Something Unexpected

By michael banzon

Published on Apr 29, 2013


Do not read this if you are under the consent of legal age in your location. There are mild sexual scenes in this chapter. If you are offended by same sex relationships do not read this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something Unexpected Chapter 5


I woke up at around 6 am and jumped a bit when I realized there was an arm draped around me. But I looked at the muscular arm around me and realized that it was a man and breathed a sigh. "Why does this always happen to me" James thought. Then he took a whiff of the man beside him and realized he was in bed with the one person he loved more than anything. "Oh yes" he whispered as everything from the past night came back to him. Then he realized it was a Thursday today and he had to get back to his dorm to shower and get ready for school. "Babe" "what?" Marco replied a bit too angrily "sorry" Marco shot up instantly and hugged James "no I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap" "I love you" " I love you too, but if you keep waking me up to tell me that I wont love you anymore" "you don't mean that" James slyly replied "Yeah of course not I fucking love you, you nut" Suddenly James remembered the reason he woke Marco up.

"babe I have to go its six in the morning and I have class at eight" Marco gave him a pout and held him tighter "pweese stay" Marco replied in a baby tone "Babe I really have to go... and so does that log over there" motioning towards Gio. "You suck" "I love that" James replied winking and Marco finally giving up let go of him and he put on his clothes and shook Gio "Fuck off I have a boyfriend" then as if out of nowhere Alex's arm shot out and hit him in the arm "its me you numb nut" "babe there's someone else shaking me" "oh my fucking god Gio wake the fuck up its six in the morning and we have to go. Slightly laughing at what he just witnessed James gave Gio a wet willy and waited and as he expected Gio ran after him but he jumped into Marco's bed and used Marco as a human shield. "What the..." "Sorry babe I panicked" James now laughing and Gio wide- awake they decided it was time to leave. They each bid their farewells to their boyfriends, not to mention James had to drag Gio away from what was a potential blowjob and they left "Were you really gonna blow him?" James said laughing "Fuck yeah" Gio casually replied "guess we really are best friends" James chuckled


"Aleeeeeeeeex I miss him" Marco whined at his best friend right after their first class had ended. "Clingy whore" "Fuck you" They both erupted in laughter. They each got a message on their cellphones "Who texted you?" "James. You?" "Gio" "Looks like im not the only clingy whore" And again they erupted in laughter. Coincidentally all four of them had 2 free periods before their next class and decided that they would group video chat. Marco saw that James was calling and quickly answered "hey baby" Marco cooed at his boyfriend... weird Marco thought just two days ago he had thought James would never like him much more that he was gay, yet here they are boyfriends. "Why are you smiling babe?" "Cause I was thinking about you" Marco said back. Alex and Gio both made puking sounds in the background but eventually did the exact same thing. This time it was Marco and James' turn to make puking sounds. "shut up" Both Alex and Gio said at the same time. "oh yeah babe!" Just then he was interrupted by Marco's team who came cheering down the hall like a couple of maniacs. "shit gotta go guys call you in 15 minutes okay?" Alex said into the phone "Why what's wrong?" "Team mates are here and they might see you. Love you bye" Marco and Alex replied fast before dropping the call. "Hey guys!" they said as if nothing had happened.


What did he mean by "they might see you" was Marco ashamed of James? The thought kept playing over and over in James head and Gio noticed and asked what was wrong. "Hey are you alright man?" " maybe... I don't know" "what's wrong? Tell papa G" After James had told him what was on his mind Gio assured him it was nothing and that Marco's team mates just didn't know about his sexuality yet and would be in total shock if they found out that he was gay AND dating their rival schools star quarterback. He simply nodded his head and waited for Marco to call. RIIING James answered on the first ring and Gio in and him were instantly in front of the camera. They were greeted with Alex's face "hey James! Hey baby" "hey babe" Gio replied, "where's Marco?" was all James could say "Oh he told me to say sorry but he needed to go with the team to this pub because he was going to help one of them to score a chick" "oh ok" James replied sadly thinking if Marco would just ditch him like that. Alex seeing that James was distraught quickly said "just messing with you man he's in the bathroom" James eyes lit up like the fourth of July and looked like a puppy that had finally found a home. "HEY BABE!" James practically shouted when Marco sat down. Just as Gio and Alex suspected Marco was so surprised he fell over in his chair and the two laughed so hard they were both red "oh my god babe I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you..hahahahahahahahahaha" and then James joined in on Gio and Alex's laughter. Marco glared at him through the camera and eventually started laughing too. "God he's so cute" James thought to himself as he was looking at Marco's face he clearly hadn't shaved for the day because there was light stubble on his face and his hair was all messed up from the fall. I'm so lucky to have this guy. "Oh yeah! Gio and I are going to this party later, Alex do you want to come?" James said acting like Marco wasn't there and it seemed to work as when he looked at Marco he saw that he was hurt that James didn't invite him. "Hey why are you so sad?" James asked Marco innocently "Fuck you" Marco said all to sternly for it to be a joke and before they all knew it Marco stood up and ran out. "Shit did I take it too far?" Alex was just staring at the door and mumbled a simple "Think so dude" "shit what time is it?" "9:47" Gio replied. Good he still had another hour and forty minutes to go and fix things with Marco. He told Alex his plan and Alex told him that Marco was probably in their dorm. So he rushed down the speedway and made it to their room in fifteen minutes. He knocked and no one answered and he heard a sniffle and knew that Marco was in there. "Marco please let me in I'm sorry" he pleaded through the door. Then the door opened and there was Marco stark naked and obviously had not been crying or sad at all! "Is this all a joke? Just to get me back?" "No it was all planned so that I could have you alone in a room and naked" James wasn't amused at all he was fuming "I almost died because I thought you were mad at me and I sped down the speedway which almost got my license confiscated and you're telling me that it was a scheme for sex?!" James said too harshly. Marco flinched and replied, "I didn't plan on that happening..." Marco said on the verge of tears "yeah well it seems like you don't think at all. Why do you have to be so slutty?" James said and as soon as he did he regretted it. Marco was crying now tears falling down his face onto his pecs, which fell on his abs. "fuck you James, no fuck me for thinking that you would want to have sex with me. And that it wasn't a one-night stand; I'm probably just another fuck to you. Whooptidoo you got me you made the quarterback of your rival school suck you off. Now. Just leave " Marco said and slammed the door in front of his face. Oh my god what have I done. All he was trying to do was give him a good time and have sex just the two of them. But all he did was insult him and called him a slut... A SLUT? For Christ sakes the boy was only trying to do something romantic for him. He was crying now too "baby, baby I'm so sorry" James cried through the door. "Stop crying I wouldn't want you to cry over some slut." Marco replied coldly from the other side of the door. And before James could reply the door opened and Marco ran out now fully clothed "Marco wait!" but he wasn't fast enough and Marco ran all the way out of the building.


"Hey Gio could you cut the rest of your classes today?" Alex spoke into the phone "sure babe but can I ask why?" "I think Marco just broke up with James..." "WHAT?! Ill be over there as soon as possible. Alex put down the phone and helped James off the floor in front of their room. "c'mon big guy tell me what happened" "I got too mad and I accidentally called him a slut" "You called him a what? Fuck this is worse than I thought." "Why what's wrong?!" "Well for one thing you just called your boyfriend a slut and probably didn't know that his mom and dad were both prostitutes and only did that so he could go to college. So eventually he found out he was good at football and good looking too but then it started at first people started calling his mom a slut then they found out about his dad and called him a slut too. He eventually became the star quarterback and got a football scholarship and it helped take away the burden off his parents. But it the teasing never stopped all through high school he was teased. But he thought it suddenly all changed when this hot girl asked him to the Sadie Hawkins dance at our school but after the prom she went on stage and thanked everyone and said and I still remember in her words "oh and before I forget how much for the night Marco?" he cried the whole night you know." James was speechless. "But it didn't end there summer before senior year he found our both of his parents were HIV positive and they died not too long after they found out because they apparently had it for 3 years and had not noticed." Alex took a breath and started again "So when he got to school senior year they always teased him while he was going down the stairs, sitting down, but they never showed anyone else their wrath. There the some popular kids who were his so called friends but unbeknownst to anyone and they were basically tupperwares. They would act like his friends when they wanted to get popular. But talked behind his back after. So that's Marco's high school life. But when he moved here he was the talk of the town, but in a good way. You see James he wasn't always the way he is now" just as they finished their talk they saw Gio drag in a soaking wet Marco who looked unconscious. "Found him on a park bench where all the sprinklers were on" Marco was shivering and not surprisingly, running a high fever. He watched as James made his way to Marco and say "I'm so sorry" so many times and caressed Marco's cheek. He changed Marco's clothes and couldn't help but stare at Marco's dick it was soft but it looked full and chubby, James was a lucky guy. "He should be fine I gave him some Tylenol and his fevers gone down. So what movie do you guys want to watch?" "Sixteen Candles!!" Gio shouted so kid like "oh oh and iI'll order the pizza babe!" Gio added.


"He looks less pale now" "I hope he wakes up soon" was all James could think while watching the movie and cuddling with his boyfriend well, ex-boyfriend but he would stop at nothing to get Marco back. "ghmph" he heard Marco groan and eventually move to hug James " I'm so sorry babe" Marco said into his chest which surprised him. "No its my fault" "I couldn't bear the thought of us not being together so I was going to head back when I slipped and somebody picked me up and put me on a park bench and I fainted there. " "Oh god I'm glad you're okay" " Thanks babe. I love you" "I love you too" and they cuddled through the rest of the move and the night and eventually fell asleep in each others arms. What a terrific end to a horrible day.

End of Chapter 5

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Next: Chapter 6

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