Smallville Series

By J Jones

Published on Feb 13, 2013


This is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, and am I in no way admonishing or encouraging anything with this fictional work. Read only with pure pleasure in mind. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or if you would like to chat with me you can reach me at YIM at whiteboyzbottom.


I am in avid Smallville fan and have dissected each episode in each season and continuously have identified homosexual undertones between the male characters on Smallville specifically between Lex/Clark, Clark/Green Arrow, and Arrow/Lex. This is my interpretation of how that could have played out in a gay friendly, sexually liberated society.


Clark rose bright and early to the usual farm sounds that he had been listening to all of his life. There was the rooster that always managed to wake him out of the best dreams, which typically involved Lana. There was the sound of his father, who woke up two hours before dawn, working out in the barn. Then there was his mother, who always seemed to know the moment he woke up every morning. The smell of pancakes, bacon, country ham, eggs and biscuits filled the house. Clark smiled to himself, thinking about how grateful he was to have such a good life. Now, if he could only find a way to get Whitney out of the way so he can have his shot with Lana! After his morning jack-off, and hot shower, he was dressed in a flash and sitting at the table with his Mom having breakfast. His father entered the kitchen gave his wife a kiss and messed up his son's hair.

"Seriously Dad?" asked Clark with an attitude. He was only half serious.

"Looks like somebody left you a present outside son," said Jonathan.

Clark looked perplexed, then he looked out of the kitchen window and saw it. His eyes lit up as he stuffed another piece of bacon into his mouth. He jumped from the table and ran to the door.

Clark's eyes widened as he stood motionless in front of a brand new bright red Ford F-150. It was exactly what he wanted his parents to buy for him on his 16th birthday, which happened to be the next day. He already had his license. In Kansas, a lot of boys come from farms and they need a license to be able to help their fathers work the land. Jonathan came outside to join his son. He was eating one his famous breakfast wraps (bacon, hash browns, and eggs rolled up in a pancake). The two men stared at the truck together in silence for a few moments before Clark spoke up. "Dad I can't believe you and Mom bought me a truck."

"That's not from your mother and I," said Jonathan handing Clark a sealed envelope.

"If it's not from you, then who is it from? Do we have a rich relative I don't know about?" asked Clark curiously. He ripped open the envelope and found a card written in fancy printing. "The least I can do for someone who saved my life, Lex."

"We can't accept a gift from the Luthors' son," said Jonathan.

"Why not? I saved his life and he wants to say thanks. What's wrong with that?" asked Clark.

"The Luthors' never do anything without an agenda son. You'll learn," said Jonathan.

"Lex has never done anything to me Dad. I think I should be able to give the guy a shot and not judge him by the sins of his father," said Clark.

"Drunk in public, crashing fancy cars, sleeping with a bunch of women? Those aren't values I want my son to pick up," said Jonathan.

"Dad, you know me! Don't you trust that you raised me to make the right choices? Have I ever given you reason to question that?" asked Clark, standing face to face with his father.

"No son, you haven't. And I couldn't be prouder as a father, but some things you just have to trust that your parents know best," said Jonathan placing a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Can I at least drive it around for the day? It is Friday and we have a big game tonight," said Clark.

"I don't see a problem with that. Just be careful. The keys are in the dash. And son, I know you think your mother and I are too protective of you. It's only because we love you. I hope you know that," said Jonathan.

"Of course Dad," said Clark as he super speeded into the house and up the stairs to grab his backpack. Then, he ran down the steps, kissed his mother on the cheek and he was sitting in the driver's seat warming up the engine. The truck turned over quickly but was completely silent in the process. Clark backed out of the long dirt driveway, did a U-turn behind the barn and was off. Jonathan stood for a long time staring at the dust tracks that had formed behind speed of the truck. He smiled, and then went back into the house to finish breakfast with his wife.

Clark drove the ten minutes to his school where everyone was getting hype for the pep rally and game that night. He found Pete and Chloe (his best friends) having breakfast in the quad. It was the place where the students usually gathered before and between classes (and of course lunch). "Well I hear congratulations are in order Clark," said Chloe with a smile.

"For what?" asked Clark.

"Seriously Clark? It's not everyday that an average Smallville citizen saves a member of the Luthor family," said Chloe.

"How did you find out so fast?" asked Clark.

"I have my sources at the Tribune. So, tell us what happened?" asked Chloe.

"There's really not that much of a story. Lex drove his porsche off the bridge, I jumped in and pulled him out of the water," said Clark.

"You should have let him drown. Didn't he hit you? That's what my father told me," said Pete.

"No he didnt. He uh, swerved and missed. He must have lost control of his car," said Clark.

"He could have killed you. I definitely need to write a story on this. Can I count on you for a quote?" asked Chloe.

"Of course, but for now I have to get to English class," said Clark, walking away from his friends.

"And of course by English class he really means Lana Lang," said Chloe as he watched Clark walk up to Lana.

Lana had dropped her bag and Clark had reached down to pick them up. She smiled as he handed her bag back to her. There was no denying his attraction for her. Everyone knew that he was head over heels in love with Lana Lang. Hiding his feelings has never been a personal trait of Clark's. What he noticed about today was that he wasn't his usual bumbling self around her. So far, this was turning out to be the best day of his life. "Thanks Clark. It's nice to know that chivalry is not totally dead."

"Not totally! Hey, you aren't wearing your green necklace today," said Clark.

"I loaned it to Whitney for luck on the big game tonight. You are the first person to notice," said Lana.

"I notice everything about you Lana," said Clark. "I mean. I didn't mean that in a creepy stalker way."

Lana blushed. "I know what you mean Clark. You are very sweet. So why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"I guess I haven't met the right girl," said Clark.

Whitney had just arrived at school with his buddies, Trevor, Alex and Adam, all members of the Smallville Crows. He watched Clark talking to Lana and something inside of him burned. He knew, just like everyone else at Smallville High, that Clark had a thing for Lana. This was the closest he had ever seen the two together and it seemed as if Lana was encouraging it. "Guys change of plans, I have someone else in mind for tonight's festivities. Let's meet up after school," he said.

Trevor spent all of first period on his knees blowing Coach Arnold. The coach sat at his desk, cock out, while Trevor crouched under his desk swallowing his cock. He had developed quite the talent (and the love) for sucking cock. After their rendezvous a few nights ago, the two had hooked up at least twice a day. The night before, Coach Arnold had come by Trevor's house for a blowjob. Trevor's parents were in Metropolis for the night. Each time they hooked up, they got closer and closer to Coach Arnold taking the cornerback's cherry. Trevor was afraid to admit it, but he craved the idea of the Coach sticking his eleven inch cock inside his tight man hole. He was hoping that after the game might be a good time to do it.

Clark was planning to go to the game with Pete and Chloe, but had no clue that he would not make it to the game that night. Each year, the football team picked someone, usually an underclassmen. They would kidnap the guy, blindfold and hog tie him and drive him out to the corn fields way off route 40. There, they would leave the boy tied to a post in his boxers with a red "S" for Smallville written on his chest with lipstick. Tonight, that person would be Clark. Whitney, Trevor, Alex and Adam executed their plan and before Clark knew it, he was strung up like a scarecrow in nothing but a pair of blue boxer shorts.

"Why are you doing this? I've never done anything to you guys," said Clark.

"Oh but you did Clark. Moving in on another guy's girl. That's an act of treason. Don't you know the rules," said Whitney.

Clark felt weak, extremely weak and sick. He didnt know why. "Guys let me down. I'm not feeling well."

"Afraid of heights Clark. There are far worse things to be afraid of you know. Hope you enjoy Lana's necklace! That is the closest you will ever get to my girlfriend," said Whitney. "Let's go guys. We have a game to win."

Hours passed and Clark tried to call for help but his voice was too weak. He thought that he would pass out from the pain, then suddenly he saw a shiny bald head peak through the corn stalks. His eyes were half shut. "Lex."

"Yes it's me Clark. I'm here," said Lex. He untied Clark's hands and feet and then helped him down from the post. The green from Lana's necklace was glowing. It was also tight around Clark's neck. Lex pulled it off and threw it.

Clark immediately felt his strength returning. "Thanks for helping me Lex. And thanks for the truck," said Clark. He was still too weak to try and get up.

"Clark, you saved my life. I don't know how you managed to pull me out of that car but all I know is that I'm alive because of you," said Lex. He was holding Clark in his arms.

"It was nothing. You didn't have to buy me a truck," said Clark.

"In my family, we use money and gifts to show our appreciation and love. I guess I may have overdid it a little. You don't like it?" asked Lex.

"My Dad. He has reservations about your family, about you," said Clark.

"I hope he gives me the opportunity to show that I am not my father. I hope that you do too," said Lex.

The two were face to face all alone in a corn field on the outskirts of town. It was cold out even though Clark could not feel it. Lex rubbed Clark's shoulders and back out of instinct. The feeling was making a tent form in Clark's boxers. His hard cock poked through the opening of his boxers. Lex looked down, then looked up at Clark who was visibly embarrassed. Then, he smiled. The two were now nose to nose and before either of them knew what was happening they locked lips. Lex wrapped his arms around Clark and squeezed, pulling the younger man into his chest. Clark could feel the heat rising from Lex's body. He could also feel the stirring of Lex's cock against his. The kiss seemed to last forever, until the alarm on Lex's watch went off.

"Clark," said Lex.

"Yeah," said Clark, eyes still shut.

"Happy Birthday."

Next: Chapter 4: Smallville 4

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