Social Network

Published on Jul 21, 2022


Social Network Chapter 3

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Social Network (Part 3)

Aug 2005 Los Angeles

61-year-old Thomas Hallowell was coming to his home after working a long shift at the hospital. For the next two days, he had taken a two days weekend break. These weekend breaks were few and far between in his life as he worked a really hectic work schedule. On his way home, he had stopped at an adult DVD store and bought a new collection of a gay porn movie set " Aggressive rural boys". For the past 20 years, Thomas's sex life consisted of watching porn and wanking before sleep. Sometimes during these weekend breaks, he used to go on porn binging while eating Junk food. Thomas Hallowell was a cardiologist but his lifestyle was anything but healthy. He had zero social those life and on those weekends he used to stay home and binge-watch porn on VCR (earlier) or DVD(later) to compensate for his non-existent sex life.

Today also he had a similar plan Though he watched all kinds of porn, but his favorite genre was always rural boys in which tops were generally fit athletic rural boys from age of 18-25 and bottom were comparative older men. Today the porn DVD which he had bought was named "Aggressive Rural Boys". He had already seen the trailer of the movie almost a month ago during his last porn binge weekend. The theme of this movie was that an old man was driving through a rural town where his car broke where he was first seduced by a hot 18-year-old rural stud and then that same devious teen stud had arranged a lot of different sets of gang-bang for that man by a different group of rural men. The movie was also totally BAREBACK. Even though during 2005 most mainstream gay porn studios generally produced condom only porn however Thomas always preferred bareback porn. He knew that he would never again have sex in his life and porn would be his only fantasy so why not completely fulfill his fantasy? Today also he had a similar plan Though he watched all kinds of porn, but his favorite genre was always rural boys in which tops were generally fit athletic rural boys from age of 18-25 and bottom were comparative older men. Today the porn DVD which he had bought was named "Aggressive Rural Boys". He had already seen the trailer of the movie almost a month ago during his last porn binge weekend. The theme was of this movie was that an old man was driving through a rural town where his car broke where he was first seduced by a hot 18-year-old rural stud and then that same devious teen stud and arranged a lot of different sets of gang-bang for that man by a different group of rural men. The movie was also totally BAREBACK. Even though during 2005 most mainstream gay porn studios generally produced condom only porn however Thomas always preferred bareback porn. He knew that he would never again have sex in his life and porn would be his only fantasy so why not completely fulfill his fantasy?

The subconscious reason due to which Thomas was attracted to this genre of porn was that because he was still very much attracted to his rural fantasy which he had buried in his mind. The kind of satisfaction he uses to get by jerking to those guys who resembled rural jocks on whom he used to have a crush during his high school days. And Thomas was really looking for his 2,5 days long fap weekend along with ordering lot of junk food.

But fate had something else in mind. Something happened that evening which changed his life forever

As soon as Thomas parked his car at the driveway and started going inside the gate of his house he noticed a very sexy and handsome stud in a white muscle t-shirt with sky blue denim jeans was waiting at the gate. The boy looked around 18 but also was very muscled for his age and was extremely yummy. he resembled the main lead of the porn which he had bought that day and hence resembled one of his high school Jocks. At first, Thomas thought that boy was looking for some work but things turned out to be different

Boy: Hey uncle Thomas, I think you have not recognized me. I am Brad , Bradley Hallowell

Thomas: Excuse me?

Brad: I am Brad. Your nephew from Kentucky? Actually I m your grand-nephew. I am son of James Hallowell . and grandson of Rex Hallowell. Your big brother. Remember?

Thomas: Brad?? umnn..

Brad: I am Bradley remember you last came to our town almost 10 years ago when my grandpa died? That was the only time we met. An at that time I use to think that you worked in Hollywood since I thought everyone who lived in LA worked in the movie industry. And you jokingly told me that you were assistant of Clint Eastwood?

Thomas was stunned. The little eight-year-old kid which he saw almost 10 years ago had grown into such hot handsome stud. He could not believe his eyes how good looking his grand-nephew looked.

Thomas: Oh yeah Bradley. Oh, Jesus! How stupid of me to forget you. I am really-really sorry. It seems I am really getting old. I should retire very soon (laughed) So forgive me. But tell me what are you doing here?

Brad: Actually I have graduated high school and have a little bit of experience in plumbing, welding, and some house electrician work. I know a man who is from our town who is a big contractor in LA. He provides services in plumbing, welding, and electricians' work. He also gives some training to newbie like me. He promised ne a job and on the job training a few months ago. However, a few days ago he left for Europe for 3 months family trip and will not be back till thanksgiving. I came to LA without calling him before. And now I cannot get that job there. So I got a job in a nearby MacDonald. I also searched for a boy's hostel which is reasonable but I am still a few hundred dollars short. So as soon as I will get my first couple of weekly checks I will be fine. However, till that time I need a place to stay. So can I please stay at your place for a couple of weeks?

Thomas was caught off guard. He really wanted to say NO but then he looked at that sexy boy in front and he did not know what overcame his mind. The word s which came out of his minds were:

Thomas: Yes, sure. You are most welcome. Come inside.

Thomas welcomed Bradley inside his house.

Thomas: Look my house is not big. I sleep in the master bedroom and I have a small study and a very small bedroom which is almost empty barring an old mattress . But that room is locked and not even clean. Tomorrow I will ask my domestic help to clean it properly so for today you just manage on the couch in the living room and from tomorrow onwards you can have your own room.

Brad: Not a problem uncle. I will clean the room today. You just unlock that room

Thomas: Okay as you wish but you must be tired

Brad: No No not at all. I am used to physical work. in fact, when I don't work I get restless

Thomas smiled and unlocked the second bedroom

The room was actually not that dusty. It was almost empty with an old mattress there.

Thomas: That attached bathroom is actually common. It is shared by my bedroom. It has another door which opens at my bedroom

Brad: Ok cool. I will first clean a bit then will start unpacking Just show me where is a broom closet?

Thomas You must be really tired. Why don't eat anything first?

Brad: no uncle Thomas. I ate before coming here. Actually tomorrow I have to start my job early morning. I will work two-shifts so I have to get up early. so I better start cleaning up. please don't worry about me

Thomas; Ok as you wish

As soon Thomas went inside his bedroom he realized his mistake

Thomas( himself) Fuck! Fuck !Fuck! What the fuck I have done? Why the hell I said yes to that boy. I don't know anything about him.

Thomas hated his backwards narrow-minded family. He hated his small town. In fact, he hated that whole God damned state of Kentucky and did not want anything to do from that place. And even though the boy looked nice but he did not know anything about him. How could he allow that boy to live with himself for two weeks?

Thomas : (decided to himself) No boy has to go. Today! I will give him money (which he needs for his hostel) but he can't stay here. HE HAS TO LEAVE!. Right NOW!

Thomas threw his bag(which contained the porn DVD) in his closet and took few bills of hundred from his wallet and straight went to his other bedroom (which he had given to Brad) and without even knocking the door he opened it and straight went inside it.

As soon as he entered his mouth completely gaped open.

Brad: was complete butt naked sweeping the floor with a mop. His back was towards the door(and Thomas). His back was well built. It looked like he trained a lot. But the biggest prize was a big smooth plump bubble butt. Thomas saw only for a couple of seconds. But in those two seconds also he managed to notice a thick line of fur peeking from boy's ass crack. Before Thomas could react Brad realized someone was in the room and turned around

Brad: Umm ohhn it's you! What happened uncle Thomas? Any problem?

And then Thomas saw the most beautiful thing in front of his eyes. He saw Bradley full-frontal completely naked.

Brad had casually put one of his broom carrying hands in front of his genital but he did not make overt attempt to hide it. The thick head of his cock was totally visible and behind that were full juicy and hairy big balls not to mention thick mat of the public bush was on full display which made Bradley even more raw and handsome to Thomas

Brad: What happed uncle Thomas?

Words were not coming out of Thomas's mouth. It was most beautiful teen stud he has ever seen in his life. Hotter than any of the go-go boys he saw during his stay in San Fran or in any of his porn movies. Hell! Brad was hotter than any of the high school jocks on which Thomas had a crush on. And he was standing there in his naked glory.

Brad: What happened uncle Thomas?

Thomas: umm I am sorry to invade your privacy. I just came here to say to you that 2 weeks will not be enough to earn sufficient money for that boy's hostel no matter how much money you have earlier saved. LA is a very expensive city and you will need every penny you have. And it will be very hard for you to survive by working on minimum wage in a Macdonald . So why not stay with me till thanksgiving > By that time that guy (who has offered you a job ) would be back from Europe. Then you can move out at your own convenience.

Brad(flashed his handsome boyish smile) Ohh thanks a lot Uncle Thomas

Thomas: No problem kiddo

Thomas quickly went out of the room and closed the door

Thomas(silently to himself): You are sick pervert Thomas! Ogling at your own grand-nephew!


Present-day March 2020 Kentucky

in a diner near a truck stop

Adam: Lucas! Eat slowly. No need to stuff your mouth with food. That grilled chicken is not going anywhere. And put your phone down

Lucas(ignores Adam) I cannot believe such a tasty grilled chicken in a diner near a truck stop. the diner looks so seedy from the outside

Brad: The outside portion of the diner is seedy but even there food is good though not as refined as here in the cabin. Actually for the inside portion where these cabins are they have the different kitchen and different chefs. In the outside mostly truck drivers come and eat while here even other people who seek bit privacy can also come

Lucas( looked at the menu): Wow! The grilled chicken is actually not that pricey. I cannot believe this excellent grilled chicken is this inexpensive . in any diner in the town, it will be a minimum of 5 bucks more. Minimum! And my big brother(Adam) had absolutely no idea about this place. Even though this place is just 50 miles from our town

Adam(surpassingly) Yeah I had absolutely no clue about this place. The food here is just fantastic. Brad. When this place has opened ?And how come you know about this place? You do not even stay in our town .

Brad: Chill. This place is somewhat new. Maybe a couple of years back it was started. I only knew just few days back when I was going to see that cottage a few days back. Then only accidentally I knew about this place.

Lucas: Brad, How far are cottage from here?

Brad: Not much. 30 miles at most if we go back through the highways. However, it is only 10 -15 miles if we go by shorter root if we go through dusty path to woods

Adam: Nah we will go through the highway

Brad: You want to drink something a wine or whiskey?

Adam Nah I am driving. In fact, both of us driving so neither of us should drink.

Brad Ohh come on. Don't be such a boy. Just one drink. And we will go through the woods and not highway so no fear of highway patrol officers.

Adam: No I don't want it.

Lucas: Well I could use a drink.

Adam How about your face could use my fist instead?

Lucas: See!! This guy is such a buzz killer. He does not even allow me to drink beer. I need to piss I will be back in a min.

Lucas went to restroom Brad asked for the bilk to the waiter.

Brad: Hey come on Adam just one drink!

Adam: No.

Brad: Lucas is right. You are a buzz kill. Okay, take this. (Brad quickly slipped a pill in Adam's mouth).

Adam: What the fuck is this shit?

Brad: Nothing. Just a small pick me up. Nothing big.

Brad paid the bill and they both went outside the cabin and reached to the outside the portion of the diner.

Brad Hey Adam. I need to pee too. You go and wait at our trucks. I also need to make a quick call. I will be back in a few minutes.

Adam: Okay and Look for the Lucas. He is taking way too long .

Brad Okay.

Brad needed to make an important call but he also needed to take an urgent piss so he first went to the restroom

The restroom was commons for the people of the outside diner and inside cabins. It was seedy and smell of piss was strong there

once inside Brad quickly went towards one of the urinals

But before he started to pee he heard a familiar voice

A sobbing sound of a boy is coming from one of the corner stalls

Boy: Please let me go. Please I am not like that

A big burly voice: Shut up Pup. We are going to have so much fun with you tonight

Boy: more sob

Another big burly voice: Boss his pussy seems tight. Not one finger of mine is going inside it

First burly voice: Not anymore. After tonight it is going to be a little loose(both laughed)

At first, Brad did not process the voice as he so urgently needed to pee but in a couple of seconds he recognized the voice of the boy

Another sob of that same boy came from the Stall

Boy: Please let me go

Brad : Lucas !!!

to be continued

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Next: Chapter 4

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