Soft Hearted Thug

By moc.loa@0096eItUcYN

Published on Jul 7, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a story involves teen boys having sex...if u dont like any of this turn back now...if u enjoy all this sit back enjoy..most of this story is true/fantasy...but ill leave it 2 u 2 guess whats true or not....REMEBER THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMPT AT WRITING A STORY!ITS NOT PERFECT!!!!

Soft Hearted Thug Chap.8 By:Nycutie69

Alex wake up baby! wake up!

God it was so hot waking up next to Ricardo every morning...but waking up with his hot younger brother Hector on the other side of me was fucking crazy!

Damn Ricardo Alex was so fucking hot last night...I fucking wish i got to him first so I can have him all to myself! Damn I knew he would be hot shit...walking around school shaking dat tight ass!

Well you didn't so Alex is all mine...your lucky enough to even get a piece of him!

Awww Hector don't listen to him! I said as I straddled him and wrapped my arms around him...I had a lot of fun last night too Hector...

Fuck man Alex you make me so fucking hot...damn your ass was the fucking tighest thing ive ever fucked...

And its the fucking tightest ass you'll ever get Hector...Ricardo said as he pulled me off Hector and put me over his shoulders and slapped my ass...

Ouch Ricardo!!!Stop it baby lol Ricardo walked us into the bathroom leaving Hector by himself...Put me down Papi!!!

Aww baby your so adorable...God baby your so good to me! Come on lets get you cleaned up as usual you got cum leaking out your ass!

Shut up is it my fault that you can cum a gallon a day!

Well you got enough skills to pump it out of me baby!Ricardo said as he pulled me into him and grabbed my ass...

Yo you fuckers Im heading out! hector came up to me and thanked me for last night...and I gave him a kiss...Damn Ricardo you just had to get to him first..

Well what can I say im a lucky son of a bitch!

Fuck You! Im out son see you later! Thanx again Alex for a wild night and maybe Ricardo might be nice enough to let me get another chance wit you!

Well keep dreaming about it Hector lol

Dont worry Hector I think can persaude him a bit...I said as I turned around and dropped it like its hot against him and then put my arms behind me to wrap them around his neck...

Shit I have to go before I won't be able to hold myself back! Bye guys...

RIcardo and I got into the shower and cleaned each other up...of course we were hard but didn't let anything happen cause we had plans...Ricardo as usual got a towel and dried me up like a 2 year old...I gave him a kiss and then we went to get changed...Ricardo always looked so hot and he put on some Cool Water so he smelled so good...I finished getting dressed and went downstairs to find Ricardo...

Damn baby look at how you shake that hot ass...I bet you dont even know what your doing when you just walk around...Im gonna have to keep an eye on you cuz guys will try to take you away from me!

Shut the fuck up...knowing wouldn't let a guy even come close to even try to make a pass on me...

Hey I dont really want to be overprotective..its just sometimes I worry...

Worry bout what Ricardo?

Nothing baby lets get going!

No...Ricardo tell me of course looking up into his eyes making a puppy dog face...

Damn always get what you want...its nothing really baby its just sometimes I worry that you might leave me for someone else god Alex your such a hot little piece of ass your adorable, sweet , smart,sexy ...why do u think I let Miguel and Hector mess around with you...its cuz at least I know im making u happy and im there to make sure its goes to a point where I know still have you...

Ricardo...why would I want someone else yes you make me happy and only you dont have to bring other guys in with us to make me happy....being with you Ricardo is all i need!!!

god baby thats all i needed to hear...your so fucking cute baby you could have any guy you want but you still want me!

Oh my god Ricardo I wouldn't leave you for anyone...but I think i should be worried Ricardo cuz im just a piece of ass and any bottom would love to have you top them...

What are you talking bout just a piece of ass...Baby you more than that to me...Hell yeah ur crazy in bed you can take my dick to the fucking root and more but baby its not all bout that just staring into your eyes or having ur sweet lips against mine, your body close to me, your arms and sweet scent around me is more than enough...Alex I love you...your the best thing that has ever happend to me...

God i could have cried right there...Ricardo I love you oh my god I love you so much...Just hold me...hold me...He finally wrapped his arms around me and we just stood there in each others arms...

Alex you are the world to me nobody is ever going to hurt you...and baby Im gonna do anything to make you happy...he gently lifted my face into his and he kissed me...I think we were kissing for a good 10 minutes when the door bell rang...

Shit i totally forgot Tahsa and Gary were stopping by...I ran to the door and opened it and let them in...Hey sweetie what going on?

O nothing we just wanted to stop by and say hi...we are going into the city to go shopping...wondering if you guys wanna come along...

I looked at Ricardo and he nodded...Sure why not...we need to get out of the house...

good it should be fun...I finally get to have my best friend back lol Kidding I love you Alex...

Love you to Tasha I know Im sorry we really havnt gotten to hang out that much lately...

Its ok at least I know why...she said as she hugged Ricardo...and I know your happy Alex...

Were more than happy Ricardo said...Come lets get going Im hungry!

Yea me too Gary said...

You guys are always hungry!!! Tasha said

Yea i know im always hungry but theres something that Im dieing to get a taste of...Ricardo pulled me into him and grabbed my ass...Hell Yeah baby I want some of this!!!

You guys need to stop lol is that all you guys do?

So what Gary what wrongs with me taking care of my baby's needs...

It looks like its more your needs with that huge bulge in your pants Alex take care of him later sweetie and lets get going...Well follow you!

I got into Ricardos car and Gary and Tasha followed us...and we drove into the city...As usual Tasha and I whipped out our plastic and put it into use...I know im spolied and proud...we shopped at a bunch of stores getting a lot of nice things...while Gary and Ricardo went to get something quick to eat...Tasha and I finally got a chance to hang out and fill each other in...She seemed to be very happy with Gary...and i told her all about what happend before she came over...

God Alex Im so happy for you...Ricardo is so fucking hot man...Im so glad hes treating you good...

Yea im lucky...come one lets call them and tell them to meet us at Von Dutch cuz i miss Ricardo already...Tasha called them and then we walked over to the next store...The people at Von Dutch are hot lol so me and Tasha were having a lot of fun checking some guys out... I found these really cool jeans so I tried them on and checked myself out in the mirror...and they really looked good on me...

You should buy those cuz they look real good on you...

I turned around and damn this guy was hot...O thanx yea I think Im gonna get these...I walked back into the fitting room and changed out of them...once I got out I bumped into the hottie again...He was gorgeous 6'2 and beefy with think brown wavy hair and sexy green eyes...

Hey Im Sebastian...Ill ring those up for...Follow me...we went up the the register and I got a few shirts, 2 hats, a belt, and 3 pairs of jeans, and the bill only came upto $348 which was wierd...

I used my discount...Uhh...i get off in a bout 15mins...and was wondering if you would like to come and get something to eat with me..

O you didnt have to use ur discount on me... Actually im out with my friends rite now...

Hey Baby...did you get anything good...

Hey Ricardo yea I picked up a few good things... and I turned around to Sebastian... Umm Please I really can pay all of it...

DOnt worry bout it take it...he gave me the cutest smile...

Ok thanx alot ...I looked at Ricardo and he was staring Sebastian down like he was gonna beat him up...Thanx again...Come on Ricardo Tasha went next door...We went next door to get Tasha and Gary...

Alex what is this...

I looked at Ricardo and he was staring at the Recipt from Von Dutch...

O that guy gave me a discount..

Yea I can see that but what is this on the back...

I took the recipt from him and looked it over and on the back it was Sebastians number and telling me to give him a call...Ricardo I didnt know he did this....Its nothing just let it go baby..

What did I tell you I leave you for an hour and there are guys trying to pick you up...And you tell me not to worry...

Ricardo stop dont have to worry cause I want you and only you...thats what really matters! God Ricardo why don't you trust me...wait you trust me don't you?

Im sorry baby...You know I Love You with all my heart! but like i told you before sometimes I feel like i can lose you 2 some other guy! Alex come one you practically can attract any guy that wants to fuck a tight ass! Alex it s just you can get anything you want and will do anything to get it...and with u being so damn cute any guy will whip out his cock and feed it to you!

Ricardo just understand this...all this rite here is yours...and now i really understand that I want this to work so...ill do anything to make you happy...

Baby! You already do enough to make me happy...its just i can get a little jealous when other guys try picking you up! I dont really like having threesomes ...

Ricardo you really didnt have to let us take part in something like that...

But Alex I kno you and I know you had the hots for Miguel and Hector and i wanted to keep you for myself n to do that I wanted to show how much more I can please you!

Hell yea you can please me RIcardo...n i understand everything your saying and I want you and only you now...I just want you to trust me!

Baby I Love You so much! He grabbed me and we made out...

COme on Ricardo lets get Tasha and Gary n head back home....We met up with Tasha and Gary again and started walking back to get our cars...we so happend to walk on the same block were Von Dutch was and Sebastian happend to walk out of the store...n I smelled trouble!

Yo ...who the fuck you think you are?

What...what the fuck are you talking about? o wait hold on...Sebastian said

Yea somebody better hold me back! he got into Sebastian's face...Alex is mine so keep ur fucking hand off him!

Ricardo stop this I got between them....I can't believe your doing this...What did we just talk about...I thought u trusted me...God Ricardo just calm down...

Calm down...look he's even checking you out now! I turned around and saw Sebastian's eyes drift back up to mine...he had a cute guilty smile!

You dont get it mother fucker...Alex is watch wat ur doing! He got into his face again...

Stop it now Ricardo...God what is wrong with YOU! Im sorry Sebastian hes taking things out of porportion...Ricardo you have to calm down...

Taking it out of porportion...if i wasnt standing rite here the fucker would be still trying to get wit u!

Come on RIcardo...Gary pulled him away...lets take a walk you seriously need to calm down...I know u dont want to get Alex upset...Ricardo nodded his head and walked the other way...

Im really sorry about what just happend Sebastian...we have been going through some things really sorry...

No its ok Alex...i understand...I hope i didn't ruin anything between you...If it's ok I'm going 2 head home...I don't think Ricardo would like seeing me talk with you still...Take care...maybe we can still be friends...but give me a call when he calms down...

Dont worry about him yea i guess we could be take care...sorry again!Tasha and I walked backed to our cars and Gary was still trying to calm Ricardo down...

Alex baby I'm really sorry...i just saw him checking you out and I blew it...Please baby forgive me...

Ricardo that was so fucking messed up after what we talked about I thought you would be able to trust me...I can't talk to you rite now...Tasha is it alright If ride home with you guys?

Yea sure sweetie...hop in

Alex please wait baby we can talk this I trust you...I love you!

No Ricardo you need to calm down...and re-think things cause you were a total ass back there...I can't believe you did that...I walked away and got into Gary's car...RIcardo just stood there...and watched me and then got into his car and followed us...eventually we lost each other and we went our seperate ways...

Alex dont worry bout that just let him calm down...Tasha said

Yes its not that serious just give him some space...give him one night with out sex and he'll be crawling back to you...Gary said witha smirk cuz Ricardo's a horny bastard!

Gary its not all bout the well maybe a little... just playing...the thing is it seems like he doesn't trust me...He was really an ass...

Ricardo just loves you so much Alex...come on how can he resist you lol...Yea he messed up...Sebastian really felt bad you should of saw his face when he saw you 2 fighting...he was so adorable...

Yea he was adorbale...but he didn't do anything...Ricardo shouldn't have got into his face like that...I should give him a call and take him out for coffee our something...

They dropped me off at home and I started taking all my things out of the bags...I got a lot of nice stuff...I happend to find the recipt from Von Duth so I decided I should call Sebastian...


Hey Sebastian? This is Alex from the store!

OH...yeah Alex wats up...

Nothing really I just felt really bad about wat happend before and wanted to apologize again and wanted to know if you would like to go out for coffee or something?

Its ok dont worry bout it...its all in the past now...sure yea it would be cool to get some coffee with you know the place on the Blvd.?

Yea its only a few minutes away from here...I'll meet you there in that ok?

Yea sure see u then!!!

I went to the bathroom and checked myself and made sure i was put together usual looking cute...and went outside and was about to get in my car when someone tapped on my shoulder...I turned around n it was Ricardo...

Hey left a few bags in my you go...I thought maybe we can talk...he looked really upset and his eyes were all blood shot.

Thanx Ricardo for bringing everything over...but I really we need to have a little space rite now...Actually Ricardo i have to meet up with someone so why don't we meet up 2morrow...

Fine Alex...but if you change your mind...he said while taking my hands into his...please call me baby please! I'll see you 2morrow then...he got into his car and drove off...I really wanted to just jump on him and patch things up but deep down i knew some time away to think things through would make things a lot more better...I got into my car and decided to hurry up because i was already late...I got to the coffee shop a few minutes late...

Hey I started to think maybe RIcardo wouldn't let you come!

Hey Sebastian actually I'm not really talking to him rite now...anyway enough about him everything ok with you? Cuz Ricardo did take things out of hand!

Yea I'm ok dont worry bout me! Its ok If I was your man I think I would of done the same thing lol! So how bout some coffee?

Lol Thanks... We sat down and had some coffee and started to talk.. Sebastian was a total hottie. He was so adorable and such a sweet guy...the funny thing was that he was on Ricardo's rival baseball team...We decided to head back to my place and hang out so more since the coffee shop was closing soon...We ended up in my room watching The Newlyweds on MTV...Damn Nick is so fucking hot...If i was Jessica you would have to rip me away from Nicks cock cuz I would not leave his cock alone...Anyway I offered Sebastian something to drink and we decided to have a few beers and few shots...I never really wanted to get drunk but with all the drama with Ricardo and just trying to have some fun we eventually got wasted... Sebastian and I were on my couch probably a little to close for comfort...I guess with him being such a hottie I let him have what he wanted...I guess I'm that easy but if you can see the guys in my life you would be a fool not too mess around with them..

Damn Alex your so fucking hot...i really understand why Ricardo got up all in my face over you...Sebastian had his hand all over me and sucking on my neck...God you taste so good Alex! He kept feeling me up and rubbing his hard body and cock on me...COme on Alex why dont you get on your knees and wrap those pretty pink puffy lips around my dick! Come On suck it...i know you want to and I definately want you too...Fuck man get on YOUR FUCKING KNEES BITCH!!! NOW he slapped me across the face and spit on me...Sebastian pushed me on the floor and I finally got some sense in me...

What the you get the fuck out of here..I pushed him away from me and got up...

Damn your such a fucking tease bitch...whatever man Im out...You missed your chance baby! and Sebastian stormed out...

God I really just needed to be with Ricardo...I missed him so much...I just wanted to be with him again...I needed to be in his arms...I picked up the phone and dialed his number....i heard his voice and couldn't speak...

Alex is that you...God i was hoping you would call!

Ricardo I really need you rite now!

Is everything ok Alex? fine...I just want you here with me...please Ricardo...

I'll be rite there Alex!

K just come in I'll unlock the door!

Ok be right there...

I went downstairs to unlock the door...and decided to hop in and take a quick shower and clean up...I finally finished up and dried up....and walked into my room and Ricardo was sitting there waiting for me...

I heard you in the shower so...i just waited for you to finish up...

I couldn't resist and just ran into his arms...Ricardo just hold me...please!

Alex is everything ok baby! Come on talk to me...

Not rite now Ricardo just hold me...please...he nodded and walked me to my bed and tucked me in...he walked to the other side and took of his shirt and pants off...he finally got into bed and wrapped his arms around me...God this was rite...

Everything will be ok now baby...Im here for you! he kissed my neck and just held me in his arms for the rest of the night...I actually got to sleep through the night...I woke up the next day with Ricardo's hard on grinding my ass crack...

Ricardo...Ricardo wake up....

Morning baby!

O sorry Alex lol well you know I can't resist your sweet smell and your tight body next to me...Baby I missed you so much...I need to be in you Alex...I can't stand it anymore I have to have you...

Ricardo I'm gonna be late for class...and i think you have practice in an hour so lets get going...

Fine...please just let me know that everything is ok with us now...

Yea everything is ok...we can work through it...I want this to work and i want you ...

God that's all i wanted to hear...come on lets get going...we got cleaned up and dressed of course i knew we looked hot...

Come on baby why don't I just drive you to school 2day!!!

Okie...I said while giving him a kiss and wrapping my arms around his neck...

He looked down at me and into my eyes and told me he loved me...

I practically melted rite there I got that itch in my ass...but I knew if we started something I would be late for school...I gave him a kiss and then ran out the door...come on Ricardo lets go...Im gnna be late! We got into his car and we finally were back to normal having fun and laughing and kidding around with each other...he dropped me off and of course did his little whistling routine out the window...I got into school and aced my finals Its great being able to ace test and not really having to study...Anyway the school day went fast I was actually having fun again...But good things dont always last...of course I had to run into Hector in the hallway...I dont know how he cornered me...

Hey's everything going...from the last I heard Ricardo was bumming around his room yesterday missing you! So now that you finally got some sense in you...Why don't we leave now and have a little fun he said while grabbing my ass and grinding his hard on into my leg...he started kissing my neck when i finally got to push away from him...

Actually Hector ...i guess you should talk more with you brother cause we were actually 2gether last I think you should get off me...things between me and your brother are a little shaky now so I dont want to mess things up...I said while walking away from him...

Fine you lose baby you gnna miss this he said while grabbing his crotch...

Ive been hearing that a lot lately however i have a hottie that loves me and Im happy with what i have now...I finally got to hang out with Tasha and other friends cuz most of my time has been spent with Ricardo...It was a lot of fun I missed being with Tasha 24/7...It was 2pm so I knew Ricardo would be done with practice and classes by now so I decided to give him a call...

Hey Ricardo how was your day???

Hey baby actually 2days been a bitch well I was late for practice 2day so I had to do more laps...n then I just miss you so much!!! Im pretty much done with everything maybe I can pick you up...where you at???

Im at Tasha's house with some people why dont you come over here for a bit and then we can go to my place so I can give you a whole body massage to relax you bit...will that make this a better day for you?

Sounds good but how bout I just pick you up and go back to you place cuz all I want is to have you in my arms..

O please you just want to fuck me lol!!!

Well that too!

Well your gnna have to wait cuz Tasha wants to hang our wit you and I want you 2 meet everyone else...

Fine I'll be there soon! Love you

Luv You 2!

I let Tasha know that Ricardo was coming...She was happy and we all decided to just watch T.V. and hang out...Ricardo got there in 10 mins and I went to meet him at the door...

Hey BABY he pulled me into a huge hug and then I gave him kiss...Come on the faster I meet everyone and hang out a bit.. the faster I can get you home and get inside that tight little ass...Damn its been a whole day since I had you around my cock...

Calm down Ricardo...In due time lol we went into the living room and I introduced everyone to Ricardo...and everyone was really cool with him being there...we all joked around and had some fun...Ricardo was having fun but he looked like he was anticipating something...I knew he wanted to go and be alone so I excused the both of us and we said bye to everyone...We just started walking to his car and he already grabbed me from behind and had his hands all over me...

Thanx baby for getting us out of there...god I had to have you Alex just sitting in that room being so close to you and not being able to have you was killing me!

Calm down Ricardo you got me now...come on lets go...we got into his car and he raced all the way home...I had to admit though that i really wanted him just as bad...and with him having practice 2day he smelled so fucking hot ...At a stop light i decided to tease him a little bit so i started feeling up his thigh and then got closer and started kissing kiss neck and nibble on his ear...

Mmmmm...fuck Alex stop it...omg please baby please I cant believe im asking you to stop though lol but come on hold up for like 5 mins were almost there...

But Ricardo...Fine Ill be good...

God why do you have to be so fucking cute jock is fucking soaked wit precum...

Hmmm...that sounds good 2 me...I said as I grabbed his crotch...

Fuck Alex whoa ..come lets go inside!!!

We ended up in my room with me on my bed butt naked after Ricardo practically ripped all my clothes off...Ricardo stood next to the bed and finally took off all his clothes he looked so hot hard like a rock...he got on the bed and straddled my chest and stuffed my mouth with his huge cock...

Ahh god yea baby suck it Alex...see how hard you got me take my fucking cock ...ahhh

I of course did my best 2 please my man I sucked every inch of his puerto rican cock...I got to his head and started sucking his piss slit...

ahhh fuck slow down baby!!!!

I took his cock out my mouth and went straight for his huge balls god i dunno how he concealed his huge package everyday...I sucked up his balls and got him so hott..I got more down and started licking under his balls...

fuck omg baby ....ahhh shiiit!

Ricardo moved around and lifted my legs above his head and started eating out my ass...his package was still in my face so I just teased him and started licking up his cock... Ahh ricardo I need you in me now!!!! FUck me...ahh please papi now!

How can I turn down a offer like that baby...O im gnna fuck you so good Alex...I missed your hot tight ass...O yea baby you gnna get fucked good...

He got off the bed and got the lube...he pulled my ass to the edge of the bed and knelt down and sutck his face and started eating me out ...

Ricardo...take me now...please...ahhh god now...

He stood up and lubed up his cock and started inching his cock up my tight ass...

Ahhh god Alex your so fucking tight...Shit I havnt fucked you for like 2 days and it feels like im fucking you for the 1st time...damn your tight...this cock was made to get fucked baby!

fuck me I need you in me...ahh papi ....slow down your so fucking big...god he was big he definately scatched that itch ive been having for him in me over and over again...ahh papi! yes harder ricardo ...fuck me ...ahhh...harder...damn this fucking papi knew how to fuck!

Shit Alex...your ass is so fucking tight! I love you so much baby! ahhh ahhh!

Ricardo was dripping in sweat he looked so hot...i stared into his eyes and just melted...I pushed ricardo up so he can get on his back...i looked down at him and I never saw so much love in someone eyes before...I straddled him and stuffed his huge cock in my tiny ass and rode hime for all I was worth...

Fuck OH MY GOD!!!! AHHHH SHIT BABY how the hell can you be so tight after all the fucking we have been doing! Damn ahh ahhh yes baby thats it...ride me baby yea ride that big dick! tell me how much you like it baby!TELL ME!!ahhhh

Ahh uhhh yes papi! I love your big cock Ricardo...I need it in me! ahhh harder baby as I impaled myself squeezing down on his cock! FUCK ME RICARDO!!!FUCK ME...FUCK ME...AHHH SHIT...I blasted a huge load that practically went over his head...and all over his 8-pac stomach! ahhh

Hell fucking yeah Alex...did I fuck you good baby! Shit Im almost there he said as he pushed himself in me so deep...Ahh Shit uhhh!!! yea baby Ahhh Im gnna cum!! Ahh Im gnna CUMMm! fuck ahhhh! Alex !!!! Ahhh baby Im cumming in your tight ass ahhh yea baby!!!! ahhh...God ALex...that was so fucking hot he said as I leaned into him for a kiss... I lOVE YOU..and just layed on his chest with his cock still in me...He rubbed my back slowly as I layed on his chest and listened to him breath and his heart beat as I fell asleep...with me in his arms...they way it should be.

This is the end of Chapter 8...I hope your enjoying the story...Sorry for the long wait I know my writing can suck but just bare with me!Thanx Alot again!Tell me what you think!!! More to come if you guys want....

Next: Chapter 8

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