
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Aug 7, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Snaked Part Seven

In that moonlight slipping through his bedroom window, it was like the first few frames of a slow motion movie. I saw flashes of Jimmy and Randy at the door. My eyes were suddenly wide open, thanks to a few swings of their dicks. Both of them carried a hand-held fire extinguisher; two blast each and the doorway became a wall of fog.

I had never seen anything like this before; I had no idea what to think. I had no idea what was going to happen next, I just had no idea, that's all I'm saying. This was beyond my imagination.

"Awk Holy Cow Awk" sounded Long John as the fog lifted and there is the doorway was, gosh I don't know, but covered to the ankles with what I guessed was his mother's fur coat, stood an image from the wild. Slipping forward and covering all but his face, was an Indianan Headdress. Adorning each side was a small horn, perhaps from some poor cow and his face had cork streaks defining his cheeks. As he entered the room he made grunting noises. All I could do was whimper in anticipation.

As this animal like image came toward me, I was animated with excitement, but for some unknown reason, my dick had shrunk to boy like size as I stood to greet him. That all changed when just inches away, he opened his fur covering to display the largest erection I had ever seen. It was Snake in all his glory. So beautiful, or sexy, so natural, I blew my load just from the heat of his body. As I felt my juices rolled slowing down my leg, he grunted again, turning me around and gently guiding my head and upper body towards the bed.

Now I was at an angle prime for entry and I silently thanked Randy and Jimmy for their preparation, without it, I might be in deep pain. I felt the fuzzy fur cover me and the soft strong tip of Snake's long tool push against by bottom. I heard a pop and felt him push in. I gritted my teeth and looked back over my body, unable to see anything but my balls dangling as his went swinging.

The short of it, it was long and when I felt his prickly hairs rubbing against by bottom, I knew I had done it. I had been Snaked. Soon he shot deep inside of me and when he pulled out a river followed.

Snake gently cleaned me up with such care and comfort I could only lay there and allow him access to all of me. Then he crawled in beside me covering us both in his fur garment and this MVP cried like a baby.

Later, still no real words had been spoken; I followed his direction and moved over him. I faced his rested tool and mine hung down in front of his face. Once again I showed Snake how I liked it, but this time he shadowed my every move. With his thin red lips he took on the task, we brought each other to completion and it was good.

Somewhere during the night Randy must have returned after taking his brother home. I could hear him and Jimmy in the other room exchanging Alpha rolls. I always knew when it was Randy's turned, as Jimmy screamed his name.

Completely relaxed, we curled into a sleepy knot and his breath like an ocean breeze followed me into my dreams. I awoke later with some sexual remorse. Don't you hate that? I pushed it away remembering the glow and the felling of complete satisfaction given to me by my wonderful lover. I realized that I had crossed some bridge somewhere that had transformed me into the best cocksucker and now well trained lover of three boys just tonight.

Dare I say it? Certainly not out loud, hardly to myself. I was gay and I was good at it. Had Snake taken me there or had I awoken to the reality thanks to him? I'll never know. I wondered if there was a way back. Surely they have pills for this wouldn't you think? If they did, would I take them? I wasn't sure. Perhaps the church could help. Then I remembered how religion has addressed other uncomfortable issues in the past, and ruled that out right away.

I decided, it would be best to keep this new information to myself; after all no one can tell you're gay, can they? Well okay Randy makes the process easy, but what about all those other guys at school? They hide and cover and trick and pretend and deceive. Yeah now there's a way to live your life Ryan, hidden away and lonely. Wow, this isn't easy I realized. I mean I make big decisions all the time, Screen pass or run, briefs or boxers, regular or super size, but this one is big. I needed a sign. I needed a defining moment, and then I would know gay or straight, sex or loneliness? Oh crap, this sucks.

Saturday was a day of wonderful peace, Jimmy and Randy had left. Snake and I stayed naked all day. I don't remember how many times, but I remember all of them were really great. I knew that Snake allowed me to be me and being with him was really special some how. This was all just too weird. Saturday night I wore the fur and headdress. That was a real kick

On Sunday we slept through church, well we really didn't sleep, but you knew that right? In the afternoon just Snake and I were still naked when I received a cell phone call. It was Billy Carson, my main Running Back. He and Jarvis Owens, Fullback were together and up to no good. They wanted me to join them in a little beat down party they were planning. I listened to them and my facial reaction to their plan must of frighten Snake. He listen to me speak over the phone,

"You're doing what? You haven't started have you? Where are you? Okay, don't do anything until I get there. Damn right I want to be a part of this, don't start without me, I'm on my way right now."

"What the heck is going on", Snake asked? "Billy and Jarvis told Randy that they would let him blow them, but it's a trick to get him alone so they can beat the shit out of him for being gay", I told him being really pissed.

"Well they're your team mates are you going to let them", he asked me with concern all over his face?

"They're not my team mates anymore, where the hell are my clothes?"

It took a minute to remember where I had put my stuff, not having it on all weekend, but both Snake and I dress, hurried to his car. I gave it a fast push and we were off to the lake.

Snaked sent a text to Jimmy along the way as we moved across town. Once at the lake we headed toward the men's locker room to meet up with Jarvis and Billy.

At first we saw nothing, but could hear some heavy breathing from the back lockers near the toilet stalls. Rounding the corner, there stretched in the doorway was Randy. He had been stripped of all his clothes and duct taped around the hands and feet to each side of the stall. Jarvis and Billy, both holding baseball bats, turned and smiled.

"Hey Ryan, hey Snake, you guys are just in time to take a turn with our new game "smacking the fag", smiled Billy.

"Why do you want to hurt him", Snake asked?

"Because he likes to have sex with boys", remarked Billy.

Snake then said, "So you think having sex with boys is bad, but beating them with bats is good?"

While Billy was showing some pain contemplating that question, Jarvis picked up his bat and readied to hit Randy. "Stop, don't hurt him, he's my friend ", I yelled.

"Ryan, you're our team mate our buddy, get over here with us", Billy laughed.

"Sorry boys, but I play for the other team now", I answered.

"You mean you're gay", finally Billy was getting it?

I took Snakes hand, standing in front of my friends and said,

I'm not going to let you hurt someone because they may be different than you and yeah, I am different than you too."

Billy picked up his bat and stood next to Jarvis and said,

"Well maybe we have three queers to smack down."

They took two steps toward Snake and I, for some reason, Randy must have become excited with all the macho talk, his pencil was hard and sharp.

"Stop that looks like a dangerous weapon to me", came a strong voice from behind us.

"Oh thank you for noticing Officer Garland", Randy blushed.

"Not that, those bats look like the beginning of a crime and a lot of time behind bars", he warned the boys.

The bats dropped to the floor, Snake and I turned to see Jimmy smiling and standing next to Officer Garland. Just like in the movies, the Calvary had arrived just in time.

"You two look like criminals to me, for all I know you've got more weapons and probably drug paraphernalia all over your bodies", Office Garland growled.

"No sir, no we just were going to smack down a fag, just doing our civic duty sir", Jarvis dug a deeper hole.

"I can pull my gun, or you two can strip right now" he ordered. "Jimmy go and help Randy", he then instructed.

Do I have to hurry, he's kind of cute all stretched out like that", Jimmy begged?

"No you can take your time", answered Randy.

Billy and Jarvis dropped all their clothing on the floor and stood in front of us naked and embarrassed.

"Okay both of you stand into front of those two stalls and stench out like you had Randy, Officer Garland commanded.

Officer Garland had Snake and I tape Billy and Jarvis just like they had done to Randy. Jimmy seemed to being taking a long time, but Randy wasn't complaining so we did what we were told. Once the two were secure, Officer Garland said he had another call to go on and would be gone for awhile and put us in charge of Billy and Jarvis.

Once Officer Garland had left, we made Jimmy stop what he was doing and give us a hand.

"What are you guys going to do to us, you're not going to fuck us are you", Jarvis asked hopefully?

Snake gave them a mean look and said to the rest of us, "I've got the weapons in the car, I'll be right back", out he ran.

"You're not going to cut our balls off are you", asked Billy?

While we were waiting, Randy came up and gave me a big hug, Jimmy continued to play with Randy's dick and Billy and Jarvis just look scared.

Snake came back into the locker room with a hand full of permanent markers all of different colors.

He handed them out to us, turning to face Billy and Jarvis he said,

"Being different doesn't make you wrong, only different. You two need a lesson on how it feels when you're treated badly just because you stand out from the crowd."

Well we all got into the process. Jimmy colored Billy's dick pink. Randy drew a target on the ass of Jarvis. Snake and I wrote things like I like Fags' and Touch me I'm gay' on their chest, It was fun and for some reason Jarvis seemed to be enjoying it.

He said, "Gosh, Ryan, I never knew, maybe we could hook up some time"?

"No thanks Jarvis; I've got all I can handle now, putting my arm around Snake.

So when we finished, the two of them looked had a rainbow of color all over their bodies, just then Officer Garland returned.

He looked at our work and smiled and in a firm voice he said to Billy and Jarvis,

"I could take you to jail like that, I could take you home like that, or I could let you go and you could just stay like that for the next week. Which is it", he asked them?

"We're cool, we don't want to go to jail or home, please just let us go, we know we deserved what happen to us and won't do it again", pleaded Billy and Jarvis agreed.

The boys dressed and ran out of there leaving their bats behind. We thanked Officer Garland while he supervised Jimmy's efforts to dress Randy. Then Snake and I headed home.

I knew, by morning the word would be out that I was out. I needed to tell my folks before they heard it from someone else. This wasn't going to be easy. Would Mom cry? Would Dad yell? Would they throw me out of their lives? Homeless and gay, I didn't like the sound of that.

They were in the living room. Father in his easy chair reading the newspaper, Mother knitting in her rocker, this was not going to be easy, but hey I'm tough, you know MVP and all.

"Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something", I said in a shaky voice.

They looked up, smiling the warm smile that had brought me into this world and greeted me everyday of my life.

"Mom, Dad, Mother and Father, Pop, Mommy", I stuttered.

"Ryan if you have something to say, just say it dear", Mom instructed.

"I'm Gay!"

Still smiling, still warm and friendly faces, I'm not dead yet.

"Yes dear we know", Mom replied.

"What? When did you figure it out", I asked completely surprised?

"Well Ryan we suspected it when you were just a little boy, but it was those nights when Jimmy stayed over. His yelling your name three times a night confirmed it for us", she answered.

"Sorry Mom"

"Ryan, we love you no matter what", said Dad, "We want you to be happy and hope you fine someone to share your life with that will make you happy", added Dad.

"Oh I have, it's Snake, I mean Willard, I thought for a moment and added, Will."

"We like him Ryan and hope you make each other happy", Dad added.

"Oh, we get happy, but that's more than I should be saying, Sorry Dad."

They both laughed as I turned bright red. Mom finished our conversation with this thought.

"Ryan just remember; not everyone will understand and many will not embrace the choice the two of you have made. So make certain to embrace each other whenever you can."

Thanks Mom, thanks Dad", I knew I was lucky. It wasn't always going to be that way.

Most top rated quarterbacks, I think I mentioned I was MVP four times this season, anyway most guys at my level choose their University based on the quality of the football team. I picked mine based on the quality of their Veterinarian School. That was the path Will was heading, to care for animals was a natural career choice for him. We wanted to room together and share the college experience.

I hoped to be a High School Coach. I could just see myself standing in the hallway watching those naked boys running from the shower to their lockers. I'd pick out three or four cute ones and have them stand naked and dripping in my office as I gave them a safety speech. There would always be one who would spring a boner just by standing close to me. I'd excuse the rest of them and give him special training on how to protect himself in the slip and fall. But I'll save that for another story.

Right now Will in waiting for me in the bedroom and tonight is his turn to be.......


The End. I hope you enjoyed it, please let me know.

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