called it a "giant masculine magical cock.

I put the head against his hole and pressed in.

Dylan moaned, "Uuuuuuungh! Thank you, Master!"

It always amazed me to see that tiny hole expand to take my cock. It was about ten inches long and about as wide as a coke can. I pushed it inside him inch by inch. When I hit that inner sphincter, I moved my hips around so that the head of my cock was teasing it. It took a minute or so, but Dylan's ass was well trained by now. Once I'd let it know that I meant business, he opened fully for me and let me slide the last three inches inside.

Now I could fuck him for real. I pulled nine inches out and then thrust them back in slowly. Dylan was making incoherent little "ungh, ungh, ungh" noises, broken occasionally by high pitched cries. He arched his back and pushed against me with his butt, trying to get as much of my cock inside him as he could. His little cocklet was still red from the whipping it had taken and it was hard and shiny with precum. His eyes were closed, and he was trying to control his breathing. His anus was stretched smooth around the shaft of my cock.

Dylan's toes were curling, and his hands were digging into the carpet. Seeing my boy enjoying himself so much was the most arousing thing I could imagine. No one seemed to enjoy sex as much as Dylan. I leaned over to kiss his lips while I fucked him and I said, "You were built to take my dick, Slaveboy."

I knew it would excite him. He loved to hear things like that. But what he said in return, disturbed me to my core. "It's all I'm good for, Master."

I couldn't deal with that right then, not when I was so close to orgasm and so was he. If I didn't want to ruin the moment, I had to force it out of my mind and concentrate on how his warm ass was gripping my cock, like a mouth trying to rip it out by the root. For a boy with very little muscle development, or should I say young man, while he is my boy, he really isn't that immature, his ass muscles were incredibly strong. And I had no idea if other guys had control over those muscles the way Dylan did. I knew that I couldn't feel any muscles moving inside my own rectum other than the anus itself. I'd tried it with my finger once, out of curiosity, and there was nothing. I was trying to hold my orgasm back until Dylan came because it felt amazing when his ass started clenching on my cock like there was no tomorrow. My breathing was ragged, and I was dripping sweat. A droplet fell on his cheek, and I licked it up.

I knew what would speed his orgasm. I grabbed his wrists, held them to the floor above his head and shifted so that my body flattened his little cock and balls with every thrust. I growled in his ear. "Cum for your master, you little fuck hole. Spill your load all over your belly. Do it. Cum now."

I kept encouraging him while I fucked him. Finally, he let go with a loud, "I'M CUMMING MASTER!"

And then I could let go. His ass was working its magic on my cock. And, frankly, it was a huge ego boost to be able to make my little guy cum just by fucking his ass and talking him over the edge. I made a final thrust as deep inside him as I could and my cock exploded, spraying the inside of his colon with my seed.


I fell on top of him and lay there until I could breathe normally, then I rolled over on my back. Dylan jumped up and swallowed my cock. He could only take two thirds of it in his throat, but he was able to lick the rest of it clean.

I patted his shoulder and said, "Let me up. I need to piss."

He looked me in the eye and swallowed just the head of my cock and started sucking. I'd introduced him to this activity back when we'd first decided to become master and slave. It had been hot, but it was also pretty extreme, so I'd backed off on it. But apparently Dylan wanted it. I let loose and he swallowed greedily.

When he was done, I asked, "Do you like that?"

He shook his head. "No, Master, but I like doing it for you, even though I don't like it."

I started to tell him that he was a sick and twisted guy, but I stopped myself. If that's what he thought about himself, I didn't want to feed those thoughts. I patted him on the head again and said, "Go brush your teeth because I want to kiss you."

While he was brushing his teeth, I gathered up our clothes so we could change. My mind couldn't get past Dylan's need to debase and demean himself. I had no idea what to do about that. It was yet another thing I was going to have to discuss with Dad. I didn't really feel comfortable talking about my sex life with him, even though he had always been calm and non-judgemental, but I was going to have to bite the bullet and do it. My boyfriend needed help, help that I couldn't give him on my own.

When he finished, I had Dylan make us some simple turkey and cheese sandwiches, and I watched him while he ate his. It looked like he'd lost weight, and he didn't have any extra pounds to spare. He worried me. He was happy when he was here. I knew he was. So the stress and unhappiness had to have come from "home".

After he cleaned up, I picked him up and carried him into the living room. Then I held him on my lap on the sofa for a while and we made out until Steven got home.


After dinner, I took Damian to my house. We would have an hour and fifteen minutes before he'd have to go home. Kurt and Dylan were naked on the couch kissing, so we just said hello and then ran upstairs to my room. As soon as we were inside, I grabbed him and crushed him in my arms. I kissed him roughly and pulled his polo shirt up because I loved to strip him naked. It was like opening a present. I could see my class ring hanging on a chain around his neck and it reminded me that Damian was a lot more romantic than me. It had been a casual gesture on my part, but it meant so much to him. I had to be more aware of that. If he wanted more romance, I had to give it to him.

I pulled him down onto the bed next to me and gently stroked his naked torso, while I kissed him gently on his soft lips. He was a swimmer, like me, so we had similar builds. He presented as having a slimmer build than me, but that was an illusion. Proportionally, we were probably both the same, but I was half a foot taller than him which meant that I was a couple of inches broader than him in the chest.

I bent down to lick one of his nipples. He giggled, so I moved to the other and did it again. His laugh made me hornier than hell. He was so sexy lying there, his light skin contrasted with my own, like... like a creamy... like when you add cream to... or no, like chocolate with... you know when the darker thing and the lighter thing... oh, fuck it! We looked good. No, we looked better than good. We looked fucking fantastic lying there next to one another.

And his slender body was covered with smooth muscles. Like me, he shaved his body. I ran a finger down his chest, between his pecs, then down his abdomen to his navel. I brushed them against his bulge. Of course, that was the place where we really were different. Sure, I was bigger than him, eight inches to his almost six, but where I was sporting a full "head" of pubic hair, Damian was totally smooth. Over the summer, I'd casually asked him if he'd ever thought about shaving his pubes and ass, and of course he'd run off and done it.

He saw me staring at him and asked, "What?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are you staring at?"

I ran my hand back up his torso and then along his pretty lips. I replied, "You. You are one of the most beautiful guys I've ever laid eyes on."

He blushed. He, Dylan, and Kieran all had that in common. They had that kind of skin that turned an alluring pink when they were embarrassed. Not all white boys had it, but I guess I liked the ones who did.

He said, "Stop it. You're the sexy one."

I pushed him onto his back and undid his belt. "I just had dinner and you look good enough to eat."

I licked his navel. He was super-sensitive there and he started laughing and rolling around on the bed. "Stop before you make me pee all over the place."

I stopped licking him and pulled his jeans open, revealing a tiny pink pouch underneath. His cock was straining to break free, the cloth patterned with splotches of dried and fresh precum. I ran a finger over its length, making it jump.

"Not with this erection you won't," I teased.

"Oh God, Steve. When you touch me like that, I feel like I'm going to shoot immediately."

I bent down and kissed his erection. "And what about that?"

He moaned and bit his lip, in that sexy way he had. "Steve, don't freak out."

He took a deep breath and let it out. I knew what he was going to say, so I joined him. At the same time, almost in unison, we said, "I love you."

He wrapped his arms around my neck and crushed my lips with his. Not too long ago, I would have frozen before getting the words out and Damian would have panicked that I would become "distant and prickly". That instinct was still there, lurking below the surface waiting to spring out on me when I least expected it - or wanted it. But it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders over the last weekend, allowing me to feel comfortable in leaving myself emotionally vulnerable like this.

I welcomed his initiative. I squeezed him tight and thrust my tongue inside his mouth. Then I moved my hands down and grabbed the waistband of his jeans and tugged them down over his round ass. I loved Damian in this underwear; his butt was exposed, allowing me to run a finger along his crack.

Damian moaned and pushed his butt back against my hand. I whispered in his ear. "I know what you want."

Damian buried his face in my neck, "I want you to rip my pants off and fuck me hard."

I pushed him back onto the bed, grabbed his jeans, and ripped them off, exposing his long lean legs. I started kissing his left leg, beginning at the ankle, and working my way up to his knee. Then I did the same thing to his right leg. Damian grabbed my arm and said, "Fuck me now, Steve. If you put your lips on my cock, I am going to cum as soon as they touch it and I want to feel you inside me tonight."

I kissed the inside of his thigh. "How about I suck your dick, and then fuck you?

"Hold on," he said, grabbing his phone.

I didn't know whether to laugh or be angry. Here we were, talking about whether I was going to suck him off before I fuck him, and he decided to make a phone call.

He made a call and then said, "Hi, Dad. Um... it's getting late. Can I stay over at the Groth's house and go to school from here?"

That explained it. I'd never gotten in trouble as a child, but compared to Damian, I was a bad boy. He was the perfectly attentive, rule-abiding son. I half expected him to ask his dad whether I should suck first then fuck or do it the other way around.

I didn't hear what Mr. Wilder said, but Damian said, "Yeah, I know, but Kurt and I want to put the finishing touches on that government paper, and it may take us a while."

And now he was lying to the old man, and he was doing it for me. It was so hot that this guy was willing to go all out for me. I was turning the altar boy into a bit of a rebel. I nuzzled his neck and whispered, "You're a naughty boy lying to your father that way. I may have to spank your butt before I pound you into oblivion."

He bit back a laugh and said, "Thanks, Dad. I'll see you tomorrow."

He ended the call and threw his hands around my neck. "I am all yours."

"All night?" I asked.

He grabbed my dick through my pants and grinned. "All night, all month, all year... however long you want me."

I grabbed his pretty little pink jock. The silky pouch of his jock was soaked through, so I pulled it off and held it to my mouth and sucked his sweet precum right out of the cloth. His cock was red and throbbing. and his hairless penis was also covered in his delicious juices. I bent down and licked his cock, tasting his semen straight from the source.

I licked my lips and said, "Yummy. Oh, and I'm going to hold you to that offer."

"What offer?"

I kissed his lips gently. "You gave yourself to me and I plan on keeping you."

"For how long?" he whispered.

"All night." I kissed him again. "All month." And again. "All year. For however long you want me to keep you."

"Promises, promises, promises," he said. "And speaking of promises, didn't you promise to suck my dick?"

"Yes, sir! It will be my pleasure, sir!" I replied. Then I slid down to take his cock in my mouth.

Damian groaned and ran his hands along my head. It was cute how he was imitating me. I loved wrapping my fingers in his hair while he sucked my dick. I loved his wavy locks, but I kept my hair cut to only a few millimeters. Kurt and I shared the traits of our Caucasian father and Black mother in different ways. My skin was more like caramel, and my eyes were so light that they looked almost golden, while Kurts was darker, more than coffee with cream, almost chocolate milk. But his hair had looser curls that naturally twisted into dreads if he let it grow out whereas mine was so tightly curled that it looked like a solar eclipse behind my head if I let it grow out. And afros went out in the seventies.

Meanwhile, Damian, who had honey brown hair with gold highlights, kept four inches or so on the top of his head with a tight fade on the sides. He was darker than Dylan, who always looked like he'd burn if the sun so much as touched his skin, but still fair skinned, unless he'd been working on a summer tan. I always wanted to lick him all over whenever I saw him naked.

Damian's cock was a healthy six inches. If you read a lot of porn, you may think that was small, but it wasn't. It was on the larger end of average. It was also about as big as I felt comfortable taking in my throat or my ass. He was a better man than me to be able to take all eight of mine.

"Oh f... frack! Your mouth feels so... God... blessing good!" He was breathing hard.

I glanced up while rubbing my tongue along the sensitive head of his dick and I caught sight of my class ring on its chain around his neck. His usual cross was missing, though. That was unusual. Damian was a good boy. That's why he tried so hard not to use curse words. I had to push him to his limit before he lost control and would use vulgar language. He had gone through a period where he tried out nasty words during sex, although I didn't think he really liked it. I always counted myself successful when I got him to yell out "fuck" when we were... you know, fucking. It was kind of strange how Pastor Morgan's kids all had pretty foul mouths, but sweet little Damian was too much of an altar boy most of the time.

His body tensed and I could feel his cock swelling with cum. I slid my hand slowly down his crack and rubbed his tight rosebud. Damian inhaled sharply as I worked my index finger inside him and found his hard prostate. I rubbed it only three times before he shot his warm, delicious cream inside my mouth.

"FU... FA... FANTASTIC!" he yelled. "Suck me harder Steve! I'm... GOD DAMN THAT'S SO FUCKING GOOD!"

I continued to play with his ass while he finished cumming. Given the fact that he'd lubed his sweet hole before we went out and wore his "come fuck me" undies, I knew what the boy wanted. I left my finger in his butt when I moved up to kiss him.

He was surprised when he discovered that I hadn't swallowed his cream yet. It was still in my mouth and now we were sharing it back and forth. When it was all gone, swallowed by one or both of us, we took a break and lay there. I was working a second finger inside him, and he started unbuttoning my shirt.

"You didn't even get undressed first," he said, still breathing heavily.

I bit his lip gently and pressed more insistently on his prostate. "I like you being naked while I'm still clothed. It's sexy and it makes me feel powerful."

"Does it make you feel like the man?" he teased.

I shoved a third finger inside his hole. He was already relaxed enough to take me; I was just trying to get him excited again. I spread them out, stretching him a little. "Are you saying that I'm not the man?"

He put his hand back on my rock-hard cock and rubbed it intently. It was snaking down my right pant leg. He licked his lips and replied, "Oh, I know that you're the man. Does that make me the boy?"

I nibbled his neck. "Only if you want to be the boy. As far as I'm concerned, you're my sexy man. Even bottoms are men, Damian."

"Hm, so I'm your sexy man, despite the fact that I'm mostly a bottom, and you're the man, the big man, the boss man... the main man." He was squeezing my dick with each phrase.

"Is that what you want me to be, Damian? Do you want me to be your boss man? Do you want me to tell you what to do?"

"Mm-hm. When you told my brothers that you would be making the decisions for me the other day, I thought I was going to cum just from your words alone."

I pulled my fingers out of his butt and put them in my mouth. I licked them and made an exaggerated look of pleasure, despite the taste of lube still clinging to them. Then I smacked my lips. "Your sexy bottom is ready for me, which means I am about to fuck you so hard you'll be weeping in ecstacy before you know it."

I moved my hand to the waistband of my pants to undo the top button, but Damian put his hand on my wrist. "Can you leave them on this time?"

I gave him a puzzled look and said, "You want me to leave my pants on when I fuck you?"

He nodded. "Just this once. I think it's kind of sexy to be naked when you're dressed. I want to know what it feels like to be... taken when you're still clothed."

I whispered, "On one condition. Tell me what you want me to do."

"Make love to me," he asked.

I shook my head and said, "Not good enough."

He exhaled sharply and smiled up at me. "Fine. Fuck me, Steve! Fuck me like there's no tomorrow!"

I unzipped my trousers and worked my cock out the opening. I rubbed the head against his pretty rosebud and said, "Your wish is my command."

Then I thrust inside him slowly, with just enough force that he couldn't resist me even if he wanted to. I pressed until I was lodged inside him all the way. He was running his hands up and down my arms. I wasn't sure if it was just because it was new, but this felt almost more erotic through my shirt. He was breathing heavily and his dick was beginning to come back to life.

He moaned. "Your cock fills me up completely. When you're not inside me, I feel like I'm empty, like something is missing."

"And your tight hole is gripping me like a glove. Your ass is like warm, velvety butter."

He laughed and said, "That's a strained analogy."

I chuckled and replied, "Fuck you, Damian. I'm not getting graded on my verbal skills right now."

He let a bit of the campier Damian peek out, the Damian who'd been hiding all day. He batted his eyes and patted me on the arm. "Oh honey, you are definitely getting graded on your performance. Luckily for you, the verbal section is much less important than the sexual prowess and technique categories. You always earn a hundred percent in those parts of the test. But I am wondering how well you'll do on the written exam..."

I laughed as I leaned forward and wrapped my arms under his shoulder from below and started thrusting with more force. "Is my prowess great enough?" I asked. Then I stroked his prostate with my cock a couple of times. "And what about my technique?"

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! That is some prowess, and your technique shows great promise!"

I didn't think he was going to cum again just from getting fucked. After all, he'd just dropped a massive load in my mouth. So, I let go of his shoulders and put my left hand firmly on his thigh while my right grabbed his cock and stroked him until he was moaning again. I was holding back my orgasm by sheer force of will, so I was overjoyed when his noises became more urgent, and his hips started to buck against me. My cock was swollen, and it was threatening to explode, but, somehow, I held out until he started shooting a second, smaller, load. When his ass started clenching repeatedly, I came.


I don't know how many times I shot inside him, but we were both drenched in sweat when we were done. Once we were both able to breathe normally, I got out of bed and peeled off my now damp clothes. "Was it what you'd hoped for, getting fucked like that?"

He nodded and stretched, barely suppressing a yawn. "It made me feel powerless, maybe a little inferior. It was good. Maybe not every time, but sometimes, maybe when I least expect it, maybe when it will show me who's the boss man?"

I laughed and shook my head. "So long as you don't want it every time. The zipper was scraping the edge of my cock."

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't think about that."

"Don't worry about it. Just be aware that I may take you like that again sometime when I'm wearing my jeans. They have a button fly."

Then I slipped into bed with him and pulled his tight against me, his back to my chest. It didn't take long before we were both sound asleep.


It was time to take Dylan back to his parents' house. I couldn't think of it as his home. That term was reserved for my house, where he belonged. I texted my dad, "Not urgent, but I need to talk to you about Dylan. I need your advice on something big. Actually a few big things." Then I put my phone away and watched my boy pulling on a pair of plain white briefs. It was like watching him camouflage himself. He blushed when he saw me staring at him. He was so cute when his pale skin took on that rosy tint. And it was on every bit of his exposed skin except for a darker spot around his neck.

I jumped up and lifted his chin so I could get a better look. "What happened to your neck?"

Dylan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, Master."

"Bullshit!" I yelled.

I hadn't meant to make him flinch, but he did. I pulled him into my arms and said, "I'm not mad at you, but you need to tell me the truth."

"It was Tommy, Master," he whispered.

I made him look me in the eyes and said, "I don't want him hitting you. Do I have to beat the shit out of him?"

He started crying. "No, please don't. I just have to deal with it until I'm old enough to get out of the house. He's always been like that, and you can't make him stop without everyone figuring out about us and then I'll get sent away to one of those conversion camps and I won't be able to see you and it's only another three months."

I stroked his back to calm him down. He was having a panic attack like I hadn't seen in a year. "Shh. It's okay. I won't do anything if you don't want me to."

He was holding onto me and sobbing. "I do want you to help me, but you can't. Don't you see? It's better to just deal with it?"

"Okay, okay. We can wait until Saturnalia."

I loved that Dylan was born on December 18th, the old Roman festival of Saturnalia. He was like my own special Saturnalia present, at least he would be this year when I would be able to make him mine completely. I'd have to wait exactly thirty-one days later for my birthday on January 18th to make it public.

It looked like Tommy had grabbed him around the neck, but Tommy had done that to him before when they were fighting. There had to be something more to it or Dylan wouldn't be panicking like he was. I wanted to pound Tommy Morgan into a smear, but it would look bad if a senior beat up a sophomore.

I held Dylan and soothed him until he stopped sobbing. And that gave me time to think. I couldn't lay a hand on Tommy, but Greg's younger brother Jonah was a freshman. He was at least as tall as Tommy and, unless Tommy was hiding more muscle than I thought under that fat of his, Jonah was a lot stronger than him.


Kurt always knew how to make me feel better. I couldn't let him know that Tommy was fucking me now. I'd seen him punch the wall after our encounter with Mr. Williams. If Kurt started beating on Tommy, he could really hurt him, and I didn't want that. Not only would Kurt get in big trouble, but I realized that I didn't want to see Tommy get hurt. He'd bullied me most of my life, but he was still my younger brother. He was only fifteen years old, and he still had time to learn how to be a better person.

It wasn't that late when I got home because it was a school night. Mom was already upstairs in her room, drinking, and Dad was sitting on the couch, glaring at the TV. I was just about to head upstairs to put my backpack down when Dad looked at me and pointed to the floor in front of him. "Get in here, Dylan!"

I put the bag down on the landing and moved to stand in front of him. I was trembling. Horrific scenarios played out in my head. Had he found out I was gay? Had Mr. Williams told him about the video even after Kurt and I had let him do things to us. I'd sucked him off and he'd played with Kurt's butt. Hadn't that satisfied him? No, that couldn't be it. Kurt and I were going over to his house on Wednesday to do whatever he wanted to us.

He was holding a letter in his hand. With a start, I realized that it was the certified letter he'd received, the one that had him and Mom arguing. He shook it at me. "Did you call your cousin Kieran and tell him about this letter?"

I shook my head frantically. "No, sir. I don't even know what that letter is."

It was amazing to me how quickly lies came to my lips when dealing with my dad. I didn't call Kieran. He didn't talk to me, but I had told Steven and Steven had called him. I still didn't know what was in the letter, just that it had arrived.

Dad jumped up and slapped me across the face. I saw a burst of stars and fell down on the floor. He was screaming at me. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE? YOU'VE COST US A HALF MILLION DOLLARS YOU STUPID LITTLE FAGGOT PIECE OF SHIT!"

I was trying to back away, but I scooted up against the TV. Dad pulled his belt out of his pants and grabbed me by the arm. He pulled me over and threw me across the coffee table onto the couch.


I was crying and trying to curl into a ball so his belt wouldn't hit my face. It felt like the leather was cutting into my flesh. And then it suddenly stopped. There was a loud crash as Tommy tackled Dad to the ground. Dad hit the end table on the way down and broke it. I'd never seen Tommy so red in the face. He landed on top of Dad and started punching him over and over again.


The noise brought Mom stumbling down the steps. "What's going on here?" she slurred, so drunk she could barely stand.

I put my hands on Tommy's shoulders and said, "You can stop now. He's not fighting back anymore."

Tommy let me pull him off of Dad. I could see that Dad's face was bloody. He had a split lip and it looked like his nose was crooked. Mom stumbled forward and looked at Tommy's bloody fists. She was trying to collect her wits. She said, "I should..."

Tommy turned on her and shouted, "You should just go back to drinking and ignoring all the problems. It's what you're good at, BITCH!"

He kicked Dad savagely in his side, making him groan, and then he put his arm around my shoulder and started walking toward the stairs. He didn't even look back at her. He just shouted over his shoulder. "You can take care of him if you want, Mom. I'll take care of Dylan. Just leave us the fuck alone."

He led me upstairs and walked me into my room. I was numb and kind of in shock. He started pulling my clothes off and looking at the welts that had already begun to form on my body. He was gritting his teeth. "I'm so fucking sorry. I said that I would stop him, but I froze. I knew he was mad, but I had no idea he was going to lose it like that."

"It's not your fault, Sir," I said, looking at his bloody fists. I wasn't sure all the blood was Dad's. "Stay here and let me go get something to clean this off."

I went to the bathroom and grabbed the disinfectant and... of course we had no bandages. That would have meant one of our parents had to be responsible enough to buy them. I wet a washcloth with warm water and then went back into my room. I knelt in front of Tommy and cleaned the blood off his knuckles. It turned out that it was mostly Dad's blood after all. But Tommy had some cuts on his hand that probably came from Dad's teeth.

"It was my fault."

I looked up at Tommy and said, "No it wasn't, Sir."

I started to admit that I'd passed some information along to Steven, knowing it would get to Kieran, but he interrupted me. "Don't argue with me. It was my fault. I'm the one who was going through his desk. He probably thought it was you."

He winced a little when I cleaned his wounds with the disinfectant. Then he grabbed my hands and held them tight. "I told you, Dylan. You're mine now and I'm going to protect you. I won't freeze next time. If he lays a hand on you again, I'm going to break more than his nose."

I didn't know what to say to that. I didn't belong to him. I belonged to Kurt. But he was so sweet and... despite his shortcomings his heroism was making him seem handsome right then, like physical appearance wasn't as important as other factors. I swallowed hard and said, "Please don't get yourself in trouble, Tommy. He's still your dad. He can still make your life miserable."

Tommy laughed and shook his head slowly. "I'm not afraid of him. He won't say anything because I know his secret. Now, thank you for tending my wounds, but it's time to get naked and get on my cock. Giving that asshole what he deserved has got me so fucking horny. I want inside that tight ass of yours again."

I didn't have a choice. I took the rest of my clothes off while Tommy undressed himself. His cock was a lot bigger than mine, even if it was smaller than Kurt's. It was almost as big as Greg's and Greg was a senior. It was partially concealed by his paunch, but I could still see it well enough to touch it. I was touched by his heroism earlier and I wanted to show him gratitude. He only really wanted one thing from me, so I decided to give it to him with more enthusiasm tonight.

I pushed him down gently onto the bed and climbed on after him. He put his hand out to stop me. "No, Dylan. I don't want a blowjob right now. I want to fuck you."

"Trust me," I said.

Then I climbed up to straddle him. I held his erection upright and rubbed the head against my hole. I had lubed myself early and I still had one of Kurt's massive loads inside me, so I knew I wouldn't have any trouble getting him inside me.

Tommy was staring at me with a sense of wonder, like he'd never thought of doing it this way. I said, "You were my hero tonight, so just lie back and let me show you my appreciation, Sir."

"Do it, Dylan. Sit on my cock."

I pressed myself down slowly until I was sitting on his groin, his dick lodged firmly inside me. I still felt unfulfilled because he wasn't long enough to even press against the opening to my colon, but it felt good enough. Besides, I didn't need to feel good. I didn't even want to feel good while taking my younger brother's cock. It was better that way.

I noticed that his paunch wasn't as visible when he was lying on his back. I also noticed that he had a lot of muscle underneath that layer of fat he carried. I could even see the individual tendons underneath. I realized that he'd have a nice body if he lost the flab.

I rode his cock, and I kept a smile on my face the whole time. I ran my hands across his chest until he grabbed them in his own and held them tight. He started grunting. "Damn, Dylan. I was thinking you could live with me and service my cock even after I get married, but I don't think a real pussy could be better than yours. I don't even think it could be this good."

I didn't know what to say to that. Was I flattered that he assumed my ass was better than any pussy out there? Damn right I was. Did I want to service my brother's cock for the rest of my life? That was an emphatic NO.

"You'll find someone who will make you very happy, Sir."

He grabbed my hips and pulled me down tight against him. "I already have, Dylan. Now take my load in your sweet fag pussy! FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING RIGHT IN YOUR TWAT!"

He bucked like a bronco underneath me like he was trying to throw me off, but his hands held me tight. When he finished cumming, he pulled me down on top of him and kissed my head. When I tried to get up, he held me tighter and said, "Stay where you are. You don't weigh anything, and I like the feeling of you on top of me."

He held me there for a long time, his hands gently tracing the welts where Dad had hit me with the belt. He wasn't trying to hurt me, but it did cause small jolts of pain. Finally, he said, "Get up. From now on, you sleep in my room. I have a lock on my door."

It was true. Kieran had been allowed to have a lock on his door, and Tommy had taken his room when he moved out. I was still in the one we used to share. Since Tommy wouldn't take no for an answer, I followed him naked into the hall and then into his room. It was like he was flaunting his possession of me. Maybe he was spoiling for another fight with Dad. I'd have to convince him to tone it down for both our sakes.

End Chapter 14


●       Bethany Morgan. The mother of the Morgan kids and the wife of the pastor. She's a passive-aggressive woman and a homophobe. She's 44 at the start of the story.

●       Brian Wilder. Damian's 23-year-old straight brother. He's a mechanic in the Groth Automotive Service Department. He accepts his younger brother's gayness and knows about Roger and Cory.

●       Cory Lundgren. Bethany's youngest brother. He's short, blond, and blue-eyed, like Dylan. He stands 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He's fourteen years younger than his sister. He was thrown out of the house for being gay when he was 18. He's 30 years old at the beginning of the story. Corwin Alan Lundgren. He works as Mr. Groth's assistant, but he's secretly his slave.

●       Craig Morgan. The pastor. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 160 pounds. He's thin and mean, with a sour expression. Although secretly gay, he married Bethany Lundgren to cover it up. He and his younger brother Kenneth Morgan (Kieran's father) never got along. He took Kieran in when his parents died. He's 45 at the start of the story.

●       Damian Wilder. High school senior who is 17 at the beginning of the story. He's 6 foot tall, handsome, with a dark tan, green eyes with tiny flecks of gold, a snub nose, and a broad mouth. He's Steven's occasional lover who would like to be more. He's on the swim and diving teams.

●       Donald Morgan. The oldest Morgan son. He's 5 foot 11 inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. He's heavy-set but strong. He has dark red hair and a lot of freckles. But they look good on him. He's mean-spirited and domineering, and he made his brother Dylan's life hard.

●       Dylan Morgan. The main character who is the middle son in the Growth household. At 17, he was 5 foot 5 inches tall and weighed 130 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He's submissive and has dreamed of being his best friend's slave since middle school.

●       Elizabeth Jepps. She's the only Morgan daughter. She's much like her mother. She's seven years older than Dylan. She got married at 18 to get out of the house. They rarely see her except at church. She's married to Jerry Jepps.

●       Edgar Williams. The sound and video technician at Pastor Morgan's church. He's 35 years old with brown hair. He has an average build.

●       Fred Nelson. A twenty-eight-year-old salesman at Groth automotive who seems very interested in Dylan (and Aaron).

●       Greg Miller. A blond athlete, a senior in high school. He's one of Kurt's closest friends. He plays on the football team with Kurt. He's tall, thick bodied with muscle, and strong. Dylan has always felt that Greg didn't like him and was trying to undermine his friendship with Kurt. He has a brother three years younger than him named Jonah.

●       Jerry Jepps. He's the husband of Elizabeth Morgan-Jepps. He's six years older than his wife and thirteen years older than Dylan. He works as a manager at the Farm and Feed store.

●       Kurt Groth. He's the youngest Groth boy, only a few months younger than Dylan. His mother was black, so his skin is much darker than his father. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 175 pounds. He muscular but less bulky than his father. He has medium brown skin and black hair with tight curls. He wears it medium length on top with a low fade. He is bisexual, but he's in love with his best friend Dylan. He wants to dominate him totally and own him as a slave.

●       Michael Wilder. 26-year-old brother of Damian. He is a teacher at the same high school Damian, Kurt and Dylan attend. He's straight and married, and he accepts his brother's gayness.

●       Roger Groth. Owner of Groth Automobiles, Groth Farm Equipment, and several properties around town. He's forty years old and has two sons, Steven, and Kurt. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 200 pounds of solid muscle. He has light brown hair and fair skin. His wife died 15 years ago, and he's been Cory's master for the last 12.

●       Steven Groth. The oldest of the two Groth boys. He stands 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. He has light brown skin and wavy black hair that he wears very short. He was a swimmer in high school and keeps his body shaved even after graduation. He has light amber eyes. He was in love with Kieran Morgan all through high school and he regrets not pressing Kieran to come out of the closet when they were in school together. He's a year older than Dylan and Kurt.

●       Thomas Morgan. The youngest Morgan son. He's two years younger than Dylan but he's about the same size. He has bright red hair, pale skin and a lot of freckles. He joins in with his oldest brother teasing and tormenting Kieran and Dylan.

Next: Chapter 15

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