Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Jul 28, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

While you have your hand in your pants...think about grabbing something else. Your donate to Nifty. They'll appreciate your help, big or small. Now on with the story.

Colin Chapter 25

"Axel has asked to join our club, and I'm here to introduce him to all of you for consideration," Colin said as the group all settled down onto the couches. They remained in their underwear, as required by the club bylaws for initiating a new member. It had been a controversial bylaw addition, as some said that the `always naked' rule should still apply. After a good 45 seconds of debate, they agreed that it would be more fun to have the new recruit take their underwear down one by one when it was time to be introduced to him. Colin sat down, leaving Axel, still fully dressed, standing in front of the group.

Trent got up and walked over to him. "Axel, before we consider you for membership into the Handie Boys, you'll have to pass a few initiation tests. The first rule is that clothes are not permitted inside the clubhouse. They are to be left in the change area beside the door. It is also expected that all members will be comfortable having sex with each other. You are permitted to have an exclusive boyfriend outside of this club, but inside here, everyone may have sex with anyone else. You can say no to someone if you're not in the mood, but you can't stop your boyfriend or brother from having sex if they want it. Also, we respect the limits of each member's abilities. Are you willing to follow these rules as described?"

"Yes, definitely," Axel grinned as he nodded.

"Good. Today will be your first test," Trent continued. "Once I sit down, remove your clothes and introduce yourself, your hobbies, what things you have done sexually, and why you want to join. After that is complete, you'll meet each of us one by one by coming over and removing our underwear. The member will introduce himself, and you will acknowledge him by taking his penis into your mouth for 15 seconds, and show him your oral skill. If more than half the members get erections, you will move to round two. If they don't, you will be excused, and membership will not be granted."

Colin leaned in whisper in Blaine's ear. "That rule is almost unnecessary. Most of us have boners before our underwear is off."

"I know. I have one now," Blaine replied having seen Axel naked at practices, and couldn't wait to play with him.

"I'll explain round two only if you get that far," Trent said as he sat down and all attention turned to Axel.

Axel began by removing his clothes, showing that he was fully erect. "Hi! I'm Axel. I'm 14, gay, and I like football, basketball, soccer, water polo, and kangaroo riding. I've done tons of sexual stuff, like I love getting fucked, and I've been called a power bottom. I like fucking too, but most guys hear that I like to be fucked, and that's all they want to do. I wanted to join your club `cause I'd like to spend time with more guys like me, where I can put my sexual energy to work, and I thought you'd be a place I'd fit in."

"Did he say kangaroo riding?" Jeremy whispered to Cole.

Cole just shrugged and rubbed his crotch in anticipation of the upcoming blowjob he was going to get.

"Okay, Axel, time to meet each member of the club," Trent told him. "Get on your knees in front of someone and remove his underwear. He will introduce himself as you take his penis into your mouth. Don't forget to cup his balls too."

Axel wasted no time going over to the guy at the far left and dropping to his knees. He grabbed the side of the underwear and pulled it down to remove it completely, almost licked his lips as the penis came into view. He cupped the balls and put the penis in his mouth.

"I'm Harlan, 14 and enjoy kissing the most," he said introducing himself. The 15 seconds ended, and Axel moved down the line one by one. Several of the guys had erections long before Axel got to them, and by the time he was done each boy had a full erection. Trent introduced himself by saying he loved power bottoms who gave good head the most, causing some of the guys to laugh.

Once Axel had met everyone, he returned to the center of the room and Trent got up to stand next to him. "I'd say that looking around at our members, that it's unanimous that you be allowed to continue on to round two of our initiation process. This round is where we share you with each other. Pick some to blow you. He'll keep at it until you cum in his mouth. He'll go over to another member and let your cum run from his mouth to theirs. Then he'll pass it to someone else and so on until everyone has tasted you. That way you'll be part of all of us. Who would you like to go down on you?"

"Blaine?" He said more as a question.

"Blaine, get to work," Trent said as he sat down and they all watched as he sucked Axel off, getting him to cum in a few minutes. Then with a mouthful of jizz, he went over to Colin and put his face over his and waited for Colin to open his mouth before letting it pour out. Colin passed it to the next guy and they all watched as it continued until the end. "Good job. Now you're part of all of us. The final round is that we're going to try out some of your sexual skills. You said you are a power bottom, as well as enjoy fucking. To show us you were paying attention, please pick two members by name that you didn't know before today. One to fuck you, and one you'd like to fuck. Not everyone has taken anal yet, so those who can bottom, stand up." The 8 guys that could take a dick stood up.

"Someone I only met today?" Axel repeated. "Okay, Ummm...I pick Harlan to fuck."

"Yes!" Harlan said out loud as Patrick fist bumped him.

"And for the guy you'd like to fuck you?" Trent asked. "You can pick anyone of the guys for that."

"Uhhh," Axel said looking around at the guys. "I'll pick Jeremy."

Trent explained the round as soon as the other two joined Axel up front. "For this round you have chosen to fuck Harlan and be fucked by Jeremy. You can do this anyway you want, but the rule is that you must cum last. Make sure we see each of you actually cum. If you succeed, you are a full member."

All three boys moved to the center of the room to get ready. "Ummm, Jeremy, you fuck me first. Maybe doggy style. Then I'll do Harlan after you cum. I think that would work best."

They agreed and got into position. Everyone watched as Jeremy entered Harlan from behind and fucked him, taking very little time before he pulled out and shot his load onto Harlan's back. They were handed some tissues to clean up before switching positions. Harlan lay on his back as directed by Axel and the guys threw some pillows to them so he could prop his ass up. There wasn't a lot of foreplay to get Harlan ready, except to shove some lube into him. Axel pushed himself inside and then just stayed still as he grabbed Harlan's cock and jerked him off to completion. Then, he leaned in and began to fuck, which took less than a minute before he pulled out and sprayed his small load onto Harlan's stomach to mix with the mess already there. The guys cheered as Harlan cleaned up. With all the activity in front of them, it hadn't taken much for some of the other guys to create their own fun by taking hold of the guy next to them and jerking off together.

"Congratulations, Axel. You have successfully completed the initiation. Welcome to the Handie Boys," Trent said. "As a new member, for the next month, in order to ensure you are committed to the club, there are a series of three tasks that are done outside of this meeting. Task one: You must not wear underwear, except if a jock strap is required for gym class. If anyone notices how big your cock is in your pants, you are to offer to let them see it. If they accept, you will pull it out and show them, no matter where you are. Task two is to get an erection while showering in public. It could be after one of your gym classes or school sports, or even the pool. Ignore it and walk back to your locker to get dressed without hiding it. Task three. "Flirt with three boys and get them to ask you for at least a kiss or blowjob. Then refuse and walk away without explanation."

"Snap!" Jin yelled out. "That's the worst!" Other agreed, but smiled.

"Do you accept these challenges?"

"Of course! Sexy!" He said as he went up and ran his hand up and down Trent's chest, grinning.

"Nice try. We wouldn't fall for that to help you complete the task."

"I dunno. I'm pretty sexy and I'm super good in bed. I could suck your cock so well I could cave in the top of your head from the suction."

Several guys laughed.

"Okay guys, the initiation process is over for today. Let's have our meeting."

The guys talked about various things, mainly which boys they thought were cute and who might make good members. They all agreed that none of them liked the passing of the cum from one to the other and quickly scrapped it from the initiation process. They agreed it could still be used for a dare challenge or something in the future though. They planned a bike ride in a slightly busier area than the trail they'd hiked as they figured some people wouldn't even clue in that they were naked, and those that did, they be by them so fast that they wouldn't see anything. After that, some played video games or got into sex with each other. Basically, it was less like a meeting and more like hanging out.

"That was awesome!" Axel said excitedly as he came and sat next to Colin. "I thought I might not make it when I got in Harlan. My dick was super sensitive. That's why I didn't move until I got him to cum first," he revealed.

"It worked!" Colin smiled. "I'm glad you passed, although I never doubted you would. What happened to your boyfriend? I thought you were gonna get him to join as well?"

"I figured I should check it out first so I knew what to expect. I'll try to get all my other friends to join. This could be huge!"

"We're hoping for that, eventually. Mostly we're trying to get younger guys that are just starting out so they know it's cool to be gay or at least be with other boys. Their tasks aren't necessarily as sexual if they haven't done stuff before, but we're here to teach them as well."

"That's good or they might never pass," Axel replied. "Do you think it'd be okay if I got pizza for everyone? I'm kinda hungry after all that."

"I don't think anyone would object, but that'd be kinda expensive."

"It's okay, I got some money. I played poker last night and made a killing," he revealed.

"Poker? At coach's house?"

"Yeah! That was the best night ever. I met another guy my age, and we got to hang out with these older guys. All they wanted to do was have sex with us and play with our bodies. We made tons of tips. Then the coach let us sleepover."

"Sounds familiar," Colin replied.

"You've been there too?"

"Yeah, my ex took me once. Wasn't my thing, but he really liked it."

"I loved it. Never been fucked so many times in one night before. He said I could go back if I wanted."

"Do you like it when coach fucks you?"

"Yeah. He knows what he's doing, that's for sure." Axel went off to order the pizza, and the guys hung out for another couple hours before drifting off home.

A few days later, Colin jumped in his car and drove over to Carter's as he needed to talk to him. If there was one thing his big brother was good for, it was advice. He entered the apartment and immediately turned his nose up at the smell. He looked around the living room and stood staring at the naked guy passed out on the couch and the half naked girl on the floor. There were empty bottles everywhere. He grinned as he imagined what his parents would say if he threw that kind of party at home. Colin spun around, after checking out the naked guy one last time, and headed for Carter's bedroom. He pushed the door open slowly to peek in, and found him sleeping with Daphne. He was going to wake them up, but remembered the shrieking the last time he'd scared her. He headed for his own room and almost shot off in his pants as he entered. A girl was sitting on some guy's face as another guy stood over them being blown by the girl while he played with her boobs. Colin just stood and stared, until the guy being blown noticed him.

"Dude, take a picture why don'tcha," he said bluntly. Colin pulled out his phone and took some pictures. The guy on his back pushed the girl up to look at who had entered.

"You're Carter's kid brother, aren't you? The gay one?"

"Yeah, Colin. And he's only got one," he smiled.

"This is your room, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah. I could leave if you want privacy. Do you know if that naked guy on the couch available for anyone to use?"

"Probably not a good idea. Why don't you join in with us? I could use a good blowjob," he offered, as the guy standing scrambled off the bed. Colin grinned as he stared at the guy's boner swinging in front of him. The guy dropped to his knees, quickly unfastening Colin's pants, yanking them down so he could step out of them. He grabbed Colin's backpack and tossed it aside, unzipped the hoodie and flung it aside before pulling his t-shirt off over his head. Colin was led naked over to the side of the bed, and bent over so he could get to the hard cock of the guy lying sprawled out. The girl returned to her comfortable seat on the guy's face.

Colin felt his ass being lubed up and pushed back slightly, moaning, to let the guy know he wanted it. When he felt the guy's cock rubbing his crack, he reached back and spread his cheeks to encourage him. The older guy smiled and watched as Carter's kid brother almost begged to be fucked, wiggling backward.

"God, we are gonna be in so much trouble if Carter catches us fucking his little brother," the guy said as he began to penetrate the tight hole.

The girl just shrugged as she watched, allowing her pussy to be eaten. "Guess he should have locked the front door then."

"He did. I have a key," Colin said as he paused the blowjob to respond, and concentrate on the hard cock entering him. Once the guy was fully in, Colin returned to sucking the other guy off. They played for another half hour before deciding to take a break and head out to the living room. Some of the party guests had begun to stir and Colin stopped as soon as he saw his brother in the kitchen.

"Colin? What the fuck are you doing here?" Carter asked.

"Just saying hi to your guests. I came over to see if you wanted to hang out, but you were sleeping, so I went to my room and a bunch of people were in my bed. I figured you left them in there for me, so I joined in."

"Jesus Christ, Colin. I swear to god, I'll take your keys away if you keep doing this. I've told you before. Don't fuck my friends! You're 17, do you know how much shit I'd be in?"

"Like I'd say anything. It's not like they could check my ass to see if I'd had anal. That ship sailed years ago, dude! Like out in the middle of the ocean kinda sailed."

What do you want, Colin?"

"Nothing. I just came to hang out. That guy on the couch that's still asleep...Can I have him too, or is he taken?"

"Dude, I love your kid brother. He's alright, man," the guy that had fucked him said, putting his arm around Colin's shoulder, getting a big grin out of the younger Worthington.

"He's a pain in the ass is what he is," Carter replied as he made some coffee. "Why come over so early in the morning, bro?"

"It's like 10:30," Colin chuckled. "Must have been a crazy wild party, huh?"

"Yeah, it was decent," he admitted.

"Did you see our stocks jumped up this morning? I think we should sell a couple before they tank," Colin said changing the subject.

"I think I need coffee, and you need clothes before we talk business. Not really the time little man."

"Who are you callin' little? Colin asked as he grabbed his dick and lifted it up for them to see.

"He's got you there, Carter. The boy isn't little," one of the other guys said.

"I need a shower to deal with this," Carter said as he took two cups of coffee towards his bedroom. Colin turned to look at the two guys and the girl in the kitchen with him.

"Guess we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Karl. That's Jules and Lonny."

"Colin. Nice to meet you."

"I can see the resemblance. You definitely look like Carter," Karl told him. "I guess I should go get cleaned up. Make me a coffee double cream and sugar. I'll be right back."

"Such an insult. I'm WAY better looking than Carter," Colin mumbled as he watched Karl head to the main bathroom. "Shit, I should go take a piss before he locks himself in there." He raced after him and entered just as Karl was getting in the shower.

"Looking for round two?" Karl grinned.

"I was just gonna take a piss, but I'm always up for a shower!" He said as he dropped to his knees at the side of the tub and quickly took Karl into his mouth.

"Jesus, Colin! I gotta put you on Ritalin, or lock you in a cage," Carter said barging into the bathroom. "What part of don't fool around with my friends isn't clear?"

Colin looked back and stopped. "Technically, you said don't fuck my friends. I came in to take a piss and Karl needed my help. I'm only giving him a blowjob."

"Sorry Karl. The kid needs to be kept on a leash. Come on ya little pervert, let's go!" He said as he leaned over to grab his younger brother.

"I'm not done yet! HEY! Put me down, Carter. He's mine!!" He complained as he quickly put Karl's penis back in his mouth.

Carter lifted him up, and it was like Colin was superglued to Karl's dick. By the time he got him up high enough, the cock popped out of his mouth like a champagne cork.

"I'll be back!" Colin said in his best Schwarzenegger accent, as Carter dragged his sibling out.

"Don't you get enough with your own friends?"

"Define `enough', he said using air quotes as he stood up. "You know Karl's gonna be mad at you all day now. He'll have blue balls and it'll be all your fault."

"He'll live. The same might not be true for you."

"I could make your parties a lot more lively ya know. Two holes, no waiting. I could be the guy who warms up the crowd before the main show."

"Or you could just not do that and keep your holes to yourself, and phone ahead."

"Geez. Someone sure is pissy when he doesn't get laid in the morning," Colin teased as he was taken back to his bedroom and told to get dressed.

"I get laid plenty thanks."

"I still have to piss ya know," Colin complained as he pulled clothes on.

"Go use my bathroom. I already warned Daphne you're here."

"Warned? What am I a weapon of mass destruction? Never mind. Don't answer that," He said heading to the other bathroom. "Hi Daphne!" He said as he entered and found her sitting up in bed with her laptop.

"Morning Colin," she replied sweetly. He did his business and returned to the bedroom, jumping on the bed next to Daphne to see what she was looking at. "Just checking emails?" He asked redundantly.

"Yeah, keeping up with work. What brings you over today?"

"Was gonna get Carter's help with some stocks, but I got sidetracked with the party guests out there."

"You know if you ever need anything that he can't help with, feel free to ask me if I can do anything."

"Sweet thanks. So how was the party last night?"

"Pretty decent, but remind me not to drink again," she said rubbing her head for emphasis.

"I hear ya. Been there, done that. Did it turn into like a massive orgy?"

"You really do have a one-track mind, don't you little brother?" Carter said as he came into the bedroom.

"Do you have like a tracker on me or something?" Colin complained. "You're always showing up at the wrong moment."

"Or the right moment. I think you and I should go get some breakfast. You want me to bring you anything, babe?" He asked Daphne.

"No, I'm good thanks. All I need is water right now, but thanks."

He kissed her and slapped Colin on the leg. "Come on. Let's go."

"You're just gonna leave Daphne here unprotected? What if everyone out there tries to start a gang bang with her?"

"I can handle myself," Daphne grinned.

"No one is going to start a gang bang, Colin. People our age can actually control themselves. Not like your friends."

"Sound boring, plus I think you're lying. I walked in on sex in progress, and they stuffed me so fast you'd have thought I was the thanksgiving turkey. And, you've got naked people in the living room."

"That was then. This is now. Come on ya little homo," he chuckled as he led him out of the bedroom to the kitchen.

"So, you and Daphne are getting along pretty good huh?"

"Yeah. She's pretty great."

"And hot. I like her more than most of the girls you have brought home."

"Me too, buddy. Me too! Between you and me, I think she's the one."

"The one what?" Colin asked looking at Carter with a slight frown.

"The one I'm going to marry."

"Cool. Well if you're settling down with just one girl, can I have your other friends? I promise to look after them for you."

"They're not my personal property, and what have I been saying to you for the past half hour? Stop having sex with my friends."

"Your lips say it, but your eyes don't mean it," he smirked as he looked over at the couch and noticed the naked guy was sitting up. "Be right back." He walked away from Carter and sat down next to the guy he'd originally checked out. "Nice balls. You did a good job of shaving," he complimented.

"Uhhh, thanks? Who are you?" the guy said looking at Colin through foggy post drinking eyes.

"I'm Colin. Carter's better-looking kid brother. Do you need a blowjob or anything now that you're up?"

"No. I'm straight, thanks."

"No worries. Straight boys like blowjobs too. Just holler for me if you want anything. I'll be in the kitchen having breakfast."

He bounced up and rejoined Carter. "And how come you didn't try to stop me with that guy?" He asked his brother inquisitively.

"Because John's straight. I knew you wouldn't get anywhere."

"Is that a challenge? You know I love a good dare. I'll bet I could suck his dick before he leaves?"

"I'll double that and bet if you tried, you'd leave here with considerably less teeth than when you arrived."

"Okay, point taken," Colin said. It wasn't long before all Carter's friends finally left, with only Daphne remaining. The two boys sat and worked on some stock and real estate ideas before Carter said he needed some alone time.

"No problem. You want me to tell Daphne to leave so we can be alone, or are you gonna do it?" He asked.

"You're the one that's leaving. I need alone time with my girlfriend."

"Why? You don't have a boner?" He said looking at Carter's crotch."

"Despite your approach to dating, it's not sex 24/7."

"Then you're doing it wrong. This is why straight people are so angry and upset all the time. They don't get laid enough," he reasoned as Carter pushed him out the door.

"Bye Colin!"

"Later Carter," he grinned and headed home.

By the end of the week, he'd received a group email from the Handie Boys to let everyone know to meet at the club Sunday afternoon. They were gonna initiate three more guys and then party hard with them. The Handie Boys were growing fast as each new member convinced others to join. Some of the older members were becoming busy with other things, but all at least tried to show up for the initiations, as it was always fun to see the reaction of the younger guys to their games.

Back at school, the team won their next several matches and were feeling pretty confident about how things were going. The coach came up and patted Colin on the back. "Great job at practice today. You and Jackson really have this team whipped into shape."

"Thanks coach. We've been trying to share the responsibilities more so he learns everything before I graduate."

"It's working. He's doing fine. You two hook up yet?"

Colin gave a small smile. "No, he's straight, coach."

"Haven't I taught you anything other than water polo?" He grinned. "I suggest you get into that virgin ass before I do. I'm sure he'd love you to be the one to take his cherry. Offer him a blowjob first. Trust me, he'll thank you for it afterward and probably beg for more. The older brother has a fine ass. Have you tapped that?"

"He and Blaine are monogamous."

"Does Blaine know that?" He's got a pretty sweet ass on him. Well worth the tickets for several rides."

Colin chose not to ask how the coach knew that as he didn't want to know.

"Anyway, I wanted to follow up and find out if you still planning on leaving the team?"

"Things have calmed down a bit coach, so I might stay if that's still okay?"

"Great news. It wouldn't be the same around here with you at the helm. We're in the number two spot right now, and if you boys keep playing the way you are, it won't be long before you're number one. There have been some big improvements. Those team bonding things you're doing are obviously working," he laughed as he slapped Colin on the ass. Colin wondered if the coach really would take Jackson at some point, but decided not to concentrate on it. "Let's go to my office and get some lotion on your skin to avoid it drying out from the chlorine." Colin didn't even try to object as he followed the coach into the office and allowed himself to be stripped and fucked while lotion was being applied. The coach had two favorite positions; one with Colin bent over the desk to take him from behind. The other with Colin on his back legs up, so he could fuck and stroke him at the same time. Today he was on his back.

It was a month later when Carter invited Colin out to dinner so he could talk to him. Colin was eagerly waiting when his brother pulled up. They drove to a fancy restaurant and got seated. Neither boy was a stranger to upscale restaurants having grown up at them, so unlike many guys Colin's age, he knew how to behave in them.

"I wanted to talk to you man to man. I need something from you," Carter said as he started the conversation.

"Sorry dude! I'm still using my brain. You can't have it," Colin replied.

"Why would I want half a brain? But seriously, this is important, bro. I want you to move to Vancouver," he said directly.

"What? Why? I'm not moving to Vancouver. I'm still in school dude, and I'm 17. You might want to reconsider that borrowing my brain thing."

"I meant after you finish school. I'd like you to take over things for me."

"My life is here. All my friends are here. Why the fuck would I move to another country? Did I do something wrong? I promise not to try and fuck your friends anymore."

"No, just the opposite. I want you to completely take over the North American side of the Q Society. You'd be the CEO. Plus, we have a lot of real estate and business interests in Vancouver now, and most of it has your name on it already. You get 50% of your trust when you turn 18, which is gonna be over 150 mil, so you'll have enough money to get by with. I've been franchising the Q' all over the world, and it's worth a fortune, but I want to concentrate on growing Europe right now. Lots of opportunities there for both the Q' and for real estate."

"What? How is a bunch of gay guys making out with each other worth so much?"

They're DINKS," Carter explained.

"Seems harsh."

"No. Double Income No Kids. They have a lot of disposable money and our clubs give them the place to spend it. The business model is a good one. Let young guys in and teach them that they are not alone; provide a safe environment to be themselves, and when they get older, they're loyal to the organization and help to make it a success. Canada is more open than most countries, even more than a lot of U.S. states, so it's a good place to operate from and help other countries that are not as tolerant. In the few years that we've been operating, we have clubs in most major North American cities and they all pay franchise fees. We started some up in Europe as well. I'll be able to help build that side of the organization while I'm over there, but I won't have the time to run it all. I'll help you with finances and we'll split the profit. You'll also have a good solid real estate investment company if you want it. I have lots of people working for me, and once I transfer things, they'll be yours, but I'll still be here for a while to help you figure it all out."

"When would I need to let you know?" Colin asked sitting back in his chair.

"The faster you decide, the more time you and I will have together, so I can show you the ropes. The `Q' needs to be run by someone who really understands gay guys...That's you! Someone that can be the ideals, and the moral compass behind it.

"I'm your definition of a moral compass? You do know that when I see a gay guy, my compass spins so fast that I get dizzy and almost fall over, right? My whole brain shuts off and my dick takes over. How is that a guiding principle?"

"It's what's inside that counts."

"How do you know what's been inside me?" He giggled.

"Gross! I don't, and I never want to. I meant that you, as a person are a decent individual. You care about people, and you certainly understand gay guys. Who better to run the club? It was fun when I was younger when I went through my experimenting phase, but now it's time for me to settle down."

"Yeah, going full hetero on me. My brother...the breeder. Goin' all pussy all the time!" he giggled. "Daphne must be good in bed, huh?"

Carter ignored his kid brother's outburst and continued. "Colin. You have a talent for this. A real talent. You know how to work with people; you're incredible at investing and seeing upcoming trends. With a bit of business help from me, we'll be unstoppable. You got three million dollars when you were 16 and how much it worth now"

"Five?" Colin replied.

"Exactly. You bought things that no one else believed in, and they're worth a fortune now. With the first half of your trust invested like that when you turn 18, you'll be a billionaire before you're 25."

"Make that 20!" Colin bragged. "I dunno Carter. Moving to Vancouver. What would I do there all day? Just hang out and screw Canadian boys until I wasn't frozen?"

"And you'd have a problem with that?" He laughed. "You pretty much do that every time we go up anyway. I thought you liked Vancouver. It's not like you can't just jump in the plane and go where you want anytime. You could fly home every weekend if you wanted. I'll even lease you a plane to make sure you're mobile."

"My own private jet?"

"Of course. You already have the penthouse to live in. Just think, you become the CEO of two companies. One of horny gay boys, the other as a real estate investor at 18. Party with the boys, and make money at the same time."

"Actually, sounds like it could be fun. I just wish it was here though. Vancouver is gonna be freezing. What if I get that hypothermia thing and die?"

"It's not that bad, buddy. You'd acclimatize pretty fast. Vancouver is like living in Seattle."

"That's not a selling feature, Carter! Can I think about it? It's a pretty big decision."

"Sure it's a big decision, but who better than you to take over our businesses? I mean it's not like I won't be around, I just wanna concentrate on Europe, and I kinda did all this in the hope that you'd join me anyway. The Worthington brothers taking over the world."

"Like superheros. Invincible Gayboy, and his sidekick, Comic Relief Heteroman! But Vancouver? Damn dude. That's a big ask."

"I know, but you're my kid brother. I trust you, and you've become an amazing man with business smarts like no other guy your age. The EU got hit hard by the financial crisis, so now is the time to invest there. When it recovers, things will skyrocket and we'll be shoveling money in so fast we won't be able to keep up. If it helps, you want to know how much the `Q' currently brings in franchise fees and other things?"

"How much?" Colin asked.

"Almost half a billion dollars a year," Carter grinned.

"A billion? With a `B'?" Colin said sitting forward suddenly laser focused. "How?"

"Fund raising, fees, sales of sex toys, franchise fees, night clubs, investments, and other assorted ventures. Nothing gets a gay boy away from his money faster than a night of drinking."

"Or out of his clothes..." Colin giggled. "Trust me. I know that one all too well."

"And I still have the pictures of you covered in oil to prove it," Carter laughed.

"You kept those?"

"They are some of the greatest pictures of you I own. Except maybe where you and Brooks are in the bath together playing with boats when you were little kids. I intend to use those when you get married one day."

"Don't you dare! Plus, I'd never get married. I'm gay. I like playing the field. Why eat the same hamburger everyday, when I can have the entire buffet?"

"Maybe you'll be eating steak instead of hamburger, and maybe he'll enjoy going to the buffet with you and sharing."

"Now I'm hungry. Where's our food?" Colin said looking around as the appetizers were brought out. "Oh good. Straight boy food. Small things to nibble on before the big meat."

"You're so gay."

"THANKS!" Colin grinned as they ate. All he could think about was moving to Vancouver, starting a life at full speed running an empire. "If I did take over this stuff in Vancouver, would I need to wear a suit?" He asked.

"No. You'd set the rules, but Vancouver is a pretty casual city."

"That half billion dollars? Would we share that?" Colin asked as he continued to think.

"We'd share the overall profit 50/50. The more we grow the organization, the more we have coming in to invest in other things. Believe me, you want to be gobbling up properties in Vancouver right now."

"What I want to be gobbling up is dinner right now."

They enjoyed their meal, talking about less important things, and some of Carter's life until desert arrived. Colin put his fork down and sat back.

"Full?" Carter grinned.

"Getting' there," Colin admitted. "Mom and Dad are gonna freak. They'll be losing both of us at the same time if I move and you're spending all your time in Europe. That's near France and Germany, right?"

"Yep, right near that," Carter laughed at his brother's limited knowledge of the world outside of California. "Mom and Dad'll be fine. They want us to have good strong lives. I actually think they were disappointed that I didn't move out as soon as I turned 18, but I wanted to be there so you didn't miss out on having a big brother close by."

"Yeah! That was awesome. Most of my friends were jealous that you were so much older and could show me things that their brothers couldn't, like when you took me and got me laid. Epic! I was like king of middle school!"

"That's just between you and me, remember."

"If it wasn't for you, I might still not have figured out I was actually gay. What other big brother would be so cool?"

"I try. At least you were a typical little brother. Being a pest many times. Barging in on me doing `big brother' things, and wanting to join in."

"And never being allowed. I mean you had a three way in your bedroom and told me to get out. So rude!"

"And the time you first met Daphne. I think she still talks about that."

"Yeah, me too. She has the greatest boobs I've ever seen. Love the fact she's not shy to take them out. I think Brooks still jerks off thinking about them."

"Dude, that's my girlfriend you're talking about. Show some respect. But yeah, she does have some nice tits. First thing I noticed about her, after her great smile and eyes," he added.

"Yeah...AFTER those," Colin winked. "Then you went straight for her pussy and never came out."

"Okay, drop it, ya little perv."

"Hey I'm gay. Being a perv is in my DNA. Maybe it's not a bad thing to move to Vancouver while I'm single. I could meet some Canadian boys, take them back to my place and thaw them out...over and over and over..."

"Plus, you've probably done every gay guy in California already anyway," Carter joked. "You can start over in Vancouver and try for a good reputation."

"Rude. I have a good reputation. Dude look at me. I'm super hot. I have a killer body. I'm rich, AND I have a big dick," he said the last part as the waiter arrived at the table to ask if they wanted anything else. "Just the bill and your phone number," Colin replied with a cheesy grin, still in his smart-ass mode for his brother. The waiter cleared the empty dishes off the table and left.

"Not to mention a massive narcissistic ego," Carter added.

"See, I've got the prefect reputation. Canada, here I come. The state of British Columbia will never know what hit them."



"British Columbia is a province, not a state."

"Dumb. They should change that. I'll get elected governor and correct it."

"Premier," Carter corrected again. "The head of the governing party is a called a premier, not a governor, and he isn't elected by the people, his party is, and he's the leader of the party. Maybe you should study up about Canada before you move there and make a fool of yourself."

"Or...I could teach them how we do things in the U.S.! By the time I'm done up there, they'll have an awesome country."

Carter just shook his head and rolled his eyes. He already knew how other countries felt about America from having travelled so much. He'd once tried to tell a Canadian that they were all Americans, North Americans, and almost got into a fight over it. He learned very quickly that the easiest way to insult a Canadian was to suggest they were any type of American. That would get you a stern talking to, which for a Canadian, is considered a vicious attack. It could restart the war of 1812, only with a new name. He figured Colin would learn quickly as well. He was pretty confident that his kid brother would adapt and fit in, rather than be obnoxious like he was currently pretending to be. The waiter returned with the bill and left it on the table. Carter smiled and handed the check to Colin. "I think this is for you."

"Why? I thought you were paying for dinner," he complained.

"I am," he said handing over the piece of paper.

Colin looked at it and grinned. It had the waiter's name and phone number.

When he returned for the payment, Colin smiled at him. What time do you finish work?"

"11," he replied.

"Feel like hanging out afterward?"

"Sure. I'd love it," he replied.

"Do you live close?" Colin asked continuing to be forward, more to show off for Carter than anything.

"Yeah, a couple blocks."

"Great, I'll be back at 11." The waiter took the credit card away to process the check and Colin looked at Carter and snapped his fingers as he thrust his hand forward. "And THAT's how it's done, breeder boy! He may be finished work at 11, but he'll be getting off by 11:30!"

Carter just shook his head and rolled his eyes, grinning to himself at how confident his kid brother had become. Colin's head was reeling as he thought about Carter's offer to move and start a new life. He paused his thinking for a couple hours while he went to pick up the waiter, who took him back to his place and screwed him stupid. After the waiter had served up a big cock and a few loads of cum, Colin headed home and began thinking again.

At school the next day, not only was Colin exhausted from being up so late, but also from not having slept due to the conversation with his big brother. He asked Brooks to come over as he had to talk to him.

"I have a date tonight, let's do something tomorrow," Brooks replied.

"Blow it off and come over. I really need to talk to you. This is big. 9-1-1 big," Colin told him bluntly.

"You'll owe me!" Brooks replied.

"Deal. I'll make it up to you. I'm probably better anyway."

"I'm not even going to comment on that. Fine. She's gonna be infuriated at me for cancelling."

"Pissed too, probably."

Colin wasted no time in telling Brooks what Carter had said about moving and taking over the business. He left out the part about the `Q', but did mention how much money Carter said they would be making. "What do you think I should do?"

"Dude, it'll significantly diminish the level of excitement around here without you, but you need to think about this logically," Brooks said as they sat on the bed together. "It's a no brainer. You'll be starting your life. You'll be doing what you love."

"Canadian boys?" Colin grinned.

"I mean investing and doing property speculation to make money. Apart from sex, it's all you talk about when you and Carter buy or sell something. I think it's what you were meant to do."

"Sex, or real estate?" Colin said trying to be cute about it.

"Yes!" Brooks said pushing him on the shoulder playfully. "Think about it. Once we all graduate, things are gonna be different anyway. Grayson is going to NYU, so he's leaving during the summer. Martin is heading for Harvard to be a big shot lawyer. Austin is doing acting all over the country. Everyone is going somewhere. I'm still deciding between Princeton or Yale, but either way I'm gone too. You'd be here by yourself if you don't take this. We're all going off to University to get degrees to eventually get a job like you're being handed on a silver platter."

"I guess. It'll just be weird leaving the country and starting over without any of you guys around."

"Oreo. I'm gonna be blunt here because we're brothers. "Take the opportunity. If it doesn't work out, it's not like you won't still be wealthy and can explore other things that would make you exuberant. You'd be a moronic imbecile if you passed this up."

"I guess, right. But what if you need a blowjob after one of your many dates goes wrong?" Colin joked.

"Then I guess I'll have to find another homosexual. It's not like you were in the top 10 percentile for giving good fellatio anyway."


"Actually, you have some skills in that department. I big enough to admit that."

You think I have skills?" Colin grinned as he stuck his tongue out to the side slightly.

"Shut up! You know I'd deny that if anyone asked, but yeah, your fellatio is idyllic."

"Great...but are my blowjobs good?" He said as he continued to try and get Brooks to talk like a normal guy for once.

"I just communicated that they were," Brooks replied.

"Finally! Some validation after 4 years," Colin laughed. The boys hung out spending a little time reminiscing about their childhood together. It was beginning to feel like the end of the beginning, and the beginning of new lives. They played some basketball and went swimming, before returning to Colin's room. Brooks dropped his towel and lay out on Colin's bed, putting the pillow over his head and snapping his fingers as he pointed to his crotch.

Colin dropped his towel and straddled his friend's waist, yanking the pillow off his face. "What?"

"It's not gonna suck itself. You made me cancel my date. Guess you better make up for it after all. Not many opportunities left for you to have something this good."

"Or that small...say please," Colin teased.

"You can suck it, or I'll put it away. Your choice," he replied putting the pillow back over his head.

Colin didn't need to think about it and shuffled down Brooks' body until he was in position to go down on him. He took care of the load his friend pumped out, and they moved to play video games afterward, as always, never talking about the' idyllic fellatio'.

Colin took the week to work out all the details in his head about moving to Vancouver, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He was finally about to be a man and do things he'd seen Carter do his whole life. He was sad to think about leaving home, but the thrill of a new adventure was more appealing. He raced over to Carter's to tell him his decision. He texted first to make sure he could go over, and once he received the answer, he was there in minutes.

"Okay. I've decided. I'll move to Vancouver."

"I'm proud of you. Are you sure? I know I asked you to make a big decision, but do you have any questions that you're unsure about?"

"I looked stuff up about Canada, so I only have a couple questions? Can I still keep my American citizenship if I live there?"

"Yes, you have dual citizenship for as long as you want it."

"Cool. Second, do I need to learn French. Half their shit is in French?"

"You should try to learn it anyway as it's their second language, and it's always good to know for business, but in Vancouver, you won't need it. It mainly Quebec that's French speaking."

"Okay good. Am I actually allowed to work up there? Don't I need a green card or something?"

"No, normally you'd get a work visa, but you were born there, so you already have a S.I.N. allowing you to work."

"Yeah. The sin of being super gay and sexy! I'm number 1 at sinning baby!"

"Jesus, you still need to read more about Canada. I'll give you a few websites to check out so you don't go up there looking like an ignorant American tourist. S.I.N. stand for Social Insurance Number."

"Like our social security number."


"They should call it that then. It's tough enough that they have that metric thing, never mind everything else. I'm surprised they don't drive on the wrong side of the road just to piss us off."

"They used to up until about the 1920's, so you're not far off."

"Why? Just why?" Colin said throwing his arms up in the air. "All they need to do to get things right is look at how we do it and copy us. Boom, perfect world!"

"I'd give you a whole history lesson on how travelling on the left was the original way people used to do it, especially on horseback. Sword in right hand made it easier to attack enemies. Then cars came along, and the left thing just continued."

"Yeah, too much history in that. I'll stick with learning about Canada stuff. I was thinking of becoming a Mountie."

"Huh? Why?"

"I ALWAYS get my man too, and I already mount things, so I'm half way there."

"I know you're joking. Even YOU aren't that stupid. Please tell me you know what a Mountie is."

"Sure, it's their police. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They ride horses, that's why they're mounted. See! I know stuff about stuff. How they always get their man chasing them on a horse is still beyond me. Give them a souped-up turbo charged car and it'd be probably more efficient."

"Anything else you want to know?" Carter asked ignoring his brother.

"That half billion dollars we make; is it in American or Canadian money?"

Carter laughed. Good question. Canadian. When we deal in international funds, it's always American dollars, but while you're in Canada, they refer to money in Canadian terms. It's a 25% difference right now. So, your current five million American, is six and a quarter Canadian. And just think when you get your entire inheritance of 300 million, you'll be able to say you have almost 400 mil."

"Next time, lead with that," Colin grinned. "Nice sales pitch, Carter. "Will I have to take another driver's test to drive up there? Can I take my cars?"

"No, and yes. No, you won't take another test, you just change your license to a B.C. one and have your cars delivered. There may be some taxes or fees when you insure them, but you can keep your cars. No rush to move everything up there though."

"Cool. I read that they do annual seal hunts in Canada. Do I have to go on them? Like is it mandatory or something?"

"No. Seal hunts are for the Inuit in the far northern part. It's like a way of life for them to survive. Most people don't do that. I mean the closest you might come to a seal is at the Aquarium. You'll figure out pretty fast that there's not a lot of big differences in the way we live. You'll adapt."

"I hope so. Okay, one last question. Are Sasquatch and the Abominable Snowman real? I heard they live up there."

"Sure. They're related. They usually have family get togethers at the lake as the season changes," Carter said sarcastically.

"Thought so. Cool."

"You ever hear of boxing day?"

"No. Is that like an annual fight day or something?"

"Almost," Carter laughed. "It's the day after Christmas."

"So they have boxing matches or something?"

"No. It's the day you put the tree back in the box for another year, and Santa gets together with Sasquatch, the Abominable snowman and their wives and have a family dinner, since they're all so busy during the holiday season. It the day they all relax."

"Now I know you're joking. Santa isn't real. But do they actually box each other?"

"There's no boxing on Boxing day. Most people just go to the mall for the after Christmas sales."

"Same as here, pretty much. Just without boxes. I'm sure I'll have other questions, but I'm in. Fuck, this is so mind blowing."

"You'll be great. I'm glad you decided to do it. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, bro, and thanks for always looking out for me my whole life. I couldn't have asked for a better brother," he said as he hugged him. Carter returned the hug.

"Ditto, bro. I'll always be here for you. I'll get things started in Vancouver so we're ready once you graduate. Worthington Enterprises is about to become unstoppable."

"Worthington Enterprises, huh? What if I want to change the name? To Colin's Empire?" He grinned.

"Your choice, but remember, branding is important. Use the Worthington name to open doors."

Colin smiled to himself and threw his hands out the side. "Open Worthington!" he said.

"Funny! You'll need to think of company names anyway, as each time you start a project, you should do it under a limited company name to protect the main company from liability. If a project goes under for some reason, you limit the loss to just that project, and not the entire corporation."

"Cool. Yeah, I'll get a bunch of names worked up. Is the Q Society a company?"

"It is. The main company is Q International Investments, but each franchise has its own company name set up as well."

"Sweet. I could have CTW Enterprises. For Colin Tanner Worthington."

"I figured," Carter laughed. "Good! Go with the name in the acronym. I like it."

"Should we put our name on buildings, and on my plane and stuff?"

"Up to you, but you're not an egotist like Donald Trump, are you? Plus, it'd cost a fortune to plaster Worthington on everything considering how many letters are in our name."

"Fine! I'll just say Colin Tower! Or The Colin'," he chuckled. "I'll put my face on money and call it a C' note! Oh! I could buy a transportation company and my slogan would be `Ride the big C!'"

Carter shook his head. "I may have to rethink this," he joked. The guys hung out for a bit researching more properties to buy, with Colin was even more laser focused than normal. It was no longer a game like it had seemed up to that point. He was about to make real world decisions for himself that would affect others. Up to now, it had really been him making suggestions and letting Carter take the risk. Now he was going to be the decision maker. He felt a rush about it, while at the same time wanting to pee himself with each thought that hit him.

When Austin heard, he had a similar reaction to Brooks, in that he was happy for Colin, but disappointed that he would be leaving. "I guess the only good thing for me is that they do a ton of filming in Vancouver, so I'm sure I'd be up there a lot. Who knows maybe we'd end up living together for a few months at a time if I get a series."

"That'd be sweet. You in your collar and leash, doing what you're told as I screw your brains out! Now we're talking," Colin laughed.

"I guess that's the earth shattering kaboom I've been waiting for," Austin said reverting back to his Marvin the Martian voice again.

"You probably shouldn't use that voice in Canada. I don't think they allow Martians."

Austin laughed. "I use that as my alter ego when I have to stay in hotels. If you ever need me, and I'm not available on my cell phone, just ask for `Marvin the Martian.'"

"I'll try to remember that `Marvin,'" Colin laughed. "Shit, I'm gonna miss us all being available to hang out."

"But it's inevitable anyway, right? Everyone grows up and gets on with their lives. We'll still be friends, just more grown up now, and the times we get together will be even better."

"Not if you don't learn to suck cock properly, they won't. How about you strip, and instead of flapping those lips with stupid shit, you wrap them around my cock?"

"Yes, sir!" Austin grinned as he removed his clothes and got on his knees. Colin put a collar on him and pressed him tightly against his shorts, before allowing Austin to strip him and get to work. He loved bossing his straight celebrity friend around, and Austin enjoyed it just as much, as he said he kept him from getting too big an ego as a star. Colin wasn't sure what that meant, but he wasn't going to argue since it meant he could have crazy sex with Austin whenever he wanted. As soon as he'd had enough of Austin sucking him off, he threw his friend on the bed and mounted him from behind; each thrust going in deep and hard, almost as a way to remember him. He kept slapping him on the ass and telling him what a little slut he was before he came in him. Austin appeared to enjoy the abuse too, as he came without touching himself, which led to Colin ordering him to lick it all up.

Over the next month, Colin tried several times to talk to his parents about his decision, but found he just kept chickening out in case they would be upset at him moving. It was over dinner one night that he finally tested the water.

"When do you think is the best time for a kid to move out of his parent's house?" He asked not so subtly.

"At puberty," Ethan replied, not missing a beat.

"Not funny Dad! I mean Carter stayed home until he was 25, but he said that he only did it for me, and that you would have preferred it if he had moved at 18."

"Are you worried that we're gonna ask you to leave as soon as you turn 18?" Ethan asked.

"No, nothing like that. I just wondered if you'd be upset if I did move out."

"Upset isn't the correct word," Margaret replied. "We'd miss you around here, but we know that you have to have your own adventures. Whether you take a gap year to travel, or head to University, eventually you'll move out and get on with the life that you want."

"Our job as parents is to prepare you for the world out there someday, son, and if you think you'd be ready at 18, then we couldn't be prouder of you. We'll always be here if you need us. It's not like you move out and we chain the doors shut," Ethan added.

"This will always be home for you boys. No matter where you end up in life," Margaret said, realizing as the conversation sank in, that Colin had no intention of living at home as long as Carter had. They all knew that Carter had talked about moving out when he was 18, but with Colin only being 9 at the time, he had chosen to stay until his kid brother was more mature and could handle it.

The stage had been set, and now it was a matter of waiting for the right moment to tell his parents about his decision. Today wasn't that moment, so he chickened out.

It took him another month before the opportunity presented itself. Carter mentioned that he was planning to spend more time in Europe to handle business, so he wouldn't be around as much. When Colin saw how excited they were for him, he decided they were in the right mood for his announcement.

"Guess it's my turn now," Colin chirped up as soon as Carter was done. "After I graduate, I'm going to move to Vancouver to take over Carter's businesses there."

"You'll still only be 17," Margaret pointed out.

"I'm not going until after I turn 18 in November. I was thinking at the start of the new year. I'll probably just go up with Carter a few times before that to set everything up."

"That's quite the undertaking. Are you sure you're ready for it?" Ethan asked.

"I have good people up there who will support Colin, and he's more than proved he has a talent for real estate and investing," Carter interjected. "I think he'll be amazing. Maybe even surpass me."

"Well, you boys have always been mature and independent, and we've taught you to stand on your own two feet. I think it would be hypocritical if we tried to stop you. I am proud of both of you. It'll seem empty around here without you boys around."

"I could get you a puppy, Mom. They're just about as cute as me," he grinned. "I'll only be 3 hours away, and Carter is gonna get me my own plane so I can come back whenever I want. A fully loaded G6 with turbo."

"I said a plane, not a rocket," Carter laughed. "Nice try though."

Both Ethan and Margaret had a long talk with Colin to make sure he knew what he was getting himself into, but at the end, agreed that it was his decision and they would be there to support him with whatever he wanted to do. "You know what I think is great about you and Carter?" Ethan said as looked at Colin as he sat in the study with his boys.

"That I turned out so awesome after you used Carter as your practice kid?" Colin teased.

"We'll circle around to that once the jury reaches their final verdict," Ethan smiled. "I'm proud that you two are such good friends. It's a big age gap between you, and Carter did a lot to help raise you, but now here you are, about to go into business together. Your mother and I couldn't ask for anything more for you."

"Thanks Dad. I guess having amazing parents helps too," he grinned throwing some compliments back. "Should we have a brandy and cigar to celebrate?"

"You think you'd enjoy that?"

"The brandy, maybe. The cigar, not so much. They kinda stink."

"I'd agree, but sometimes it's just the right setting for it."

"Yeah. I hear ya. Like an orgy, right?"

"And there's the generation gap," Ethan laughed. "If you need help getting settled in Vancouver, let me know. Even though I know you'll do great, I'm always here for you."

"Thanks Dad. I'll probably need lots of advice at first."

"I still can't believe you're all grown up and ready to fly the nest. Seems like only yesterday you were running around here with us trying to get you to keep your clothes on, and here you are now, all grown up."

"Ummm, actually that was yesterday Dad. At the pool."

"You know that started when you were a toddler. You hated wearing clothes and every time we got you dressed up for anything, the next thing we knew you were out of them and running around here bare assed. I can't remember one time when you or Brooks have been in the pool in anything but your birthday suit."

"Hey, at least it's the one suit I never grew out of," Colin grinned. "I guess it'll be like this when I have my own kids someday, huh? You raise them thinking what little shits they are, but as soon as they become interesting people you can relate to, they move out."

"No one ever accused you of being less than interesting, Colin. You were always wiser than your age. I think a lot of that was Carter's influence."

"I'd say you're right. Can't believe I agreed to move to Canada. What was I thinking?" Colin grinned, shaking his head.

Colin went with his Dad over to the studio for the day and hung out on a few sets with him, realizing that there wouldn't be a lot of these opportunities left before he moved. He wondered if he should have gone into the family movie business instead as it really seemed more interesting at times than just real estate or investing. He liked how it was different each time he went. Plus, he liked meeting some of the stars they got there.

A few weeks later, Carter barged into to Colin's room, tossing the covers back. "Come on! Get up. We're going to Vancouver," Carter announced.

"Right now?" It's Sunday and I'm still sleeping. I haven't even jerked off yet."

"I can see that. Don't care. Throw some cold water on it. Stick an ice pack in your underwear and let's go."

"Uhhh, I have school tomorrow, dumbass."

"You can miss a few days. Get your assignments from the school website and do them while we're away. Submit them by email."

He stood up, both of them ignoring his erection as he headed for his bathroom.

"Don't take all morning in there. Flog it, shower, and pack for a week. Wheels up in 30," Carter said as he turned and left.

"Wheels up in 30? When did we join the military? So rude waking me up at this hour. It's not even 11 yet," he mumbled to himself as he took his morning piss and turned on the shower. "Might have been nice to get some notice," he said, continuing to mumble. He showered to wake up, and returned to his room to grab his suitcase out of his closet and pack. He quickly checked the weather in Vancouver to see what type of clothes he'd need this time. It was 14 degrees. "Fuck, it's too early for this metric shit," he said to himself switching the site to Fahrenheit where it said the temperatures would be between 55 and 60, and raining. "That makes more sense. Still gonna freeze my balls off. He packed as much as he thought he'd need and left the suitcase outside his bedroom door. He jumped back on his bed, still not having bothered to get dressed as he checked his phone. A light knock on the door made him turn his head as George entered.

"Good morning. Is this the only suitcase you'll be taking to Vancouver, Colin?"

"I think so. I packed tons of warm stuff, but if I need more, I guess I can get it up there."

"I'll take it down to the car. Breakfast is waiting. I recommend clothes."

"I dunno George. Personally, I kinda like this look. Maybe just a beanie for the end of my penis to keep it warm," Colin laughed as he jumped off his bed and grabbed clean clothes from his closet before heading downstairs to join the family.

"Good Morning, honey," Margaret said as he showed up looking a bit more awake than when Carter saw him.

"Morning," he said sitting down to breakfast and pouring himself a coffee.

"Carter says you're off to Vancouver to learn the ropes?"

"If you say so. All I know is I was nice and warm, and then I'm having to get up and go to a bazillion below weather at this ungodly hour," he complained as he ate the food that was put in front of him.

"Your definition of an ungodly hour is 11 am? How are you going to survive in the business world when you're up at 6 to be in the office by 7?" She smiled. "Your Dad and brother are usually out of the house by 6."

"They're insane...obviously. You should get them tested. It might be hereditary, so if we diagnose early, we might be able to prevent it from spreading."

"Have fun anyway. Carter is very excited that you agreed to work with him."

"Me too actually. Except the whole work thing, getting up early and moving to Canada," Colin remarked.

The boys flew into Vancouver landing at the south terminal to clear customs. A limo was waiting to take them to the penthouse.

"Home sweet home," Carter said as they got in.

"Homo sweet homo," Colin giggled.

"We should invite Mason over to show us around Vancouver, in case anything's changed since the last time I was here," Colin suggested almost as soon as they'd gotten into the apartment.

"To show us around? Why do I think that would be the last thing you'd want Mason over here for? But he's not around anymore. He got a job in Toronto and moved a few months ago."

"No! Seriously? Fuck. Dude, that bites. He's the only person I know here. Well this just made Vancouver suck more."

"Trust me, there's lots of other boys to meet. After we get unpacked and have something to eat, I'll show you around."

"It won't be the same. It's not like you're gonna take care of my boy needs."

"Your boy needs?"

"Yeah. It's been almost a whole day since I got laid, and things are backing up down there."

"I don't even wanna know what that means, but you'll live. And you're right. I'm not taking care of anything like that. But I promise that I'll introduce you to so many guys, you'll never have to worry about that."

"Introduce me to cute ones though, not the type of guys you hang out with."

"I somehow don't think you have a problem with my friends, considering you can't stop trying to fuck them."

"Uhhh, no! Sometimes they want to fuck me too. I just want them to stay happy. I mean they have you as a friend, which really lowers the bar, so I have to do something to bring it back up to tolerable," he joked with his brother.

Carter just rolled his eyes. "One thing you'll like about Vancouver is that the drinking age is 19. You can get started two years earlier than at home."

"Great, I'll be an alcoholic by the time I'm 20. They probably drink earlier to help stay warm in the winter, huh?"

"Sure...that's their main reason," Carter replied sarcastically. "Head over to Alberta, where you were born, and you can drink at 18."

"I've always wanted to see where I was born," Colin grinned. "I'm still not sure about this whole no gun thing though. That's a bit scary that you can't defend yourself."

"Why? Think about it. At home if someone breaks into your house, you have the right to shoot them, but it's just as likely that they'll have a gun to shoot back with. Here if someone breaks in, they may have a knife. You hit them with a baseball bat, and you have home plate advantage."

"Good thing I know baseball to keep up with your analogies," Colin grinned. "I guess that makes sense. So, they really don't have a stand your ground law?"

"No, not at all. You have the right to defend yourself, but you'd always be charged with assault or manslaughter first, and the courts would decide if it was justified or not. It would never be okay to kill someone if they were stealing property; only if you could prove your life was in danger."

"Good thing you told me that. I can cross killing people of my list of things to do while in Vancouver," Colin nodded. "I'm guessing there'll be tons of other things like that I have to learn, huh?"

"Probably, but just be a decent person, and most of them you'll never be aware of. I've been here for years and never had an issue with anything. One thing you will like is that the legal age for sex is 16, but they have a close in age clause too."

"What's that mean?"

"It means that since you're 17, you have the best of both worlds. You can have sex with anyone from 14 upward."

"14?" Seriously?"

"Yep. Under 14, they allow a two-year gap in age for sexual partners. At 14, that gap expands to 5 years, so someone 14 could do a 19-year-old. 15 could do up to 20. Then at 16, you're considered an adult for sex and can do anyone."

Colin thought about it for a second. "So right now, I can do anyone? But if I were 20, I couldn't do a 14-year-old, they'd have to be at least 15? The five-year thing."


"What if I wanted to do a 30-year-old?"

"Then go for it. Once you hit 16, there is no upper age limit, just younger age limit."

"That's more lenient than at home. I think if you're 18, you can't do anyone younger at all, right?"

"That's correct. No such thing as close in age law at home. I think it's legal if they're both married though. You just need parent's permission to get married if you're under 18."

"So I could be in serious shit, if I turn 18 and my boyfriend is still 17 or 16, even though we might have been dating for years?"

"Technically, yes. If you have intercourse that is. You can date and not have sex."

"Yeah, right! Who does that? Straight people?" Colin laughed. "Okay, that's in the good column for Vancouver then. Damn, I better get home and screw my brains out before I turn 18. Some of my friend won't turn 18 until after I do."

"It's only a misdemeanor charge," Carter assured him. "Not a felony, as long as you are both consenting."

"Oh, that's not too bad then. Like a slap on the wrist and a don't do that again?"

"Or a couple thousand dollar fine and up to a year in jail, type of misdemeanor."

"Hmmm...I spend a year in jail with other horny guys, get out, and all my friends will be 18. Okay, it's got potential," Colin joked. "Is it too cold to go to Wreck Beach?"

"Yep, plus it's raining. Not a lot of beach activity."

"Thought so. What's first?"

"Lunch. Then I figured I'd show you some of the properties we have in development. You have a big one under way."

"I had a big one under way this morning until you threw the covers back and made me take a cold shower," Colin complained.

"A big property in development. You're going to need to tone down the gay replies when you're actually in the office. It's not appropriate," Carter warned.

"I will. Do you have cute guys working for you, though?"

"No idea. Some are good looking, sure, but avoid relationships with anyone we employ. That could lead to trouble if you have to fire them somewhere down the road. My number one rule...keep your business and private lives separate."

"Noted. What about the `Q' group thing? Isn't that like all gay boys wanting sex?"

"That's different. I'm talking about the real estate and investment side of the business. At the `Q', go screw your brains out. I'm sure they'll all love you there."

"Nice!" Colin grinned.

The boys unpacked their things and headed out to lunch, before returning to the condo and heading down to the lower parking level.

"How come it's so empty down here?" Colin asked looking around and seeing only two cars, a high-end BMW and Mercedes.

"This level is exclusively for our use. No one except you are I have access to it. If you bring your cars up from home, this is the safest place for them. Underground with security access. Leaving them in the regular parking lot, just makes them a target."

"It sure looks empty right now though, huh?"

"I don't use the cars much when I'm here. Usually I just call the service. They're pretty reliable, and you can get any type of vehicle you need, depending on where you're going and what you're up to."

"Do they have a bus for when I bring the boys home for my orgies?"

"I'm sure they have stretch limos which seat 12," he grinned as they hopped in the Mercedes.

"12 huh? I guess I COULD start with a small party," Colin said trying to keep from laughing. Carter just rolled his eyes ignoring his kid brother. They spent the next couple of days exploring some of the project sites, and talking to contractors.

Colin complained at the first few when he was made to wear a hard hat. "Dude! It took me two hours to do my hair. Are you crazy?"

"Hard hats are required on site. Not an option, Colin. His point was quickly driven home when a piece of wood fell not far from them, and Colin slammed the hard hat onto his head and stuck close to his brother. The more time they spent on a site, the more interested he became in what was happening. He completely focused on what they were doing, and the thought of chasing boys and getting laid took a back seat, at least until they got home for the evening and he found himself bored. The penthouse had a hot tub in it, which they used several times, and the building itself had a pool and workout room on the second floor which Carter said was a good way to unwind each day. The first time Colin took his shorts off to swim naked, Carter reminded him that his was a pool for everyone, not just for him, so he had to put them back on.

"So, let's put a sign on the door that clothing is optional, or better yet, forbidden," Colin grinned. They did meet several of the tenants, but never mentioned they lived in the penthouse. Carter explained that he just kept a lot of his life private, but it was up to Colin as to what he wanted to tell people once he moved in permanently.

One of the afternoons when they'd gotten home and been for a swim, they walked through the men's room to head back to the penthouse, and a couple of guys around Colin's age were changing. He almost walked into a wall. "I'll catch up, Carter. I just gotta take a leak," Colin announced. Carter was about to say that he could use the bathroom in the apartment, but as soon as he saw where his brother's eyes were, he nodded and left him alone.

Colin quickly went and took a pee and then washed his hands as he checked the guys out. "Hey. You guys live here?" He asked turning to talk to them?

"Yeah. You?" The guy with the long brown hair replied.

"Just visiting for now. My brother's showing me around the city. I'll be moving here full time in January though."

"How do you like it so far?" The other boy asked.

"It's nice. A little cold and rainy, but other than that it seems like a nice city. Could do without the metric shit though," he complained.

The boys looked at each other and laughed. "American!"

"Is that obvious?" He asked.

"They're the only ones that complain about it. What part are you from?"


"Nice. You surf?"

"Sure, every day pretty much. What's the big thing to do here?"

"Dunno. We paddleboard, kayak and mountain biking. Skiing in the winter at Whistler is good too. You been?"

"No. I ski, but I've never been to Whistler. Is it good?"

"Best anywhere," one guy replied.

"Cool. I'll have to do that while I'm here." The guys had finished changing so they said they hoped to see Colin again when he moved up full-time and they ran out. He was sure the guys seemed gay, but since they hadn't made any move, he thought he better not in case it wasn't a good idea in his own building. He raced back up to the apartment.

"Done already?"

"I was just saying hi. They live in the building so I guess not everyone is old that lives here. Could be good."

"How old were they?"

"No idea."

"What were their names? Maybe I know them and can tell you more about them."

"No idea," he said again. "I did learn that they like mountain biking, paddle boarding and kayaking. The blonde guy is cut and the brunette is uncut. Trimmed pubes and cute as fuck though."

"You got all that, but not their names?"

"Dude! Gay! Don't care what their names are until I've tried them out in bed. Duh! Breeders," he said shaking his head.

"In business, make sure that's the first thing you learn. Get their name, then use it at least three times in a conversation to ensure you remember it. Works well for the next time you meet. I usually try to associate something I learn about them with their name so I can use it next time we meet. Makes them feel personally connected to you."

"Uh duh! I just said that. Dick in ass...doesn't get more personally connected than that."

"I can already see the lawsuits," Carter joked.

"What are you in the mood for tonight? Art gallery or Granville Island Market?"

"Is there a third choice? How about a night club?"

"You're not 19. You could wait outside while I party, but that doesn't sound fun."

"Fine, what's at the market thing?"

Carter explained it, and said they could take in a live show at the Arts Club Theatre when they were done looking around and had dinner. It seemed all grown up to Colin, but he went along with his brother's suggestion and had a great night out.

"Dress nice. Today we're going to the office," Carter said the next morning, after he woke Colin up.

"Dress nice. Got it. What's your definition of that again?"

"Dress pants. Button up shirt. Dress shoes."

"Got it. Umm... do you have some of those that I could borrow?" He asked stepping out of bed. "I have my own socks and underwear though."

"Well can you put those on then and put that thing away?" Carter smiled.

"After my shower," he said as he trotted to the bathroom. Carter returned to his room to get Colin some appropriate clothes for the day at the office.

After Colin dressed, he looked at himself in the mirror. "Wow, I look like you."

"See, better to look the part, right?"

"No, I meant all nerd like," Colin teased. "All I now are some black rimmed glasses and a briefcase and I could go to work as a mild-mannered businessman."

"Come on mild mannered Colin, let's go grab a bagel and coffee at Tim's," Carter suggested.

"Oh! We're really going full businessman today huh?" Colin smiled. "Lead on!"

The grabbed their food at Tim Horton's and Colin tried not to turn his nose up at the coffee and kept washing it down with the orange juice he bought. Carter thought it was hilarious watching his little brother as he took a bite of his bagel, sipped coffee and drank orange juice. Then repeated it all again.

"What do we do first when we get in the office?" Colin asked.

"I'll show you around, introduce you to everyone. Then we can review some of the projects we have on the go and see how they're coming along. Later this morning we'll take a look at any new listings for properties and see if any of them are in good locations and get the team on reviewing them before we put in a bid. This afternoon, I thought we could take a trip out to Burnaby and watch the controlled demolition of a building we bought there. I determined that it wasn't worth saving, so we're going to blow it up and start over."

"You gonna let the people living in it know?" Colin chuckled.

"It's an empty building, smartass," Carter replied.

"Is it a big building like you see on TV that crumbles down into itself?"

"It's 14 stories. Normally we just take a building down piece by piece, but when we have enough space around it, we can bring it down all at once."

"That's so cool. Just fill it with dynamite and press the plunger!" He beamed.

"Not quite. You gut the inside of the building first, leaving only the supports. Then it takes a long time to thoroughly check the entire structure before placing the right amount of charges around the supports to bring it down exactly where you want it. You don't just toss in some C4 and hope for the best."

"Too bad. I think if you got a shit load of people gathered around, and gave each one a hand grenade, it could be the coolest sport on the planet."

"Then its probably good that the only thing you destroy is a stack of pancakes. The demolition is set for 1pm, so we'll go over just before lunch. They're stopping the traffic for a few minutes while the implosion happens and the dust settles."

"I'm looking forward to that. I've never blown shit up before," Colin admitted unnecessarily. They walked over to the office and once in the elevator, Carter pushed the 56th floor. "Do we only have one floor?"

"No, we own the entire building but lease out most of it. The 56th floor is our executive office, the 55th is legal, office help and interns, while the 54th are architects, planners and developers. There is also a fitness facility on the 41st floor. Spa, dry and wet sauna, gym and running track. One the roof is a garden to allow people to get out of their offices and get some air."

"Nice. Any cute boys go to the gym?" Carter just rolled his eyes. "What? If I want to go workout, it'd be nice to have someone cool to do it with," Colin reasoned.

"This is Jennine," Carter said as they stepped off the elevator. "She's our administrative assistant, or as I like to call her, the gatekeeper. Good morning Jennine. This is my brother, Colin."

"Good morning. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too," Colin smile returning the greeting.

"Is that thing ready that I asked for?" Carter asked.

"In place as requested. Could I get you both a coffee?"

"I'd love one. Thank you Jennine," Carter replied.

"Not for me thanks. Unless you have vanilla latte. It helps kill the taste of the actual coffee," Colin told her.

"Come on bro, I'll show you our office." They approached the big double doors of the corner room and paused.

"What?!" Colin said, his eyes going wide as he saw the plaque on the door. It read `Colin T. Worthington. Chief Executive Officer. Carter S. Worthington. Founder.'

"I had that made up for when you take over in January. This will be your company and while we own it together, you'll run it. When you get established, we'll work on transferring assets so that you own the majority of it."

"And how much would that cost?" Colin asked as they opened the doors to the expansive office.

"1.8, maybe as high as 2.5 when we get that far."

"2.5 what?"

"Sorry. 2.5 billion," he clarified.

"Oh, is that all. Would you just like a cheque?"

Carter laughed. "Relax bro. There's no hurry. For now, we share the profit 50/50 on anything we build together. Anything you build on your own, you keep any money you make. The properties that I built or bought, you'll still run, but if you want to sell them, then you'd get 10% of that profit. For properties you renovate with your money in my buildings, you keep 25% of the income after costs."

"This is all seriously confusing, and I'm assuming you're giving me the quick version?"

"You'd be right. Don't worry we have a C.F.O., that's Chief Financial Officer, to work out all those details and I'll be here to help you get things set up. We also have a C.O.O. to run the day to day business, so you're not having to deal with everything yourself."

"How many employees do you have?"

"How many do WE have," Carter corrected. "Roughly around 150. We could employ more, but most of the things we do, we contract out. Architects, Interior decorators, general contractors, things like that. It wouldn't make sense to keep them on the payroll, as it's cheaper to hire them for each project and link the costs direct to that. We have our people look things over to make sure it's what we want, but the grunt work is done by contractors."

"Sure. Makes sense," Colin said as he looked out the windows at the city below them.

"We have lawyers on payroll for a lot of the basic things that come up, filing court papers, making sure contracts are written, negotiating deals, etc. If we ever get into a situation where we need to defend ourselves against anything like a lawsuit, or criminal wrongdoing, we have the city's best lawyer on retainer, Sam Randleman. I'll be sure to introduce you to him. He's a good guy to know."

"Do we get a lot of things we need a lawyer for?"

"Things come up. It's just a fact of life. Always be prepared."

"This is a great office. You even have your own bathroom?" It's like as big an apartment. I like the leather couch and chairs."

"And they're comfortable. I've spent many nights sleeping on those after a long day."

"Sleeping huh? A little office sex too, I'll bet!" Colin teased.

"Nope. Never. I keep it completely professional here. The worst thing we can do is be accused of something like that which could cripple the company as a whole. Business is business. Keep it separated and you'll never have to sort out a mess down the road."

"Got it. Take the cute boys' what I'm hearing."

"What you should be hearing is never ever, under any circumstance, fool around with an employee or anyone we hire."

"Geez. Business rules are tough, huh?" Colin asked as he sat behind the desk and leaned back in the large executive chair. "Shit! This thing is comfortable."

Jennine returned a few minutes later with a vanilla latte for Colin and an espresso for Carter, both from Starbucks.

"Thanks Jennine," Carter said, with Colin following his lead. "Can you gather the department heads in the boardroom please?"

"Certainly. I think most of them are in there already waiting." She left and returned to her desk.

"Do we need to pay her for the coffee? I didn't think she'd run out to Starbucks to get it."

"She didn't. Jennine will have sent an intern, and she has a company credit card and petty cash for things like this."

"Oh, cool. What's in the boardroom?"

"I'm going to introduce you to the Executives. Let them meet you."

"Shit. I should have worn a suit. Will they all be wearing one?"

"No. We're not really into ties here, but if you want to look a bit older, feel free to go into the closet and grab a suit jacket. They should fit you nicely."

"Yeah," Colin said as he went over and checked out what Carter had in there. "Wow, you have tons of clothes in here, huh?"

"Never know when you'll need a change," he replied.

Colin found one that complemented what he was wearing and checked himself in the mirror, making sure his hair was neat, and that he looked the part for meeting Executives. He spent so much time checking himself out from every angle that Carter finally had to pull him away from the mirror and tell him he looked fine. They made their way down the hall and the closer they got to the boardroom; the more nervous Colin became. He followed Carter like a puppy and tried to covertly wipe his hands on his pants in case he had to shake hands with anyone.

"Good morning everyone," Carter said as he took his seat at the side of the long oval table, with Colin sitting right beside him. Colin immediately thought of King Arthur and his round table and thought perhaps they should have one like that, but tried to focus. After everyone returned the morning greeting, he got down to it.

"I won't keep everyone as I know we have a busy day ahead. I wanted to introduce you to my brother, Colin. He will be moving up here in January to look after things while I head up our developments in Europe. I know you'll all give him the same support you've given me these past few years and I think you'll enjoy having him around. He's proven to have quite the insight into investing and has surprised me a few times."

The Executives clapped to welcome the younger Worthington to their group. Carter asked everyone to introduce themselves, and Colin tried to focus, but quickly forgot who each one was by the third person. He said hi to them all, but wasn't sure what else to say. He sat there listening as they all revealed what they were up to and any significant developments, before the conversation changed to the controlled demolition that afternoon. One of the women explained that it was all ready to go and that the police would have the streets blocked from 12:30 to 2:00 to allow for the demolition, so timing was everything. Surrounding buildings had been advised, and it had been recommended that any building that could be impacted if the building came down wrong should be evacuated just during the actual implosion. Colin paid close attention, as he could just imagine what sort of shit they'd all be in if the building fell over sideways. Once the meeting adjourned, everyone came up to say hello to Colin and welcome him. By the time they got out of there and back to their office, Colin was ready to go somewhere else.

"Does Canada have affirmative action hiring?" He asked Carter as he jumped behind the large desk in their office again.

"No, why?"

"I dunno. Just asking. Like there was a lot of different people in that room. All races and stuff, plus lots of women. It kinda looked like you had one of everyone. Am I the token gay guy?" He grinned.

"We hire the best people for the job. Simple as that. I don't care about colour of skin, race or gender. Just do what you're good at. Well, except for the gay guys. We keep them in the basement and pull them out when we need them."

"That's SO wrong!" Colin exclaimed quickly.

"You know I'm joking right. We don't actually segregate them to the basement."

"No, I don't care about that. Just NEVER pull a gay guy out when he's in the middle of something," Colin giggled. "That's cruel! Oh, and I already have a list of people we need to fire."


"Yeah. They said they could see the family resemblance as I looked a lot like you. I mean there's no need to insult me on the very first day. I don't even know these people," he said trying to keep a straight face as he spun around in the big leather chair. Carter just rolled his eyes.

They spent the next couple of hours going around the office building introducing Colin and letting him see everything they were up to. He paid attention to as much as he could, but when he got to one floor, he slowed right down.

"Ummm, what do these people do?" Colin asked. "They look my age."

"A lot are interns, getting job experience for their university classes. They shadow someone and get involved in the projects. There will be a few with us when we're at the demolition today. It'll be a bit of a spectator thing."

"Still say you should allow hand grenades. 50 bucks a grenade. We could make a killing!"

"Literally," Carter laughed. "Now stop drooling over the interns and let's keep going."

"I wasn't drooling. I was curiously interested, and only mildly salivating, but I remember the rule. Don't fuck the employees."

"That includes eye fucking them," Carter added.

"You really know how to take the fun out of being in an office, huh? Point of order...Are interns actually employees if we don't pay them?"

"Consider them employees," Carter replied quickly, shaking his head.

"You know how to take the fun out of working...You know that?"

"I've heard."

They took a car over to the building site and watched as final checks and preparations were made for the implosion. Once they had the all clear from the police and demolition team, it was time to blow the building. Blow up the building...perverts. A large crowd had formed at a safe distance and there were more cameras out than at a Beyoncé concert. A massive video monitor had been set up for the countdown and once it reached zero, the man in charge flipped the switches to activate the detonations. One by one they popped, knocking out the support columns. For a few seconds nothing happened, then suddenly the building crumpled like paper and fell to the ground folding in on itself. A huge cloud of dust rose into the air and the spectators cheered and clapped. It took very little time for the dust to settle and traffic was once again allowed to flow.

"That was so cool. Almost anti-climactic," Colin said to Carter. "I wish it could last like 5 minutes or something. Make it a real show."

Carter laughed. "Once the building falls, gravity takes over and it's about eight seconds for it to be over."

They went to check out the new pile of rubble and Colin was amazed by the difference. A few minutes ago, this was a 14-story building. Now it was a pile of steel and concrete just waiting to be hauled away.

"Now what happens?" Colin asked.

"Now they clean this up and start on the new building. We're putting up a 26-story office, retail and condo complex here. You'll be involved in this one for sure."

"I have a question, Carter. What if the employees we have don't listen to me about things? I mean they listen to you because you're older, but I'm only gonna be 18 when I move up here. I don't really have any experience in telling them what to do."

"That's why we hire experts. They give you their information and recommendations. Most times you can accept them, but if you don't agree, you are the boss, so if you want something different, tell them. It's up to them to conform to your vision, not the other way around. You can always call me for advice. It's not like I'm leaving the planet. I mean mostly their judgement is sound on how to accomplish things, but at the end of the day you will always be the one to have the final say."

"And if they all just disagree with me?"

"Then you can either insist that it be done the way you want, or hire new people who will listen to you."

"I dunno if I'd be good at firing someone. That would seem so mean."

"It's business. It's never personal. I have fired a few people over the years, and it never actually gets easier, but sometimes it has to be done. If you get good people, and you're fair with them, they'll be loyal to you and your vision. You may argue or disagree, but you want people who aren't afraid to stand up and tell you the truth, or their belief. Doesn't mean they're right or wrong, it just gives you options to choose from."

"That's gonna be the toughest part until I get the hang of it," Colin admitted.

"True. But you have the C.O.O. and myself to help you. Like anything, you learn as you go. Let's head back to the office for a bit and then we can go to dinner."

By the time the guys got home, Colin was almost glad to get out of his business clothes and hung out in his underwear on the couch with his laptop.

Carter sat beside him. "What are you looking at?"

"Checking out other building demolitions. I'd hate to be the contractor who fucked up the explosions like some of them where the building falls over sideways," he laughed. "But most are wicked awesome. I think some of them try to make it like a show for spectators. Like the ones in Vegas, or where they blow up several buildings at once and try to get them to fall in some sort of pattern."

"I think some do it to get their videos noticed so they get more business from it. Maybe not the bad ones though," Carter laughed.

"Did you see the videos of the World Trade Center buildings? There're all sorts of theories that they were imploded, huh? Like the pops at the side of the building like we saw today. I thought terrorists knocked them down with planes."

"Let's not talk about that, buddy. I've done my own research into it and the more I look, the worse I feel. Conspiracy theorists believe that our own government blew them up to create a reason to go to war against Iraq, and that it was all about oil."

"No way we'd do that," Colin said quickly. "Kill three thousand of our own people over oil? If that building was exploded, it was terrorists for sure. I'm just surprised they didn't do more investigation. They just seemed to jump all over the fact that it was the hijacked planes."

"Like I said buddy. Let's not drag that up. So many theories and no answers. Maybe one day someone that knows will actually tell the truth. I wish it was required that on your death bed you had to reveal any secrets you had, but unfortunately we may never know everything."

"I'll tell all my secrets just before I die," Colin nodded. "I'll tell about when I first got laid, and any drugs I did, and what straight boys I did that have always denied it."

"Let's hope you never die then," Carter laughed. "Now why don't you look at other stuff and try to stay away from conspiracy videos?"

"Done. Wanna watch ones about the illuminati and religion?" He joked.

Chapter 26 The next day, with the conspiracy theories put aside, Carter told Colin he'd introduce him to some of the things the `Q' offered.

"Now, we're talking. Let me grab a shower and make sure I have enough lube!" Colin said running off to the bathroom to get ready. This seemed more like something he'd enjoy over being in an office where he couldn't be anything but professional.

"This is our main headquarters for the `Q' in Vancouver," Carter said as they pulled up at an old mansion in the downtown core.

"Looks pretty cool. Like a haunted house," Colin said checking it out, and picturing it as some Skull type initiation building.

"I know, right? I saw it for sale a few years ago and it was just perfect. We have a secured tunnel through to the building behind it, which is our worldwide headquarters."

Carter drove out of the entryway. "We're not going in?" Colin asked surprised.

"Yeah, but we'll park underground next door. I'll show you the offices first. Only a few people know about these, but since you're taking it over, we'll start there."

"Great...more offices," Colin said shaking his head. "I better be able to screw some of these employees."

"I think anyone you meet will enjoy that if you offer," Carter admitted.

"Seriously? These employees I can have sex with?"

"Consensually, of course."

"Of course. Unless you have duct tape, handcuffs and ball gags handy," he giggled. Carter ignored him, and made a note to hide those items from his brother, the first chance he had.

Once they parked, they headed through a connecting tunnel and walked up a couple flights of stairs to a secure door. Carter punched in a code and then put his eye up to the panel to open it. The two guys entered into a long hallway.

"Retina scan. Cool!" Colin acknowledged.

"I've been trying to upgrade and test new technology here, so I thought that might be fun to have. There's a secret entranceway as well. I'll show you that when we go down to the main part of the building. This is my office, now yours."

"Sweet!" Colin said as he looked around. It definitely looked like part of the mansion he'd seen on the outside as it had the stone outer wall with large windows overlooking the water, and a massive oak desk, but that's where the old-world stuff ended. There was a couple of TV monitors on the wall, and two computer screens on the desk. "The windows are tinted, so no one can see in," Carter revealed as Colin looked around.

"I thought a worldwide headquarters would be bigger," Colin remarked as he looked at Carter.

"This is just our office," Carter explained. "Follow me." They headed down the hallway to another room. Carter pushed aside what Colin thought was a light switch, revealing another retinal scanner. They entered the second, much larger room, and the first thing Colin noticed was the big world map on the one wall. There were pins stuck in it everywhere. He walked over to check it out. "That's every place we have a club. As you can see, we have the most in North America, but we're getting a few in Europe too. Hopefully by the time I'm done over there, that'll be covered."

"Nice," Colin said checking it out. "We should make this an electronic display that we can take with us whenever we need it."

"That can be your first duty when you take over," Carter grinned.

"Uh no! My first duty is to meet every member and get to know their names by connecting with them personally. Dick in ass...remember? You taught me that."

"I taught you to learn their names and repeat it three times in a conversation."

"You've never had sex, huh? Once I know who they are, I always call out their name at least three times while we're fucking."

"Yeah, lawsuit..." Carter said shaking his head, before Colin turned his attention to the multiple small TV's on the wall.

"Why so many TV's? You trying to watch every channel at once?"

"Each one is linked to a feed of a main city that we're in. It's part of something I'm working on. It's a virtual assistant to help operate things. Right now, I'm calling it Automated Data Monitoring, or ADM for short."

"You should just give it a cool name. Call it ADAM or something. What's it do?"

"Watch," he said as he went over to the desk and typed something in and several TV screens lit up with dots. "Those are the location of our members."

"You have spy tracking on them?"

"Their phones have locators. We give each member a new phone when they join, and it has the app preloaded. That way we can help them if needed or summon their help, knowing someone is close by."

"Cool. What about when they get a new phone?"

"We have the `Q' app for them to download to get all club information, and once they load it, we have their tracking info again."

"Remind me not to download THAT. What's an app?"

"Stands for application. They're working on making more of them to put on phones to help with everything from shopping to games. I'm sure they'll figure out other things to make too. Like the GPS system that cars have. I think that'll be huge on a phone."

"Sounds cool. What else does this do?"

"It is the main source of our website and all information we push out to the members. We have people who look after this for us. Eventually, I want it all to be voice activated and interactive, but it's still a work in progress. I figure another couple years for it to be good enough to use."

"Voice activated. Cool," Colin nodded.

"Right now, we can find individual members just by punching in their name, but hopefully we can just ask it and it'll show us."

Carter pointed to several screens showing the website and analytic traffic for it, which he explained to Colin allowed them to see how many people were looking for the `Q' Society and where, which would allow them to focus expansion easier. It also showed how long people stayed on the site and what pages were the most popular.

Colin leaned in to look at one stat. "What's with that page? It's got like millions of views compared to the other pages."

"That's the page with videos. It shows types of sex, roleplaying game suggestions, pictures of hot guys that members can post."

"Porn," Colin laughed. "That makes sense."

"What's this screen?" He asked moving to another one.

"That is applications for people wishing to join the `Q'. After we receive it, it is reviewed, and if it meets our criteria, we send someone to check them out. If it seems like they would be a good candidate, then we tap that member to pledge with us. Sometimes a member may suggest someone they know, and they are brought in for pledging, but a good majority of new members now apply through this webpage. It also helps us to decide where to focus expansion clubs."

"Like the NHL!" Colin grinned. "We'll open expansion teams to let people play against each other."

Carter laughed. "Sure, just like the NHL."

"What's that symbol?" Colin asked noticing it on several screens and as a wall hanging.

That's the symbol of the `Q'. It's a medieval axe.


"It's cool and has the double blade for `double edge'. We just thought it seemed like it might be a unique symbol."

"I get it. You can swing both ways," Colin chuckled. That'll please the bisexuals, huh? How about we need to sharpen our gay skills both front and back? Or, maybe it means that we're edgy! Two edges...get it?"

"I get it. Something tells me you'll figure out a lot more meaning for the symbol when you put your mind to it. While we're here this week, I arranged for you to be initiated into the club."

"Aren't I already in the `Q', since we own it and I'm gonna be taking it over?"

"I mean we own it, so of course we're in it. I still think you should to go through the initiation experience first, so you feel more connected. Then you get the club tattoo that will identify you as a member, no matter where you go in the world."

"A tattoo? I dunno about that. I don't really want one yet, or ever, not sure."

"It's a small on one the bottom of your big toe. Stays hidden that way, but easily used to identify other members."

"Oh, okay. Sure. When do we do that initiation stuff then?"

"Soon. It just happens when it happens."

"Like being tapped for a secret society? Cool. Am I gonna get kidnapped in the middle of the night? Good thing I don't have a gun after all, huh?"

"No kidnapping. It freaks too many people out. Each person is tapped a different way depending on who is doing it," he answered.

"Sounds fun. How long do the initiation things last?"

"Most could be several sessions to weed out those that don't really want to join, or wouldn't be a good fit, but in your case, it'll just be one session so you get the idea behind what the guys go through. As for how long it'll take, I have no idea. That depends on what you're made to do."

"Wicked," Colin grinned as they continued the tour of the offices and the mansion headquarters. Colin loved the dungeon area, but stuck close to Carter as it seemed a little scary in parts. He did get an erection watching some guys making out, but figured that maybe this wasn't something he was ready for, especially with his brother with him. Once the tour was over, the boys headed back home to chill out with each other and talked about other things that Colin might get involved in. They discussed charities that the company funded and how he needed to spend money on things to have deductions for tax time.

"Best advice I can give you is pick charities that do two things for you. One is that they're a cause that means something to you, and if at all possible, something that may help you with the business later on."


"Like at home, I've donated to the Republican party as they support business and believe in lower corporate taxes and less government interference. That helps us have more money to use for other things. Democrats believe in handouts, bigger taxes, and helping everyone with social programs."

"Wait! Hold the fucking phone! You're a Republican. I want a brother divorce!"

Carter laughed. "Not really. I just like some of their policies more than the Democrats."

"So, you like a party that is anti-gay, hates the idea of people having healthcare and loves guns. Okay, guns I don't mind as long as they aren't like assault rifles. Dude, everything they stand for is against what I believe in."

"Now. But in a few years maybe you'll feel different. I think it's important to listen to every candidate and vote for what's important to you overall, not just one or two issues."

"What party do Canadians like? Is Vancouver Republican or Democrat?"

"Canada leans way more left. They have universal healthcare, strict gun control, higher taxation, gay friendly, bigger government. Even our Democrats are seen as having right wing values up here."

"That's way too much info."

"It's super confusing when you consider the definition of center between Canada and the United States. Our center is way farther right than even the most right-wing party in Canada. That's why our Democrats are considered left wing, but in Canada they'd still be wildly right wing."

"Okay stop! I'm getting a headache. Where do their gay guys vote?"

"At election polling stations," Carter joked.

"Ha Ha! I mean if I'm gay in Canada who would I vote for? Will I be able to vote in Canada?"

"When you turn 18, yes. You were born here. I can't as I'm an American."

"Nice. Just so you know, at home I'm voting Democrat, just to offset your vote of Republican!" He said with a big grin.

"That's your choice, but vote for who you think will do the best job with the issues important at the time of the election. Don't force yourself to vote for one party or the other just because others expect you to. Up here, the Conservatives were the least likely to support gay rights at first, that took the Liberals to introduce most of the rights the community has, but once it happened, the Conservatives went along with it, but are less likely to improve things."

"So, I should vote Liberal in Canada?"

"Not necessarily. They may like the gay community, but they tax you more and spend more, so you may not want that. NDP seems very popular out here in British Columbia, but you'll have to do your own research if you want to vote. Who knows. You may want to vote for the Green Party if that meets some of your values."

"Well...I do like wood! This is why our system is better. Only two choices."

The following day, Carter drove Colin to a large, heavily treed park, in what seemed like the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we?" Colin asked looking around.

"Come on," Carter said as they got out of the car.

"I've seen forests before, Carter. Are we going hiking or something?"

"You'll see." After a ten-minute walk, they stopped and Carter stopped at a yellow post. "Welcome to your `Q' initiation. Complete this and you're officially a member. This is your first station. You'll find nine other markers like this around the area. If you come to a road or a trail, don't cross it, as that's the boundary for this task. Just turn around and go another direction. It's a pretty large area, so it's gonna take a while. Follow the instructions extremely carefully, and without question. I recommend reading them at least twice to ensure you understand them. Once you have completed all 10 stations, return back here."

"10? I thought you said 9?"

"Yeah. This one, and nine others, makes ten," Carter clarified.

"Got it. What if I get lost and can't find my way back here?"

"Then you'll be gone even longer."

"Should I take water?"

"You'll find food and water at some of the stations. You'll be fine."

"Is there a time limit?"

"No, but I suggest you do it before the sun goes down, or you'll be in there all night. It's not a place I'd want to be in the dark."

"Why are there wolves and grizzly bears and stuff?"

"No," Carter laughed. "It's just pitch black and you won't be able to see even six inches in front of you."

"Got it. Seems easy enough, I think."

"Great, now give me your clothes."


"Oh, did I forget that part. You'll be completely naked for the challenge, except for your shoes and socks."

"Shit. What if I run into someone or get arrested?"

"Oh well. Shit happens," Carter smirked. "Clothes, bro."

Colin undressed and handed everything over to Carter, leaving only his socks and shoes on.

"Have fun, and good luck," Carter said as he turned and headed off back down the trail. Colin watched him for a few seconds and then grabbed the envelope attached to the post and opened it to read the instructions.

Welcome to your initiation. There are 10 marked stations to complete, including this one. Follow all directions carefully. You may not hide from people you encounter, and you may not divulge your true reason for being in the woods without clothes. To do so would violate the secrecy act of the Q', and you will not be admitted. You may or may not be watched at each station, so honesty and self governance are your best policies. Starting from now until you complete the 10th and final station, you are to ask every male you encounter if he would like a blowjob. If he accepts, you will follow through. If he declines, you may continue with your task. Stations may be completed in any order, but be forewarned, some are easier to do before others. Return here when done, and wait to be retrieved. Judgement will follow.'

Colin looked at the back of the instruction card in case there was more to it, but it was blank. He put the card back where he'd got it and proceeded into the woods. He saw the next yellow marker not far in, and made a beeline for it. He was halfway to it, when he saw a young kid strolling towards him. His first thought was to dive behind a tree, or cover his crotch, but the first instruction had been clear. No hiding. He hoped the boy, who couldn't have been more that 10, wouldn't see him, but he had no such luck.

"Hi mister," the kid smiled as he came up to him. "How come you don't have any clothes on?"

"Uhhhh, it's just a game I'm playing," Colin replied looking down at the kid.

The boy looked around. "Who ya playin' with?"

"No one. Just by myself." He was going to reply that he was just playing with himself, but his brain told him to think about that before he blurted it out, so he'd quickly rephrased it.

"I'm Caleb. Can I play too?" He asked, pulling his shirt off quickly. Colin scanned the woods to see if there was someone out here with him, but he appeared to be alone.

"It's just for adults," he replied, wondering to himself if this kid was part of the test, but wasn't sure as he was so young.

"Oh. Okay. You sure have a big penis," Caleb commented as he stood grinning at Colin. "Mine isn't all big like that yet. My brother said it will be when I'm older though."

"He'd be right," he replied swallowing hard. He shook his head to himself. "Ummm, would you like a blowjob?" He asked the kid nervously.

"Sure!" Caleb grinned, putting his hand out. "What is it?"

Colin almost laughed as kid acted like he was about to be given candy or something. "It's where someone sucks on your penis."

"Oh. No thanks. My friend did that once and it tickles too much. I gotta go, mister. Have fun playing your game," Caleb said as he waved and took off. Colin breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure sucking off a 10-year-old in the woods would be the smartest idea. He'd have probably failed the first task if the kid had actually agreed to it, as he wouldn't have followed through. He continued towards the first station he'd seen, where a bottle of water was also waiting for him. He read the card.

`Enjoy a bottle of water while you take a break. Get yourself hard and masturbate. You may leave after three people have watched you. Do not let them help, and instruct them not to touch you if they try. You must not cum, and you may leave after the third person has clearly seen you. Finish the entire bottle of water.'

"Damn. These are detailed," Colin said quietly to himself as he sat on a nearby tree stump and cracked the bottle of water. He drank some of it, and began to masturbate as required. He had gotten hard, and was furiously glancing around to see if anyone was watching so he could complete the task. It appeared as if he were alone at the moment. He groaned to himself as he saw Caleb return and head right towards him. He stopped beside Colin and watched.

"Now whatcha doin'?" He asked as he stared.

"Just taking a break," Colin replied trying to masturbate himself while at the same time trying to move his hand so things weren't in full view of the kid.

"Is this still the same game?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah," Colin replied.

"I know how to do that. My brother showed me."

"All guys figure it out eventually," Colin told him.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," he said sitting next to Colin to watch. "Does yours throw up like my brother's?"

Colin smiled at him. "Yeah, when it gets excited enough it does."

"Are you gonna get it that excited so I can see?"

"Not today. I'm just making it feel good. I don't want it to throw up," Colin replied trying to use the kid's vernacular.

"Too bad. I think it's funny when they do that. My brother makes weird faces, then it smells bad, and he has to clean everything up. I can't do that yet. My penis only does a tingling feeling. That's why I don't like that thing you said earlier."

"A blowjob?"

"Yeah. That. My brother said I get white stuff when I'm older, but I don't think I want it. Too messy," he said shaking his head.

"Trust me, when you're older, you'll want it," Colin assured him.

"I doubt it. Kallen said I need it when I play with girls, but girls are gross, so I won't need that stuff. I could show you that I know how to play with my thing, but Kallen told me that I should only do it in my bedroom or the bathroom. I don't think I'm allowed to do it outside yet."

"Very good advice. You should always listen to your big brother," Colin agreed almost giving a giant sigh of relief as he continued to try and hide his penis the best he could while masturbating at the same time.

"Okay, cool meeting you again," he said as he stood up. "I think it looks way better when it's bigger like that."

"Me too," Colin agreed.

"Okay, bye mister."

"Later dude," Colin said letting out a huge breath of air as the kid raced off in to the woods. He grabbed his bottle of water, and drank more of it as he was sure his entire mouth had gone dry. He could already see how it would look if someone had strolled past and seen him sitting there naked with a 10-year-old watching. He figured he'd get out of prison about retirement age.

He had just put the cap back on the water bottle when another guy appeared off to his left. It didn't take the guy long to zero in on Colin, and change his direction towards him.

"Hey," he said as he approached.

"Hey," Colin replied back trying to ignore the fact that he was jerking off and the guy was staring at him.

"Need some help with that?"

"No, I'm good for now, thanks. Just taking a break."

"Cool." He stood and watched for a couple minutes groping himself through his shorts before he finally turned and left. Colin let out another sigh of relief. Two down, one more to go. It was roughly five more minutes before anyone else showed up. This time the guy was as naked as he was, with only a backpack on. He stopped in front of Colin and watched.

"Great abs," he said as he moved closer, stroking his erection that had quickly developed.

"Thanks," Colin replied as he checked the guy out. He looked about 30, with lots of muscles and a light bit of hair on his chest. "You have a wicked body. Do you go to the gym?"

"Three times a week," he said looking down at himself. "You want a hand with that?"

"I'm good for now," Colin said trying not to scream `YES' at him and dive on the guy. He was beginning to regret having met this guy at this station.

The guy moved closer and put his free hand on Colin's chest to feel his pecs. "Nice toning," he commented as he tweaked a nipple as he leaned over to look behind Colin. "Looks like a sweet ass too. You like to get fucked?"

"Sometimes," Colin admitted. "But I'm not really in the mood for any touching right now. I'm kind just enjoying the air and need to relax," he said as he reluctantly moved back a bit to get away from the guy's hand. He took the hint and moved from tweaking Colin's nipple to tweaking his own.

"Fuck you're hot. I'd love to hook up sometime, maybe try you out if you'd be into it."

"I'm kinda in a weird mood right now, but on another day, I'd love too," Colin replies truthfully. He wanted to have this guy fuck the hell out of him, but the rules were clear. No touching. If there hadn't been so much at stake, he might have said fuck it and let the guy take him right there in the woods. He knew it wouldn't be good to fail the task as Carter would be disappointed in him.

"I get that. Wanna stand up and show me that sweet ass?" Colin re-read the rules in his head and figured that would be allowed, so he stood up and turned around. "Oh shit, yeah. That's an ass I could pound for days. I'll bet it's tight, isn't it?"

"I think so. Never fucked myself to know for sure though," Colin joked as he turned around and sat back down before anything happened that he couldn't stop, or didn't want to stop.

"Such a fucking hot guy. You got a boyfriend?"

"Between guys at the moment. Focusing on work," Colin said as they made small talk.

"Fuckin' hot! Lift up your nuts and let me see them better," the moaned as he moved closer working his thick cock and his nipple at the same time. "Yeah! Like that! Fuck that's good. Shit, yeah. I'm gonna cum. You want it in your mouth?"

"Do you want a blowjob?" he asked remembering the first rule.

"Too late!" The guy grunted and moved forward shooting his load all over Colin's chest and stomach. He pumped several powerful thick blasts of warm cum all over him, before shaking his dick to get the last bit out. "Damn, you're too much, kid. If you change your mind about being fucked, I'll be around for a while, come find me. Wow, that was hot!"

The guy turned and headed off down the trail. Colin looked at himself covered from neck to crotch in the guy's jizz. He was a mess with no tissues or clothes to clean up with. He thought of maybe using his socks and then just tossing them, but he remembered the last line of the instructions were that he could move on as soon as the bottle of water was empty. He wiped away as much of the cum as he could, then poured the remaining water all over himself. It was effective enough that he felt cleaner.

The next station took him almost ten minutes to find, and he was happy to see more water and some snacks. He read the instructions before taking any of it. `Climb the biggest tree nearby and identify three major city landmarks. Enjoy the food and water at this station to refuel yourself.' Colin again turned the card over to see if there were anything on the back, but again it was blank.

"This seems easy," Colin said to himself as he looked at the tree, almost ideal for climbing. He figured he'd have the food and water as soon as he was done. It was a pretty easy climb, but he felt exposed climbing it. If anyone had come underneath him, they would have been staring right up his ass. It took a while to get up high enough to see over the other trees, and he was a little uncomfortable as to how high he was when he looked down. "Shit." As soon as he was high enough, he looked around and found his three landmarks that would probably suffice for the challenge, before slowly making his way back down. He was relieved to be back on the ground, and quickly took to the snacks and water, gulping them down so he could move on. He'd half expected the 10-year-old to reappear and ask to climb the tree with him, but he'd been alone for the entire challenge.

Five minutes later he had found the next station, almost cheering for himself at how fast he'd located it. He stopped the internal cheering when he read it. `Following the direction of the arrow. In the clearing, find three guys waiting for you. One is into watersports, the other two are not. Pick the one you think is, and piss all over him starting with his hair and face. If you pick correctly, he will open his mouth for more, and the other two will stand and join you. Pick incorrectly and you will receive the urine of all three. Do not ask the boys any questions. Take your time and pick wisely.'

He almost realized why there was four litres of water left at this station. Colin checked the arrow on the post, and headed the direction it was pointing, making his way through thick bushes, opening into a small clearing with sunlight. Three fully naked young guys were on their knees with legs spread and hands behind their backs. Colin moved in to look at each one, and would have gladly stopped the task for a quick four-way gang bang with them, but he was only on station four, and had a long way to go yet. All three guys were looking directly ahead, not making eye contact at all. "How the fuck am I supposed to know which one likes watersports? There's gotta be a clue somewhere," he said out loud, but more to himself than the boys. He glanced around and found their clothes in a pile. A quick search of them revealed no information, so he went back to the guys and looked closer at them. Two were cut and one was uncut, but he doubted that would be any sort of criteria for enjoying watersports. He leaned in to smell their hair in case one of them smelled like pee, but they only smelled like shampoo and soap. He stood in front of each one, almost with his cock right at their mouths. Two of them started to become erect at having Colin so close to them. "Nice! Shit, I need fucking," Colin said more to himself than the boys. "Not really helping know who wants my piss, just who's horny. Wait! I'll be right back." He turned and raced back to the clue to re-read it. He snapped his fingers and ran back.

"If one of you would like me to piss on him, open your mouth and stick out your tongue. The clue said I can't ask questions, but didn't say shit about giving you an order."

One guy smiled and opened his mouth to stick out his tongue.

"YES!" Colin said excitedly as he stood in front of the guy and lifted his cock up. "I'd close your eyes if I were you," he advised. The guy complied and Colin let his flow go into the guy's hair. He jumped slightly in surprise as the other two got to their feet and joined in the piss. The guy getting soaked put his head back and opened his mouth further to gulp down some of the streams given to him. By the time the three guys finished, the kneeling guy was soaked in piss and smelled like a campground outhouse.

"Would you guys like a blowjob?" Colin asked remembering the prime directive rule.

The two that had just taken a piss said they were fine, but the guy that had been drenched was fully hard, and smiled as he said he'd like one. The other two fist bumped each other and got out of the way as Colin knelt, and the wet guy stood up. Colin quickly realized he was about to suck a piss-soaked penis, and the guy was still dripping wet, which was going to get all over him. He took the hard cock in his mouth and got on with it. He instantly disliked the pee taste of the guy's penis, but ignored it as he worked quickly to make the guy cum. The other two furiously jerked off as they watched. As soon as Colin had taken the load, the other two turned and came in his hair, laughing as they did it.

"Guys, that was mean," the guy who'd just been blown said. "Don't move. I'll clean you up," he told Colin as he held him by the back of the head and began to piss all over his hair. Colin tried to move to avoid it, but only getting the small stream right in his face and into his mouth. The guy finished and shook the last few drops at him. Colin stood up, wiped his eyes, and headed back to the marker point to douse himself using the four litres of water that had been left. He wished they'd left a toothbrush and mouthwash too. He headed deeper into the woods to find the next marker which wasn't far, but he was moving so fast, he almost missed it.

`Cum into the container provided, seal, and cover in ice inside the cooler. You must supply enough cum to at least reach the line on the container. This may require you masturbate more than once.'

"Seems easy," Colin said as he opened the container jerked himself off into it. He checked the levels, and smiled as he'd filled it past the required level in one session. He sealed it and buried it into the ice in the cooler before racing to find the next marker. After 15 minutes of looking for it, and still not seeing a sign of a marker he hadn't done, he slowed down and tried to think where he hadn't looked. Being that the woods were thick, he knew it would be easy to miss. He was in full concentration mode as he walked past a couple making out against a tree. The girl had her shirt open with breasts exposed and the guy had his pants to his knees. Colin stopped and watched, not realizing he was staring.

The girl nudged her boyfriend who turned to look at their voyeur, who suddenly realized how this must look with him standing there naked. "Take a picture why don'tcha?" The guy said.

"I don't have my camera. Uh, sorry. I just didn't expect anyone to be out here," Colin replied looking down.

"Well there is, so you wanna fuck off and give us some privacy?" He said abruptly. Colin swallowed hard and prepared to run for it if he had to. "Ummm, would you like a blowjob?"

The girl laughed. "Well, babe, do you?"

"You couldn't handle something this big," the guy said turning to show off a thick cock that was roughly 7 inches.

"Sure I could," Colin boasted.

"How old are you?"

"18," Colin lied, still being a few months short of his birthday.

"You look 15," the guy replied, trying to insult him.

"Thanks. I get that a lot. Helps me get laid more."

"Come on Sean, lie down and I'll sit on your face while he sucks you off. I'll bet it looks hot. Your first gay blowjob."

"Not really my thing," he answered as he moved his hands to play with her boobs.

"Sean, do this for me and I'll agree to play with Megan while you watch. I know you want to see us together. Wouldn't you like to see us eat each other's pussies?"

"Fuck! Fine, but you better be sitting on my face while he does it."

Colin swallowed hard again as he watched the guy take his pants and shirt off and place them on the ground so he could lie on them. She quickly took the rest of her clothes off and mounted his face. She smiled at Colin. "You wanted it. It's all yours," she said pushing his cock upright. Colin got between the guys legs and went down on him. The last thick cock he'd had like this was Dylan's and he still missed it. He played with Sean's foreskin for a bit before taking the large knob into his mouth and working his tongue around the head. He glanced up to watch the two of them together as he slowly began working down the shaft.

"Can you take the whole thing?" She asked as she watched her boyfriend getting head.

"Mmmhmmm," Colin moaned as he continued along the large shaft until it was fully down the back of his throat. He paused as he held Sean's balls, and then came back up so he could get some air to breathe.

"Shit! You gotta teach me how to do that. I can only get about halfway," she remarked as she held leaned forward, putting her hands on Sean's chest. Colin slid the cock out of his mouth and looked at her.

"We could switch. I'll sit on his face and you blow him," Colin grinned as he became more embolden by situation.

"Nuh-uh!" Sean moaned as he tongued her pussy.

"Doesn't hurt to try," Colin remarked as he went back down on Sean and finished the blowjob with his best ability. Sean announced he was about to cum and Colin sat up and jerked him off to finish him off. He aimed the cock at the girl and they both remarked as Sean shot off, pumping several heavy jets of cum all over himself.

"Damn! You must have done a good job. He rarely cums from getting head. He usually has to pound my pussy until it's worn out. How was it, babe?" She asked as she got off his face, allowing him to sit up.

"Grab me some tissues," he demanded as he looked at the mess all over himself. She handed them to him and he cleaned up. "I'll deny it if you ever mention it, but it was pretty good head."

Colin stood up and gave a bow. "Thank you! It's my speciality!" He bragged. "Hope that made up for me busting in on your fun."

"I think he'll forgive you," the girl grinned as they remained naked. Colin said his goodbyes and took off in search of marker number six. It took him almost 20 minutes before he found the next yellow sign.

"Finally!" He grabbed the envelope and read the instructions on the card inside. `Open the package left for you and put everything on. Allow the next person, or persons, you encounter to use you any way they wish. When finished, return the clothes back here before moving to the next task.' He put the card back and looked in the bag that was below the marker. He pulled out the clothes which consisted of a mini skirt, bra and halter top, inserts to stuff the bra with, and a pair of stockings that looked like they would go up to his thigh. Colin rolled his eyes as he began to dress. At least he wouldn't have to be completely naked for this one. He took off his shoes and socks and pulled the stockings on before putting his shoes back on. He'd thought of putting his socks back on too, but figure that maybe it would look stupid with the stockings. Then he wrapped the skirt around his waist and fastened it. He almost felt more naked with it on than without it, as he hadn't been given any underwear to help hold things in place. Then he slipped the bra on and spent ages trying to figure out how to fasten it properly.

"No wonder girls take forever to get dressed," he said as he talked to himself. Then he stuffed the inserts into the bra and adjusted his new `boobs'. "Damn, I'd fuck me!" he giggled before pulling on the halter top. With his junk swinging between his legs under the mini skirt, he began to wander around in search of someone to play with. He didn't have to go far before he heard familiar noises just past a clump of trees. As he approached the sounds, he saw three naked guys. Two were side by side, half sitting against a downed tree, while a third guy was on his knees servicing their cocks. As he got closer, he figured the two guys were teenagers, probably close to his age, while the guy on his knees was at least 70. Colin had wondered if guys that age still had sex, and now he had his answer. At least he now knew that that could be him in 50 years. The old guy turned and looked as they heard Colin approach.

"Well, it looks like we have another pretty young thing to play with," he said as he held both boys by their hard cocks. "Come over here sweetie and let's take a look at you. What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Colin," he replied, then immediately wondered if he was supposed to have created a drag name or something. So, he quickly invented one. Colin... Colin Oscopy.

The two teenagers laughed. "That's original," one remarked.

"Well Miss Colin, come over here baby, and let's have a closer look at you," the older guy told him putting his arm out. He moved towards them, staring at the two teenagers who had their arms around each other and were sporting erections. One was a thinner cock of about 6 inches, the other slightly thicker and longer. Both guys were toned and reasonably cute. The older guy had a bit of a stomach on him, with a cock that appeared half hard and large balls between his legs. Colin wondered if he should maybe offer the guy his bra, since his pecs were slightly more droopy than the rest of them. As he got up to them, the older guy on his knees, reached his hand up and took a firm feel of Colin's ass under the skirt.

"Nice tight buns on you, honey. I'll bet you're a sweet ride." He moved his hand around front to feel Colin's package and fondle him. "Nice big clittie on you too."

"Boys, come down here and check her out. One in front, one behind. Show her some appreciation."

The two teenagers quickly got onto their knees and made fast work of getting to know Miss Colin. Miss Colin...Oscopy. One boy took his cock, while the other pulled his ass cheeks apart and began rimming him. The old guy stood up and put a hand on Colin's bare stomach.

"Nice flat belly on you. How old are you sweetie?"

"Uhhh...17," Colin replied figuring he should give his real age.

"Perfect age. A fruit still ripening, but sweet enough to enjoy." He moved a hand inside the top of Colin's bra, ignoring the insert and going straight for his nipple as he pinched it. "Now those are some nice little titties on you. We'll have to be sure to check those out more closely later." He leaned in and kissed Colin's ear as he played with his `little tittie.' It was only a couple pecks of his cheek before the old guy turned Colin's head and shoved his tongue into his mouth and began kissing him. At first Colin wasn't sure about it and pictured the guys teeth falling out if he kissed him back too hard, but he found the guy to be pretty good at it. With the rimming and blowjob he was receiving, he found it pretty hot. This went on for several minutes until things changed.

"Bend her over and let's see you boys take a turn trying out her pussy. Make sure you lube her up properly first. We wouldn't want to wreck something that beautiful. The first boy flipped the back of Colin's skirt up and fingered lube in before preparing himself and entering. Colin had no trouble taking him, as it was the boy with the smaller, thinner penis who went first, but he still thought it felt good. "Drop and play with her big clittie until it's your turn," the old guy told the other boy, who complied quickly.

He grabbed Colin's balls and pulled them down firmly before slipping the hard cock into his mouth. The old guy moved around to face Colin, pressing his crotch against him. He moved a hand to press the sides of Colin's jaw to force his mouth open, and then slipped his cock inside. Colin's moved to grip the guy's ass and the first thing he noticed was how soft and squishy the cheeks were. It wasn't firm like guys his age, and he wondered if that happened to everyone. He made a mental note to do regular squats to keep himself tight. Each boy took a turn in him before it was time for the final fuck.

"My turn boys," the man said. "Flip her over boys and get those legs open. I wanna watch her face as I fuck." He moved around to take his place and entered Colin without going for additional lube. The two younger guys held his legs wide apart and watched him being bred. "Take her clothes off boys, I wanna see her entire offering."

The teens quickly removed the skirt, stockings, and halter top, pausing only to get the bra undone, and pull it away. Colin was once again fully naked, and it didn't take much for the teens to start using all of him. One stood behind Colin's head holding his legs apart while the other boy bent over and sucked on the now exposed nipples. The older guy just kept fucking and making comments about what the others should do with Colin. By the time he came, everyone was exhausted.

"Baby, it's been fun, but I have to get these boys home to bed," the old guy said as he pulled Colin up and slapped him on the ass.

"Bed? It's like the middle of the afternoon," Colin noted as he picked up his clothes.

"You know how boys are at this age. They need at least 12 hours. Not saying they'll get any sleep, but at least they'll be in bed. If you want to bring that hot little ass over, I'm sure we could make room for you."

"I still have a few things to do, so I'll probably be too busy, but thanks for the fun!" Colin smiled as he headed back to the previous marker to return the clothes, and resume his naked walk. He knew he was deep into the woods by the time he located it, and wondered if he would ever find his way back out, but for now he was focused on completing all stations. The card read: `Build a three-sided shelter using natural material. Must be able to protect from rain. Once complete, set up the supplied hammock between two trees, and enjoy a break with your food and drink.'

Colin looked around, and was happy to see some `natural' twine lying near the base of a tree which would certainly help to secure the branches to trees. He got to work gathering branches, twigs and bushes to create his lean-to shelter. He was happy with the result, which probably took the better part of 90 minutes to create. The hammock took less that ten minutes to secure properly, and he was more than happy to grab the bottles of juice and water, along with some decent food that had been left. He lay there eating and had a small nap. He woke up in a panic thinking he'd been out for hours when in fact, it had been just over half an hour. He scrambled to race through the woods to find his next station. He was feeling refreshed after the food and nap, and he now understood the saying about getting his second wind. He counted all the stations in his head and realized he was getting close being done. This would be number eight. He raced past the marker, screeching to a halt and returning to it.

`Bend over the log to your left and wait. You must receive four loads of cum anally before continuing. Sperm collected orally does not count.'

Colin lay over the downed tree and waited. He hadn't seen anyone in a while and hoped he wasn't too deep in the woods for people to just stroll past at some point. He figured this could take a while. His heart almost jumped out of his chest five minutes later when a guy in his mid twenties strolled up and stopped in front of him. The guy paused, then moved up and pulled his cock out, placing it in front of Colin's face. Sensing this might be part of the test, Colin lifted his head and looked at it. "Would you like a blowjob," he grinned, as it seemed redundant to ask.

"If you're good at it, I do," the guy said nodding.

Colin took his cock and sucked the guy off, proving that he knew what he was doing. He felt hands rub his back, and down to his ass. Only moments later a second guy appeared and watched. Colin could just barely see him out of his peripheral vision, but it didn't take long before the guy was on his knees rimming Colin's ass and playing with his cock between his legs. The guy he was blowing suddenly exploded, taking Colin by surprise as he coughed and swallowed the best he could before the cock was removed from his mouth.

"Thanks dude. Great head!" The guy commented as he walked away. The guy behind him kept rimming, and when it appeared he may stay there all day, Colin turned his head slightly. "I can give you a blowjob, or you can fuck me if you want."

"Don't mind if I do, kid," the guy replied as he stood up, ran his cock up and down Colin's ass before using spit to lube himself and enter for a fuck. Colin almost heard the ding go off in his head as soon as the guy came in him. One down, three to go. As he was being fucked, two more guys appeared, both stripping to stand side by side so that Colin could suck them off together. Once he'd gotten one of them hard, that guy moved out of the way and let the other guy get a better blowjob. He took his erection, and instead of entering Colin, entered his friend and fucked him while he was being blown, giving encouragement along the way. Both of them came, and left with clothes in hand. Colin stood up to stretch a bit.

"Jesus, does no one fuck anymore?" Colin asked softly under his breath, reaching for a bottle of water that he'd picked up earlier.

"I'll fuck you if you bend over," said a voice behind him, almost scaring the crap out him. He turned to see a teenager taking his clothes off. Colin bent back over the tree and the boy lubed himself up and pushed his 6 inches into Colin's ass, fucking him like he was rushing to catch a plane. He lasted less than two minutes before cumming. Colin was halfway through the task. "Wanna fuck me?" The boy asked.

"Not right now," Colin replied. "I'm kinda in the mood just to get fucked," he said lying slightly. He would have gladly fucked the guy if he hadn't been on a mission. "Uhhh, ummm, would you like a blowjob?" Colin asked not sure if the rules applied to guys' he'd just had sex with or not.

"No, I'm pretty sensitive after I cum. My boyfriend is more of a bottom, so I don't get fucked a lot. I'm Riker. Wanna exchange numbers and maybe get together again?"

"I don't have my phone with me. I left it with my clothes, but I can give you my number and you could text yours to me. I'm Colin."

"Cool," the boy said as he got dressed and handed over his phone to get the number. He quickly texted it. "There, now you have my number."

"How old are you?" Colin said looking at the boy more closely as he stood up again.

"15. But that's mostly legal. I like sex, and I'm gay so I know what I'm doing. Are you versatile?"

"Very. I would love to fuck you if we hook up again."

"Sweet. I'll call you."

"Thanks for the fuck," Colin grinned as Riker said goodbye and took off. Two more guys showed up a couple minutes later, and Colin resumed his position over the log. Both guys were fully dressed and stood behind Colin running their hands over him.

"Would you guys like blowjobs?" Colin asked quickly.

"Slut much?" One guy asked as he pushed his finger into Colin's ass. "Dude, he's wet! There's cum running out of his ass. Fag's been fucked a lot," he announced as he wiped his finger on Colin.

"Here's your chance. You always said you wanted to see what it was like. Fuck the faggot," the other guy challenged.

"Not something that sloppy. You wanna do it, be my guest."

"Might as well," the other guy said as he went behind Colin. The next thing Colin felt was a reasonable size cock being shoved into him.

"Oh snap! No way! You're actually fucking him? Dude! What's it like?" The first guy said almost giddy with disbelief.

"If you'd tried it, you know. Like my big cock, fag?" The guy said as he held Colin's hips and fucked him. Colin wasn't sure how to tell the guy that his cock didn't feel that big, and that he'd had much bigger; but from the sound of the first guy, he seemed to think his friend had a big cock.

"Fuck, I can't believe he's taking that thing. He must be looser than a ten-dollar hooker."

"He's not bad. Tighter than your girlfriend," the second guy teased.

"Fuck you."

"No thanks. Been there, done that! Anyway, that's what he's for. Let him suck you off."

"Dude! I don't want some fag sucking my dick."

"Yeah, you do. Don't be such a pussy. You've let Gary suck your dick before and you liked it."

"That was different, we were drunk."

"So, pretend your drunk. Gotta be better than rubbing one out by yourself."

"Whatever. Just don't look. I don't need you staring at my junk."

"Dude, the last thing I wanna see is your junk. Not like I haven't seen it a thousand times before."

He kept fucking as the first guy stepped in front of Colin and lowered his pants. Colin almost couldn't find the dick in the thick bush of pubes, and when he did, it was barely four inches. At least he knew he wouldn't choke on it. He gave the guy a blowjob, and when he tried to grab the guy's ass to pull him in further, his hands were pushed away.

"Don't grab my ass, fag. Just suck the dick, and do a good job."

The two straight boys spit roast Colin until they both came and pulled out. "The guy who had been fucking, slapped him on the ass. "Now you have some real cum in that sloppy hole, bitch. Have fun out here, whore." They dressed and left.

"Straight boys," Colin mumbled to himself. "They're so bad at sex it makes me glad I'm gay."

With three loads in his ass, Colin was anxious to move on from this task and get to the next one. He saw a guy a short distance away in the woods watching him. He waved him over. The guy was in his early 20's, not Colin's type, but then at this point beggars can't be choosers. The guy approached apprehensively. "Wanna fuck me?" Colin asked bluntly.

"Out here?" The guy asked looking around nervously.

"Yeah. Right here, right now. I'm so fucking horny. How big are you?"

"I dunno. Five eight," he replied.

"I meant your cock," Colin grinned.

"Oh right, yeah, duh! Ummm, around 8."

"Nice. Can I see it?"

The guy looked around again and nervously unfastened his pants and pulled out his limp, but ample sized cock and balls.

"Fuck! Nice package. Those are some big balls on you. Can I get it hard so I can see the whole thing?"

"I guess," the guy shrugged. Colin reached out and took hold of the long thick cock, causing the guy to jump.

"I'm guessing you don't do this a lot?"

"No. First time cruising the woods," the boy replied quietly as he watched Colin jerk him off and fondle his balls.

"Have you fucked anyone before?"

"Sure. Lots of times. Just never outside or anything."

"You wanna try it, or I could just blow you if you want."

"Could I maybe give you a blowjob instead? You have a wicked looking cock."

"Thanks. I'll make you a deal. You can suck me off and when you think you're about to cum, fuck me and cum in my hole. I need it."

"Okay, I guess that'd work," the guy said as he dropped to his knees and quickly began to suck Colin off.

"Damn, you're good at that," Colin remarked as he felt the teenager's tongue lapping at him while his balls were being pulled down hard.

The guy paused and looked up. "I've had some practice," he grinned before resuming the blowjob. Colin reached down for the guys shirt and quickly pulled it up over his head. He put his hand down to feel the guy's chest and play with his nipples, looking to the side to see that he was jerking off while he sucked like a world class pro. It went on for at least three or four minutes, before the guy paused and warned that he was about to cum.

"Do it in my ass!" Colin almost barked at him as he reached down to grab the guy to lift him up.

"I don't have lube," he complained.

"I don't care, just fuck me," Colin demanded as he turned around and bent over the log, almost dragging guy with him. He held the hard cock and backed onto it before the guy could changed his mind, and did all the work moving back and forth to get the guy to bust one out in him. He felt hands on his hips, and heard a small whimper from the boy. He kept going and smiled as he heard the grunt and the shudder as the dude unloaded. Ding, Ding, Ding. That's four loads! Colin thought to himself. Mission Accomplished. He pulled the guy out of his ass and turned around to face the guy. "Thanks! That was awesome."

"Yeah. Thanks. I was so fucking nervous though," the guy admitted as he put his dick away and refastened his pants before grabbing his shirt and putting it back on.

"It gets easier the more you do it, just like giving head, which you're fucking great at, by the way."

"Thanks. I think I have a reputation for giving good head," he admitted.

"Do you do a lot of fucking too?"

"Mostly I bottom. I don't top much," he admitted. "I'm Jared by the way."


"Nice meeting you. I should get going. I'm supposed to meet my boyfriend, Riker. We're meeting at the lake, and I tried to take a short cut and got lost. Good thing I did."

"Riker?" Colin asked surprised.

"Yeah, why? You know him?"

"I know `a' Riker, probably not your boyfriend though. What are the odds?" Colin replied.

"True. He's pretty monogamous. I think he'd be pissed if he knew I did another guy. He has a temper sometimes."

"Yeah, then he's probably not the Riker I know," Colin reasoned, hoping that it wasn't the guy that had just fucked him and swapped numbers. That could prove awkward. It took less than five minutes before Colin found his ninth task and was tiring out from running around the woods, although he had to admit to himself he was actually having fun. He found the marker and read the card. `In the small envelope, find three tasks. 10 metres to the west find a person waiting for you. Choose one of the three cards and hand it to him to administer.' He opened the envelope. The cards read: have your head shaved; accept 30 floggings; sleep the night in the woods.

"Shit. Well no one is shaving my head," he said quietly as he put that card back. "Flogged, or spend the night naked in the woods with wolves and grizzlies, and maybe moose and polar bears. Hmmm... Are they carnivores or herbivores," he said trying to work things out in his head. "Flogging it is then. Okay, so two questions," Colin said continuing to talk to himself. "Which way is west and exactly how far is 10 metres? Canadian measurements. Crazy shit. Wait, sun sets in the west," he said smiling and looked to the sky. He reasoned that the sun appeared to be off to his right, so he headed that way crashing through trees and bushes. He almost cheered and patted himself on the back when he found a masked guy in a black t-shirt and shorts waiting for him. "Hi. Umm, I guess I'm supposed to give you this," Colin said handing over the card.

"Bend over and grab your ankles," he said as he turned to pick up a cat-o-nine tails. "Count as I flog you."

He hit him lightly at first as Colin began counting. The guy hitting his ass slowly increased the level of the flogging and by the time the count got to 15, Colin was grimacing in pain and trying to hold on. He was beginning to wonder whether the bear and wolves might have been the better option. He found his legs were beginning to shake as the guy continued to abuse his ass with the whip, but he was determined to prove he was strong enough to endure it. The final few were the worst as they got much harder, hitting him with a crack that he was sure could be heard all over the forest.

"28...29...30!" He said as the guy hit him for the last time and told him to stand up and moved him over to a nearby tree.

"Lean against that and I'll put lotion on your ass to help it feel better". Colin complied and couldn't believe how badly his ass was stinging. He almost jumped a mile when the guy began rubbing the cold lotion over his cheeks as they were really sensitive. Then he quickly remembered the rules and looked slightly back at the guy.

"Would you like a blowjob?"

"No. I'm going to fuck you though," the guy replied as he dropped his shorts and shoved himself inside. Colin almost resumed the count as the guy slammed into him for the next five minutes, each thrust hurting when he felt him up against his ass. He hoped the final task wasn't something that would require him to sit down. The guy finally came and pulled out. "You're done. You can move on," he said bluntly.

Colin wasted no time getting out of there and tried to look back at his ass to see how bad it was. It felt like it might be damaged forever as it was stinging badly, and when he reached back to touch it, it was sensitive and he could feel the marks the whip had left. Everyone he encountered would know what he'd been up to. His next task was found a short while later. `Find out names of five uncut guys you meet today. You must visually see their penises. If you have already completed this, move to next station. If you didn't, you may not proceed to next station until you have all names.'

"Shit! I never got their fuckin' names," Colin said kicking himself for not asking. He was thankful that both Jared and Riker were uncut, but if he'd asked the others, he would have had it done. He looked around and couldn't see anyone wandering around. His first thought was to go back to one of the stations where there had been water and get some, he was feeling like he needed to pour it over his ass. He almost jumped in excitement when he saw two guys going at it off in the distance and made a bee-line for them. He was even happier that they were both uncut.

"Hi guys. I'm Colin," he said introducing himself. They gave their names in return and he only had one more to go.

"You wanna join us?" One guy asked.

"I'm kinda spent. You okay if I just watch? My ass is kinda sore right now," he said turning to show them.

"Holy shit! Damn! You musta been playing hard, dude," the guy being fucked exclaimed as they looked at him.

"Yeah, pretty hard. That's why I'm done for now."

"Hopefully we'll see you around again sometime when that's healed."

"I'd like that," he said as he watched them play for a couple minutes. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw another guy watching in the distance. He made his way over to him. "You should go over there and join in with them. I think they'd enjoy a third," Colin said to the guy who liked to be in his late 20's.

"I just like to watch," he replied still fully dressed, but with a hand down his pants.

"I'm Colin."

"Les," he replied.

"Okay, Col, then," he joked.

"No, my name is Les...Lester," he grinned.

"Nice to meet you Les Lester. Would you like a blowjob?" He asked.

"Thanks. Not right now though."

"Ummm. Would at least let me see it? I love checking out different cocks on guys," he asked desperate to get the task over with and go home to soak his ass in ice. The guy thought about it for a couple seconds and then unzipped and pulled it out, showing it was fully hard. "Wow! Nice!" Colin exclaimed as the erection came into view and was uncut. He almost cheered. "Are you sure you don't want a blowjob? It looks like it needs one?"

"If you want, I guess," the guy said changing his mind. Colin wasted no time in dropping to his knees and sucking the big cock right down his throat, getting Les to cum very quickly while he was also playing with the large hairy nuts on him as well.

"Thanks," Les said as he put things away and took off at a rapid pace.

Colin stood up and wiped his lips. "At least I know where that saying comes from now. `Les is more,' he said out loud to himself. This wandering around in the wood seemed to have him carrying on conversations with invisible people a lot more. "He's more cock than Les," he giggled. He thought to himself that if his ass hadn't been wrecked, he might have liked to try riding that, but he figured he could always come back another day and try to find him.

Now that all 10 tasks were completed, he had to find his way back to the beginning. He had tried to remember a few specific things during his walk, so he attempted back tracking. After what seemed like an hour, he wasn't sure if he was any closer or further away from the entrance, but was encouraged each time he came across one of the stations he'd completed. He was almost happy to come across some of them as he took the opportunity to drink water when he found it. He wandered down a trail and came across a small clearing and stopped.

"Hi!" Came the small voice of the guy laying out on a large tree stump, before he jumped down and ran over to Colin.

"Hi Caleb. You're still out here?"

"Yeah, I think I'm lost, but I'm just taking a break before I try to find the trail again."

"Why are you naked?" Colin asked as he tried to minimize the contact between them.

"I tried your game of running around in the woods without clothes. It's fun."

"Yes, it is. I'm trying to find my way out too if you want to come with me. At least if we're lost, we can be lost together."

"Okay, cool! Thanks mister."

"You can call me Colin."

"Okay! Thanks Colin."

"Are you freaking out at being in the woods?"

"A little," he said looking down and kicking the ground with his bare feet. "I hoped someone would come by and help me. I'm glad it's you."

"Me too, buddy. Me too. How about you put some clothes on for our walk though?"

"Are you gonna put clothes on?"

"I would, but I left mine at the entrance."

"Okay, I'll leave mine off too," he said.

"I think you should get dressed."

"How come? Is it because I don't have a big penis and people will laugh at me?"

"No, because you'll make everyone jealous at how cute you are, and they'll all feel bad that they're not as cute."

"Yeah. That's what I thought," he nodded as he got dressed and followed Colin to where the event had started. Carter was waiting for him when he arrived.

"You find a friend?" Carter asked looking at the young guy with him.

"This is Caleb. Caleb, my big brother Carter."

"Hey! All our names begin with `C', cool, huh?" He said grinning.

"Really cool. Can you find your way home from here?" Colin asked.

"Sure. I know where I am now. Nice meeting you Colin," he waved as he took off running.

"He was lost in the woods," Colin explained as he took his clothes from Carter and got dressed.

"Should be an interesting story for him to tell everyone," Carter smirked as we headed back to the car. "How were the tasks?"

"Long, but fun. One of them I got my ass flogged, so I think I need an ice pack when we get home and please avoid bumps in the road. I don't think my ass can take it."

"Glad you had a good time."

"Yeah. Thanks for setting that initiation up for me. Do all the guys go through that?"

"They try to vary things, but yeah, sometimes they just set up the same thing. Once you get it all planned, it's easier to run the guys through it each time. Were there lots of people in the woods or were you alone?"

"There were a few guys around. Good thing too as a lot of the tasks required me to do stuff with people."

They got home and Colin quickly grabbed some ice and put it in a Ziploc bag, wrapped it in a towel and ran to the bathroom to see how bad it was. He almost groaned at all the red marks across his cheeks. "Shit. I hope these don't last long."

Carter walked in and checked it with him. "A couple days and you'll be fine. They're just on the surface. It's worse if it breaks the skin as you could end up with scars."

"At least I know I'm not in BDSM shit. That really hurt."

"But you did it. Want me to slap you on the ass to show you how proud I am of you?" Carter teased.

"NO!" I don't think I'll be sitting for a while."

After they called in a pizza for dinner, the boys watched a movie and then headed to bed. Colin dreamt of all his tasks. The next day, his ass had pretty much recovered and was back to normal with just a few small red marks. He gave a sigh of relief as he hit the shower, letting the water ease his weary bones. He even took the opportunity to nap for a couple of hours during the day.

"We're going out to dinner as I have someone I'd like you to meet," Carter said as the day got later and Colin had been quite content to lay around the apartment with his computer.


"Jake. He's the current president of the `Q' in Vancouver. You'll like him. He's a really nice guy."

"Is that like saying a girl has a great personality?" Colin joked.

"No. Jake is someone you'll easily become friends with."

"You know I only become friends with someone AFTER I've slept with them, right?"

"Oh really? So Martin, Grayson, Brooks, Treyvon? You HAVE been busy."

"No, idiot. I meant after figuring out I was gay. I grandfathered in all my old friends, so the new rule doesn't apply."

"I see. Well, you might want to rethink that. It's always nice to have some straight friends too, ya know."

"I'm aware of that. I'm not an idiot. I just think they should go to bed with me first. Straight, or not."

"You may want to look up the definition of straight while you're on your computer," Carter joked. "We'll head out around 6:30."

"Cool. Colin quickly turned back to his computer and typed in definition of straight.' It read: extending or moving uniformly in one direction only; without a curve or bend. "Well, that's not helpful," he said and looked up more definitions until he found one that fit. heterosexual. A person attracted to people of the opposite sex. Men who like women, and women who like men are heterosexual. Another word for heterosexual is `straight'. "Doesn't say a guy wouldn't be open to sex with another guy," he reasoned.

The guys headed to dinner at a nearby restaurant, where Carter introduced Colin to Jake. The guy was older than Colin, probably closer to Carter's age, but very good looking. He had brown hair with blonde highlights and his hazel eyes seemed to have an intense hypnotic feel to them. Colin liked Jake's smile as it felt genuine and instantly welcoming. The guys ordered dinner and sat talking about generic things as they got to know each other. Jake was excited that Colin would be coming to live in Vancouver and offered to give him any help he needed getting settled, and looked forward to any ideas he had for the organization.

"You two should spend some time together. Get to know each other better," Carter suggested when he saw how well they were getting along, and how his little brother was staring at Jake.

"Great idea. Would you like to spend the night, Colin?" Jake asked boldly. "We could have a couple drinks and share a few ideas for the future."

"Would that be okay?" Colin asked his brother.

"Like you need my permission," he smiled. "Just be home early tomorrow as we have a party to go to and it'll run late, so you'll need plenty of sleep ahead of time."

"Then sure. I'd love to," Colin replied. They finished dinner and Colin went home with Jake after they said goodnight to Carter. Once back at Jake's apartment, Colin looked around at the one-bedroom place, nicely furnished, but not overly large.

"You want that drink?" Jake offered.

"Sure. What you got?"

"Beer, wine, vodka."

"I'll have whatever you're having," Colin said not sure what he wanted.

"Are you old enough to drink?" Jake asked smiling as he went to the fridge for a couple of beers.

"In my mind, I'm old enough to do anything." Colin said nodding.

"Fair enough," Jake nodded cracking them open and handing one to Colin. The clinked the bottles and drank to getting to know each other.

"I guess as the `Q' president, you get to have sex with lots of guys, huh?" Colin asked directly as they talked. Now that Carter had left, he figured he could ask more gay things that Carter might have frowned at.

"I meet as many new members as I can," Jake replied with a huge grin. "It's pretty funny actually. Normally we don't discuss anything about the `Q' with those who aren't members. We try to keep the Society as secret as possible, but since you pretty much own it, I guess those rules don't apply to us. I'm sure once guys learn who you really are, you'll be getting more than your share of sex too."

"Carter suggested I only tell people on a need to know basis, like you, as president. He said it would be better to be anonymous."

"What do you think?"

"I dunno. His advice is usually pretty good most of the time, but I'd at least like some people to know. It'd probably get me laid as much as being the president."

Jake laughed. "Trust me Colin with the way you look, you won't have trouble getting guys, even if you weren't in the `Q'. You are one beautiful guy."

"Yeah? You think so?"

"Well, I haven't seen all of you yet, but just your face will get guys out of their clothes. I'm sure the rest will drive them insanely horny."

"You haven't seen all of me...YET?" Colin smirked. "You planning on seeing me without my clothes sometime?"

"Well you are spending the night, and I'm hoping you'll let me take you to bed without your clothes on."

"What if I'm a virgin?" Colin smirked.

"Are you a virgin? And keep in mind that as President of the club, I know all the activities we plan for our pledges."

"Then, no. I'm not a virgin."

"And would you like me to undress you and take you to bed?"

"I was actually wondering why we were still dressed!" Colin grinned.

"Then drink up and we can really get to know each other."

"You trying to get me drunk?" Colin asked as he took a big swig of his beer.

"Do I need to?"


Jake grinned and moved the top of his beer over to Colin as they tapped bottles. "Good to know. You really are as sexual as your brother said you were," Jake laughed.

"How old are you?"

"Why? You have an age limit?"

"No," Colin smiled. "Just curious."

"I'm 21."

"Nice. I'm 17."

"Yeah, I know," Jake grinned. "Your brother said you've been having sex since you were 13."

"Carter talks about me? All good I hope," he smirked.

"Nothing but good. He thinks pretty highly of you."

"Yeah? He's a pretty cool big brother...most of the time," he remarked as he finished his beer, belched and put the empty down.

"Want another?" Jake asked.

"Might as well. I hate the hangover in the morning though."

"Just make sure to have a glass of water before falling asleep. It'll help keep you hydrated. If you get too hot, feel free to take your shirt off. This apartment is always a little too warm," Jake commented as he went to get Colin another beer.

Colin followed him. "Is that your move to get boys out of their clothes? Keeping your apartment too warm?"

"I wish. No, with the big windows, this place gets the heat of the afternoon sun so it's always way too warm in here. Half the time I just walk around naked."

"The half when boys are over?" Colin teased as he accepted the second beer. "I'm from California, so I thought the apartment was nice. Not too warm at all, but if you want to get comfortable and take your clothes off, go ahead," he said as he took another sip of his drink.

"You've got moves, I'll give you that," Jake laughed as he stepped in front of Colin and put his hands on the boy's stomach. "How about we just take our shirts off to start. Let me see that amazing body."

"How do you know it's amazing?" Colin giggled.

"I've heard stories."

"Like once upon a time type stories, or horror type?"

"Definitely the fantasy once upon a time type," he teased reaching to slowly unbutton the top buttons on Colin's shirt and put his hand in to feel his smooth skin. "You really are pretty," he said seductively.

"Is that good? Are guys supposed to be pretty?" Colin asked as he took another sip and watched as Jake reached over to unfasten his shirt.

"That's really good, and you are so beautiful that I think you could have any guy you wanted just by snapping your fingers."

Colin snapped his fingers. "Hey! It works! Whaddaya know?" He chuckled as his shirt was pushed open to expose his chest and stomach.

"Wow! That is a seriously toned body. Do you work out?"

"Does sex three times a day count as workout?" Colin joked.

"It must. Look at those abs and perfect pecs. Shit. Now I'm not even sure I want to take my shirt off."

Colin laughed. "Gonna be difficult to have sex if you leave your clothes on. You probably should take your shirt off, or I'm gonna feel self conscious and want to get dressed again."

Jake quickly pulled his shirt off over his head as Colin watched and stopped sipping his beer. "Nice. You have wicked muscles. I wish I had more like that," he said as he checked Jake out.

"No. You have the perfect body. Never change a thing," Jake commented as he ran his hands over Colin's torso, receiving the same exploration in return. "This definitely isn't helping cool me down," Jake said as they felt each other.

"Guess we'll have to take the rest of our clothes off," Colin suggested. They watched each other remove their pants and underwear and then stood back to check each other out.

"Whew! You're so beautiful. You're like a perfect piece of art," Jake gushed as Colin stood there fully erect being reviewed.

He blushed. "Uhhh, thanks?"

"No one's ever complimented you before?" Jake said stepping up to touch Colin again.

"Sure, but I've never been called a work of art. You're not gonna hang me on the wall, are you?"

Jake gave him a big grin. "No, but I sure want to stand and admire you for hours. Looks like we have about the same size cocks on us. What are you about seven and a half?"

"Yep. You too?" He asked looking at Jake's circumcised penis with just a small amount of hair above it and perfectly smooth balls.

"Exactly. So, now the personal questions. What do you like to do?"

"Not sure. I haven't tried everything yet, but I'm versatile and I love kissing and blowjobs. Rimming is fun too," he admitted quickly.

"Then we'll get along great. I'm also versatile, and I could spend the whole night kissing. Especially someone as incredibly beautiful as you."

"Do those lines really work on guys?" Colin smirked as he took another sip of his drink.

"Let's see. You're naked in my apartment with an erection. What do you think? Just so you know before you get any more alcohol in you, I'm going to fuck you tonight. You're okay with it, right?"

"More than okay. I need it so bad. I haven't been laid in hours," Colin replied as he put his drink down and moved against Jake to press their bodies together so they could make out. It took no time at all before they were on the couch flipping back and forth as they explored each other.

"How many times can you cum in a night?" Jake asked as he was down between Colin's legs sucking his cock and fondling his balls.

"I dunno. Guess we could find out."

"What makes you cum the hardest?"

"Being rimmed, then fucked," Colin replied without even needing to think about it.

"Good to know. Fucking while kissing is what does it for me. Sounds like we're compatible."

They spent the next couple hours exploring each other, while remaining on the couch. Stopping only to get more to drink and the occasional bathroom break. By late into the night, they'd found out a lot about each other, neither one losing their erection. Jake stood up and grabbed Colin by the hand. "Come on. Time to hit the bed so I can try out that beautiful ass. You wanna feel my cock inside you?"

"God yeah!" Colin said swinging his legs down and standing up and being led to the bedroom. They both lay down intertwined with each other as they made out.

"Maybe I should use the bathroom and get some water first," Colin suggested. "Ummm, do you have a spare toothbrush by any chance?"

"Sure, there are some new ones under the sink. Help yourself. I'll get us some water," Jake replied as they took a quick pause in the evening's activities. Colin rushed to pee and brush his teeth and tidy his hair. He smelled his pits and looked in the medicine cupboard for deodorant. He didn't want to smell bad all night. When he returned, Jake was back on bed waiting and handed him a bottle of water. They both drank some before Jake rolled over on top of Colin. "Open your mouth," he said with a small grin. Colin did as he was told as watched as Jake took a drink of his water and let it pour out of his mouth into Colin's. He swallowed it as Jake leaned in for a kiss. He felt the cold water on his tongue and his dick twitched between them. "Oh, you liked that, did you?"

"Never tried it before," Colin replied as Jake did it again. This time with their faces a lot closer together as they shared the water. As they played, Jake had begun lubing Colin up and when he was ready lifted the boy's legs onto his shoulders and entered him. The whole time just watching his face and staring into his eyes. Colin stared back, remaining relaxed he felt Jake take him, then he giggled.

"What's so funny?" Jake asked leaning up to look at Colin who was chuckling in a slightly drunk state.

"You're not a very good president," he told him.

"Why's that?"

"Aren't I supposed to be in your inner circle, not the other way around?" he giggled again.

"Funny! Don't worry baby. You will be. That I can promise," he said as he fucked him. They spend the next several hours flipping back and forth entering each other in as many ways as they could think up. Each of them lost track of how many times they came, and occasionally fell asleep, only to wake up when the other began again. At one point, Colin lay there as Jake was on top happily fucking him and actually fell asleep. He didn't remember it ending until he woke up and found Jake straddling his waist and riding him. He put his hands on the older boy's thighs and hypnotically watched his cock bouncing up and down. He shot his load and they went back to sleep. In the morning, they continued to fool around before agreeing they needed a shower and some food. They reluctantly dressed after a shower together, and headed out to the nearby Denny's.

"That was a great night!" Colin admitted as they waited to order.

"I'm not sure either of us got much sleep though," Jake said smiling at him.

"We can sleep when we're dead."

"True. I have to admit I enjoyed getting to know you. I guess we'll be spending time together again once you move up here permanently."

"I hope so," Colin replied feeling his dick twitch in agreement. They both looked up as two guys came over to the table holding hands.

"Hey Jakey! What's happening?"

"Hey guys. Not much. Just refueling. Roland, Mason, this is Colin. Colin, Roland and Mason. You guys having breakfast?"


"Wanna join us? If that's okay, Colin?"

"Fine by me," he said sliding over to make room for them. He was slightly amused that he was meeting another Mason, considering the first one he'd met took his virginity. Colin wondered if the name Mason was popular in Canada or something, but didn't comment on it.

"Just played the back nine and a half, if you know what I mean," Roland commented as he sat beside Jake with Mason sliding in next to Colin.

"Nine and a half? Is that some Canadian metric golf thing?" Colin asked confused.

"You're not Canadian?" Roland asked.

"No. American. You don't sound Canadian either though," he noted as he heard Roland's accent.

"I am, but I grew up in Britain as a kid."

"So, the back nine and a half? Is that like the 19th hole or something?" he inquired, trying to remember all the things Hunter had taught him about golf.

"He's probably done 19 holes this week, right Mase?"

"Shut up," Mason replied, as they picked up the menu.

Jake rolled his eyes. "Ignore Roland he's a slut. He just means Mason has nine and a half inches. Nothing to do with golf."

"Bullshit," Roland replied. "It's exactly golf. I play with his wood, and try to get a hole in one every time. I give him my club when he needs it and I even wash his balls when they need scrubbing. How about you two? You look like you haven't been to sleep yet. Trying out some international cuisine, Jake?"

"Ignore him, Colin. Roland doesn't really have a filter. He's a slut with attitude."

"Ain't that the truth, girl," he laughed. "You get popped last night, Colin?"

Colin smiled. "I can't really give you details, but he popped me so much I almost asked for hot butter and a movie to go with it."

Mason almost choked as he laughed. "Nice!"

"What you packin?" Roland asked.

"Sweaters. Lots and lots of sweaters!" Colin joked. "Not exactly super warm up here."

"I meant in your pants, honey?"

"I know," Colin replied. "To find that out, you need me in bed. By the sound of it, Mason might get me there first, unless you can play more than the back nine and a half."

Jake laughed. "Looks like you got competition, Ro!"

They ordered and talked over breakfast. "How long are you here for, Colin?" Mason asked.

"Just the week. My brother and I are getting things set up for me to move here in January."

"You're moving here?" Roland asked redundantly.

"Yeah. Carter wants me to take over his business stuff so he can take advantage of opportunities over in Europe."

"What's he do?" Mason asked.

"Real estate and investing, mostly," he said looking at Jake as he left out the `Q' details.

"Nice. Are you good at that stuff?"

"I'm getting better at it. Carter's been teaching me since I was a kid. I kinda wish I could stay in California, but Vancouver seems friendly enough."

"You're just saying that because you had Jake's cock in your ass all night," Roland tittered. "I guess we'll have to plan a welcome party for you when you move up here."

"Sounds like a great plan. Hope your golf game improves by then," Mason added as a burn to Roland.

"Bitch. What are you guys up to after breakfast? Wanna come back to my place for a couple extra sausages?" Roland asked.

"More like a bratwurst and cocktail weenie," Jake joked trying to insult Roland.

"I really want to, but I promised my brother I'd be home as we have a thing to go to tonight, and I need some sleep first. Maybe another time," Colin said as he felt Mason's leg rub up against his and almost changed his mind. He really wanted to check out the back nine and a half, but Carter had told him that they would be having another late night and he should be sure to get plenty of sleep. "I love to see you guys again after I move here though."

"And we'd love to see you too," Roland smiled as he rubbed Jake's thigh under the table. Colin could feel the sexual energy from these guys but realized he was seriously beginning to crash from being up all night with Jake. They finished breakfast and the guys all walked him back to his building where they hugged each other goodbye and promised to connect up again. Colin rushed up to the apartment where Carter was on his computer.

"Hey, bro. You have a good night?"

"The best. Jake is really cool. We met a couple other guys at breakfast too. Roland and Mason. So, I'm already making friends."

"Good. Did you get much sleep?"

"No. Not really. Jake and I stayed up most of the night talking and getting to know each other."

"Talking, huh. Is that what the cool kids are calling it these days?"

"Shut up, perv. Just so you can easily talk with a dick in your ass, just not with one in your mouth."

"TMI, bro! Way TMI!! I'm guessing you're heading for bed."

"Yeah, if that's okay? Unless you have plans or something?"

"No, grab some sleep. I'll head into the office and come back this afternoon to grab you."

"Deal," Colin said as he dragged his tired ass to the bedroom and almost collapsed onto the bed. He was pretty sure he was asleep before his head hit the pillow. Several hours later he awoke when he heard Carter returning to the penthouse. He opened his eyes as his brother strolled in and sat on the bed beside him.

"Had enough sleep yet?"

"I have a morning boner, so I'm guessing that's a yes. That's kinda my indicator that I'm good to wake up."

"Again...TMI. That's an overshare you can probably keep to yourself."

"What are we doing?"

"Once you're up and showered, I thought we could hike up the Grouse Grind and have an early dinner up at the top before going out tonight."

"Did you say hike UP? Like a hill?"

"It's Grouse Mountain. It's a good workout. About 3 kilometres and elevation gain of about 850 metres."

"Dude! Speak English. it's 18 miles and how many feet up, like 5000?"


"You said multiply by 6 or something to convert metric, right?"

"Wow. I've really gotta send you to metric camp. You multiply kilometres by point 6 to get miles, but that's the only measurement it applies to. Not every metric thing uses that formula."

"I know that, duh! Like weather. I got that one. You double Canadian temperature and add 30 to get American temperature, right?"

"That's the easiest way, yes. And it's Celsius to Fahrenheit. Not Canadian to American."

"Whatever. So back to this hike. How far is it in real distances?"

"About 2 miles in length and we gain about half a mile in elevation, or 2800 feet."

"See, you should have led with that. That's a hard pass, thanks!" Colin replied pulling the covers back over himself.

"Come on. It'll be good for you. You can't spend all day in bed."

"Says you. I'm fine in bed. In fact, it's one of my hobbies that I've perfected. I even like to share my skill with others whenever possible."

"Get up!" Carter said pulling the covers back. Colin grumbled and sat up.

"Fine, but I need a shower first, unless you're planning on watching me nut one out right here?"

"Nope. Not planning on that at all. But if I were you, I'd save that energy for the climb. You might need it. Plus, you'll have plenty of opportunities to have fun tonight."

Colin grinned. "You're getting me laid tonight?"

"One track mind," Carter said shaking his head. "Go shower."

"Hey! I'm 17. I have tons of tracks on my mind. Most of them are sex tracks though. I'm a multitasker!" He bounced out of bed, took a quick shower and grabbed some food before they headed over to the North Shore to begin the climb up the mountain, which took just under two hours to complete. Some people on the trail ran past them like they were senior citizens using walkers to get up the hill, and Colin was determined to make sure he got better at this so he didn't look as wimpy in the future. By the time they got to the top, he was ready for a good meal in the restaurant overlooking the city.

"Please tell me we don't have to walk down," Colin said as they waited for their food to arrive after ordering. "We can call for a helicopter or something, can't we? Or can taxis drive up here?"

"No, taxis can't drive up here, idiot," Carter laughed. "Don't worry. There's a gondola down. You're actually not permitted to walk down the Grind. It's up only."

"I have a penis like that. Up only!" Colin joked.

"Somehow, I knew that your penis would get into the conversation at some point. I don't think you can go 10 minutes without talking about it."

"I can so. That hike took like 50 hours, and I never talked about it once."

"That hike took two hours," Carter corrected.

"Ha! That's more than 10 minutes, so your theory is busted!"

They had a nice dinner and headed to a movie once they got down the hill. Colin was also happy to get home and get back to bed. He figured he had just gotten to sleep when Carter was back in his room waking him up again. "This is a really annoying habit you have of waking me up before the sun even gets up."

"The sun came up two hours ago, and I let you sleep in this morning. It's already 9am, so stop your bitching and get ready."

"Do I nut one out today, or do I need my energy for another forced march through some wilderness in search of sasquatch or polar bears or something?"

"Save your energy for tonight. Today, we're back at the office."

"Again? How many days a week do you do this?"

"Five, sometimes more, since we own the company," Carter said as he yanked the covers off his brother.

"You know if you wanna see my morning bone so bad, you can just ask," Colin complained as he crawled out of the bed and stumbled past his big brother to hit the shower.

Colin did his best to learn as much as he could while they were at the office, and he had to admit that once he got into it, he was having a pretty good time interacting with everyone and loved it when they listened to his suggestions. Once they got back into Carter's office, Colin flopped down on the couch as his brother took the executive chair.

"Okay, so are they just being nice to me because I'm a Worthington, or do they really like my ideas?"

"Would it matter?" Carter asked bluntly. "We own the company. If they just say what we want to hear, then they're not employees interested in making the company more successful."

"Why would they give a shit if we're successful or not? Don't employees resent the boss and just show up for a paycheck?"

"A lot of employees maybe, but we don't operate like that. All our people are paid wages above industry standard, and we offer a year end bonus based on profits. The more successful we are, the more they get."

"Like how much of a bonus? Are we talking a couple hundred bucks or free coffee and donuts?"

Carter laughed. "Let's see. Last year, most of the employees earned bonuses equivalent to 50% of their annual salaries."

"Wow, nice. But you said we use contractors for a lot of things. Do they get bonuses too?"

"Nope. That's up to their company who bids to provide services."

"And we take the lowest bidder to keep the profit up?" Colin interjected knowing how a lot of businesses worked from watching TV.

"Not always. We begin by checking the reputation of the company before we even look at their bid. If they don't match our ideals and standards, then we don't even proceed. We keep a file of all blacklisted companies, and once they're on there, they rarely get a second chance."

"Cool. I guess that's pretty decent. So you think I'll be good at this stuff?"

"I think you're good at it, but as with anything you have a lot to learn. That's what I'm here for, and you have a strong team to help guide you as well. Don't worry bro, in no time at all, you'll be making your own decisions and leaving the rest of us far behind."

"Thanks Carter. What do you think I'd have been if I hadn't gone into business with you?"

"I can think of two things you'd have been good at. One is being an Executive at the studio as you really understand movies and the entertainment business to some degree. Not as much as real estate and investing though."

"And the second thing?"

"Porn star. You've been practicing being naked since birth and you're extremely sexual."

"Not to mention hung like a horse and super hot!" Colin grinned.

"There's that modesty we see so rarely," he laughed. "Now speaking of being sexual, we have a party to go to tonight. It's your `Q' initiation at the mansion."

"Mansion? Who's mansion? Oh my god! Are we going to the Playboy mansion so I can hang out in the grotto?"

"Sure. That sounds like a place a gay boy would enjoy. Surrounded by Playboy bunnies in a grotto."

"Who doesn't like bunnies and grottos?" Colin chuckled. "Okay, so we party in a Vancouver mansion. I'm in!"

They finished work and had dinner at a nearby restaurant, before heading home to get ready for their evening out.

"So are you coming to my initiation?" Colin asked Carter as he dressed in designer clothes that he'd picked out.

"It's not really for me. I'll drive you there since you don't know where you're going. I'd offer to pick you up at the end, but somehow I think you'll either stay all night, or end up going home with someone or several someones. If you don't, you can always call for a car to bring you back here."

"A mansion full of gay guys all horny and jacked up to see me naked. I'll be staying all night...duh!"

"Just watch out for any oil barrels on the way home."

"Once. It was once! Let it go dude!" Colin grinned as they both remembered that incident. They headed down to the garage and jumped in the car for the drive. It wasn't far, but just slightly too far to walk.

Chapter 27 As they pulled up outside the mansion, Carter turned to look at Colin. "Normally pledges are brought here blindfolded for the final initiation ceremony. If they don't pass, we don't want them knowing where this place is. You don't have to worry about that, but once we get inside, I'll blindfold you so you get the whole experience anyway. You'll be joining four others, who have completed all their tasks. They have no idea what is about to happen, but I can fill you in on some of the details."

"No. Let me just do it with them. I like surprises too," Colin grinned. "Wanna blindfold me here and take me in?"

"And help you up stairs? No. Once you're inside, I'll blindfold you and present you to the executive council who will take it from there."

"Will Jake be there?"

"Yes, he's the president, but for tonight, you don't know him, remember?"

"Right. Cool."

The boys walked up the main stairs and entered the mansion. Once inside Carter put a blindfold on Colin and secured it tightly. "Have fun bro. I'll see you later."

"K. Thanks Carter," Colin said as he stood there unable to see anything and felt his heart rate increase in excited anticipation. He jumped slightly when he heard two people approach and talk to him.

"Pledge. Time for your initiation," one of them said. "Come with us."

They led him inside the main hall and put him in place, hands behind his back and legs slightly apart. They told him to remain where he was until they were ready for him again. He was sure he could hear others breathing around him, but he couldn't be sure. He was either alone in the room, or now standing in front of millions. He had no idea, which made him even more anxiously excited. It was a good five minutes of standing there before anything happened. Then a voice spoke. He was sure he recognized it as Jake.

"Tonight we decide if you are worthy of becoming a member of the `Q'."

The blindfolds were removed, and he found himself standing in a darkened room with what seemed like small spotlights shining on him from above making him visible to everyone. He could just barely make out that there were several hooded guys in robes not too far away sitting on chairs, while to his left were four other guys standing just like he was. He assumed these were the other candidates for tonight.

"Pledges," the voice continued from beyond the light. "You have completed all your tasks, and successfully finished your individual challenge. You stand before the executive committee for final judgement. If the council is satisfied that you are worthy, you will be accepted into the worldwide order of the Q' and be given the permanent symbol to identify you to any other Q" members you may encounter where you travel."

Colin thought the whole dramatic approach could used some work, like a booming voice and maybe some creepy music, like a movie, possibly some better ambient lighting to make it seem scary. He made his mental notes, but just stood there quietly looking straight ahead, just as the others were doing.

The voice continued. "Each of you completed your final tasks to ensure your participation here tonight. From helping to find a lost dog, to service in a senior's residence, helping a lost boy find his way home, to cleaning trash off several kilometers of beach, all while being of service to others around you. Behind me in the dark, watching tonight's events are the 10 members of our Executive council and another 50 `Q' brothers all waiting to welcome you. Tonight begins by showing everyone what you have to offer. Remove their clothes. Pledges, eyes are remain looking straight ahead at all times."

Robed members approached and quickly stripped all five pledges, placing their hands behind their heads and interlocking their fingers. Colin desperately wanted to glance over at the now naked guys beside him, but he forced himself to look directly ahead. "It's good to see that you all came prepared for tonight and are shaved smooth." Colin sighed to himself in relief as Carter hadn't mentioned that, but he had made sure to clean himself up in the shower before they came out. He wondered if they would have punished him if he hadn't.

"Now we will test your level of self control. Each Q' must be able to handle himself in various situations and be a good brother to all other Q'. Your first challenge is to keep your erection down no matter what. Failure to do so, will result in an ice bath to help return you to a flaccid state."

Colin was sure he heard one of the guys beside him whisper an `oh shit'.

"Pay attention to the images on the monitor in front of you." The screen lit up and showed pictures of people doing various things in the community. "These are some of the individual challenges that each of you got up to during last week. As the images went by, Colin watched carefully in case they were going to be quizzed or something. Most of them just showed nice images of people doing nice things for others. The senior center, beach cleaning, dog walking, and he even saw one of himself talking to Caleb, but not showing any nudity except for him shirtless in the woods. "Good control pledges," Jake said as the images came to an end. "Let's show a few more things you all got up to." The images returned and this time there was plenty of nudity, showing a variety of tasks the pledges had done. It was a little more difficult to stay under control, but all managed to keep themselves from becoming erect. Colin remembered what the task was like beyond the picture, and he had no doubt each of the others was thinking the same thing as they remembered what they had to do to get to where they were. The pictures continued and slowly became more sexual. Guys with erections began showing up on screen, then such things as holding onto each other's penises, and then finally full sex activities were shown. Colin wished he could have been at some of those things as they looked fun. While they were watching the screen, they didn't notice the inflatable pool being brought in behind them. One by one, every pledge eventually got an erection, which Colin assumed was the intent all along by how graphic the pictures became. Once it ended, Jake spoke again.

"It looks like none of you have any real self control, but at least those members present today can see what you have to offer us. We will have to return those to flaccid as promised, but first, we'll let everyone know exactly what you're offering to our group. Bring in the camera."

A robed member arrived with a video camera while another guy walked beside him. "Members please watch the screen for your close-up view of the bodies being considered tonight." The screen lit up again and saw the image from the camera now in front of them. They approached the first pledge and worked the camera down his body to show him off on the big screen. It panned down his front, and then back before returning to the front where a ruler was placed beside his penis to show the length of it. Then the balls were shown close up, and finally his ass cheeks were spread and the hole was shown. Each pledge could watch himself on the screen being revealed to everyone present in the darkened room. No comments were made about the pledges as one by one they were given their time in the spotlight. Colin watched as the camera panned over him and was almost impressed by how his ass actually looked, thinking he'd fuck himself if the chance presented itself. His penis was measure and clearly shown to be 7½ circumcised inches. It looked bigger on a giant TV monitor, but he wished it was truly longer in this situation, although he was still proud of it. Once the reveal was done, the screen went black and Jake returned to talk.

"Now we must take care of those erections to get you back under control before we proceed. Fill the ice bath," he boomed. Behind them, the pledges could hear ice being dumped into the cold water of the pool they still hadn't realized was there. "Okay, everyone into the pool. Let's get you all rolling around with each other until there isn't a single erection remaining."

One by one the boys got into the ice water and knelt down when instructed. From there, they had to lie down and roll around. Since it wasn't exactly big enough for all of them to have their own space, they found themselves under or on top of the others. Fortunately, the water was too cold to make it seem that exciting and each of them was thankful that they went soft quickly. Some faster than others, but none were allowed to leave the water until the last one was back to soft. Once out of the pool, they were given a towel to dry off and return to the center of the room where they had begun the evening.

"Better. Most of you will wonder how we knew about you, and why you were chosen to be included for consideration. Tonight, we will introduce you to the person who recommended you for membership, and who has sponsored, and in some cases, monitored you closely, reporting back to us since the beginning. Each pledge must have a Q' recommendation to join, and once you become a member, you also will be able to recommend others. If your pledge does not make it, you will be punished by the members for wasting our time and resources. Tonight is not the time for that as you are all still here. Now it's time for you to see who had such confidence in you. Some may not be surprised at who sponsored you, others may be, but regardless, tonight you will be receiving his seed that you can pass along to other Q' throughout your journey. Bring out the first sponsor," Jake commanded, still hidden behind his robe, slightly off in the dark to hide his identity. A new small spotlight appeared at a door off to the side and a fully naked guy entered and made his way over to face the group. "Pledge. You will recognize your best friend, Daryl. He has chosen you wisely. Have you ever had sex together?"

"A couple times, sir," the pledge replied grinning.

"Sponsor, go kiss your pledge and stand beside him while the others are introduced. The room watched as the boys kissed and then stood side by side. A second sponsor was brought out, also fully naked.

"Pledge, do you recognize your team mate?"

"Yes, sir," the pledge replied.

"Would you have expected him to be your sponsor?"

"Not at all. Total shock. I thought he was straight."

"We can assume by that, you never had sex together?"

"No, never."

"Have you seen each other without clothes?"

"Sure. In the locker room and showers after a practice or game," the pledge replied.

"Have you wanted to have sex with him? Remember pledge, we know most answers to our questions."

"Yes," he replied succinctly.

"Have you seen his erection in the locker room or showers?"

"No. Not something that happens."

"Well, that's about to change in a few minutes."

The third sponsor came out and the pledge grinned from ear to ear. "I'm guessing you recognize your brother's best friend?"

"Definitely," he replied.

"Have you two been together before?"

"Ummm, kinda yeah."


He was sleeping over with my brother one night, and I snuck in and gave him a blowjob cause I thought he was hot. He woke up and caught me and I thought I was dead. Instead, he took me back to my room. He said he'd let me finish if I promised not to say anything to my brother, and let him fuck me one day."

"Have you fulfilled that promise?"

"Not all of it. I never told my brother, who's straight, but we never got a chance to fuck, only do a couple more blowjobs."

"Tonight, you will be completing that promise."

The fourth sponsor was sent out, just like the others, completely naked. The pledge almost laughed. "No way," he said almost to himself.

"I'm taking it you recognize your sponsor from your school?" Jake asked.

"Barely. He looks a lot different."


" school he's a bit of a nerd, no offense. He wears glasses and weird clothes and his hair is always slicked back. Now he's...well...fuck...he's kinda hot."

"And you're considered one of the popular guys in school and don't associate with the nerds I take it?"

"Not usually. I may have to rethink that."

"You'll definitely be rethinking it once he gets that massive cock hard and inserts it into you tonight," Jake laughed. The sponsor stood next to his pledge. "Dude," he whispered. "You should have this look at school. You'd be killer popular."

The sponsor smiled. "It's my secret identity. Plus, they frown on it if you go to school naked."

They never got a chance to continue as the fifth sponsor strolled out. Colin's eyes went wide and he beamed as Carter walked towards him without clothes.

"Pledge, your sponsor is your big brother. Were you expecting him tonight?"

"That's a big no," Colin replied.

"Have you ever played together?"

"No. He's always refused."

"He won't refuse tonight as he seeds you into membership," Jake said grinning to himself from behind his robe. Pledges and sponsors, in just a few minutes we'll be connecting you together to share the most intimate of `Q' traditions, your seed. "Normally we just have the sponsor seed the pledge to continue the circle that bonds all our brothers together, but tonight we have a little something extra planned. While we get things ready, the council will put their masks on, and remove their robes. Two Executives have been assigned to each pledge and will join in with the seeding to welcome our new members. Once the sponsor is done, the two Executives will take the pledge from each end to share additional seed. As a bonus tonight, if the pledge manages to control himself and doesn't ejaculate before the three seedings are over, he will be allowed to anally seed his sponsor to complete the circle. This will add an additional branch to our tree of life.

Colin turned his head sharply to stare at Carter, who was smiling at him. He didn't say a word as they watched while, what looked like oversized bean bag chairs, were brought out. The 10 Executives stepped into the lit area and dropped their robes to expose themselves, except faces, which were hidden behind masks. Colin thought they all looked hot, and wasn't disappointed by the two that came over to him and began running their hands all over his body, getting him hard in the process. Each pledge was guided to a chair and positioned on their backs with asses up at the thick end of the bean bag chair. and heads down, almost onto the floor. The members still robed produced lube from a hidden pocket and fingered it into the pledge, before turning to coat the sponsors penises, getting each one hard in the process.

Colin took a deep breath and stared intently at Carter, not believing that this was actually going to happen after all these years of him begging for his big brother to play with him. The masked Executive lifted Colin's feet up onto Carter's shoulders and helped the older Worthington position his cock for penetration. Colin didn't blink in case he missed something, and as soon as he felt his brother's penis touch him, he wanted to shoot forward to take it before he changed his mind. Carter didn't hesitate as he shoved himself fully into his kid brother and began to fuck him. Colin sighed and let himself relax to accept it. He wanted his brother to see how good he was at sex after all these years. As soon as he felt Carter's cock deep inside him, his own penis began to twitch with each thrust from his brother. He stuck his tongue out to the side as he tried to remember each second of this bonding that he'd waited so long for. Carter fucked harder and Colin squirmed as the prostate reacted to the stimulation. He was also trying desperately not to cum from it. When he saw one of the Executives approach his head and kneel down, he opened his mouth to accept the cock that was presented. He sucked as deep as he could, enjoying the attention from both ends. He wondered if any of the pledges would survive this and not actually cum. He was desperate not to blow his load so he could seed Carter next. The guy in his mouth announced he was cumming and pulled out quickly to spray his load all over Colin's chest, before sliding the spend dick back in the mouth to be cleaned up. Carter wasn't far behind him and grunted as he erupted inside his little brother. Colin could hold back any longer, and his penis exploded all over himself as he watched his brother face while climaxing inside him. Carter pulled out as soon as he was done, and was immediately replaced by the other Executive patiently waiting his turn. Carter went and knelt beside his brother.

"So? Was it worth waiting for?" Carter asked.

"Meh! I thought it'd be better," Colin giggled teasing, disappointed that he wouldn't get to fuck his brother now.

"Little shit!" he replied as he moved in and lowered his voice. "I love you kid, but that was a one-time thing between us, okay?"

"I know. The best day of my life so far. The only time I've ever cum without touching myself. You're amazing!" He said reaching over to give Carter a hug.

"That's why I didn't fuck you sooner. I'd have set the bar too high and ruined it for you with everyone else," Carter joked. Colin rolled his eyes as if to dispute that, but deep inside, probably about where his brother's cum was floating around, he realized that there might actually be some truth in that.

Once all the pledges had received their `gift' from their sponsors and Executives, Jake stepped back up.

"Just one thing left to do. Time to make you an official member of the Q'." The pledges were helped up and led away into a back room where they got to watch each other receive the small double-edged axe tattoo on the bottom of their right big toe. While they were in there, the main room was quickly cleared and set up for the party. Those in the Q' that had been hidden in the darkened shadows, now came out to help, shedding, robes, masks, and in most cases, the rest of their clothes, or at least down to their underwear. The music was cranked up, and the lighting turned to party mode. When Colin returned with a small gauze pad over his toe, he was beaming from ear to ear.

"Now you're official," Carter said putting his arm around his brother's shoulder.

"Thanks!" He grinned. "I love the tattoo on the bottom of the foot idea. That's wicked cool. Hidden, but a really good way to show you're a member of a secret organization."

"That's why we do it," Carter nodded.

"We welcome you all as brothers, and tonight's party is in your honour. Being brought out now is the penetrator. This 18-inch dildo is a right of passage for everyone who joins. Each new member will be required to ride it at some point tonight to receive a reward. The farther down you go on it, the reward increases exponentially starting at the 7-inch depth. If you can only take 7 inches, you may choose any of the reward envelopes for that depth. If you go all the way to 18, you may choose a reward card from each inch, as well as select any member here tonight to take home for the entire weekend. So to clarify, if you go to 9 inches, you pick one card from the 9 inch reward pile, but if you go all the way down to 18 inches, you may select a total of 12 reward cards."

"What are the rewards?" Colin whispered to Carter.

"Guess you'll have to ride the penetrator to find out," he smirked.

"Can't I use my owner override or something?"

"Not tonight you can't."

"Has anyone done the 18 inches?"

"A couple. Not a lot can get it all the way though. Usually they bottom out around 11 or 12."

"Damn. I can't imagine taking a 12-inch cock as a fuck, never mind 18."

"That's why the reward is so high," Carter replied.

Colin turned to Carter. "Do all the guys know you own this?"

"No. Just the Executive committee. It's not a secret, but I don't go around announcing it. Being gay, you may want to take a different approach. That's up to you, but I'd agree with Jake. Guys are gonna trip over themselves getting to know you. It might be more than you can handle if you burst out of the gate as the owner of the `Q'."

"I dunno, dude! I can handle a lot of bursting!" Colin giggled.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to some of the guys. Some you already know," he said slyly.

First up were, Riker and Jared, the guys he'd met in the woods. He learned that Riker was actually 17 and Jared 16. They patted him on the back for doing so well at his challenge. One by one he met all the guys that he'd come across performing his tasks, including the guy that had been with his girlfriend, as well as the two that had pretended to dislike fags. Obviously 10-year-old Caleb hadn't been invited, but Colin found out that he was still part of the setup. He was Kellan's younger brother and at no time was the kid actually lost or out of sight of anyone.

"He really liked you though," Kellan grinned. "He said, `you're super cool.' Thanks for looking out for him."

"It was my pleasure," Colin grinned almost relieved that the kid hadn't actually been lost. "I was just scared someone was gonna come up and try to kill me for hanging out naked with a ten-year old. Especially when he asked if he could wander around with me."

"We wouldn't have let anyone kill you," Kellan grinned.

Sean, the guy who had been with the girl, strolled over and put his arm around Colin. "Thanks for the blowjob. Maybe later tonight, it can be you who sits on my face. I'd love to taste that sweet ass."

"So, was that your girlfriend?"

"A friend. We fool around sometimes. She knows I'm into boys, but had no idea that the thing out in the woods was a setup. She found it as hot as fuck."

"Me too!" Colin agreed with a big smile.

The party got into full swing with good music, lighting, food and of course sex. Everyone seemed to want to spend time with the new pledges, and Colin quickly lost count of how many guys he'd been with. He'd fucked, sucked, blown and rimmed so many that there wasn't any part of his body that wasn't starting to feel sore. At one point he was standing with his drink, while two guys down on their knees played with him. One was eating his ass while the other sucked his cock. Colin looked over and saw his big brother bent over a small table being spit roast. "Shit!" he mumbled to himself and quickly extricated himself from the guys using him and went up behind Carter. He waited until the guy fucking Carter pulled out, and quickly pushed in to be next. He inserted himself into Carter's ass and fucked him while watching the other guy being sucked off in front. Colin wondered how much trouble he'd be in if Carter actually knew who was inside him, but right now wasn't the time to think about it. He was pretty much out of cum by this point in the night, but he did climax and give his brother whatever he had left, feeling pretty proud of himself. In his mind, he'd flooded his brother with gallons. He pulled out and moved around to the front where the other guy was just finishing up. Carter stood up, and grabbed a blond guy that was walking by. He bent him over the table and quickly shoved his hard cock in the boy.

"Damn! Big bro's got some game!" Colin grinned nodding at his brother as he took a drink of his beer. Carter took the cup from him and drank half of it down quickly before giving Colin his drink back. Either he was washing the taste of cum out of his mouth, or he was just dehydrated. Colin didn't ask.

"Was that in doubt?" Carter grinned as he continued to fuck the young blond guy in front of him as another guy came up behind Carter and wrapped his arms around him. Carter looked back and the guys started to kiss. It took less than 10 seconds before the guy shoved his cock into Carter, making him into a sandwich. Carter broke their kiss and reached back to pull the guy deeper into ass.

"Who knew you were such a slut, bro," Colin chuckled.

"Once in a while kid you gotta let out your inner horny. Almost a primitive need. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"I'll say. This is the best night ever. If Vancouver is always like that, I might just stay and not go back at the end of the week."

"You'll get plenty of opportunities, I'm sure," Carter told him as he continued to fuck back and forth between the two guys. Colin was gently playing with himself as he watched, and in his slightly drunk state, leaned in to suck on Carter's nipple, half expecting to be pushed away. Carter just moaned and moved his hand off the guy behind him, and put it on Colin's head to suction him to his chest. As he was bent over enjoying playing with his brother, Colin felt someone behind him, and before he had a chance to turn to check it out, a cock was shoved up his ass.

"Nice, Jake!" Carter said grinning. "Looks like I won't have to worry about Colin being taken care of when he's up here by himself."

"Thought I shouldn't ignore him, considering who he is," Jake commented as he put a hand on Colin's neck and fucked him deep. Once the three guys using the Worthington brothers were finish, Carter put his arm around Colin's shoulders as they walk with Jake over to grab some food.

"Don't go too far, Jake. I'm sure Colin and I will want to use your ass later. Might as well have a shot of cum from both of us."

"I look forward to it," Jake nodded with a smile as he wandered off to the rest of the party.

Colin mumbled at his brother with a mouth full of food. "How'd you like my ass?"

"Not bad. Thought it'd be tighter, but still more firm than any pussy that's for sure. But let's not make it weird and talk about it, okay. It was a pledging thing, and it's over. As I've always told you, I'm your brother, and I don't think it's a good idea for us to have sex together. It would just change who we are. You understand that, right?"

"Got it. You don't want to fuck me all the time because my ass is too good and I'd ruin sex with girls for you. Did you just insult my ass or compliment it?"

"I guess you'll have to figure that out on your own, little bro," Carter replied as the boys continued to tease each other.

"Thanks for making me do the initiation thing. This was wicked fun."

"You're welcome. Have you tried the penetrator yet?"

"Dude! You're not THAT big. I've handled bigger. You did meet Dylan, right?" He said shaking his head.

"Asshole! I didn't mean me. I meant the dildo."

"That's what I was talking about too," Colin giggled as Carter grabbed him, and put him in a head lock. It ended quickly when Colin grabbed for Carter's junk.

"Come on let's go check it out," Carter suggested, and the two boys headed over to the 18-inch dildo.

"Fuck, that's impossible," Colin said as he put his arm beside it with his fingers outstretched. "That would be like taking my arm up to my elbow."

"Consider it extreme fisting," Carter joked.

"Ouch. I'm not even into regular fisting."

"I'm surprised. With an ass that big, I thought you be able to take two fists at once."

"Rude! I have a hot tight little ass, but I know I can at least take 8½ after having Dylan around, so I'm sure I can go deeper than that, but 18 is crazy."

He waited until a condom was put on the dildo, which they said made it easier to clean between guys each time. Then he got into position over it, while others watched his attempt. Getting it in was easy, as was the first 8 inches, then it slowly became more difficult. He found it empowering as the guys cheered him on, but by the time he reached 11 inches, he knew he couldn't go any further, and had to admit defeat, but he'd done better than most of the pledges. He picked his reward envelope and opened it to find a thousand-dollar shopping spree at Little Sister's, which found out had a great selection of sex toys.

By the time the party wound down, Colin was almost exhausted to the point that he would have been happy to curl up in a corner and fall asleep, an idea that Carter didn't recommend as he figured Colin's ass was in such demand that he might not actually be allowed to sleep. The boys finally headed back to the penthouse and each took a long shower. Once Colin finished, he felt refreshed and wandered into Carter's room, and bounced on the bed to straddle his brother playfully. He leaned down to stare at his face, grinning. "You fucked me!" He gloated. "You said you'd never do that, and you did," he almost sang excitedly.

"I didn't and I never will," Carter replied tried not to smile back at his excited younger brother. "Remember, what happens at an initiation stays there. It's a secret society, which means things stay a secret."

"Yeah, but you fucked me. You put your cock in my ass and came in me. I have part of you now!" He gushed as he reached to grab Carter's cock through the covers. "We can go again if you want. It was such a wicked night, I don't think I can even sleep."

"Like I've told you before. We're brothers and I'm not fucking you. It was a one-time thing for the initiation, and it's over."

"Just part of the initiation thing, right," Colin smiled as lay down on his brother. "If you want, I could give you your fuck back so that we could be sure it never happened," he said grinning as he stared him in the eyes.

"And by give it back, you mean fuck me, I'm assuming," Carter replied knowing Colin better than anyone.

"We could say I'm giving you your cum back if you want."

"Go to bed," Carter said pushing Colin off him.

Colin moved to slide under the covers next to his big brother.

"Your own bed!" Carter clarified.

"Come on Carter. Let me sleep in here with you."

"Like I don't know you're up to. You'll pester me all night for more sex and neither of us will get to sleep. Go to your own bed!"

"Please, Carter. I promise I won't ask for sex. Just do what we did when I was little. Wrap your arms around my chest and hug me."

"You always did like that. It got weird when you hit puberty as you kept wiggling your ass against my cock. I guess we know why now, don't we? If you promise to behave, you can sleep in here. First attempt at anything sexual, I'll take you to your bed and tie you to it."

"I thought you just said we WEREN'T doing anything sexual," he laughed as the boys cuddled together. True to his promise he didn't attempt anything, despite being hard most of the night hoping that Carter might give in and just `accidentally' slide into him. They both slept soundly for hours instead.

"`Morning," Colin said.

"`Morning," Carter replied. "Sleep okay?"

"Yeah, I guess I was exhausted. You have a morning boner," he said wrapping his hand around his brother's erection.

"As I'm sure you do," Carter acknowledged pulling the hand off.

"Yep!" Colin said pushing the covers back to show it off. "If you need a place to put it, I could lie face down and go back to sleep. I wouldn't complain if you `accidentally' pushed it inside me. I'd even pretend not to notice if you want. It'd be easier than jerking off."

"Don't start that again," Carter said as he pushed the covers off and got out of bed to head to the bathroom. Colin raced after him, erections leading the way. They took their morning piss, with Colin continuing his playful attitude and crossed streams.

"You know you're getting piss all over my leg, right?" Carter grinned at his brother.

"Never bothered you when I was younger," Colin reminded him. "You're just jealous now because my swords finally bigger."

"It's not the size, kid, it's how you use it."

"So, you're a double loser, huh?" Colin laughed as they finished up and Carter started the shower. He never said anything as Colin followed him in and watched while he soaped and shampooed himself, making sure to emphasize washing his legs of pee splatter. They switched places so that Colin could get under the water. Carter grinned when Colin handed him the shampoo bottle.

"Aren't you getting a little old for me to wash your hair?"

"Uhhh, you're NEVER get too old for that. You've always washed my hair for me," Colin reasoned.

"Yeah when you were a kid and couldn't, or wouldn't, shower alone."

"So, what's the difference now? I'm still your kid brother."

Carter didn't argue and washed Colin's hair for him. By the time he was done, Colin had another erection. "I think you just answered your own question," Carter replied looking down. Colin just grinned.

"I can't help it when it does that. Not my fault you're getting too old for sex."

"If only that were true, you'd stop pestering me about it."

"I am not pestering, I'm simply mentioning more effective solutions to cure morning wood," he grinned as he made a point of dropping the bar of soap he was holding. "Ooops, dropped the soap!" He teased and he bent over slowly sticking his ass out at Carter.

"Jesus! What have I created?" Carter asked as he slapped Colin hard on the ass causing him to shoot upright yelping. As he jumped up, his foot slipped on the soap and he fell with a heavy crash to the tiles, taking Carter down with him.

"Shit! Are you alright?" Carter asked as he lay half on top of Colin.

"I'm good," he laughed as he flung his legs up over Carter's waist to hold him down on top of him.

"Let go, Colin or I'll lift you up and body slam you back onto the tiles," Carter said staring at him. They both knew he'd never actually hurt Colin, as they'd play wrestled tons as he was growing up and Carter was always aware of how much older he was than his kid brother.

"I only need a quick fuck. You might as well since we're already in position and horny," Colin said giving his brother a pleading smile.

"Only one of us is horny. So that's what you want huh? You want to get fucked? Okay, put your legs back and get your ass in the air."

"You mean it?" Colin said excitedly as he did what he was told. Carter grinned to himself as he grabbed Colin's toothbrush off the ledge, spit on it and shoved it up his ass.

"There! Now you're totally fucked!" Carter laughed as he stood upright.

Colin reached back to pull the brush out. "Not fair!" He complained. "I thought you were gonna do it for real."

Carter turned Colin around to face him. "Buddy, I know I've taught you a lot about growing up, and yesterday was a special thing between us for the Q' initiation. I always knew we'd do it when you became a member, but it really was just a one-time thing. I love you, and always will, but we're not having sex. I don't mind being close to you when you're naked, or even hugging and giving you a kiss, but that's it. You know when you live here, if you get this horny, you can simply go down to the Q' mansion and hit the dungeon. There is always someone insanely horny down there; or go into the database and find someone close by. I'm pretty sure you could get laid 24/7."

"I suppose. It's just you're so handy. You're right here and I trust you. What could be easier than brothers helping each other out?"

"Brothers getting dressed and going to breakfast," Carter replied as he got out and wrapped himself in a towel, leaving Colin to finish up.

"You know, once I move up here by myself, I'll probably get a boyfriend or two and you might never get to see me naked again."

"If that were only true," Carter said as he looked in the mirror to brush his hair. He'd decided to skip shaving for today.

"I'm just saying. This might be your last opportunity to get some from me. I'd take it while it's available," Colin said wiggling his ass at his brother.

Carter slapped it hard. "I'll take my chances."

"How about a compromise?" Colin asked

"What compromise?"

"You fuck me, and I won't keep begging you to do it."

"That's not the definition of a compromise. That's you getting what you want and being satisfied until you get horny and you start begging all over again."

"Nuh uh! It's a compromise, because I'll just lie there and not even jerk off while you do it. I'll do it just to help you out anytime you bone up."

"Not even you could do it that much," Carter laughed. "Dude, I'm serious. Take the car, go down to the mansion and screw yourself stupid...or more stupid than you are right now...and come back when you've had enough."

Colin threw his arms in the air. "I already covered that. Didn't I say if I did that, you'd probably never see me again?" He joked.

"You'd said I might never see you naked again. I'm willing to risk it. Now let's get dressed and go to breakfast. I wanna get to the office."

"You should get me an intern of my own. Maybe a sex intern that I could teach things to."

"Do you ever think with anything other than your pecker?"

"Are there other options?" Colin grinned as they dressed in business casual and went out to breakfast. "But we are gonna do some gay stuff at some point today, aren't we? Or is it just gonna be all business?" He asked as they ate.

"I'm sure you'll get a chance to meet some people you can hang out with," Carter assured him.

"Whew! That's good."

They spent the day at the office, with Colin quickly forgetting about sex as they got into planning. By the time they got home, it was late and they just crashed out. They next day, they flew back to California and the whole way back, Colin had his laptop out trying to see opportunities and sharing his findings with Carter almost every ten minutes.

"Don't burn out, Colin. Make sure you leave time for a personal life as well. I found myself spending 14-16 hours a day focused on work. Don't let work consume you."

"I'm having fun. It's like I'm doing something that matters now, and I want to do a good job at it."

"You will," Carter said having the last word on it before they returned home.

"How was Vancouver?" Brooks asked as soon as he saw Colin was back.

"Pretty decent. We got to blow up a building. That was pretty sweet."

"Seriously? Why?"

"It was like a high-rise building and we just blew the shit out of it. Here, check it out," he said showing him the video of it.

"Nice. Is that what your brother does a lot of? Wouldn't it have been better to repurpose the building?"

"Sometimes he does, but he said you can only do that if the foundation is still strong. This building was old and needed to come down as it wouldn't have supported a renovation."

"Makes sense. Looks impressive anyway. I can already see you blowing up half of Vancouver when you live there. Did you get laid a lot while you were up there? Hook up with what's his name again?"

"You mean Mason? The guy who took your..."

"Shut up, Oreo! I mean it. We don't EVER talk about that. We never think about it. We scrub it from memory with 35 overwrites. I was just curious if you were slutting yourself out to everyone while you were there?"

"Not everyone," Colin joked. "Only the guys. Nah, mostly I was just up there so Carter could show the company and introduce me to all the employees. Show me how stuff worked."

"So, in a whole week you never got sexually promiscuous?"

"I never said that," Colin smiled. "I said it was mainly business. I met a few nice guys who were happy to take off their clothes to introduce themselves. Vancouver has potential."

"Has it changed your mind at all, now that you've seen everything?"

"No. I committed to doing it, so I don't want to let Carter down. I'll move up there and if I find I can't do it, then I can talk to him later and see what else we can arrange. I mean he has lots of good employees that all seem to know what they're doing. Mostly I think he just needs me to keep an eye on things. Maybe when I learn more stuff, I can make bigger decisions, but for now I think it's just keep it running for him."

"You'll be great. You're a natural leader. You always seem to get people to agree to do things for you and you're pretty good at investing. That's probably why Carter helped you learn it all."

"He didn't teach me everything," Colin replied. "Sex was all me, baby!"

"That's not true. Who started you out? Carter!"

"Yeah, but who took it from there and learned more? Colin!" Colin said bragging. "And who taught you? Colin!"

"You taught me about fellatio. I taught myself everything else."

"Except for..."

"If you say it, we're done as friends," Brooks said cutting Colin off and glaring at him.

"I would never say that Mason's the one that taught you how to take it up the ass like a gay hooker. I'm just not that guy. I mean if you're into that, then you'd learn it on your own, with your legs spread, face down on my bed with a total stranger," he grinned teasing. Brooks ran at him and Colin took off with his best friend chasing him. He caught up to him by the pool and gave him a flying tackle into the pool fully clothed.

"Asshole! You just wrecked our phones," Colin said as they dragged their asses out of the pool and sat on the side.

"These were last years models anyway. We needed upgrades," Brooks reasoned as they pulled stuff out of their pockets to put on the deck.

Preston, Grayson and Austin showed up a few minutes later and saw the two guys still sitting at the side of the pool fully clothes with their feet in the water.

"Is this a Canadian thing that you're trying? Too cold up there to swim in shorts, or are they just too polite to remind someone to change for swimming?" Preston teased.

"Canadians aren't that polite," Colin replied.

"That means someone turned him down for sex, probably," Austin laughed, with the guys all agreeing with him.

"No one turned me down for sex!" Colin snapped back. "In fact, when they learned I was a California boy, they were all over me, like I was their version of maple syrup."

"The cold froze his brain too," Preston teased. "But seriously, why are you two sitting there in wet clothes?"

"Brooks tackled me into the water. Like we're about to do to you," he said as he stood up, followed by Brooks, and they chased their friends all over the yard until they had them by the side of the pool. "You have phones in your pockets?"

They said they did and removed them to put on the deck before being grabbed again and thrown in the pool. The boys stayed dressed for a bit diving and jumping in the pool like the teenagers they were, before finally stripping off to get dried and head up to Colin's room for other clothes to borrow. They began talking about what lay ahead for them as graduation loomed.

"Who are you taking to prom?" Preston asked Colin.

"Not sure yet. It would have been Dylan if he hadn't moved, but I dunno."

"What about Hunter?" Austin suggested with a sly grin.

"Uh, because he's straight and I'm not sure he'd want to be my date. All I know is that whoever I choose had better be willing to put out afterward. I want to lose my virginity at prom."

The guys all laughed as Brooks spoke up. "Then you shoulda gone to prom 4 years ago when you were 13."

"I mean my prom virginity," Colin corrected.

"Didn't you lose that at the junior prom with Dylan?" Preston inquired as the guys teased Colin.

"Fine. I want to lose my senior prom virginity after the senior prom like so many of you virgin straight boys. Speaking of that, who are you taking to prom, Preston?"

"Burn!" Grayson laughed. "I'm taking Amy. We're sharing a hotel room with her best friend, Alissa who's taking Kevin." The guys fist bumped him.

"You gonna be able to get any with another guy in the room?" Preston asked.

"Count on it. It's not like we'll have all the lights on, and we're not sharing their bed."

"You could all swap for variety when you get bored," Colin added. "Amy and Alissa could hook up while you and Kevin watch. Then you and Kevin can go at it while the girls watch."

"Shut up, Worthington. Only you would come up with that," Grayson said shaking his head.

"I dunno. I'd be fine watching two girls do it," Brooks commented.

"And when the girls say that for it to be fair, you and the other guy do it? Are you gonna be sexist?" Colin teased.

"Of course. It's hot watching two girls. Two guys together is..." he paused.

"Is what?" Colin said folding his arms and staring at his best friend.

" not as common?" Brooks said quickly.

"Nice save," Colin laughed.

"I'm taking Maddy," Brooks revealed. "She's already been over to the house a couple of times so we can `practice' before prom."

"Practice? Practice what? Dancing?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah, dancing," Brook laughed. "I dance my penis right into her vagina and I do the hokey pokey with it. I put it in, I put it out, I put it in and shake it all about. She says she wants her night to be special, so we arranged a hotel as well."

"The only way it's gonna be special with you is if you buy a vibrating strap on," Colin joked.

"That's what she said," Preston remarked and all the guys stopped and looked at him. "What?"

"That's not how you use that saying, idiot," Grayson laughed.


"I wish I could have gone to prom," Austin told them. "Being home schooled, or tutored on set, sucks for stuff like that."

"You could come as my date. As long as you put out afterward," Colin teased.

"Sure, you want that maybe we should invite the paparazzi and make out right there on the dance floor?" Austin said quickly.

"I'd have been fine waiting until the hotel, but sure, awesome! I'll bring the lube since you're bringing paparazzi. Seems fair."

"I was kidding. I'm guessing you're going to take Lauren, Preston," he said turning the attention away from himself.

"I'm taking Lauren," Preston confirmed. "But we're not staying in a hotel afterward. Her parents are even going to be chaperones for the prom."

"Ouch. You're so not getting any action. I doubt you'll even get a good night kiss," Brooks remarked.

"Isn't that the truth," he said shaking his head.

"Well, you can always join me and my date. We'll be happy to let you stay in the hotel with us, and the paparazzi, right...ummm Austin," Colin offered with a big grin.

"Yeah, like that'll happen," Preston said rolling his eyes.

"Wicked! This night is shaping up nicely. Lauren will get you raging horny while you watch all the other couples, then you come back to the hotel with me and Austin, and we'll help you out. Win win."

"You know that was sarcasm, right?" Preston said quickly.

"Guys. I was thinking something. We're all about to graduate and we've been friends for years now and should be able to tell each other anything, right?"

"Don't we?" Brooks said frowning slightly.

"Most things. But not everything. I'll start. Guys...I'm gay!"

They laughed. "Oh my god! Shock! What? Why didn't you say anything? You could have trusted us," Grayson laughed. "I always wondered why you kept giving Dylan mouth to mouth so much. I thought he just choked a lot."

"I'm also not a virgin," he added.

"Shocker! Slut!!" Brook replied laughing.

"Says you! The guy who is hornier than me, but not getting laid a tenth as much."

"I get laid enough," he said to defend himself.

"Whipping your dick out at bus stops doesn't count as getting laid," Colin told him.

"It does if you ejaculate at the end," Brooks reasoned. "Anyway, I've gotten tons of fellatio."

Colin just looked at him with a smirk, but chose not go there. "Blowjobs don't count as sex. Guys back me up here. Does a blowjob count as getting laid?" Brooks asked.

"I don't think so. I think you have to fuck," Austin chimed in.

"No. I think anything you do with another person counts as getting laid. Kissing is making out, but anything with genitals is getting laid," Preston said giving his view on it.

"So, being jerked off in a room full of bubbles means you got laid?" Colin asked remembering his 16th birthday with Preston.

"Ummm..." Preston stammered.

"Wait! Back up! You got a handjob at that club in San Diego?" Grayson asked. "You?"

"Why not me?"

"Mister I'm saving myself for after marriage?"

"That's Lauren's rule not mine. I'd totally be fine with sex if it were offered."

"Fine, but only this once. The rest of you close your eyes," Colin chuckled.

"If sex were offered by a girl," Preston clarified.

"You wouldn't know the difference in the dark."

Austin nodded. "So true." When the guys looked at him, he stopped. "Oh what? He's right. You wanna know a secret of mine? I was practicing with Colin for a role I had to do of being tied up and kidnapped. I wanted it to be authentic, so we had sex as if I were his prisoner. I was blindfolded and until he actually fucked me, I wouldn't even have known he was a boy, except maybe he was better than any girl I've been with."

"I was?" Colin grinned already knowing that, but playing along.

"The basic stuff, yeah. When you actually went inside me, that made it pretty obvious you weren't a girl. It kinda hurt too."

"That's because of my massive dick."

Brooks snorted. "On what scale? That Canadian metric thing?"

"Exactly. I'm 19 or 20 metric units."

"Centimeters," Grayson said helpfully.

"Yeah. Those."

"You two really had sex together?" Preston asked looking extremely surprised.

"Sure, why not? How else are we supposed to learn anything? At first it was just for my role so I knew what it was like to be kidnapped, but it's kinda fun being thrown around and having someone take control of you. I wasn't sure I'd be okay with it as first, but it's way better than I thought it would be."

"Wow! That really is a big reveal," Grayson admitted.

"So? Who else has experimented?" Austin asked. "If we're telling secrets, then I doubt we're all innocent."

"I let Colin blow me," Grayson blurted out, getting a big grin from Colin.

"Me too," Brooks said in agreement. They all turned to look at Preston.

"What? No, Colin never blew me. I was the one he gave the handjob to in the bubbles," he said quietly.

The guys slapped him on the back and congratulated him. "I think we found another of your secrets, Colin," Brooks said staring at his best friend.

"What? That all my friends aren't getting laid enough and I have to provide the relief until they do?"

"No. That you're not just a slut, you're a mega slut."

"I thought we were telling secrets," Austin laughed. "That doesn't really count. The only thing you ever got was a handjob, Preston? Seems like you missed out."

"I said I only ever got a handjob from Colin. Not that I'd never been given a blowjob."

"Yeah, right? Are you telling me Lauren went down on you and you kept that a secret? I call bullshit."

"No, Lauren wouldn't do that. Dylan did."

Colin coughed. "What? Dylan went down on you? I so have to hear this."

"He stayed over one night and I made a comment about being pissed at Lauren, and how she was killing me with the no sex thing. Dylan grabbed my crotch and found that I was hard. I guess I was horny, so I let him go down on me. I think I let him do it as a way of getting back at Lauren."

"And?" Colin probed.

"And what?"

"Did you like it? I mean did you cum?"

"Yeah, it was fine. I felt weird afterward, but it wasn't bad."

Brook laughed. "Holy shit. We've all been blown by a guy and none of us knew. Since we're all being so honest, who's had more than one blowjob, either from a girl or a guy?" Everyone except Preston put up their hand. "And since we're being honest, who liked it from the guy better?"

The same hands went up.

"You didn't like the blowjob from Dylan?" Colin asked, almost feeling jealous that Dylan got to go down on Preston and he didn't.

"I've never had a girl blow me so I have no base of reference as to whether it was better or worse than anyone else."

"All this means is that we're more advanced than most guys our age," Colin reasoned. "Normally guys experiment when they get to college. Sometimes it's a frat hazing, or after a drunken party, but every guy probably experiments at least once with another guy just to see what it's like."

"Okay, Colin. We told you shit in front or each other, now you have to tell us something. If you could pick any one of our straight friends to be a boyfriend, and have sex with for the rest of your life who would it be?" Brooks challenged.

"Great question. Let's see. It could be Preston because he's basically a virgin, and those are always nice as a boyfriend as you can teach him how you like it. Or it could be Austin, because he follows instructions and likes to be bossed around a lot, like when he's on set. Also, he has a decent cock on him, and almost knows how to fuck now. Might be Grayson, because he's ticklish and squirms around in bed. Could be you Brooks because I wouldn't have to put a lot of effort into sex as you cum in under 15 seconds, and we pretty much know everything about each other since we've been friends since birth. Possibly Treyvon as he has the biggest cock out of all of you, which scratches the itch deep inside me. Hmmm...tough one. I'd have to say...ummmm...Hunter! He's so cute, and those eyes and lips, and that beautiful face, and his hot body, and that awesome penis and sweet balls, not to mention how firm his ass is, and how sexy it looks when he walks away. Plus, he's nice and polite and likes to cuddle and isn't afraid to be himself and try things."

"Holy shit! I knew it. You're in love with him, aren't you?" Brooks blurted out in front of everyone. "I told you that would happen. Dude!"

Colin just stared and dreamed of all the things he and Hunter had done together, especially his present of loco-boyfriendis. He could feel his cock sliding in and out of the silky-smooth hole and enjoying his hand wrapped around his friend's cock as he jerked him off at the same time, while watching the smooth balls moving, churning, and getting ready to erupt.

"Earth to Colin," Grayson said snapping his fingers. Colin looked at him. "So, Hunter?"

"Yeah...Hunter," he said almost dreamily.

"He's got it bad," Brooks said. "I came over one morning and he was sleeping with Hunter's shirt like a pillow."

"So? It smelled like him," he admitted.

"And the room smelled like a whorehouse of cum. I warned you not to have sex with him. I knew this would happen."

"DUDE! Let's filter our comments. And whose fault is it I met him? If I remember, you got him as my caddy as you thought he might cheer me up after Dylan."

"And I was always," Brooks grinned.

"Jesus, we're starting to sound like a bunch of chicks, gossiping about everything," Grayson noted with a small laugh.

"Let's do that. Gossip like chicks," Brooks laughed. "But keep it in this room and not spread it like real chicks. I'm drawing the line at braiding each other's hair, and giving each other Brazilian waxings."

"Boo. I'd totally wax your nuts and listen to you scream for an hour," Colin joked. He wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy. The guys laughed and fist bumped before spending the next hour `gossiping' about everyone and everything.

"If you thought Treyvon has a big penis, you should hear what Larry told Dan about Kevin's older brother Karl. Apparently, his dick is as big limp as most guys are hard. Hung like an elephant. Says his girlfriend complains about it all the time," Grayson said in his best feminine voice.

"Stop. Back up," Colin said quickly. Who are we talking about?"

"Karl. Kevin's older brother," Grayson replied.

"The Kevin who you're sharing a room with after prom? That Kevin's older brother?"


"So does Kevin take after his brother?"

"How the hell would I know that?" Grayson said staring at Colin.

"I think we should see if the hotel has connecting rooms. Me and my date could be next door. Make it a party," Colin offered.

"How about we don't do that, but if I hear Alissa complaining that Kevin is too big or anything, I'll let you know?"

"Deal. Then send him in to see me. I was thinking Jeremy might be a good date for the prom, unless he's taking Blaine."

"Blaine? Why would he take Blaine?" Preston asked.

"Well..." Colin said looking around and leaning in as if the walls had ears, and still staying in their gossip mode, "I heard that Blaine and Jeremy are boyfriends and met when Blaine walked in on coach fucking Jeremy over his desk." You could almost hear needle on the record bring the conversation to a screeching halt.

"Wait. You like Jeremy?" Grayson said looking at Colin.

"THAT's your question?" Preston asked. "I don't know if the bigger part of that is that the coach was fucking, Jeremy in his office, or that Blaine caught them, or that Jeremy and Blaine are both gay and boyfriends."

"I think they're keeping it a secret right now, as Jeremy has a younger brother on our water polo team, and doesn't want him to know that he's gay yet."

"Dude. I can't even imagine what it'd be like to be in your head," Preston said shaking his. "Has the coach ever done stuff with you?"

"That's not gossip if it's about myself, but I heard it's always important to take one for the team to get ahead."

"Holy shit! Not literally," Grayson laughed. "Aren't you the captain?"

"I am!" He grinned. "And we have lots of new players this year who really want to be captain someday. I heard that Axel figures he might be a better captain than Jackson once I graduate. If he wasn't 14, I take him to the prom. I'd be guaranteed to get laid afterward."

They continued to gossip, mostly about girls and what they'd heard, including who they thought might have gotten pregnant and by whom. When it got to talking about body parts, Preston was a fountain of information.

"Lauren said that Madison said that Kimberly told her that Jessica has really small nipples for the size of her boobs. She said her boyfriend's nipples were bigger."

"Who cares about how big nipples are," Austin remarked. "I mean WE all have different size ones and no one cares."

"That's `cause we're guys. All girls care about is the size of our penis and how many abs we have," Brooks said quickly.

"I heard that all the girls made a pact never to tell Brooks that this isn't six inches," Colin joked as he held out his thumb and forefingers barely two inches apart.

"Fuck you, Worthington," Brooks said giving him the finger.

"Yeah you wish, Balterhouse. I'd be the only thing you had fucked if I allowed that."

"I have a question," Austin said looking at the guys. "If all girls were like Lauren and didn't put out until after marriage, would guys end up hooking up with each other more so we could get laid?"

"Please say yes. Please say yes," Colin grinned as he crossed his fingers, getting the guys to laugh.

"I think we'd masturbate a hell of a lot more," Grayson replied. "Not sure we'd move to guys."

"I'm not sure," Austin added. "I think a lot would let some guy go down on them, or be okay fucking an ass, so they could get laid. I mean it's just sex, right?"

"I think we should change the subject," Preston remarked.

"No, wait," Brooks said sitting more to attention. "Austin might be right. Look at us. We've all let a guy blow us when we've been horny, and girls ARE putting out. Take that up a level to where girls aren't interested, and you've been provided with an alternative."

"I say we ask the resident expert," Grayson chimed in.

"You mean me, because I've done guys?" Colin asked.

"No, I mean Preston because he's got a girl who won't have sex, and he let Dylan go down on him when he reached a boiling point." Grayson turned to look at his friend. "Preston. Grayson here reporting for live at five. If you had the option of no sex, or sex with a guy, which would you choose. Please look into the camera and tell the world," he said pretending to hold a microphone out to Preston.

"What kind of sex?" Preston asked.

"Great question," Grayson replied staying in his reporter mode. "Let's turn that over to our panel back at the studio. Panel, if no other options were available, by a show of hands, who would let a guy give them a blowjob?"

All the guys, including Colin, raised their hands. Colin felt his crotch begin to tingle.

"Under the same parameters of no girls putting out, and assuming you wouldn't have to look at him, who would be okay substituting a guy's ass for pussy?"

Everyone except Preston put up their hand.

"You wouldn't?" Brooks inquired, trying not to smirk as he looked at Colin, who felt his blood go cold. He quickly shook his head at Brooks not to reveal anything about the night Preston actually had mistaken Colin for a girl.

"No. I think I'd stick with jerking off or a blowjob, and then wait for sex until I was married."

"There we have it. Proof from our latest poll."

"Now that this sex talk has got all of us hard, who wants a blowjob?"

Austin quickly put his hand in the air and then back down just as quickly. "Oh, was that rhetorical, or real?" he grinned.

"Stick around after everyone leaves and find out," Colin grinned. The guys changed the subject and went from girl gossip mode to boy mode and discussed `opportunities' that might be available with girls.

"Can I ask you something?" Preston said to Colin when they had a moment to themselves.


"Are you upset about Dylan? You know... what me and him did?"

"No, I get it. I've been in that situation with other curious guys. Maybe feel a bit jealous that you didn't ask me considering how long we've been friends. I hoped you could trust me."

"It's not that I don't trust you because obviously you can keep a secret. It was just something that happened spur of the moment. I wasn't expecting it, but I never stopped it either."

"I get it. I mean that handjob in the bubbles was the same thing."

"I didn't say anything, but I really liked that," Preston revealed. "Maybe somewhere deep down that's why I let Dylan do what he did, so I could find out what a blowjob was like."

"Said every straight guy ever," Colin grinned. "So, honestly. How was it?"

He smiled. "Not sure I should tell you."


"If I say it was good, you might suggest I do it again. If it was bad, maybe you'll say you're better, and offer to prove it. Either way, you're gonna ask to blow me."

Colin smirked. "Am I that transparent?"

"Just say I'm wrong."

"Never, but it's just a blowjob."

Preston shook his head. "Just a blowjob? I know that for some people that's like nothing, but for me it was a pretty big thing."

"And you still never told me how it was, now I have to hear about how big you are..." he smirked.

"Shut up! It was actually better than I imagined it might be. Is that wrong?"

"Of course not. If you need another one, just ask," Colin teased.

"See! I knew it!" Preston said shaking his head.

"What are friends for?"

"Anything but that?" Preston replied.

"Fine, but I'm leaving in a few months so you'll miss out at how good I am."

"I'll risk it. I just wanted to make sure we were gonna be okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine dude. I'm not that shallow. Anyway, I like big cocks to suck, so you're off the hook."

"Asshole. You know that's not gonna work, right?"

"I'm not trying anything," Colin smirked. "I'm just saying that when I choose a cock, I like big ones."

"I know you're joking because of that thing we did in the bubbles. You know how big my dick is."

"I was drunk. I can't remember a thing," Colin teased.

"Dude! It was an under 21 club. There wasn't any alcohol."

"Well, everything feels bigger covered in bubbles." He didn't bother to reveal that he knew exactly how Preston's cock felt when it was shoved up his ass the night he was mistaken for Jennabella. "Anyway, all you guys already know I like sex, so if you get horny, just ask."

They changed the subject to discuss more of Colin's trip to Vancouver and what he planned on doing when he moved. Eventually, the guys headed home, leaving Austin alone with him.

"So, who are you going actually going to ask to prom?" Austin inquired. "You never did come up with an answer."

"I honestly have no idea. I guess I'd just go stag. Might be easier to grab some of the boys left behind at the end with blue balls."

"I'll go with you if you want," he offered.

"I thought you were worried about your reputation?"

"We could go as friends to the actual prom and then head off to a hotel afterward."

Colin stared at Austin. "Dude, are you asking to date me?"

"No. I'm just talking about going to a dance, and then sex in a hotel afterward, like friends. Don't make it weird."

"As long as it's not weird. But I'm on top when we do it. Your ass is mine...literally!"

"I can accept that."

"You'd have to...and you bring the lube or you'll have to accept it dry!" He chuckled. Colin quickly made a reservation at a nice hotel in the city and asked Austin what type of flowers he liked.

"Shut up! Remember the don't make it weird thing of five minutes ago...You're making it weird!"

"Fine! A bouquet of their finest dildos then," Colin laughed.

Over the next few weeks, word spread about couples staying at the hotel and an after party sprung to life with almost everyone joining in. They expected it to be an epic night to say goodbye to high school.

End of Chapter

Be sure to check out the main story at It the longest short story EVER.

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Next: Chapter 14

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