
By Beverly Taff

Published on May 20, 2003


Jackie and Ellie shared the driving to Seattle whilst Sissy sat securely strapped by the seatbelt in the back seat. She realised fearfully, that the straps were necessary for she could not have sat upright unsupported for long. Despite the essential support of her corset, her slender back and wasp waist would have soon tired from the frequent winding bends and lateral forces to her unsupported spine. Without the support of the harness, she would have eventually slumped uncontrollably one way or another. The 'full-harness' seat belt was an essential piece of equipment if she was to travel with any degree of comfort and security. Eventually, she gave up trying to reach the buckle down by the seat. Her ridiculously short arms were utterly incapable of reaching down to her waist let alone past her well-rounded butt. In any case, she would only have tumbled sideways or forward if, by some miracle, she did manage to release the buckle.

Reluctantly, Sissy concluded she was better strapped up. The seat belt's 'full-harness' design with waist strap and both shoulder straps, served to support her boobs and buttress her waist. She sat silently reflecting on her newly reduced condition as the car wound it's way to Seattle.

Before entering Seattle, they changed from car to van in a quiet lay-by before continuing to the airport. There a luxury private jet sped Sissy and Jackie to Louisiana while Ellie returned home to mind the family and the store.

On the plane, Sissy was grateful to be allowed to lie down in one of the luxurious overnight cots. The long winding car journey followed by the bumpy van journey had put a lot of strain on her back and it was beginning to ache. Jackie also snatched some sleep and they arrived at a private airfield in Louisiana feeling refreshed.

"What are you going to do with me?" whimpered Sissy.

"Nothing much, I expect. Simply keep you at our secret research base until the flap about Carl's disappearance has subsided."

Sissy sucked her lip nervously. 'There was no telling how long that would be.'

On the journey to the research base, Sissy was not allowed to see where she was going. This van had no windows and it bumped uncomfortably along an unmade track that caused Sissy considerable pain. She grunted and whimpered as her boobs bounced and her tortured back failed to anticipate the bumps. Her cries attracted Jackie's attention and she realised Sissy would have to be laid flat to ease her overloaded back. The vertical shockwaves through her upright spine were causing too much pain and possible damage. Both the Gaia team and Jackie realised that in future, Sissy would have to be supplied with a much more supportive travelling arrangement when she travelled any distance. They stopped and rearranged the van for Sissy to lie prostrate then the whimpering stopped.

At the research base, Sissy was shown her new quarters and gratefully flopped down onto the immense bed. She quickly realised her mistake as her filmy silky frock slithered helplessly on the satiny sheets and she floundered like a fish out of water.

"Eek!" She squeaked. "Help me!"

Jackie and the Gaia assistant briefly watched Sissy's seal-like flapping and smiled as they wagged their heads in amused sympathy.

"Well, well young lady, you'll just have to watch where you're going in future," reassured Jackie. "You can stay there for now while we prepare your bath.

This young lady is Sarah. She will help with your essential needs and remain your companion during your stay."

Sissy glanced up at the delightful girl who would have sent any man's pulse racing. Indeed Sissy's pulse did start racing for she was still attracted to females and Sarah was a spectacular example. Carl's greedy male libido still occupied Sissy's bimbo body and brain so she squirmed helplessly on the bed as the lust tortured her secret places. Sissy felt her loins twitch as her inaccessible itching bud hardened responsively. Sadly she could only savour the vision of beauty before her and imagine what she would be like in bed.

Jackie's newly feminised sensitivities quickly spotted Sissy's reaction; especially her

squeezing thighs and knees mashing together as Sissy worked to try and ease the frustration down below. Sissy's efforts were futile, her desperately hard bud was utterly inaccessible unless Sissy could grind her body against some convenient object or a companion relieved her. Jackie smiled knowingly as she caught Sissy's eye and glanced conspiratorially sideways at Sarah.

"Nice looking isn't she?" whispered Jackie.

Sissy could only nod mutely and twitch responsively as the urgency in her loins demanded attention. Sarah pretended not to notice and went to prepare the bath. Jackie took the brief opportunity for privacy and sat on the bed beside Sissy. Gently she stroked Sissy's lewdly presented nipples through the soft satiny material of her frock and bra.

"Don't be too down-hearted darling," she smiled. "Being a girl can be much more fun than being a boy. Does this feel nice?"

Sissy gasped wantonly as Jackie's knowing fingers danced delicately on the satiny knobs that were hardening through the bra. As the turgid peaks erected and further betrayed Sissy's desperate needs, Jackie gently traced the backs of her thumbnails smoothly across the taught lacy satin that stretched to cover Sissy's swollen control buttons. Sissy mewled helplessly for more.

"Go on; tell me. Is that nice, or is that nice?" continued Jackie.

"Ye-ess!" wheezed Sissy as her corset constricted her heavy breathing.

"Well we'd better stop now. You have to take another bath. That last van journey has made you all hot and sticky and dirty. I dread to think what was on the floor of the van before you lay on it. It's not nice for a girl to be hot and sticky, is it?"

Sissy sensed she was beginning to feel exactly that between her thighs and wriggled urgently towards Jackie to beg for relief. Jackie smiled again then got off the bed and spoke to Sarah through the bathroom door. Sissy could only watch and flounder as her fate was openly discussed.

"I will need some help when Sissy's corset comes off. Her back is still a bit sore and weak."

"I'll be right there," replied Sarah, "the bath is nearly ready."

Sarah reappeared from the bathroom and saw Sissy about to slide off the bed. She lurched forward and caught her just as Jackie turned to realise the situation.

"Oops-a-daisy darling, you shouldn't wriggle so much. It's a good job Sarah saw you falling. You could have had a nasty bump."

So saying she joined Sarah on the bed to disrobe Sissy and assist her to the bathroom. It was then that Sarah realised the permanent condition of Sissy's digigrade feet. She smiled knowingly to Jackie as Sissy teetered almost on tiptoe and struggled for balance as she stepped into the large bath. Sissy noted nervously that the curved edge of the bath was too wide to allow her to grip it properly with her infantile fingers.

Once Sissy was settled, Sarah gently bathed her like a doting mother with a little baby. Then, after the bathing was completed, she smiled and invited Sissy to play in the water while she talked to Jackie.

Sissy had no choice but to comply. Without assistance, she could not get herself out of the bath. Sarah and Jackie chatted leisurely over a coffee as Sissy's noisy splashing betrayed her pathetic efforts to get out of the bath.

"Her feet," continued Sarah, "she'll never walk properly on those. She can't even balance properly to get out of the bath; even if she had something to hold on to, that is."

"With heels she'll manage to walk perfectly, but only in heels," replied Jackie. "Physically, she'll be a bimbo for the rest of her life, or until she learns her lesson. This research base is getting better all the time. If Sissy really does improve her attitude, they might give her proper arms one day. For now though, those little stumpies will concentrate her mind beautifully. Neat trick, don't you think?"

Sarah smiled and finished her coffee.

"I'll go and get the rest of her wardrobe. Then we can dry her."

As Sarah left to collect the new clothes, Jackie joined Sissy in the bathroom and handed her a cup of coffee. Sissy took the proffered saucer and carefully held it over her splendid busts as her other hand stretched across her breasts to lift the cup from the saucer. For a few seconds the cup and saucer rattled alarmingly but eventually Sissy mastered the technique and she gratefully sipped the coffee. It was her first drink since waking up as a bimbo that morning. As Sissy tipped the last sip down her throat, her little fingers slipped slightly and the cup tilted in her feeble childlike grip. Some coffee spilled down her cleavage and she squeaked with alarm. Fortunately, Jackie had made sure it was not too hot and Sissy was not scalded. Nevertheless, it was a salutary experience as the warm liquid spilled between her breasts and over her tummy down to the water. If the coffee had been hot, Sissy would have burned herself.

"You'd better be careful in future darling, or no hot drinks for you."

Sissy still had Carl's craving for strong black coffee and the idea of foregoing it sent a shudder through her spectacular body. The movement wobbled her ripe globes and drew Jackie's attention to the stain running down the cleavage.

"Come here, I'd better rinse that off."

Sissy shuffled her butt towards the edge of the bath and offered up her spectacular cleavage for Jackie's attention.

Gently, Jacky parted the pair and soaped between the ripe globes down to Sissy's navel. Then she rinsed it off with the shower nozzle and gently patted Sissy's breasts dry with a soft fluffy hand towel. Next she addressed Sissy's soaking hair. As she rinsed it through with the shower nozzle she fingered it enviously. Sissy's new hair was a real rich natural honey blond. Finally she wrapped the heavy, golden mane up in a turban then waited for Sarah to return.

Together, they eased Sissy to her feet and she stepped gingerly out of the bath to gratefully settle on the bathroom chair whilst Jackie and Sarah patted her dry.

"I want to pee," murmured Sissy embarrassedly.

"Ah. So that time's arrived," grinned Sarah, "now we'll see how much you can do for yourself."

Sissy's eyes started to glisten tearfully. It was her first time as a woman and she had no idea how to 'go'.

She knew she would have to sit and that alone was humiliating enough, but she also felt the urge somehow differently in her bladder. She now realised just how different women's plumbing was from men's.

She realised that she didn't even know what muscles to use to expel her pee and she twitched nervously as she tensed her groin and a little droplet escaped unexpectedly.

'Just how did women 'go', she wondered'

Gratefully, she took the proffered hands and settled self-consciously naked on the lavatory as Jackie and Sarah waited attendance.

"D'you have to watch?" pleaded the embarrassed Sissy.

"I shouldn't be too upset darling," grinned Sarah, "when you've finished, you'll have to give up all pretence of modesty."

Sissy tried to push like a man but found that there was no prostate gland or muscles to eject the urine in a powerful stream. For a moment she sat perplexed as she experimented with various muscles until eventually she felt herself 'let go'. The stream simply splashed into the pan until her bladder felt eased then it lost its force and started to lose its definitive flow. The urine started to splash and curl as it sprinkle her sensitive intimate parts then she felt it dribbling towards her sensitive love lips. Next she felt it irritating her anus. She realised that all her intimate little parts were wet as the warm sensation spread. Sissy had never realised just how messy peeing like a woman was, especially the necessary wiping clean after.

'No wonder women always seemed to be bathing and using tissues by the ton,' she concluded ruefully.

Then Sissy realised just how useless her tiny arms were and it was then that Sarah's words made sense. Her arms were hopelessly incapable of reaching down to perform her own toilet and she would have to beg one of her companions to serve her hygiene needs. Sissy's face crimsoned as she realised her predicament.

"Help me!" she pleaded tearfully.

Jackie smiled and nodded to Sarah knowingly.

"Well my dear, it seems your new charge has the needs of a small child."

Sarah smiled ruefully and instructed Sissy to step towards the bidet. Sissy tried to stand without heels but she swayed and wobbled alarmingly. Jackie and Sarah lunged forward and caught her just in time. Then they eased her gently onto the bidet and adjusted the sprinkler to complete Sissy's essential ablutions. Never was Sissy more grateful than for the simple 'foot button' on the floor that activated the spray. She sighed with relief as she realised she would at least be able to wash herself after peeing. When she was finished, Jackie indicated another floor button.

"This one's a blow dry if you're on your own, but for now, we'll dry you."

Then they returned to the bedroom and laid her on her back across the giant double bed. Sissy's face turned an even deeper red as Sarah gently spread her legs then took some tissues and expertly dabbed Sissy's pussy dry.

Her fingers lingered knowingly but Sissy's urges had subsided. She was in no mood for any nonsense. The idea of having her cunt and bottom wiped dry like a helpless baby was the final insult. As Sarah completed the job Sissy started sobbing like a baby. Jackie leaned over and gently kissed the tearful face.

"There, there my pet. Let's not get too downhearted. Just remember, whenever you go out, you'll always have to remain with your carer or you'll find yourself in real trouble when the next call of nature comes around. You'll be O.K. here in the apartment, it's especially adapted to accommodate your needs but you'll never be able to escape. Every time you go to pee in a public place you'll have to have assistance. That could make you utterly vulnerable to every pervert who might want to abuse your delicious body."

Sissy lay helplessly on her back pinned by her boobs and compromised by her uselessly pinioning little arms. Jackie and Sarah smiled as they recognised Sissy's unspoken signal. She was indicating that she needed help sitting up. Gently they tugged her forward and stabilised her as they slipped a pair of fluffy high-heeled mules on her extended feet. Gratefully, Sissy stood up and turned to study her nakedness in the full-length mirror. It was still steamed up so Jackie wiped it clear and Sissy's lips trembled tearfully as she studied the exaggerated image looking back at her.

Impossible long legs teetered on ridiculously high heels whilst a pair of splendidly smooth thighs led all the way up to a gorgeously rounded bum. The flared hips tapered immediately to an impossibly slender waist and even as she studied it, Sissy felt the first tiny twinge of pain in her back.

"I- I need my corset please," she cried.

"That's a good girl," encouraged Sarah, "you said please without being prompted."

Sarah brought another bespoke latex and satin corset from the bedroom and together; the girls laced Sissy up.

"This is like an engineering exercise," giggled Jackie as she carefully shoe-horned Sissy's globes into the receptive supporting cups."

"Yes," sniggered Sarah, "these extra side stays coming up under the sides of her bra cups remind me of the flying buttresses on a cathedral; only upside-down of course."

Sissy stood helplessly as the girls fiddled around her buttressed body then felt herself relax as the laces were drawn taught and her back pain eased. She noticed that this corset had six stays arranged around her back and sides so she was even more rigidly supported. At first she was a bit annoyed by the extra restriction but soon realised that her back pain had eased considerable. The ache subsided and she found the stretchy front satin panels of the corset permitted easier, deeper breathing. The corset was altogether better designed and she sighed gratefully. Her rib cage could now expand forward so her diaphragm's freedom was amplified in that direction. As she tested her breathing, her cleavage started to swell and shrink like a pair of bellows as her breathing assumed its singular direction dictated by the corset. The huge satiny cups rose and fell like a pair of storm tossed ships. The girls admired the effect then led Sissy to the dressing table.

"Can I sit down please?" begged Sissy.

"Uuhm, not yet." Replied Sarah as she fiddled unseen with the 'tail' of the new corset.

Sissy tried to twist around and look but the corset prevented her. She was forced to stand upright and facing forward with her legs apart as Sarah eventually offered up the tail of the corset to the snappers on the front. Sissy jerked forward with surprise as she felt something nudge against her sphincter and quickly realised she was about to be 'butt-plugged'.

"Do I have to," she wailed.

"Uuhm, I afraid so darling. It's to prevent any accidents until your toilet tonight."

"What if I want to go- you know, back there?"

"You'll have to wait. Don't worry, once we've got your body clock stabilised, you'll be quite regular and go like a well trained doggy."

Sissy's shoulders sagged dejectedly. 'There seemed to be no end to her humiliations.'

As the crotch snappers clicked into position Sissy felt the plug 'plop' into place as the corrugated profiles matched into the ring muscles of her sphincter. She tensed her bum experimentally and 'pushed' but the plug remained firmly secured by the strong crotch-piece. There was simply no way she could evacuate herself without the plug being removed by someone else. Additionally of course, she could not foul herself and she concluded she should be grateful for small mercies. The crotch piece was of course a separate detachable latex strap for hygiene purposes. It could be easily removed, washed and dried if any accident occurred during her toilet training. The crotch-piece however, still had an open space at the front to permit easy access to her pussy and easy egress for her urine. Sissy's brow furrowed as she contemplated her obvious vulnerability. She could urinate and co-copulate but she could not evacuate her bowels.

"Now you can lie down darling as we slip your stockings on," smiled Sarah.

Sissy swayed stiffly to the bed and did a reverse 'bunny bob' as she lowered herself gently onto the satiny sheets. Then she started to lean back carefully until her top weights overwhelmed her balance and she tipped stiffly backwards with her legs upended. She lay trapped by her weighty boobs and she spread her tiny arms out as wide as they could to keep her from rolling sideways.

As she contemplated her uncertain stability Sarah and Jackie each took a long slender leg and drew her stockings all the way up to her suspenders. Sissy wriggled to get the frilly satiny straps comfortable around her but then the girls tugged her upright again. In the mirror, Sissy briefly saw an image of a helpless virginal bimbo prepared for her bridal night. Next they strapped on the provocative heels and finally she was quickly dressed in a micro short mini frock and left to study her provocative appearance. The image looking back at Sissy screamed 'Fuck me!' and she shuddered fearfully as she steadied herself and followed the girls to the dining room.

As she teetered along unsteadily on her heels, Sissy silently gave thanks her apartment was all on one level. 'It was going to take weeks to become skilled and confident enough to manage stairs.'

At the dining table, Sissy was shown a special place at the table with a curved niche to obviously allow her to sit close. Set to the sides of the niche was a set of cutlery with elongated handles. These enable her to sit at the table and see her food on her plate out in front of her. Without such special cutlery, Sissy would have had to grope under her tits for the unseen plate then trust to luck to see what she had pierced with her fork. Then she would have had to lift the hidden food around her massive tits and guide it carefully over her cleavage to her mouth. The special cutlery obviated this problem and Sissy was silently grateful. However it was another indicator that she was utterly dependent on the special facilities provided in the apartment.

Sissy was then helped into her narrow chair and gave silent thanks for the high arms and tight fitting sides that supported her torso. The chair was then eased forward and Sissy found herself with her body set into the recess in the table and her spectacular balcony completely obliterating her view of the immediate place setting. Fortunately, her special cutlery lay to her sides and she was able to readily reach them with her foreshortened arms.

Once settled at the table she felt like a child in a high chair except that she was actually more central than any other diner to the proceedings and conversation.

Once the other diners had taken their places the meal was served.

At first Sissy was too preoccupied with learning to use her new cutlery but the other diners proved patient and considerate as she steadily developed her technique.

There was no question of 'learning to hold her knife and fork properly,' it was simply a matter of testing different techniques until she developed a practical functional method of bringing her food to her mouth. Strangely, Sissy discovered that the European method of knife in the right hand and fork in the left, proved to be the most practical method of cutting and 'spearing' the food. She had to peer over her balcony at the distant plate then cut the food into bite-sized portions. Fortunately the long handled cutlery enabled her to spear the food securely as she carried it circuitously round her boobs to her mouth. She found the solid food easy but the soup and the custard proved trickier. Fortunately, the spoons were deeper than normal and she simply refrained from overloading the spoons. By the end of the meal she had spilt very little. She felt very satisfied with her efforts but a little irked by the patronising smiles of appreciation shown by her fellow diners.

"Well that was very good darling," condescended Sarah. "Quite the little lady aren't you? Would you like some coffee?"

The inner Carl tugged at Sissy's stomach and she nodded eagerly. Coffee was served and the table conversation turned girly talk. Sissy was wholly out of her depth but found herself hugely fascinated by the intimacy and transparency of the chatter. 'Men would never have opened up so much about themselves,' she told herself.

Then the conversation fell silent and the other girls all seemed to exchange knowing glances. Sissy sensed the silent tension and glanced around nervously to try and gauge the reason. The explanation was not long coming.

As she sat shoehorned into her table place she suddenly felt the strange delicate sensation of something gently tantalising her clitoris. Sissy tensed nervously and tried to discourage whatever it was from invading her privacy but her efforts were hopeless.

Her arms were too short to prevent whatever it was and her seated position prevented any view or sight of the visitor. Whatever it was seemed to have a will of its own and she felt a delightful sensation as the strange invader attached itself to her bud and softly enveloped the hardening organ.

Sissy felt as if she had a massive erection because all the nerve endings in her once manly penis were now concentrated in the tiny erotic bud that had replaced it. It seemed to Sissy that she was receiving the blowjob to end all blowjobs. Her hips squirmed and bucked discreetly as she tried to hide her unseen agitation beneath the table. Within the restraints of the chair nothing could be seen of her agitation for her hips and thighs were carefully restrained. Above the table she concluded nothing was to indicate of her approaching orgasm except for a few beads of perspiration and her tongue occasionally licking her lips.

Eventually the orgasm surged through her whole body but it was nothing like the explosive crescendo of Carl's previous orgasms. This sensation sent long pulsing waves all through Sissy's new body and she drew desperate little breaths until the ecstasy slowly subsided.

After several minutes she felt recovered enough to pretend normality and she glanced around hoping that her strange diversion had gone un-noticed. The knowing smiles of every other diner told her otherwise and she crimsoned with embarrassment. Then, as a final betrayal, the unknown invader gave her clitoris a gentle tweak and she squeaked with surprised delight as she jerked violently in her chair. There was no denying this last finale and Sissy slumped dejectedly in her seat. Sarah, who sat next to Sissy, leant into her ear.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

Sissy nodded and mumbled.

"Was it that obvious?"

"If you could see your headlamps, you would know darling, they're on main beam still," replied Sarah in reference to Sissy's rigid swollen nipples.

Only then did Sissy realise her total state of arousal. She had been so preoccupied with the sensations in her loins that she had completely forgotten the two screaming beacons adorning her spectacular breasts. She strained her head forward to look over her cleavage and then saw the two huge ripe strawberries pushing urgently against her flimsy frock.

'Sarah was right, there were to be no secrets.'

In future, when Sissy was aroused, her condition would always be signalled to all and sundry by the spectacular cherry pink thimbles adorning her mountainous mammaries.

Sissy made a ludicrous attempt to hunch her shoulders and somehow reduce her overhanging balcony but it was a futile posture. Firstly, her corset compelled her to sit upright with her shoulders thrown back and secondly; even Quasimodo could not have bent over enough to hide such beauties. Sissy was finally forced to admit she would look like a bimbo for the rest of her life. Her lower lip trembled slightly but she resolutely struggled to avoid any tears. Her efforts remained successful until she returned to her bedroom. There in the brief privacy before being prepared for bed, the last shreds of manly stoicism departed her and she flung herself onto the bed to let the feminine tears flow.

Next: Chapter 11

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