Something Close to Life

Published on Nov 17, 2013


This story is a work of fiction. The events in this story are fictional. The characters in this story do not exist and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Any use of celebrity or other real persons is entirely fictional and in no way reflects upon their actual sexual orientation. This story contains erotic and/or sexually explicit activities between consenting adults. If you are under age, find this type of work offensive, or it is illegal for you to view this, do not read it. The author retains all rights to this story.

Something Close to Life – Part 5 By tmabare ©2013

      • From Part 4 * * *

Mike headed into the kitchen to grab stuff for the grill. While he was bent over in the fridge, he didn't notice that Eliza had walked in behind him. Standing up, he about dropped the platter when he saw her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's ok... just didn't hear you walk in." Setting the platter down on the counter, he started back for another.

"Mike, I need to ask you something."

"Of course, Mom, anything." Even though he said it, he didn't really mean anything.

Eliza paused and watched this man who she had seen grow up. He had become a man that any mother would be proud of and she was just as proud of him had she been one of her own sons. "Are you and Alex going to make it work this time?"

Mike felt as if his heart stopped and he couldn't speak. All he could do was look into her eyes. There was no malice or anger in them, just concern and love. Part of Mike wanted to run from the room, but deep down he knew it would do no good to run from her. This was something they would have to face sooner or later, he just wished Alex was with him.

"Michael, it's okay. I've known since you were both in high school. I've known before even Alex realized his own feelings for you, or how you felt about him."

Hearing her say that was enough for Mike to finally find his voice again. "Mom, I'm sorry."

"Michael, there is nothing for you to be sorry about." She walked closer to Mike and placed her hand on his arm. "None of us can control who we fall in love with and no one chooses if they are gay or straight. All we can do is play the hand we are dealt."

The smile on her face made Mike open his arms and he was pulled into a hug by Eliza. She felt warm and strong, like she had since he was a child. When she finally released him they both had tears in their eyes.

"I always thought I did a good job of hiding it." Mike couldn't help but laugh as he said it.

Eliza just smiled at him, "You did, but I just knew. I wasn't sure at first, but the way you the two of you were around each other convinced me. It became very obvious to me. One of the things that told me the most was the ways you always cared for Alex, it was so much more than a friend or even a brother. I wanted to tell you so long ago, but in the end I never got the chance." She paused as if reliving events, "When you were gone, I knew something had happened."

"Yes, something happened. But in the end, Alex needed to be a father more than he needed me." The pain was still there in Mike's voice, he could still feel it. "I forced him away. I couldn't be the one that took him away from his child."

"Don't ever believe that. Alex needed you more than anyone, or anything, and he still does. I shouldn't tell you this, but you need to know, he was devastated when you left. I could hardly get him to leave his room. He stopped doing anything. It took Michael being born to make him start living again. Even then, he wasn't the same person any of us knew. He was just a shell of who he once was. Today is the first time in so long that I have my son back to what he was. I wanted to scream at him to get you back, but I also knew that he wouldn't have listened to me."

"I never knew."

"No, you wouldn't, and Alex would never tell you. That was what made me certain that what the two of you had was true love. That's why I hope you two can make it last this time."

Mike nodded his head, "Mom, all I can tell you is we're both going to do whatever it takes to make it work this time. We have a lot of time to make up for."

She smiled wide, "Good that makes me very happy. I can't tell you how much I wanted to smack the crap out of that boy when he started to date Elaina. That girl was never any good and I knew it, God forgive me for speaking ill of the dead."

"Mom, if you only knew." Mike smiled at her and then thought about Alex Senior. "Mom, what is papi going to think about this?"

"You boys need to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is smarter than you both think and he's also more open minded than either of you know. He has suspected for years that the two of you were more than just friends and he's never shown any discomfort with the idea."

"I would have never guessed he'd be that accepting. I guess he has always seemed so old school."

Eliza laughed, "Michael, he can be old fashioned, for sure. But when it comes to you three boys, he's much more accepting than you might expect. Plus, Alex doesn't know this yet but his Uncle Juan came out to Alexander last year. Alexander never batted an eye and he's become Juan's biggest supporter in the family."

"What about Carlos?"

After thinking for a few moments, Eliza just smiled. "He loves you both. I'm sure I know how he's going to react and you have nothing to worry about."

Walking outside, Mike walked straight to Alex who was still standing at the grill. He handed Alex a plate of burgers, before he leaned over closer to him, "Your mother knows."

Alex almost dropped the plate. He looked quickly at Mike, before a half smile came to his face, "I can't wait to hear how that went down."

Mike found himself smiling, "You know your mother."

Alex started to laugh and soon couldn't stop himself, as hard as he tried. He finally had to set the plate down and turned towards his mother. Walking towards her, the smile he had grew larger. When he reached her he hugged her and lifted her off the ground.

"I love you, mami."

"I love you too." Eliza felt herself starting to tear up again. "Now put me down, you're making my eyes water."

Setting her down, Alex kissed her cheek.

Alexander was watching the interaction, "Okay, what's going on here?"

Eliza turned towards her husband, "Papi, your sons have something to tell you."

Alex stopped dead, the color draining from his face. "I..."

"Carlos, why don't you give us a few minutes? I want to talk to your brother and Mike." Alexander's tone wasn't angry, but it did let everyone know who was in charge.

Carlos knew what he needed to do, "Michael, Maria, why don't we go inside and play a game."

The two kids were excited to get to play with their Uncle and quickly followed him inside.

Alexander looked at both Mike and then Alex, there was slight smile on his face. "Ok, everyone sit down. There is something I want to say first."

Eliza sat next to her husband and placed her hand in his. Alex looked at Mike and then sat across from his father. Mike was the last to sit and he purposely sat next to Alex. He didn't say anything, but he placed his hand on the top of Alex's right thigh. The contact made Alex smile.

"I think I know what your mother is talking about, but I want to talk first." Alexander took a drink of his beer and looked at both of the men in front of him. "Since you were both in high school, I've had this feeling there was more to your friendship than either of you said and more likely even knew. Your mother and I have talked about it on several occasions, but we both felt when the time was right you'd come to us. It would seem that there is no time like the present."

"Dad..." Alex tried to speak.

"Let me talk, son. You will get your chance in a minute." Alexander took a deep breath, "What you both need to know is that Alex's Uncle Juan came out to us last year. My father basically wanted to disown him and expel him from our lives. I couldn't let that happen, so I stood up to my father for the first time in a long time."

The look on Alex's face changed to one of wonder. As long as he could remember, his Uncle Juan was always one of his heroes. He had been a role model for Alex and now it seemed that he was more like him than he had known.

"I want you to know I love you both and always will. I was devastated when Michael left our family, but I never wanted to pressure you son. Your mother and I will love you like we always have and maybe even more, now that we know the real you. You have nothing to fear from us, we will support you both as much as we can in any way that we can. Finally, I have to say... it's about fucking time."

Laughter erupted from around the table. Alex leapt to his feet and walked to where his father was sitting. He hugged his father like he hadn't in years. Alex's eyes filled with tears at the pure love he knew his father had for him.

"Carlos?" Eliza saw her younger son standing in the doorway from the house.

Everyone turned to see the young man standing there. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"It's okay, little brother, you need to know too. Are you okay with it?" Alex had stood back up from hugging his father.

"Yeah, it's cool with me. Why wouldn't it be?" He smiled and walked towards the table. "I've been trying to find a way to tell you that I was gay. I guess this is the best time."

Eliza's look suddenly changed to one of surprise. "Oh my, Carlos, I had to clue."

Alexander didn't look surprised, "I wondered when you were going to tell us. I know you've been spending a great deal of time talking to your Uncle. I thought this was why and I'm proud of you son."

"Thank you, papi." Carlos received hugs from everyone.

As they sat around the table talking, Eliza's face suddenly changed, "Michael, do your parents know?"

Mike just shook his head. "No ma'am. I have never been able to tell them. You know my family. Mom will probably be okay with it, but dad will go off the deep end."

"Probably a good idea if we don't say anything to them right now. I will talk to your mother and feel her out. I'm pretty sure I can find out where she stands and then get her on our side." Eliza was well into the planning mode.

"I trust you, mom."

When the family left for the hotel that night, they took the kids with them. It had taken a little convincing on the part of his parents, but Alex finally agreed. Standing on the front porch, they waved as they all pulled away. As the vehicle left their sight, Alex turned and faced Mike.

"Well, it seems we are finally all alone."

The excitement Mike had at the thought of this moment was replaced by fear and nerves now. He couldn't say anything, he just turned and looked directly into Alex's eyes. "I think we better go inside."

Closing the door behind them, Alex reached out and touched Mike's shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong?"


Alex pulled Mike into a hug, "Mikey, you don't have to be scared. But, just so you know, I am scared as hell too."

"Huh? Why are you scared?"

Placing his head onto Mike's shoulder and didn't release his grip at all. "Scared you will push me away again. Scared I'm not going to be able to control myself. Scared I won't live up to your memories of me."

Mike couldn't help but laugh, "Let's go to bed and see how it goes."

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