
Published on Dec 21, 2014


A Year In The Life

The Diner, Part 1&2

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

The Diner, Part 1

I awoke, rubbed sleep from my eyes and looked towards the window.. Pete was sitting there, he smiled, raised a cup of coffee. "Good morning sunshine" he said. "What got into you last night?"

"Oh that? Just testing out your confidence theory My guess is I passed."

"You were definitely in control, I kinda liked it babe."

I got out of bed, walked over to the chair, and nodded for Pete to get up. He rose, I untied the sash of his robe, he let it fall to the ground. I put my hand on the small of his back, just above his butt and directed him into the master bath.

I turned on the shower, pulled him in. We kissed. I tasted every square inch of his mouth. I bent him over in the spray, letting the water run over us. I let my dick ride up and down his butt, leaned over his back, pulled him up by his pecs as my dick slipped between his legs. I hugged him tight, rubbed his nips, and whispered in his ear "Every dog has it's day" With that I spun both of us around, put my ass up in the air and waited for his assault.

I felt his bull balls against mine in one stroke. I had us so both on edge that he was filling me in ten quick strokes. I shook as I pounded my dick, spraying my cum into the drain below..

"That is what confidence does for you Pete. I hope Fred learned the same lesson"

It didn't take us long to find out. While Pete and I were dressing I heard their footsteps from the room they shared, to the bathroom across the hall. We thought we gave them enough time for privacy, but when we walked by we heard slurping. Through an open door I saw that Charlie and Fred were both making a meal of Angelo's butt. I found out later that this was the first time that Fred had ever rimmed a guy. I knew from experience he was starting out with a tasty one. I said "Nice." I wasn't sure if they heard me.

Downstairs Pete and I started breakfast. I poured myself a cup of coffee. I could tell that Pete was deep in thought, then suddenly he said "I was wondering if you would consider spending your time off here, with me. I don't know what your plans are but..."

I interrupted "try keeping me away. If anyone needs me, they have my cell. I can stop by the house later for clothes."

"Yeah the dress code here is so formal, you had better pack three suitcases." he chuckled. "Seriously, you can stay here, and maybe Fred can stay at your place while he irons out details. As you can tell by the sound of bed springs upstairs the three of them seem to be getting along."

"I was thinking of something else" I said, "I think it might be a good idea for Fred and Charlie to have cell phones. They both have Gino's number if they need someone to talk to about drinking, but what about if Fred has the sudden urge to stop at a rest stop. While we are there shopping, maybe we can get you one too."

"Not sure I need one, but I do need to do some Christmas shopping at the mall" Pete said. "I don't know if either of them have the credit they need for a phone, but my guess is we can help them out. We can fill the guys in on our ideas, once they untangle themselves."

After my second cup of coffee, I had to piss, so I went upstairs. The three amigos were making enough noise that I had to look in.

Angelo was on his hands and knees in the middle of the bed. Fred's dick was aimed at his mouth, Charlie's dick deep in his butt. Angelo opened his mouth, took Fred's dick in. They started fucking away. Angelo was right where he needed to be, so Charlie and Fred both leaned in and started kissing each other. From the looks of it Charlie was giving Angelo a gentle fuck, if something that thick could be considered gentle.

I felt I was violating their intimacy so I pulled myself away from that moment, and went into the master bath. Even after my own interlude with Pete, I found myself trying to piss with a hard-on. I finally finished, then looked out the back window. I spotted something in the distance so I stepped out onto the back deck. The eagle circling over towards the river had to be a good omen for the day.

I hoped I had given them enough time. I could still hear them going at it, so I slowly walked towards the open door. Yep, they were entwined. Charlie's fat dick kept on hitting Angelo's button. He was leaking pre-cum onto the flannel sheets below. Fred was grinding his cock into Angelo's drooling throat. I forget if Charlie came first or if Fred filled Angelos mouth but after they filled him, Fred flipped Angelo over, and sucked down his load.

I watched them for a few minutes. I guess deep down I am a voyeur. At least I did let them come before I cleared my throat. "Breakfast is served."

The feeling around the table was one of contentment. Much like last night at the diner, Fred finally looked at ease among his friends. Almost every time I saw him at the bar he looked nervous, on edge. This day however he seemed to be gaining strength being among friends. He had been through a lot in the last 48 hours or so, and he finally had the courage to tell his story.

"Guys, you know I am not dumb, I just do stupid things" We all turned to listen to Fred after he said that. He went on to tell us that he wasn't sure if he ever did anything more stupid than returning to the bar that Thursday night and getting into his pick up. He remembered everything about Thursday. All of the guys at the bar had him horned up, even Mike when he confronted him outside. "I was drunk, but I knew what I was doing, I wanted to suck some dick."

"The whole way to the rest stop I had a boner. I sat in my pick up for a minute, trying to get up the courage I needed. I heard some semi's idling in the other lot, maybe there was trucker dick in the rest room. I could follow one outside, get my mouth filled and then drive home. I saw a younger guy in a pick up. He had his cab light on as he drank coffee. He was handsome and young, not my usual type. I never got lucky with guys like that, yet he followed me in."

"He pulled up to the next urinal, I saw his dick, it was long and hard. He invited me out to his pick up. He asked me to blow him, I started to, and suddenly he was arresting me. I may do stupid things, but I am not a stupid man. I sobered up quickly. I took mental notes of everything. He said I was drunk, so I acted drunk. I noted the time on the clock in his truck. I noted the waist band of his brand of underwear. I already knew the size of his dick. I was the perfect witness."

Pete stopped him. "So the cop was there for a blow job too?" Did you ever wonder what was going through his mind?"

"I think his dick was thinking for him Pete. I do know that I was really getting into it, and so was he, but all of a sudden he cuffed me and was bringing me in. The stupid fuck really was in over his head. I don't know what caused him to go from being blown, to arresting me, but it was beyond idiotic of him."

"When you guys arrived I had already figured I was going to be getting off. I went through all the scenarios in my head, but didn't say a thing until the lawyer showed up. You guys really saved me, and then Gino gave me this." Fred pulled a card out of his pocket, everyone already knew what it said.

"One Day At A Time, Gino"

You could tell Fred really wanted to get his act together, and we all wanted to help. Pete thought it was the perfect time to bring up our ideas. "Charlie and Fred, Kyle thinks the three of us need to get out of the dark ages and get a cell phone. I know it could come in handy if either of you are tempted to drink, or even go trolling for dick at the rest stop."

Charlie liked that idea. "I've been thinking about getting one, but my credit sucks. I do have some extra cash now and I need to do some Christmas shopping..."

I interrupted. "We got you covered guys. I am in the Christmas shopping mood myself, let's get this show on the road"

Fred reminded us of one thing, his truck was impounded. Charlie volunteered to pay for any fees, his little present to a friend. "I have that covered. Tell you what, the four of us can go change at Kyle's while you clean up here Pete. Then we can go to the impound lot, and I will bail out Fred's truck." We can then all meet at the mall."

Charlie and I found enough clothes to make Fred and Angelo presentable. We were at the impound lot quickly, where we found out that the City had waived the fee, fearing what would happen if the story got out. After picking out cell phones for Fred, Pete and Charlie, we hit the mall, and the mall hit back.

Angelo saw some jewelry in a window, and immediately thought of his Aunt Connie. The salesperson asked us if we were shopping for our wives. Angelo said "No, just an aunt. My wife is over there, Ain't he cute?"

You could tell that Charlie was going to get him later, but the rest of us laughed. We shopped the mall, no one going overboard, I think everyone was thinking of others within our group. Eventually we rested in the food court.

Fred raised his pop glass in a toast. "Here's to a great bunch of friends who were there when I needed them" We did our best to clink our plastic cups. "Forty-eight, hours ago.. Hell twenty-four hours ago I didn't think I was worth shit. I thought I was the lowest of the lows, and if someone scraped me off the bottom of their shoe, I wouldn't be surprised. But you guys were there for me." We all clinked our plastic cups again.

As a group we really were there for Fred. If you would have asked me about him a few days prior, I would have probably been not too kind about him. But that day in the mall I looked at him drinking his pop, and I saw a friend

I still had something gnawing at the pit of my stomach. Something wasn't adding up about the young cop who arrested Fred. I wouldn't find out the answer 'til months later.

The Diner Part 2

The week before Christmas, 1999

After our whirlwind shopping spree, Pete dropped Charlie and I off at home. I had to pack some clothes if I was going to spend the next two weeks with Pete. I packed simply, casual clothes, maybe a nice shirt and slacks for a date night, sweats for lounging, and outdoor ready clothes just in case. I looked at the pile of packages I had put aside for wrapping, I would need to plan a day back here to do that before Christmas Eve. For the most part, I looked at these two weeks as a vacation.

I threw my packed bag in the car. Pete greeted me at the door with a kiss and a grope. "Welcome home Kyle. I'll take the bag up to our room." He was just wearing sweats I admired the view of his muscular back and butt as he carried my bag upstairs. FFFFUUUCK, I felt extremely lucky in that moment. He was my guy, he called it "our room" and told me "Welcome home".

He came back down, sat on the sofa, and patted the spot near him. I sat, he hugged me closer. I leaned against his bare chest. His hand went into my shirt as he stroked my hairy pecs. "Just the two of us. I love our friends, but you are all I need right now." He was melting my heart. The parade of cars was starting outside. "You got anything comfortable in that suitcase? Go change into it, but be quick."

I went to "our room". My suitcase was on the bed with a note, and a mint.

"Welcome to the Ravinka Inn. Please enjoy the many amenities of our establishment. The fitness center and sauna/spa are open 24 hours. We hope your stay will be a pleasant one.

Thanks, The Management"

I couldn't help but smile. I grabbed the sweat pants from the suitcase. I put them on commando style. Knowing who was waiting for me on the sofa made them tent up. I walked downstairs, made no attempt to hide my hard-on, and fell back in his arms. "That's the ticket" he said. "Why don't we disconnect the phones for a few days. His strong arms and hands held me. They would flex holding me tighter. The radio played Christmas music in the background. I realized I was home for the holidays.

I could have stayed like this forever, but my stomach growled something fierce. Pete heard it and said "I get the hint. Shall we call room service?" He nudged me off him. "Let's see what I can whip up." I noticed that his fridge was stocked, especially compared to my near empty one. With all of the activity lately, I wasn't sure when Pete had the time to shop. "How does steak and home fries sound?"

"It sounds great to me" Frankly he could have made me a PB&J and I would have been happy just spending time with him. I loved sitting at the kitchen table watching him at work. He cut and fried the potatoes, giving them a head start.

He took some seasonings from the cupboard and sprinkled them on the steaks with a "Bam!" Someone was watching Emeril. "How do you like your steak? Before you answer I wish to remind you that the chef only knows medium-rare, so don't ask for well-done."

I laughed "Medium-rare is perfect"

"We'll have to make do with the broiler. Some idiot forgot to move the grill before that big snow fall and is too lazy to do it since." He threw both steaks on, they sizzled on the hot surface. With perfect timing he turned the steaks, allowing them to broil to perfection. Soon he was plating the potatoes, and placing the steak beside them. "We have to let it rest, don't want to lose all of the juice as you cut it."

While waiting he grabbed two wine glasses and found a bottle of red. He placed them on the table, uncorked the bottle, and poured. He then put a plate before me, sat down and offered a toast. "To just the two of us."

I clicked his glass. "To the two of us" then took a sip while looking in his eyes. He gestured towards the steak, I cut a piece and saw it was just how I liked it.

"How do you like my meat?" he winked.

"Perfect! It's thick, juicy, hot, tasty just how I like it. I can tell by the size it is going to be filling."

"Even Connie said she liked my meat. I wonder how she likes Stan's?

"Hey now, she is our friends aunt, and a lady, is that anyway to talk?"

"If she were here she would probably join in. She is a pro at double entendre. She even said so herself, and NO, I didn't have to look double entendre up. Duluth Denfeld was a good school back when I was growing up."

"I hope they are still hitting if off. I think Stan planned to take her on a date tonight. I think they will have fun if they do, I know I am enjoying my date."

Pete blushed "Who'da thunk it. Sitting here half naked with a man, a man I love." He shook his head. I think we both were trying to grasp the concept. I decided a month back to just let it happen, and so far that was working. We quietly ate. Pete refilled the wine glasses. The food was flavorful and the wine mellowed me. He topped up the glasses as we finished eating. "Tomorrow we start training, tonight we relax"

Our spot on the sofa was waiting. We found ourselves in the same embrace. Frank Sinatra's version of "I'll Be Home For Christmas" came on. Pete hummed through the first half, quietly at first. He was singing along full voice at the end. His chest resonated, my resting head felt it. I looked in his eyes, there were tears there.

"That was my Mom's favorite Christmas song. That was the first time I was able to listen to it all of the way through since she died. Thank you." In that moment I felt the urgency of his love. He wiped a tear, kissed me then let go of me as he rose. He walked to the door. There he picked up a home made Do Not Disturb sign, opened the door to place it on the handle, then closed and locked the door. He walked back to me, offered his hand, I got up, as he directed me up to his room, our room.

I was happy that I had already moved my suitcase to the easy chair. We easily fell on the bed in our sweats. His strong hand reached into the waistband and felt my ass. After the musical beds of the last few weeks I was happy to be alone with my man. Our embrace of equals found no top, bottom, middle, catcher or pitcher. Labels weren't necessary at that moment, just two men who needed each other.

I felt every ounce of his strength in his easy embrace. We rolled around on the bed, losing the sweatpants as we did. Our dicks which had been on a rollercoaster all evening were steel-hard. In his kiss I tasted our dinner and wine, but mainly my man. He pulled up between my parted legs, his thick dick rested on my full balls. He looked me in my eyes "I need this."

"So do I, it's yours."

He grabbed my left leg and placed it against his chest. His dick was knocking at my sphincter, I took a breath and let it in. He planted his dick into it's home. I saw the desire in his eyes as she slowly started to grind it. His face nuzzled my leg, his tongue darted out to lick it. His broad head found my button, my mushroom head started to ooze. A hand went to my dick, he coaxed a large pearl of pre-cum out. He dipped a finger into my slit and then shared the juice with his tongue and mine. "I love my babes sweetness." he said as he continued to grind.

We weren't athletic, but we were urgent. He lowered my leg, my hole clamped down as he kept on grinding. "Yeah... more resistance this way. It feels good babe. Is it good for you?"

Wordlessly I grabbed a free hand, and brought it to my dick Slime was coating my knob. "Yeah... your babe really knows how to fuck ya doesn't he?"

I nodded. We spooned as he continued his thrusts. One hand explored my chest and belly, the other manipulated my dick. I countered each thrust and manipulation by exercising my hole. There was no air space between us, just two strong men moving as one. My dick was covered in my own pre-cum. I was on the edge so he pushed me over with one well placed thrust. My balls tightened, my gut tensed as I shot a rope of cum across the comforter. "Yeah babe" he said hoarsely as his own load filled my ass.

We slowly came down from our high. Pete's breathing returned to normal just after mine did. He held me tight, dick still firmly implanted, looked over my shoulder. "Looks like the management will be doing laundry tomorrow. It will keep the help busy"

I ground my ass back, still clamping down on his dick. "Good sex can be messy Pete, by that puddle I would guess we just had great sex."

"I think we went beyond that and ventured into lovemaking Kyle. What are we going to name the baby?"

"I don't care, as long as he is strong and healthy."

Eventually we untangled. Pete grabbed a washcloth to wipe my load off the bed. We took a quick shower mainly to rinse off. I loved smelling my man's musk, and I didn't want to lose it I got under the covers as Pete ran downstairs to turn off the lights. Momentarily I thought of Charlie, Fred and Angelo in my house. My extended family was growing. However when Pete returned, he was the only man on my mind.

I spooned against Pete, my dick found a home next to his crack. It was my turn to hold him as we fell asleep.

It was rise and shine early the next morning. Some time during the night we rolled over and Pete's morning wood was between my legs. He propped himself up on one elbow and said "Training starts today. I figure a short run, then an exercise session, followed by weights. Breakfast afterwards, you'll have earned it by then."

We got up, pissed through our morning wood, and then started to get dressed. He suggested the sweat pants, thermal shirt and a flannel lined jacket would be fine. I forgot a jock, so he loaned me one. I put it on, and the thought added stiffness to my dick. He swatted my ass with his shirt. "Enough of that buddy, we got training to do, we can leave that for later."

We looked a bit different than the winter joggers I was used to seeing. Pete was old school, but I followed his lead. Outside it was still dark, you could see our breath as we started to run towards my house. When we got around the bend we saw that the Christmas lights were still on. "Hate to be paying your electricity bill Kyle." Pete said as we jogged. We saw that Fred and Angelo's vehicles were still there. "Looks like the party continued when they left our house." I liked how Pete was referring to his place as "our house".

We jogged down to the dead end and stopped. "There's a trail down this way that leads to the creek, we can go that way in spring and summer, but I have a different route now. We turned back, started running towards the major road which we followed for about half a mile. This was almost as much running as I had done the rest of the year, but I kept up, barely. We turned towards the hill. He stopped again to let me catch my breath. "This is the last leg of Skyline Parkway, but it isn't maintained in the winter months. We'll jog in as far as we can, then head home. We were able to make it another half mile or so. The road then became impossible to run on, so we turned around.

While we were on the main road the sun started to rise. Even with my light layers, I was getting sweaty, I felt good. The light filtering through the pines, birch and maples changed hues quickly. By the time we jogged into our driveway crisp blue skies greeted us.

Pete went for the keys in his pocket, opened the door, and quickly placed the Do Not Disturb sign there. "Oh by the way" he said as he threw me an extra set of keys. "Sorry the Inn staff didn't give you these at check in." He had been full of surprises recently, this was the biggest one.

We each re-hydrated with a glass of water. Pete wiped the sweat from his brow. He could make the simplest movement sexy. This one was in his top ten. "We'll cool down for a bit, then some simple exercises. Nothing fancy, it worked for me in the 70's still works for me now." He patted his abs to illustrate.

Downstairs we entered the workout room and stripped down to our sweat pants. We did a simple warm up to acclimate to the room. Pete suggested sit ups, me bending my knees. "I saw the way your belly tensed up as you shot last night Kyle. You have a six pack hiding somewhere behind that keg." His hands raked over my belly as I exercised. He ruffled the fur, and pushed down on my stomach. His encouragement and attention spurred me on.

After sit-ups he told me to mix it up and alternate elbow and knee. He counted them off again. I really was out of a routine, so he snapped me back into one. Looking back I realize how out of shape I was. He had already taken me beyond my usual weekly exercise, and there was more on the horizon. I don't even know what he called the rest of his routine, but he counted it off, and I completed it.

I was sweating like a beast. He suggested a cool down before we hit the weights. Pete took off his sweat pants, stood there in his stretched out jock, and I followed suit. His hands went over my sweaty belly, down my butt, and then onto my thighs. "Feeling good buddy. Feeling great in fact."

"Stop!" I said, "I still have the weights to do. And I don't need any distractions"

He hugged me. "There'll be time for distractions later, but first we need you to lift"

He led me to the bench He had remembered my weight benchmark from last week, so he started shy of that a few pounds. With his urging I did that weight easily. He added more, I did the reps. Soon I found myself lifting twenty more pounds than I did the last time, he really drove me. He wanted more, but I was at my limit and starting to ache. "No Pain No Gain" he said.

I reached toward his ass and put a finger in. "No Pain, No Gain. Our training continues later."

I got up from the bench, the sudden movement caused a spasm in my lower back. It was obvious to Pete who helped me up. "Did I push you too hard? Here wait." He went over to a closet, and pulled out a large contraption. This house had more secrets than I was aware of, and the closet contained the newest one. He set up the massage table close to where I was standing. I leaned on it while he ran for some towels.

After draping the table, he helped me onto it. I laid down, butt up and let my arms fall to the side. He raised my waist for a minute, then pulled off my jock, slapped my ass, then went to the closet for oil. He stepped out of his own jock and let his hands start their job.

His strong hands found my sore muscles. He immediately found the knot that started in the small of my back and gently started to work it out He worked in a line up my spine, letting his hands fan out as he went. His strength was conveyed on my shoulders and I was reminded how many different ways he had placed his hands there over the last two months. He massaged my neck, avoiding my hot spot, for now at least. He massaged first one, then the other arm, then did rapid fire karate chops down my spine.

Each leg was massaged in a similar fashion, starting at the butt, then heading down to the feet. His hands felt great on my feet, they weren't used to the run, and he made them feel limber again. When he got to my butt he gave me a massage that mirrored the first time he fucked me, except his thumbs didn't play tug of war with my butt hole. My ass was fine, there really wasn't any need to massage it, except for the pleasure it brought both of us. There was something about the way his hands flexed, that let me know that Pete needed my ass.

After a few minutes, he slapped my cheeks, told me to turn over. The resultant hard-on that I sported was a surprise to neither of us. Pete joked around, gingerly rearranging me so he could continue the message . I was not surprised that his own length had changed altitude. Despite the intimacy, the massage continued almost chastely. I was fine with experiencing his touch, I didn't need anything more at that moment.

Pete ended by stroking his hands over my pecs. It had been something we had shared, loved, experienced over the last few months. He kneaded my chest in much the same way he did my ass. After a few minutes, he twisted my nubs, tapped out 1-4-3 then said "Breakfast time babe."

We went to the kitchen in our sweats. Pete noticed a piece of paper that must have been slipped under the door.

"Do not disturb? It's about time you guys get your lazy asses out of your warm bed and answer your phones. We are heading to the diner for breakfast, call us. Fred"

I don't know if it was smart for the three of them to get Pete riled up. He found his still virgin cell phone, flipped it open , and got Fred on the phone. I only heard half of the conversation

"First of all our far from lazy asses have been out of bed and hustling well before you guys even thought of opening your eyes."

"No we weren't fucking like bunnies, we were working out. I realize that is an expression none of you are familiar with."

"Like hell you guys are in shape. But I guess you could argue that round is a shape"

"Yeah we'll meet you for breakfast, but Charlie is buying, he has to make it even for running up Kyle's electrical bill. TURN OFF THE FUCKING LIGHTS NEXT TIME."

I don't know, you will have to ask Kyle."

"See ya in twenty, get the same booth if you can"

He closed the phone, looked at me. "I know I said shut off the phone, but those guys need us. They can barely handle ordering off the kids menu."

"What do they have to ask me about?" I asked

"I think that is a question best left for them to ask you personally, let's get moving." We got dressed quickly, not stopping for a shower. They would have to deal with two guys who were sporting an honest sweat. I drove my car, Pete liked being chauffeured. Somehow we made it to the diner in 15 minutes. The guys beat us there and looked odd crowding the one side of the booth.

Pete and I sat across from them, the waitress brought us menus and coffee. Even though it was later, almost lunch time, we all ordered breakfasts. Pete and I had worked up an appetite, so we dug in as soon at the plates were in front of us. No one mentioned the hot topic that Pete left unanswered. I decided it was time to ask. "So what is this question that required me to leave the comfort of my vacation to join you three here?"

Charlie spoke up. "We were talking about ummm, you know... "the diner". We all kind of like, you know... the thrill of anonymous sex. Having a lover like Angelo is great, it even has been fun sharing him with Fred, but I know I miss the lure of unknown dick. Since the rest stop has been taken off the table" he looked at Fred "we wanted another spot to pursue it."

Angelo added "I guess you guys can figure out that Charlie and I have sort of become close. We want to check it out, see if it is like Gino and Brent say it is. Will we be able to fuck around without being jealous? No time like the present to test it, we figure."

Fred quietly asked "Kyle do you think it is safe to do the sauna? Or are we tempting fate?"

"From my experience the only time the cops have been in that place was to remove a falling down drunk who was getting belligerent. The owner warned us, told us to grab a towel or a room, and then the cops removed him. You guys should be safe. As for you two testing your relationship, just be honest with each other. You might even find something new to add spice to what you already have."

Pete added "Just remember you are in charge of your time there. Be in control of what you do, and you should have a good time."

"Will you and Pete join us?" Fred asked "Charlie is paying. Can't pass that up."

"We will take a rain check" I said. "Pete has his own work out to do later. Enjoy yourself guys."

Next: Chapter 15: The Diner 3

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