
Published on Mar 1, 2012



Snowblowin' By Frank

No work for me today a foot of snow and the boss called it off. My wife on the other hand must go, her boss sucks. That means with her hour commute I am home alone for at least 10 hours. Whats a fella to do for 10 hours? That means my snow day just became a masturbation day. You know those days when you are left alone uninterrupted and those dirty thoughts creep right down into your pants. Days when suddenly you find yourself trying on your wife's underwear or inserting the handle of your screwdriver into your bum. Where to begin?

First thing is first I have to make it look like I haven't been reading the Nifty Archive all day. Dishes done. Laundry going. Bed Made. Now the driveway. I like to snowblow it keeps me in shape and gives me time to enjoy my naughty thoughts, but right now I want to enjoy my naughty cock. It will have to wait, for now, or will it. Suddenly, I have a naughty idea to wear my snow pants with anything under them. Oh how lovely the material feels. My cock is pointing the way but he knows its at least an hour away from my loving hands. Into the yard I go.

Two passes up the drive way and I am smiling ear to ear. The material of my snow pants and the cool air are making my cock dance. Not to mention the lovely vibrations from the snow blower. On my third pass my day improves a hundred times over. While blowing the snow I was lost in what perversions were to come when I heard a car horn. Damn it!! Before I could get upset, I turned to discover my lovely friend Dan pulling in the drive.

"Hello, Frank. Got the day off? I just got sent home." Dan is my best friend who also lives on my street. We have had a few lovely naked times together.

"Lucky us, huh? Another few hundred pounds of snow and we can enjoy it."

"I can go get my plow truck. Give you a hand." Love that Dan.

"Why don't I plow you and give you a hand!" We both laugh. Jackpot!!

"Karen had to work, huh? You cheeky bastard! How much time we have?"

"Well at least another 8 hours unless she gets out early. Hey want to see my new thermals?" I move closer to Dan's car as I unzip my jacket.

"8 hours sounds like plenty of time to plow. What new thermals?"

I move to his window and finish unzipping my snow pants and out falls my cock. Dan grins and leans out the window.

"I need a closer look," he says taking my cock in his mouth. The snow is falling and my cold cock is in a hot mouth. The town plow cruises by my driveway and toots his horn, probably didn't even look at us.

"Well, better go get my truck, these pants are a bit too constricting. I'll be right back." Eager Dan leaves my cock wanting more.

Ten minutes passes and Dan comes flying into my drive way plowing snow everywhere. He rolls down the window and tells me to hop in. I climb in and find Dan has no pants on and his cock is straight up bouncing around. He tells me, "I will plow your driveway as long as you keep my cock in that pretty mouth of yours!"

"Deal." No hesitation on my end, and then I go to work. My mouth watering as I drop my head into Dan's lap. He plows the driveway in record time as I bounce around the cab of the truck holding his cock in my mouth like a hooked fish. When he finishes on the last push of snow my mouth is filled with salty Dan and he gives one last grunt.

"Whats next? " He asks.

"Well, I should put the snowblower away and check the laundry." We get out of the truck and Dan puts on his snowpants. I put the snowblower away in the shed and all of a sudden Dan tackles me. We roll around playing like school kids grinding our crotches together. Dan unzips my pants and goes to town on my cock, still the snow is falling on us, I could almost see the steam rising off us. Dan licks his fingers and they wet my hole before entering and my hips raise off the ground as my cock explodes in Dans mouth. I feel like I am bucking, good thing we live in a woody area.

After laying on top of me for a few minutes Dan shoves a handful of snow in my pants and so begins another tussle. We wrestle for what seems like hours ending with both of us wearing snow filled pants and pulling each other out of our clothes. We make a mad dash to the house bare assed. The snow and cold is so invigorating.

In the house I stoke the fire and check my laundry. Dan and I have an idle chat while our naked bodies take turns waving with our cocks. I begin to fold my laundry and Dan sees my wife's panties. "Oh, these our nice," he says as he chooses a red Lacey pair. He slides them up his smooth almost hairless legs. The panties divide his large balls and let them hang out each side as his cock begins to grow again.

"Don't stretch them out, my wife will kill us."

"No worries Frank, I am thinner than Karen, although I bet her cock is bigger than mine." We both laugh and continue to fold my laundry, me naked, Dan in panties. Half way through laundry and Dan found one of my wife's sundress and slips into it. This is new, but my cock is rising to the task.

"Call me Daniel you stud."

"Hey Daniel, you look beautiful today." This is the first time Dan has been in women's clothing with me. And to top it off with another first he leans in and starts frenching the shit out of me.

"I didn't know you were such a good kisser Daniel." I say as I come up for air.

"There's a lot you dont know about me Frank," he says in a flirtatiously feminine voice. "Come make love to me," he says drawing me into the living room. He sits on the couch and beckons me further, "eat my pussy." I dont argue as I tongue his ass and lap his balls, I almost shred my wife panties as I pull them off. Dan or Daniel begins to purr and pulls me up to kiss her lips. While we makeout she grabs my cock and guides it into her ass. I am pumping into my best friend in the hottest moment of our life so far and his cock lets go with a load all over us both and I cant hold back, my cock pulses and we lay in a heap on the couch.

We fall asleep on the couch for an hour, only to awake to the phone ringing. I answer and find that Karen is getting out of work early. I swear my cock sighed, and then she tells me she is gonna stay at her moms tonight the roads are too bad. We say our 'love yous' and 'see ya soons.' I laugh as the phone hangs up and tell Dan we have the night to do what we want. Dan is now grinning ear to ear. "Grab another dress and some panties, I am gonna make love to Francis tonight!"

"Shall we go plow your house?"

"We can go to my house and get plowed," he says. Let it snow, let it snow.

I hope you enjoyed this story, I wrote it with sticky fingers. I have to go snowblow my yard again I hope Dan is around!

Feel free to email me your thoughts on my story, have fun be safe!

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