
By Andy Somethin

Published on Dec 31, 2002


I'm very proud of myself becuase this story actually got posted.. Email me and tell me what yall think and if you have plot suggestions for me at I really love hearing what ya have to say abotu my story :) This is all from my imagination, so none of the people are real as much as I wish they were.... Ok go read it now

Chapter 6

Beat on the Road

After driving in the general direction of Pennsylvania for a few hours he finally looked over at Sky and asked him, " Umm Sky where am I going?? No offense and all but I can't put all of you into my apartment. It's not that big."

Sky turned around to look at Jen, "I didn't think of this Jen where are we sleeping tonight? Travis could you by any chance let those three sleep in the living room together on the pull out bed and can I sleep with you?"

"Well I don't think I could turn down an offer to sleep with you man.. Hell alright but just for a few nights then you guys have to be going..."

Travis drove int he dark along endless stretches of highway listening to a crappy pop station. It was the only thing that would get good reception. He occasionally looked over at Sky and Thomas dozing cuddled together and Jen and Laura curled up in the back. When he was about ten minutes from his apartment he began the tedious job of waking Sky and Jen but not the kids. Jen has to be the most unresponsive creature. Sky woke up then leaned into the back and began to like her ear to wake her up. To say the least she was very startled, driving with two gay guys she didn't expect anyone to begin licking and chewing on her ear, ever. "What the heck are you doing??!!"

"Well You didn't respond to the shaking or me tickling you or yelling at you, so I figured I would try licking you. Obviously my plan worked."

"You are such a sick bastard do you know that, you really are a sick, sick bastard. Ok well now that we are here will someone tell me the sleeping arrangements?" Jen asked as they pulled into Travis's apartment complex.

"Yeah the hot guy and me are sharing the bedroom, you and the munchkins are going to sleep in the living room. Once you put the two kids to bed will you come into my room I would like to speak to both of you." On that final note the three adults stepped out into the chilly night air, both guys bearing a small child in their arms. Travis handed Jen the key to his apartment she unlocked the door and let the guys go first laying the kids down on the pull out sofa bed. They left all the lights off and tucked them in. Once Laura and Thomas were settled the three went into the bedroom to have a talk about the future.

"Guy's I have to know what are you planning, when tomorrow morning comes what do you want to do?" asked Travis pointedly.

"Well, we want to go to California, but with the added surprise of these two I don't know what to do, I mean I really like you to Travis I don't really want to leave." Stated Sky nervously while looking Travis in the eyes and twiddling his thumbs.

"Yeah same here, I mean I don't like you but I'm not really sure what to do now that I have those two.."

Travis sighs inwardly not really positive about what he's doing but willing to take a shot. Thinking for a moment before speaking he finally says, "Sky come over here," then pulls Sky back between his legs holding on to him, "I hope I'm not intruding, but I would like to go to California with you, I'm willing to drive you guys out there. What do you think?"

After a moment of conferring with Jen Sky speaks up after resuming his position between Travis's legs, "Travis, we would be honored if you would come with us and help us out. Unfortunately we don't have that much money, I have a few thousand and Jen has about 3,000 some of which she apparently snagged from her father's house."

"You guys I hate to bring this up because I don't want to change our friendship but money wont be an issue trust me on that one. I'm perfectly willing to help you guys financially mostly because I want to see you succeed."

"Well, Umm fuck I can't turn down an offer like that you are amazing, I'm going to head to bed now I'll check on you two in the morning," said Jen giving Travis a peck on the cheek and Sky a hug goodnight before heading off into the dark living room to go get some rest.

Looking up at Travis, Sky said quietly, "You really are to much man, You are so awesome I think I am falling in love with you."

Without saying anything Travis just turned off the light beside his bed pulled the covers up over them and slid down so that they were laying side by side. Then kissed him goodnight for a few moments. Then sky laid his head down on Travis's chest wrapping his arms around him and quickly falling asleep.

Chapter 7

Morning Comes Early

Sky woke with a start the next morning realizing that Travis was no longer in bed with him. Looking over at the clock he realized it was already 9 A.M. Without any further dawdling he pulled his ass out of bed and stumbled out the door towards the kitchen that had delicious smells wafting out of it. Sitting himself down at the table next to Jen he soon was given a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon from Travis who then went ahead to begin preparing the kids food. While Sky slowly ate he realized just how great of a cook Travis was for a guy who lived alone without many friends.

"Wow you're hot and you can cook and you're rich, what could be better?" asks Sky sarcastically, bringing his plate to the sink and beginning to wash it. "Don't worry you do the cooking and I will do all the cleaning, It's the least I can do," Sky says smiling in Travis's direction. Jen watches the two of them smiling at how the act together rather pleased with the way her sad life is ending up. Once Sky finishes washing the dishes he walks up behind Travis and puts his arms around him nibbling on his neck while Travis finishes cooking his own breakfast.

Jen stands up looking over at the two guys, "Now be good while I'm gone I have to go wake up the little buggers in the living room, and unless one of you starts choking no mouth to mouth," she adds grinning at them both. Sky sticks his tongue out at her making a face as she wakes away from them. Then he resumes his kissing of Travis's neck while he swallows his breakfast quickly.

Once Jen has returned while Sky is washing a few more sets of dishes, he asks her a few questions. "Would you mind greatly if we hung around here two more days Jen? I have a few loose ends to tie up before I leave."

"Take all the time you need it is the least I we can do, you have given us all so much already."

"Ok well I need to first go talk to my boss we have another office in Santa Cruz California that I could get transferred to."

Speaking up over the sound of running water in the sink Sky asks kind of shyly at first, "Umm Travis what is it that you do exactly?"

"I'm a Computer Programmer for Delstar Enterprises. I do all of their software plus I make video games on the side for my x-box. I hope to start my own company someday, just not yet."

Staring at him with his mouth hanging open Sky finally says, "You're joking right??"

"No I'm not, now shut your mouth before you catch a few flies in there."

All of a sudden from across the room Jen bursts out laughing hysterically, "I can't believe it, Sky the kid who never had any money and was always borrowing from his friends is now dating the rich kid. This is amazing. I wish I found somebody as caring as you did Sky, now just don't lose him," she said while walking out of the kitchen to go collect her kids and get them showered.

"Do I have to shower?" asked Laura annoyed at the prospect of getting under a stream of water when she thought she was perfectly clean already.

"Yes, you have to shower, and don't forget to wash behind your ears because If you do Ill start taking showers with you and trust me you don't want me washing you!"

"Fine fine," she grumbled dragging her feet all the way to the bathroom followed by Jen carrying a towel. Jen starts the water in the shower and adjusts the temperature while Laura gets undressed then climbs in. Jen sits back on the toilet seat day dreaming about what her knew life will be like. She hears the water turn off way to quickly so she reaches in and turns the cold water on telling Laura to finish washing herself. Then counts slowly from a 1 to 100 backwards before she shuts the water off again. Soon she is greeted by a small cold girl wrapped in a towel in her arms, she picks her up and grabs some clothes before taking her into the guys bedroom to get dressed. Once Laura was all dressed and dried off they walked out to find the other. Jen walks up to Sky and Travis asking one of them, "To please give Thomas a bath."

Surprisingly Travis volunteered for the job scooping the smaller child into his arms and carried him into the bathroom. He turned on the water for the bath and began to adjust the temperature. When he looked over and saw Thomas still fully dressed just staring at him, he shut off the water and pulled the boy over to him. He then began to undress him taking off his shirt without a problem, when he went to remove his pants Thomas started screaming and crying then went running out of the bathroom straight into Jen's arm's. She quietly comforted the crying child while Travis and Sky looked on heartbroken at what had just happened. Travis decided he had to get out of the house, grabbed his coat then started walking to his office downtown. When he arrived he said hello to his secretary Ethan.

"Hey man, what's up?! I haven't seen you around lately there is a stack of mail sitting on your desk in there. How ya doing you don't look to happy right now..."

"I've been busy some personal stuff came up and I have been really busy dealing with it. I actually just stopped by to talk to the boss and I need you to get in contact with my lawyer. I'm going to be moving to California and there are a few thing's I need to take care of first."

"No problem, I'll call you're lawyer in a few minutes then I will page you when he arrives ok? Man cheer up no matter what's wrong life will go on," said Ethan with an impish grin. Then he stood up and gave Travis a hug before he set off down the corridor to his boss's office.

When he arrived he stood in front of the door for a second before knocking and then walking in. " Hey boss how ya doing?"

"I am doing fine but I think I should be asking you how you are doing. The rumor around the office is that you are going to ask me for a raise, am I correct?"

"Partially I do have something to ask you but it isn't for a raise, I would like a transfer to our office in Santa Cruz, California." Says Travis speaking slowly at first and getting faster as he continues.

"Hmm.. Well, that's definitely different for sure. I will put in a good word for you and give them a call now to see if we can arrange that. I know they don't have somebody like you working at that office now... and since you do the software for all the different branches nope wont be a problem I'll just let them now you will be joining them. How does two weeks vacation to move into your new place and get settled in California first."

"Wow, I'm speechless this is great. I didn't think you would agree so easily."

"We will all miss you, just keep in touch man if you don't mind me asking hwy are you moving out their anyway, it's a long way form home..."

"I need to help a friend," right then his pager went off and it was Ethan the secretary, "Well I'm glad how this worked out but I need to go talk to my lawyer now about some stuff. I'll catch up to you probably before I leave." With that he walked down the hallway to his office where he found his lawyer sitting waiting for him.

"Ok Travis, it's been awhile since I have seen you what do you need?"

"Well a friend of mine needs to get custody papers made for her brother and sister, they are now in her care and not their parents. How much trouble will it be for you to get us them?"

"Well, we can go down to the court this afternoon and get temporary custody drawn up. Then I need to get her parents to sign a few forms and then we will have the permanent custody we just will need the judge to sign it. Sound good?"

"Perfect you can reach them at 254 Winding Road NY,NY 09327 their names are Mr. and Mrs. Cether. You shouldn't come across any problems they gladly gave the two children to their daughter. If you have a problem tell them to call me and I'll straighten it out."

"Alright that's all I need I'll get the temporary forms drawn up and come by the house later for her to sign them."

Showing his lawyer to the door of his office he says, "Thank you for all the trouble and please try to get the forms drawn as quickly as possible we need to leave in tomorrow." As soon as the lawyer had left Travis got a few boxes from the shipping department and began to pack up his meagerly decorated office. It took him two trips to his house to get everything cleaned out with Ethan's help. He dreaded seeing Thomas that night he still couldn't figure out what went wrong that morning. Oh well I guess I will find out soon enough. When he arrived home it was already six o clock so he went into his kitchen and began packing up boxes with everything that would need to come with him. About an hour later his favorite people walked through the door carrying three hot pizzas, as they came in Sky began to speak, "I hope you aren't mad we borrowed your car to go pick up the pizza...."

"Nope, not at all, I didn't even notice the car was gone," said Travis smiling at how absentminded he ahs been recently. "I would be mad if you decided to not help me pack everything up so that we can leave tomorrow, my lawyer is coming over later with the temporary custody forms you will need to sign." He said while going back to his packing. By the time dinner was over they had filled 4 trash bags and had almost the entire house packed. AT eight o clock his lawyer rang the doorbell then walked in surprising Sky and Jen.

Looking around the lawyer walked up to Jen and said, "How ya doing tonight you must be Jen the one who needs custody forms correct."

Looking around for Travis, "Uh ya that would be me."

At this time Travis walks into the room and greets his lawyer with a hug and kissing the cheek surprising almost everyone in the room. After the kiss Travis walks right out the front door to the dumpster with a big of trash. Looking a little flustered the lawyer speaks up after a few uncomfortable minutes, " Well here are the temporary custody forms. I need you to sign them and then you keep a copy and I'll keep a copy and the judge gets a copy and we will be all set on that level. The next thing we need to deal with is permanent custody, which Travis didn't think there would be a problem getting from your folks."

"No, their shouldn't be a problem but if their is mention social services to them and he should become more then willing to comply with you."

"Alright then my work here is done," he says after she signs the forms, "Now ill just go say goodnight to Travis and be going." He stood up to shake Jens hand and she walked around the table and gave him a hug. The lawyer then walked out the door saying goodnight to Travis on his way.

"So who's up for coffee??" they all agreed they could use a cup so after putting the kids to sleep and making sure they were asleep they other three went back to drinking coffee and packing the house to wait for the movers in the morning.

Next: Chapter 5

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