Something Weird

By The Writer

Published on Jun 28, 2009


NOTICE: Sorry that I haven't written in forever, been on Summer Vaykay. I decided to take a break from the alc and give my liver a break. It's been screaming at me and crying in corners for weeks. My bad. I'll buy it a cookie.

DISCLAIMER: DNTRDIFURNTSPPSE2! Oh yeah. Don't reproduce. I'll sue. Bitches. On to the story.


Austin smiles at me, "So. You aren't allowed to go back to the locker room."


"And? So do I! And you made me this way. So you are coming home with me and you are going to take a shower at my house."

"Ughh.. Fine. I'll follow you to your house."

"Umm. Still no. You can leave your car, and you can ride with me."

"How about hell no! And how the hell am I suppose to get home? Or to school?"

"I'll drop you off and pick you up. You can drive it home tomorrow."

"Fine." I leaned forward, and kissed him a little delicate kiss then we walked to his car.

"Ry?" He stops walking.


"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

I look at him and smile, and jump into his arms, and smash my lips against his, "I thought you'd never ask."


Chapter Three: What If The World Doesn't Need To Be Normal?

We arrived at Austin's house a little after 6 o'clock, and he took my hand and walked me through his front door. We stopped in the front hall and he leaned in and gave me a sweetm, delicate, polite kiss.

Austin smiled, "I could get use to doing that to you."

I frowned, "I don't want too."


"That was like a kiss for your grandmother! I want a real one."

"Oh. Well if that's how you want it." He leaned back in and started the usual peck kiss form and then grabbed me and picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder. He headed to the stairs and put me down.

"What?! I said kiss! K-I-S-S! Do you not know what that means?"

"Yes Captain I do. But you smell rank, so we should head to the showers before we decide to fool around."

"Oh well. Since you put it that way....and I smell rank?! What the hell is that..." I smell my armpits, and fake a face of me about to vomit but the smell is bad, "Oh. I do smell bad don't I?"

"Well...Not bad bad. You always smell great to me. But I think I could make you smell better!" He slapped my butt and then ran upstairs. I started chasing after him and he ducked inside one of the rooms on the right. He had the shower going already and I opened up the shower door and no one was in there.

He jumped out from behind me and grabbed my sides saying, "RUH!"

I screamed and jumped, almost falling but Austin caught me. "You jerk!"

"Haha. If I'd known you were that jumpy I wouldn't of done it...wait. Yeah I would." He better be glad I got the hots for him


"Awww. Does the big ol' soccer nazi scare easily?" Maybe I should beat him up...his looks will heal.

"Get in the shower...or I'll stomp you the next time we go to practice...."

"Ooouu scary." I swear to God.

I gave him one of the evilest glares I could, and he looked at me and smiled, "Okay, okay. I'll get in. You're no fun..."

I turned to him and said, "I promise to be fun in the shower," while taking off my clothes and getting in the shower.

Lust grew in his eyes, and he started taking his clothes off, "Oh. Oh! OH!!! I like this. Maybe you are fun!!"

--Sorry Pervs. This is rated M. We'll skip to the after sex scene. Hahah. Jaykay.--

He climbed into the shower and into the spray and smiled. I took the bar of soap I spotted and started rubbing my hands over it to lather it up. I turned to him and grabbed him and gave him a quick but passionate kiss. I looked into his eyes, and he bent his neck down a little(he's taller than me okay?)and gave me a couple quick pecks and then started kissing me harder pressing his toungue at my lips. I quickly opened but fought for dominance.(What I am the captain of the soccer team. I wanna be on top!) We started mashing our tongues together and I leaned back breaking the kiss and started running my hands all over his body(my excuse is getting him clean hah!) I kissed down his neck and down to his chest. I found his nickel sized tan nipples and I started kissing and licking each one until they were both perked up and then I moved down. I kissed further down and over each individual abdominal muscle coating them with saliva. I heard him moan and I looked up. His eyes were coated with lust and he seemed to be enjoying himself...a lot. His mouth was just slightly open and the tip of his tongue just bearly resting on his lips. I continued down to my prize and licked my lips. I started teasing him, just running my lips over his thick shaft and over the head and over the underside and the back up again. I looked back up and heard him saying, "Come on Ry. This isn't right!"

I ran my hands over his hot ass and started playing with his cheeks. Moving the cheeks to the side. My fingers down his cheek and to his hairless hole. I ran my lips back to the head of his cock and dived on to it, hearing a gasp of air I knew he loved what I was doing. (Heck its not like I don't really know what I'm doing. Experience is everything.) "Oh god. RY!"

My finger still on his hole was rubbing it and moving around the sensitive skin in a small circle. I pressed a little and forced the tip into the tightness of his boy cunt. He started moaning even loader, and I started to deep throat his 8 and half inch dick. "Oh yeah, Ry. Fuck my ass with your finger. Uhh..Suck my cock. Finger my ass!"

I started moving faster up and down and moving my finger in and out of his ass. I pressed in really hard with my finger and I found what I was looking for. I pressed hard into his prostate and he fired his cock without warning. I swallowed as much as I could and let the rest dribble down my chin. "Oh jeez. Ryan. That was awesome. That was the fastest I ever came, and the best blowjob I've ever had."

I smiled at him, "Thanks. I guess there is a lot more of those to come!" I started laughing.

"Is it my turn yet?" He asked with a micheieveous smile.

"Nope. I want to clean up. We've been in here for at least twenty minutes and we are still as dirty as we came in!"

He started to pout then he smiled, "Okay. But only if you ask your parents if you are allowed to stay the night."

"Huh? I don't think they'll let me."

"You can say we have a project and we need to work on it."

"I guess that might work."

"Yay!" I started giggling and I grabbed the soap and started washing myself. He pouted again, "Ahh. We aren't even gonna wash each other!"

"Well we could but if we do we aren't gonna get outta of here. And I'd hate to call my Mom in the shower. She might get a little confused."

"Oh well in that case!" He grabbed the shampoo and poured some into his hand, and then smiled and poured some onto my head. "Hey!"

"Just trying to hurry you up Captain."


"Hey. I was being nice."

"My ass."

"Is hot."


"Your ass is hot."

"Your such a dork."

"Hahah. Yeah. I'm now officially your dork though!"

"I'm glad. Hey! Shower!!!"

"Oh yeah."

We continued to shower and then toweled off and Austin grabbed me and threw me on the bed naked. I laughed, and he said, "What?"

"Nothing its just really hot seeing you so aggressive. Usually you are so laid back."

"Yeah I use to think the same of you until I saw you on the soccer field."

"That's different. They're lazy."

"You're different too."

I smiled, "You calling me lazy?"



"Well since we are naked, and you already gave me the best blowjob in the world. I was hoping we would do more than that."

I laughed and said, "Yeah. We will. Tonight."


"Well we gotta have something we can explore when I sleep with you tonight!"

"Oh. Right...But...I wanna...Fine!" He pouted and laid on the bed with me.

I climbed on top of him and sat on his flaccid cock. I stared into his eyes and smiled. "I guess we could do it now...but you gotta promise me one thing."

He smiled, "What?"

"That this won't be one of those relationships that one of us is the top and one of us is the bottom. I mean. I love getting fucked, and fucking. I don't want to have to choose just one."

"Oh. God no! I love them both too! I just didn't know how to ask that question. I was gonna let you choose. But now that you said that. I guess we can you topping me now and me topping you tonight!"

"Nope. Reverse that Aus. I wanna bottom. Consider it a reward for being able to keep up with my team."

He smiled, "Mhhmm. So what would my reward be if I joined the soccer team?"

"You'll see."

"I think I just got motivation."

"Yeah. I'll motivate you real good." I turned my head to the left and saw the clock. It shown in bright red numbers '8:31 PM' I pushed off of him and ran for the bathroom pulling out my cellphone and screamed, "OH CRAP!" I gotta call my mom!"

I dialed the house number, and she picked up on the second ring, "Ryan, is that you?"

"Yeah. My bad mom. I forgot to call earlier. Got held up."

"Its okay, hunny. Dad and I are about to go on a date night. We'll be home after midnight. Call a pizza for dinner if you haven't eaten yet."

"Well, I was gonna ask if I could stay at Austin's house tonight."

"Oh Marie Chamber's son! Of course!"

"What? No third degree?"

"Of course not. I love Marie! She is the sweetest lady I've ever known."

"Okay. Thanks mom!"

"You're welcome. Use condoms." She hung up and I swear I could hear her smile. How the hell did she know I was gay, and that Austin was gay, and that we were having sex, and why didn't she care!?

Well I'm not worried. Back to my boyfriend. I think I like that word. Boyfriend.

I know I said that this chapter would be longer, but I lied. Sue me. Actually please don't. I'll write more often and update the Cody and Logan story next. My friends just texted me and asked if I wanted to go to a party. Latas.


Oh yeah. A website should be up and will have all my stories and will be updated far more often than Nifty around a month or so.

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