Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Jun 21, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

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Chapter 19

The unfortunate day had arrived, and it was time for Dylan to leave. Everyone showed up at Colin's house early in the morning to say goodbye, as they knew Dylan would be spending his last night where he belonged; in bed with Colin. They spent the morning reminiscing about some of the things they'd gotten up to over the past couple years, before taking what could only be considered a funeral march by bike over to Dylan's place. His parents were doing one last check of a now empty house with only their suitcases left in the entrance.

"Wow, this place really looks different with nothing in it," Colin said as they looked around. Then he quickly had one last idea, and turned to Dylan's parents. "Mr. & Mrs. Rogers. What if I buy the house? Would you let Dylan stay here then?"

Mr. Rogers smiled at Colin as if he were just a kid with big ideas. "The house belongs to the military. I'm sure that as soon as we're gone another family will be in here right away. Plus, we really want Dylan with us. I'm sure you boys will be online talking to each other every day."

"Probably," Colin admitted, but not as enthusiastically as Mr. Rogers. When the taxi pulled up, everyone stopped and watched as the suitcases were loaded. Dylan and Colin hugged tight and gave each other a kiss as his other friends just patted him on the back. Tears were now flowing from both boys, which in turn had others like Blaine, Jeremy and Grayson also tearing up. Brooks wasn't as torn up about it. Not that he didn't like Dylan, he would just be happier if Colin could find a real boyfriend, and stop pretending that he and Dylan were a thing, but not a thing. Once everyone was in the car, and Colin had gotten a hug from Mrs. Rogers, and a heartfelt handshake and pat on the shoulder from Mr. Rogers, the taxi pulled away, almost in slow motion. They all waved as it disappeared down the street. Dylan gave a salute from the backseat of the taxi and Colin, stood tall, and returned the salute before clasping his hands behind his back, legs slightly apart, and waited until the car was out of sight before he relaxed. He figured it seemed fitting for a military kid.

Martin came and put an arm around Colin's shoulder. "Sorry dude, I know it must suck. We should go and do something today. Maybe hit the beach?"

"I guess," Colin said sadly. "I remember the first time Dylan went with us to the beach. He hadn't a clue how to surf. He came a long way in two years."

"Yeah, he got pretty good actually," Martin agreed. "We'll dedicate this one to him."

"To the memory of Dylan," Colin said quietly.

"Holy shit, Oreo. He just moved. He's not dead. I know you two were having sex everyday, but maybe this'll be actually good for you. Now that whole breakup thing you did can actually be a breakup. Here, take Grayson to bed tonight," Brooks said pushing Grayson closer. "If you put a bag over his head, you'll never know the difference."

"Put a bag over your own head," Grayson replied. "and not just for sex. Maybe you'd actually get your own girlfriend that way."

"Fuck you," Brooks replied.

"I thought that was Colin's job," he laughed as the boys began to run around the yard trying to tackle each other.

Blaine came up to Colin as he was wiping the tears away. "Sorry bud. Is there anything Jeremy and I can do to make you feel better?" He asked giving a comforting smile.

"No. I really just want to be alone right now. Guys, I'm sorry. I wanna go home. I'm not gonna be very good company today." He jumped on his bike before they had a chance to reply and rode off.

He spent the next day in his room looking at pictures of Dylan and some of the adventures they'd had, ignoring his phone. He barely even made it down for meals, and his parents, while trying to be comforting, were only making things worse by reminding him of the good times that he and Dylan had had, and he should focus on that, and not the fact he was gone. It only made him feel even more empty. Brooks drove over in the afternoon, and while the guys played video games for an hour, Colin was having trouble concentrating and found himself wiping tears away more than playing the game, as he commented on how Dylan would play the game. Brooks wasn't good at the emotional things, so he offered up the classic that things get better as time goes by. He eventually went home, leaving Colin to lie curled up with his pillow. He offered to stay with him, but Colin just said he wanted to be alone for a little while and sort it all out.

The next day, Colin felt drained and there really wasn't a tear left to be shed. He lay in bed and heard his text go off. He quickly grabbed it, hoping it might be Dylan. It was a message from Austin.

`U free?'

`nope. 20 bucks,' Colin replied, almost as an acerbic joke.

He got a happy face emoticon back. `can I come ovr?'

`I guess'

20 minutes later Austin strolled into the bedroom and dropped onto the bed beside Colin. "I thought you might need some company to help cheer you up. How are you doing?"

"Not good. When me and Dylan broke up it was okay as we still hung out and did stuff together, so it didn't feel that different. But now that he's gone, I realize how much I'm gonna miss him. I have a pain in my chest like someone is tightening a rope around it. I feel like I can't breathe."

"Anything I can do to help?" Austin asked.

"No, not really. Actually, all I wanna do is lie here and cry."

"Not to be an asshole or anything but you look like shit, and you smell like a dumpster diving trash panda."

"Thanks," Colin said sarcastically.

"How about we go clean you up at least? Maybe a nice warm shower will make you feel better."

"I guess. But don't even think of trying sex. I'm giving that up forever."

"Of course you are," Austin said rolling eyes. "Come on."

He pulled Colin by the hand and took him into the bathroom, where Austin washed Colin in the shower as if he were an invalid. Neither one went hard or got remotely excited. Austin helped Colin dry off and took him back to the bedroom, where he got him clean underwear and t-shirt. Colin crawled back on the bed as Austin spooned behind him, after getting back into his own clothes.

"I know it must suck, but you'll bounce back pretty fast. You'll get back to your usually bossy, blackmailing self, ordering me around in no time," he said trying to be a bit cheerier. "I could give you a blowjob if it'll help make you feel better."

Colin shook his head. "I thought you wanted to cheer me up? Straight boy blowjobs are the WORST."

"Seems harsh!" Austin said with a little smile. "See that was funny. It means you're still in there somewhere."

"I'll pass. I'm serious about giving up sex. Nothing will ever be like it was with Dylan, and even if I did do it with someone, they're just gonna remind me of him every time. I'm thinking of becoming a monk where I can be celibate."

"Ummm, I can see a few problems with that. First, don't monks actually have to believe in God? And isn't one of their bible things that they don't wholeheartedly approve of gays?"

"Okay, so maybe not a priest. I'll just be straight. That would dramatically reduce the amount of sex I'd have. You only get laid once a month at the most, if that, right?"

"Ouch, harsh," Austin said as he kept spooned against Colin. "I get laid plenty. Actually...come to think of it, I do get laid more with you bossing me around than I do with chicks. Maybe you're on to something."

"See. I just want to focus on other stuff. Maybe it'll help take my mind of Dylan."

"So, you're never having sex again?" Austin grinned from behind Colin. "Not even if I do this?" he asked as he slid his hand down Colin's stomach and reached into his underwear to take hold of his limp cock and slowly began to play with him.

"No. I'm really not interested," Colin said allowing his friend to play with him, but not reacting in the slightest.

"Wow, you really are broken, aren't you?" Austin said slightly concerned as he got no response from Colin's penis. "I know. How about I push these down and let you fuck me? That always cheers you up."

"No. Stop it please, Austin," Colin said as he reached for Austin's hand and pulled it out of his underwear.

"I'm sorry, buddy. I know you'll get over him being gone. I just wish I could take your pain away right now."

"I'm okay with you lying here with me. Maybe we could nap for a bit and not talk though." Austin nodded and the boys relaxed and fell asleep for an hour. When Colin's phone went again, he grabbed it, only to silence it and put it down.

"Not Dylan?" Austin asked.

"Nope. Brooks."

Austin just hugged him. "Has he called yet since he left?"

"No. Maybe he's forgotten me already. I was just a phase. Forgotten like a news cycle."

Austin laughed. "Or maybe he's just as upset as you are, or they aren't set up out there yet. I doubt he'll forget you." He took hold of the back of Colin's underwear and lowered them so his ass was exposed, before lowering the front of his own and pressed his penis against Colin's ass crack. Then he moved his hand around and slid it up under the t-shirt and whispered. "Are you sure you don't want cheering up? I could give you a long slow fuck until you return to being happy Colin."

I appreciate the offer, but I wouldn't be much fun," Colin said quietly as he felt Austin's penis rubbing up and down his ass. He didn't even react to the feel of it.

Austin pulled Colin's ass cheeks apart and put the tip of his still limp penis up against his friend's entrance. "I'm really horny, and I'm sure you'd like it once we got started," Austin whispered. "I think your nice tight hole would enjoy my big cock inside it to stir up those hormones. It might make you want to tie me down, and fuck me hard as punishment for disobeying you."

"What are you doing?" Colin asked turning his head to look back at Austin pressed against him.

"Talking dirty to get you horny."

"Well stop please. It's just kinda creepy coming from a straight boy," he said as he pulled his underwear back up, taking a very quick feel of Austin's penis before putting it back into his underwear. "You're not even hard."

"You want me to be? I can get hard," Austin offered. Colin turned around to face his friend.

"I know you're just trying to help, but all I can think about is Dylan and how he used to play with me like that all the time. How horny he was 24/7, and how nice his big cock felt whenever he put it in me. Not that yours isn't nice's just not Dylan's."

"Sorry. We could go do something else if you wanted to. Maybe basketball or surfing. Shit, let's just take the car for a drive up the coast. Anything to get your mind out of here."

"Nah. Dylan and I used to do those things. It would just remind me of him. I wanna just lie here until he comes back," Colin said resting his head hard into the pillow and sighing.

Austin laughed. "You're gonna lie on the bed for two years?"

"Not the whole time. I still have to eat and pee," Colin replied as Austin rubbed his arm.

"And shower. Please don't forget shower," Austin suggested. "Well, I hope you feel better soon. I miss you being yourself ya know. Maybe try calling Dylan. Perhaps if you guys saw each other, at least online, you'd feel better."

"Yeah, I tried that but he's not answering."

"Like I said, maybe he's just getting things set up at their new place. Trust me he'll call."

Colin shrugged. "I just wanna sleep if that's okay? Maybe I can call you in a little while."

Austin took the hint and sat up. "Okay, but you better be back to bossing me around again. I mean who's gonna tie me up, and take video and pictures to make me feel like a little bitch?"

"Blaine?" Colin grinned.

"Yeah, right. I could snap him in two; him and his secret boyfriend."

"You know about that?" Colin asked surprised.

"Please, I may be straight, but it's so obvious those two are fucking. They can't stay more than a foot away from each other."

"Dylan and I used to be like that," Colin sighed.

Austin shook his head. "Dude, one good fuck and you'll be back in the game. I'm gonna go out and find you the hottest guy with the biggest dick to come in here and screw you senseless," he said as he stood up.

"I had that with Dylan," he replied sadly.

"I love you, dude. Hope you feel better," Austin said as he leaned down and kissed Colin on the side of the head before he left. Colin just rolled over, sighed again, and went back to sleep dreaming of...well, we all know who he was dreaming of. He shot awake when he heard the familiar sound of an incoming call on Skype. He flew out of bed, stopping to look in the mirror and tidying his hair. He dropped into his desk chair and smiled from ear to ear when he saw it was from Dylan. He went to answer it, but stopped for a split second and yanked his shirt off, before replying.

"Hey buddy!" He said trying to sound like nothing was wrong. "How's the capital?"

"Boring as fuck! I might as well be off planet with wrinkly old aliens. Nothing but politicians and psychopaths."

"Aren't those the same thing?" Colin joked.

"Sorry it took so long to call. We didn't get internet until today and my phone needs updating because my parents changed their plan. No one here understood the importance of me needing to connect to people," he said in a louder voice, then lowered it as he leaned in to the screen. "Ummm, are you naked?"

"No. Just shirtless. Want me naked?" Colin grinned.

"No, right now this is the only computer set up. Our stuff hasn't arrived yet, so I don't have one in my room yet. My Mom is just in the other room."

"Can she hear us?" Colin asked.

"Yeah, so we can't talk about normal things like," he looked past the computer and leaned in again, " At least not yet. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Everyone has been trying to cheer me up, but it's not the same. You know how straight boys are at trying to show emotions."

Dylan smiled. "At least you have all our friends still there. I'm in the middle of nowhere with only myself, my hand, and internet porn, and I can't even watch the porn with my parents always two feet away. I'd have been better off at Guantanamo being waterboarded. At least I'd be naked with horny soldiers around."

"You really have a thing for waterboarding. Maybe if you come back for a visit or something, we can do that to make you feel better."

"I prefer watersports," Dylan grinned, then quickly turned his head. "I'm talking to Colin, Mom."

Then a second later Mrs. Rogers appeared in the screen. "Hi Colin! Nice to see you again."

"Hi Mrs. Rogers," Colin replied waving.

"Don't worry, honey. We'll get you into water sports here. I'm sure there's a few teams you can join," she said sweetly as he gave him a kiss. "Don't be long, we need to go shopping for some food and to set up your phone."

After she left, Colin laughed hard. "Okay, that I'll pay to see. Your Mom getting you into watersports."

"Shut up!" Dylan grinned. "See what I mean though? I have no privacy. Trying being a teenager with needs while your parents are hovering around like drones."

"If your stuff hasn't arrived, where do you sleep?"

"In my sleeping bag in my room. Mostly we just go out and explore Washington. So far, it's the worst place ever for a kid. Everyone is trying way too hard to be someone, and they all seem focused on being pretentious. If I ever get fucked here, it'll be a miracle."

"Dylan! Watch the language please," came his Mom's voice from a distance.

"See what I mean? No privacy. Can't wait until I come home again. Maybe they'll let me come back for a holiday sometime soon, like at Christmas."

"That'd be wicked awesome. We could surf every day," Colin grinned.

"Surf huh?" Dylan smirked. "Is that code?"

"No, but after surfing we could do other things every day," he teased. "Maybe like watersports..." he laughed almost falling out of his chair.

"That's our code," Dylan said leaning in and being quieter. From now on we talk about water sports when we mean sex."

"Got it. For now though, I'm giving up water sports until you come back. It just won't be the same without you."

"That's true. I have the hardest throws and the biggest balls in the entire pool. Plus, I love how good a team we are with you being there to catch everything," Dylan teased.

"You know that's not much of a code, right? I'll work on it. You know how wet I get during our watersports."

"I'll text you my new number as soon as I get it. I hope the guys at the school here are at least okay with gay people. If it's like Texas, I'll be on the first plane back."

"Here's hoping DC is the lone gay state, and I'll wait at the airport!" Colin chuckled. "My bed is lonely without you."

"I doubt that," Dylan laughed. "You're still the hottest guy in school even if I'm not there as your wingman."

"Don't you mean my Aquaman?" Colin joked.

"Good one. Okay, I gotta go before my Mom wears a hole in the floor from pacing back and forth. Aquaman out!" He said blowing Colin a kiss. Colin quickly stood up and pulled his dick out. Dylan giggled and leaned in to kiss the screen. They both signed off. Colin felt a lot better but quickly returned to reality, and realized that this would be as much as he and Dylan would ever be able to do. He'd never smell him, or touch his soft skin, or feel his big dick in any of his holes. He sighed and pulled his shirt on. He was gonna go lie on his bed, but decided that since he was up and basically showered, he'd go out for a bit and see if he felt better. He drove over to Carter's and texted him from outside the door, remembering his brother's rules.

Carter opened the door and let Colin in almost immediately. "You okay, little bro? I was planning on coming over today as I heard you weren't doing so well since Dylan left."

"I miss him," Colin said giving his brother a big hug and holding on tight. "It feels like my heart has been ripped out."

"It does feel like that for a bit, but it'll get better over time," Carter said as he shuffled them over to the living room with Colin still wrapped around him.

"No it won't. You can't repair a broken heart," Colin said as they say down and he leaned into his brother even more.

"Well, if you can't repair it, just get a transplant," Carter said trying to lighten the situation.


"Look at it like this. You gave your heart to Dylan, who was your first boyfriend. That'll always be the one relationship you remember forever. Even though you two technically broke up, you never really did. You still love each other, so don't try to repair that heart. Keep it and remember the good times and the experiences that came with it. Put it in a separate place, so it's always there to refer to. Then slap in a new heart and go fill that up slowly over time with others."

Colin looked up at him and gave a weak grin. "I like the advice you give me. Sometimes you're so weird though."

"Ditto, kid. Ditto. How about we take the yacht out and go over to Catalina? Maybe getting you some vitamin D would help your mood."

"You know Dylan would have said we were going out into the sunshine to get us some `D', right? And he wouldn't be talking about vitamins."

"See, and he's rubbed off on you...wait...scratch that. I already know your response...He's already been an influence on you."

"And he rubbed off on me..." Colin nodded. "A LOT! And I mean a lot!"

"Yeah, you're still in there somewhere kid."

"That's what he said!"

"Funny. Come on, let's go out and get you some sun before you turn as white as a Canadian."

"Dude, I'd never get that white if you locked me in a dungeon for 10 years," Colin remarked as they headed out to the marina to spend the rest of the day on the water, fishing. His parents called a couple of times to see how he was and what he was up to, relieved to hear he was with Carter, and seemingly getting back into his life.

Colin slept at Carter's, first trying in his own room, but when he found himself sniffing the pillows and sheets, he quickly realized it was all just reminding him of Dylan, so he crawled in with Carter and snuggled against him. He may be 16, but he still felt like a little kid at times, especially when having a sleepover with his big brother. This was one of those times.

The next day, Colin thanked Carter and headed over to Brooks' place. "You okay buddy? You still don't look as exuberant as you normally do," Brooks said as Colin arrived. "Not getting intercourse, huh?"

"Always the sensitive one, Brooks. No. I'm giving up sex," Colin replied.

"I get it. I'd feel despondent too if that situation happened to me. But you're giving up sex? Somehow, I doubt that, Oreo. I'd offer to cheer you up by letting you give me fellatio, but I had fornication last night," he bragged.

"You did? Was it a blind date where the girl was actually blind?"

"Fuck you! I can get chicks."

"How much did she cost?" Colin said teasing.

"It wasn't a prostitute, asshole! I met her at a party and we just hit it off and next thing I knew I was going over to her house and we had coitus in her bed."

"Coitus? Just say sex, dude! Is this something that could lead to a girlfriend, or just a one-night thing?"

"A one-night thing. She has a boyfriend already. He was just away for the night. Have you talked to Dylan since he left?"

"Yeah, he Skyped yesterday. Finally has internet access."

"And did you two have virtual sex with each other by masturbating?" He asked crudely.

"No. His Mom was in the room."

"Gross. You whacked off in front of each other while his Mom watched? Sick!"

"No, we didn't get naked idiot. We just talked. He doesn't have his computer in his room yet."

The boys went out to play basketball as Colin silently pleaded for Brooks to shut up about Dylan and sex. It didn't work.

"Okay, you said you're not having sex anymore, but we both know that's a massive fabrication. As soon as your erection returns, you're gonna look for some place to put it. I mean we're good looking teenagers with raging hormones. Who are you into?"

"Dylan," Colin replied taking a shot.

"Yeah. Yeah. But if you could have any guy in the school. I mean any guy at all, who would you want? And don't say me. I know I'm awesome and all, but you need a homosexual."

"Oh, trust me, you wouldn't even be on the list," Colin replied, meaning it. Brooks was his brother and best friend, but apart from being straight, he was way too stuck up for Colin to consider as a boyfriend, even if he'd been on the right team.

"You know I would be, but come on. Who's next? I figure you'd be into that guy on your team, Ashton."

"Ashton? Not at all, dude. He's straight. If I were into anyone, which I'm not, he'd have to be gay."

"If Ashton's straight, then I'm Mary Poppins. He's way to obsessed with how he looks to be straight."

"Who the fuck is Mary Poppins?" Colin asked.

"She was a crazy nanny."

"You had a crazy nanny named Mary Poppins?" Colin laughed.

"Not me, idiot. It was a super old movie. My parents used to watch it."

"You think you're a movie nanny from the olden days?" Colin asked to try and confuse Brooks.

"No, I'm saying there's no way Ashton is straight. I'm surprised you two haven't hooked up yet."

"Even if I had hooked up with him, doesn't make him gay. I've sucked your dick, and you're not gay."

"And never will offense. Fine, let's focus here. This is about helping you. Who interests you?"

"Oh, it has to be you baby. It's always been you," Colin said running at him.

Brooks paused for a second, then dropped the ball and took off. "Oh hell, no!" He laughed as the boys raced around the court for a minute before Colin grabbed the basketball and went in for a shot.

"I told you...I'm done with sex. I'm gonna focus on my future right now."

"If you say so. How about we go for a round of golf? That's always fun."

"So's a lobotomy," Colin mumbled.

"What?" Brooks asked running up to him.

"Yeah, sounds good," Colin replied positively. The boys headed for the club and used their influence to get a tee-time. They got their clubs from the storage, where both families kept their gear. Brooks went and grabbed a couple of caddies and golf carts for them to use. As he returned to Colin, he smiled at him.

"What?" Colin asked checking his fly.

"Nothing. I got you a cute one for the day though," he said grinning.

"Got me a cute one what for the day?"

"Caddy. Or you can have mine. I don't care. Just thought you might like what I found to follow you around all day. Tip him enough at the end, and you could probably screw his brains out."

"I told you, dumbass, I'm not thinking about sex anymore. I'm over it. Plus, the only cute boy I'd want following me anywhere would be Dylan."

"Right. I'll bet you a hundred dollars that you can't keep your hands off this guy and you'll be fellating him before the day is over."

"I'll give you a hundred bucks right now if you'll just stop using words like fellate. Regardless, I hope you have a hundred bucks on you," Colin said shaking his head. "I told you. Sex is a thing of the past." They shook on it and Brooks grinned like a laughing hyena when he saw their caddies approaching with the carts and clubs.

He whispered to Colin. "The one on the left is yours." He watched as Colin swallowed hard and stared at the guy approaching. He was very blond, tanned, and about the same age as they were. He was stunningly hot by anyone's measure. His long hair hung partially over his face and when he flipped it back, it was like he was doing it in slow motion. "You wanna just give me the hundred now?" Brooks asked as the caddies pulled up to them. Colin just froze as he stared, then pushed Brooks slightly aside.

The caddies approached and introduced themselves. "Mr. Worthington. I'm Hunter. I'll be your caddy for the day."

"Nice to meet you. Call me Colin though. Mr. Worthington is my Dad."

"Yes sir. I have your clubs ready whenever you wish to start." He quickly returned to the cart and got behind the wheel.

"So, you do you want to keep Hunter, or would you like Tyson? That's my guy."

"No, Hunter seems pleasant. I'm fine with him." Colin said trying not to let his voice crack. "Nice to know you `have a guy' for yourself though," he teased.

"Shut up! Pleasant, huh? From the look of that erection in your pants, there's going to be full on intercourse by the 19th hole," he jested as he whacked Colin in the nuts.

Colin doubled over as he was hit. "I do not have a boner, asshole."

"We'll see. But you should insist he call you Mr. Worthington. We wouldn't want the caddies to become overly familiar with the club members."

Colin looked at him. "I thought the point of the bet was to get him overly familiar with my member."

"Shut up!" Brooks replied. "Just promise me you won't try to have intercourse with him in front of me."

"Oh, now you've ruined the entire day," Colin replied sarcastically. "Trust me, I'm seriously not interested. Which of course, means no intercourse on the course," Colin smiled as he headed for his cart with Hunter. With each hole and each interaction, Colin was finding it harder and harder to stop looking at Hunter and getting to know him. He found out they were both 16 but went to different schools. Hunter had the job to earn money for college, and had been there for two years. He learned out they both liked surfing, which in southern California wasn't exactly a big reveal. Hunter also enjoyed BMX bike racing and skiing. Colin realized that he liked the guy, but each time his mind swung to thinking about sex, Hunter seemed to vanish and Dylan reappeared. He quickly managed to separate the two, and believed his decision to never have sex again was the right one.

At the end of the day, Brooks had handily beaten Colin after 18 holes. While Brooks simply acknowledged Tyson as his caddy for the day, thanking him with a tip, Colin exchanged numbers with Hunter and suggested they could hang out sometime, giving him an overly large tip.

The boys headed to dinner in the clubhouse and Brooks shook his head as Colin held out his hand and coughed as he pointed to his palm. "I believe you owe me a hundred bucks."

"You suck, you know that?" Brooks replied with a little grin as he pulled out his wallet and forked over the money.

"If I'd actually sucked, you'd be the one getting the hundred bucks now wouldn't you?" Colin said putting the money in his pocket. "Maybe next time you'll believe me if I tell you I'm done with sex."

"I still think that once you get back to being yourself, you're going to fuck that guy, then I'll be getting my hundred bucks back. Tell me you didn't think he was good looking."

"Oh dude, he was insanely cute. I mean he makes you look like that Mary Poppy nanny you were talking about." His mind immediately thought about the only movie nanny he knew, Nanny Mcphee.

He returned home and looked at his computer to see if any calls had come in from Dylan, but there weren't so he tried to call him instead, only to get no answer. He lay back down on his bed and had a nap. The next day, when there was still no call from Dylan, he texted Hunter to see if he wanted to hang out and get to know each other better. Hunter quickly agreed and gave him his address.

Colin jumped in his car and drove over to Hunter's, pulling up outside and quickly realizing that this wasn't the rich part of town. They lived in an older style bungalow with a short fence around the yard. There were a few toys scattered around, and while reasonably well maintained, the house was small. Colin figured it might not be even as big as his bedroom. He went to the door and ran the bell. A younger boy of about 8 or 9 opened the door. Colin instantly smiled knowing he was at the right house as the boy was the spitting image of Hunter.

"Who are you?" the boy asked.

"Colin. Is Hunter home?"

"Oh. HUNTER!" he screamed and ran off. Another head peeked around the corner of the living room wall, and all Colin could see were the eyes of a young girl, perhaps around 6 years old. Hunter appeared quickly looking every bit as adorable as the first time Colin had seen him.

"Hey! Come in. Sorry for the mess. The kids have been playing fort in the living room."

"Brother and sister, I'm guessing?"

"Two brothers and sister, and a couple of their friends. It's the perfect day to call and get me away from all of it. Thanks."

"My pleasure," Colin grinned. "Although, I might enjoy storming the fort," he grinned looking at Hunter's little brother who was staring up at Colin from a short distance away.

"It's my fort," he announced stepping forward with a big smile. "Wanna see?"

"We don't have time right now, Skyler. I have to introduce you to my Mom so she knows where I'm going." He took Colin through to the kitchen. "Momma, this is Colin. We're just going out mini golfing."

"Nice to meet you Ma'am."

"Nice to meet you as well Colin. Nice to see a young man with manners. Mini golf huh? Well, I should have known it would be something golf related. The boy picked up a golf club at age 6, and hasn't put it down since. Have fun and call if you're going to be late."

"Thanks. See ya."

The boys raced out of the house and headed to the car.

"Holy fuck! Is this yours?"

"Ye...Ummm, well my brother's," he lied quickly. "He lets me drive it though."

"This is the coolest car I've ever seen."

"Yeah, no shit, eh. I love it when he's in a good mood," Colin said hopping behind the wheel. They drove to the mini golf course and paid their fee. Colin offered to pay for Hunter but he insisted he had to pay for his own.

As they played, Colin found out that Hunter lived with his Mom and three siblings, all younger. His Dad had passed away from cancer a few years back. He quickly made sure to tell Colin that he'd left life insurance so they had enough money to live on, but only if they were careful with it, and that's why he was a caddy at the club so he could get enough money for college.

"Where are you planning on going?" Colin asked as they teed up for the next hole.

"UCLA. I have to be close to home as I won't have enough money to live out of state or anything. My Mom relies on me to help with the kids too."

"That makes sense," Colin replied nodding as he watched Hunter line up the shot as if they were at the PGA.

"Where are you going?"

"Not sure yet. I may not," Colin admitted. He was pretty sure he was just gonna join Carter in doing real estate type stuff, but he wasn't sure yet. He liked the idea of a gap year where he could travel the world like he'd heard of people doing. Dylan had suggested it when they were 14 and he still thought they might be planning that.

"Are you and that guy you were golfing with, friends? You seem totally different than he is."

"Brooks? Different. Different how?"

"You're pretty cool and laid back. He's kinda like most of the club members. He looks down on anyone that works there as if he's superior to us because he has money. You act more normal. You're about the only one to let me call them by their first name. Plus, this. No way a club member would be seen dead with a caddy off the course."

"I've known Brooks since we were babies. He grows on you. He's actually a pretty decent guy once you get to know him. I think he might just act like that at his club because that's how his parents taught him to act."

"Probably. Most rich guys are like that. They show off using their money."

"Yeah, I hate that too," Colin admitted honestly wondering what Hunter would think of his place. He quickly decided not to tell him as he liked hanging out with the guy, and wanted him to get to know him first before springing the Worthington lifestyle on him.

They finished the course with Hunter easily beating Colin. They stopped for a hot dog and soda at the kiosk. "This is the mini golf version of the 19th hole. Sorry, it's not as fancy as your club," Colin said apologizing as if he felt bad about it.

"Nah, I love this. I hate going some place where you have to act like the chair has a stick stuck to it, and you have to shove it up your ass while you eat."

Colin laughed and almost blew coke out of his nose. "Oh my god, I'll never be able to unsee that now when I go to the club with Brooks. That explains the whole sitting upright looking like they're constipated look."

"Right?" Hunter beamed. What do you wanna do now?" Hunter asked. "I don't really want to go home yet. It's pretty hard to get any alone time there."

"I can imagine. I only have one older brother, and that's usually enough for me. What are you in the mood for?"

"Do you have any video games?" Hunter asked. "I have a Playstation, but as soon as I turn it on, the kids are all over me."

"Sure. Yeah. We could go do that." Then he quickly panicked. He didn't want to take Hunter to his place and let him think he was as stuck up as Brooks. "Uhhh, let me just call my brother and make sure it's okay. You dump the garbage and I'll be right back. He moved out of earshot from Hunter and quickly phoned Carter to ask. When he got a yes, he then added a short back story. "Oh, just so you know, you and I live together and you're an investment banker. See you in 20. Bye!"

He returned to Hunter. "Okay, he's cool with you coming over. I have to let him know who I bring home."

They jumped back in the car and headed for the condo. As they pulled into the underground parking, Hunter was already impressed. As they got into the elevator, Hunter sniffed the air. "Does this place have a pool?"

"Yeah and a hot tub and workout room. Why? You wanna go swimming later?"

"Maybe next time. I didn't bring my swim shorts."

"It's cool. I have some you could borrow if you want."


They entered the condo and Carter greeted them from the kitchen. "Carter, this is Hunter. Hunter, my big brother Carter, and this is our place."

"Nice to meet you Hunter. How'd you two meet?"

"Oh, here we go. The Spanish imposition," Colin said shaking his head. "He thinks he still needs to vet all my friends. Dude, I'm not 10 any more," Colin said trying to sound annoyed.

"If only you were, you wouldn't be such a pain in my ass. And it's the Spanish inquisition, not imposition."

"Says you. It's an imposition for me," he joked.

"We met at the golf course. I'm a caddy there," Hunter revealed.

"So, you're a good golfer I'm guessing?"

"I can hold my own."

"Colin can hold his own too, but from what I've heard, he likes to hold everyone else's more."

"Shut up Carter. I went with Brooks to his club one day, and Hunter was the caddy that Brooks arranged for us. We kinda just hit it off from there."

"Brooks club?" Carter said staring at Colin, wondering what he was up to. It was almost more their club than the Balterhouse's, considering how much business both their Dad and Carter did on the course.

"We're just gonna hang out in my room and play video games for a bit. I finally managed to buy that new game I'd been wanting," Colin added as more of his back story.

"Nice to meet you Carter. Oh, and I LOVE your car," he beamed.

"Yeah Carter. Thanks for letting me drive your Camaro," Colin added just for clarity.

"Whoa! Check out this view!" Hunter said looking out the living room window, rushing to it. "You're right on the ocean. This is wicked. I'd be out there every day."

"Yeah it's handy," Colin agreed. "Good for people watching."

"This is so awesome. If I lived here, I'd wouldn't even need a TV, I'd just sit and watch the ocean all the time."

"It can be hypnotic, that's for sure," Carter admitted. "Slide the doors open and get the full experience."

Hunter grabbed the patio door and slid it wide open. The roar of the ocean flooded in. "Wow! Those are some seriously quiet windows. In my room you can hear ants farting outside."

"Feel free to go out on the balcony. I'll get you something to drink. Colin, can you help me for a second in the kitchen. Hunter went outside and stood looking over the railing as Carter almost pulled Colin into the kitchen. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want him to think I'm rich, so I can't take him to our house. He might think I'm stuck up and not like me. He lives in a house almost the size of my room with two brothers and a sister and his Mom. How would it look if I took him there? I told him you and I lived together. I said you were an investment banker and that the Camaro is yours, not mine."

"Not cool, dude. If you want him as a friend, you'll have to tell him the truth, or are you just trying to get into his pants?"

Colin grinned. "He is cute, right?"

"He's a good-looking guy, yes. Is that what's going on here? He's a hook up?"

"Nah, sex isn't my thing anymore. I don't even know if he's into guys. I just think he'd be a cool friend."

"Then you tell him the truth, or I will. Since when do you lie about who you are? Does he even know you're gay?"

"It hasn't really come up," Colin replied as he grabbed drinks from the fridge. "I mean the gay thing hasn't come up, not my penis."

"TMI, bro. TMI! Fix your mess before it's too late to repair the damage if you actually become friends."

Colin took the drinks out Hunter and they looked at the ocean for a few minutes until Carter strolled out. "I'm off to Daphne's. Try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone."

"Later, bro," Colin waved.

"Dude. This is the life. It's so quiet here. Just you and your brother in this big condo. Can I use the bathroom?"

"Sure. I'll show you where it is and then we can go pick a video game."

"Cool." Colin showed him the main bathroom and quickly ran to make sure his bedroom was reasonably messed up, like a normal teenage boy might have, and then ran back out to wait for Hunter. So basically, this is the whole condo. Carter's room is there and this is mine," he said as he entered and began picking up a couple of the clothes that he'd just thrown on the floor. "Sorry, it's a bit messy. I wasn't expecting to bring anyone over."

"THIS is messy? Shit, you should see my room. I share it with my brother, and it's half this size. Dude! You have a bean bag chair! And a TV in your room. Wicked," he grinned as he jumped in the chair.

"Yeah, that's my favorite," Colin told him as he went and pulled out the video games. "Pick one."

Hunter went through them and found one he wanted and put it in as Colin turned on the TV and sat on the floor at the bottom of the bed. Hunter looked at him. "I'm cool if you want to share the bean bag chair."

Colin grinned and sat beside him as they adjusted themselves to get comfortable.

"Does your brother leave you home by yourself a lot?"

"Quite a bit," Colin acknowledged. "He goes over to his girlfriend's when she's not here. That chick is hot though. Great boobs," he laughed.

"You've seen them?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah. Many times. But that's why I have to call Carter to make sure I can bring someone over. I brought a friend home once and she was walking around topless. I don't think she appreciated it, so Carter implemented a new rule."

"You like boobs?" Hunter asked.

"Of course. Who doesn't like boobs?" Colin replied as they played.

"Oh, sorry. I thought...uhhhh...I mean I figured you liked boys. I sorta thought that Brooks guy was your boyfriend, but didn't want to say anything. Sorry. I shouldn't have assumed."

"No, Brooks isn't my boyfriend. Like I said we've been friends since we were babies. We're almost more like brothers than Carter or me, and he's my real brother, but he's nine years older. Brooks and I just know each other so well that I guess we could look like we're together sometimes."

"Dude, I feel so embarrassed. That was a dumb thing to say. Sorry."

"It wasn't dumb at all. Truth is, Brooks is my best friend and straight, but I AM gay. Hope that's okay."

"Whew. No, that's cool. I thought I'd fucked up for sure. Last time I thought one of my friends was gay, he punched me in the mouth, and hasn't spoken to me since."

"And yet you still called me out," Colin smirked. "I'd never punch you in the mouth though. I wouldn't want to mess up a face that pretty."

"Like I was a dumb thing to say."

"Well, I guess if we're getting to know things this personal about each other already, are you gay?" Colin asked turning slightly to look at him.

"I don't think so. I've been kinda curious about what it would be like to make out with a guy. But I've also been curious what it would be like to make out with a girl, so there's that."

Colin laughed. "So, you're a virgin."

"I prefer to think of myself as sexually untouched," Hunter replied. "Probably the last 16-year-old virgin in America. Another year and I get my own movie."

"Nah, you have to be 40 to qualify for that," he replied as the boys joked with each other. "But how? Dude, I'm not hitting on you or anything, but one seriously hot looking guy. You could have anyone, or everyone, you wanted."

"I've had opportunities, but I've been too busy with golf, and looking after my brothers and sister. It's pretty hard to get away and have a real relationship. Plus, I'll be honest from the way my friends talk: having a girlfriend is expensive, and I really need to save every penny for school. Even going mini golfing is about the limit of my monthly entertainment budget. Girls kinda expect the boy to pay for stuff, and you need several dates before sex. My friends also said that lots of people won't even talk to me as they think I'm out of their league. I have no idea what that means, `cause I don't have a league." He paused and then looked at Colin. "Ummm, so can I ask you something? Did you ask me to hang out with you because you thought I was gay?"

"No. I just liked hanging out with you on the golf course. You were pretty cool and I thought we got along well."

Hunter nodded and glanced at the game before looking at Colin again. "Is this like a date?"

Colin snapped his fingers. "Bitch, please. Like I'd date someone before I had sex with them. How presumptuous do you think I am?"

Hunter laughed and went back to the game. Colin won and pulled the game out as Hunter got up to look around the room. "Hey, I recognize your friend in this picture," he said pointing to the one of him and Brooks on the yacht. "Are these all your other friends?"

"Yeah. Grayson, Preston, Austin, Treyvon and Martin. We'd all just got back from surfing in that one."

"I guess we can't end up as friends then huh?"

"Huh?" Colin asked as he went over beside him.

"Well, apart from your best friend, Brooks, who you said is more like a brother, all your friend's names end in `N'. So I'm not sure I fit in being Hunter," he joked. "Who's the couple?" he asked looking at the next picture.

"That's my ex Dylan and our friend Kaitlin."

"I see. More friends ending in `N'," he giggled putting the picture down. "Should I change my name to Hunten?"

Colin laughed. "Funny. No, I like your name just the way it is."

"Cool. You have your own rollerblades. You blade a lot?"

"Some. I do more surfing though. You?"

"Nah. I couldn't afford rollerblades so I never got into it. I'll try one day though."

"So, let's go now."

"You have another pair?"

"No, but we could just rent some," Colin suggested.

"I'd have to wait for another time. I used my money for this month on mini golf."

"No worries. I have some money. I'll rent them for you."

"Thanks, but no. I wouldn't feel comfortable with that. I pay my own way for stuff. Thanks though."

Colin snapped his fingers again. "Wait, what size are your feet?"

"Whoa, slow down buddy. I hardly even know you. Next you'll be wanting to know what size gloves I wear," he joked. "I'm a 10."

"Me too. You wear my rollerblades and I'll borrow Carter's. He's an 11, but I'll just wear thicker socks."

"Would he be okay with that? If I borrow anything of my brothers, it turns into world war three."

"Dude, he let me borrow his car. Rollerblades don't even register." Colin turned and ran out of the room to grab his brothers' blades from his closet and ran back holding them, along with another helmet. "Let's go."

"Okay, but no laughing at me."

"Promise. You want the knee, elbow and wrist pads?"

"No. I'd rather break things than look like a total nerd."

The boys raced to the beach and changed into the rollerblades, stuffing their shoes into Colin's backpack. Hunter was slow to get going and found himself holding onto Colin quite a bit at first, which Colin didn't mind in the slightest. They stopped after a couple hours when Hunter revealed that his feet were too sore to continue.

"It gets easier once you get the hang of it," Colin admitted.

"It was fun. I'm gonna have to practice more though so I can keep up with you."

"Just like surfing. The more we do it, the better we get. We'll have to go out next time you're over. You have a surfboard?"

"An old one, but it works."

"Cool," Colin nodded. He would have offered Hunter one of his, but felt that might seem like he was bragging, so let it go as they sat down and changed back into their runners.

"It feels so weird to be walking again. Feels like I'm a foot shorter," he noted.

"Yeah, I keep thinking we should walk with the same motion as blading," Colin grinned as he pretended to blade in his shoes. The boys ran back to the condo and grabbed bottles of water.

"Feel like hitting the hot tub to make your feet feel better?"

"Sure. Sound like a plan," Hunter agreed. "I'd just need to borrow shorts, if that's still okay."

"Yeah, of course. I've got lots." They headed back to his bedroom and Colin threw out several for Hunter to choose from. He grabbed a pair and turned to look at Colin who had already stripped and was getting into his own shorts. Hunter turned away as soon as he realized his new friend was naked.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were changing," he apologized.

"My bad," Colin replied. "My friends and I are pretty used to each other. I guess we've been getting along so well, I never even thought about it. If you want to change in the bathroom, you know where it is."

Hunter paused and then took off his shirt and dropped his pants. "I'm fine. I just wasn't sure how this worked with you being gay and all. I'm used to changing in front of the other caddies, or my brothers. No big deal," he said turning his back slightly to Colin as he dropped his underwear and jumped into the swim shorts. Colin saw nothing except his perfect round ass, but kept quiet.

The boys goofed around in the pool and hot tub for the next hour, getting more and more comfortable as they worked on becoming better friends. "You ever go skinny dipping?" Colin asked at one point.

"No. They kinda frown on that in the public pool," Hunter laughed. "Why, have you?"

"Sure. Not at the public pool, but my friends and I have dared each sometimes at the beach at night."

"At the beach? God, I wouldn't have the balls to do that, I don't think. Well, I mean I have the balls, just...well you know what I mean."

"Dunno. Never seen your balls," Colin chuckled. "It's fun. Mostly as a dare," he lied, digging himself deeper into his hole of fabrication.

"You ever get caught?"

"Dylan and I got caught once. We had a night of dares and we got caught having sex behind some rocks."

"Oh shit!" Hunter exclaimed looking genuinely shocked. "What happened?"

"Thankfully nothing. The guy was a couple years older and horny, so he watched us for a couple minutes, then we blew him and that took care of it."

"That's so out there! I'd die of embarrassment if I got caught having sex."

"You get used to it," Colin laughed.

"You've been caught more than once?"

"Unfortunately, yes. When you're gay, and you have a boyfriend who can't keep his pecker in his pants, it's almost inevitable. I've been caught by Carter and several of my friends."

"Ouch. No wonder you don't have a problem undressing in front of anyone," he laughed. "It's kinda cool that you're so laid back though. I can't imagine your friend being like that."

"Brooks? I don't think he'd be cool having an audience for sex, but he's fine skinny dipping or changing. At least he is with me, not sure about others. As his Mom likes to remind us, we took baths together, and hit puberty at the same time."

"If my Mom ever reminds me of puberty, I'll move out," Hunter laughed. "The last time she brought it up was to tell me that I needed to have the talk with August and teach him about masturbation. That's my 13-year-old brother."

"Did you?"

"I told him about it. Explained the basics and locked him in the bathroom until he was done. Lesson over. It'll be his job to pass that info down to Skyler when he's old enough. I'm only doing that once."

Colin laughed. "Thank god I didn't have to do that. I got the talk from Carter, and then Brooks and I learned to jerk off watching porn. The way nature intended. He was the first one to actually have sperm, and I followed a few months later, even though I'm a few months older. I was so jealous."

"Personal question. Do you still jerk off together?"

"Not as much now that we have had boyfriends or girlfriends," Colin lied, figuring Hunter didn't need to know about all the times he'd blown Brooks, as recently as several weeks ago after a failed date. "What about you? Do you have a jerk off buddy?"

He gave a slightly nervous laugh. "God no. I barely get to do it when I need to. Kinda difficult when you have a kid brother in your room. Not that that stops him from whacking himself silly under his covers. I have to keep telling him to do it in the shower, so he figures I'm doing it in there too, and tries to bust in to catch me at it. I blame my Mom for making me teach him about it."

"I guess you taught him too well," Colin joked. The guys headed back up to the condo and changed back into their clothes.

"Ummm, how come you don't have any hair? You know like down there?" Hunter asked. "Not that I was checking you out or anything."

"Check me out all you want. I'm not shy. I'm on the water polo team at school, so the whole team shaves. Crotch, pits and ass. We agreed that it looks better and since the Speedos are so small, it's way too difficult to try and figure out where the line is to have the hair not visible. So, we shave it all. As coach says, no one wants to see the pubes of another player as you're going in close to get the ball from him."

"I guess that's true. I dunno if I could do that. I only use scissors to trim when I need to. I think we're supposed to or it just grows too long. Last thing you need is long hair out the bottom of your shorts."

"I don't think it grows that long. I mean I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but I have no intention of finding out. I like it smooth now. Much more comfortable."


"No hair to become itchy. My ball scratching has dropped 90%. Of course, my ball touching shot up 400% when I first shaved them as they were so smooth, but now I'm used to it."

"You do your balls too? With a razor? That would freak me out. I'd never get the privacy to do that at home. Some days I barely have the privacy to pee," he said smiling.

"If you ever want privacy, just come over here. I'd be happy to let you shave in my bathroom. I could even help you if you wanted."

Hunter laughed. "I'm sure. But, ummm, what part of privacy would that be if you were helping me?"

"The part where it's just you and me with no siblings or stuck up friends around."

Hunter leaped on Colin's bed and sat cross-legged and looked at him. "Okay, can I be blunt?"

"Go for it. I prefer that to beat around the bush awkward."

"Are you planning on trying to having sex with me?"

"Wow, that was definitely blunt. You maybe wanna go for beat around the bush awkward instead?"

"Sorry. I was just curious. I mean we're getting along really well and talking about more personal things than I'd talk to my best friend about. I don't want to fuck up our friendship by getting or giving the wrong message. Like if you were leaning in to take a leaf out of my hair or something and I thought you were trying to kiss, and kissed you back by mistake."

Colin grinned as he sat on the edge of the bed near Hunter. "You get a lot of leaves in your hair?"

"No, but it happened once. This girl leaned towards me and I thought we were gonna kiss, so I leaned in to get ready, and she brushed a leaf out of my hair. It was the most awkward thing I've ever done. I though for sure I was gonna hurl from how stupid I was."

"THAT would have been awkward. One rule of dating. Don't puke on your date. They don't like that," Colin grinned. "I promise if I go to brush a leaf out of your hair, I'll tell you first."

Hunter nodded. "Thanks."

"About the sex thing? Right now, I'm not really into it. Dylan moved away not that long ago, so I miss him. Just so you know though, being gay I sometimes say things that my straight friends say is inappropriate, and makes it sound like I'm hitting on them, so if I do that, I apologize in advance. I'm also way more open to talk to about sex than other guys you'll meet, and I don't have problem with nudity or even experimenting. That's the best answer I can give."

"Also reasonably blunt," Hunter nodded. "I like that we can be honest and open with each other. It's refreshing compared to other guys who are trying to be something they're not just to look tougher, or to impress a girl, or something like that."

"Shit," Colin said almost under his breath and then paused. "I haven't exactly been totally honest with you."

"You do want sex with me?" He asked.

"No, not about that. That was true. I mean about who I am."

"I don't get it. Are you actually a double agent for the CIA?" he laughed.

"Can I start part of this over again?" Colin said turning to face Hunter as he listened intently.

"Hi. I'm Colin Worthington," he said putting his hand out for Hunter who shook it. "This is my brother's condo but I don't live here. I live with my parents. This is my room for when I hang out with him."

"What's wrong with that?" Hunter asked. "I thought maybe your parents were dead or something and that's why you lived here. I guess we never really talked about that."

"No. My parents are alive. My Dad owns EWN. The movie entertainment company."

"Owns it? Aren't they huge?"

"Very huge. Yeah."

"So, like you're rich?"

"My parents and brother are. That's for sure. That car I was driving. That's mine. Carter bought it for me for my 16th birthday."

"I'm confused. Why did you lie about all this?"

"I didn't want you to think I was stuck up like the guys you mentioned from the club. I wanted to be a normal kid around you. It's stupid, I know, but a lot of people that try to hang around with me do it either because I have money, or they want sex, or both. You're just a cool down to earth guy, and I wanted you to like me."

"Dude, I do like you. I mean I've never had a gay friend before, so that might take some getting used to, but I don't care about money. Except that I wouldn't mind having some to go to college with, but I'm getting there."

"I didn't want you to think I was paying for everything and trying to act...I Brooks...I guess. Sorry. I should have been honest."

"Yeah. You shoulda. Rules one through ten for any friend I have is that they can't ever lie to me," he said directly.

"Understood and also bluntly received," Colin said feeling like an asshole now.

"I should probably go. Would you mind driving me home?" He asked moving to get off the bed.

Colin sighed and realized that he'd just fucked up his new friendship. Sometimes he hated this. If he lied, this happened. If he told them who he was right away, they got all weird about the shit he had. Sometimes it sucked trying to make new friends that were normal. Colin drove Hunter back to his house where they rode in silence. As they pulled up at the house, Colin apologized again.

"I actually did have a lot of fun today, despite the ending," Hunter acknowledged.

"Me too. Would you maybe wanna hang out again. We could start over?"

"Nah, we already started," Hunter said quietly as he looked out the window. "I'll call you. Thanks for the awesome day," he said as he got out of the car and closed the door.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Stupid dumbass," Colin said to himself as he put the car in gear and drove off. "Way to fuck that up, dickhead."

He went back to the condo to get his stuff.

"How'd it go with the new friend?" Carter asked as Colin entered.

"You were right. I fucked up by lying to him. I didn't correct anything until the end, and now I'm pretty sure he hates me."

"Sorry, bro. You know honesty is always the best policy."

"Yeah, well, it sucks sometimes. How the hell do you know if they want to be real friends or just gold-digging friends?"

"That's why I moved here. Nothing about this place screams billionaire, so it's easier than when I took a girl back to our house, and she spent more time drooling over what she thought she could get from me than what I she shoulda been drooling over."

"Okay, gross!" Colin grinned. "I lie and they hate me, or I show them who I am, and they might just like me for our money. That sucks balls...and not the good ball sucking either."

"Just go with the third alternative."

"Which is what? Move to Canada and become an iglooite."

"Not a word...but I was talking about revealing information slowly. Who says you need to tell them everything right away? Don't take them to the house, or if you bring them here, be honest that it's my place. Leak things out as they're needed. You have a tendency to blurt out your entire life in the first half hour to try and get the guy into bed. Slow down. Take your time."

"Funny part is, I liked Hunter as a friend. Not to try and get him into bed."

"Dude, go bust someone else's balls. I've seen that look on your face a hundred times. Can you honestly tell me that if Hunter was a short fat kid with zits and a bad haircut, you'd have been interested in being friends?"

"I might have. It would make it easier not to think about sex with him though. I admit I'm attracted to him, but I was pretty reserved today. This not having sex is tough, but I have to do it so I don't get as hurt again as I did with Dylan leaving."

"Sorry to tell you this buddy, but life is full of disappointments. If it's not your boyfriend leaving, then it'll be something else. You should live your life in the moment, as if it's your last moment ever. The old you would have found a way to at least get your new friend out of his clothes to check him out."

Colin blushed. "Okay, I did do that. But only to change to go swimming, not so I could screw his brains out."

"Come on dude. I know you. Somewhere deep in your brain, you're already trying to decide if Hunter can replace Dylan."

"He might not even be gay, Carter. I just wanted to get to know him."

"Next time. Take it slow, learn about who the person is first, then introduce aspects of your life that are different than his or hers. Slow the reveal, buddy...and that includes whipping your dick out."

"So bring my cock and balls out in slow motion," he giggled as he moved for the top of his shorts.

"Dude, I swear to god. You bring that thing out at any speed and I'm getting the meat cleaver."

"Harsh. Thanks Carter. If I make any new friends, I'll try a different approach from now on. Meanwhile I think we should change country clubs."

"I could just have Hunter fired and blacklisted from all clubs," he suggested with a grin.

"Don't you dare! Golf is his life. He'd be devastated," Colin warned. "What are you up to right now? Wanna hang out?"

"I'm just checking some investment opportunities. Then we can go do something if you like."

Colin settled in next to Carter and watched him buy and sell stock, and got involved selling and buying some of his own. Carter pointed out a building for sale when they moved to look at real estate. "Check this one out. It's a distressed property going at about 70% of the market value." Colin just nodded as if he understood. Carter switched to maps and looked at the area surrounding it. "This is a good location. The building can be demolished and we can subdivide."

"Right. Exactly," Colin said agreeing. "What's that mean again?"

"When we build, we can either try for a rezoning and put up a multi unit property, or just put two houses on the lot and sell each one separately. We could easily double or triple our money."

"How much is it?"

"Asking price is 700, but I'm sure we could get it for 625 if we offer to close fast."

"You probably mean 700,000 dollars, not just 700, right?" Colin grinned.

"Right. Best thing is that it's in Canadian dollars."

"So multiply by point 6?"

"No, that's only for distance. Not for money. There's about a 25% variance on the money, so it would be roughly 500 US."

"Seems like a deal," Colin grinned.

"I have an idea. Do you want to buy it and make your first real purchase?"

"Sure. How would I make money though?"

"I'll take care of the details and walk you through it as we go. We'd try for the rezoning first and put up a four-plex. Usually they don't go much bigger in these oversize single lots. Otherwise, I'll have the architect send over a couple of housing plans and we'll select one to build. If we build two identical houses at once it's cheaper and it also gets done faster. Then we list the properties at a 1.2 million each and sell. You walk away with over two million dollars, less expenses and original purchase price."

"Wait, I spend 500,000 and walk away with two million?" Colin said excitedly. "Fuck yeah! I'm in!"

"You have to remember to think in Canadian dollars. You spend 625 plus the demolish and re-build for which is probably another four hundred grand, plus fees. So round it out to 1.2 million and we pocket the other 1.2, and that's if we can only build two houses in a subdivide. Build a four-plex and we could walk away with another million on top of that."

"Fuck me sideways. Okay, I'll buy it. What do we do?"

Carter walked him through contacting the realtor and putting in the bid for the property. Then it was just a waiting game.

"How long do we wait?" Colin asked as he half expected the answer in a few seconds like a text.

"We'll get acknowledgment in a few minutes. Then the realtor takes it to the seller and they counter-offer. Then we either re-bid or accept the new offer. Or if they're desperate to sell, they accept our first offer and we're in. I haven't met anyone who accepts the first bid though, especially when you go so much under their asking price."

"You do this a lot, huh?" Colin asked looking at his big brother.

"Constantly buddy. I have roughly 25 projects on the go right now. Mostly I do the quick turn around projects, but every now and then I'll do a major build. Like this property," he said opening up a site showing a condo complex he was building in downtown Vancouver. "23 stories, all units were presold before we started construction. Building is about 65 million fully finished, and the sales topped 175 million with the penthouse floors going at a premium."

"Shit. Let's build a bucket load of those!" Colin said excitedly.

"Those are harder to do as they take years. Buying up the property first, getting permits, then design and finally the build. If you want quick money, buy an existing building, do renovations on each suite and sell as each one is done. You'll quickly get at least double your money back and have cash to put towards the bigger projects. Right now, you only have 3 million in available assets, so we build from there. I'll front you the money to get the property, then you can transfer funds to me and it's all yours."

"This is way more fun than sex!" Colin joked.

"It can be buddy. Lie in bed at night jerking off over how much money you made on one deal."

They both laughed and re-focused when they got the acknowledgment of the offer.

"Now, we wait. What are you in the mood to go do?"


"Sound good." Carter agreed. They changed, grabbed their boards and headed to the beach for an hour. When they got back Colin was excited to see that there was already a counter offer on their property. It was 675. Carter counter offered at 640 and said he expected they would get it at pretty close to that.

Colin headed home and a couple days later got a text from Carter saying they'd got the property for 650 and that Colin should transfer 520,000 to him so that he was the official owner. Colin drove over to his bank, where the business manager was happy to see him without an appointment. He quickly arranged to transfer the money to Carter, and Colin walked out feeling powerful at having just spend half a million dollars in one transaction. He wanted to buy more stuff now.

He was so focused on his real estate purchase that he almost yelped out loud when his phone went off. It was from Hunter. "Sorry, I've been so quiet. I had to think about stuff."

"That's cool. I figured maybe I'd totally screwed up being friends since I lied to you. I did it for a good reason though, but I'll never do it again."

"I understand. You wanna maybe sleep over this weekend?"

"Awesome, yes! Does this mean we're okay?"

"Yeah. As long as we don't lie to each other. I hate it when people do that to me. I like friends I can totally trust."

"I promise. No more lies. Omissions maybe, but no lies."

"I can live with that," Hunter agreed. "At least until we become better friends. My little brother is staying at a friend's place on Friday, so my Mom said she was fine if you slept over. As long as you don't mind the other two little kids running around pestering us from time to time."

"No, that's cool. I always wanted a little brother or sister."

"Trust don't."

"What time should I be there?"

"Up to you. If you want to come for dinner, we eat at 6. I think my Mom would like that, and the kids would probably enjoy getting to know you."

"Then dinner it is. See you at 6 on Friday!" He said excitedly as he hung up and quickly canceled his plans with Brooks.

"Oreo, you're so gonna owe me that hundred bucks back," Brooks taunted when he found out where Colin was going. "One of you will be balls deep before morning."

"No we're not. We're just friends."

"Dude, I know you better than you know yourself. You're sleeping over. Who does that with a new friend the first time they hang out, except a homosexual? You two will be sharing body parts at some point before morning."

"Nope. I'm not doing that anymore, I can promise you," Colin rebutted, wondering deep down if he might actually get to share a body part with Hunter. He arrived at Hunter's place just before 6 and had dinner with his family. The two younger kids were constantly bouncing up and down and bringing things to Colin to show him. It was like they'd never had visitors before. He sometimes found it hard to concentrate on the conversation, as there was always two or three going on at the same time. Hunter seemed to manage it all with ease. Once they were done dinner, Hunter cleared the table and began doing the dishes. Colin helped by drying them and Skyler put things away. At his place he just left things and someone else took care of them. He found this kinda fun.

"Wanna go play soccer?" Hunter suggested.

"Sure. I'm not that good at it though," he warned.

"Doesn't matter. There's always a game down at the park. You can just be on the other team," he grinned.

"So that your team wins?" Colin asked.

"Exactly!" They ran to the park and as promised there were a bunch of neighborhood kids ranging in age from 8 to 16, all playing soccer. They saw Hunter arrive and after a quick introduction, Colin was one of them and joined in the game. No one was worried about major rules and they just played for fun. Once it was over, they all hung out as if Colin had always been their friend.

"Your friends are pretty cool," Colin acknowledged as they headed back to the house once the sun began to go down.

"Yeah, it's alright around here most times. There's a couple of gangs a few blocks over, but we kinda have an agreement. They leave us alone and stay out of the park in the daytime so that the little kids can play safely. After dark, they kinda move in, so we leave. It's not great, but it works." Colin wasn't sure what to say about that so he just nodded as if he understood that life.

Hunter announced he was home and was immediately attacked by his youngest siblings. They all headed to the living room so Hunter and Colin could play video games while the younger kids played with toys around them, almost getting in their way more times than not. Once the kids went to bed, Colin and Hunter headed for the bedroom themselves to hang out.

"You have your choice. You can sleep in my bed or in August's. I changed the sheets on both."

Colin looked at the two single beds. "I don't think we'd both fit in yours," he replied.

Hunter laughed. "No, I meant you could sleep in my bed and I'd sleep in August's, or you could sleep in August's. Doesn't matter to me."

"Oh, right. Sorry. That was stupid. I'm fine in your brother's bed," he said feeling dumb for the slip up. "What do you normally wear to bed?"

"Underwear, or t-shirt and underwear if it's colder. You?"

"Nothing. I've never worn clothes to bed. Well, maybe before potty training."

"I couldn't do that. Not with August & Skyler around in here. They still get scared sometimes and crawl in with me."

"I used to crawl in with Carter, but I was still naked. Not sure he noticed. Although once I hit puberty, I think he'd have preferred I wear something, as I always got lots of boners and he had to keep pushing me away."

"God, could you imagine?" Hunter laughed.

"I should probably wear underwear tonight though," Colin offered, "since I'll be in your brother's bed. But I sometimes get scared on sleepovers, so I might crawl in with you," he teased.

Hunter just stared at him. "Is that one of those gay hitting on me things you were talking about?"

"Yeah, sorry. I'll do my best to behave," Colin said as they sat on the floor going through some of Hunter's stuff.

"Nah, it's fun. Just be yourself. Are you allowed to have friends' sleepover at your place?"

"Sure. Why? You wanna sleepover sometime?" He offered.

"If you want me too, I can. I have my own sleeping bag that I could bring."

"Up to you, but I have a king size bed that's easily big enough for three people, sometimes four, or if you aren't comfortable with that, I have a sofa pull out bed too. You don't really need a sleeping bag, unless it's like a comfort thing."

"No, I don't care. I usually just take it over to friends as they only have a single bed like mine, so I sleep on the floor, and they do it here when August is home. Do most of your friends sleep in the same bed with you?"

"Mostly. But like I said, it's a huge bed so it's not like we're right beside each other."

Hunter nodded. "That explains why you thought I was offering to let you sleep in my bed."

"Yeah, that explains it," Colin agreed, not letting on that his first thought was probably more accurate of just wanting to sleep with him.

The boys got into bed and talked for hours even after the lights were out. Colin almost fell out of the smaller bed several times during the night, and each time a limb fell, he woke up, not sure where he was, until he looked over at Hunter. As he watched his friend sleep, he ended up with more than one boner as he realized how attractive Hunter really was. But as in all other cases where he thought of sex, the body he was looking at turned into Dylan's, and he realized that no matter who he was with, he would be thinking of Dylan, which wouldn't be fair to anyone. He looked down and smiled when he saw Hunter's little brother, Skyler, had moved in and was on the floor between them. In the morning, he looked over at Hunter who was already awake looking at his phone.

"Morning," Hunter said quietly.

"Morning," Colin replied just as quietly, and pointed at the small lump under a blanket on the floor between them.

"Yeah, he dragged his stuff in last night. Sometimes he just like to be part of the fun," Hunter grinned.

"So cute!"

"Yeah? Unless you wake up in the middle of the night and trip over him when you need to pee."

Skyler heard us talking and sat up. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"You, pest," Hunter replied casually, but with a grin.

"I'm not a pest. I just wanted to hang out with Colin too," he reasoned. He got up and moved over to get under the covers with Colin, who moved back to make room for him.

"Skyler, leave him alone. He's not a toy for you to play with."

"He's nicer than you," Skyler countered.

Colin tried not to laugh as he listened to the brother's interact. He felt Skyler reach back and grab his crotch before he shuffled back against him.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't have a stiffie like my brother does when he wakes up," Skyler explained.

"Skyler!" Hunter said trying to scold his kid brother, while not trying not to laugh.

"What? You do!"

"So do all guys, but you don't need to announce it. What did I tell you about that?"

"I dunno. Go pee it away?"


But I don't have one, and I don't need to pee," he said shrugging. "But it's okay, Colin doesn't have to go either."

The guys talked for a bit as Skyler made himself comfortable snuggled up with Colin, who was really thankful that he'd worn underwear to bed after all. The pre-teen finally admitted he had to go to the bathroom and jumped out of bed.

"Have a shower too," Hunter yelled after him. "Sorry about that. Like I told you, he likes to crawl in with me. Guess he found you more interesting."

"I get that sometimes. Wanna come crawl in with me next?"

"Pass. I mean I have no problem with it, I just don't think we'd both fit."

The boys got up and had breakfast with his family, which seemed like controlled chaos. Hunter had to babysit for the morning, so they hung out with the kids until his Mom returned, then Colin said he had to go, but thanked them all for letting him stay over.

He returned home in time for his Skype call with Dylan. "Hey dude! Where were you yesterday?" Dylan asked as he sat there shirtless as usual. Their regular calls were usually to keep each other up to date on new events and activities in their lives, and on frequent occasions, ended up with them jerking off together, now that Dylan had privacy again.

"I had a sleepover at Hunter's," Colin replied.

"He's talking to you again. Cool. Did you bone him?"

"NO! We're just friends."

"It's funny that you had a sleepover last night with a new friend. I did too. I'm starting to meet people, so it doesn't suck as much here. His name is Brent. Say hi to Colin, Brent," he said looking to his left. A similarly shirtless Brent appeared in the screen and crouched down beside Dylan.

"Hey!" Brent said waving.


"You're Dylan's ex? He talks a lot about you," Brent remarked.

"Well, whatever he said, if it's good, it's true, and if it's bad, it's all a lie," Colin grinned.

"Nah, it's all good. Sounds like it sucked that Dylan had to move though."

"That's true. How'd you guys meet?"

Brent looked at Dylan, who just grinned and stared at the camera. "We gave each other handjobs in the bathroom at the park."

Colin gave a weak smile and tried not to be jealous. "So, the usual way?" he laughed. "Should I be asking if your sleepover was like mine, or was there boning involved, and that's why you asked me about Hunter?"

"Dude! You know me..." Dylan said shaking his head and paused as he grinned at Brent. "Of course there was boning. Check this out!" He turned to Brent. "Show him your dick."

"What? No."

"Dude, stop being a pussy. He'll show you his. I mean we're all gay, so it's no big deal."

Brent stood up and Dylan pulled the front of Brent's underwear down to fish out his cock and balls to reveal a smooth crotch and massive penis. "Shaved it myself!" Dylan remarked as he lifted it up so Colin could see better. "You won't believe it. He's bigger than me. 9 inches dude!" He said as he put Brent's dick in his mouth, only to have Brent jump back.

"Show him how big you get," Dylan challenged. "Colin, show him yours. That'll get him hard."

"At least it's nice to see that some things haven't changed. I'm happy that you at least found one gay boy out there," Colin smiled almost feeling sick at the thought.

"There's a few actually. Brent knows some, so he'll probably introduce me." He turned to pull Brent back into the camera view and yanked the guys shorts down in a fast tug. The revealed penis was much fuller than a couple minutes ago. "Colin, come on dude, take out your dick and show him. You can see how big this thing is."

Colin reluctantly stood up and dropped his underwear to show them.

"Yeah!" Dylan exclaimed as he went back down on Brent's cock as he looked at Colin. In only a few short moments he leaned back to show the nine hard inches filling up the screen. "And that is how it's done, boys!" Dylan said pleased with himself as both Colin and his new friend were now fully erect. Dylan stood up and dropped his own shorts as Brent got on his knees and returned the blowjob. Colin just sat back down and pushed his chair back so they could see him jerking off as he watched. Dylan pushed Brent back and spun around to kneel on the chair with the simple instruction to Brent to fuck him. Colin watched as the two coupled and the giant cock entered his ex-boyfriend. Colin jerked off harder as the two guys looked on while they fucked each other.

"Oh, god, I'm gonna cum," Colin announced and stood up so they could see him blast his load all over the floor.

"That's hot!" Brent announced as he pulled out of Dylan, quickly jerking himself off, and shot all over his new friend's back. He reached for tissues and wiped the mess up before Dylan turned around and Brent returned to his knees, and opened his mouth wide to catch Dylan's load in its entirety.

"Dude! That was like we just had a three-way. You should invite Hunter to join in next time and we'll do a group thing."

"I don't think he's gay," Colin admitted. "Having sex on camera with my ex and his new friend might be a bit of an extreme jump at this point."

"Okay, but it'd be hot! Even straight boys need to get laid," Dylan replied. "We should go. We're going to the museum, so there should be lots of horny repressed people at that. Later buddy!" Dylan said as they signed off. Colin went to clean up the mess and flopped onto his bed feeling even sadder than before. Dylan was obviously not taking their break-up as hard as he was, and had already found a replacement. He found himself jealous and almost pissed off at seeing Brent fuck Dylan, but then replaced that image with it being himself inside Dylan and remembering how it felt each time they did it. He fell asleep early and woke up feeling more exhausted than when he went to bed.

Chapter 20

The calls between Colin and Dylan became less frequent as the months wore on and it was obvious that Dylan was building his new life, while Colin was still stuck in the same place. His friends all noticed, and even his new friend Hunter identified that he didn't seem overly happy when they hung out.

"Can I ask you something?" Hunter asked one day while they were at the beach with an ice cream.

"Go for it," Colin replied staring out at the ocean.

"Do you still like me as a friend? You don't seem very happy lately."

"Yeah, we're fine. I'm just trying to figure shit out."

"About us?"

"No. About my ex. He's got a new boyfriend, or at least a fuck buddy, and I think it's affecting me more than I'd like. I mean the guy seems cool, and I know it's stupid, but I guess I'm maybe jealous."

"Jealous of?"

"I dunno. Brent, because he gets to fuck Dylan, or maybe Dylan because he's moved on and found someone. I dunno. I mean they look good having sex together, so I should be happy for him, I guess."

"Wait. You saw them having sex?" Hunter asked with surprise.

"Yeah. We Skyped and had what Dylan called a three-way, although it was more like a two way with me watching."

"Okay, wait. They had sex on camera and let you watch?"

"Yeah, and they watched me masturbate to them."

Hunter looked at him with his eyes wide. "Damn. We totally live different lives. I've never even Skyped with anyone, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even be shirtless if I did. That's so out there."

Colin shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose, but Dylan and I liked trying new things, although I could have done without Brent being one of those new things. I told Dylan about you and he suggested we have a four-way, even though I told him we were just friends. In his mind every guy is available for sex, so he assumes we're doing it."

"Does he know you're upset or jealous?" Hunter asked.

"No. I don't let him know that. It would be wrong to stop him being happy because I can't move on. I'm just sticking with my no sex rule for now."

"Welcome to my world," Hunter acknowledged. "But not by choice," he laughed. "At least you'll have more time to surf and hang out; and golf!"

"True," Colin admitted.

Colin remained in his slump, and despite the best efforts of his friends, he just hadn't bounced back. Even Carter had tried to snap his brother out of it by talking investments.

"I had an offer on your property," Carter told him one day when he called.

"An offer? You mean the new houses are built already?"

"No. It still in a rezoning wait period, but there's another developer who has the surrounding properties, already rezoned and he's willing to take the property off our hands for 1.1 million. That's a profit 450 thousand for doing nothing. You wanna sell?"

"What do you think I should do?" Colin asked as he thought about making the original profit of 1.2 million.

"I'd take it and add it to what you have. Then we buy another property and start over again."

"Okay, go ahead. I trust you on stuff like this."

"Great, I'll let them know. You should see the money in your account by the end of the week. Congrats bro, you just made 450,000 Canadian dollars!"

"Sweet. How much is that in real money?"

"Roughly $360,000 USD."

"That's pretty cool. Should I come over and see what else we can buy?"

"If you want, sure," Carter encouraged. The guys spent the next two days buying properties and stocks that they thought looked sound, and Colin was enjoying it a lot, especially when he found something Carter missed and his brother complimented him on the find. He found that focusing on real estate and making money helped take his mind off being depressed each time he talked to Dylan, who already appeared to be screwing his way through Washington.

`U busy 2day?' Carter texted as they came up on the last week of summer. Colin had still been dragging his ass around as if he were on death row. A lot of his friends had stopped trying to cheer him up, leaving him to deal with it in his own way.

`not really'

`good get over here. I have something that'll cheer u up.'

`what? Did we kill it in the stock market?'

`just get over here'

Colin shrugged and drove over to Carter's. "So, what's the news, bro?"

"First go dump your stuff in your room."

"It's fine here. Just tell me what the news is," he said dropping his backpack on the nearest chair and kicking off his shoes.

"Go dump your stuff in your bedroom," Carter repeated.

"Okay, MOM!" he said shaking his head as he picked up his backpack and headed to his room. He entered and stopped in his tracks, mouth open. "Mason? What? How?"

"Hey cutie! You gonna stand there drooling or are you gonna take your clothes off and get over here," Mason said as he lay naked on Colin's bed stroking his erection.

He quickly stripped and jumped onto the bed beside Mason and they began kissing. Colin never even noticed his bedroom door being closed from outside. When they came up for air, Colin was rock hard. "What are you doing here?"

"Why? You not happy to see me?"

"Totally happy," he said quickly.

"Carter said you'd been a little depressed since Dylan moved and thought I might be able to fuck some happiness back in you, so I flew down from Vancouver this morning."

"Wow...Yeah! How long are you here?" Colin said with his heart beating loudly from excitement.

"A week. Thought maybe you could show me around California...when we're not balls deep in each other."

"Yeah, sure. Yeah...definitely. This is the coolest surprise ever!"

"Dude, lie back and let me look at you. Shit, I thought you were hot when you were 13, but you're a total smoke show now. I may not even get to see California. I doubt I'll be able to let you out of bed for the whole week."

"We'd have to get out at some point. To eat and pee at least. Plus, there's this bathroom I have to show you that has a hole in the wall that you might like," Colin joked to remind Mason of when he did the gloryhole to him when he was younger. Grinning from ear to ear, he ran his hands all over Mason, feeling his chest, abs and crotch. He ran his hands through his mentor's hair as Mason leaned in and sucked on each one of Colin's nipples, before moving to suck his cock right down to the base.

"Damn that cock is even more fabulous than the last time. Dude, we're gonna screw until we can't walk," he said as he sucked each ball into his mouth, moving between Colin's legs and pushing them back slightly to eat his ass. "Mmmmmm, that is still as sweet as I remember," he said as he tongue probed his younger friend, followed by a finger inside, coating him thoroughly. Colin squirmed around as Mason alternated between the tongue and finger in his ass. He kissed up Colin's body to end almost on top of him as they locked lips again.

"Baby, you are unreal. I can't believe how much you've changed since last time. You're the whole package. Are you ready to take me?" He asked almost panting as he rubbed the tip of his erection at Colin's entrance, making sure he stopped to add some spit to it to lube himself up. Colin just nodded as he stared into Mason's eyes. "Here we go sweetie," he said as he entered slowly using only the spit for lubrication. They kept kissing as Colin relaxed to let him in. As soon as was fully lodged, Mason stopped to lean back and look at them coupled together. He slowly lifted each one of Colin's ankles onto his shoulders and leaned forward again, folding Colin in half so they could continue kissing. He fucked him for the better part of 15 minutes before stopping to pull out, gently rolling Colin onto his side. This time he reached for the lube on the night stand and coated himself before pulling Colin's top leg over his and re-inserted himself. He turned Colin's head and began to kiss him again as he slowly fucked with long deep strokes. Colin reach for his cock and began to jerk himself off.

Mason took Colin's hand away and held onto it. "Don't rush baby. We're not leaving this room until morning. We're gonna make love all night, and I want it to be special when you cum. I want it all inside me," he said as seductively as he could. Colin nodded and they continued fucking. Except to stop for something to eat, finding out that Carter had left them alone in the condo, the two guys never left the bedroom. They paused to shower together to freshen up and played a few video games. As Colin lay face down playing one game, Mason ran his hands over Colin's back and down over his ass, commenting how perfect his body was. He loved the feel of each ass cheek and it wasn't long before he slowly spread Colin's legs and got between them to bury his face into the pink hole; lapping at it with long powerful strokes of his tongue. He moved on top of Colin as they enjoyed the warmth of each other's body. Mason wet his cock, before pushing it back inside Colin and gently fucked him as they lay together. Colin moaned more each time they did it, and when they were back to rolling around on the bed, it took no time before Colin had pushed himself inside Mason and quickly filled him with his cum. They lost count of how many times they fucked each other, or how many hours in total their lips were locked together, but by morning, they were well and truly sexed out, and agreed they could go and do something else. After a shower that easily took more than half an hour, they had something to eat, during which, Colin texted everyone to let them know Mason was here and wanted them to meet him. He included Hunter, and when he suggested they spend the day at California Adventure, Hunter almost refused, until Colin assured him that no one was paying for anything as his Dad had the free passes.

When they arrived at Brooks house first, Brooks just grinned and shook his hand. "I honestly thought you were an urban myth like Sasquatch."

"Nope, I'm real, and nowhere near as hairy," Mason grinned.

"Oreo's been talking about you since you took his virginity when we were 13."

"Oreo?" Mason grinned.

"He gave me that nickname when we were like 6. `Cause I ate a lot of Oreos," Colin explained.

"He still does," Brooks added. "You're the dude that turned my best bud into a raging erection, huh? Nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well. Although I somehow think Colin was a raging erection before I met him. I just helped him along the way. I've heard of you as well. Best friends since birth, take baths together."

"Took baths together," Brooks corrected quickly. "Not a thing anymore."

They agreed to take two cars as they were picking up Preston, Grayson, Martin and Hunter. Everyone except Hunter had pretty much the same reaction to meeting the legendary Mason. He felt like a celebrity. By the time they got their passes at Disneyland for California Adventure it was like they'd all known each other forever.

"Your friends are all so hot. I'm talking California hot. You screwing any of them?" Mason said when he was alone with Colin for a moment.

"No. We're just friends," Colin replied.

"Dude, I'd never be able to resist them if I were you. That Hunter guy is stunning. You need to jump all over that before you're stuck in the friend zone. Please tell me you've at least sucked his dick."

"Nope. Never even seen him naked," Colin said basically telling the truth. He'd only seen his ass when they'd changed for surfing or swimming.

"Now that's a waste of a perfectly delicious boy," Mason teased.

Even Brooks took an opportunity to ask Colin if he'd done Hunter yet, and shook his head when he was told no. "I think you're bullshitting so you don't have to pay me my hundred bucks back. Trust me. It'll happen. I can already see it building," Brooks told him.

"You couldn't see a Tsunami building if the waves were over top of you," Colin replied bluntly as they enjoyed the rest of their day.

Hunter asked how Colin knew Mason, and got the honest, albeit filtered, answer of how Carter had gotten Mason to teach him about sex and girls when he was younger. He left out the graphic details that his friends already knew.

Brooks agreed to sleep over after the almost constant insistence of Mason. They decided to stay at Carter's, once they had approval from him, as he wasn't sure how his parents would feel about a 21-year-old sleeping in his room. Everyone else headed home and the three guys joined Carter at his place to watch a movie before heading for bed. With a king bed, and Brooks completely comfortable sleeping with Colin, they all climbed in together, but with underwear on. Colin chose to sleep in the middle between his friends.

In the morning, Brooks awoke to the bed shaking and found Colin on top of Mason slowly fucking him. He glanced under the covers to see if they were really doing it, attracting Colin's attention as he looked over and grinned. Brooks just rolled his eyes.

As soon as Colin was done, he pulled out and headed for the shower, taking his time as he used the warm water to wake up. When he returned, he stopped the second he entered the bedroom. The covers were off the bed and Brooks was face down with his legs spread. His underwear had been removed and Mason was between his ass cheeks, holding them open. Brooks was moaning, almost whimpering as he got Mason's special rimming. Colin tossed his towel aside and crawled onto the bed beside them. Brooks' head turned instantly.

"Good, isn't he?" Colin grinned as he watched, still shocked.

"It just kinda happened," Brooks said trying to move, but found himself held in place by Mason. Colin just rubbed his friend's back.

"Don't sweat it buddy. No one can resist Mason's skills. Straight or not. Just enjoy it while you can." Brooks turned his head away from Colin as if not seeing him would make him not be there. Colin moved down to watch Mason's tongue work his best friend's hole like a miracle probe. He could see that Mason also had his hand between Brooks' leg, obviously stroking his erection at the same time, adding to the intense feelings that he knew Brooks must be experiencing. Mason pointed to the bottle of lube on the night table and wiggled his fingers at Colin to get it. Colin shook his head, but Mason just pointed again, so Colin gave in and handed him the bottle. He watched as Mason removed his tongue from Brooks' hole and poured the lube into it before he quickly pushed a finger in, causing Brooks to squirm a little. Colin had no idea how far Brooks would let this go, and was frankly surprised it had gone this far, but he was enjoying the sight. Mason took more lube and thoroughly coated his erection while he was on his knees face deep in Brooks' newly lubed ass. Colin sat quietly off to the side, wondering when Brooks would push Mason off and run for the bathroom. Mason kissed up Brooks' back stopping to nibble on his neck slightly before lowering himself onto the straight boy. As he moved his cock up and down Brooks' ass crack, Brooks moaned at the stimulation.

"Wait!" he said suddenly as he felt the tip of Mason's penis hit his hole. "I'm straight. I don't get fucked."

Colin almost grinned at the predictable response.

"Shhhhh. Your prostate needs stimulation. Just stay relaxed and let me show you how it works. That morning boner will explode all by itself in a couple seconds," he said as he pushed his erection down, aiming it at the virgin ass. Brooks gave a grunt as he was penetrated, and Colin scrambled down to watch in disbelief as his best friend lost his anal virginity, stunned that it was actually happening. As Mason went further and further into him, Colin became conflicted and upset at what they were doing, even though he was rock hard and stroking as he watched. As soon Mason began to fuck Brooks with regular strokes, Colin reached out to feel Mason's ass and rub at his hole so he was participating. Mason came first, pumping his load into Brooks. He pulled out, flipped Brooks over and went down to suck him off before the prostate stimulation wore off. Brooks cried out, bucked his hips and drained half a gallon of cum down Mason's throat. He collapsed back on the bed panting hard, before squirming out and rushing to the bathroom. Colin heard Brooks lock the door and wondered just how freaked out his friend was right now.

"Holy shit, dude. I can't believe you fucked him. I gave him a rimming once to show him about it, and he almost shot off the bed. How'd you do that?"

"I've got mad skills baby. Mad skills. Nothing sweeter than a straight boy's virgin ass, and once you activate their prostate, they can't stop until they've cum. Some get straight boys drunk to lower their inhibitions, I use my tongue and their prostate. If you want a straight boy, get them at their horniest, and that's ALWAYS when they wake up with morning wood. You'll find you can do 90% of them. But get them before they piss it away. Case and point," he grinned looking at the bathroom door.

"Unreal. I'd have bet big money that Brooks would never have allowed that."

"You'll have to ride him next," Mason suggested.

"Nah. That would seriously fuck up our friendship. Even blowjobs are getting further and further apart as he gets laid more."

"Fair enough, but I intend to fuck him again."

"Good luck with that. I'll bet he makes an excuse to go home as soon as he gets out of the bathroom, and you'll never see him again."

"We'll see. You should really teach all your straight friends about their prostates. Do it slowly and make it amazing. I mean don't pound them like a straight boy doing a chick. Go slow and easy and let them experience it properly. I'd love to see you with your friend, Hunter. Sit on his face and let me watch him be introduced to your fine ass, while I take his cherry. That boy will be begging to be with you after that."

"Yeah, I'll get right on that," Colin said sarcastically trying to imagine lining his friends up for Mason to pick off one at a time. He pulled his underwear and t-shirt on in anticipation of Brooks return. Mason just wrapped in the towel that Colin had tossed aside. As predicted, Brooks came out of the shower, dressed, and said he just remembered that he had something to do with his Dad today. He left before anyone could talk him out of it. Not only did Mason not get to see him again, but Brooks kept deliberately busy for the rest of the week, which was fine with Colin as it meant more Mason time for him. He chose not to invite Hunter to hang out while Mason was around as he didn't want something to happen like it had with Brooks. If anything was going to happen with Hunter, he wanted to be the one it happened with. By the end of the week, Mason and Colin had logged so much time in bed that they were both sure it exceeded the amount of time they weren't in bed, and thought perhaps they should have invited Guinness over to see if they'd established some sort of record.

Both were sad when the week came to an end, and hugged so tight at the airport that Colin was positive Mason had broken a few of his ribs. He almost offered to fly back to Vancouver with him so they could make out on the plane for three hours.

After Mason was in the air, Carter turned to Colin. "Did that help make you feel better?" He grinned, having been the host for the non-stop sex week.

"Thanks Carter. You're the best big brother on the entire planet. I guess it was stupid of me to be all bummed out over Dylan, huh?"

"No, not really. You miss him. No one denies you that, but don't let it define who you still are. Both of you will move on with your lives. Maybe you'll get together again, maybe you won't, but that's the future. This is now. You know the old saying, `Life is a gift. That's why they call it the present.'"

"That's an old saying? I've never heard it before," Colin remarked. He headed over to Brooks' house and found his friend on the computer. "Mason's gone home..."

"NO!" Brooks said quickly. "We're not talking about it. Don't ask if you can do it, we're never bringing it up again. It never happened."

"What never happened?" Colin asked. "I know he headed home `cause I just got back from the airport. Or are you talking about the fact that you allowed a total stranger to fuck you?"

"Shut up, Colin. Drop it now!"

"Sure thing! I'll drop it, but I'm also dropping our friendship too, asshole. You let him fuck you. I wanted to show you about that for a long time, and you always refused. So fuck off, Brooks," he said as he turned and left the house before Brooks could respond. His phone blew up a few times with Brooks apologizing and asking if they could talk. Colin simply either ignored it, or told him to fuck off and leave him alone.

The following day, still pissed at Brooks, Colin picked Hunter up to take a road trip. He allowed Hunter to drive and they didn't have a real destination in mind, but had fun doing nothing, on their way to nowhere. Each time his phone went off, he ignored it when he saw it was Brooks.

"You're not answering it?" Hunter asked.

"No. I'm mad at him right now. He did something that really pissed me off, and I can't even look at him right now."

"What did he do, or is shouldn't I ask?"

"I can't say, but it proves that I'm not really his friend."

"I hope that's not true. If you guys have known each other since you were babies, whatever happened you should be able to work it out, right?"

"I dunno. He knows how much it meant to me, and he didn't give a crap when he was an inconsiderate prick. Let's drop it, before I get so mad I slam us into a pole at full speed."

"Dropped!" Hunter replied as he tightened his seat belt for emphasis. They headed back to Colin's place once they'd had enough driving. Hunter kept quiet as he stared at the mansion sprawled out in front of him while waiting for the main gates to swing open. He drove up and parked at the entrance. Mark came out and got the keys to put the car away as the boys headed inside to go upstairs.

"This is your room? Just for you?" Hunter asked as they entered the bedroom. My whole house isn't this big. Holy crap! You weren't kidding about your bed being huge. We'd almost need phones with long distance plans to talk to each other if we each slept at opposite sides. I can see why you don't care if your friends sleep in here with you."

"Dump your backpack and I'll show you the rest of the house," Colin offered.

Like all his friends, Hunter was impressed with the backyard and especially how the pool stretched both inside and outside of the house. When they got to the garage, Hunter stood there in disbelief. "Are these all yours?" He asked staring at the cars.

"No. I only have the Camaro. These belong to my Dad and Carter. The bikes are mine though."

"Dude, you have like a dozen bikes? Why so many?"

"I dunno. For different purposes I guess, or got a new one as I got older, or styles changed."

They wandered around looking at the cars with Hunter gushing over each one. "You even have a Rolls Royce? Do you get to drive any of them?"

"Yeah, sure. Not the Rolls though. Mark is our driver and we pretty much only use that car for special events at the studio, or some gala ball or shit like that."

"I'm in love. I think I have a boner over all these cars," he said as he checked each one out carefully.

"Oh great. He hangs out with me and nothing. Sees a car and gets a boner. I'll slap a Lambo sticker on me you can drive me anywhere."

Hunter laughed. "I don't have a real boner. It's a metaphorical one."

"Too bad. I was getting a literal boner thinking of you with your metaphorical one." Both boys laughed.

Once the tour was over, the guys went and hung out with Colin's other friends, including Brooks, who Colin did his best to avoid as much as possible. After a day at the beach, everyone had had a pretty good time, but it was a couple hours later when Hunter had been talking to Brooks that he went quiet and his attitude changed. "You okay?" Colin asked as he drove home.

"Fine," is all he said in reply. When they pulled up at the house, he turned to look at Colin. "Why are you friends with me?"

"Uhhh, because I thought we were getting along, and I like you," Colin replied taken slightly by surprise.

"Not to win a bet with Brooks?"

"What? No, of course not."

"Really? Because he said you guys bet a hundred bucks on you giving me a blowjob."

"Kinda the opposite," Colin said as he thought about how to murder Brooks and get away with it. He wondered if this was Brooks taking revenge for being ignored. "That day we met when you were our caddy, I was depressed over Dylan leaving, and I told Brooks that I was giving up sex. He went and found you and his caddy, and asked if I thought you were cute and challenged my no sex statement. He said he'd bet me that I'd end up blowing you in the woods sometime during the game, and that I was full of shit about not ever wanting sex again. So, if I'd given you a blowjob, I'd owe him a hundred bucks, not the other way around. I'm friends with you because I really like you."

"Oh, I guess I just misunderstood. Did he pay up?"

"Yeah. Once we finished the round of golf, I made him pay up in the clubhouse, as I was serious about having given up sex at that point," Colin grinned. "See, I may be gay, but I can totally control myself, even with someone as amazing as you."

"I'm glad I wasn't just some bet. That makes me feel better," Hunter admitted.

"I'm not that guy who would bet on who I could bag for money. That's more a Brooks approach to getting laid. I like you because we get along. And just for the record, if anything ever did happen between us, out of curiosity or any other reason, I sure as fuck wouldn't tell Brooks."

"Good to know," Hunter said giving a slight grin. "Are you gonna Skype with your ex and let him see me next time you call him?"

"I dunno if it's a good idea, dude."

"I'll flirt if that helps."

"That definitely won't help. I mean if you were shirtless, he'd have his cock out so fast, I wouldn't be able to stop him as he likes to show it off."

"What would he do if I kissed you?"

"That would be a giant mistake. First he'd know we weren't together, as it would be more of a straight boy kiss, and second, well...uhhh, never mind," he said cutting himself off.

"Second what? Come on, tell me."

"No. It's just not a good idea," Colin said dismissing it.

"What? Tell me. How can we be better friends if we can't say shit to each other?" Hunter begged.

"Dude, if you kissed me, I'd get a boner, and it could get awkward real fast. And that's just a straight boy kiss. You use tongue and I'll be flooding my pants."

Hunter processed it for a few seconds. "Does that mean you're attracted to me?"

"Is this really the conversation you want when we're gonna end up sleeping in the same bed?"

"I'm working on being more open," Hunter explained.

"But would you get an erection from kissing me?" Colin smirked.

"I dunno. I've never kissed anyone before. Except my family, but that's not the same thing."

"Never? Like no one?"

"Nope. I figure it'll happen one day though."

Maybe tonight, Colin thought to himself without saying it out loud. By the time it was bedtime, the boys had pretty much done everything they could at the house from basketball and tennis, to video games and the pool & hot tub. "I still can't believe how big your bed is. I think my whole family could sleep in here," Hunter grinned as he crawled under the covers on his side, just in his underwear.

"I don't think you'd get much sleep if they did though," Colin laughed as he got into bed on his side, also in his underwear, before turning off the light.

"It feels like I'm sleeping outside," Hunter commented as he looked out the floor to ceiling windows to see the lights and the ocean beyond.

"Yeah, sometimes I like it, but mostly I prefer it darker," Colin said as he reached over and hit the button to darken the windows.

"That is so cool!" Hunter exclaimed. "I didn't even know glass could do that."

"It's helpful when it's super sunny out. I can just darken it a bit like having a giant pair of sunglasses," Colin remarked. "Hey, would be okay if I slept without my underwear? I'm not really used to wearing anything to bed."

"Sure. It's your house," Hunter replied. He heard Colin scramble a bit under the covers and then settle down.

"That's better. Otherwise my balls get all sweaty being bunched up," Colin said as they kept talking. "I had fun today. Thanks for hanging out."

"Yeah, I did too. Ummm, I've never slept without underwear on before, would you be okay if I tried it too?"

"Go for it. I'm used to it so it's no big deal."

"Yeah, I do it in case my covers come off, or one of my siblings gets in bed with me."

"I can see that." Colin acknowledged as he heard Hunter removing his underwear. "How's it feel?"

"Strange. Like I'm naked under a sheet."

"Well...that's `cause you are," Colin laughed. The boys eventually drifted off to sleep after talking about other activities they might want to go and try. Most were ones that didn't cost anything. In the early hours of the morning, Colin turned over to find himself almost nose to nose with Hunter. He jumped a bit as he hadn't expected him to be so close. His movement woke Hunter up.

"I hope your gonna cash in those travel miles before you leave," Colin grinned from the darkened room.

"Huh?" Hunter asked still only barely aware of where he was.

"You travelled all the way over the bed to my side," Colin joked.

"Oh, sorry," Hunter said as he went to slide back.

"You don't have to move. You're nice and warm. I like cuddling when I sleep."

"Do your friends do that?"

"Some," Colin admitted. Just the ones he fooled around with mostly, but he chose to leave that out. "I liked snuggling with Carter when I was little."

"Yeah, my kid brothers or sister love it too. It feels nice as long as they lie still, otherwise they're a pain. I think they just like to feel safe."

"They snuggle up against you huh?"

"Yeah. They usually pull my arm around them like a blanket."

Colin laughed lightly. "That's funny. That's exactly what I used to do to Carter. Did you ever snuggle with your Mom?"

"When I was a kid, sure. But now I'm usually the security blanket."

"Are you scared now?" Colin asked with a smirk.

Hunter laughed a bit. "No, I was only shocked a little when I woke up as I wasn't sure where I was. I guess I'm not used to being in a such a big bed. Mine is up against the wall, so I sometimes move up against it when I'm sleeping. Maybe I just kept wiggling over out of habit."

"I can be a wall. I'm cool with it. I like being nice and warm," Colin told him. "You could turn over and I'll be the blanket. I wouldn't mind."

"Then why would you need such a big bed?" Hunter asked. "You'd get closer to someone in a smaller bed."

"So, I can have lots of people in bed with me to keep me even warmer," Colin reasoned with a smile. Hunter turned over and Colin moved up against him, and put an arm around him.

"God, I guess I'm pretty comfortable around you," Hunter commented. "I'd never do this with other friends that sleepover."

"Doesn't work in sleeping bags...unless you zip them together of course. I do that a lot when I'm camping. Body heat works really well to keep you warm when it's cold out." Colin remarked as he placed the palm of his hand on Hunter's chest and felt how firm and smooth the skin felt.

"Yeah, I can feel the heat, and I think I can even feel your heart beating," Hunter admitted.

"It does that," Colin laughed quietly.

"That kinda tickles," Hunter said as Colin's hands moved up and down his chest and abs, feeling each one lightly.

"Sorry. Just habit. Are you ticklish?"

"Not a lot," he replied as he put his hand on Colin's to press it in to stop the tickling. Each time Colin's hand moved down, it went a little lower until he felt the top of Hunter's pubic hair and stopped. Both boys were breathing almost in rhythm as they lay together. Hunter moved Colin's hand down slightly as he kept hold of it, stopping just as he felt the fingers touch the edge of his shaft. Hunter was shaking with nerves as it was getting pretty obvious what was happening between them, and he was conflicted between allowing it or not. He took a deep breath and moved their hands further down to allow Colin's fingers to rest it over the top of his penis which was now fully erect.

Colin said nothing at first as he let his friend take the lead. He heard Hunter's breathing change from nose to mouth as his friend tensed up slightly. He curled their fingers around his shaft. "Are you sure?" Colin asked quietly.

"I dunno," Hunter said with a hoarse whisper.

"Want me to stop?"


Colin moved slightly to get a better angle and took a firmer grip. Hunter got his own hand out of the way and let Colin do what he wanted; turning his head more into the pillow and breathed as he received his first handjob from someone other than himself. Neither boy said a word as they cuddled against each other with Colin stimulating him slowly. Hunter breathed through his mouth and suddenly gasped loudly. Colin could feel the erection pumping non-stop, and moved a finger slowly to feel the tip which was now wet and dripping. He took his time to let go of Hunter before reaching behind himself to grab some tissues. He put his hand back over and wiped up the mess on the bed, not saying anything. He threw the tissues on the floor and put his hand back around Hunter's chest. Colin desperately wanted to beat off right now as his own cock was leaking all over the bed in front of him, and he'd had to move his waist back to avoid letting Hunter see just how horny he was. Just before falling asleep again, he kissed his friend on the neck.

When they awoke again, they were still snuggled up against each other until they opened their eyes. Hunter turned to face Colin, moving back only slightly so that they had a bit of space between them.

"`Morning," Colin said with a smile.

"Hey," Hunter acknowledged, also with a small smile.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. This is probably the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in."

"And it comes with a super cuddly security blanket too," Colin joked, hoping it wasn't too soon.

Hunter gave a little laugh. "That's true."

"Do you have morning wood?"

Hunter blushed slightly. "Yeah, sorry. Kinda can't help it. I should probably go take a leak."

"No, I didn't mean it was a problem. I just wondered if you'd let me see it?" He said cautiously not trying to scare his friend off.

"You kinda did already last night," Hunter said quietly, looking at him.

"That wasn't really looking. That was more helping you get back to sleep," Colin reasoned without either of them actually acknowledging what happened.

Hunter paused and turned on his back. Colin looked at his friend's face, not sure if that was permission or not. Hunter slowly pushed the covers down exposing his body inch by inch until they were all the way off and he'd moved his legs out as well. Colin smiled as he took a look at his buddy fully naked lying stretched out beside him. He seen most of him already, but there's something about a guy fully naked that is just that much better. Colin decided to do the same thing and got out from under the covers himself as the two boys lay there. Hunter, despite being straight, also looked at Colin, more out of curiosity than anything else. They both had erections and you could almost feel the nervousness in the air from both of them.

"I always wake up with serious wood. What about you?" Colin asked staring at Hunter's penis lying up along his stomach.

"Yeah. I usually have to wait a couple minutes before I get out of bed. Not as easy to do when you have a kid brother in the room, although he has them too, but we never say anything to each other. Skyler, my other brother, he's a whole different story. He doesn't care, and half the time I have to tell him to go pee it away when he runs in."

"Kids!" Colin laughed.

"So now what?" Hunter asked as he kept lying there fully on show for his new buddy.

"We could jerk off," Colin suggested. "That's my normal morning routine."

"Like, together?"

"Sure; if you want," Colin shrugged. "Why, where do you do it normally?"

"In the shower, not next to someone," he replied nervously. "It's not like my other friends would be cool with that."

"Mine are, but then I think it's probably just because they're used to me already."

"Yeah, you're definitely way more open about this stuff."

"So, you up for jerking off?" Colin asked again.

"I'm definitely up," Hunter joked nervously. "I've gotta admit this would be the first time anyone has seen me do it though."

"First time for everything. You'd never slept naked before either."

"True. It was a strange feeling. All night I dreamt I was naked on a boat deck and everyone on shore could see me. I think my dick was hard most of the night."

"You get used to it after a while," Colin remarked as he spun around and put his head on Hunter's upper thigh to get a closer look.

"Ummm, what're you doing?"

"I wanted to watch you jerk off. Shit, sorry. Should I just stay where I was?"

"Uhhhh, no it's okay, I guess. This is all just pretty new for me."

Colin grabbed his own cock and began to masturbate as he stared at Hunter's balls and watched as his friend took hold of himself and began to stroke slowly. That only got Colin hornier and he moved his hand faster as he watched. Hunter glanced over at how Colin was jerking off and, being satisfied that he was doing it right, closed his eyes as he wasn't sure exactly where he should be looking at this point. Colin noticed and moved his free hand over Hunter's thigh to rub his hip gently. As they both picked up speed, Colin inched his hand over to touch Hunter's balls and feel them move up and down. Hunter jumped slightly but kept his eyes tightly closed. The feeling had him jerk himself off more furiously as the sensation began to overwhelm him. Colin smiled and pressed more firmly.

"God, yeah," he said quietly. "Jerk that cock. Fuck that's hot!" he encouraged, causing himself to go faster as well. He could feel Hunter's legs tense up as he got into it, and from having experience, he knew that neither of them was far from release. He got bold and leaned his face in to lick one of the balls, now tight in the sack. Hunter tensed up even more, and Colin could feel his friend clench his ass cheeks. He licked the other ball and then gently moved his whole mouth against them. Hunter cried out as every part of him went rigid, and he shot his load. "Oh, fuck yeah! Blow that load buddy!" He moved his mouth and put his hand back to push up on Hunter's balls to help him drain everything. As soon as his friend was done, Colin turned onto his back with his head still on Hunter's thigh and jerked himself off so fast that he was sure he saw smoke. He shot his load; announcing that he was cumming. Hunter opened his eyes to see, and as soon as Colin was done, he closed them again so that he didn't get caught watching. Colin slowly spun around and reached for the box of tissues so they could clean up the mess.

"Fuck! Now I need another nap," Colin panted as he tried to laugh.

"That was definitely a first," Hunter remarked as he checked his body to see if there was cum left anywhere.

"Better or worse than just by yourself in the shower?"

"Way more intense. I almost lost my load when you touched my balls. That's never happened before. Ummm...did you lick them?"

"Kinda," he replied with a grin. "I thought you might like to see what it felt like if someone helped. Was it okay?"

"Took me by surprise, but I think I shot a bigger load than I ever have before."

"That's the fun of jerking off together. When you do it by yourself, you know what's happening; when someone else does it to you, your brain is all over the place. That's why sex is so awesome."

"Well, I can't wait for that, then. If it's more intense than that, I'll probably pass out after I cum. Hope the girl knows CPR."

"They at least know the mouth to mouth part," Colin chuckled. "I think we should get a shower. The whole room is gonna smell of cum until we open the windows."

"That's another reason for jerking off in the shower," Hunter reasoned as he sat up. "You gonna go shower first?"

"We can both go at the same time. It's big enough."

"True. Again, another first for Hunter."

"Welcome to the world of having a gay friend. Plus, I'm environmentally conscious. Shower with a buddy; save water. You can wash each other's backs and if you get hard, you can get right to a blowjob, which saves a tissue clean up. Not a gay thing, just buds helping buds."

Hunter nodded. "As long as it's not a gay thing," he joked, and they both laughed. Colin started the shower once they were in the bathroom and Hunter paused. "I have to take a pee."

"Do you want me to leave?" Colin asked.

"Let me guess. You don't have a problem peeing with your friends either?" Hunter grinned.

"Not really. You have brothers. I'm sure you've played swords."

"More than you know," he said as both guys stood beside each other at the toilet and took their morning piss, before jumping in the shower. As Hunter was shampooing his hair, Colin took the opportunity to use the soap and wash Hunter's back and of course, moved down over his ass too. As Hunter rinsed off, Colin shampooed his own hair, smiling to himself as he felt Hunter wash his back with the soap, but he stopped short of doing his ass.

They finished up and returned to the bedroom to get dressed and head downstairs.

"Are you allowed to golf at the club if we were to head there?" Colin asked Hunter as they had breakfast.

"Its not really encouraged, but if a member insisted, I'd be allowed. There is a way around it though. If a member hires me as a golf pro to go out with them, then I can go, but usually that doesn't happen, `cause I'm only a caddy, and they have real golf pros to do that," Hunter replied.

"Seems unfair. So, if you and I go to the club and I insist on you, they'd let you?"

"Yeah. It happened before but it was kinda creepy that time."

"Why? What happened?"

"This old guy, like maybe 60 asked me to go golfing with him and it was cool. But when we finished, he took me to the clubhouse for dinner. Then he asked if I'd like to go back to his place and play the 20th hole for a couple hundred bucks."

"Seriously?" Colin grinned. "I'm guessing you didn't."

"God, no. First, I wouldn't be into doing that, and second if something went wrong, he'd get me fired."

"You definitely made the right call. You wanna go for a round of golf?"

"Are you a member at the club or is it just your friend?"

"No, my family are members, so I can sign us in."

"Sure, I'd love to," Hunter said perking up. "Just tell them that you're hiring me as a pro and it should be good. Ummm, can I ask that we not use caddies though? Some of my friends might get pissed off that I was golfing with you."

"Sure. Seems like a lot of rules though."

"They do it to protect the staff and members, I guess."

The boys drove over to the club with Colin letting Hunter take the wheel of his car. When they arrived, reception tried to give Colin a real golf pro instead of Hunter.

"No, I'd like Hunter please," Colin insisted. "Most of the golf pros are older and I just wanna hang out with someone my age."

"As you wish Mr. Worthington. I'll have your clubs and a cart brought around for you."

"That was easy," Colin grinned.

"You might have to pay for me as the pro, though. I can pay you back if they make you do it."

"Don't worry about it. I just sign it to the account and my Dad takes care of the bills." The boys played 18 holes and alternated who drove the cart, having a great day. Hunter proved his skills on the course and still reverted back to some of his caddying, as he recommended clubs and shots for Colin to take. It was still a slaughter, but neither boy cared.

"You wanna hit the clubhouse for a meal?" Colin asked.

"Could we go somewhere else?" Hunter replied. "Lots of members will know me as a caddy and I wouldn't really feel comfortable in there."

"I get it. Not really my scene either. McDonald's?"

"Now we're talking," Hunter grinned and they drove to the restaurant.

"Here's to the best 19th hole!" Colin said raising his root beer to tap with Hunter's cup. They drank and ate and talked about their best and worst holes. "You wanna go back to my place and play the 20th hole for a couple hundred bucks?"

Hunter almost choked on his food as he laughed. "God, it's a good thing you warned me that you might joke with me by saying gay things sometimes. I almost snorted a fry up my nose."

"Who says I'm joking?" Colin grinned. "I could grab some wood, hit it down the full length of the fairway and try to get a hole in one. But I think before we start, we should wash our balls."

Hunter laughed and shook his head. They dropped it and headed back to Colin's once their food was done. They watched a movie in the media room and played a few video games before Hunter announced he should be going.

"Gotta get ready for school tomorrow. I hate it when summer is over."

"Yeah, me too. I can't wait to graduate," Colin agreed.

"Thanks for letting me sleep over. It was a total experience!" Hunter grinned as they headed to the car.

"A good or bad experience?" Colin inquired as he let Hunter drive home.

"Surprisingly...I'd have to say good. I learned a lot about a lot. Mostly about myself," he nodded.

"Would you be cool sleeping over again sometime?"

"For sure. Your bed has to be the most comfortable thing I've ever slept on."

"And it has a nice warm security blanket?" Colin questioned.

"That too," Hunter agreed with a smile. "I can't do it a lot though as I still have to look after the kids sometimes, but when I can, it'd be awesome. You can always sleep over at my place if you don't mind kids jumping all over us."

"I don't mind. I like your brothers and sister."

"Yeah, you say that now. Wait until you've been around them more. First time Skyler jumps on you early in the morning and almost snaps your dick off, you won't be that impressed." Colin almost said he'd be happy to jump on Hunter's dick first to protect him, but he decided to take the high road for now. They pulled up at the house and the boys fist bumped as they said goodbye. Colin drove home only to find Brooks waiting in his bedroom.

"So, bitch? You owe me a hundred bucks yet?" Brooks grinned as his best friend arrived in his room.

"What are you doing here?" Colin asked bluntly as he went and sat in his desk chair.

"Come on Colin. Why are you so mad at me?"

"Why do you think?"

"Is it because of what happened with Mason?"

"Thought you weren't talking about it," Colin snarked back at him.

"I wasn't but apparently we need to. Why are you mad at me?"

"Why? Why am I mad that you let some guy fuck you? Oh, I dunno. Only because I thought that if you ever wanted to try that, you'd ask me. We've learned everything together. How to ride a bike, how to surf, even how to masturbate. But when it comes to giving up your ass, you pick Mason. Fuck you Brooks."

"I didn't plan for that to happen. I even told him I didn't want to do it, but it kinda just happened."

"Sure. His dick `accidentally' slipped in your ass and stayed there until he busted a load in you. Whatever dude. That's messed up."

"I'm sorry Colin. I am. I guess I fucked up."

"You guess? You ask me to give you blowjobs when you're horny, but when it comes to something that personal, you pick a stranger? Do you have any idea how that made me feel as I watched his cock enter you? I wanted to cry and then be sick, all at the same time. You lay there and let him take something from you that I would have given anything to do with you as a first."

"I'm sorry. I really had no idea it meant that much to you. If I'd known that was his plan I wouldn't have slept over. I honestly don't know why I let him. I'd never even thought of having anal intercourse before that."

"Well you obviously enjoyed it as you busted a load down his throat. Don't give me the whole I hated it speech."

"It hurt at first, but then it changed and I couldn't stop myself. If you want to do it, we could...if that would make you feel better," Brooks offered.

"A pity fuck? So now you come over for a blowjob, or a fuck when your ass gets itchy, and I'm just supposed to get hard and scratch your itch. Fuck off Brooks. You took something from me that I thought one day you might ask me for, knowing that I'm gay and would do anything for you."

"I dunno what else to say. I can't take it back, but if I could, I would. Maybe deep down I let him do it because I knew you were watching, and I thought you might think...I dunno...maybe I thought you'd be proud of me for at least trying it."

"I was in a way. I just wanted the cock I saw sliding into you to be mine. It hurt, Brooks. It really hurt."

"Probably not as much as when he first entered me," Brooks replied trying to joke. "Dude, we've gone through everything together. I mean I know it doesn't help, but we were there for each other when we had our first sperm while jerking off, and you showed me how to put a condom on and you were the first to ever blow me; and even though you weren't the one fucking me, you got to see it up close. I felt safe with you in the room while it happened. We're brothers for life. How can I make this up to you?"

"You're right. That doesn't help. You can't make it up to me, but thanks for the apology. Can I ask you something? Did you like it?"

"No, not really. It felt uncomfortable. I mean no offense, `cause I know you love it, but I think I'd stick with shredding pussy."

"Then maybe that's how you make it up to me."


"Stick with girls. Don't ask me to blow you anymore."

He nodded. "Can I suggest something else?"

"Like what? You want to have sex with Hunter in front of me? See if you can finish me off?"

"No. Maybe you could teach me how to give a blowjob."

Colin paused and stared at his best friend. "Why?"

He shrugged. "I thought that might help make us even. If you want."

"No! Hard pass."

"Friends again?" He asked jumping off the bed putting his fist out to bump. "And I really am sorry that I upset you."

Colin returned the bump. "Brothers forever, even if we're pissed at each other." They started up a video game.

"You know I was super jealous when you told me about that sex you had in Vancouver. I always figured I'd be the first one to get laid."

"You were jealous?"

"Sure. I mean you got laid. What guy wouldn't be jealous of that? Then when you told me you were gay, and showed me about blowjobs, it was like for the first time in our lives we were heading in different directions as we did real adult stuff."

"I can see that. You're my best friend and we've always shared everything. I mean the first time we tried kissing each other we were like 6, and we tried to do it like a movie we'd seen."

"God, that was awkward," Brook laughed.

"And when our balls dropped. It was like a competition to see who had the biggest penis after that. We kept checking each other to see who got the first hairs."

"I remember. You were so pissed when I could ejaculate first. I think you went home and cried for a week."

"I didn't cry...okay maybe for a bit, like two days," Colin smirked. "I asked Carter what was wrong with me, and he just told me to be patient. He said to just masturbate and when it happened, I'd know."

"I almost remember the date and time," Brooks laughed. "You raced over to my house, jumped on my bed and masturbated just to show me."

"God, how much did we jerk off after that?"

"Way too much. Way too much. Then it really changed when you met Mason. You moved to a whole different level after that."

"Luck of the draw, I guess. I mean you might have gotten a girlfriend first and I'd be the one playing catch up again," Colin said thoughtfully.

"I was kinda happy for you, especially when you got Dylan as your boyfriend. You seemed happier."

"I was. It felt awesome. Were you pissed because I ended up gay?"

"No, not really."

Colin nodded. "Do you think there'd ever be a situation where we'd actually have sex together? I mean real sex?"

Brooks shrugged. "Who knows. How about we make each other a promise. If something ever does happen between us, we never let it affect our friendship. Deal?"

"Deal. I can live with that."

"But do me a favour, go get Hunter into bed already. You're way weird when you aren't getting laid."

"At least that's the only time I'm weird, unlike my best friend who is weird 24/7," Colin said as they got on with their game putting the serious talk behind them.

Chapter 21

"This is our year, boys!" Grayson as he squeezed into the car with Brooks, Preston, Martin and Colin.

The guys cheered and entered the school as if they owned it. Some of the 14-year-old freshmen moved out of their way as they headed to the lockers.

"Remember when that was us?" Colin grinned. "I don't think we were ever that small though."

"You're still that small between the legs," Preston said insulting Brooks as he whacked him in the nuts.

"Like you are brain wise, ya mean?" Brooks commented as they seemed to tower over the smaller kids.

They spent the day getting acquainted with their new classes and seeing friends they hadn't been around all summer. Many guys were surprised to hear that Dylan had left, and asked Colin if that meant he were actually single now.

"Just taking a break for a while," Colin told them, with many agreeing that not being tied down to just one person was the way to go to.

The first practice of the water polo team was held early in the week with several boys trying out to be on the team, and with some good prospects, everyone was pumped for a good season.

"Okay boys, we're back at it. Last year was good, but we can do better," the coach said as they stood on the deck. Most in their team speedos, while others who were trying to join, were in regular ones. "One of the post season things we talked about was that in order for us to win, we need to form a stronger bond as a team. Really get to know each other, understand the look in the eyes or body movement, so that when a play is in motion, you just know where the play is heading. We had a few ideas presented, and I think many of them will help make you stronger. But first, as we start every year, drop the speedos until you earn the team colors. All practices will be held without trunks."

"You mean naked, coach?" One of the new boys asked.

"I mean naked, yes! You'll stay that way until your first game. If you win, you'll earn the right to wear team colors for future practices, and you can have the suits back for practices. Lose a game and you lose the suits. Next, with Dylan not being here this year, the team decided that another good bonding exercise is to have a weekly shaving session where you help each other, instead of just one person doing all the work. So, on the last practice before a game, we'll stop early and let you go into the showers to shave. Pits and pubes as always. Each team member will also be expected to come up with one extra curricular activity for the entire team. You put it on the board and we'll schedule a time for it. It should be away from the pool and designed to make you all better friends. Last year saw a huge improvement in how well our team performed, and it had a lot to do with these bonds you formed. This year, we should settle for nothing less than state champs."

The guys cheered loudly.

"Everyone, lose the suits. Current team members hit the pool for laps. Colin & Jackson will run you through laps and passing exercises. Those trying out, hit the locker room let's get you sized for team colors. Nothing bonds you better than a uniform look." For those that were used to this, the suits were off fast and a blur of white asses flew across the deck into the water. The rest raced to the locker room. The coach grabbed the box of speedos, and the cordless trimmer, and followed the players trying out.

"Alright! Let's get started. Toss those speedos onto the bench and hit the showers. We'll trim the hair as no one wants to see that sticking out of your trunks. Then we'll find you the right size suit and get you out there to practice with the team. Let's see whether you belong with us or not," the coach said quickly as he looked at the five guys standing in front of him.

The guys, most with hands over crotches, headed to the shower area, followed by the coach. He went up to each boy and handed them a speedo to try. Seeing them without anything on gave him a good idea what size they'd need, and each of them found the suit they were given fit well.

"Alright, now that we have that out of the way, take them off. None of you get to wear the colors until you make the team. Stand with your hands behind your head and let's do some quick hair removal. You'll need it all gone before the first game. This is just to clean you up for today's practice. If you get an erection from the trimming, ignore it. You're all boys, and you'll get used to it around the team. Just part of the bonding process." The trimmer was turned on, and the coach went to the first boy. With a couple of quick swipes of the underarms, the hair was reduced to almost nothing. Then he pushed the top of each boy's penis to hold it down and ran the trimmer over the pubes to remove the majority of them. By the time he moved his hand, the boy was erect and his hands quickly flew to cover himself.

"No need to hide anything. A perfectly normal reaction. Be proud of your bodies," the coach said as he took hands away before moving to the next one with a very similar result. He smiled to himself as he saw the fourth boy in line already sporting a full erection before he even got to him. He made short work of their hair, and allowed them to rinse off. The cold shower had helped all five boys get back under control. "Alright, get out there and join in the laps for your warmup. Leave the suits on the bench with your other ones." Four of the boys ran out quickly, glad to be free of their humiliating situation. One boy remained.

"Coach, can I talk to you for a second?"

"For a second," the coach agreed. "I want you warmed up out there."

"Got it. Ummm, if I don't make the team for some reason, can I offer to be the equipment manager, or any other task the team needs?" he asked directly.

"I don't think that would be a problem. What's your name?"

"Axel," he replied.

"From the speed at which you got that good size erection, I'm assuming you enjoy being without clothes, Axel?"

"Yes sir, a lot," he said smiling. "I'm hoping to be good enough to be on the team for the four years."

"Well, I guess we'll find out after we see you practice. You've certainly got the toning for the team."

"Thanks, coach," he said as he stood proudly. "My boyfriend and I work out all the time."

"Well it's working for you. Keep it up."

"It's always up, coach. Would you like to fuck me?"

"That's a bit forward," the coach grinned. "I take it your gay and always horny?"

"If you don't ask, you never get what you want. My Dad told me that."

"Think he meant it in this context?"

"He spoke in general terms, but I'm gay and being 14, I'm always horny, so I think it's okay to ask."

"I think you're probably right. Turn around and assume the position. Let's take a look at what you have to offer. Just so you know, it won't affect my decision as to whether you make the team or not."

"I know. I want to make the team because I'm good enough," Axel said as he spun to face the wall and put his hands on it, as he bent over and stuck his ass out. The coach wasted no time pulling his ass cheeks open to check him out.

"That's a pretty big hole on you. Looks like you've had anal penetration recently."

"Yeah. My boyfriend and I do it every morning before school," he admitted openly.

"Do you switch, or are you only the bottom?"

"I'm versatile, coach, but he's only a top, so I don't get to fuck him at all," he said as he felt the coach's thumb enter his ass. He moaned loudly, and took one hand off the wall to begin stroking himself.

"Looks like he's opened you up pretty well."

"Yeah, he has a really fat penis. It's not that long, like maybe 5 inches, but it's super thick, so I like it."

"And you're what? Seven inches?"

"Only 6 but I'm hoping for 7. I'm what they call a show'r not a grow'r," he grinned as the coach pulled his thumb out and pushed two fingers in easily, then a third.

"I think the team will enjoy having you around if you're this friendly," the coach grinned as he pulled his own shorts down, spit on his dick and pushed himself inside the freshman.

"Thanks coach. You can fuck me hard, I can handle it," he moaned as he put his head on the wall and pushed his ass back to ensure he got everything the coach had. No other words were needed as the boy got his pounding. "I'm gonna cum, coach!" he cried out. "Fuck me harder!"

He didn't need to be asked twice and hammered the boy's open pussy, looking around to see the boy blast his load all over the shower floor. He pulled out before finishing and slapped Axel on the ass. "I love a boy that knows how to take a cock."

"Think the team will like me?" Axel asked as he stood up and let the coach see his cock dripping the remains of his climax.

He laughed as he swiped his finger over the tip of Axels' penis, and then pushed it into the boy's mouth to let him taste himself. "I think the team will make you their king if you perform as well on the team as you do in the shower."

"I really wanna be on a team, but in case I don't make it, I'd be happy to help out wherever I'm needed."

"I think that we can find a place for you."

"Awesome. My brother is on a football team and when they're all pumped up with tons of testosterone after a game, they come over and pound one out in me. I'm used to it, but I'd rather be on a team so that I can be part of it, instead of just an after thought. Plus, I really wanna be a top sometimes."

"I'm sure we can arrange that," coach replied as he swatted Axel on the ass. "Now get out there and hit the pool. No special favors here, no matter how good a fuck you are."

"Got it coach," Axel grinned as he bounced out of the locker room, speedos in hand.

`Gotta love a little slut!' he said to himself as rejoined the boys for practice. Once it was over, the coach asked to speak to Colin, who got back into his speedo. "Did you have a good summer?" He asked as they cleaned up the equipment around the deck.

"Not bad. Got to do a fair bit. How about you, coach. Do anything fun?"

"The usual. Took a couple trips, had some parties," he grinned. "Looks like we have some good strong candidates for the team this year. Any early favorites?"

"Chris and Thomas seemed good coach. The speed which Thomas threw the ball, he almost broke my hand," Colin replied quickly. "Luke was a fast swimmer. He might be good."

"I'd agree. What about Tory or Axel?"

"I don't think Tory is ready for the team, coach. He's not really a strong enough swimmer. I was pretty sure he was gonna drown a few times during practice."

"I saw that as well. I'll suggest he go strengthen his swimming ability and try again next year; and Axel?"

"He seems enthusiastic. That's for sure. I may need to remind him which balls we're playing with though," he laughed. "He seemed to always be going for the wrong ones. If you know what I mean."

"He's just excited to be on a team. I think being around a pool full of naked boys might take him some time to get properly focused."

Colin shook his head. "Is that what took so long for him to come out of the locker room, coach? Did you fuck him?"

"That's a bit presumptuous, Worthington," the coach grinned. "He did let me know that his boyfriend makes sure his hole ready for action. Let's just say I could slip a small compact car in there and he'd take it."

"Coach!!" Colin laughed.

"I want you to let him fuck you. It's something that he wants to try, and I think you could help him calm down a bit if the two of you hooked up a few times."

"After Dylan, I'm not really into sex that much now, coach. It's too difficult."

"I heard that you had a rough time with Dylan having moved away. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, it sucked, but I'm dealing the best I can. Speaking of that coach, I wanted to let you know I'm probably not gonna stay on the team the entire season. I really need to focus on my school work."

"I'd be sorry to see you leave, Colin. You're a really strong player, and you're good for the team. Remember to have some balance in your life. You need to have fun outside of academics. The guys look up to you," he told him as they put things away.

"I know coach, but everything I do reminds me of Dylan, and this is definitely one of those things."

"Tell you what. Give me a bit of time to work with the new players, and train Jackson up to be captain before you leave. Maybe by then, you'll change your mind?"

"Maybe, but I doubt it coach. I'm pretty sure I need to move on," Colin said.

"Don't let yourself lose what you've built for yourself because a relationship changed. I'm sure that's not what Dylan would want for you. Give it some time."

"I will, thanks coach."

Colin rushed off to the showers and joined the guys as they excitedly talked about the team and what they might be able to accomplish this year. Colin pulled Axel aside as they went to the lockers.

"Did you and coach have fun?" He asked testing the guy.

"I'll say. He said if I worked hard, I could make the team, and I really want to be on a team. It's cool that you're the captain. I heard from the guys that you had a boyfriend last year but he's not here this year. Sorry."

"It's okay. I guess it'll take time to move on."

"I'd share my boyfriend with you, but I don't think he'd like that. He's kind of a one guy boyfriend."

"They have those?" Colin said chuckling slightly. "I'm guessing you're not a one-person boy?"

"No. I don't tell him as he'd probably be upset at me, but I like meeting new people."

"I heard. The coach pounded one out in you, huh?"

Axel grinned. "He told you?"

"I guessed. He's pretty intuitive as to who likes cock."

"Yeh, some of my friends are too. The most fun we have is the altar boy stuff we do when it's our turn at church. We go naked underneath. It's a total rush. We all know we're doing it, but the adults haven't a fucking clue."

Colin laughed. "As long as I don't have to buy what you're selling I'm totally gonna have to start going to church, or at least help you change into those robes."

"Believe me, you aren't the only one. I've been bent over more than once with the robe lifted up so someone could fuck me. That's where I met my boyfriend. We fuck so much it really is religious. In so much as it's a `miracle' we haven't been caught yet."

"Damn! Stop or I'll get hard," Colin laughed. "You should join my club. We do stuff like that, but without the pretense of the bible study."

"You have a club?"

"Yeah. Me and Dylan started it. Main rule is everyone has to be naked at the meetings, and at most of our activities; and we must agree to have sex with each other. We have some members that are boyfriends, but in our meetings, they have to be okay with others fooling around with them."

"Holy shit! Now that club I'd join. How many people are in it?"

"We started with 12 and we've added a few since then, and lost Dylan, so I think we're at 15 now."

"Are they all gay?"

"We don't ask. As long as they're cool naked and having sex, we don't care," Colin said as they finished dressing.

"So, would I be able to join? Is there like an age limit or anything?"

"Yeah, you have to be under 16 to join, but can stay until you're 18."

"After that we could maybe form an adult club for everyone who wants to keep going," Axel suggested.

"We have an alliance with another group called the `Q' who will take our members anytime after they turn 16."

"Wicked. How big is that group?"

"Not exactly sure, but they're like a secret organization, and I think they're all over the world."

"Nice! You wanna hang out sometime and get to know each other better? I could introduce you to some of my friends and stuff. You'd like them, I'm pretty sure." Axel said as they headed out. "Maybe my boyfriend could even join with me."

"Sounds like a plan," Colin grinned as they exchanged numbers. He headed home thinking how hot Axel was, and realized that maybe not having sex with people wasn't gonna be as easy as he thought it would. By the time he got home, he was rock hard but trying to ignore it as he got into the piles of homework he had. It quickly killed his erection. He alternated between homework and texting friends who talked about their day, and what new information they'd found out about people. Boys don't gossip, they `share details'.

Colin loved getting Skype calls from Dylan and when the computer beeped with an incoming call, he flew across his room to answer it. They talked about school and what was going on in their lives since the last visit. Dylan complained about how much colder it was in Washington compared to California or Texas.

"Is that why you're not naked?" Colin laughed.

"No. I just got in and wanted to call you to tell you the news."


"Yeah," he grinned, then dropped what Colin considered a bombshell by announcing he had a new boyfriend.

"Brian?" Colin asked as he tried not to overreact to the news.

"No, Brian and I are just friends. I mean I can't let a guy with a nine incher get away, but he's not boyfriend material. "His name is Michael."

"Does he go to your school?"

"No, he's at John"

"University? How old is he?"

"22," Dylan beamed. "He's studying to be a doctor."

"You bagged a doctor," Colin said trying to show Dylan he was happy for him, but suddenly feeling like he wanted to puke. "Figures you'd be the one to do that."

"He's really good with anatomy. Mainly MY anatomy," he chuckled.

"Good to see some things are still the same," Colin laughed. They talked about everything else going on before finally saying goodnight and hung up. Colin tried to shake off the fact that Dylan had a new boyfriend, but he felt sick as he headed to bed and couldn't sleep. Even the following evening, he was still feeling upset as he went to pick Hunter up to go to the movies.

As soon as Hunter saw him, he knew something was wrong. "You don't look so good. Are you sick or something?" Hunter asked as he got in the car.

Colin just shook his head. "I'm okay."

"You don't sound okay."

"Just personal shit. Dylan got a new boyfriend. I'm just dealing."

"Sorry dude, but you're a good-looking guy, you'll get someone too. Then you'll bounce right back."

"Probably true," Colin agreed. It helped to hang out with Hunter as they focused on the movie and tons of junk food that goes with it.

The water polo team had their first game on Saturday and were pumped about it. They had arranged to meet at Quinn's place Friday night for a shaving party to ensure they were at their best. His main bathroom wasn't big enough for all of them at once. Evan said they could pair up, or go four at a time, but Quinn said that if it were a real team bonding thing like they'd planned, they should just do it in his room; and since most were already shaved smooth, it wouldn't take long to tidy up any stubble they had. As expected, several boys got erections as they shaved, or watched others, and while some were still a little shy about it, most of the guys just ignored it. At least until Blaine suggested they measure them. Quinn ran to his desk to grab a ruler, and one by one they had their penises measured. Even the shy guys didn't want to be left out and joined in, meaning that everyone had intimate knowledge of their team mates. A true bonding experience if ever there was one. They all agreed that they were gonna kick ass the next day, and talked about a few things before heading back home to get psyched for the first game.

They beat the visiting team 16 to 7, and were pumped as they jumped around and hit the locker room after shaking hands with the other team. Since both teams changed in the same locker rooms, with each having an assigned space, it was like polar opposites. One side was quiet and subdued, while the other noisy and boisterous. At the next practice, the boys stood naked on the deck, as they had since the beginning of the season.

"Boys, good win on Saturday. That's one down on our way to state. Keep up that level of teamwork and nothing will stop you. There were a few mistakes and we'll run drills on those today, but overall, an impressive first performance. The team bonding is working. As promised, since you won your game, you can now wear your speedos at practice. You can keep them until you lose, so if you don't want to be running laps bare ass naked on the school field after the next game, I suggest you keep working just as hard at each practice. We have an away game in a couple weeks, so let's practice hard and show them why we're gonna be state champs."

The boys scrambled into their speedos, some more enthusiastically than others. Shawn walked over to Colin. "I kinda liked practicing naked. Felt better."

"Don't tell coach that or you'll be the next one naked in his office," Colin laughed,

Shawn nervously joined his laugh. "How's Dylan? Have you heard from him since he left?"

"Sure, all the time," Colin replied and then lowered his voice. "Why? You miss his `tutoring'.

"He told you about that?"

"Just that he was tutoring you in...history...I think."

"Yeah. I was so close to failing but he helped me get a B, so I dodged that issue. He tell you anything else?"

"No, not really," Colin said as he paused. "Oh, just that his fee was that you had to give up your ass. How'd that go?"

"Shhh..." Shawn said looking around. "It only happened once and it wasn't a lot of fun. It really hurt."

"Well duh! You picked a guy with an eight-and-a-half-inch cock. Even a power bottom would feel that. Don't worry, I don't care who does what with who. Just glad you're still on the team and not on the bench."

"Me too," Shawn replied, feeling a bit embarrassed that Colin knew about both things.

"Well, hey, if you ever need additional tutoring in history, just ask. My fee isn't as big as Dylan's. I'm only 7½ inches."

"You're good at history?" Shawn asked, ignoring the part about the fee.

"No. I'm only getting a C in it, but doesn't mean I wouldn't like to tutor," he grinned. Shawn blushed.

The team worked their asses off for the next couple of weeks to get ready for their next game.

"I'll be back Saturday night!" Colin yelled as he ran out of the house, and jumped in the car for Mark to drive him over to the school to catch the bus for their away game in San Jose, which led at least three boys to ask the driver `Do you know the way to San Jose?', and then laughed at their own joke.

They checked into a Holiday Inn and got their room assignments, with many complaining they weren't in the room with the friend they wanted.

"You're a team, deal with it," the coach ordered as he headed to his own room.

A lot of the pairings were older players with younger ones, which Colin had a feeling the coach had done deliberately to help with continuity for the team. In with Colin was Shawn, who was his age, along with Quinn and Thomas, both 14. As soon as they got in the room, Shawn was the first to suggest that he and Colin should share a bed, and the two younger guys get other one.

"We'd have more room if I shared with Colin, and Thomas shared with you." Quinn suggested. "We're smaller so it makes more sense to give us more room in a bed."

"Whatever," Shawn replied. "Just make sure you stay on your own side of the bed, and no trying to hump me all night," he warned Thomas.

"Gross," Thomas replied.

"If that's the rule, then it's probably a good thing you aren't sleeping with me, Shawn. I'm used to a king size bed and I move all over the place...Oh, and I'm gay so there's that," Colin remarked.

Shawn laughed. "I dodged a bullet there. He's all yours, Quinn."

Quinn gave Colin a massive grin. "I can deal. I'll take a big stick to bed, and anything that touches me, I'll just whack it."

Colin rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what kind of whacking he hoped would be happening.

After dinner in a nearby restaurant, the coach told the boys to stick around the hotel and get to bed by 10. The team hit the pool and practiced some moves before tomorrow's game, while at the same time goofing around like teenagers do.

"Who's up for streaking tonight?" Ashton asked.

"Where?" Levi asked.

"Meet in my room at midnight," he replied. "Team bonding!" He yelled, and the guys cheered.

As requested, they all arrived in Ashton's room at midnight and stripped everything including shoes. "We'll run down the hall to the stairwell, and go down to the parking lot. Go across it and back up here," Ashton announced. "No chickening out if we see people. Just run faster so we don't get caught. Let's go!"

He flung the door open and the guys began piling into the hallway. Half of them were out when an older couple turned the corner halfway down.

"Abort! Abort!" Jackson yelled, and the boys immediately turned around and jammed up together trying to get back into the room and shut the door.

"What happened to not chickening out?" Josh asked.

"False start," Jackson replied as they waited a couple minutes before one of them peeked out to see if the coast was clear. This time they left the room a bit slower and once everyone was out, they began to run for the far stairwell. They bolted down four floors to the basement and streaked across the parking lot at full speed to the other set of doors, and back into the second stairwell. They raced up three flights and out into the hallway. They had gotten part way down when Rob yelled that they were on the wrong floor.

"Keep going! Quinn said quickly. "To the stairwell and back up. They got to the junction of the second hallway and almost slammed right into two college age guys returning to the hotel.

"Nice! Go guys!" They said cheering them on. Several of the team waved or tried to high five them as they raced by, and laughed when they heard a wolf whistle once they were past, and almost to the stairwell. They headed up to the correct floor and burst into the hallway to find the coach standing outside Ashton's room with his arms folded.

"Boys! Clothes and bed," he said shaking his head with a smile as they slowed down to approach him. He watched them enter and followed them. "No one thought to check for video cameras?"

"Shit! Really?" Jackson asked. "Are we in trouble?"

"No, but the night manager asked me to get you before someone reported your adventure. Nice to see you all bonding. Let's try not to end up in jail somewhere bonding against guys named Cyclone and Skullcrusher. Breakfast is at 9. Go get some sleep," he said as the boys got dressed.

Colin and his roommates made their way back to their room, not saying a word until they were safely back inside. "That was awesome!!" Quinn said as he jumped on the bed. "I've never done that before, but we gotta do it again for sure."

"Yeah, it was pretty cool," Thomas agreed, but a little less enthusiastically. The guys got ready for bed, sharing the bathroom to brush their teeth. All four boys followed the lead of their peers, and wore their underwear to bed. Almost as soon as the covers were over them and the lights were out, Quinn took his underwear off and showed it to Colin.

"Dude!" He whispered. "Put them back on."

"I thought you'd like it," he whispered back as he slid his hand into the top of Colin's underwear and grabbed his cock with one hand, and tried to use his other hand to pull them down. Colin lifted his head to look at the other bed, but they were already working on getting to sleep.

"Fine, but be quiet," Colin whispered quietly as he removed his underwear and let Quinn get a better feel of him, causing him to rapidly expand, shutting off his reasoning center. Colin reached over to take hold of Quinn, but not until he'd taken a quick peek under the covers to see his penis this time. "Nice dick," he whispered as a compliment. The boys jerked off together as quietly as they could. Like it was in the hot tub, Quinn didn't last long, but Colin recognized the impending climax and quickly pushed the covers off him so he could see the explosion. Quinn didn't disappoint as he filled his belly button and coated his stomach with a decent load. Colin pushed the covers the rest of the way off himself as he reached over to grab some tissues to clean Quinn up. He then lay back and jerked himself off whispering at Quinn to get closer and watch. The boy wiggled down the bed and kept feeling Colin up as he watched him masturbate. Once he shot off, Quinn had a smile on his face that Colin thought might never go away. They both snuck quietly to the bathroom and wiped up a bit more before returning to bed.

Once morning arrived, it was Thomas and Shawn that were up first to use the bathroom. Quinn stepped out of bed once they had both finished, and they looked at him. "Did you sleep naked?" Thomas asked.

"Of course. How do you sleep?" Quinn replied making a point to scratch his balls.

"Uhhh, in my underwear."

"Must be restrictive," Quinn said casually.

"What do you sleep in Colin?" Thomas inquired.

"Nothing either," he answered.

"You both slept naked together?" Shawn ask, shaking his head. "Was there some funny business going on while we were asleep?"

"Nothing funny about two guys whackin' off," Colin said shrugging, "otherwise we would have had boners all night. Nothing funny about that at all."

Colin stepped out of bed to prove he was naked, and both boys hit the bathroom together. They took their pisses and jumped in the shower with each other, leaving the bathroom door partially open for the steam to escape. As Colin helped Quinn wash his back, it didn't take long before both boys were hard again. "I guess you need that taking care of? Colin asked as he reached for it.

"I think you're awesome. My Mom said I couldn't sleepover until they knew you better, so this was really fun," Quinn admitted.

"Then you're gonna love this," Colin smirked as he dropped to his knees and took Quinn into his mouth for his first blowjob. The younger boy grabbed hold of Colin and the wall and held on for the impending climax, which took less time than the handjobs. They finished their shower and Colin slapped Quinn on the ass as they got out of the shower. "Next time, you learn to suck, then I'm taking your cherry. Quinn hugged him before they brushed their teeth and did their hair before returning to the bedroom as naked as they'd left.

"Were you two making out in there or something," Shawn commented.

"If you really wanted to know Shawn, you would have come in to find out," Colin said teasing, as he dug through his bag for clothes. They dressed and met the rest of the team for breakfast in the restaurant.

"Where were did you end up last night?" Martin asked Axel, as they had been put in the same room with Barry & Luke.

"Hooked up with someone. Spent the night there," he replied. "Why, you miss me?"

"Not really. It gave me the bed to myself, so no complaints here."

"You had your fun last night boys, but now it's time to get serious," the coach announced. "The team you are going up against today is one of the toughest in the state. Win and you not only put yourself in a good position for the rest of the season, you also get to keep the speedos for practices. Two good reasons to give this your better than best effort. Stay focused, remember your positions and anticipate the throw coming. I want to see you obliterate them!"

The boys cheered and began to pump each other up.

As they headed back to the rooms to pack, Colin spoke to Axel quietly. "Coach's room?"

"All fuckin' night! It was perfect," he grinned. "My ass is so open I'm gonna sink to the bottom of the pool as I fill with water," he said in jest.

It was a few hours to the meet, so they explored town for a bit before boarding the bus and heading over to the high school. The home team was already in the locker room when they arrived, but a space had been set aside for them to change. They acknowledged each other as they sized up the competition and headed out to the pool to begin. At the end of the first quarter the San Jose team was ahead 3 to 2 and the coach gave them a short pep talk of `you know you're losing, right?' By half time things had improved, and the boys had pulled ahead by two and the score had moved to 9 to 7. The score stayed close, moving back and forth until the final whistle where the guys had beaten San Jose by a near margin of 14 to 13, and only because their goalie had managed to stop a penalty shot in the last few minutes. The boys lined up and shook hands before heading to the locker room to shower and change.

While it wasn't unusual for the teams at this level to share locker rooms, it wasn't common for them to interact before the game, and rarer still afterward. Colin was showering with his team when one of the San Jose boys came up next to him and took an empty shower head.

"Great game," the guy said to Colin. You guys are good."

"Thanks. You are too," Colin said returning the compliment as he snuck a peak at the guy next to him soaping up to get the chlorine off his skin.

"Hardin," the guy said, introducing himself after he washed the shampoo out of his hair.

"What?" Colin said quickly staring down at himself. "No, I'm not."

"No. Me, I'm Hardin," he repeated.

"That's okay that happens to me sometimes too. Just use colder water."

He laughed. "No, that's my name. Hardin. Did you think I said hard on?"

"Sorry," Colin blushed "I think I must have water in my ears. Now I feel stupid."

"It's cool. Trust me I get worse. My nick name is Hard on...for obvious reasons."

Colin stared at the guys penis and tried not to stare at it. The guy had one of those long thin penises when it was soft that made it look really big. He could only imagine how often guys teased him. "I'm Colin. Only nickname I have is Oreo. For eating Oreos."

"I'll trade you," Hardin laughed as Blaine came to join them.

"This is Blaine," Colin said introducing him.

"Hardin," Hardin replied.

"You first!" Blaine grinned as he looked down at the new guy's penis. "Geez Colin, you always find the cute horny boys first."

"That's his name. Hardin," Colin smirked as Hardin laughed.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were telling me to...never mind," Blaine replied feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I wouldn't mind, but no, that's actually my name."

"Great ice breaker if you were gay," Colin said as he pushed Blaine under the shower head, and handed him the shampoo.

"It works," Hardin admitted as he soaped his crotch in full view of Colin and Blaine.

"Jesus, I gonna hardin in a minute if you keep doing that," Colin joked.

"Are you guys staying in town tonight?"

"I wish. No, we're heading back as soon as we have something to eat."

"Too bad. Maybe next time we play each other we could hang out," Hardin suggested. "We could swap numbers and stay in touch."

"That'd be cool."

"Cool," Hardin said as he finished showering and head back to his teams changing area. Colin also finished and head to his locker area. He had barely got it open before Hardin was right next to him with his towel around his shoulders, otherwise just as naked as before. He handed his phone over to Colin, who also did the same with his. The entered their numbers and returned the phones. Hardin thanked him and left.

The team got dressed and slowly exited the locker room to gather in the lobby, where the coach announced they would be boarding the bus in 20 minutes and to just `pop a squat' somewhere. Colin was about to sit down in a nearby chair as Hardin ran over to him.

"Not leaving right away?" He asked obviously having heard the coach.

"20 minutes, I guess."

"Come with me. I'll show you around a bit," he said nodding his head. Colin dropped his backpack with Jackson and said he'd be right back. He followed Hardin down the hall.

"I'm here all the time. I'm also on the swim team as an alternate. Water polo is my main sport though."

"Cool, mine too. I surf too though. You?"

"A bit, but I'm not that good at it. He stopped and looked at Colin. "Umm, you're gay, right?"

"Is it that obvious?" Colin asked smiling.

"No, but I saw you checking me out in the locker room, so that why I came over to meet you."

Colin didn't tell Hardin that he hadn't actually seen him until he was standing right next to him in the shower. "Glad you did. Sorry about the hard-on thing."

"It's all good. You wanna maybe...?" He said nodding his head toward the handicap bathroom they were standing beside.

"Hell yeah! That'll make the trip home better." The boys rushed into the single oversize bathroom and were all over each other almost before the door was fully locked. They kissed while they basically tore each other's clothes off and grabbed cocks. It was Hardin that went down on Colin first to get him down his throat, before Colin pulled him back up and they switched positions. Neither one had lube, so they decided against trying to fuck, but each went back down on the other to make him cum. Once they had both been satisfied, they got dressed, and kissed one last time before heading out.

"Next time, I'll remember lube," Colin grinned.

"Me too. You ever come to town without the team?"

"I have a car, so I could," Colin agreed.

"Cool. We'll set something up." They fist bumped and Hardin head off to join his friends as Colin rejoined the team. Blaine quickly came over to Colin.

"Did you just do him?"

"What can I say. I was being polite and thanking our hosts for having us here."

"Slut!" Blaine teased.


"Yeah! Duh!"

"We're gonna hook up again. I'll let you know when and I'm sure he'd be cool with you joining in."

Blaine fist bumped him, and the conversation switched to talking about the game and their close win. They realized they'd have to get a hell of a lot better if they wanted to be state champs after such a tight game and the mistakes they made. The coach made sure to point some of them out on the trip back home.

Several days later, Hunter and Colin were on the boardwalk to do more rollerblading, where Hunter was actually getting pretty good at it. "So, my little brother asked me if he was allowed to play naked with a girl or not."

Colin laughed. "Well August is 13. That's about the age where the hormones are taking control of his brain."

"Yeah, but it wasn't August, it was Skyler," Hunter said shaking his head.

"Damn. They're starting early. How old is he?"


Colin laughed again. "Guess you're having the talk with the other brother after all."

"Yeah, I guess so. I can't believe the kid's already talking about girls. When I was that age, girls were still gross."

"Welcome to my world," Colin joked. "Except boobs. They're pretty awesome. August probably told Skyler what you explained to him, and he just put his own facts to it as he tries to figure it out. What did you tell him when he asked?"

"I told him that he should probably keep his clothes on around girls. Then he asked if that meant he should keep clothes on around boys too. I said that boys were okay to change in front of each other as they'd both be boys. Like we did as brothers a lot of the time."

"Well, that's how us gay guys get started. We see a penis and boom we're off and running," Colin laughed.

"Skyler asked if it was okay to have a stiffie around other boys next."

Colin laughed. "Maybe I am glad I don't have kid brothers. I wonder if I was that annoying around Carter. I'm sure I probably was. What did you say?"

"I told him they were a normal body function, but he should try to keep those to himself, but not to worry about them as all boys get them, and it's no big deal if another boy sees one."

"Good advice. I'll put money on the fact that he relays that information word for word to his best friend and they check to see if they both get them."

"He's already done that. He has a friend, Robbie, who slept over and the two of them came in to my room stark naked with boners. Robbie asked if it was true that all boys got them."

"You're becoming a sex counsellor."

"I just told him yes, and that they shouldn't be running around the house without clothes because girls might not understand. That was the last I heard about that issue. I hope I'm good until he's 13."

"I doubt it," Colin smirked. "As soon as I knew my penis was for more then peeing, I was all over Carter to explain it to me. He mostly just told me to ignore it, but finally gave in and got me laid when I was 13 figuring that would shut me up."

"How'd that work out?"

"Great for me! I got laid by a girl and a boy so I could figure out which I liked and boom! Here I am today! If I were you, I'd show Skyler about masturbating, rather than just tell him, and include August. Have a `brother' talk. Let them get the facts with visuals. Answer any questions they have. Now that you know more, you can do a better job at it."

"Only a gay guy could come up with that solution," Hunter smirked slightly. "If I teach them how to masturbate, that's all they'll want to do. You should hang out with them and you won't think that's such a good idea."

"I think it'd be fun to have little brothers around."

"Yeah, you won't if you spend just one day with them."

"Okay. Set it up. We'll all go out somewhere together. Bring them over here to go swimming or we could go to Disneyland."

"Take them to Disneyland? Are you nuts? A day of masturbating sounds sane compared to taking them to Disneyland. Swimming's not a bad idea. They'd like that. But you'll regret it real fast."

"I think it'll be fun," Colin grinned, not having dealt with younger siblings before. They agreed to plan a day out with his siblings. Hunter kept insisting he'd regret it.

End of Chapter.

Be sure to check out the main story at It the longest short story EVER.

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Next: Chapter 12

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