So What Happens Next

By Peter King

Published on Jan 4, 2009


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

So, what happens now? Chapter 2

5 to 4 and in he walks. I like that, punctual. Looks at me and smiles then wanders down one of the aisles. Dressed much the same as this morning. He must have gone home and changed. Tee shirt, good fit, not tight. Shorts, not like this morning. These ones are a bit tighter. Shows off his little butt. I'm looking forward to getting between those cheeks.

My co-worker Chris, goes to help him but I tell him to leave it and get the last few things inside then head home. Chris is a nice guy but clueless. He has no idea I got the guy off this morning and intend to do a lot more tonight. Chris gets the last couple of things in, asks me if I need him for anything else to which I answer no, then heads off.

I head for my little plaything. He's just standing at the end of the aisle with his back to me looking at the shelves. I walk up behind him, run my hands over his arse cheeks, then move them up his back just enough to get to the waistband. Get my fingers inside then slide his shorts down enough to expose his cheeks. As I fondle his cheeks I make sure to rub my fingertip over his hole. He's wet. He moans and pushes back enough to get my finger in his hole. He moans more. I take my left hand off and move it to grab his crotch. He's hard. I bet he's leaking too.

I lean into him harder and lick his ear lobe then whisper, "If you come home with me now we'll do whatever you want but before you leave I'm going to fuck your tight little arse. If you aren't up for it or don't want to then leave now and don't come back."

I take my hand off his crotch and am about to pull my finger out of his hole and pull his shorts up when he turns around. Looks at me then reaches up and kisses me. Hard. Passionate. I stick my tongue in his mouth and he starts to suck on it. As he does he reaches down and puts his hand down my shorts and feels my hardon. He pulls his mouth off mine but keeps his hand in place. Looks up at me and says,

"All I've thought about since you sucked me off and fingered me this morning was what it would take to get this fat dick of yours up my hole. I know it's going to hurt but I don't care I just want it in me."

"If you want it badly enough the pain will be brief but the pleasure will be huge." I say.

"I want you to fuck me here and now." He says as he pulls my dick out of my shorts and starts to turn around.

"Not here." I say and stop him turning. "Im going to finish what I have to do here then take you home. We're going to take a shower. You're going to wash, me then suck me, then fuck me and when we've both rested I'm going to introduce you to what pleasures you can get from that tight little hole of yours."

I pull my finger out of his hole, take his hand off my dick and stick it back in my shorts. I leave him there with his shorts partly down and head back to the counter to finish what I have to do. He takes his shorts off completely and starts to play with his dick.

"Don't!" I shout at him. He stops. Shocked. "From now until you get home I"m the only one who plays with your dick or arse. I'm the only one who'll give you pleasure and relief." I'm glaring at him. He swallows hard and loud. "Put your shorts back on and come and stand over here where I can watch you."

He does as he's told. HeÔs not sure now. I guess he's never had anyone command him before. That's OK. As long as he's compliant he's going to have a lot of fun and get his rocks off more times than he thinks is possible. I finish what I have to and grab my bag and head toward him. He's more than nervous now. I think he's scared. Have to fix that.

I stop in front of him but he doesn't look up. I put my hand under his chin and tilt his head so that he's facing me but he doesn't look at me.

"Look at me." I tell him gently. He does, but he's wary. "You're not in trouble, but understand that I want to have the pleasure of giving you pleasure. I want you to do as I say, but if I do something you don't like or don't want me to do then you WILL tell me NO, AND take my hand and I'll stop. But once you stop me that's it. We stop completely and you go home and don't come back. OK?" He nods his head. "No, you don't nod, you talk to me. If you feel that you can't talk to me then we can't get right into this."

"OK." he says a little too quietly.

I'm still not sure if he gets it. I take his hand and head for the door with him in tow.

"What's you name?" I ask.

"Jeff" he says.

"With a j or a g?" I ask.

"J" he says.

We get outside and I close and lock the door. His car is in the carpark and he heads for it.

"We'll walk to my place" I tell him and he turns to come back to be beside me and we head for my place.

"Why me?" I ask.

"Why you what? he responds.

"Why did you let me fondle then suck you off this morning? Why did you come back? Why are you willing to come back to my place and have sex with me?" I ask.

"This morning I wasn't sure how far you would go, but I figured a while ago that you wanted to have sex with me. It was just a good opportunity and I wanted to get off. I liked it. I've never had anything to do with another guy before and certainly never done anything so publicly before. I came back because I want to. I want you to fuck me. I want to know what it feels like to have a dick sliding in and out of my arse. I've got a girlfriend who likes me to fuck her up the arse whilst she plays with a vibrator in her pussy. She screams when she comes but is pretty quiet if she comes whilst we have a regular fuck. I figure there is something special about getting it up the arse and I liked you fingering me so much this morning that I want you to fuck me. You scared me when you shouted at me and I thought that maybe I had made a big mistake." All this time as he talked we walked and he just looked ahead but now he turned to face me. "Did I?"

"No, I have no intention of harming you. I just didn't want you to spoil my fun of getting you off. I also needed to see if you would do as you're told without question. I now know you will, so I can tell you to do something and you'll do it, so that I can do what I want and explain things afterwards. In the past, guys I've been with wanted me to explain things first and I found that killed some of the experience. I feel that if you have to explain things first then expectations are formed and the experience is lessened whereas if you experience first, then explain, the experience is greater."

The look in his eyes changed and I could feel him relaxing a little.

"I'm serious about the stopping though. If I start to do something that you don't want me to do then simply say stop and grab my hand and I'll stop."

"But then you'll kick me out and I wont get anything more." He said.

"Maybe not. When I'm stopped I loose interest and for me it's a full stop. I've found the best for me is to kick the person out so I can figure it out, and in the past they've never come back. I'll be honest if it does happen and you came back the next day I'd probably pick it up again but I'd want to know what went wrong and what the new restrictions are. This is my place."

As we reached the door I let go of his hand and got my keys out. Opened the doors and ushered him in before me. As I entered I closed and locked the door behind me. He had stopped in the lounge and was looking around. As I walked past him to turn the stereo on I groped his butt.

Once the stereo was set the way I wanted I said "Come here and strip me off." He did. He unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it back off my shoulders then down off my arms. My shorts are elastic waist and not tied so he just slid them down along with my jocks. As he squatted down and got the shorts to my ankles I lifted my left leg and he took the shorts off then started to undo my shoe. I lifted my left leg again and he took my shoe and sock off then I did the same on the right and so did he. Finally I was naked and hard as a rock with a really cute young guy on the floor in front of me. He reached up and took my dick in his hand and started to feel and fondle it. He moved his head toward it as thought he was going to suck it.

"No." I said "Wait till we have a shower then it'll taste better. Stand up." I told him and he did.

I leant over and started to kiss him. He responded and went to put his arms around me but I stopped him. I slid his tee shirt up his body and he lifted his arms up so I could get it off him. I pulled my face off his and lifted the shirt all the way off and got a good look at his torso. Very nice. Well defined with a little chubbiness to it. No hair. Even more yum. I slid my hands back up his arms and onto his chest. Found his hard nipples and pinched then twisted them. He squirmed and moaned. I kissed him again and kept my hands going south to his shorts. Hooked my thumbs in the waist band and started to slide them down. I pulled my face off him as I realised he wasn't wearing underwear. The horny little shit was going commando. I slid the back off his butt then slid my thumbs round the front wanting to slide it down past his dick. He was hard as a rock so I had to pull the band out to get it past his hardon. The shorts were so tight that they didn't fall as mine do so I leant down and slid them down his legs. I knelt down and took his shorts off his legs then undid and removed his shoes. Staying down there I looked back up him and what a fucking hot site.

Young guy. Italian. A little hairy. Hard as a rock and standing in front of me wanting me to do whatever I wanted to his body. As I got up I grabbed his scrotum and gently squeezed his nuts then slid my hand up his cock to the head. He was leaking shitloads. I intended him to leak even more. I rubbed the precum around the head and pushed his foreskin back down to expose his entire head. Fat. Hard. Red and ready.

Not taking my hand off his dick I led him to the shower. Got it running at the temperature I like then grabbed the cloth and pumped some soap into it. Got it wet then started to wash him down. I started at his neck making sure to get behind his ears. Then moved down to his chest making sure to pay close attention to his hard nipples. He liked that. This boys is really going to like having his nipples nibbled. I'll just have to make sure he doesn't squirm too much or he'll get hurt. Moving south to his abdomen making sure to get the top of his pubes but not touching his cock. God I'm such a tease. I grabbed him by his hips and turned him to face away from me and started on his back. Hairless. Good. Too young yet but I'm sure by the time he's thirty something he'll be hairy. I pushed his arms up and put his palms on the wall. Nice bracing. I wash across his shoulders and all the way down each arm then moving down his back. As I go various muscles tense and spasm in anticipation. Occasionally I slow or dwell and he moans. I know he wants to get off but he's sticking to the rule. Thats my joy.

I get down to his butt. A fine growth of hair. That's OK I can live with that. "Lean forward." I tell him and he does. I squat down and slide my hands down his legs and push his feet apart. It takes a couple of moves but I get what I want. his butt in front of me with his cheeks just a little open. More soap on the cloth then work on his legs. Back then front. Right then left. Then the really good part. His crack.

By now all I want to do is jam my face in there and lick the little shits hole till he screams for me to fuck him. I have to admonish myself to not worry as I'm going to do that eventually but for now cleaning. Wash his cheeks then down his crack. I know when I touch his hole because of the way he hisses and twitches and gasps. I do it more than I need to but hey, this is my fun and making him squirm is fun. One last time down his crack, pausing to circle his hole then down to his perineum and wash that really well. He doesn't know it yet but my tongue is going to spend a lot of time going from his cock to his hole and back again. Past the perineum and onto his balls and cock. lots of washing but making sure he doesn't come.

I stand up making sure that I'm close enough that my cock slips between his legs and crack. He pushes back to get it all. I hold him momentarily then push him away.

"Your turn now. Wash me. Make me squeaky clean." I tell him.

If his grin had got any bigger his face would have split.

"No getting me off." I say. "Keep that for a little later."

He grins again then soaps up the cloth and gets to work. He's too gentle.

"Scrub harder." I order. And he does. As he pushes the cloth around he is pushing me around a bit. He does my neck then shoulders then my arms. Back to my chest. He cleans one nipple then moves the cloth to the other hand to do the other nipple but uses his empty hand to play with the now clean nipple. Independently creative. Very good. Too much soap so he can't get a good grip on the nipple. He turns me so the shower washes the soap off then he tries again and gets a good grip. A really good grip. I gasp and try to pull away but he lets go. I look down at him and he's grinning. Quick learner. He moves down to my abdomen. Bigger than his. He's flat I'm not. He doesn't seem to mind. He pays attention to what he's doing. He moves onto my hard dick making sure to get under the foreskin then onto my balls. This boy is good. I've never had anyone handle me this well.

He squats in front of me and starts on my legs. When he finishes them he reaches up to my hips and turns me around and pushes my feet apart. I start to lean forward but he tells me no, so I just brace myself with the wall to my left. He comes up one leg the across my butt then down the other. Back up my leg and into my crack. I squat a little and he pushes my cheeks apart and pays attention to my hole. Once he's happy with that he moves up my back and finally turns me back around. He reaches up and gets his hand behind my head and pulls it down to kiss him. Just a brief one.

"Now I'm going to suck you till you blow down my throat whilst I finger your hole." Jeff says and true to his word he squats down again and tries to get my cock down his throat in one go. He fails. Gags.

"Slowly." I say."Breathe in as you push down."

He does and doesn't gag. Oh fuck his mouth is good on my cock. Hot. Wet. Hungry. This boy has wanted to suck cock for a while. As he's sucking he's moving his hand between my legs and pushing them apart to get at my hole. I shuffle my feet apart to let him. I want him to finger and then fuck me. He presses his middle finger to my hole and I push back to let him in. Oh fuck. Fat fingers. Oh fuck thats good. He gets into a rhythm, as he pushes his head down my cock he pushes his finger up my hole. Oh fuck thats good. The little shit is copying what I did to him this morning. He wiggles his finger around and I loosen up so he slips another finger in. I'm going to cum real soon if I don't stop him.

I start to wriggle and moan and make to get him off me. He stops. Pulls his face off my cock and looks up at me.

"You're going to blow in my mouth and I'm going to swallow it or I leave now." He demands. He's got me that hot and I really want to fuck his arse.

So I say, "Not if you don't get your mouth back on my dick."

And he does. Fuck but he's good. Only a few more pumps of his fingers and mouth and I'm shouting and cumming.

"Oh Fuck. Oh Fuck." He's really good. And good to his word. He swallows. All of it. And there's plenty of it. After almost cumming this morning then playing so much. There's bucket loads. As my last load goes I have to get my cock out of his mouth. Fuck but it's too sensitive. He's happy. He's still got his fingers in my hole. He smiles up at me then slowly pulls his fingers out. I damn near shoot again.

He stands up and gets the cloth and soaps it up. Starts to slowly and soothingly wash me as I come down. He's smiling like the fucking Cheshire Cat. I lean down and kiss him. Slowly. Passionately.

"If you've never been with a guy before, where the fuck did you learn to suck cock so well?" I asked him.

He smiles up at me and says "Some guy did it to me this morning. So I thought I'd give it a try. That good huh?"

I want to slap the cheeky fuck. "Yes! That fucking good."

I turn the water off and get the towels. Pass one to him and he starts to dry me off, so I do the same and in short order we're both dry.

"So, what happens now?" He asks.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

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