Something Unexpected

By michael banzon

Published on Jun 9, 2013


Something Unexpected

Chapter 7

This part of the story contains mild sexual scenes if you are offended by that do not continue on reading this.

The semester ended and they all had finally finished unpacking in the apartment. Gio and James' transfer was bittersweet they would miss those buffoons they call teammates but at the same time they had no doubt that they would not regret this move. They had a 2-week break before the next semester happened and decided they would go to the beach and bathe in the sun. "COME ON GIOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" "NO!" "WHY NOTTTTTTTTT???" Alex was trying to convince his man to bring a jockey type of swimwear instead of board shorts. "Cause I only want you to see my junk" Gio added with a wink, out of nowhere James comes in and starts sing the lines to My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas and they all start laughing when Nats comes in and says "I'ma get get get get you drunk, get you love drunk on my hump" eventually Marco walks in with James and his bags and says "James stop singing and carry your own fucking bags" "does this mean you don't love me no more?" "Maybe" Marco said as he dropped James' bag and turned around smirking "Bitch" "Whore" "slut" "fag" "mmmmm baby stop turning me on" James said grabbing Marco's package "Ew let go of me this is rape" "Its not rape if you like it" Alex cuts in before Marco could answer he drops his bags and gets on his back and shouts while pounding the floor "oh god James,Uh uh uh Harder! Fuck me harder! Uh uh oh god oh god ughhh harder james fuck that tight hole... yup doesn't seem like rape to me" Marco blushes while the rest of them laugh. "Whatever can we just go to the beach now..." Marco says as he finally regains composure "Sure but maybe we have to pray to God more for good weather, why don't you do it since you're so good at communicating with God Marco" Alex counters "Stop teasing my man!" James says with a laugh and with that they finally left their apartment and got into the car. The car ride was uneventful and finally they got to the resort where they were staying at and checked in the room Nats paid for a single room so she could "Bring a guy home without him ending up in bed with the four gays she has as friends." After dropping off their things in the room they decided to go for a swim. While they were swimming a couple of girls approached James and asked if he wanted to go back to their hotel room with them. He politely refused and said he was with friends and gestured towards Marco, Alex and Gio. "Bring them" They all shouted and giggled "No thank you ladies" "awwww but will you at least go to a party with us later?" "sure!" They exchanged numbers and as soon as he got back to the group he got a text "Hey there hunks party is at 405 malibu see you there xx-Aly" He told the rest of the group and they said it was okay with them. Little did they know this was a night they would never forget.

They got to the party and there were 5 entrance shots. James stuck to Marco the whole night but at one point Marco at one point had to go to the bathroom and told James he would be back. "Having a good time?" A voice whispered in James' ears he looked for the source and it was the girl from the beach. "HELL YES! Thanks for inviting us!" "No problem! Lets grab more drinks!" "sure!!" They went to the bar and before James knew he had, had at least 10 shots and 5 beers needless to say he was more than just buzzed. "Lets go to a room hotstuff" Aly whispered in his ear "ooooookay baby" James replied without thinking. Marco got back from the bathroom and James was missing he looked everywhere he just couldn't find him. So he decided to go look for his other friends to help him he found Alex and Gio making out on a beer pong table with girls swarming them. "Have you seen James?" they stopped making out and shook their heads. "Where is he?" Marco thought to himself. He saw a couple of girls and realized they were friends with that girl from the beach as he approached them they started to giggle and a blonde woman about 23 walked seductively to him and said "Lets go find a room" he refused but asked "Have you seen my friend?" as soon as he decribed him to her she told him that she saw her friend go up with him "oh okay thanks!" he was about to leave when she said "I wouldn't bother them if I were you if aly wants sex she gets sex" "James isn't like that I would know" "why are you best friends or something?" "Actually he's my boyfriend" "Oh then you better hurry babe before he gives up on being monogamous" He ran upstairs and checked every door the first door was a no go the second as well but as he reached he third door he heard some noises inside and opened it quickly but as soon as he did he wished he hadn't. There on the bed was his boyfriend fucking a woman, who Marco could only guess was Aly. Marco was standing there for 3 minutes and eventually started feeling sick to his stomach and didn't notice he was crying silently. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Aly screamed and reached for the covers while James turned around and stared at Marco and said "Woah how did you get from under me to there so fast" finally realizing what he had done James started getting dressed but he wasn't quick enough to chase Marco because by the time he was done Marco was gone. "Come back to bed baby" "Im not your baby! IM HIS BABY!" with that he ran out of the room and started looking for Marco. He couldn't find him so he called Gio and Alex for help but when they couldn't find him they called Nats as well. "FUCK THIS IS ALL MY FAULT WHY DO I KEEP HURTING HIM ALEX!!!!!" "I DON'T KNOW JAMES YOU TELL ME!" James turned around and saw Marco there eyes bloodshot, cheeks stained with tears. "MARCO BABY PLEASE I THOUGHT IT WAS YOU IM SO SORRY!" "STOP JUST STOP, JAMES I WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU! I WILL NEVER BEAT A GIRL HUH? YOU KNOW IM NEVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYONE OR ANYTHING!!! SO FUCK TONIGHT THIS IS GOING TO END" Everyone's eyes went wide as they watched Marco run to the James and give him back the necklace he gave Marco as a promise. "I DON'T WANT TO BE IN LOVE ANYMORE MY HEART CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE YOU KNOW, I WANT TO DIE JAMES, THAT'S HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW I WANT TO DIE!" James was crying now too "Marco please..." "No I've had enough" and with that Marco ran away and James collapsed into Nats. "What have I done Nats" "shhh James everything will be alright" But honestly she had no fucking clue.

Marco drove home and got there around 4 he packed up everything and wrote to Alex "Dear Alex, I cant do this anymore I keep telling myself he loves me but I know he doesn't. Why me Alex? I don't get why I need to be the one to suffer when all I ever do is think about other people and how they feel. All I ever wanted was someone to ask me how I felt you know, but im apparently just a little unworthy of that. So I've decided I will move out for your sake and for everyones sake. Since I only bring the worst to everyone and im just a bother I will leave, I am so so so sorry for all the pain and suffering ive caused you,Gio, Nats and most importantly James. I hope one day he can forgive me for being such a drag. I love you Alex thanks for everything you're the brother from another mother that I would give my life for. Love, Marco" He grabbed his suitcase and left money for his share of the next 6 months rent. He took one last look at their apartment and left. He drove to the dorm where he was originally supposed to stay with Alex since he was penniless he couldn't go anywhere he didn't eat for 2 days when he was about to faint one of his teammates knocked on his door and he mustered up enough energy to open the door. As soon as he did the man grabbed him and gave him food. Tim, he remembered was one of his more handsome teammates and his friend. He told him about his current dilemma and Tim said he was in the same state awhile back but he got a job at a strip joint and he was rich. But it comes with a price that was that he had to perform sexual acts for payments that were 10,000$ or higher. Tim said he had stopped when one of his teammates, Brad, found him there and paid 500,000$ dollars from his trust fund to get him to come home from him but when they got there he didn't want to have sex he just hugged Tim and told him he was in love with him and that he would never have to face any problems now. Marco was happy for them but he was still broke so Tim gave him the number of the club with reluctance and said to call him if he ever needed any help. He said thanks and after 2 hours Tim had to leave to study. He immediately called the club and they said he could come in tomorrow at 3 to have his interview. He said thanks and went to the bathroom and took a piss and eventually slept. Tomorrow was a big day.

James was finally home and wanted to see Marco but he was somehow not surprised that Marco wasn't home but what shocked him the most was that all of Marco's belongings were gone. Alex walked into his room and saw the letter and the cash he read the letter and called James into the room and James said "That's all the cash he had" James was crying now. His one true love was somewhere with no cash and no money. He had to find him. Marco woke up around 2 and got to the club around 3 they offered him food which he took since he didn't have a decent meal yet. They asked him the basic questions about his age where hew as from but what surprised him was when they asked if he had serviced a man before. He said yes and they said good because all of his customers would be men. But the club had a strict no touching policy unless they tip was 10,000 above. He said okay and he started the next night so he went home ate some chips and some dip. Went to the gym and slept. James, Alex and Gio went to football practice but didn't find Marco there they were wondering where he was but they had to practice. Marco realized he had missed football practice, which was okay with him since that would help him avoid James. Time passed quickly and he eventually had to leave for the club he got there and was nervous for his first show but when the other performers saw him they told him to take a hit of some weird drug to calm his nerves, not wanting to seem like an outcast he took one. He was in a state of Euphoria. He went on stage and started stripping slowly like he did for James and the crowd went wild! He did more dances but his tips were only a few hundred dollars so he was fine for the night. He went home straight after and studied a bit and slept. He went to class the next day and saw James, Alex and Gio "Hey Marco!" he tried to run away but the three of them cornered him and he eventually gave up and said hi "IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY??" "what else?" "HOW ABOUT IM COMING BACK GUYS! OR SORRY I MISSED FOOTBALL PRACTICE AND GOT YOU WORRIED!" "lol no bye" and he left. Alex didn't understand why he was being a bitch to him but he was going to find out "COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT MARCO!" "no" Marco ran away "ugh" Alex grumped. Marco ran as fast as he could to his dorm room and changed right for work. For 2 months this is what he did. Pretty soon he got hooked on the drug he took every before the show and was killing himself inside but he didn't know he was killing James too.

"ALEX I KNOW WHERE HE IS!" James shouted into Alex's room and within seconds the door was open and Alex was out the front door saying "Let's get that bitch" . They arrived at his dorm room and some guy answered the door for Marco "Hello what may I help you with?" "um are you Marco's roommate?" Alex asked "No, I wish " James flinched when he noticed the man was only wearing a towel. "Is he inside?" "Yes would you want to come in?" "yeah... um sure" the man shouted "Marco you have visitors" and went straight into the bathroom. Alex and James were looking at their surroundings. Everything was blank except for the few discarded underwear and when they looked inside Marco's room there were 5 muscular guys cuddled up on the bed and in the middle was Marco. James was so shocked he almost ran out of the room "Wow, just wow." Alex said "Oh hey there care to join us?" "Leo! They are not welcome!" Marco scowled "Sorry Marco" "awww you know I cant stay mad at you" Marco cooed and Leo kissed his cheek and turned and Alex and James noticed some whit powder on his back. They watched as Marco leaned down and snorted the powder and smiled back at Leo. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Alex grabbed one of the men and brought him outside. "Explain" after he had told them everything including the rules he went back inside and cuddled back up to Marco. "Alex whats happened to Marco?" James said with tears streaming down his cheek "hes got hooked on drugs and hes a male prostitute but according to dave over there no one has tipped him high enough to bring him home or touch him" "whats the minimum amount to get him home" "100,000 dollars" "im buying him tonight and I will fix him" James said almost too softly. "That's the only way to heal him Alex." "He needs to know I still love him".

SORRY IF I HAVENT POSTED IN AWHILE! Email any reactions to

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