So My Heart Flies

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jul 14, 2002


Disclaimer: I do not know (nor am I affiliated) with Hayden Christensen nor Nickolas Gene Carter. The idea of a Jedi is from the mind of a genius which I am not. If it is illegal in your area to view homosexual material (or if you don't like it or Alt. Universe), then please leave so we can all get on with our lives.

From the Desk of Nimm: sigh Yes, I am back. I am hoping that this will be a good one. puts on helmet and climbs into a starship I dedicate this to Joe-darling. We rode the waves together and I am forever grateful for what you've done.

So My Heart Flies Locked Journal II: Fading Smiles

The craft gently landed within the recedes of a rather tropical retreat which Nick took to be Akanei. He stepped off the ship and took a breath of fresh air. The Prince walked down the gangplank, regal and unmoving.

Nick took his place next to the Prince and made small conversation as they walked towards the palace. They walked towards the balcony that looked over the beautiful and blooming gardens. "Would you like to meet back here in five minutes?" asked Nick.

The Prince smiled. "Sure." He walked off to change. He walked into his chamber to find his faithful android at attention. "And how are you, Brooks?"

"Oh it's wonderful to see you again, highness." the android replied. He noticed something different about the Prince. "Highness, you're smiling. Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, Brooks." Hayden replied as he dressed into more simple clothes. Another android walked in. "Ah, Emily. How are you?"

"Highness is smiling? What about?" asked the blonde android. She walked over towards the Prince and studied his face. She gave it a critical eye before announcing that he wasn't physically ill.

"I just met someone. That is all." Hayden smiled as he pulled away from Emily. He shook his head. "Nothing special."

"Ooh! Tell us all about him!" they smiled as they began to unpack his suitcases. "How did you meet him? Was he at Thesail with you? Was it a romantic meeting?"

"He's sweet. Kind. Caring." Hayden grinned. "Such a gentleman. You know, Sir Nick?"

Emily gasped and would pass out if her wiring permitted her. "Sir Nickolas Carter, highness?!"

"Yes." Hayden replied. "I'm going out to meet him now." He ducked out of their way and walked towards the door, knowing that those two would be talking for hours on end.

"Sir Nick is the current heartthrob of the entire Jedi Order! I had no idea he was gay!" Emily smiled. "He is so sweet and kind. I've met him before."

"You have?" asked Brooks.

"Yes, he's pretty strong, your highness. He was able to lift me up, and this was BEFORE I got my titanium parts. He's quite a catch if I do say so myself." Emily sighed.

"Have fun, highness!" Brooke called out. She sighed happily. "Highness is in love."

"Even if he won't admit it to himself." Emily added with a firm nod.

Hayden walked purposely towards the balcony and saw Nick standing, taking in the beauty of Akanei. He cleared his throat and Nick turned with a notebook in hand. "Your high--Hayden." he smiled.

"Nick." The Jedi held out the notebook. "This is your writing?" He read through the lines and verses, his face contorting in understanding and laughter. "Your writing is wonderful."

"Thank you." Nick replied. A long moment passed. "Are you hungry, your highness?" he asked sweetly.

"Ye, as a matter of fact." They walked towards the kitchen where Nick proved that he was the better cook of the two of them. They shared memories over scratch-made pizza.

" old were you when you were taken to the Jedi Temple?" he asked.

"About 9 or so. It was a very lonely life." He looked at Hayden. He seemed so...warm, inviting. Like coming home after a journey. His smile was always accompanied by a light dust of blush. "I always thought it was rather cold in the Jedi Temple. Not like here, it's very warm. Very familiar."

"Yes but at times, my life is cold and lonely as well." Hayden replied. His eyes saddened. "All of my life, I've been trained to be a strong political figure. For when my sister is Queen, I am Senator for Shmitau and it is a rather though job or so my uncle says."

"We are alike in different worlds." Nick pointed out. He used his power to take Hayden's glass of water. He grinned and sipped the water before returning it to Hayden's side of the table. Nick chuckled. "Well, it's getting rather late. We should go to bed."

Hayden nodded, though he didn't budge. Nick stood up and helped Hayden stand. They were close enough to feel each other breathing. Nick inclined his head and placed a gentle kiss on Hayden's lips. He pulled away. They walked towards Hayden's room in uncomfortable silence. "Good night, Hayden."

"Good night, Nick." he replied before going into his room with a smile.

Brooks was already asleep so it was Emily that helped him prepare for bed. "How was the meeting, your highness?" she asked, her voice hoping for luscious details.

"It was absolutely charming. unreal." Hayden replied as he settled for a night's sleep with dreams of a certain Jedi.

In the other room, a Jedi meditated, trying to get thoughts of Hayden's wonderful blush-smile out of his head.

E-mail : Yahoo! : anneth_fosiohto AIM : MistressN9 site : Note : I'm going to open my own slash site soon. yayeness! ^_^

Next: Chapter 3

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