Social Network

Published on Jun 14, 2022


Social Network Chapter 1

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Social Network (Part 1)

March 2020 .

The coronavirus epidemic was starting to spread in the USA and in the whole world. And it had already starting to affect livelihood of millions of people in the USA . One them of the was lead character of our series, Adam who lived in a very small rural town of Kentucky.

32-year-old desperate gym trainer Adam was requesting to his childhood friend Brad for a social media collaboration while at the same time shouting at his 19-year-old cousin Lucas because Lucas was being very clumsy.

Adam: Brad bro, don't be so selfish man. I really need your help. You have millions of followers on STARgram not to mention millions in other social media outlets. All I am asking you to do 5 minutes of STARgram live with me and ask your followers to follow my STARgram profile. Or if that is too much for you, then just post a photo of mine on your page with a link to my profile and ask your followers to follow me. I will really appreciate that. Hey Lucas!! You moron! put those dumbbells carefully in my truck and don't drop those on your feet!

Brad: Hey Adam bro, Stop shouting at poor Lucas. He already looks very tense. And about this STARgram collaboration thing, I don't think that is viable.

Adam: Why?

Brad: I have millions of followers on STARgram and you have less than one thousand. this thing which you are asking doesn't make sense

Adam: (looked hurt): Ohhh I get it .just because you are a social media star and I am just an ordinary gym trainer in a small town, you have no use of me so why bother to give me a small favor? Right bro?

Brad: Bro, you are taking this personally.

Adam: I am not taking this personally. But you are nor understanding my situation properly. I am in knee-deep in shit. This COVID-19 epidemic could not have come at a worse time. I have just opened my own gym,. I have spent every penny which I had saved in the last 10 years in this. Still, it was not enough to cover the cost of all the equipment. So some of them, I took on installment, and for some, I have taken loans . For installment,bank loan they will take away but for the one which I have taken the bankloan is just a liability for me . Now clients have stopped coming to the gym and very soon we will have orders from both Mayor and Governor for a complete official lockdown of all the gyms for a long time. I can not even sell them on eBay because currently, no one is buying them because of all this lockdown. So I may have to sell it at throwaway price which would still not cover my investment. My whole gym business failed in just two months after its start. All the money which I had saved in 10 last years has gone down the drain. I still have to pay rent for this gym place. Thankfully for which I have sublet it as storage for one company. I have moved heavy gym equipment to one side to make room for the sublet

I have another problem .lease of the house is over and my landlord is moving in so I have to vacate it. The problem is I yet to find a new house in my budget. I have talked to a realtor and he told me that he is in rent negotiation with a landlord. If negotiation finalizes then we(Adam and Lucas) may move there day after tomorrow otherwise I will have to live in my gym with all the storage goods from the sublet and Lucas will have to move to his mom's basement.

Brad: Lucas lives with you?

Adam: Yeah for the past 2 months he has been living with me.His mom kicked him out. I don't know why. Maybe because he was being very much useless brat. But now he will have to go.

Lucas's Phone rang .

Lucas received the call.

Lucas: ohhh Ohhh . Ok Ok. Why you did not call on Adam's number? Ohh Ok. Ok, I will tell Adam.

Lucas(to Adam): it was the realtor . He told that negation failed. the owner of the house refused to lower the rent.

Adam (Sarcastically) Great now I will have to live here in this new gym /warehouse at least for next month. You will have to go to your mom's basement.

Lucas: I will not go to my mom's place! I would rather live in the broom closet of the gym.

Adam: don't irritate me, Lucas. You will have to go to your mom's place. You can't live here. And BTW why the hell that realtor called you instead of me?

Lucas: He told that he called you but your phone was out of reach so he called me instead.

Adam checked his phone.

Adam: Fuck! My phone was already in its last leg. And today it is completely off. It is beyond repair. Now I will have to buy a new one.

Brad: I am sorry , Bro.

Adam: Don't feel sorry for us bro. It is our fate. Lucas, go take back the basic items which you put in my truck back here since I am not going anywhere. After that, we will go to our house which we will have to vacate. I will bring my stuff here. And then I will drop you and your staff to your mom's home.

Lucas: I will not go there! I will live with you.

Adam: Shut up Lucas!

Brad was watching the things which were happening in front of him. He was thinking about how much complete opposite direction their (Adam and Brad)'s lives have taken.

Adam and Brad were friends since they were kids. In high school they were two most popular jocks in high school. Adam was most popular was Brad was second. Adam had a steady girlfriend(Shannon) in high school. While Brad was always in some causal relationship with multiple girls and some boys (off course secretively and without knowledge of Adam).

Right now Brad was looking at Adam and comparing their lives. Men like Adam belonged in the era of the 1950s or 1960s or latest of 1970s.

Men who believe that harder they work more prosperous they would become. Men like these have been told by their father that one should live within their means Men like Adam still believed in chivalry and they believed that they would still able to find a woman in these modern times who would stick with them in their thick and thin.

After high school, Adam did some small job here and there then he did a certification course in the gym training, supplements, and nutrition. The gym was his passion. He worked as an assistant gym trainer in the town 's biggest gym. The pay was not great but it paid his bills. Plus he also managed to save every month. Adam worked there for more than a decade and after that, he had saved enough money to open his own gym. In January 2020 Adam opened his gym. At the same time, his cousin Lucas was kicked out by Lucas's mother for unknown reasons. Lucas went to Adam and asked for a job. Adam gave him the job of a janitor also for some errands job which was required in the gym.

Adam also allowed Lucas to live with him in his 1BHK house. Adam's lease was up by the end of March and they had to vacate the house by the end of the month. Adam was searching for a new house to rent when all the Covid-19 hell broke loose. He lost all the clients and very soon Mayor and Governor were expected to announce strict lockdown for gym, salon, and spa. As these places were known as the hot spot for the spread of coronavirus.

Adam's business was crashed and were his dreams. His whole saving went down the drain. And now he was deep debt, income less right in the middle of a global pandemic. The probability of him finding an odd job like retail or delivery men was extremely difficult at this time. As more and more people were getting unemployed each day and were competing for the remaining available low paying jobs.

Brad's life was completely different from that of Adam . After High school, Brad went to LA. In LA he lived with his grand-uncle who was in his early sixties. Brad's grand uncle was a successful cardiologist. initially, Brad told his Granduncle that he would stay with uncle only for few months. Brad told that he needed a few months to be on his own in that big city. Brad's grand-uncle Thomas accepted Brad's request. But just after a few days living with Thomas, Brad realized that Thomas was nothing but an old closet homosexual. Just two days after this realization, one night Brad quietly sneaked into Thomas 's bedroom. Thomas was surprised to see Brad in his bed in the middle of the night . Without Brad started rubbing old man's asshole. Thomas initially resisted, scolded Brad, and even fought him off. But to no avail. Within a minute Brad was expertly fingering Thomas's old manhole.

Thomas initial resistant started melting . But he still knew that boy who wanted to copulate with him is his 18 year old grand nephew . And nothing good can come out from these type of incident so he tried to fought off Brad from his body . But a 61 year old sexually starved man was no match for 18 year rural town stud from Kentucky. very soon Brad was bareback balls deep inside Thomas's asshole.

Thomas was not fucked for quite some time so initially, he found initial invasion a bit painful. However, when Brad 18-year-old uncut cock continuously finding Thomas G spot, he stopped worrying about pain. His rhymes changed from " What the hell you are doing Brad ? " to "Brad. no just no! " to "Brad pleaaaaase no please don't do this " to "Brad, faster, faster Brad!

After 45 minutes of deep pounding, Brad finally flooded Thomas's asshole with his semen juice. In those 45 minutes, Thomas has already cummed thrice. But Brad was still hard. After just stopping for a minute he again started fucking Thomas. Thomas was too weak to protest at that time.

For the next 1.5 hours Brad fucked Thomas two more times. By the time Brad bred Thomas's asshole third time, Thomas's mind was in deep heaven, his soulfully satisfied and his body had the best orgasm of his whole life. This was clearly the best night of Thomas Hallowell.

All the money, career accomplishment and recognition meant nothing compare to this blissful fucking which he got from his 18-year grand nephew.

When Thomas woke up the next morning he felt too weak to go to work not to mention his ass was sore. So he decided to call his hospital and asked for two-days leave.

He noticed Brad had already gone for his work. Brad worked in a nearby Mcdonald. Thomas was really impressed.

After Freshening up and shower Thomas went to the dining room. At that time only Jessica had come. Jessica was a nice Mexican lady who use to cook and clean Thomas 's apartment. She had been working for Thomas for many years. She made a nice pancake breakfast for Thomas. Thomas really liked Jessica (not sexually) and Jessica had a lot of respect for Thomas. Every morning she used to punctually come and cook breakfast for Thomas and then pack him a nice lunch box since Thomas did not like stale tasteless food which they served in the cafeteria of his hospital. Then she used to clean the apartment, do laundry for the Thomas and kitchen work.

She again used to come in the evening time and cook a nice homely dinner for Thomas.

For the last few days, Brad was also living in Thomas's apartment. But Brad never ate at Thomas's apartment. He worked two shifts at McDonald's. He used to go early morning and come late at night. He ate there only .

However that morning Thomas was really missing Brad. He wished that Brad was with him for breakfast. A the same time, he was really impressed with Brad . Brad fucked him for more than 2 hours in the night. Came inside him thrice and still went early for the two shift work. " Youth," Thomas thought. He was really impressed by Brad strong work ethics.


Brad came back.

Thomas: Hey Brad! you back? Did you forget something? Hey, come. Have breakfast with me Jessica please prepare some nice pancake for Brad . Hey Brad! I won't allow you to go back to work without having breakfast with me. Come Have a nice breakfast with me. Ever since you have come you are eating junk food only for the breakfast

Brad smiled.

Brad: That's what I am gonna do. BTW I quit

Thomas: What?

Brad: You heard me. I quit my shitty low paying job. I am not going back to work there.

Thomas: Wait! What happened? Did they fire you? Did you make any mistakes there? I thought you went for work?

Brad: Nah. I just went to quit. it was nice to see his ( manager) face when I told him that I am quitting his shitty job. After that, I ate a big MacBerger there and gave a good big tip to my ex-colleague.

But I am still hungry. Bring some pancakes for me and some French toast with one egg omelets. And at lunch, I want to eat lasagna.

There was an awkward silence in the room. Then Thomas looked at Jessica awkwardly. She understood everything. She had a look of disgust towards Thomas. But quietly went to prepare breakfast for Brad.

Even though Jessica was comparatively younger than Thomas(in her forties) but she had worked in many homes in the past. She worked at one more home. She knew all sort of people

She realized that there was going to be some changes in the house.

Because BRAD HALLOWELL was going to be the new man of the house .


To be continued

In the next chapter, we will see more back-story of Adam and Brad and the nature of their relationship in the past.

But what about their future?

Will Brad help Adam in increasing his social network following so that Adam can get more online clients for training not to mention more sponsors? or will Brad leave Adam in the lurch?

What about Lucas? And why did his mother kicked him out from her house? What role he will play in the changing dynamics of Adam and Brad

And most importantly how Adam, Brad and Lucas are going to deal with the rapid spread of Covid-19.? How will they make their livelihoods in the coming depression?

You will get answers for these and more in the coming chapter of this series. The next chapter will be most probably within a week

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Next: Chapter 2

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