So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on Mar 30, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except for the location. It was written by me and I am over 18. Any similarities to anyone living or dead are strictly coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, or it offends you or you are not of legal age to read this than please do not read any further.

The author retains the copyright to this story, and any other rights, to this original story. Nifty has the posting rights. You may not publish it or any part of it without authorization from me.

I hope you enjoy it. Please email me at

Chapter 1

It was the beginning of summer in the late 60's, that magical summer before I started my sophomore year of high school. The early morning June-gloom had just burned off and the sun was peeking through my window and was starting to take away the chill and warm me up. I could barely make out an old Beatles tune drifting up the stairs from the radio down in the kitchen. The smell of fresh coffee and my mom's stale cigarettes was creeping under my bedroom door. Sloan, my Dobie/Shepard mix, was on the floor next to my bed scratching away a pesky flea behind her ear.

Sounds nice, but in reality I had a nervous feeling in my stomach as a new family was going to be moving into the Bailey house next door. I was going to miss the Baileys. They were a nice old couple who paid me a buck or two to mow the lawn, three bucks if I did the hedges. Mrs. Bailey was like a granny to my family and made us cookies and stuff. She and my mom were like sisters, talking and gossiping every day. Mr. Bailey would love it when I'd sit with him out in his garage on hot August evenings and listen to Vin Scully give the play-by-play of the Dodgers on his old radio. He'd nurse a Miller longneck and I would drink a frosty cold Coke out of the bottle. Sometimes he'd give me a sip of his beer. Never mind that his hand would roam around my butt and crotch from time to time and he would get a strange, far off look in his eyes. But that was back when I was younger. Last month they put up a for sale sign in the front of their house and I started to worry about who we were going to get as new neighbors. The Baileys were headed off to live in some active retirement apartment out in the desert. After living next door to me my whole life I was sad to see them go. But I didn't want a family with a bunch of girls moving in, or worse, a bunch of bible thumpers that would try to beat the devil out of us. Or some old dried up hairy arm-pitted lesbo's who'd try and make a move on my mom. Or Manson followers. Yikes! I had all kinds of scary scenarios built up in my mind. I was kinda weird like that.

We live in Pasadena, California, the same city that you see every New Year's Day on TV. Only our part of the city isn't all flowers, floats and football. Our house is on the very top, at the end of a cul-de-sac street pressed up next to the San Gabriel Mountains. You know those mountains: they catch on fire almost every summer when we get those crazy Santa Ana winds, and then hundreds of people have to pack their cars with their most precious belongings, pictures and important papers. Then they have to spend the night on an old army cot in some stinky school gym. We've had to do that a couple of times. One time a fire blew in so fast and it got so close to our house that my dad and I stayed behind to siphon the water out of our swimming pool to spray the hot spots that were popping up all around the house and up on the roof. The fireman sure got pissed at us for staying, but we got lucky and except for an old tool shed, we didn't lose the house.

But fortunately for me the Baileys sold their house to an almost-divorcee with two kids: A boy like me, fifteen, and an older teenage girl around seventeen. With a wink, Mr. Bailey said that I'd be great friends with Jake right away. I asked him how he knew, but he just smiled and patted me on the head. Considering that my dick and my right hand seemed to be my best friends these days, I hoped that he was right.

So today is the big day, and after getting dressed and having a big bowl of Cap'n Crunch, my mom, dad, me and my little brother Jordan tearfully said our good-byes to the Baileys, promising to get out to Snake Creek real soon to see them. Mr. Bailey backed his 1967 cherry-bomb red Buick Wildcat out of the driveway and followed the big moving van down the street. And with a final wave they were gone. But just as soon as their moving van turned round the corner and down the hill with their lifetime of furniture and memories, the craziest tie-dye painted Volkswagen bus, (with pink daisy stickers on the hubcaps, no less) piled high with boxes and a few pieces of ratty furniture, came smoking up the street. As it careened around the end of the cul-de-sac, playing a song by Janis Joplin on the radio, it made me think it was going to tip over on its side, especially when it came to an abrupt stop right in front of us.

Sloan barked once and then sat down hard on my foot, totally confused as to what was going on. The passenger side window rolled down and a bored looking girl in a purple striped tube top that could barely contain her huge boobs stuck her head out and asked my mom if this was the Bailey house. My mom, LuAnn, ever so cheerful, and totally oblivious to those big bouncing boobies, said "It sure is, honey. You just missed them. Why don't you park right over there?"

"Thanks," said the girl and the bus lurched ahead, squealing into the driveway and slamming on its brakes just barely missing the flower bed.

Since we were all curious and were standing right there anyway, the four of us trouped over to make introductions and to see if they needed a hand with anything. My dad offered to help unload the microbus while my mom went around and introduced herself to the driver. Her name was Annabelle, but she said everybody called her Lulu, because she was "Just a little bit dingy". And you could tell too, because she was wearing a long flowing sack of a dress with a giant fake rose pinned to it, a big yellow floppy hat and on her feet one blue sock and one red sock. And big `ole sunglasses, just like Yoko Ono! And really: you have to ask where to park at the house that you just bought? Lulu introduced us to her top heavy daughter, Lisa, as she got out of the bus, and then Jake, as he climbed out of the back and followed her out.

Jake looked pretty much like me at fifteen: all arms and legs. He had light brown hair that had turned golden blond, wavy, and long enough that it hung down just to his shoulders. His bright blue eyes and a goofy grin portrayed a devilish streak. His skin was mostly clear and lightly tanned, and you could make out just a faint outline of stubble on his chin. He wasn't necessarily cute, but not ugly either. But what really caught my eye was that he had on the tightest blue OP shorts that I had ever seen. Wow, you could even see the outline of his package right there. What would happen if he got a boner like I seemed to get all the time? Wouldn't everybody see it, I wondered? Or worse, would it stick out the bottom and say hello to everyone?

Just then, Jake made a beeline straight for me and said "Hey! How's it going? I'm Jake. Jake Mariano. What's your name?"

"I'm Ryan Miller," I told him. "Are you going to Foothills High School this year?"

"Yeah, I think so. But we can talk about that later. Let's go check out my new room. I haven't seen it yet!"

He surprised me by grabbing my hand and pulled me running into the Bailey's old house. Just before Jake and I went inside, I looked over my shoulder and caught a glimpse of my mom yakking away with Lulu, my dad was popping open the ropes of the roof top carrier, and my little ten-year-old brother Jordan was standing in front of Lisa starring straight up at her boob's, like he was in some sort of a hypnotic trance. She was smiling at him and rubbing the back of his head. I bet if she asked him to flap his arms and fly, he'd take right off. And Sloan, ever the goof-ball, was running wildly between everybody's legs trying to figure what all these new smells were. I turned around and followed Jake up the stairs, never once taking my eyes off his super round bubble butt. What could I do? It was a beautiful sight and it was right there in front of my face! I wondered if he knew how tight those shorts were, and if he could sense that I wanted grab a-hold?

"Which room are you going to get?" I asked.

"My mom said I could have the one in the back of the house that looks out over the backyard. She and Lisa want the two bigger rooms in the front downstairs, so this will give me plenty of privacy, something I never got at our old apartment. The other bedroom up here is going to be a guest bedroom, I think."

"That's totally cool, `cause you'll be able to look out your side window and see mine."

"Oh yeah, that is cool. We can spy on each other," he smiled as he raised an eyebrow.

"You know, you're right! This room used to be the Bailey's guest room, and sometimes at night I'd spy out my window with my binoculars and see some of their guests changing clothes or getting ready for bed. They had a big family and used to have a lot of company. One time, I saw Mr. Bailey's niece giving her husband a blow job. I'll never forget that! He didn't have a very big dick, but she sure liked sucking on it. Sometimes I wonder if they knew I was watching and if they were doing it just for show."

"Awesome. Did you pop a boner?" Jake asked and giggled.

"Oh yeah! Just about anything gets me hard, and sometimes it's difficult to hide", I said. "Sometimes I have to put a book in front of me or put my hands in my pocket and move my dick around just so nobody will notice."

"I know what you mean. I have the same problem. Since my dad, `the dork', split, and mom's been saving to buy this house, we haven't had a lot of extra money to buy things and I have to wear my clothes a little bit longer than I normally would. And sometimes my pants get really tight, and there's no room for my dick if I get a boner. I've had these shorts since the beginning of last summer. I can't even wear underwear-there's no room. Take a look. See what I mean?"

Jake moved around so I could see the outline of his hardening cock through the front of his tight shorts. His cock shot down his leg to the right while his balls stayed cupped on his left side. I knew it! You could see that he was having trouble keeping the tip of his dick from sticking out the bottom cuff of his shorts. I started to get all tingly inside and the blond hair on my arms started to stand up.

"Man that looks awesome! I should try wearing some of my old tight pants. I bet I'd get hard just by walking around and having them rub on my cock and balls! I have an old pair of purple crushed cords in the back of my closet that hardly fit anymore. I'll have to try those on again." Taking a chance, I continued shyly, "In fact, I'm already hard just looking at you!"

"Take your dick out so I can see it, Ryan."

"OK, but pull out yours out all the way too," I said breathlessly. "Let's see who's bigger!"

Jake slipped out of his shorts and walked over to me with his hot rod pointing straight out like a blind man's cane. We were almost the same height so we moved our boners head to head. I guessed that his was a little longer than mine, pretty decent for a fifteen-year-old. Mine was slightly shorter but I made up for that by being thicker. Plus, I had some really long foreskin. If I stretched it out, my dick would be almost bigger than Jake's. My dad, Wiley, had made sure that when me and my brother came out of my mom fully intact, that we stayed that way, too! It wasn't common for us WASP boys in the 60's to keep their `skin, and I had heard that my mom and dad had had some long, heated discussions on this topic. But ultimately he won after he promised to make sure Jordan and I knew how to keep our cocks clean. He would always tell us that we'd thank him latter. And believe me we did!

Catching me off-guard, Jake grabbed hold of my dick and asked what was wrong with it.

I cracked up and told him "Nothing, dummy, this is just my foreskin that covers the head of my cock. All boys are born with foreskin, and for some reason almost all of them get whacked off by something my dad calls `circumcision'."

He still looked confused, so I took his cock in one hand and mine in my other hand and then moved them so that just the tips were touching. I pulled back my foreskin so my dick looked like his and then I slowly pushed my foreskin forward so it covered his cockhead too. I kept rubbing our cocks that way, pushing and pulling my `skin over his dick head for a few minutes until he said he was going to cum. I was about to shoot my load, too!

"Let's have a contest and see who can shoot the farthest," Jake said.

"OK, but let's hurry, I'm so horned up that I'm about to blow. And our parents are probably wondering where we are."

We took a quick look around to check to make sure everyone was still busy outside and then we both leaned back against the wall and started pumping our cocks for all it was worth. I couldn't stand it anymore and let go a nice big volley of jizz that shot over four feet on the floor. But I was outdone when Jake let loose a string of profanities that I'm sure everyone outside must have heard. He arched his back, stuck his throbbing cock out and fired a sperm missile that hit the side of the door, almost seven feet away. Wow! I had some practicing to do, and soon. Still panting, I grabbed a rag that was on the floor and cleaned up the mess.

"That was great. I haven't been able to jack-off for a few days," Jake admitted.

When we caught our breath, and when our dicks shrunk back to normal, we went back downstairs to get Jake's stuff up to his room. He didn't have too much, since the moving van with all of their furniture wasn't due until tomorrow. That gave me an idea.

"Hey Jake," I said carefully, "since you don't have your bed and stuff yet, you wanna stay over at my house tonight? We can camp out in my tree house out in the backyard. It's real private and nobody will bother us."

"Yeah, that sounds cool. Maybe we can have another sperm shooting contest," he said smiling. "I'm glad my mom bought this house. This seems like it's going to be a pretty cool summer hangin' with you."

"Yeah, me too."

***Let me know what you think. More sex in the following chapters.

Next: Chapter 2

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