Soccer Summer

By Jeff Spencer

Published on Aug 23, 2006


This story had its beginnings in "Lick It or Ticket," a story posted on Nifty's adult-youth section on June 17th. It features two of the characters introduced there, Mark and Jason. All future chapters to this story will come under this heading. This story may involve descriptions of sexual encounters between teenaged boys, and between males of different generations. Be warned, and do not read if reading this type of story is illegal for you. It is fiction, and should not be taken as approval of actual contact of this type between adults and children. Exploitation of children is evil. If you like it, drop me a line at Please contribute some money to Nifty if you enjoy this and other works posted there.


"Jason, did you get your letter yet?" Mark excitedly asked Jason, his best friend and lover. The shorter Jason, his curly blond hair moving slightly in the breeze as they met and began walking together, looked lovingly at his brown-haired friend Mark, slightly heavier as well as taller than Jason. The two 16 year olds had recently gotten the opportunity to discover both their gay inclinations, and their physical and emotional affection for each other.

"Yes! I was just getting ready to ask YOU that! Isn't it exciting?" The two boys had received invitations to try out for the top team in the Greater San Diego Area Junior Soccer League, one that had won many past championships, and that had some of the best training facilities in the country. Both boys knew that, if they could make the team, that they were almost assured scholarships when they got to college. Several members of past teams had even been drafted by Major League Soccer, and one was even playing in Europe.

The two were already playing for their high school team, and had distinguished themselves, Jason as a wing, and Mark as a fullback. Mark often teased Jason that, as a defensive player, he would never let Jason get to the ball, but the truth was, the two shared most everything outside of soccer, and both were quite talented within the sport.

Jason was the smaller of the two, cute as a button and 5' 6" tall, 120 pounds, with curly blond hair, and a general `surfer' look. Mark was heavier and taller, 5' 10" and 150 pounds, with brown hair and a constant good-natured smile. The two boys were both extremely athletic and slim, and both got their share of second looks from the girls at their school, but it was boys' cocks, asses and lips that they desired most, though they hadn't come out to anyone else yet.

"So, we're gonna do it, right?" Mark's enthusiastic head nodding gave Jason all the answer he needed. The two continued on, talking excitedly about their prospects.

A week later both boys found themselves on the practice pitch at the soccer club, watching the group of about 20 boys around their age group practicing their drills.

"Hi, I'm Tony Harrison," a tall, handsome man in his early thirties, wearing typical coaches garb of khaki slacks and white knit golf shirt, with the ever-present whistle on a lanyard. Mark and Jason were wearing their high school soccer practice shorts and shirts. "I'm glad you guys could make it. I've watched you all play in your high school's games, and I think you've got a lot of potential. I'd like you to practice with the team today, participate in drills, and we'll see how it goes. If you meet our standards today, I think we could offer one or both of you spots on the team. Sound fair to you?"

"Yes sir!" they both answered excitedly, and immediately went to the first practice station to practice their dribbling. There were a number of stations set up to work on various skills, and both felt as though they could hold their own with the other boys on the team. The others, already on the team, were very friendly, and made an effort to welcome Mark and Jason.

The drills were more challenging, because they were playing against players that were several notches better than their high school teammates, both in skills and experience. Both Mark and Jason began to be more doubtful of their ability to make the team at this point, as they didn't think they were faring well against the tougher competition. Every once in a while, when their separate drills would get near each other, Mark would pat Jason on the back and whisper a few words of encouragement in his ear, and vice versa.

Finally, the tough practice was over, and when the group of boys headed up to the state of the art team house, Mark and Jason followed. They were set to enter the locker room, and showers, when Coach Tony pulled them aside. "Boys, I need you to sign some papers and take some forms for your parents and doctor to sign, okay?"

"Does that mean we've made the team?" Jason asked hopefully. Mark tried to shush him, but secretly he was just as anxious to know.

"Well, no, not yet, it's just routine paperwork we'd need to have if we did decide offer you," the coach said.

"Oh." Both boys were crestfallen, but followed the coach. Getting the paperwork together took longer than the boys thought it would, and by the time they got to the locker room, most of the other boys had finished showering and had left. There were three boys still getting dressed, and both boys noticed the boys' round asses and fair-sized cocks, unfortunately flaccid, just as the boys pulled up their underpants and shorts. Separately, Mark and Jason imagined briefly how much fun it would be to spend more time looking at, and maybe touching, their hot bodies. The swelling in their own cocks at these fantasies slightly tented their shorts.

The three remaining boys wished Mark and Jason well, saying that they hoped coach would let them on the team. "You guys really looked good out there," one of them, a black-haired latino looking boy, said. The other two, one asian, the other a slender blond, nodded their agreement, as they walked out, leaving Mark and Jason alone in the locker room. The two boys were left in the echoing silence of the locker and shower area.

"Where'd everybody go?" Jason said, looking around. "The locker room sure cleared out fast."

Mark looked around. "Yeah, you're right. Hey, wanta fool around? Those guys were kind of cute." He put his left hand on Jason's naked, dripping ass, his fingers flexing against his friend's warm, round bottom. His right hand went to Jason's soft cock, which immediately began expanding to its full 5" length, and steel hard under Mark's gentle touch.

"Mmm, yeah, they were, weren't they," Jason responded dreamily, his arms going around Mark's neck, his lips pressed against Jason's. The two boys kissed warmly for a minute or two, then Jason said, "We'd better not, they could come back." The two boys reluctantly separated, then finished showering and headed over to their benches to towel off. Their drying was complicated by the lingering glances they both cast on the other's naked body. Clowning around, Jason pretended to pick up something off the floor, causing him to bend over, opening up his lovely, perfect ass to Mark, the small rosebud pucker inside his furrow winking lewdly at Mark.

When Jason heard Mark groan with desire, he giggled, rising back up. Mark's 6" cock was stiffly erect, pointing toward the ceiling, his balls already pulled up close to his body. Jason walked over to Mark, leaned down, and slowly took Mark's hot dick between his warm, wet lips, sucking in Mark's excited shaft, already tasting the faint saltiness of Mark's pre cum. "That's for later, lover," Jason said, giving Mark a soft kiss on the lips. Mark's hand went to caress Jason's full ass, stroking the smooth, hairless globes.

"Wait'll you see what I've got planned for you here," Mark said, squeezing Jason's butt to emphasize his area of interest.

"Yeah, yeah, c'mon let's finished getting dressed and find those guys, they said there was a post- practice meeting," Jason said, but the grin on his face said that he was secretly pleased to be felt up by Mark. The two 16 year olds finished putting on their street clothes, squirreling away their sweaty soccer shorts, shirts, socks and jock straps into their shoulder bags. They crossed the ceramic tile floor, their steps echoing hollowly through the room.

"Looks like this might be the way to the meeting," Mark said, gesturing to a set of wooden double doors leading them deeper into the building. Passing through the doorway, they found themselves in a long hallway, with doors at the far end. Along the way, they paused to look at the large number of trophies, plaques and certificates filling the two large trophy cases built into the walls.

"Man, I think this team's only been around like ten years, but they've got more awards here than our high school!" Jason exclaimed.

"Yeah, I guess they're pretty good, huh," Mark added.

Reaching the first door on the left, about a third of the way down the hall, they heard sounds coming through the wooden door. The frosted glass panel across the top gave no clue to what was causing the sounds. They both stood in front of the door, trying to assess what they should do.

"What does that sound like to you?" Jason said, gazing upward into his lover's deep blue eyes, but with his ear glued to the glass. He had a slight smirk on his face.

Mark's beautiful eyes widened, as he realized what the noises sounded like. "Geez, Jason, it sounds like, well, fucking!" The moans and delighted cooing emanating from behind the door seemed to become louder, as the boys' brains more readily now interpreted the sounds.

"`Lick my ass...hole tastes hot and sweaty...fat cock...suck those balls, your boy cunt...', Geez, somebody sounds like they're getting ready to have a GOOD old time. Let's peek," Jason said. Mark tried to stop him, but was too late as Jason eased the door partway open.

The two boys had their heads inside the doorway, peering around the corner to see who might be making the comments. To their surprise, they saw what looked like a nurse's station or first aid center, with a counter and set of cabinets along the wall, sink and a few pieces of elementary medical equipment.

In the center of the medium sized room was an examination table upholstered in leather or a fine grade of plastic, with two naked boys lying on it. One boy, a redhead, was lying on his back, his hips thrust upward, his cock stiffly erect and surrounded by a bush of thick, curly red hair at its base. The 8" circumcised cock was a brilliant red, in contrast with the fair coloring of the owner. Its head was round, like an all day sucker on top of a thinner shaft. The boy's skin over most of his body was a creamy, pale color, but his cheeks were heavily freckled, and each cheek had a deep circle of red, a ruddy glow. This boy was about 5' 9" tall, of medium build, with a curly, tangled mop of hair.

The other boy was smaller, only about 5'5" tall, a slight build and slim, with short cut black hair. His cock was equally erect, though smaller, maybe 4", and hanging downward, as he was on his knees between the redhead's spread legs, and his upper body propped up on his elbows, his face inches away from the redhead's. As Mark and Jason watched, the two boys joined in a kiss, their bodies melting together in an embrace of lust and passion, both lovers on the table moaning with pleasure.

As they watched, the redhead brought his hands around the smaller boy's body, his fingers separating the boy's small, round ass cheeks, his index finger searching for his ass hole. Finding it, he readily penetrated his partner's ass with his long finger, his partner reacting by moaning and thrusting his bottom upward, wanting more. He began thrusting his cock into the redhead's groin, fucking his crotch, while he was being finger fucked, both boys panting now.

Suddenly the smaller boy glanced Mark and Jason's way, and gasped, "Come on in! I want you to fuck me, now!!" Mark and Jason were initially frozen with indecision at being caught, but then the cute redhead looked over and said, "Yes, please, we'd love to have you cum with us" in a soft lisp. Mark looked at Jason, and shrugged.

"Well, we're caught," he said. "Might as well have some fun." Jason grinned.

"Okay," he agreed. Taking Mark's hand, the two walked over to the two naked boys on the table. "What do you want us to do?" he asked of them.

"One of you fuck Ethan in the ass, the other put your cock in his mouth, Ethan loves to suck cock." Apparently Ethan was the smaller boy on top, as the redhead was directing Mark and Jason. Mark helped Jason take his tee shirt over his head, his small nipples pink and erect with anticipation. Jason kept his hands over his head as Mark shimmied Jason's shorts down his legs, his underpants following along. Mark marveled at how absolutely beautiful Jason's slim body was, and when Jason cocked his hips to one side, Mark thought he'd come from the sheer sexiness of Jason's pose. Even the smaller boy, a finger deep inside his ass, whistled when he saw Jason's cute little ass and cock.

Jason brought his arms down, around Mark, and kissed him, taking the opportunity to push down Mark's shorts, Mark's erect dick making it a little difficult, but Jason smoothly pulled the waistband of the shorts and underpants around Mark's plump cock head. Mark's shorts fell to the floor, and he smoothly stepped out of them, sliding one thigh in between Jason's, their smooth, hairless skin kissing and caressing.

As Jason and Mark continued kissing, their hands busy stroking each other's cock, they felt another pair of hands on them. Breaking their kiss, they looked over to see the two boys on the table urging them up onto the exam table. "C'mon, those dicks look delicious," the redhead said.

Jason walked over to the end of the examining table where Ethan and the redhead had their heads resting. "Suck my cock, guys, you've gotten us all hard. Now I wanna cum." The redhead took Jason's silky, hot shaft between his fingers, and lifted Jason's 5" of boy pleasure to Ethan's mouth, his lips warm and full. Jason sighed as he felt Ethan's warm breath across his sensitive glans, a shiver of pleasure coursing through him as he pictured the boy's small mouth on his erect, and now-dripping, cock.

"Ooh, yeah, god that's nice!" Jason exclaimed, as Ethan's practiced mouth sucked him in. As Ethan licked and kissed the pink rod, the redhead's fingers were caressing Jason's small, but full balls, his touch gentle and welcome. As delicious as the feel of the two boys on Jason was, he came close to cumming when he felt Mark cup his small, round ass in his hand, his index finger slipping inside the blond's tight ass hole.

"Mmm, fuck, Mark, I'm gonna cum!" Jason exclaimed. An instant later, his dick squirted 5 loads of his sticky, white hot fluid, the first two spurts filling Ethan's cute, sucking mouth, the latter three ending up on the redhead's face, splattered over his freckles and small nose and lips. Ethan briefly savored the sweet taste of Jason's cum, then, swallowing, looked down at the redhead's face decorated with streams of the white goo crossing his cheeks, as his pink tongue vainly tried to reach the delicious jizz. Ethan's giggles were like tinkling bells as the amusing sight overcame him.

Ethan set to work cleaning his friend's face, his small tongue lapping over the redhead's freckled cheeks and nose, licking up Jason's cum, then kissing his lover with a satisfying smack of lips on lips. Ethan looked up at Mark, and said, "Please, do my butt now, please?" drawing out the latter one syllable word into three or four. Mark grinned.

"Nothing I'd like better," he moaned, his face lowering between Ethan's small round butt cheeks, covered now with a faint sheen of boy sweat. Mark's tongue reached out, picking up the salty taste, then the molten heat between the boy's tight cheeks. Marks fingers separated the warm globes, a small, brown puckered opening smiling at him as his eyes took in the sexy scene, a boy's naked ass lying before him, vulnerable and eagerly waiting for his assault..

Mark brought his own full lips to the pucker, lewdly kissing the boy's nether lips, his tongue slipping between the taut muscles of Ethan's ass hole, into his rectum, tasting the boy's sexy, earthy taste. Mark's cock strained with lust as the full sensory impact hit him.

The musky aroma of an aroused teenaged boy's ass hole filling his nostrils, the boy's salty, earthy taste on Mark's tongue, the heat and moisture of Ethan's rear furrow against Mark's mouth and cheeks, and the sound of Ethan's cooing filled his ears with delight. Mark was overwhelmed by the unexpected pleasure of experiencing all this beautiful boy had to offer him - his most intimate opening inviting him in, in every sense.

Mark's dick felt almost painfully hard, and momentarily caught under the padded edge of the table. Jason alertly saw Mark's discomfort, and reached under, lightly grasping Mark's erection with his warm grasp, and bringing it above the edge. Mark grunted in gratitude, though he was unwilling to remove his wet mouth from Ethan's hot ass.

"You're really going to town on his ass, Mark," Jason murmured. "I'm jealous." He wasn't really, though, he was happy to see Mark enjoying himself, even if it was with another boy's body. Jason had to admit that the boy was cute, and that he wouldn't mind eating out his ass hole himself. Ethan's mouth had been extremely exciting on Jason's cock, so he figured his ass would probably be a treat, too.

Then Jason got an idea of how he could have his cake and eat it, too. He'd lick Mark's hot hole, while Mark was licking Ethan's! Jason crawled behind Mark, who was crouched over the table, his face between Ethan's dimpled ass cheeks. The position caused Mark's bottom to stick out, perfect positioning for Jason to kneel behind him. Jason knelt down and saw that Mark's ripe globes were already parted, his pink hole exposed and pouting. When Jason brought his mouth close to the hole he was already familiar with, his hot breath momentarily startled Mark, who groaned with pleasure.

"Ick ma ole," he grunted, Jason taking that as an order to orally make love to Mark's anus. He eagerly complied, kissing and sucking on his boyfriend's sweet bottom and his earthy-smelling opening. Mark's pucker was tight on Jason's tongue, as he squirmed it deeper inside the silky tunnel. Mark's heat was furnace-like, his rectum surrounding and capturing Jason's increasingly intoxicated tongue. Jason tongue-fucked Mark deeper, harder and faster, as though it were his 5" dick fucking Mark's love hole.

Mark's bottom wriggled as the sensations from Jason's hot tongue sent shivers of pleasure throughout his body. Mark became acutely aware of the pressure inside his cock, a strong urge to jet out his thick, creamy cum into someone's, anyone's, opening, be it mouth or ass. At long last pulling his face from Ethan's sweet boy pussy, he exclaimed, "I've got to fuck, or my cock is gonna explode!"

The three other boys broke out in giggles, Mark's sexual desperation amusing them greatly. The redhead had been quiescent throughout the orgy of ass licking, content to lay with a naked Ethan in his arms, but now he spoke.

"There's two very willing, very tight ass holes right here for your fucking pleasure, good sir," he said, drawing his legs up to chest level on either side of Ethan, still recumbent on his chest. Ethan slowly planted soft kisses on the redhead's freckled cheeks as he continued to speak."Both Ethan and I would love to offer you a tight, warm home for your very hard, very pretty cock."

Jason had stopped licking Mark's hole after his exclamation, and both he and Mark had a bird's- eye view of the redhead's puckered anus. Neither had ever seen anything quite like it, though their experience was admittedly limited. The redhead's opening was a bright, bright red, and surrounded by pale, perfectly creamy ass cheeks, a bubble butt it might be called. He had downy hairs lightly surrounding his male hole, a golden color, reddish-golden, and both boys thought it very attractive.

"C'mon, fuck me," the redhead growled, breaking Mark and Jason from their reverie. Mark stood erect, and spit into his hand to wet his cock, coating it liberally in his saliva, dripping from the swollen, purple head. Ethan, still riding on the redhead's body, lifted himself up on his knees over the redhead's stiff cock, 8" long, thick and as brilliant a red as his asshole, allowing Mark to get closer between the redhead's legs, and also exposing his own cute hole for the redhead's use. Ethan slowly lowered himself onto the big dick, the plump cock head lewdly splitting the boy's moistened and tight hole, the long shaft slowly disappearing inside the boy's ass, as both the redhead and Ethan sighed contentedly.

Mark took his 6" rod in hand, and fitted the plump, purple head of his dick in the bright red notch of the bigger boy's ass hole. The redhead moaned as he felt the insistent pressure of Mark's cock. His cock slipped past the boy's pucker surprisingly easily, and slid deep inside his bowels. Both Mark and the redhead hissed simultaneously, both feeling different sensations of pleasure, as Mark's stiff shaft was engulfed by the velvety smooth, fiery hot tunnel of the redhead's bowels. Mark was now directly behind Ethan, their heads at the same level, and Mark kissed the back of Ethan's neck, as he pumped inside of the redhead. Mark reached around Ethan's slim hips, and slowly stroked Ethan's thin, 4" long dick, his fingers traveling up and down the hot, hard shaft.

Mark's instincts took over, his lust guiding him toward total ecstasy, his pumping in and out of the deliciously lovely boy ass slow at first, then increasing in speed until he was almost a blur. Jason in turn, stood behind Mark, his left hand on Mark's plump, round ass, feeling it flex every time Mark pushed forward. Jason was proud that his boyfriend was such a virile boy fucker, as he himself could certainly testify, with enthusiasm.

Mark's pumping inside the boy's anus caused him to grunt, every time Mark's thighs banged into the back of the redhead's thighs. Very quickly, the redhead moaned, "I'm cumming, fuck, feels so good, fuck my ass, your hard dick, feels so fuckin' good inside me, man!" The redhead grunted, his face wracked with pleasure, as Mark softly kissed Ethan's throat, the redhead's climax very evident by the movements of his hips, gradually slowing. Both boys watched avidly as the redhead's hard shaft, virtually untouched, sprayed several thick loads of pure white boy cum onto his flat stomach.

"Ungh, me too!" blurted Ethan, the sight of his lover's cock spurting his delicious fluid, too much to bear. "I'm cum...cumming on you, baby!" he gasped, four spurts of his thinner fluid splashing onto the redhead's stomach, and mixing with his previously deposited jizz.

Then the redhead slowly reached between Ethan and himself, and scooped up a handful of the thick, white cum, the product of the two boys' ecstasy, their ejaculations pooling between them at his navel. Then he slapped the globs of boy cum directly into Ethan's dark cleft, the liquid running into his dark pucker, lubricating it, the redhead's fingers forcing it deep inside his lover. "Go on, fuck Ethan now, cum inside him," he whispered, as he fiercely kissed his smaller lover.

Mark didn't hesitate, his climax so close, his need so great. Without missing a beat, he took his excited, rock-hard and swollen cock from the redhead's grasping boy hole, then slid it into Ethan's smaller, tighter anus. The small boy's back arched with the initial pain of Mark's anal penetration, but the redhead held him close, their lips locked together, until the discomfort passed, and Ethan's rectum began to respond to the sensations of pleasure. His hips started to push back into Mark's crotch, the crashing of Mark's groin and Ethan's ass together making a loud slapping sound.

Jason was content to stand with his lover Mark, his finger now penetrating Mark's tight ass, the sphincter tightening every time Mark pushed forward into Ethan's eager hole. The two coupled, Mark riding the smaller boy enthusiastically, anxious to cum inside Ethan's tight hole. Soon, the urge to spread his seed inside his lover overwhelmed his self control.

"Fuck, man, I'm cumming! I'm filling your tight ass with my load, gonna cream your hole with my jizz, bitch! FUCK!!" Mark pressed his groin hard into Ethan's soft ass cheeks, seeking instinctively to fill his momentary lover with his boy juice. Ethan groaned adorably into the redhead's mouth, as they continued to kiss, his tongue very active, his mouth drooling in ecstasy.

Ethan's hips jerked spasmodically, filling the space between his stomach, and the redhead's with his second, much smaller flow of sperm. Slowly, the three boys slumped into each other, the smell of hot, boy sperm rich in the air. Jason alone stood relaxed, happy that his lover had cum, and most pleasurably, too.

After a few minutes, Mark roused himself, and stood up, pressing his body into Jason's. "Wow, that was great," he whispered. Then, as if the last twenty minutes or so had never happened, he said, "Uh, hi. My name's Mark Parker, and this is Jason Harris."

The redhead smiled and said, "Yeah, we saw you guys out on the pitch. Trying out for the team? Oh, and my name's Erin Black, and this is Ethan Painter." The boys all grinned at each other.

"Pleased to meetcha," Mark said. "Yeah, me too," added Jason.

"Hey, they said something about an initiation, to see if we had what the team needed. They liked the way we play, but it sounded like there was something else they were looking for. Do you have to have good grades or somethin'?"

"Huh, the initiation," Erin said, grinning. "Yeah, you needed to pass the initiation. But you'll have to ask the guys what they thought of your performance."

"Uh, what do you mean?" asked Jason.

"Well, Ethan and I were the initiation. See those?" With that, Erin pointed at a couple of medical books in different parts of the room. "Those are hi-def cameras. Wave to the team, they're in the room down the hall, watching you."

Mark looked at Jason, unsure of what was coming next.


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Next: Chapter 3

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