Soloflexing It

Published on Sep 28, 1993



" SOLOFLEXING IT " After talking to you the other night I decided that what I'd really like to do is to play a trick on you. I'll invite you over to my place, but I'll give you Marc's address. When you knock on the door, he'll just reach out into the hall and grab you by the collar. Once he's got you inside, he'll just jerk your shirt up over your head, pinning your arms and keeping you confused. He'll kneel down in front of you and strip down your shorts and your underwear. Then he'll push you over backwards onto the couch.
While you're still confused he'll pull off your shoes, socks, pants and shorts. By then you'll probably be scared to death and yelling your head off so he'll pull you back up off the sofa and help you get your shirt off. He'll silence your shouting with a hard kiss. Forcing his way past your lips he'll tease your tongue with his. He'll reach down with both hands and cup the creamy smooth globes of your ass and pull you hard against him. By now you'll have had a chance to look at Marc. He's six feet three and incredibly built. He's wearing his yellow football shorts that lace up the front and the gray mesh shirt that clings to every line of his body. You can feel the hardness of his body against you and the strength in his hands as they squeeze your cheeks.
You put your hands against his chest and push back to break off the kiss, but he won't let you. Pushing against his chest is like pushing against steel. A hand behind your head pulls your lips harder against him and his probing tongue will not stop. Marc picks you up and carries you across the room without ever breaking off that hot hot kiss.
He carries you to a corner of the living room where he finally lets you stand free. You ask all the silly questions and make all the assumptions. But no he's not Tommie and you are in the wrong place, and Marc just says nothing. You move toward the door, but he is between you and escape. You look around. There is a glass door on your right, but it leads to a small balcony on the third floor. It is engulfed in plants and shaded by trees, but there is no escape there. . . unless you want to climb naked down a huge tree. Behind you is a soloflex machine. Marc puts his hands on your shoulders and makes you sit on the Soloflex bench. Your face is now even with his crotch and with a quick motion he puts his hands behind your head and pulls your face against the laces of his shorts. He moves his hips and rubs his obviously hard cock against your mouth.
You put up your hands to undo the laces and Marc laughs at you. He grips both your wrists and pulling your arms up he walks forward forcing you onto your back on the bench. Before you can stop him he loops two leather cuffs around your wrists and snaps them together behind the bar of the Sloflex. Now you're helpless! But you don't really mind. Marc is an incredible hunk and your explorations told you that his cock is big. He is standing over you now, his crotch above your face, and he lowers himself to let his balls rest on your mouth. You move your mouth against the tight fabric of his shorts, and he is very pleased. He steps backward dragging his crotch down your body. As he steps away from you he reaches down to your now stiff cock and squeezes it gently. Marc kneels in front of you and spreads your knees wide. Moving swiftly, before you can stop him, as if you would, he fastens your ankles to the extreme ends of the cross bar on the machine. You are now his to play with as he wishes. He stands and looks you over, running his eyes up the inside of your thighs, measuring your cock in his mind, and savoring the smooth skin of your chest. He reaches between your legs and hefts your balls in his hand. With the other hand he brushes back his shoulder length hair, and uses that beautiful bow-shaped mouth to grin his dopey grin. "I'll have fun with these," are the first words he speaks to you. He leans forward, savoring the smoothness of your skin with his eyes and reaches up to gently pinch your nipples, "and these too." He leaves the room for a moment and you have time to reflect. Helpless in a stranger's apartment you are tied to a heavy machine and he is obviously going to fuck the shit out of you. Without that bronzed and beautiful body in front of you it's hard to stay horny and your erection subsides. You think to yourself, at least he's good looking, but you are still worried. What will you do? What CAN you do? Nothing.
Marc returns. He is carrying a pair of large squeeze bottles. He puts them down beside you and tells you, "One for you and one for me. We'll share" You can't see what's in the bottles, but it doesn't look promising. Marc stands in front of the glass door, and pulls off his shirt. The shirt was mesh and concealed nothing, but your eyes hungrily devour his body anyway. Long blond hair frames a handsome face. Marc smiles his dopey smile and tosses his hair to one side. His shoulders are broad and his waist is narrow. As he slowly unlaces the front of his football shorts your eyes take in the flex and play of muscles in his forearms, his belly and his chest. His chest is a sculptor's find, perfectly smooth, symmetrical and powerfully molded. Heavy pecs support small dark nipples that are erect and downward pointing because of the mass of muscle they rest upon. The smooth curves of his pecs meet in the center of his chest at a line that defines the powerful washboard of his abdominals. Your eyes ripple down that washboard, and linger hungrily on the bulge still covered by the laces.
As he opens the last lace, he spreads his fly wide and turns around, hiding his cock from you. You quietly sigh, then inhale sharply when he pulls his shorts down over his perfect ass. Marc's checks are squarish and powerful, huge masses of muscle and perfectly smooth. His tan ends low on his waist and you can see a pale "v" where his suit fits him at the beach.
He turns toward you, at last, and you see the cock that you know is waiting for you. Standing up straight against his abs, his long thick cock is already twitching. It is smooth and perfect with a dark round head that just begs to be sucked.
Marc bends forward, bringing his face close to your crotch and his hot breath touches the head of your cock. He stands again, having retrieved one of the bottles. He points it at himself, upends it, and sends a golden stream of scented oil against his chest. He catches it with his other hand and smooths it across his chest. Squirting another thick flow of oil he catches that and begins spreading it further. Oil is glistening on his smooth, tanned skin as he massages it into his muscles. As he spreads his fingers across the washboard muscle at his center, it is as though he is painting himself with light. Highlights follow his palms across the thick pad of his chest, leaving a crescent of white that points at his nipple. As a powerful hand envelopes his brawny arms, his massive biceps gleam as though with sweat. He bends his right arm, and makes a fist as his left hand coats his forearm and comes up sharply to encircle his own wrist. He looks at his oil-drenched fist and he looks at you and he grins that dopey grin. Realizing the implication, you panic, thinking to yourself "It's impossible... He couldn't! He wouldn't!" You struggle sincerely for the first tie, yanking against your bonds, but you are helpless. He looks at you and goes for another handful of oil. Leaning close as he fills his palms you smell a gentle but heavy scent from the oil, like musk but somehow sweeter. He grins his grin, and just shakes his head at you. "I'd never do THAT" he seems to be saying.
He steps back and places his foot on your stomach. He oils his foot, his calf, his thigh, then repeats the process with another handful of oil for the other leg.
Finished now, except for one spot, Marc stands back and lets the sun shine in unobstructed. As he takes a last handful of oil and begins to work it into his groin, the sun warms your skin. Marc is gently encircling his cock with two fingers and coating it with oil from root to tip. In the other hand he has cupped his balls and is massaging them gently.
Now he reaches for the other bottle of oil. He stands over you, his legs spread wide. His glistening cock points straight up at his chin and the sun highlights every ripple of his muscle and every movement of his flesh. He is a powerful giant of polished bronze with sparkling golden highlights. He holds the bottle of oil in front of his groin and points it at your face. You turn aside, but when he squeezes, the jet is not too powerful and it merely shoots a stream of oil to the center of your chest. The oil is hot! Warm against your skin, it makes you think of a stream of hot cum. Marc reaches down and with his powerful hands he smooths the oil across your body. He coats your collar-bones and smooths glistening, hot liquid over your shoulders and up the inside of your arms. He steps forward to smooth the oil over your forearms and it brings his crotch close to your face. You raise your head, trying to reach him, but he backs away, trailing his fingers gently down your arms.
Another jet of oil and Marc begins to massage your chest. He uses his palms to smooth warmth over your ribs and up the sides of your body to your pecs. With his fingertips he gently coats your nipples, teasing them to hardness and then cupping his palms against them as if to press in the heat of the oil. Marc pours a thin stream of oil between your pecs and down to your navel. This he massages into the smooth curves of your belly with his palms, stopping to tickle your navel with his fingers.
Now Marc takes a big handful of oil. He steps back, and stands between your legs. He looks at your erection, then looks up at you and grins. He reaches downward, but doesn't grab your cock at all. Instead he goes to his knees and begins to coat your thighs. Massing your legs powerfully, he coats the top of your thighs, moves down to your knees, tickling the back of your knees as he warms them with his hands and the oil. Your calves, he massages, pressing his powerful fingers deep into the muscle. Now he takes more oil and, palms upward, begins to coat the backs and insides of your thighs. He massages the powerful muscles with all his might, and lifts you gently into the air. His palms supporting you, he slides up the back of your thighs until his hands can grip your ass. He moves his palms in gentle circles, then begins to squeeze your cheeks. You lift your ass in the air, and your cock slaps against your belly with a sharp sound. He hears the slap of flesh on flesh and echoes it by slapping your ass.
He lowers you gently to the bench, and leans forward. He hasn't oiled your cock or your balls, but you won't need it, because he plans to supply the necessary lubrication himself. . . with his tongue. Burying his mouth against your balls, he grabs your cock and rubs it back and forth over his face. You feel his tongue, flickering here and there, massaging your balls, teasing the base of your cock, gently touching at the head. He takes one ball in his mouth, and while he licks, you feel him sucking powerfully. You cannot keep still, your ass is lifting into the air, and your are trying to slide down on the bench to press your groin against him, but you can't move. You can only wait and see what he will do.
A moment later he has crammed your other ball into his mouth, and he is licking and sucking and bobbing up and down as though he was working your cock. You close your eyes and try to push your crotch toward him as he pulls back gently and sucks powerfully.
He stops, letting your testicles go, you feel a coldness after the hotness of his mouth. Before the sensation is clear, he cups your balls in his hand and gently squeezes. At the same time his lips encircle the head of your cock and his long blond hair brushes against your belly. As he works your cock into his mouth, licking gently at the slit, encircling the head with his lips, massaging the dark head with his tongue, his hair tickles you and you raise your head to look at him. He is looking back at you, and as he moves his lips down the shaft of your cock, you see a shining light in his eyes.
Marc coats your shaft, pulling a gentle thrust out of you each time he moves his lips up the length of your cock. He sucks powerfully, and teases the head of your cock with his tongue while he strokes the shaft with his hand. He begins to stroke you more and more swiftly, sucking more powerfully, and you begin to lift your ass again and again, matching his strokes with powerful thrusts on your part.
And then he stops. He just stops.
Marc stands and steps across your body. As he slowly steps forward, his cock sways in front of him. He stands above your face and you open your mouth. He looks down at you and you exchange a glance that says "I want it!" He lowers his cock to your lips, and you open your mouth, ready to take him in. He's not there! Marc slides gently backward, stroking our chest with his cock and balls as he inches backward down your body. He comes to rest with your cock trapped beneath his ass.
He stands and reaches behind himself. He pulls your cock upright, and gently positions himself above it. Slowly, slowly, he lowers himself until the purple head of your cock is enveloped by the powerful muscles of his cheeks. He presses downward and slowly takes you into himself. He shudders as your head passes into him, and throws back his head, shaking his hair and smiling when your shaft is fully into him.
He is positioned above you, your cock deep inside the hot tight tunnel of his ass. As he slowly begins to move on you, he leans forward and braces himself, palms down, against your chest. The tight ring of his ass constricts around the head of your cock, then releases slightly. He moves up and down the shaft, closing his eyes with the pleasure. As he begins to get the rhythm of it, so do you and each time he pulls away, you thrust upwards trying to keep your cock inside of him. As he begins to move against you, taking long, slow strokes from your cock, his hands tickle your chest and his fingertips tease your nipples.
Slowly his speed increases, driving him up and down on your cock faster and faster. You thrust more powerfully, trying to fuck him HARD. He pinches at your nipples, and your retaliate by JAMMING your cock into him on the down-stroke. He pinches harder, moves faster, squeezes with his ass each time you are fully inside him, and suddenly it is over. A hot-white drop of cum lands on your cheek. Another hot stream lands in the center of your chest, followed by another and another. The last of Marc's cum coats your belly, and he slumps forward, resting against you. You are still thrusting against his ass, but he is not moving. Wearily, the highlights on his body now from sweat than from oil, he stands.
You start to speak, to complain. It isn't fair! You were getting close, and he just quits? Marc reaches down and places his hand over your mouth.
Moving forward, he grips the chin-up bar on the Soloflex and positions himself above you. He lowers himself slowly until his cock touches your lips. He swings his hips back and forth and his cock brushes your face. You follow it with your open mouth until you capture it between your lips. Your reward is a salty drop of cum when you first begin to suck. As you pass your tongue over the head of his cock you tease out a few more drops of cum. Each time you suck, you get a reward.
And now you get another reward. His cock is getting hard in your mouth. You can feel the head swelling and you tease it with your tongue to make it bigger. You suck a bit more of it into your mouth and your mouth begins to get full as his cock stiffens.
As the round bulb of his cockhead swells, you flick your tongue back and forth across the slit. Soon the thickening shaft intrudes and forces itself deeper into your mouth. As you begin to lick up and down the shaft of his cock, Marc begins to raise and lower himself, as though chinning. Each time he lowers himself you get a bigger mouthful of cock. You try turning your head or pulling back, but you are pinned and all you can do is lie there and take each extra inch of his shaft as he feeds it to you.
Soon Marc in feeding you the full length of his fully erect cock. You are deep-throating him whether you like it or not. On the down-stroke his thick shaft fills your mouth and the head of his cock brushes the back of your throat. On the upstroke you suck hard, very hard, as though your sucking will pull the cock back into your mouth...which, of course, it does. Marc grins down at you and stops his "chinning." With just the head of his cock inside your hot mouth he waits. You raise your head, trying for more of his cock, but you can't really move much. Marc grins again and changes his position slightly. He is leaning forward now, and you can see what he is going to do.
With that dopey grin smeared all across his face, he lowers himself until every inch of his cock is inside your mouth. Jamming himself into you he presses your head back against the hard wood of the bench and says "Make me cum!" With his cock filling every bit of your mouth, you can only suck. There's not much room for tongue action, but you drive your tongue hard against the underside of his enormous shaft and suck as hard as you can.
Marc never moves, save to pin you more firmly against the Soloflex, but you can see you're getting to him when he closes his eyes and leans still farther forward.
Straining, you get your tongue around his shaft and can lick up and down the sides now, too. Sucking harder and harder, you watch the smile on his face get wider and wider. You know you are making progress when he begins to squint his eyes and HE begins to pump his cock into you.
After only moments you know you have Marc close. He pulls back, leaving only his big cockhead between your lips and squeezing the base of his cock with his left hand, lands a huge load of semen on your waiting tongue. You suck it down and run your tongue across the slit just as he shoots another long stream of hot cum. The salty taste hits the back of your throat and you gulp it down while teasing the head of his cock with your tongue. You suck HARD and are rewarded with another stream of white, hot cum. Marc stands up. His cock pops up out of your mouth and he grips it with his hand. Stroking the shaft he squeezes a big drop of cum onto your lips. Your tongue darts out to lap it up. Marc steps backward and squeezing his now shrinking cock again he manages to press out another big drop of cum which he deposits on your nipple. He squeezes again and, rubbing the head of his cock against your other erect nipple coats it too.
Marc steps away and looks you over. You are lying there, head back, panting slightly. The hard muscles of your abdomen moving as you breath deeply. Your arms, stretched tight above your head, flex as you try to relax them. There is a smear of moisture around your mouth and twin smears of white cum on your nipples. Your stiff cock is bouncing hard against your belly with every deep breath and your big balls are drawn up tight at the base of your cock.
Marc kneels beside you and, taking your cock in his left hand, begins to tease your nipple with his tongue. Sucking up his own cum, he nips gently at your tit. He tongues it swiftly, teasing you while he squeezes the head of your cock between thumb and forefinger.
Marc opens his mouth wide and sucks your nipple. While he sucks, licking, flicking his tongue back and forth. You wriggle your ass, pushing your cock into his hand, and roll your shoulders, to get away from the teasing tongue.
Marc leans farther forward to suck your other nipple, and his warm flesh rests against yours. Licking up another taste of his own cum, Marc nips gently with his teeth, playing with your erect nipple.
You moan softly, and gasp when he squeezes your cock in response. As he grips your nipple with his teeth and stretches it gently, again and again, before letting it slip away, you moan softly and try to thrust your chest upward to his mouth. You are bound to tightly, though and he teases you with your inability to reach his mouth.
"You really like this don't you?" he asks, and you nod, sort of weakly, and close your eyes. Marc stands. Suddenly he is gone.
You open your eyes in a flash. Trying to peer over your shoulder, you twist yourself on the Soloflex bench and look for him, but you cannot see behind you. All you can do is wait. You don't wait long. Marc is back.
In his hand is a piece of red leather that looks a lot like a tongue. It is like the end of a belt, but seems to be made of thinner leather.
Grinning like you can't believe, he begins to slap his palm with the strap. He just looks at you, and grins. Standing beside you, he begins to drag the strap back and forth across your body. He touches your face, gently slapping your cheek. He lets it drift down the center of your chest like a licking tongue. He takes it in both hands and, slipping it under your cock, he uses the slightly rough underside like a shoe-shine cloth to rub swiftly back and forth up and down the length of your shaft.
As it begins to sting, you lift your hips and try to get away from it. He looks at the muscles tightening in your thighs and the way your abs tighten and pours it on. He moves to where he can stand between your wide-spread thighs and begins to slap your cock with the strap instead. Gentle slaps at first, just enough to be felt. Sometimes he does no more than drag the tip of that red leather tongue down the length of your body, other times he usess it like a lash. Gently at first, then harder, then faster, he begins to flick the strap against first one of your nippples then the other. The first strokes land flat, and sting gently, turning you on more and more. As he progresses, though, he uses the tip of the strap to flick at your erect nipples like a whip. Each new flick is painful pleasure until it becomes a pleasureful pain. You begin to groan softly and he sees the change in you. You have been passive until now, letting him use you, letting him serve you, though you were his prisoner. Now you are demanding. Your body writhes with every stroke of the strap, trying to draw more from every tingle. Even when he does nothing you remain in motion, writhing gently, looking at him, pleading for more, demanding satisfaction.
Marc steps back and begins to beat your cock with the strap. With every stroke of the strap, you raise your crotch to meet the leather. He slaps gently back and forth across the shaft of your cock. He lands a flat blow against your balls that makes you shudder. Using the strap like a whip he begins to lash at the head of your cock, the tip flicking your tip hard, harder, harder. Marc begins to lose it. You are flexing, lifting your crotch, writhing your cock in the air toward him. He swings harder and harder, landing flat blows against the hard muscle of your belly, leaving dull red stripes. He hits your cock, hard, again and again. He whips the strap at the head of your cock as you thrust to meet the blow.
With your cock impaling the air, your body heaving in the middle of a convulsive thrust, you shoot a long hot string of thick white cum that streams across your chest from your chin to the middle of your belly. Marc puts a hand under your ass and lifts you, stretching you taught into the air. With his other hand he grabs the shaft of your cock and bending swiftly brings his mouth to your groin. He is in time to catch your second load, and feels you spray salty-sweet cum against the roof of his mouth. Sucking the full length of your shaft into his mouth as swiftly as he can he sucks hard and is rewarded with another shot of hot cum.
Your breath shudders out of you and Marc slowly lowers your relaxing body to the bench.
He looks down at you, gently squeezes your cock and milks out another drop of cum which makes a brilliant white spot against the smooth tan of your skin.
You are master and slave, each of you, one to the other.
And it's still Saturday afternoon.

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