
By Andy Somethin

Published on Dec 30, 2002


I'm very proud of myself becuase this story actually got posted.. Email me and tell em what yall think at This is all from my imagination, so none of the people are real as much as I wish they were.... Ok go read it now

Chapter 2

Letting Go

After they walked a few more days in unbearable silence, Sky finally gathers the courage to confront Jen about what happened during her earlier life, before she speaks she got an extremely clouded look in her eyes.

"I came from a fairly large family in New York City, as you know. My mother represented everything that was pure in my life. My father on the other hand, I hate that man so much. Everyday my father would drink, if he wasn't drinking he was on some drug. I would get home from school put away my backpack in my room and then shut the door and stay there almost all night. If I was late coming home from school He would beat me. My father was sadistic him and my oldest brother got along fairly well, Michael enjoyed the pain my father inflicted. Once he moved out and my father realized i couldn't' handle the beatings like Michael did they began to come more frequently till I was afraid to leave my room."

"That's awful!" exclaimed Sky.

"When I heard you talking about your trip I knew I had to go I mailed a letter to my parents telling them I was going away permanently, now I really can't ever go back."

"Hey Jen did you ever have a boyfriend?"

"With my psychotic father," laughs Tina, "Yeah right hehe what about you any special guy?"

"Nope, I couldn't even admit I was gay till I got to college. My roommate was the only person I really liked at school he graduated though."

Now the two friends walked in comfortable silence as the night began to fall around them, hoping to go another few miles before it got to cold and dark. Now in New York City Tina's father has just received the letter saying that she ahs run away and wont come back. He is absolutely furious at this turn of events.

Chapter 3- Everybody dance now!

"Hey Jen we had a long day do you want to just relax her its really pretty, and we haven't eaten a decent meal in a few days."

"Excellent, I'm dying for a cheeseburger or something greasy and hot maybe with a nice cup of black coffee... Ummm lets go get dinner. While we are out we can ogle hot guys hehe," Tina exclaimed suddenly much happier then she had been most of the night.

The two teens headed off to a local food place some kids in town recommended they might want to try for some great food. Once they were seated they looked around, Why did it seem like everybody in this town is gorgeous, all they guys who walked past their table were hunks. Sky was using all of his energy just to keep from drooling on the table.

While they were waiting for the check a group of college kids about their age came over and introduced themselves to the two. After about 20 minutes of talking while sipping some coffee the kids mentioned that they were going to visit a new club that opened recently called "The Pitt". They invited Sky and Jen to join them there because they looked awfully lonely all by themselves. Once most of the crowd cleared two guys hung around still talking Travis talking to Sky and Jason hanging on Tina's every word.

"So, umm dude I hope I'm not taking to much of a risk here... But uhh are you gay?? Cuz it seems like you've been checking me out all night." Said Travis slightly timidly at first.

Crap, he knows about me oh well might as well not lie, "Uhh, yeah man I'm gay that isn't a problem is it? And yes I was checking you out you're fuckin hot i couldn't help it sorry." Wow, he doesn't seem too upset at me, his eyes are so cute looking a ice hazel color I really like them.. Then again the rest of him isn't so bad either. He easily stood at 6'1 170lbs.

"Omy this is awesome I'm gay to come on, lets go detach Jason from Jen and meet up with the other at the club its only about four blacks away, we can walk there."

As they approached Jen and Jason they were frantically kissing each other. Travis walked behind Travis and Sky went behind Jen and they began to peel the two apart then started the four block walk over to the club.

As they approached the new club their was a massive black bouncer standing at the door blocking the entrance. They all walked up and showed their ID's. While they were waiting for the ID's to be checked they could hear the techno remixes being played inside, maybe this will be pretty cool anyway, Sky thought. Jason walked in with one arm draped over Jen `s small shoulders, Sky and Travis attempting to be less conspicuous held hands together. The inside of the club was spectacular.

It was decorated like an old warehouse and had two levels. The DJ was busy taking requests and mixing tracks, Sky was overcome by the ambiance of it all. The room had smoke rising form the floor while bodies frantically pushed against each other on the dance floor. Travis went to grab a drink from the bar then met back up with Travis. After aching for a few minutes Travis put down his glass on the closest table.

"Would you like to dance Sky? You look really nice tonight,"

"Umm sure I've never been much of a dancer but I can try I guess." With that Travis led him onto the dance floor and moved behind him placing his strong arms around Sky's waist.

With Travis guiding him Sky quickly got the hang of grinding on the dance floor, another guy stood in front of Sky pushing him backwards even more into Travis's hard body. Around 2 in the morning Sky was tired and ready to go crash in a park somewhere with Tina, when he told Travis his plan he wouldn't have it and insisted that both Sky, Jason, and Jen came and stayed at his apartment.

Once the group was rounded up they made their way slowly back to the outskirts of town where Travis lived in a rather large 5 room apartment. Travis and Sky went into the master bedroom, while Jen and Jason crashed together on the sofa. Inside the bedroom Travis wrapped himself around his new lover and they crashed into bed naked kissing and rubbing each other. As they lay enjoying each other bodies calmly they heard the frantic moaning that could only indicate sex from the living room as they drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

Next: Chapter 3

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