So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on Aug 22, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except the location. All characters named are figments of my imagination. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, etc., well you know the drill.

Also, because it's based in the past, some of it may not be politically correct as I have tried to be true to 1969.

Thanks to everybody who has emailed me, I appreciate the tips and feedback. Flip

Chapter 19

After we finished our pepperoni pizzas, we adjourned to the family room to watch a movie. Channel 9 usually had old black and white movies playing on Friday nights, and we were able to catch the last hour or so of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It was a B-movie that was filmed about a mile due east from us across the hill in the small town of Sierra Madre. It was a cheesy kind of movie and the acting really sucked, but it was cool to see some of the places and landmarks that we had seen and knew.

Lisa and Jordy were cuddled up on the big red chair and ottoman, and I was sitting on the end of the plaid couch with my feet up on some old Life magazines resting the coffee table. Sloan was snoring away underneath my legs chasing cats away in her dream, most likely. Lying next to me was Jake, sprawled out lengthwise on the couch, his head propped up on my lap with my arm over his chest. If Jordy saw us and thought that was weird, he didn't say anything.

We had been watching the movie for about a half-hour or so when I heard Jake start lightly snoring, and I looked over to see that Jordy had passed out too. Carefully sliding out from underneath Jake and replacing my lap with a big puffy puce pillow, I stood, stretched and then scooped Jordy up in my arms. He stirred a little bit, but didn't put up much of a fight. Lisa gave me a smile and a wink as I carried him upstairs and put him underneath the sheet on his bed. It was warmer up here than downstairs so he didn't need to be underneath all of the covers.

Still sleepy, he managed to open his eyes and tell me something that really caught me off guard.

"Ry," he yawned, "I'm glad Jake and Lisa moved in next door. I like Lulu and I really like Lisa and she's teaching me some really neat stuff. And I like Jake too, even though he picks on me, and makes me mad sometimes. But most of all, I'm glad that he's your boyfriend. He makes you happy and I like that."

"Oh yeah? Well, thanks little man" I said, taken aback. "Do you understand what `being boyfriends' means?"

"I think so. I had to ask Lisa for help to understand it. It's when you like a boy like you would like a girl."

I couldn't talk for a minute and I had to fight back a couple of tears, unusual for me. I was totally speechless from what the little man just said. I swear, sometimes I felt that Jordy was ten going on thirty.

After a minute, I finally said, "Well, Jordy, I'm glad they moved in too. I love them all, just like you do, and it seems to me like they are our long lost family. But you have to promise me something."


"This is serious and really important. I need you to promise me that you will never, ever, tell anyone, even Mom and Dad, that Jake and I are boyfriends, OK? Or that you and Lisa play around."

"Yeah, I promise. Here, I pinky swear!" he said, holding up his little finger towards me. "Lisa already told me about that `cause what you guys do is private stuff and it's nobody's business but yours. Just like when Lisa wiggles my boner or she lets me play with her boobies. It's just for us, and nobody else, right?"

"Yeah, that's right, little man," I said sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"She also made me understand that if you don't want to do something sexy you don't have to do it just `cause someone else wants you to."

"You know, for a little kid, you're pretty damn smart. Sometimes I think that you and I are lucky because we don't fight very much and we're more like best friends then brothers. Look at Chris and Enzo. Chris is a groovy kid but Enzo seems like a big wiener. I'm glad that we have a special relationship and I promise that I will always be there for you, no matter what. Always and forever, OK? I love you, little man."

"I love you too, Ry." Then, quiet for a minute and looking like he was deep in thought, Jordy said, "Hey Ryan? Don't be too hard on Enzo. He's OK. He just has some problems `cause his parents are so weird. Chris told me about him but he made me promise not to tell."

"OK. Well, if you won't tell me about him then, I guess I'll just try and be nicer to him. How's that sound?"

"That sounds good, Ryan."

"OK. Now go to sleep and have happy dreams, OK?"

"OK. Can I still work out with you guys tomorrow? I need to get strong so I can protect my friends."

"Absolutely. First thing in the morning after we fix the lawn across the street. Sleep tight," I said, as I leaned down and kissed Jordy on the forehead.

I turned on his Eeyore night light and then shut off the overhead light and closed the door, leaving it cracked open just a little bit. I stopped in the hall outside his door for a second to wipe away the tears that were threatening to run down my face. My emotions are going from happiness for me and Jake, to sadness for Chris and Enzo and wondered if there wasn't more to that story. I also was building anger towards Ace and the way that he had treated his family, and pity for the homeless people that we saw downtown today. Suddenly I had a lot on my plate and I wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

I took my time walking down the stairs and when I reached the living room I wasn't quite sure what to do. Lisa picked up on my mood right away though, and since Jake was still snoring away on the couch, she got up and grabbed my hand and we walked hand in hand into the kitchen.

"What's wrong sweetie? You look like you just got run over by a bus."

"Yeah, I kind of feel that way."

"Want another beer and we can talk about it?"

"No, I'm good. Is Jake asleep?

"Yeah. He's lights out. Whatever you guys are doing is sure wearing him out. But in a good way, you know. It's not really my place and I shouldn't say this, but you know he loves you, right?" she said getting up on a kitchen stool. "You and I talked about that before but he told me yesterday, and just so you know it's going to take him a while before he tells you that, so be patient. Our parents were never very affectionate and it made a mark on him, and I guess me too. I think that you are going to change him. All for the better, of course. Now, what's bugging you?"

"Well, all of a sudden a lot of shit is happening and I'm not sure what to do." Against my better judgment, I changed my mind and opened up the refrigerator and took out the last of my dad's cold beers.

Cracking it open, I started to tell Lisa what was on my mind.

"Lisa, I love Jake more than anything. I would do anything for him, anything! It's so weird because a month ago I would have never, ever, thought that something like this would happen to me. I love him so much it feels like it hurts. We must be like blood brothers or something, I don't know...

"But that's not what is really bugging me. Jordy just told me that Chris's parents are weird and it reminded me of how your dad is. I guess I'm worried about the shit that's been going on with your dad and what happened at the porno theater. Something else is on my mind and I guess I should tell you about it."

"What is it sweetie?"

"Well, earlier when Enzo was taking Chris home I let them out the front door and I saw a guy sitting in a car down the street just watching the neighborhood. He looked out of place `cause he was in a suit and sitting on the passenger side of the car smoking a cigarette. I thought that was weird, especially since it was so hot outside. But then when you guys were picking up the trash I was talking with Mrs. Jacobson and she told me she saw the car too. So, I guess I'm wondering if somebody maybe broke the brakes so we would crash."

"OK. Let's break this down. Taken together it does seem overwhelming. First, while my dad is a prick, I don't think that you have to worry about Jake and me. We've had to live through his shit for a long time now and I don't think he'd ever do anything to hurt the three of us. I really don't think he'd bust our brakes. Yes, he's pissed because we moved and that Mom is getting on with her life which doesn't include him, but he's not evil, at least I don't think so.

"As for Chris and his family, maybe you should talk with Enzo. Maybe he just needs a friend. You and Jordy are very lucky. Wiley and Luann have their act together and seem like great parents. But you know, fucked-up families can be hard to deal with. When we lived in the apartment we had a family downstairs that was going through something. The neighbors would call the cops when they heard them fighting but they couldn't do anything since the family would only deny it because they were so embarrassed. Plus they were super religious and had to do everything the husband said. Finally, after taking all she could, the wife stuck a steak knife into the guy's stomach, ripped his guts out and then told the cops that he fell. Sometimes you have to take actions into your own hands."

"Oh wow, that's gruesome! But I guess I can see what you mean. You just have to be strong and take control of the situation as best as you can."

"That's right. You can feel sorry for them and emphasize with them, but in the end we are all responsible for our own actions. That's a lesson I learned long ago and why me and Jake took all of those pictures of me screwing the football team. I refuse to be a victim and I won't allow anyone to control or take advantage of me. That's just how I am. I'm happy, I like sex, and fuck you if you don't like it. That's just the way it is."

"Right on, big sister! And you're right, I will talk to Enzo. We can be there as a friend, but most shit is out of our control unless they ask for help. And speaking of sex, let me go check on Jake and make sure he is still asleep. I want to ask you something about that, but I don't want him to hear us talking about it."

I got up and walked quietly into the family room to take a quick look. Jake had rolled over and was sleeping on his side, curled up in a ball and Sloan had taken over the chair Lisa was just sitting in. I took the antique quilt that my mom had got at the flea market down at the Rose Bowl and draped it over him, and then quietly walked back into the kitchen. Lisa had grabbed my beer and was just finishing it off.

"You said that we could ask you anything about sex and that you'd tell us about it straight up if you knew the answer, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. What do you want to know?" she said, dropping the empty bottle into the trash can.

"Well, Jake and I do a lot of sexy stuff and it's all really, really good, and I like it a lot. I guess he learned by watching you! But seriously, when we went to the porno theater and we saw those two guys butt fucking in the back of the truck it made me think. At first it looked hot, but then it looked like it was just sex and that maybe it kinda hurt. I want to make love with Jake, and I kinda want to do that with him but I have all of these weird emotions. I don't want to hurt him, obviously, but I want to make that connection with him too, `ya know? And it just seems like having him inside of me or me inside of him is like the ultimate expression of love. Does that make sense?"

"Oh, pussycat. If only I could make a carbon-copy of you! You are the sweetest guy that I have ever known. You are this macho swimmer guy, cute and handsome, but you have a heart of gold and emotions to match. I am so happy that Jake met you. I know that you'll never hurt him.

"OK. So let's see. I can only tell you what I know and share from what my experiences are. I learned to have sex up my butt from my girlfriend when I was fourteen. Put your eyes back in! She didn't do it to me, but she told me it was a way to have sex with guys so you wouldn't get pregnant. Some girls get off on it but it's better for guys because a hard cock or a finger up your backside can stimulate your prostate. Girls don't have that part. You know what that is, right?"

"I think so. It's like a lumpy ball up your ass that makes sperm or something, and when you stimulate it, it makes a guy go crazy, right?"

"Yeah, that's it. Most guys don't get it, and when you play with their ass they freak out. But when I'd blow a guy and he would take forever to cum, I'd stick my finger up his ass, finger his prostate and in like thirty seconds he'd blow. Then he'd thank me for the best blow job that he'd ever had," she said laughing. "If you guys haven't done that yet, maybe you should start there."

"Yeah, we sorta just stumbled on that one a few days ago."

"Good! OK, secondly, you can't just ram your dick up someone's butt. It doesn't work like a pussy does. The first thing you have to do, and this sounds nasty, is to take a dump and make sure that your butt is empty. If you can, wash it out with a douche or an enema. I know, don't look at me like that! It takes the spin off the whole thing. But trust me; this is something you'll want to do."

"OK, so let's say Jake is going to fuck me. I have to give myself an enema first? That's not very sexy."

"I know it isn't. But believe me, you don't want to have surprises up there, if you know what I mean. Be a good boy scout and be prepared!"

"So, OK, what's next? Man, this is freakin' complicated."

"Once you finished that you can start by getting some lotion and having, well, hold on. For the sake of this example, like we said, Jake is going to fuck you. Jake would slick his finger up with the lotion and then slide it up your ass and then slowly, he starts fingering you, making you relax back there. Once you're comfortable with that then he'd stick in two fingers. By that time you're either going crazy with lust or this just isn't the thing for you, and it's OK to stop. Or maybe you need to change positions and try it again a different way. Just remember to go slow. Maybe mellow out with a toke of some ganja. Anyway, then after you get used to two fingers, you try three. Well, you want the real truth here?"

"Yep. We've gone this far so let's go all the way," I said, giggling at this weird irony.

"OK. Well, if Jake is going to fuck you, two fingers are plenty. His dick is long and skinny. But you'll have to loosen him up with three of your fingers `cause your boner is fatter."

"I can't believe that we're sitting her in my kitchen talking about our boners like this. This is so fuckin' trippy. But I'm learning a lot, so go ahead."

"OK. Next then, he slops on lots of lotion on his dick and slowly, and I mean slowly, pushes it in your butt. I'm not going to kid you and tell you that it doesn't hurt at first. But if you relax, it starts to feel real good. Sometimes it helps if you push out, like your trying to poop."

"All right, then what?"

"Well, then he fucks you. Hard or soft or fast or slow. Up or down or all around. Whatever feels good for both of you. As you get used to it his cock can go in deeper and I guess that's when it stimulates your prostate. For the guy doing the fucking it feels good for him too, `cause a butt hole is so tight. At least that's what the few guys told me after I let them do it to me. And not that this really makes any difference to you guys, but just so you know; if you fuck a girl up the butt you can't turn around and fuck her in her pussy. You have to clean off your dick first because she can get an infection. I guess in your case you'd want to make sure the guys dick is clean if you're going to suck on it after he fucks you. Get it?"

"Yeah I think so. Maybe we'll wait awhile. This seems more, I don't know, kinda involved, maybe."

"Nah, you just have to think about it first and be ready. Hey, I've got an idea. I have to go to the drugstore soon `cause my Aunt Flo is coming up next week. I'll get you guys a douchey thingy and some lotion that's good for sex. How's that?"

"You'd do that for us? Thanks Lisa!"

"Well, it's not like you or Jake are going to walk into the drugstore and tell the old lady behind the counter that you need something to clean out your asshole `cause you want to sit on your boyfriends dick and ride it all night long, and what does she recommend?"

"Yeah, you're right," I said laughing.

"And I'll do something else for you guys. I'll let you borrow my vibrator. You can use it on each other first instead of fucking to see how it feels first, before you do the big deed. It's small so it won't hurt much going in. Just keep it clean and don't get carried away and lose it up there. You know, wash it off if after you do him and then he does you. Actually, now that I think about it, you guys can have it; I'll just get another one. I've been wanting to get a bigger one anyway, with more torque. Just make sure you keep it hidden, like out in the tree house or someplace safe, OK? Wouldn't want your mom to stumble upon it!"

"Sure, thanks again. Lisa, you've made me feel so much better. I wish you really were my big sister."

"Same here. I already think of you as another brother."

Just then we heard the station wagon pull up in the driveway, followed by my dad in the Camaro. Lisa and I went out the backdoor and went down the walk to meet them, and I was surprised to see Lulu get out of the driver's seat and then go around and help my mom get out. Apparently, my mom had a few too many and was sorta tipsy. That was really strange, though, because I had never seen her that way and she never drank that much before. I was glad that I put Jordy to bed so early; it would probably scare him to see her like this.

"Oooh Ryan, hi baby, and Lisa honey-bunny, heloooo," my mom mumbled as she got out of the car. "Lulu, go run and git your gee-tar. Lesh shing some of those Hair shlowtune shongs!"

My dad came up the steps right about then and together we got her inside the house.

"Hi guys. Your mother had a little too much fun tonight. I'm going to take her upstairs and put her to bed. I'll be back down in a moment."

He put his arm around her waist and guided her out of the kitchen and into the family room and on towards the stairs, but then a second or two later we heard her say loudly, "Jakey-Jakey! Wakey-wakey! You're mishin' the party, boy-oh!"

"C'mon, honey, leave the poor boy alone. Let's go upstairs."

"Lulu, what's going on? I've never seen her drunk before. I saw my Dad one time like that at a cousin's wedding, but never my mom. Is she OK?" I said, starting to worry.

"Hey, what's wrong with your mom?" Jake said, walking into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and asking before Lulu could answer my question. "She just woke me up and told me to get to the party. Is she all right?"

"She'll be fine, kids. She just had a couple too many drinks but she forgot that she had taken a Valium or two earlier. You can't mix those two things up. She certainly was the life of the party, though, I'll tell you that."

"I'm afraid to ask: What did she do?"

"Well, your mom is quite a singer, did you know that? We were having a nice dinner in an Italian restaurant. There were about twelve of us and we were in a little side room all to ourselves, thankfully. At first everything was fine, but by dessert she had had a couple glasses of Chianti and then presto, she became the life of the party. Apparently she thinks she can speak Italian pretty well too, because she started singing a song all in Italian along with the waiter and a busboy," Lulu said giggling. "I'm pretty sure she won't remember any of this tomorrow, and that's probably a good thing."

"Oh, wow," I said. "That must have been funny."

"Actually it was, but you know, sometimes I think your mom needs to let her hair down once in a while and let loose. It's a lot of work taking care of a big house like this plus all of us too. I think we need to make sure that she knows how much we appreciate her. I know I do. She's been great to us since we moved in next door."

"I know that sometimes she gets funny like and emotional and she takes one of those pills and then she's fine. But I've never seen her like that before." I said.

"I put her to bed and thankfully she fell right to sleep," my dad said, walking in the kitchen and looking at Lulu and grinning. "That was some evening, wasn't it?"

"It sure was. I was just telling the kids how you can't mix alcohol and drugs."

"No kidding, you just can't do that. I didn't know she had taken one of those pills and if I had known I would have cut her off. Oh, well. It could have been much worse. What have you kids been up to?"

The three of us looked around in silence to see which one of us was going to spill it first. Since I guess Lisa and Jake didn't like answering to their dad, I stepped out of the dugout and on to the plate.

"We had a little problem with Lulu's microbus."

"What kind of problem?" Lulu and my dad asked at almost the same time, looking at the three of us one by one.

"Well, we decided to go down to Mike's to get some burgers, because we didn't want Pizza Man. But when Lisa backed out of the driveway the brakes didn't work and we ended up on the Jacobson's front lawn."

"Oh my gosh! Was anybody hurt? Where's Jordan?" Dad asked.

"We're all fine, and Jordy's asleep. I put him to bed `cause he fell asleep on the couch. The thing is, we weren't going more than ten miles an hour so we just ran up the curb and stopped on the lawn. Both of the Jacobson's came out and everything's OK. I told Mr. Jacobson that us three boys would come over tomorrow and fix the lawn with some of your topsoil that you have in the back yard. Is that OK, Dad?"

"Sure, Ry. That's a nice thing to do. I'll pitch in myself. Are you sure that everybody's OK? Lisa, has anything ever happened like this before?"

"No, we're fine. Like Ryan said, we weren't going very fast. I'm just glad we missed her flowers. I think she would have been really mad."

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry that happened. But thank the Goddess above that it didn't happen going down the hill! But how could this have happened? I just had the VW serviced."

"Mr. Jacobson pointed out some oil or something on the driveway and running across the street. He said it looked to him like we broke a brake line or something," Jake said.

"That generally doesn't happen that way. Did you stomp on the brake pedal when you started backing out? You know, like really hard if you had to slam on your brakes in an emergency stop?"

"No. I just put my foot on the brake like I usually do and before I put it into gear. When I tried to stop the brake pedal went all the way to the floor," Lisa said. "It all happened so fast and when I tried to pull the parking brake it didn't work either. It just came right out easily like it wasn't even connected anymore."

"OK. You did well, Lisa, everything that you're supposed to do. Nobody got hurt and that's the main thing, and you kept calm and did the best you could. I'm sure that Mrs. Kravitz, oops, I mean Mrs. Jacobson, is going to tell us all about it tomorrow. Looks like I've got a busy day lined up. Fix a lawn, make some room in the garage, and teach two long-haired hippie boys how to drive. Man, I should just go in to the office!"

"C'mon Dad, it won't be that bad. We'll do most of the work and you can just supervise, just like you do at work," I said laughing.

"All right, all right. Tell you what: It's getting late. Lulu, why don't you and Lisa stay here tonight? I want to look at your bus before you have it towed to the garage tomorrow. Ryan? You guys sleeping out in the pool house tonight?"

"Yeah, Dad. Actually, can we go back to sleeping in the tree house?"

"You haven't seen or heard anything strange out there, have you?"

"No, Dad."

"OK, but just don't stay up all night. We've got a busy day tomorrow, all right?"

"Sure Dad, we won't. I guess we'll head out, then. Good night everybody."

"Good night boys. Don't forget to take Sloan."

I whistled for Sloan and she came running from somewhere. Sometimes I think she can turn invisible, like the uncle on My Favorite Martian can. The three of us headed out to the pool house and as Jake and I rounded the pool, he started laughing.

"What's so funny?

"You're mom. She scared the crap out of me when I was sleeping. I must have jumped ten feet. And then she told me I was missing the party! Does she get like that often?"

"No," I said giggling. "That was pretty funny, wasn't it? I don't think I've ever seen her drunk before. Even though I drink a beer once in a while, I like getting high better cause you are more in control. Unless you smoke like a whole bunch. But a hit or two just makes ya tingly, kind of how you make me, shilly boy-oh! Let's get to that party!"

Sloan finished taking a wiz and the three of us headed into the pool house. I locked the sliding glass door behind me and shut the drapes.

"So what's on the agenda, hippie boy?" Jake asked.

"I thought we'd call the Jacobson's and see if they want to come over and get naked with us. I think she has the hot's for yer cock!"

"Ewww. That's a disgusting thought. But you know, now that I think about it, I got the impression that Mr. Jacobson wanted to put his scraggly gray-haired wrinkly old dick in your mouth. Problem is, he's so old it would take him about two days to shoot his wad, and then he'd probably fall asleep and start pissin' in your mouth."

"OK. Stop right there. Anymore talk like that and neither one of us will want to do anything," I said laughing. "Let's get high and then take a shower. I think I know what I want to do to you, but it's a surprise and we'll do it up in the tree house."

"Oooh, that sounds interesting. You always surprise me! Is the stash box still out here from this afternoon when we played Judge?"

"Yeah, I hid it on the top shelf behind those board games. I need to make sure that I keep the box hidden out in the tree house. I wouldn't want Jordy or worse, my mom or dad to find it."

"You ever wonder if your parents got stoned?"

"Not my mom, I'm sure of it," I said. "But yeah, I bet my dad has tried it before. Probably in the Army. But still, he doesn't need to know about this."

"I'm sure that my mom has smoked it before. I'm pretty sure that I've smelled it on her before and one time she made a comment to Lisa about her room smelling like pot. I think she asked her if she spilled a bong on the floor."

"That's funny. I could see your mom getting high. God only knows what would happen if my mom toked out," I said laughing.

He fished out the stash box while I turned on the stereo on medium low, so that if we made any noise the music would drown it out, but not loud enough to attract attention. Some song was playing that I didn't recognize, but later after we had smoked a couple of hits, Marvin Gaye came on singing I Heard It Through The Grapevine. I'm pretty sure that he was one of the sexiest singers ever recorded. And this song had such a groovy beat that I turned it up a little bit louder and then started to sing along with the back-up singers, grinding my ass around for Jake's benefit.

Apparently he loved this song too, `cause he jumped up and grabbed me by the hips, dancing around and grinding his crotch into mine. Then, while we were moving all around and singing, he started to take off his shirt all strip tease style! I was lovin' it. Once he got it off he swung it around and then let it go flying. Then I did the same thing for him. For a couple of hippie white kids, we were grooving pretty good too this funky music!

Unfortunately the next song that the radio station played was In The Year 2525, a stupid song that had just came out. I turned the radio back down and then told Jake, "Let's get naked and get in the shower. I'm all horned up. And you owe me from this morning, Bucky-Boy."

"Roger that, Ry-Ry."

We stripped out of our sweatpants and climbed in the shower, and this time I was in front. I was being selfish and I wanted to get off. I turned on the water and gave Jake the soap.

"Lather me up, boy, and do a good job!"

"Yes, sir!"

Jake started lathering me up while I stuck my head under the spray. It sure felt good having strong hands rubbing you all over. Jake started on my neck and worked his way down my back. I almost melted when he started kneading my lower back muscles with his thumbs. Then he went on to my butt, and roamed around my crack a little bit, being sure to run his finger around my boy hole, teasing me. Next he got down on his knees, still behind me, and started rubbing his strong paws up and down my firm legs. Oh, that felt so good. Finishing up, he told me to turn around. When I did my hard dick slapped him in the face since he was still on his knees. That made us both crack up.

He got up, but before he did anything else he wrapped his muscular arms around me and gave me a big sloppy wet kiss, jamming his tongue all around inside my mouth. It was so sexy I almost passed out.

"Time for more of that later. I've got work to do here. You stink!" he said seriously.

He lathered up his hands, and then said, "Put your arms up!"

Jake leaned in and took a sniff in my left arm-pit. "Just as I thought. Ripe! I better taste it to make sure. Humm, salty, yet sweet. Let's check the other one. I started giggling when he ran his tongue up and down my lightly haired arm-pit. I wish I was hairier like Jake was.

"Sailor, did I say you could laugh?"

"No, captain"

"Cleaning you up is serious business. You're stench is so strong it's like opening a can of sardines. A smell like that could tip off the enemy. You sure you haven't been muff diving today?" When he asked this he had to look away from me to keep from laughing. OK, I thought, I can play along with this.

"No, Sir! No muff diving for me, sir."

"That's good, sailor. Can't be too careful. You never know what you'll find down there."

"Yes sir."

"Did I ask you a question, sailor?"

"No, sir."

"Remember, it can be dangerous muff diving so always use the buddy system. Sometimes it's difficult to run through the jungle!" This time he almost completely lost it.

"Thank you sir. I will, sir."

My arms were still up in the air so he soaped up my pits with both of his hands and rubbed his hands all around. It was such a sexy thing to stand there with my arms in the air while my good buddy soaped up both of my pits. My hard cock throbbed and bobbed with pleasure.

"Put your arms down. What are these?"

"Nipples, sir."

"No, sailor, WAVES have nipples, sailors have man tits. However, these look like boy tits to me. I better suck on them to make sure."

"Please, sir!" I said as he attached his lips to my brown nipple and started to suck like a barnacle attaching to my hull. After a minute he started to suck on the other one.

Releasing me, he said, "I better soap these little oysters up. No pearls in there, I'm afraid."

"Yes, sir. I mean, no sir, no pearls"

He swirled all around my chest with his soapy hands while I stood there in front of him at full attention, the shower spray running down my back and off my butt cheeks.

After he cleaned my chest and pinched my nipples a few times, he said, "At ease, sailor."

"Thank you sir," I said as I clasped my hands behind my back and widened my stance.

"What is this? A tiny submarine or a crooked periscope?"

"No sir, it's my boner."

"Looks more like a turkey bone to me, with quite a bit of meat left on it."

"Yes sir," I said, starting to giggle again.

"Got any cheese under there to go with it?"

"No, sir! I keep my boner ship shape by swabbing the deck."

"That's a good sailor. But, I better see for myself."

Jake got down on his knees in front of me and started to inspect my foreskin, sliding it back and forth over my sensitive head, soaping it up so it slid back real easy. If he kept that up much longer I was gonna shoot. I was a total horn dog tonight.

After jerking my hard dick for a minute more, he pushed me back under the spray so the water would rinse off the front of my body. Once I was good and clean, he said, "Looks like I'm going to have to try this chicken bone for myself to see how it tastes."

"Yes sir, please taste it."

Jake licked his lips and just licked around the shiny head at first. Oooh, his hot tongue on my hard dick felt so nice. I just leaned back, closed my eyes and started breathing heavy through my mouth.

Sucking around the tip of my cock some more, he finally let go and looked up at me and said, "I better put this torpedo back in its bay."

"Yes sir, please take it home."

Sucking deeper now, he grabbed my swollen member by the base and held it steady. He aimed the torpedo and opened up the launch bay. In she went, almost two-thirds of the way this time. Jake was getting good at this and man, did my cock feel good inside his hot mouth! I couldn't help myself, and started rocking back and forth, rubbing my hard boner in and out of his open mouth.

With his free hand, he started fondling my two buoys, while still sliding my torpedo into the bay. Oh man, the torpedo almost went all the way in that time! That was so freakin' hot. I shoved some more and he opened up his mouth wider, and I was able to really start rocking fore and aft. Finally, my balls had tightened up and I couldn't take much more.

"Sir? Permission to launch torpedo, sir?"

"Plemshion gwantd," is what I think he said, kinda hard to understand when you talk with a mouthful of hard teen-meat.

"Thank you sir. I'm about ready to launch."

I was really giving it to him this time, and except for a couple of gags, he was taking it down pretty well. I grabbed on to the back of his head to hold myself up and started pumping for real now. Then all of a sudden I couldn't take it anymore and I started to flood his torpedo bay with my seaman juice. The first two hard squirts were tough for him and some ran down his chin, but being the captain he was good at gobbling up the rest. After I finished shooting, and he had sucked out the last remaining drops, I asked if I could be relieved of duty.

"Permission granted, sailor. Job well done."

***Special thanks to Jason T. who did such a great job editing this chapter! I really appreciate your help. And to everyone who sent me music references, I really appreciate them and most will show up in the upcoming chapters. For everybody who has asked about the guys doing `it', they are going to go all the way in the next few chapters! Let me know what you think or if you have a suggestion.

Next: Chapter 20

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