So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on Oct 19, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except the location. All characters named are figments of my imagination. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, etc., well you know the drill.

Also, because it's based in the past, some of it may not be politically correct as I have tried to be true to 1969.

Thanks to everybody who has emailed me, I appreciate the tips and feedback and the comments, both good and bad. Flip 1977.

Chapter 24

Jake got underneath me to look through the crack of the shiny bathroom door just in time for us to see a small Asian dude ramming his little, almost hairless cock up into Colt's pink asshole. Man, what a freakin' groovy sight to see them like that! Colt was lying on his broad, tan back, on top of Coop's unmade bed, with his legs stuck way out over his head. His long, uncombed brown hair spilled out all around him. Right behind the Asian dude fucking Colt was the hunky senior from the pool ticket counter that we saw the other day. He was ramming his big hard cock way up into the little guy's ass. Man, what a freakin' scene!

"Man! I can't believe Colt's into dudes. Who is screwing him and who is that tall guy screwing that guy? This is so crazy! What the fuck is going on? I thought Colt was straight," Jake said, totally excited.

"Shhh, man, they might hear you. If you thought he was into chicks, how trippy do you think it is for me? Shit! I had no idea. I think the little guy has to be Enzo's friend Kenji, that Asian dude that's gonna be on our swim team, and the other tan dude looks like the lifeguard guy that gave us tickets to get into the pool the other day. Remember how he was checking us out and ignoring that other lifeguard girl with that big afro?"

"Yeah! That's him. I remember now. Look at the size of his cock. It's freakin' huge, like a baseball bat!"

"No shit! How's that little guy taking it? Man, that's gotta hurt. But maybe he's used to it. They're really getting into it aren't they?" I said. "I can't believe that's Colt getting it up the ass. I never thought he was the type to get it up the ass."

"I guess. But ya know, why wouldn't he? I never thought I'd like getting it up the ass." He looked over and smiled at me. "Oh man, this is so fuckin' hot."

We watched the action going on in Coop's bedroom for a couple more minutes. His older brother was getting screwed in the butt by the little Japanese guy and then the buff lifeguard dude was slamming his big rod all the way up into the little guy's poop chute. The action going on in there was hot and way better than we saw at the porno theater the other day. Everything seems so much better in person. These guys were really getting into it, touching each other all over, twisting each other's nipples, and moaning and groaning like crazy. It looked to me like they'd done this before, but I couldn't really be sure. In no time, I was all boned up, totally excited, my hard cock pressing on the front of the tan Hang Ten shorts I was wearing. I could tell that Jake was really excited by the way he was breathing out his mouth.

"What should we do?"

"I don't know. I'm afraid to ask you this, but do you want to go in there and join them?" I asked nervously.

"Maybe. Yeah, I kinda do, but I want it to be okay with you, too. If we do this it won't come between us, will it? I love you and I don't want to wreck what we have going on together. I could never stand myself if that happened," Jake said, looking up at me with cute puppy-dog eyes. "I always want to be with you and I don't want to mess it up."

"I feel the same way, bud. I always want to be with you, too, no matter what. But it looks so sexy and hot. I guess we can try it once and see what happens, and if it doesn't work out, we won't ever do it again. How does that sound?"

"Yeah, that sounds groovy. And we're just experimenting, right? I mean, it's just sex after all," Jake agreed. "It's not love."

"Okay, I agree. Well, if it's nothing more than sex, let's do it and get it on with those guys. We just won't let them fuck us. That's just for us, you and me, okay? I love you too much and want to keep that special part just for us," I said.

"Okay. Our butts are just for us. We can fuck them but they can't fuck us. That sounds good to me. Your butt is for me, and my butt is just for you."

"Right on! Then let's go in there and show them how it's really done."

"All right man, let's go!"

We walked into Coop's bedroom, locking the bathroom door quietly behind us. We stood there just inside the door, watching the hot teen-boy fuck action going on in front of us on Coop's bed, our dicks really starting to throb now. I don't know about Jake, but my hard dick was starting to leak lots of pre-cum and getting the front of my shorts all wet. The three guys on the bed didn't notice us at first until I cleared my throat and said "Hey guys, howzit going? How come you're all naked and doing all that crazy stuff with your hard dicks and tight assholes?"

The three naked guys immediately stopped their fuck-a-thon, frozen in place and staring up at us, dicks shrinking by the second and not knowing exactly what to do next.

"Hi, Colt. Good to see you again. Is this what you get to do when you're a hippie?" Jake asked, with a goofy smile.

Silence from the three guys getting it on.

"Go ahead. Keep on doing what you were doing," Jake said again, pointing at them. "Don't let us stop you. Show us how you do it. I've never seen three guys doing it together before."

"Yeah, don't let us interrupt you," I said, with some new-found power ego thing going on. It was cool to be able to order older guys around like this. "You really should be more careful and lock all of the doors. Anybody could just walk right on in here and see you guys playing with your hard wieners and buttholes. What would everybody downstairs think? Shit, you have a real orgy going on in here!"

The five of us stood there for a few seconds in the stuffy and testosterone filled room, not sure what to do next.

Finally, Colt said, "Ryan, Jake. Nice to see you again. Care to join us?" I guess he had started to realize that we were playing a mind game with them, so he gave us a wicked smile.

"I guess we can, if we have too. But make sure the other door is locked first and then you can formally introduce us," Jake said, to the audible sighs of relief from Colt and his bevy of butt bandit's.

Then Colt started laughing, probably from nervousness but I'm not really sure and I couldn't really say. It was most likely from all of the grass he had smoked earlier tonight. Or maybe from tons of beer. "Guys, this is Kenji and the tall guy propping the chair under the door is Tucker." Then, pointing to us, he told them, "This is Ryan and that's Jake. They're friends of my brother Coop."

"Hey guys," Tucker said, walking back towards us and smiling now, his half-hard boner swinging around just a little. "I know you little dudes. I remember seeing you two the other day at the ticket desk down at the high school pool. I thought you two were foxy little dudes when I saw you. I didn't know you were into this kind of thing."

"If you mean `this kind of thing' is sliding my hard dick up your tight pink asshole, then you're right on, Mr. Lifeguard Boy," Jake said, surprising me with his boldness and giving Tucker a big smile.

This took the guy by surprise and after thinking about it for a second, he looked around and then gave us both a great big shiny smile. Man, he sure was foxy!

"Hi, guys," is all that Kenji could muster at the moment, not quite sure what to think, or where to look.

"Hey, Colt. What if your brother walked in on you guys? And why are you in his room? Damn, dude, you live dangerously, with a hard dick up your butt in here. Turn that radio up loud to some rock `n roll station so no one can hear us from the other rooms. There has to be at least a gazillion people downstairs and I for one don't want anyone but us knowing what's going on in here," I said to Tucker, pointing at Cooper's radio sitting on top of his nightstand.

He walked over and turned it on, and then settled in on a song called Build Me Up Buttercup, by the Foundations. He came back singing another one of those damn mondegreens, "I'll be your xylophone waiting for you." He sure looked happy all of a sudden, his big baseball bat of beef was bonering back up nicely now and bobbed and bounced as he bounded around the bedroom. He had really cool, big droopy balls, too. They weren't too hairy.

"How did you know we were in here?" Colt asked.

"Cooper said we could use his bathroom up here `cause the one downstairs was busy and kinda gross, and then while Jake and I were in there, I heard you guys making out. At first, we thought it was Coop screwing Jake's sister, Lisa, in here. You really should have locked the freakin' door," I said with a giggle.

"Yeah, no shit."

"Let's get you guys naked before we run out of time and people start looking for us for real," Tucker said, starting to unbutton Jake's shirt. Wow! He's fast, but cute, I thought. For being seventeen, he had an awesome muscular tan body except where his Speedo had been, and then on those parts it was a creamy-milky white. He was really buff, I guess from lots of swimming. He had big broad shoulders, awesome pecs and a tight flat waist. He had a big, brown, hairy bush and a thick treasure trail that reached up to his belly-button. His dick was really big, too, really big! Fat like mine and long like Jake's. He was cut and he seemed to have gotten over his boner shock quite nicely now and his love muscle had boned back up to full size, sticking almost straight up in the air. A little drop of pre-jizz was gleaming on the tip in the low light, as he moved around Coop's room.

While Tucker helped take Jake's clothes off, Kenji came over to me and started stripping my clothes off, too. He seemed much more relaxed now and his little wiener has starting to plump back up to full size. He was a little guy, smaller than all of us, but his brown body had good definition from all of the swimming that he did. I guessed he was around Enzo's age, maybe sixteen and a half, or so. He had medium-length jet black hair combed back on his head and hardly anyplace else, save for a teeny-tiny patch with maybe ten or fifteen hairs just above his five-incher and little ball sack. "You look nice. Practice is going to be fun with you two around," he said, giving me a cute smile.

"I guess so. But let's see how this goes, first. You looked like you were really riding Colt for all he was worth, Kenji. Good job! Did you learn that from your private school or from Enzo?" I said, not really meaning for the last part coming out sounding so mean.

"The coach at my other school taught me everything I know, and how to use it. Enzo doesn't know about this stuff so please don't tell him. He just lets me blow him once in a while, but that's all. Plus, he has enough problems going on at home as it is."

"Okay, I get it. I'll keep my big mouth shut," I said, smiling at him. He actually seemed like an all right guy, and somebody I could be friends with.

"Hey Colt. Get a look at their dicks. Ryan has a big fat one and Jake's is really long. Dude, you want to fuck me with that long sausage?" Tucker asked, turning to Jake and giving him another toothy grin. "I'd really dig it if you danced up inside of me."

"Yeah man, I'll ride ya for a while. I feel like swirlin' and dancin'."

"Right on!"

Jake and I were naked now, and the five of us were just standing there looking at each other's hard cocks and not quite sure what to do next. It was a little strange to be seeing Colt naked like this and even stranger for me to be naked and boned up in front of him. But on the other hand, it was totally exciting to be standing there naked with my boner sticking out in front of all these hot swimmer dudes to see. Nobody seemed to be willing to make the first move, so, getting some macho thing going on again, I ordered everyone around, and I said, "Why don't you guys go back to what you were just doing? That looked really hot and maybe Jake and I can climb on board when we spot an empty hole. Actually, Jake can slide in behind Tucker and I'm gonna sit on Colt's face," I said. Where the fuck did that come from, I wondered, me being so totally bold like that?

"Oh yeah, that sounds hot, Ry. That way I can see all of my groovy swimmer boys," Colt said, grinning at all of us and then laying back down on his brother's bed and throwing his long legs back in the air. Colt didn't look anything like Cooper, maybe because he was almost nineteen and already a man. He had really long dark brown hair and a small scruffy beard, like most hippies do. Unlike his brother, Coop had blond hair and not much on his smooth face, save for that cool soul-patch. Colt was sorta muscular, but not tight like the other guys `cause I don't think he worked out or swam as much. He had a skinny waist but big meaty buns that you could really sink a hard dick into. His dick was decent, maybe a little bigger than average. I don't know how he compared to Cooper because this was the first time that I had ever seen either one of them naked and sporting a boner.

Kenji got back between Colt's strong legs and rammed his almost hairless little dick up his butt in one quick shove, now that it had bonered back up all the way, and Colt let out a loud, throaty moan of total delight. Then Kenji bent down like a Chinese Acrobat and took all of Colt's hard man meat deep into his mouth. Not to be outdone, Tucker moved back in behind Kenji and parked his big baseball bat-sized boner in Kenji's little garage. It took a second or two because his dick was so big and Kenji's hole was so small, and Kenji had to wiggle around and really settle in on it to get comfortable. After that, Jake hocked up a big wad of spit and slathered it all over his hot and dripping cock, then slipped it up inside Tucker's ass in one long, slow thrust, just like the other guys had done to each other. He didn't have to bother buttering up his long boner because someone had already been in there before him and it was all slicked up and good and juicy. Jake was in charge now, coordinating the rhythm of this crazy fucking action going on between these four hot guys and he was starting to get off on being in the driver's seat. He'd bang into Tucker, pushing him forward and into Kenji, who in turn rammed on into Colt. I watched the four guys fucking for a while, trying to figure out who was getting the best deal. Being the white stuff in an Oreo cookie seemed kind of exciting to me all of a sudden. Maybe I'd get to try this soon, I thought. I'd have to ask Jake about it first, though.

I always liked a good blow-job and after seeing all this groovy naked action, I figured that Colt was probably a pro at cocksucking by now, so I climbed on top of Cooper's squeaking bed and then straddled Colt's face with my fat uncut cock, sticking my little pink asshole out back for Kenji to see. Lisa would be proud of us for having this kind of crazy sex so soon, I thought to myself with a laugh. Colt didn't waste any time sucking down my fat hot rod all the way, right to my sun-bleached golden blond pubes. I was right! Colt did have a lot of cocksucking experience and took my fat teenage meat all the way down with no problem. I looked over my shoulder to see little Kenji, standing back up now, shoving his small Asian dick into Colt's ass for all he was worth, and getting all red in the face with all the effort. Sweet and sour ass, I thought to myself, with a smile. Tucker was right behind him and was cramming his big dick up into Kenji's little hole and at the same time nibbling on Kenji's brown neck, his hands wrapped around Kenji's waist, holding on to him for support. I was surprised that he didn't lift Kenji up off his feet with each of his strong thrusts, `cause Tucker seemed so strong and Kenji was so little. Jake brought up the rear, giving long slow thrusts into Tuckers tight hole while leaning back and watching in fascination as his long, hard pole disappeared deep into the lifeguard's speedo shaped, lily white bottom.

Wow! This was a total fuckin' surprise finding these three hot dudes in here doing all of this crazy sexy stuff. I wondered what Enzo would do if he walked in on us and then just as quickly forgot all about him. He was a spaz and I didn't really want to fool around with him. I was too busy using my hips to shove my fat dick down Colt's throat and letting him taste my leaking pre-jizz. The smell in here was fantastic: teen boy sweat and sex juice with just a trace of Coop's marijuana du jour. My freakin' favorite aphrodisiac! I just hoped that Coop wouldn't figure out what the hell that smell was, or what had happened in his bedroom when he walked in here later on tonight. I think he'd really be surprised to know his older brother was getting it up the butt by his lifeguard and swimmer friends!

I was starting to get too close to firing away from this man meat marathon, so I turned around and parked my butthole over Colt's mouth, settling my butt ring on his juicy lips and letting my dick and balls flop down hard on his chest. My butthole relaxed and I was rewarded with Colt's thick, hot tongue shoving its way up and into my juicy manhole. Plus, this way, I could watch the action going on in front of me and maybe bend over and give Jake a quick kiss. Once I settled my ass onto Colt's sweet pink lips, I could see Kenji bent over and sucking on Colt's hard dick again, while his hard little dick was pounding in and out of Colt's ass. Tucker, right behind Kenji, was leaning back into Jake, his eyes closed and in total bliss as he rammed his fat boner up Kenji's small little ass, nice and slow. Jake, bringing up the rear, was leaning even further back and driving long, slow, but deliberate thrusts up into Tucker's ass, his arms wrapped tightly around Tucker's chest and tweaking on his erect, brown silver-dollar sized nipples.

Everybody seemed to be in their own little state of bliss. Both Jake and Tucker, in the back, had their eyes closed now and were making low moans and groans of pleasure. Kenji was still getting it up the rear and concentrating on filling up his mouth with Colt's man meat. I turned around to see Colt laying on his back, head up, wiggling back and forth in total excitement. As he licked in and out of my ass crack, I could feel his strong hands parting my butt cheeks wide open. Man, my ass was so relaxed and open now it felt like his tongue was all the way up into my stomach!

We had been going on like this for at least fifteen minutes or more and I knew that we needed to get back downstairs to the party pretty soon, before everybody wondered where we were and what we were doing. I could tell from Jakes moans that he was getting pretty close, but then all of a sudden everyone was interrupted by Kenji's frantic moans as he blasted off his hot load deep into Colt's asshole. Tucker was kind enough to stop his thrusting long enough to grab Kenji from behind, wrapping his tan arms around and under his chest to hold him up while he unloaded his seed deep into Colt's ass. I guess feeling Kenji cum and clamp his ass down tight on Tucker's dick, sent Tucker off, because once Kenji was done shooting, Tucker practically ripped him away and out from Colt's ass. He literally picked him up and sat him aside and then buried his own big hard cock deep into the slippery-spermy slot of Colt's freshly seeded bunghole. Then he went wild and unloaded his own hot splash of teen-boy love juice to the mix.

Colt was wiggling around now from all of the action going on in his butt and couldn't concentrate on me any longer. So I got up off of him just as Tucker finished shooting and moved over to the side so Jake could step up to the plate and plow deep into Colt's center field. It took him maybe eight or ten deep strokes until he unloaded his hot load way deep into Colt's bull pen. He threw his head back in rapture and then he was totally spent. That just left me to stick my fat dick into this sloppy dugout, just creamed by three hot, horny teenage swimmers, their goo starting to dribble down and out of Colt's butt and on top of Coop's orange and yellow striped bedspread. It felt kind of weird to be watched by so many naked guys in such an intimate position, but on the other hand it was really sexy and hot, too. So I pumped my hard uncut dick with my fist a few times to show it off to the guys and then lined it up with Colt's asshole, pushing it in the slippery tube in one quick thrust, just the way he seemed to like it. It was pretty loose in there and it squished some going in, but all of that hot boy sperm swirling around on my dick really turned me on. It didn't take me long to unload, especially when Jake wrapped his arm around me on one side and Tucker wrapped his arm on my other side. How sexy was this being coaxed on by these two hot, tan swimmer dudes?

Once I got through shooting my teen load up Colt's butt and then pulled my cum-coated cock out, Kenji was right there on his knees behind Colt's ass, sucking out all of the boy fuck-goo that the four of us had just deposited in his hot ass. Colt was beside himself with lust as Kenji slurped out back, sticking his tongue in and slurping up every bit of our hot boy-loads. Then Colt started fisting his hard cock for all of us to see while the red head of his dick turned an almost deep purple and started dribbling tons of pre-jizz in little pools on his flat stomach. The teen, boy-sex smell in here was strong and intoxicating to me. Then Tucker moved over to the side and started to pinch and pull on one of Colt's erect nipples, and Jake got the hint and moved over and did the same thing to the other one. I squeezed in between these nude dudes and cupped Colt's hairy dangling ball sack, holding it tight in my palm as it pulled up in preparation of shooting his big man-sized load. Kenji slid a finger up into his sloppy and dripping butt hole, coaxing out the last of our jizz and then sticking his finger in his mouth and sucking off the last of our boy-jam. All of us naked swimmers were focused on one thing and one thing only: Getting Colt Off Now!

It didn't take very long before Colt obliged us and shot off a huge load of hot creamy sperm all over his chest, neck and face. Wow! I don't think I have ever seen a load that big or shoot that far before. He must have been really hot or maybe he hadn't gotten off for a few days. Or maybe that's just how you did it when you were officially a man. Even so, every squirt of love juice that Colt shot out his hard cock made his asshole clamp down and squeeze out the last small shots of our teen-boy sperm soup that went straight into Kenji's waiting mouth. This little dude was a cum puppy, I thought to myself with a silent laugh. Once there was no more juice flowing out of Colt's backend, Kenji got up and started slurping up Colt's big load that was running all over this hard chest and stomach. Man, that little dude really loved sperm!

Colt was the first one to talk after a couple of minutes and he said, "You little dudes all get an `A plus'."

"Thanks, Colt. That was great," Tucker said, and the rest of us all nodded our heads in agreement.

"C'mon dudes, we've got to get cleaned up and get out of here. I for one know that Jake's sister has to be looking for us. And Enzo is probably still looking for you too, Kenji," I said.

"That was fucking awesome. I've never been in a scene like that before. I'm glad you guys are going to be around the pool this summer," Tucker said, winking and grinning at us. "I hope we can do that again sometime, maybe in the boy's locker room."

"Before we get going I need to tell you that what we did in here is our little secret? Okay?" this coming from Colt. "Nobody talks about this, especially to my little brother."

"Yeah, Colt. No problem," Jake said.

"Me, too," I said.

Both Tucker and Kenji readily agreed.

We were busy putting on our clothes and straightening up Cooper's bedroom when I leaned over and told Kenji, "You better come back with us, man. Enzo was looking for you earlier and by now he probably is really wondering where the heck you are. Plus, he seemed pretty wasted. We can tell him we ran into you and were getting to know you and we were hanging out talking about swimming."

"That sounds good. Sometimes he's so possessive he makes me mad," he said.

"I'll bet."

"Bye guys. That was fun. See you later," Jake said to Colt and Tucker once we all were dressed.

Jake, Kenji and I went down the hall first, leaving Colt and Tucker behind. We bounded down the stairs two at a time and on into the family room like a bunch of normal kids and not some sex fiends coming from their first day-at-the-orgy. Passing the living room, the three of us started laughing when we saw the pile of half-naked and half-passed out group of spaced-out shapeless acid heads tripping to In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly. Boobs, butts and beavers, oh my! Yuck.

Farther towards the back yard, the music had been turned up another notch once more, and this time the band was playing Dizzy by Tommy Roe, one of Lisa's favorite flower-power songs. Everybody around the pool seemed to be in a good mood and having a great time, swaying and grooving and dancing away.

Not surprisingly, Lisa was still hanging out with Cooper over at the bar-b-que, but from this distance it looked like he was just about done cooking the food, or maybe he was going to take a break. Making hot dogs and burgers for a hundred and fifty people seems like a lot of work, even if it's your own party. Somebody should have helped him out, especially after all of the stoners got the munchies. Lisa was swinging her small hips and big tits to the music and chatting it up with Cooper, laughing and having fun, so we decided to head over in that direction.

"Hey guys, have you met Kenji yet?" I said, walking up to them. "This is Lisa and this is Cooper."

"Hi," Lisa said, holding her hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you, Kenji."

"Hi Kenji," Coop said, waving a spatula at him.

"Hi," he said, looking down at Lisa's big boobs, amazed they didn't pop out of her dress.

"You know, your friend Enzo has been by here a couple of times looking for you. What bug crawled up his butt and died?"

"A bug crawled up his butt? Really? That must have been funny to see. Wait. Do you think it hurt him? Is he all right?"

"No, sweetie, that's just an expression. What I meant was, why is he so mad?"

"Oh. I get it now. I don't know. He's like that sometimes I guess, especially when he drinks a lot of beer."

"Any more of those hot dogs, Cooper?" Jake asked. "For some reason, all of a sudden I'm really hungry."

"Sex and grass and more sex will do that to you," Lisa said, under her breath so only I could hear, luckily, and making me crack up. How the fuck does she always know this shit? Do we smell like sperm? Geez.

"Sure. I think there are a few dogs left. I was just about to wind this puppy down and show Lisa around the house. Where did you guys go, anyway?"

Flustered by his question, I answered quickly, and sort of rambling, said, "I was showing Jake around and we were meeting people and then we ran into Colt. I hadn't talked to him in a while, so we had to play catch up. He says he's going to some big rock concert back east next month on some guy's farm that sounded really cool. Lots of cool bands and stuff. Then we ran into Kenji, and we started talking about swimming and our special team." Changing the subject I said, "Seems like a lot more people are here now. How many people did you guys invite?"

"Oh, I have no idea. This house holds a lot of people, as you probably remember. I think the majority are Colt's friends because they seem older, but a lot of the guys are here from the pool, too. But you know Colton. He's friends with just about everybody in town. That's just how his spirit goes. He's wide open and accepting. Hey, you guys want to hear a joke?"

"Ohhh..." is what Lisa and I both answered with, knowing it was gonna be a winner, while Jake said sure, finishing up his hot dog, and Kenji just looked on in fascination, raising an eyebrow and nodding, not sure what to expect.

"Okay. What did the sixty-pound canary say?"

"Can I have another hot dog, please?" Jake said seriously, licking the mustard off his fingers and making both me and Lisa laugh.

"No. Good one my friend, but no cigar. Try again. What did the sixty-pound canary say?" he said again, this time smiling. "Give up?" Then after a moment he said, "Here Kitty, Kitty!"

"Oh, brother. Why do all you guys like to tell such goofy jokes?" Lisa asked, rolling her eyes, but smiling at Coop anyway.

"Shit man, that was pretty lame, even by your standards. You can definitely do better than that. Where did you get that one? I bet from one of the squibs at the pool," I said. "That sounds like your three-legged cat that you guys named Tippy".

The Ramrods had just finished playing a groovy version of Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow by Strawberry Alarm Clock that had most of the acid-heads up out of the living room and out dancing on the pool deck. They were funny to watch: Slipping and sliding around on each other and smearing the Day-Glo paint off one another. Once that song was over, the band jammed into a raucous version of Spirit in the Sky. It was impossible for anybody to talk over that bitchin' song, so the five of us gave up talking and started to dance and clap to the groovy vibes coming from the speakers. This band was really cool; three guitars and a bass, and a guy on drums pounding out the infectious beat. The guys on the guitars were really getting into it, and I think this song must have played for six or seven minutes. Most of the people had come out of the house by now to join in and sing and dance to this crazy song. There must have been a hundred and fifty people scattered all around the pool deck, and another fifty in the pool, dancing and swinging to their groovy beat. We were all really having a great time dancing and singing along with this fun crowd.

Unfortunately, towards the end of the song, Enzo rolled by and came to a stop inches from us. After looking at all of us, he turned to Kenji and said, "Where have you been, doofus? I've been looking all over for you. Why have you been gone so long? Remember I told your mom that I'd keep an eye on you? We have to obey our mothers!"

"I was talking with Colt and then I met up with Jake and Ryan. They are very nice and I like them. We were talking about swimming and stuff. Where were you?"

"I was looking for you. I got us a couple of beers and then when I came back here you had disappeared. I had to drink both of them. And then a couple more."

"Girls, girls. The important thing is that you're back together again." Cooper said, putting a hand on each of their shoulders and not wanting to get caught up in this weird drama. "Mellow out, dudes. We're all friends here, guys." Then he continued, "C'mon Lisa, let me show you around this place," letting go of the guys.

"Okay. You boys be good and play nice," Lisa said over her shoulder at us, but I think it was really directed towards me. I think by now she had figured out I could have a pretty smart mouth and didn't take crap from anybody. I didn't think she wanted me to get into it with Enzo, which I was about to do. As they walked away, she put her arm around Coop, and I was hoping that she was really starting to dig him, `cause he really was a good guy and one of my best friends.

"C'mon Kenji, let's go home. We have practice tomorrow and I want to rest," Enzo said.

"Already? It's not even dark outside yet! And I like this band. I want to hear some more music."

"Yeah, what's the hurry? We just met. Can't we just hang out a little bit? After all, the four of us are going to be spending a lot of time together for the rest of the summer," Jake asked, scarfing down the last wiener that had been sitting on the hot grill.

"Yeah, what about that? We're going to have to do some namby-pamby hippie yoga stuff or something and I don't see how that's going to make me a better swimmer, but anyway, I want to be rested just in case," Enzo said, whining like the puss he seemed to be and starting to slur his words.

"Well, Jake and I are really excited about it, even if you aren't. And I think Coach Brian is going out of his way to give us this great opportunity and I for one am going to give it my all," I said, yelling over the band. "You were really lucky last year that you made the team. I think the only reason you made it was because you were a year older than me and you played water polo, and you didn't care if you kicked the other guys in the nuts, just like a pussy would do. I don't think you're all that great of a swimmer, either." He was really starting to piss me off.

"See! That's your problem, Enzo. You don't take your swimming very seriously. We've hardly gone swimming all summer long, and then when we did go you didn't even practice. You just floated around or worked on your tan. La La La. And earlier today you were saying that `cause you had a black eye that would stop you from swimming. You're starting to be a big bummer," Kenji said. "Boo-hoo."

"Let's just go. I'll see you guys tomorrow," Enzo said, putting an end to the discussion.

"You don't have to go, Kenji. You can hang out with us," Jake added.

"No, it's all right. He has to drive me home `cause I live on the other side of town. I'll see you guys at the pool tomorrow. Thanks for talking with me," he said, giving Jake and me a quick knowing wink and a sly smile, just out of Enzo's view.

"All right. Catch you guys later. C'mon Jake. What do you say we go get one last beer?"

"Roger that, Bucky. I'm thirsty now after all of those wieners." Once the other guys were gone, he continued, "Why do you think that guy is such a dickwad? And how come he thinks he owns Kenji? Do you think we'll have problems with him? You think he has sex with Kenji? Why is his little brother so cool and he's a wiener? I'm not sure that I trust him. I'm sorta thinking that maybe he's a dork. We're going to have to kick his ass swimming."

"Yes, no, I don't know, dude, I really don't know. That was way too many questions," I wasn't up for discussing Enzo's personality right now, so we headed over to the beer keg and soon saw Colt again, this time with his clothes on, with some other big burly guy rolling out a fresh new one from the garage.

"Hey guys, having fun?" Colt asked us while he installed the tap. He gave us a wicked smile out of the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah! We sure are. Thanks for having us over," Jake said, letting out a loud burp, beer, mustard and wiener smell permeating the air. "This sure is a great party."

"No kidding. I think some of my friends called their friends and then they called even more friends. But it's all groovy so far, and everybody seems to be cool. Want a fresh beer?"

"Sure. So Coop's been working a lot down at the pool, huh?" I asked, trying to find something to talk about that wasn't about sex.

"Yeah, he loves that job. Tucker got him moved up the ladder so now he's not in the towel cage, stuck in the boys locker room anymore. He's out on deck being a lifeguard now. He seems much happier watching the girls run around in their small swimsuits and bounce their little titties around all day long," Colt said, handing us our fresh beers with another wink, and taking a quick look at our crotches. I guess he's perpetually horny.

"No kidding. Well, good for him. When I first met him in the locker room the other day, he seemed kind of bummed out. But he seems happy tonight," Jake said.

"Tell me about it. I saw him talking with your sister over at the grill. He's been wigging over her for the last few weeks now, ever since he first saw her. I sure hope they get it together. I haven't seen him act this way since he broke up with his girlfriend Cinnamon last year," Colt said, surprising me. I had no idea he had it that bad for Lisa.

Just then, one of Colt's big, gorilla-sized friends came out of the kitchen, scooped him up like a pretzel and tossed him headfirst into the deep-end of the pool, just like he was a tennis ball. It's amazing that he didn't crash onto one of the skinny-dippers or hit his head on the side of the deck. But when he surfaced, he wasn't pissed off, and instead started laughing uncontrollably, while the rest of us that saw what had just happened either laughed along or started clapping. Colt was always one of the happiest guys I'd ever known. I loved that dude like a brother.

Since our conversation with Colt was abruptly stopped, we decided to make another circuit of Coop's parent's big house. This place was getting really packed now, and I think it had to be bigger than any of the other parties that I had been to before. We made our way back into the kitchen to see if we could score another hit of some of Colt's awesome pot. Luck was with us because some buff, tan guy wearing a bright red Hawaiian print shirt and tight shorts, had just fired up a big fat doobie and was passing it all around the kitchen to the other partygoers. When he turned around to pass it to us, I was surprised to see that the guy was Tucker. I didn't recognize him with so many clothes on.

"Hey, my little dudes! Oh, I guess I shouldn't really call you guys `little' anymore," he said, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Hey bitchin' dudes! Want a hit of my special blend?"

"What's so special about it?" Jake asked.

"I went around the room and picked up all of the roaches that I could find and then crushed them all up and made an enormous doobie. Be careful, dudes, this stuff is totally strong," he said, handing me the large joint.

"There isn't like any weird shit in this thing is there? Like the strange pharmaceuticals that the acid heads are doing in the other room?"

"No, man, I don't think so. All that heavy shit is their own thing. I don't really dig that LSD stuff myself," he said, shrugging his shoulders and winking at us. "But to each his own I guess."

"I took one good sized hit and was barely able to hold it all in `cause it was that freakin' strong. While I didn't cough, big tears bubbled up in my eyes and my voice dropped down so low that now I sounded like my old grandma Marge. "Thanks dude, that was super tasty and delicious."

Jake wasn't as careful as I was, and soon he started hacking away, but he was laughing at the same time and slapping at his knees. "Thanks, Tucker."

"You're welcome dudes. See `ya at the pool. I'm gonna go pass this around and see what's going on outside. Thanks for the great time upstairs tonight! Hope to see your dicks again soon."

"Yeah, right," Jake said, raising an eyebrow, even though tears were still streaming down his face.

"Yeah, thanks for the hit, dude," I said, as he walked away, waving at us over his shoulder.

"Dude, that stuff was way harsh."

"No shit! But I guess you get a bigger high `cause all of the resin that is soaked in from the other joints. At least that's what I heard from my friend Riley at school last year. C'mon, let's go mingle around some more. Maybe we can see how Lisa and Coop are getting along. Wouldn't it be cool if your sister started going out with Cooper? I think they make a cool couple. Hey Jake, what's with you? Are you listening? You're acting kinda wiggy."

"What? Who is a cool couple?"

"I said, wouldn't it be cool if Lisa and Cooper got together?"

"Oh, Yeah. I guess. Hey Ry, why is your head so big and your ears so floppy?" he slurred, and then started pointing at my head and giggling. "You look like one of Jordy's cartoons, kinda like Dumbo with long hair."

"Dude, I think you're wasted. I think you had way too many wieners today. Let's go out front and get some fresh air. It will be quieter out there away from the band."

We navigated our way through the swarms of people, stepping over some people and dodging others, as they tried to dance and party in the crowded rooms. Even most of the acid-heads were up now and moving around more easily, although they still looked like a bunch of arms and legs all tied together. Some of them were so fucked up, that they left their stash of magic mushrooms lying around. I got elbowed once, and my crotch was grabbed a couple of times, one girl really feeling me up, while Jake had a bong spilled on his foot before we finally made it out the front door and onto the grassy lawn. Quite a few people were out here too, and I was beginning to think that this party was getting way too big and would soon be out of control. That happened once before when someone called the cops on a big party Colt had when he graduated from high school last year. Now that I think about it, it was probably Mrs. Kravitz across the street from me who complained. All that noise probably distracted her from her knitting, I guess.

We made our way up the steps toward the sidewalk with the idea that we might lean up against somebody's car and relax for a minute and get some fresh air. Jake was still uncharacteristically quiet, and I had to make sure he was still following behind me a couple of times. Finally, getting out to the street, we leaned up against a huge, old, dark-blue Buick coupe, and breathed in the cool, fresh early evening air, wafting up the hill from down below in the valley and the Pacific Ocean beyond.

"Feeling better?" I asked. "You look a lot like your old self now."

"Oh yeah. It was so hot in there and I guess I was starting to freak out. You should have seen your head though. It was really funny," Jake said, laughing and looking at me. Then, looking up the street towards our houses for a couple of seconds, he pointed and said, "Hey Ryan, look! That guy looks like Red Crow. I thought he was dead. How can he be here wandering around?"

"Where? What are you talking about?"

"Right up there by that rusted out, gold Dodge van with the sparkly Unicorn painted on it. He must have gone behind it just now, but it sure looked like him. He had really long hair and was wearing dark clothes." The gold van was way up the street closer to Jake and my houses, almost in front of the Jacobson's.

"He can't be here `cause he's dead, dude, like you said. I think you're tripping out. Maybe we should head on home."

"Nah, I'm cool now. Maybe it was somebody else. But it sure looked like him."

Just then, Coop and Lisa came walking out of the house holding hands and smiling big `ole shit-eating grins. Spotting us, they made a bee-line straight for our spot on the sidewalk.

"Hey guys, having fun?" Coop asked us.

"Yeah, but probably not as much as you two are," I said, joking with them.

"Hey now! We're just friends getting to know each other," Coop said.

"We're going to take it nice and slow, and I like that," Lisa said, smiling.

"That's outasight, sis!" Jake said. "It's about time you met a groovy dude like Cooper!"

"Shut up! I'm nothing special. I'm just a laid back guy, working at the pool for the summer and trying to make some bread," he said quietly. "In fact, I got a second job delivering prescriptions for old man Snuffy's drug store on weeknights." Obviously, he had the total hots for Lisa and wanted to impress her.

"Hey, that's great, Coop. When my mom needs her Valium, you can drop off our next order of grass at the same time," I said.

"That's a great idea. I hadn't thought of doing that. I can do double deliveries for everybody in Pasadena."

"Just don't make out with bored housewives," Jake said. "Or Lisa will get jealous."

Just as he finished saying that, we heard the sound of glass breaking up the street. "What was that?" everybody said in unison.

Then we heard it again.

"Holy Fuck! Somebody is smashing windows on the parked cars. Let's go stop them!" Cooper yelled at us.

Special thanks to Jason T. and Hans for the great help with editing this chapter. They really make the chapter shine and I appreciate their help.

Next: Chapter 25

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